Great Barr National Schools rules 1 ----- Application for admission to be made at the School. 2 ----- Children admitted from three years old and upwards. 3 ----- Slates and reading books are provided for the use of the children; but they are requested to find their own copy books, pens, and pencils, which may be obtained at the schools. 4 ----- The holidays are a fortnight at Christmas, a week at Whitsuntide and a month at harvest. 5 ----- The hours for opening are nine o'clock in the morning and two o'clock in the afternoon. 6 ----- Parents are requested to send their children clean and tidy, and to see that they are in time for the opening of the school. 7 ----- The weekly payment is two pence for each child, to be paid every Monday in advance. 8 ----- No Child to be admitted under any pretext whatever, till the weekly payment is made. 9 ----- Any child entering on the Monday and not attending the rest of the week will be required to pay as if attending the whole week. 10 ---- If a child be absent two days without leave, a fine of one penny is to be paid before re-admittance; except in the case of sickness, when notice shall be sent to the master or mistress. 11 ---- The girls are allowed to work for their parents in the afternoons, except at such times when there is work to be done for the school. Addyes School rules The above rules to apply to the boys of this school with the following additions 1 ----- Boys are to pay one shilling a year for firing, and sixpence for pens and pencils, both to be paid in advance. 2 ----- They are expected to find their own copy books, which may be obtained at the school. 3 ----- If a boy be absent two days without leave, he will have to pay two pence, (the weekly payment of the boys of the National School), before he is re-admitted, except in the case of sickness, of which notice shall be sent to the master. By order of the committee. January 1868
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