Landowners of Bermuda from map c.1622

From a reproduction map of Bermuda dated about 1622
The following text was at the top of a list of what I take to be landowners
in a table at the bottom of the map:

Click on the map below for a larger view:
Nomina. fortunae bona submittentium in quaestus Virginiani alea Ao 1622. quam
fieri potuit accuratissime, expressa numeris, corum portiones quam proxime in
agroram divisione referentibus, quae portiones illic Separatim distinguntur in 
regione ipsa. quemadmodum hic lineis ob oculos ponuntur.
 Hammilton alias Harrington TribeShares
1Ja. Lord Marq. Hammilton6
1Si. Edward Harwood4
2M. John Delbridge3
3M. John Dike3
4M. El. Roberts2
5M. Rob. Phipps1
6M. Ralph King1
7M. Quicks heires or assignes2
8M. William Canning4
8M. Will. Canning1
8M. Will. Webb1
9M. John Barnard2
10Si. Tho. Huggin1
11M. John Gearing2
12M. Cleoph. Smith2
13Robert, Earle of Warwick4
14M. Tho. Cowell3
15M. Greenwels heirs or assig1
16M. Cley1
17M. Poulson2
18M. John Dike1.5
19Common Ground13 Acres
20M. John Dike1.5
21M. Geo. Thorpe Esquire1

 Smiths TribeShares
1Si. Dudley Diggs, Since        }
M. Geo. Sandys or his Assig: }
2M. Rich. Edwards2
3M. Will Payne4
4M. Rob. Smith2
5M. Geo. Barkleys Assignes5
6Si. Sam. Sandys1
7M. Antho. Penninstone4
8Si Edwin Sandys1
9Si Tho. Smith5
10M. Rich. Morer4
11M. Henry Timberly4
12Rob. Johnson, Alderman5
13M. John Wroth3
14M. George Smith4

 Devonshire Tribe Shares
1M. Antho. Pennystone2
2M. John Dike1
3M. John Dike1
4M. John Barnard2
5Robert, Earle of Warwick2
6M. Fransis West2
7Will. Lord Cavendish3
8The said W. Lord Cavendish2
8Will. Earle of Devonshire5
9M. Edw. Lukin5
9M. Edward Ditchfield1
10M. Edw. Ditchfield4
11M. Will. Nichols2
12M. Edw. Ditchfield1
13M. John Fletcher2
14M. Gideon Delawne2
15M. Anthon. Pennistone3
16M. Best2
17M. Edw. Lukin2
18M. Rich Rogers2
19M. Will Palmer4

 Pembroke TribeShares
1M. Geoge Smith4
3M. Nicholas Hide, Esquire1
4Si. Laurence Hide1
5M. Thomas Ladwin2
6William, Earle of Pembroke10
7M. Richard Edwards1
8M. Harding1
9M. Richard Edwards1
10M. Ward1
11M. Richard Edwards2
12M. Jacobson, or his assign1
13M. John Farrar1
14M. John Farrar1
15M. Nichol. Farrar1
16M. William Canning2
17M. Richard Martine, Esq2
18M. Morris Abbot2
19M. Rich. Caswell1
20M. Rich. Caswell2
21M. Rich. Caswell1
22M. Rich. Edwards2
23M. Rich. Edwards2
24M. Rich. Edwards1
25M. Rich. Edwards1
26M. Geo. Sandys or his Assig.2
17M. William Payne2

 Pagets Tribe Shares
1M. John Chamberlaine, Esq5
2M. Thomas Ayres and}
2M. Rich. Wiseman} 4
3Rich. Wiseman1
4William, Lord Paget10
5M. William Palmar4
6M. Bagwell5
7John Ball1
8M. Thomas Wheatley1
9M. Christopher Barron4
10M. John Woodall1
11M. John Woodall1
12M. Lewes2
13M. Geo. Etheridg4
15Si. William Wade1
16M. John Bernard1

 Warwick Tribe Shares
1Captaine Daniel Tucker1
2,3,4,5,6M. Joseph Man5
7M. Step. Sparrow1
8M. Francis Meuerell1
9, 10M. Sam. Tickier2
11, 12, 13
14, 15
M. George Smith5
16, 17, 18
19, 20
Robert, Earle of
21M. William Felgate1
22, 23Capt. Daniel Tucker2
24, 25M. Rich. Wheatly2
26Capt. Daniel Tucker1
27John Faucet1
Dest. Anth. Hun
ton. or his Assign
} 2
30M. Francis Meuerell1
31M. Rich. Poulson1
32M. Mathew Shepheard1
to 42M. Geo Tucker10
43M. Christ. Cletheroe1
M. George Swinhow2
46M. Richard Tomlins, Esq.1
47M. Francis Meuerell1
48, 49Sir John Walter2
50M. Martin Bond1

 Southamton Tribe Shares
1Capt. Tucker*
2Capt. Tucker1
3Capt. Tucker2
4M. John Britton1
5M. Rich Chamberlaine3
6M. Leo. Harwood or his Assig1
7M. John Bankers1
8Sir Nathaniell Rich12
9Robert, Earle of Warwick3
10M. Rich. Morer6
11M. George Scot }
M. Edmund Scot }
M. Antho. Abdy }
12Henry, Earle of Southamton4
12M. Arth. Bromefield2
13M. Henry Timberly2
14S. Thomas Hewet2
15M. Pierce1
16S. Ralph. Winwood2

Quid hoc Refiduum sit, et cur
hic appositum apparet ex libro
Geodesae, Societati exhibito.

1Captaine Tucker3
1Sandys Tribe2

 Sandys Tribe Shares
3M. Geor. Barkley or his heires5
4S. Edward Sandys5
5M. Jerom Heydon10
6M. Tho. Melling et M. John Cusse2
7M. Rich. Chamberlaine2
8M. Abraham Chamberlaine1
9M. George Smith2
10M. Robert Gore3
11S. Edward Sackvile1
11S. John Davers1
12M. Robert Gore2
13M. John Delbridge1
14M. John Wroth Esq.1
15M. Rich. Chamberl. Esq10

Ad Communem agram in singu
lis Tribubus quod attinet, in quot
portiones dividatur et ibi iaceat
quemadmodum partim in Mappa
Choragraphica exprimitur. Ita eti
am clarius liquet ex Libro Geo
desiae Virginianae Societati tradi

---- Note: Taken from a reproduction map that was hard to read
in parts, and being re-typed, may contain typing errors! ----

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