Bedworth Independent Chapel
Burials 1820 to 1837

ëWarwick Info
This data is unchecked, thus if you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO, or a copy in the Birmingham library.

Data kindly supplied by: Joe Connell
You might also be able to look at the LDS film 825423 which should cover this time period as well.

Surname Listing:
Akers, Anthony, Baldercote, Bend, Bunney, Cashmore, Chaplin, Checkley, Checkly, Choice, Cockbill, Cooper,
Dewis, Drakeford, Eabry, Edmands, Ensley, French, Gibberd, Gilbert, Goodyer,
Hackett, Hammersley, Hands, Hanson, Harthill, Harvey, Heathcote, Higginson, Horobin, Howlett,
Jackson, Jaques, Johnson, Jones, Kilby, Kinder, King, Kirby, Lee, Magson, Martin, Moore, Morris, Mountford,
Neal, Neale, Parker, Pickard, Porter, Preist, Proctor, Richards, Seal, Shaw, Shilton, Smart, Smith, Spencer,
Taylor, Wale, Ward, Warren, Watts, Wilden, Williamson, Wood, Wyatt.

Date Forename Surname Age Abode Notes
20 Jan 1820Wm (senr)SMITH Bedworth 
05 Sep 1820ThomasGOODYER Exhall 
03 Nov 1821JohnAKERS Bedworth 
17 Mar 1822SarahPICKARD Colepit Fields BedworthWife of James. Sister to John Akers[buried 03 Nov 1821]
20 Aug 1822JamesLEE   
27 Apr 1823FrancesSMITH  Widow of William. Widow of the Late William Smith Snr
27 Apr 1823HannahBUNNEYinfant Daughter of George & Ann. Infant a few weeks old
18 May 1823SarahCASHMOREinfant Daughter of Isaac & Dinah
15 May 1823RebekahSHAW12m Daughter of John Paxford & Ann. Date recorded is the date of death
01 Jun 1823MaryNEAL79Near MarstonWife of William. Husband a Farmer late of a place called the North near Marston
17 Jun 1823MaryGIBBERD2y7m Daughter of John & Mary. Father a Shopkeeper
18 Jun 1823SamuelKILBY61ColicroftBaker
23 Jul 1823JohnSHAW68 John Shaw the Elder
14 Oct 1823DinahCASHMORE23 Wife of Isaac. Father Henry Hammersley the Elder
02 Nov 1823SarahEDMANDS  Daughter of William & Martha. Father Shoe Maker
13 Jan 1824HenryHAMMERSLEY  Henry the Elder
07 Mar 1824JosephMOORE78Bulkington Lane 
31 Mar 1824RichardHOWLETT78  
08 Jun 1824MaryDEWIS Colepit FieldsDaughter of Edward the Younger
13 Jun 1824HannahGILBERT18 Daughter of Benjamin. Father an Oatmeal Grinder
05 Aug 1824SarahCHAPLIN25 Daughter of William & Hannah
07 Aug 1824infantBUNNEY  Son of George & Hannah. Died 06 Aug 1824
10 Aug 1824infantRICHARDS  Son of Thomas & Mary. Died 08 Aug 1824
03 Sep 1824SarahHOROBIN1y1mColicroftDaughter of Wm
26 Dec 1824MaryMOUNTFORD66 Widow. Died 23 Dec 1824
27 Mar 1825JosephWOOD80 Died 22 Mar 1825
16 Jun 1825IsaacENSLEY2 Son of Josiah & Martha. Died 13 Jun 1825
29 Jun 1825HenryBEND69 Died 26 Jun 1825
10 Jul 1825MarthaENSLEY27 Wife of Josiah. Died 05 Jul 1825
17 Jul 1825HannahGILBERT40Bedworth HeathWife of Robt
10 Aug 1825AnnENSLEY6m Daughter of Josiah
21 Aug 1825ElizabethJONES  Wife of Jeremiah
27 Oct 1825ElizabethSMITH69 Wife of Dyer. Dyer the Elder
22 Nov 1825infantPARKER  Child of John & Charlotte
20 Dec 1825JohnWILLIAMSON2 Son of Joseph & Hannah
08 Jan 1826ElizabethWALE6 Daughter of Daniel & Ann
15 Jan 1826GeorgeJONES5 Son of Jeremiah & Elizabeth. Elizabeth his late wife
15 Jan 1826infantDEWIS  Child of Edward the Younger
05 Feb 1826infantSMITH  Daughter of William Cowdell. Father a Publican
11 Feb 1826ElizabethGOODYER85ExhallWidow of Thomas
10 May 1826infantWARD  Daughter of John & Catharine. Grandchild to Moses Hands
10 May 1826JohnHOROBIN17 Son of William & Martha
14 May 1826MaryHANDS  Wife of Moses
17 May 1826infantSEAL Bedworth HeathChild of Elizabeth
28 May 1826AnnKIRBY61ColicroftWidow of Samuel. Samuel the Baker
30 Sep 1826ThomasSPENCERInfant Son of John
29 Nov 1826MosesHANDS52  
28 Jan 1827ThomasJONES3 Son of John
18 Feb 1827WilliamCHECKLY3 Son of John & Rebekah
03 Apr 1827JohnDRAKEFORD15 Son of Samuel & Sarah
03 May 1827MarthaFRENCHInfantCoventryDaughter of Joseph & Elizabeth
24 Feb 1828ThomasJOHNSON22Griff 
09 Apr 1828infantPICKARD  Son of Elizabeth. Grandson to Wm Warthill
13 Apr 1828MaryBALDERCOTE85ColicroftWife of Thomas
18 May 1828HannahBUNNEY77BedworthWidow of George
25 May 1828MaryCHAPLIN26 Daughter of William
05 Oct 1828infantCOCKBILL  Child of John
26 Nov 1828JohnWILDEN30ColicroftSon of William. Labourer
07 Jan 1829MichaelANTHONY22Lyme RegisSon of Michael & Mary. Died 13 Jan 1829: Nephew to Pastor:Father dead
05 Feb 1829infantHOROBIN3ColicroftSon of Wm. Father a Shoe Maker
24 Feb 1829ElizabethDRAKEFORD15 Daughter of Samuel & Sarah
25 Feb 1829infantCOCKBILL  Child of David
17 Mar 1829JosephHOROBIN4ColicroftSon of Wm. Father a Shoe Maker
08 Apr 1829ThomasBALDERCOTE85Colicroft 
07 Jun 1829infantCOCKBILL  Child of David & Hannah
01 May 1830infantWILLIAMSON1 Child of Joseph & Hannah
14 Jul 1830WilliamMARTIN63 William the Elder a Carpenter
01 Aug 1830JosephCOCKBILLInfant Son of John & Susannah
23 Aug 1830Percy James MonkGIBBERD18 Son of Mr Gibberd. Vault in Chapel grounds
* 1830infantHOROBIN ColicroftChild of William & Ann. Father a Shoe Maker
07 Sep 1830infantHARVEY  Child of George. Father a Labourer
19 Sep 1830infantKINDER  Daughter of John & Sarah
20 Sep 1830infantENSLEY ExhallSon of Josiah & Ann
26 Sep 1830infantCHECKLEY1y3mExhallChild of John
14 Oct 1830HannahFRENCH87FoleshillWife of John. John the Elder formerly of this parish
17 Oct 1830WilliamJONES2Low LaneSon of Wm & Elizabeth
28 Nov 1830AbijahCOCKBILL5 Son of David & Hannah
19 Dec 1830DyerSMITH79 Dyer the Elder
03 Jan 1831JohnPREIST77 Weaver
19 Jan 1831JohnHACKETT72 Shop Keeper John the Elder
11 Feb 1831SarahHAMMERSLEY80RoadwayWidow of Henry
16 Feb 1831AnnJONES62 Mother of Thomas Higginson
02 Jun 1831ThomasHIGGINSONInfant Son of Thomas
15 Jun 1831ElizaKIRBY7mColicroftDaughter of George & Sarah
13 Sep 1831ThomasWILLIAMSON93Colicroft 
12 Oct 1831SamuelJOHNSON21GriffSon of William & Ann
19 Nov 1831HannahCOCKBILL43ColicroftWife of David. Husbanda Weaver
23 Jan 1832MaryWALE4 Daughter of John & Elizabeth
05 Mar 1832infantWATTS9m Daughter of Joseph & Dinah
08 Mar 1832SarahWILLIAMSON83ColicroftWidow of Thomas
24 Mar 1832SarahJONES15 Daughter of Jeremiah
24 Apr 1832MaryGIBBERD  Wife of John . Husband Grocer & Draper
05 May 1832SarahJACKSON2GriffDaughter of John & Sarah
09 May 1832CatharineMORRIS69 Wife of Thomas. Husband an Auctioneer
24 May 1832MaryHANSON17 Daughter of John & Sarah. Father a Woolcomber
04 Sep 1832JosephHANDS84WoodlandsA Chapel Deacon
15 Oct 1832infantWARREN10mColicroftSon of Thomas & Sarah
25 Oct 1832SamuelEDMANDS60 Shoe Maker:Samuel the Elder
07 Nov 1832JohnWALE1 Son of John & Elizabeth
22 Nov 1832ElizabethSMITH85 Wife of John
27 Dec 1832JosephDEWIS3Colepit FieldsSon of Edward
01 Jan 1833WilliamCOOPER67 William the Elder Late of Withebank
07 Jan 1833SarahSMART2y6m Daughter of Joseph & Lydia
07 Jan 1833JamesJOHNSON2m Son of Alexander & Anne. Father a Stone Mason
12 Jan 1833AnnSPENCER6m Daughter of John & Ann
21 Jan 1833CatharineWILLIAMSON1 Daughter of Joseph & Hannah
07 Feb 1833AnnMOORE78 Widow of John
16 Jul 1833HannahBEND75 Widow of Henry
06 Aug 1833ElizabethWYATT3m Daughter of William & Ann
06 Aug 1833ThomasJAQUES27GriffCollier
17 Sep 1833WilliamPARKER5 Son of John & Charlotte
07 Jan 1834AlphonseSHILTONInfant Son of James & Mary
18 Jan 1834WilliamMOORE  Weaver:Died 17 Jan 1834
20 Jan 1834JosephCOCKBILL21 Son of David
04 Feb 1834MaryCOOPER68WithebrookWidow of William
10 Mar 1834DanielSMITH7m Son of Fanny
17 Mar 1834ThomasHIGGINSON1y9m Son of Thomas & Martha
02 Apr 1834HarriettJOHNSON28ColicroftWife of George. Husband a Publican
19 Apr 1834HannahCOCKBILL9mColicroftDaughter of Joseph (deceased) & Elizabeth
21 Jun 1834WmNEALE96 Farmer: Farmhouse named 'The North'
26 Jul 1834infantSHILTON7dColicroftDaughter of Samuel & Elizabeth. Father a Blacksmith
03 Sep 1834AnnSHAW89  
22 Sep 1834WilliamCHAPLIN71 Labourer
10 Oct 1834JohnENSLEY24 Son of John & Sarah
19 Jan 1835CatharineDRAKEFORD31 Wife of Dyer. Husband a 'Taylor'
10 Feb 1835MaryHEATHCOTE80Marston StopWife of Thomas
14 Mar 1835WilliamNEALE51 Son of William. Late of Atherston: formerly of farmhouse named 'The North'
30 Mar 1835WilliamHIGGINSON9 Son of Thomas & Martha. Father Stocking Weaver
01 Jul 1835HannahKIRBY CollycroftDaughter of George & Sarah. Father a Weaver
16 Aug 1835WilliamHARTHILL1y3mCollycroftSon of William & Sarah. Father a Labourer
17 Aug 1835SamuelSMITH33MarstonLabourer
24 Sep 1835AnnENSLEY2y7mExhallDaughter of Josiah & Ann
01 Oct 1835ThomasJONES6 Son of William & Lizzy
05 Oct 1835JohnHACKETT2 Son of John & Martha
22 Oct 1835EdwardGIBBERD14 Son of John. Father a Draper
23 Oct 1835HannahCHAPLIN74 Widow of William . Widow of Labourer
25 Oct 1835HannahKING4Fleet YardDaughter of Joseph & Ann. Father a Carpenter
02 Nov 1835SelinaWARREN2Marston LaneDaughter of Thomas & Sarah
04 Nov 1835SarahGILBERT4 Daughter of Benjamin & Catharine. Father Benjamin Junior
04 Nov 1835SarahDEWIS1y2mColepit FieldsDaughter of Thomas & Elizabeth
07 Nov 1835CalebEABRY1y10m Son of Thomas & Hannah
16 Nov 1835WilliamCHOICE72CollycroftCarpenter
21 Nov 1835JosephJOHNSON3CollycroftSon of Joseph & Hannah. Father a Coal Dealer
01 Dec 1835Sarah SMITH54 Daughter of William. Father recently deceased
01 Dec 1835BenjaminDEWIS2y4m Son of Joseph & Elizabeth. Father a Weaver
07 Dec 1835ElizabethTAYLOR2 Daughter of Wm & Mary. Father a Weaver
26 Dec 1835NaomiHARVEY1y7m Daughter of George & Elizabeth. Father a Labourer
07 Jan 1836DavidMAGSON10mCollycroftSon of John & Elizabeth. Father a Baker
13 Feb 1836JosephSMITH3y8mCollycroftSon of William & Mary. Father a Weaver:William Smith Junior
15 Mar 1836WilliamJONES1SoweSon of William & Elizabeth. Father a Labourer
14 Apr 1836AbrahamDEWIS4m Son of Joseph & Elizabeth. Father a Weaver
13 Oct 1836SamuelKINDER2y10m Son of John & Sarah. Father a Coal Dealer
28 Oct 1836ElizabethFRENCH23FoleshillDaughter of Joseph & Elizabeth
31 Oct 1836DavidCOCKBILL46RoadwayWeaver
15 Nov 1836Mary DRAKEFORD1CollycroftDaughter of John & Alice
16 Nov 1836JabezDEWIS9m Son of Edward & Hannah
22 Nov 1836GeorgeJOHNSON7CollycroftSon of William & Hannah. Father a Collier
03 Dec 1836CharlesJOHNSON1y4mCollycroftSon of William & Hannah. Father a Collier
03 Dec 1836SarahWALE3 Daughter of Daniel & Elizabeth. Father a Weaver: Daniel Junior
06 Dec 1836HannahSMITH3y1mMarstonDaughter of Samuel & Elizabeth. Father a Labourer deceased
10 Dec 1836EdmundGILBERT1y11mHob LaneSon of Benjamin Junior & Catharine. Father a Weaver
14 Dec 1836ElizaDEWIS6mCoalpit FieldsDaughter of Thomas & Elizabeth. Father a Collier
14 Dec 1836JohnWALE3y11m Son of John & Elizabeth. Father a Butcher
20 Dec 1836ThomasGILBERT4Hob LaneSon of Benjamin Junior & Catharine. Father a Weaver
15 Dec 1836JohnLEE59 Weaver, John Senior
03 Jan 1837WilliamWILLIAMSON7m Son of Joseph & Hannah. Father a Coal Dealer
04 Jan 1837ElizabethRICHARDS58Sleet YardWife of John. Husband a Miner
07 Feb 1837ThomasPROCTOR9m Son of Thomas & Abigail. Father a Baker
21 Feb 1837SarahJOHNSON59 Widow of John. Husband a Coal Haggler
29 Mar 1837ThomasPORTER68 Weaver: church deacon
26 Apr 1837JohnFRENCH84 Formerly Bedworth now Foleshill
26 Apr 1837MaryTAYLOR41 Wife of William. Husband a Weaver
09 May 1837HannahBUNNEY10m Daughter of Joseph & Ann. Father a Weaver
11 May 1837ElizabethJOHNSON26Coalpit FieldsDaughter of Thomas & Hannah. Father a Miner
31 May 1837JamesHAMMERSLEY61CollycroftWeaver
01 Jun 1837AnnSPENCER36Sleet YardWife of John. Husband a Weaver

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