Abercombie, Arthur, Bicknill, Biddle, Billingham, Birch, Bird, Blaisdell, Bloxam, Boughton Leigh, Brunt, Burgess, Clark, Curtis, Datson, Davenport, Durad, England, Everton, Field, Flowers, Gamble, Gambold, Gayler, Gibson, Godwin, Halford, Hancox, Hawkins, Haynes, Higgs, Higham, Hill, Hutchins, Johnson, Jones, Lee, Leeson, Leigh, Letts, Long, Masters, Miller, Moore, Mucklow, Newton, Packman, Parsons, Pittem, Redgrave, Richardson, Sanders, Sanderson, Saunders, Shute, Siddons, Smith, Smithe, Stowe, Taylor, Till, Timms, Watson, Welford, Whitwell, Woodings, Woodward. |
Date | Given Name | Surname | Abode | Age | Notes |
5 February1813 | William | Masters | Brownsover | 7 months | |
17 June 1814 | Elizabeth | Bicknill | Brownsover | 22 weeks | |
12 November 1814 | Anne | Davenport | Brownsover | 39yrs | |
1 October 1815 | Ann | Billingham | Brownsover | 64yrs | |
15 October 1816 | John | Billingham | Brownsover | 67yrs | |
15 March 1818 | Jane | Gamble | Brownsover | 10months | |
29 September 1818 | James | Johnson | Brownsover | 38yrs | |
17 October 1818 | Hannah | Sanders | Brownsover | 9yrs | |
6 March 1820 | Elizabeth | Gamble | Brownsover | 37yrs | |
29 August 1820 | Sarah | Brunt | Cosford | 12yrs | |
21 January 1821 | Samuel | Hutchins | Brownsover | 63yrs | |
11 January 1822 | Edward | Leigh | Newbold on Avon | 56yrs | |
25 Septeber 1822 | Edmund | Gambold | Brownsover | 14yrs | |
29 July 1823 | Jane | Jones | Brownsover | 79yrs | |
4 October 1823 | John | Packman | Not Known | About 15yrs | A stranger supposed from the neighbourhood of Worcester, accidentally killed by a kick from a boat horse in this parish, buried Oct 4 removed again to Worcester |
9 February 1824 | John | Gibson | Brownsover | 59yrs | |
29 January 1828 | Mary | Masters | Brownsover | 21yrs | |
12 May 1828 | Emma | Johnson | Brownsover | 9yrs | |
31 August 1828 | A Person Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Found drowned | |
8 May 1832 | Ann | Hutchins | Rugby | 7? (blotted) | |
16 May 1832 | William | Everton | Rugby | 78yrs | |
2 November 1832 | Elizabeth | Jones | Brownsover | 64yrs | |
23 November 1832 | John | Jones | Brinklow | 40yrs | |
26 April 1833 | Katharine | Parsons | Brownsover | 88yrs | |
4 May 1833 | David | England | Brownsover | 43yrs | |
14 February 1834 | Ann | Parsons | Rugby | 57yrs | |
3 April 1834 | William | Haynes | Brownsover | 23yrs | |
9 May 1834 | Mary Ann | Hawkins | Brownsover | 1month | |
24 September 1834 | Mary | Everton | Walcott, Leicestershire | 82yrs | |
30 December 1834 | Frederic | Masters | Brownsover | 18yrs | |
(no date) April 1836 | Elenor | Bird | Brownsover | 62yrs | |
15 July 1837 | Ann Maria | Lee | Newbold on Avon | 72yrs | |
20 November 1840 | John | Sanders | Brownsover | 12yrs | |
4 March 1841 | James | Durad | Brownsover | 20yrs | |
20 June 1841 | Jane | Saunders | Brownsover | 4yrs | |
29 December 1841 | Sarah | Higgs | Brownsover | 49yrs | |
15 September 1842 | Ellen | Sanders | Rugby | 72yrs | |
2 February 1845 | William | Sanderson | Brownsover | 18yrs | |
29 October 1846 | William | Jones | Rugby Alms House | 87yrs | |
27 january 1847 | Martha | Whitwell | Brownsover Toll Gate | 51yrs | |
9 April 1847 | Elizabeth | England | Rugby | 22yrs | |
18 February 1848 | Mary | Masters | Brownsover | 71yrs | |
4 May 1848 | Thomas | Parsons | Woolston | 78yrs | |
5 May 1848 | Fanny | Smith | Bilton | None given | |
2 July 1849 | Samuel | Gamble | Newton | 74yrs | |
18 August 1852 | Rebecca | Saunders | Rugby Alms House | 84yrs | |
29 October 1852 | John | Saunders | Rugby Alms House | 82yrs | |
18 January 1853 | Ann Maria | Watson | Brownsover | 63yrs | |
9 August 1853 | Robert | Watson | Brownsover Mill | 65yrs | |
11 November 1854 | Elizabeth | Parsons | Wolston | 84yrs | |
28 February 1855 | Martha | Taylor | Newbold | 67yrs | |
19 July 1855 | Henry | Saunders | Rugby | 51yrs | |
19 October 1855 | Catherine | Parsons | Rugby | 85yrs | |
31 March 1857 | Ann | Saunders | Brownsover | 66yrs | |
3 August 1857 | Louisa | Godwin | The Puddle Brownsover | 6yrs 4months | |
26 November 1857 | Florence Ada | Welford | The Mill Brownsover | 9months | |
21 April 1858 | William | Curtis | Brownsover | 7months | |
20 November 1858 | Harry Walter | Welford | Brownsover Mill | 6 weeks | |
14 March 1859 | John Lee | Watson | Clifton upon Dunsmore | 34yrs | |
13 June 1860 | Martha Mary Ann | Sanderson | New Bilton | 2yrs 3 months | |
24 July 1861 | Ann | Redgrave | Brownsover | 80yrs | |
16 February 1863 | Walter | Moore | Brownsover | 4months | |
5 April 1864 | William | Hancox | Brownsover | 3yrs | |
2 August 1865 | Julia Frances | Woodward | Brownsover | 2yrs | |
5 february 1866 | William | Saunders | Brownsover | 64yrs | Sexton |
12 January 1870 | Thomas Henry | Halford | Brownsover | 10 months | |
14 December 1870 | Elizabeth | Sanders | Rugby late of Brownsover | (None Given) | |
29 September 1871 | Mary Dunn | Birch | Elmshall, Yorkshire | 29yrs | |
3 August 1872 | Edward | Biddle | Brownsover | 7yrs 10months | |
24 January 1873 | Thomas | Halford | Brownsover | 7months | |
10 October 1873 | John | Higgs | Bilton | 79yrs | |
20 February 1874 | Isabella Abel | Siddons | Brownsover | 15yrs | |
1 December 1874 | Lucy | Halford | Brownsover | 1month 2days | |
3 March 1877 | Cornelius Amos | Letts | Brownsover | 9months | |
11 October 1877 | William | Gayler | Not Known | 41yrs | Killed at Brownsover Mill |
12 January 1878 | Harriet | Halford | Cosford Puddle House Brownsover | 10months | |
6 March 1878 | Frederick Bertram Over | Parsons | Brownsover | 1yr 6days | |
25 August 1878 | George | Siddons | Brownsover | (None Given) | |
1 April 1879 | Edward | Long | Brownsover | 58yrs | |
30 April 1879 | Mary | Hill | Rugby | 69yrs | |
3 September 1879 | Frederick | Shute | Brownsover | 7months | |
19 October 1879 | Elizabeth | Long | New Bilton | 60yrs | |
7 November 1879 | William Edward | Arthur | Brownsover | Infant | |
4 August 1880 | Harriett | Blaisdell | Not Given | Supposed to be 36yrs | Found drowned in canal at Brownsover |
24 November 1880 | Joseph | Hancox | Brownsover | 18yrs | |
18 October 1880 or 81 | Sidney | Mucklow | Brownsover | 20days | (There is no date given against the PR entry and the child does not appear to be in the civil registration on FreeBMD or UKBMD Warwickshire) |
1 April 1882 | Charles Robert | Halford | Brownsover | 16yrs | |
14 october 1882 | Jane | Flowers | Brownsover | 75yrs | |
3 October 1884 | Florence Lucy | Clark | Brownsover | 4months | |
17 December 1884 | William | Hill | Lawrence Sheriff's Almshouse, Rugby | 74yrs | |
27 April 1888 | Matthew Holbeche | Bloxam | Rugby | 82yrs | |
11 August 1889 | Sarah Jane | Field | Brownsover | 32yrs | |
19 April 1866 | Miriam Ellen | Billingham | Brownsover | 14months | (This entry has been entered at this point in the register) |
22 February 1890 | Matilda | Boughton Leigh | Chiswick | 64yrs | |
5 January 1891 | Arthur | Pittem | Brownsover | 1yr 8months | |
19 January 1892 | Alice Elizabeth | Mucklow | Brownsover | 1yr 10months | |
2 June 1894 | Edward Allesley Boughton Ward | Boughton Leigh | Brownsover | 73yrs | |
1 February 1897 | Lucy | Halford | Brackley, Northants | 60yrs | |
24 March 1897 | William | Smithe | Brownsover | 18yrs | |
13 February 1899 | Lydia Louise | Till | Brownsover | 7weeks | |
3 October 1900 | Alfred | Stowe | Brownsover | 44yrs | |
8 July 1902 | Lucy | Mucklow | Brownsover | 48yrs | |
14 November 1903 | John Langford | Moore | Brownsover | 4months | |
14 May 1904 | Samuel James | Billingham | Brownsover | 24yrs | |
29 April 1905 | Thomas | Moore | Little Lawford | 7months | |
7 May 1907 | George | Mucklow | Brownsover | 57yrs | |
26 August 1907 | Mary Ann | Datson | Brownsover | 69yrs | |
29 December 1908 | John | Smith | 13 West Street, Rugby | 63yrs | |
21 October 1910 | John Joseph | Burgess | Hastings | 40yrs | |
26 October 1911 | "Betty" | Woodings | Brownsover | 3 days | |
28 October 1911 | Roma | Woodings | Brownsover | 6 days | |
6 December 1912 | Ellen Elizabeth | Leeson | Brownsover | 10yrs | |
11 December 1912 | Levi | Higham | Brownsover | 68yrs | |
31 December 1913 | Margaret Copland | Richardson | Brownsover | 42yrs | |
6 January 1914 | Lucy | Richardson | Brownsover | 8days | |
10 January 1914 | Marjorie Kathleen Lucy | Newton | Harboirough Magna | 8yrs | |
6 February 1914 | Mary Ann | Abercombie | Manor Road, Rugby | 85yrs | |
13 March 1915 | Alianora Allesley | Boughton Leigh | Brownsover | 2 days | |
12 March 1915 | Elsie | Miller | 3 Houston Road Brownsover | 6days | |
15 April 1915 | Kathleen | Miller | 3 Houston Road Brownsover | 2yrs | |
1 January 1916 | Phyllis May | Jones | 2 Houston Road Brownsover | 3yrs | |
10 November 1916 | (None given) | Timms | 21 Houston Road Brownsover | 17yrs |
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