Coughton St Peter
Burials from 1741 to 1931

ëWarwick Info
This is a partial extract of the burial registers of CLARK (and var) and possible relatives
If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library. Source: FHL British Film 1067408

Thanks to Deb Chenoweth for transcribing and providing this data

    Surname Listing:

Clark, Clarke, Court, Hobbins, Hobday, Jobson, Kendrick, Par, Truslove, Wedgbury, Wiltshire, Yoxall.

Date Forename(s) Surname Notes
24/5/1741William HClarkSon of Thomas Clark of Sambourne, Needlemaker
4/9/1741MaryCourtWife of John Court, Sambourne, Needlemaker
2/1/1745SarahCourtWife of John Court of Sambourne, Needlemaker
17/1/1746JohnCLARKSon of Thomas Clark of Sambourne, Needlemaker and wife Elizabeth
10/2/1748MaryKendrickWife of George Kendrick of Sambourne, Burgeror
1/5/1748WilliamCourtSon of John Court, Sambourne, Needlemaker and wife Mary
20/5/1748MaryClarkWife of John Clark of Coughton, Labourer
15/12/1749GeorgeKendrickOf Sambourne, Tougorf ???
15/4/1750MaryKendrickWife of Thomas Kendrick of Sambourne, Labourer
24/9/1750MaryCourtDaughter of John Court of Sambourne, Needlemaker and wife Mary
12/11/1750SarahClarkA base born child of Sambourne
26/1/1751BridgetClarkOf Sambourne, Widow, poor
2/3/1751StephanHobbinsSon of Stephan Hobbins of Sambourne, Yeoman and wife Mary
8/6/1752SarahCourtDaughter of John Court of Sambourne, Needlemaker and wife Mary
22/3/1753AnnKendrickDaughter of George Kendrick of Sambourne, Tougoror and Elizabeth
14/9/1753MaryKendrickDaughter of Thomas Kendrick of Coughton, Labourer
23/9/1753MaryCourtOf Sambourne, Spinster
17/11/1753BenjaminParSon of James Par of Bidford, Husbandman and Mary
8/5/1754ThomasKendrickOf Sambourne, Tugonor
30/5/1754MaryKendrickOf Sambourne, Spinster
4/6/1754GeorgeKendrickOf Sambourne, Tougoror
8/6/1754MaryHobbinsDaughter of Stephan Kendrick of Sambourne, Yeoman and Mary
17/6/1754MaryKendrickOf Sambourne, Spinster
4/12/1754ElizabethKendrickWife of Thomas Kendrick of Sambourne, Tougoror
27/7/1755AnnKendrickOf Sambourne, Widow, Poor
17/2/1767ElizabethKendrickWife of William Kendrick of Sambourne, Tewgerer
26/2/1767StephanHobbinsOf Sambourne, Yeoman
28/6/1778 UnknownBuried the remains of a man that was found murdered in a wood near Crabbs Cross,
all her filerls and the greatest part of this bone had been carried away and destroyed by dogs and other vermin.
31/12/1779JosephKendrickOf Inkborough
1/10/1789JosephClarkFrom Alcester
28/4/1792SarahClarkFrom Alcester
16/8/1797StephenHobbinsFrom Alcester
26/12/1807AnnClarkJohn Chamberlain, Vicar, James Moore & John Truslove, Church Wardens
3/4/1816JosephClarkCoughton, age 7 weeks (Thomas Lea, Curate)
22/5/1817BenjaminClarkCoughton, age 14 years (Thomas Lea, Curate)
29/7/1817FrancesHobdayCoughton, age 45 years (Thomas Lea, Curate)
30/1/1818MaryTrusloveSambourne, age 69 years (Thomas Lea, Curate)
9/5/1819ThomasClarkCoughton, age 21 weeks (Thomas Lea, Curate)
15/11/1829BenjaminClarkeCoughton, age 9 years (S D’Oyley, Pershall)
6/12/1829SarahClarkeCoughton, age 2 years (L Colery, Rector, Wootton)
23/9/1832ElizabethClarkCoughton, age 66 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
23/12/1834GeorgeJobsonCoughton, age 71 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
21/1/1838EdwardClarkCoughton, age 2 years & 8 Months (R Tomes)
(Omitted and inserted between 22/11/1837 & 2/4/1838)
15/2/1839ElizabethTrusloveSambourne, age 16 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
22/4/1841WilliamHobbinsSambourne, age 81 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
14/5/1841ThomasClarkeSambourne, age 83 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
29/1/1842MaryJobsonCoughton, age 74 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
21/4/1842ThomasCourtSambourne, age 3 weeks (R Tomes, Vicar)
12/11/1842CharlesClarkCoughton, age 10 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
22/11/1842ThomasClarkCoughton, age 46 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
1/6/1843Mjastine MasonTrusloveSambourne, age 52 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
6/12/1843Mary AnnJobsonOversley, late of Coughton, age 24 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
3/4/1844HenryTrusloveSambourne, age 11 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
19/8/1844AbigailCourtSambourne, age 4 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
21/8/1844JamesCourtSambourne, age 15 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
1/2/1845AnnJobsonCoughton, age 17 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
24/12/1845FrancesHobbinsSambourne, age 8 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
8/2/1846MaryClarkCoughton, age 18 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
14/6/1846JohnTrusloveSambourne, age 19 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
6/8/1846LucyJobsonCoughton, age 15 days (R Tomes, Vicar)
14/11/1847GeorgeJobsonCoughton, age 53 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
19/1/1849WilliamHobbinsSambourne, age 45 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
27/4/1849JohnTrusloveSambourne, age 78 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
28/10/1850SarahTrusloveAlcester, age 73 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
30/11/1850SarahHobbinsSambourne, age 80 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
7/10/1851WilliamYoxall, Yerral or YearallSambourne, age 7 weeks (R Tomes, Vicar)
4/3/1852MaryTrusloveSambourne, age 69 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
6/3/1852JohnClarkSambourne, age 6 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
15/3/1852CharlesJobsonCoughton, age 18 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
23/5/1853ElizabethTrusloveSambourne, age 54 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
23/4/1855JaneClarkeCoughton, age 4 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
23/3/1856MaryJobsonSambourne, age 1 day (R Tomes, Vicar)
29/3/1857MatthiasTrusloveSambourne, age 78 years ( R Tomes, Vicar)
3/9/1859AlbertJobsonCoughton, age 10 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
11/4/1860JosephTrusloveAlcester Workhouse, age 18 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
22/11/1860MaryJobsonCoughton, age 6 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
13/5/1861(?)CharlesJobsonCoughton, age 64 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
31/10/1861SamuelTrusloveSambourne, age 73 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
17/2/1865AnnWedgburySambourne, age 70 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
16/3/1866SusanClarkCoughton, 75 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
27/8/1867WilliamJobsonCoughton, 52 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
23/2/1868Edith JaneClarkSambourne, 7 weeks (R Tomes, Vicar)
21/3/1868Annie MariaJobsonCoughton, 10 months (R Tomes, Vicar)
17/10/1870IsaacJobsonSambourne, 51 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
8/11/1870MaryJobsonCoughton, 67 years (R Tomes, Vicar)
11/2/1875Albert GeorgeJobsonCoughton, 5 months (W H Thackwell, Vicar)
26/2/1875ThomasWedgburySambourne, 80 years (W H Thackwell, Vicar)
21/4/1875AbelClarkSambourne, 3 weeks (W H Thackwell, Vicar)
7/10/1875AnneClarkCoughton, 28 years ( W H Thackwell, Vicar)
8/11/1876Eliza AnneClarkCoughton, 16 years (W H Thackwell, Vicar)
1/2/1878CharlesJobsonSambourne, 14 months (W H Thackwell, Vicar)
20/3/1880Charles EdwinClarkeCoughton, 5 weeks (W H Thackwell, Vicar)
25/8/1885WilliamJobsonStudley, 82 years (J S Turner, Vicar Studley)
25/8/1887CharlesJobsonSambourne, 67 years (J S Turner, Vicar Studley)
14/11/1892CarolineClarkCoughton (Removed from Hatton Asylum), 72 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
6/12/1893HannahJobsonSambourne, 73 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
20/1/1896Oscar FredJobsonSambourne, 18 months (C F Eagles, Vicar)
15/8/1896JamesWiltshireSambourne, 68 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
25/5/1898Reginal EdwinJobsonSambourne, 13 months (C F Eagles, Vicar)
10/12/1899John WilliamClarkeCoughton, 10 months (C F Eagles, Vicar)
21/1/1901ErnestClarkeCoughton, 3 days (S Pershall, Rector Inkberrow)
28/3/1901MaryClarkeSambourne, 83 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
27/7/1901GeorgeClarkeSambourne, 86 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
21/7/1904GeorgeClarkeCoughton, 81 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
30/11/1904AlbertClarkeCoughton, 48 years (C F Eagles, Vicar)
25/7/1928LucyClarkeLittlewood Green, Studley, 71 years (Vicar of Studley)
14/4/1931HerbertJobsonLittlewood Green, Studley, 72 years (Vicar of Studley)

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