Monks Kirby, St Edith's
Banns from 1754to 1760

ëWarwick Info
These banns are from the Parish Registers of St Edith's Church, Monks Kirby.

Warwick Record office Reference DR380/7 M/F.

If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Rugby library.

Thanks to Sheila Steane for transcribing and providing this data

           Surname Listing:

Bagott, Banbury, Barns, Barrows, Baxter, Bennett, Bishop, Bradshaw, Brown, Buckingham, Burdett, Burton, Butler,
Chaplain, Checkland, Childs, Dand, Davenport, Eales, Elkington, Farmer, Foxon, Gilbert,
Hackthorn(?), Heel, Herbert, Hicks, Hobley, Holt, Jordan, Ladbrook, Lines, Merry, Moe, Moore, Morris, Morton,
Oram, Osborne, Owen, Paine, Paul, Paybody, Plant, Powers, Radburn, Skinner, Slaughter, Smith, Tilton,
Wakelin, Walker, Warner, Woodcock, Wright.
Adnitt, Allen, Ashburn, Banbury, Baxter, Benn, Bosworth, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brownsworth, Burbage, Burges, Burrows,
Capell, Cave, Chamberlain, Checkland, Cleaver, Colledge, Cotton, Cox, Downing, Edgings, Edgins, Ellis,
Farmer, Fern, French, Frost, Gilbert, Grice, Hall, Hancocks, Hensman, Hinson, Hobley, Howard, Jackson,
Lewis, Makepeace, malin, Marlabone, Moe, Morris, Motte, Muston, Paybody, Skinner, Smith, Sprigg, Stain, Stean,
Tew, Tolton, Treen, Wale, Walker, Waring, Waters, Web, Webb, West, Wing.

Date Groom Bride
1754 - Mar/AprSamuel Elkington, OTPMary Smith, OTP
1754 - JuneRichard Warner, OTPMary malin, OTP
1754 - Aug/SeptThomas Smith, OTPAnn Sprigg, OTP
1754 - Aug/SeptJohn Brown, OTPSarah Adnitt, Withybrook
1754 - SeptWilliam Lines, OTPMary or Jane Capell, OTP
1754 - SeptThomas Paybody, OTPAnn Bradshaw, OTP
1754 - SeptJoseph Merry, OTPSarah Webb, OTP
1754 - OctJohn Plant, OTPAnn Banbury, OTP
1754 - Oct/NovEdward Morris, OTPMary Treen, OTP
1754 - NovRichard Smith, OTPAnn Fern, Austrey
1754/5 - Dec/JanJohn Morton, LutterworthMary Grice, OTP
1755 - ArprilJohn Jordan, OTPElizabeth Paybody, OTP
1755 - AprilSamuel Walker, OTPElizabeth Web, Rugby
1755 - May/JuneJohn Burton, OTPElizabeth Marlabone, Wolvey
1755 - JuneJoseph Ladbrook, OTPSarah Stain, OTP
1755 - June/JulyWilliam Heel, OTPAnn Bradley, OTP
1755 - AugThomas Wright, WolveySarah Benn, OTP
1755 - SeptWilliam Childs, OTPElizabeth Burrows, Harborough
1755 - Sep/OctSamuel Owen, WolstonSarah Gilbert, OTP
1755 - OctJoshua Foxon, ClaybrookHannah Edgings, OTP
1755 - NovThomas Osborne, OTPMary Walker, OTP
1755/6 - Dec/JanJohn Tilton, BulkingtonMary Lewis, OTP
1756 - FebRichard Davenport, OTPSarah Hancocks, Brinklow
1756 - JunCornelius Oram, OTPMary Morris, OTP
1756 - JuneJames Foxon, ClaybrookSarah Edgins, OTP
1756 - AugJohn Checkland, BrinklowElizabeth Frost, OTP
1756 - AugJames Bennett, OTPAnn Tew, OTP
1756 - Sep/OctWilliam Herbert, OTPSarah Waring, OTP
1756 - Nov/DecJohn Skinner, OTPAnn French, Church Lawford
1757 - Jan/FebThomas Smith, Swinford in the co of LeicesterAnn Smith, OTP
1757 - Jan/FebJoseph Farmer, OTPAnn Moe, OTP
1757 - FebJoseph Dand, OTPPriscilla Downing, OTP
1757 - Mar/AprAbraham Woodcock, BedworthLydia Smith, OTP
1757 - JuneJoseph Smith, OTPJane Stean, OTP
1757 - AugSamuel Herbert, OTPFrances Tolton, Mouseley
1757 - Sep/OctWilliam Barrows, LutterworthSarah Hensman, OTP
1757 - Oct/NovEdward Banbury, OTPEdward Cave, Borough of Warwick
1757 - NovJohn Paine, OTPDeborah Cox, OTP
1758 - MarRichard Bradshaw, OTPMary West, OTP
1758 - Mar/AprRichard Smith, Newbold upon AvonSusannah Muston, OTP
1758 - AprRichard Baxter, OTPSusannah Jackson, OTP
1758 - Jul/AugThomas Davenport, OTPSarah Howard, OTP
1758 - Oct/NovThomas Holt, OTPMary Hall, OTP
1758 - Oct/NovThomas Bagott, OTPFrances Cleaver, Hillmorton
1758 - DecJoseph Barns, OTPMary Burbage, Church Lawford
1759 - Feb/MarThomas Powers, WolveyMary Moe, OTP
1759 - Mar/AprWilliam Burdett, OTPAnn Bosworth, OTP
1759 - JunThomas Burdett, GillmortonIsabella Farmer, OTP
1759 - JunSimon Hobley, OTPElizabeth Motte, OTP
1759 - SeptJonathon Herbert, OTPSarah Wale, Shilton
1759 - SeptWilliam Buckingham, OTPWilliam Hinson, OTP
1759 - OctThomas Paul, WolveyMary Chamberlain, OTP
1759 - OctJohn Hicks, OTPMary Checkland, OTP
1759 - OctRichard Gilbert, OTPOMargaret Brownsworth, OTP
1759 - DecJohn Wright, OTPElizabeth Waters, OTP
1759/60 - Dec/JanWilliam Bishop, OTPMary Makepeace, OTP
1760 - MarRichard Eales, OTPMary Cotton, Church Lawford
1760 - May/JunThomas Moe, OTPSebra Allen, OTP
1760 - May/JunJohn Smith, OTPAnn Baxter, OTP
1760 - AugWilliam Moore, OTPElizabeth Ashburn, Wolvey
1760 - Aug/SepJohn Butler, OTPAlice Ellis, OTP
1760 - SepJohn Radburn, OTPSarah Colledge, OTP
1760 - Sep/OctJohn Wakelin, OTPMary Hobley, OTP
1760 - NovJohn Hackthorn(?), OTPElizabeth Wing, OTP
1760 - NovWilliam Chaplain, OTPAnn Burges, OTP
1760 - DecJohn Slaughter, BrownsoverMary Skinner, OTP

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