Priors Marston St. Leonards
Baptisms from 1891 to 1895

ëWarwick Info
If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.
Thanks to Pam Taylor for transcribing and providing this data

                    Surname Listing:

Allwood, Baxter, Boswell, Burbidge, Garrett, Good, Haines, Hart, Hyatt, Ivens,
Low, Nicol, Pratt, Rawlings, Reading, Smith, Sweatman, Taylor, Tew, Tolley,
Turvey, Wagstaff, Waring, Watson, Webb, Wing.

NoDate of Baptism NameChild ofAbode Occupation
37828 June 1891William HarryThomas & Elizabeth WEBBPriors MarstonFarmer
37926 July 1891Mary JaneArthur & Elizabeth NICOLShadwell SpringLabourer
38024 January 1892EmmaThomas & Emma SMITHPriors MarstonLabourer
38117 February 1892HarryJohn & Harriet BURBIDGEPriors MarstonCarter
38219 March 1892ArthurEdward & Emma TURVEYPriors MarstonLabourer
38324 March 1892Maude Mary - Helena GARRETTPriors Marston 
38431 March 1892Sarah MaudeGeorge Coleman & Sarah IVENSPriors MarstonClerk
38518 April 1892John HarryJohn & Mare Anne READINGPriors MarstonLabourer
3868 May 1892Frederick NathanielFrederick & Sarah Jane HAINESPriors MarstonLabourer
38721 July 1892Mary MabelDavid & Louisa TOLLEYPriors MarstonCoal Merchant
38820 August 1892ArthurJohn & Jane WARINGPriors MarstonLabourer
38930 October 1892George AlfredHarry Alfred & Ellen WATSONPriors MarstonWheelwright & Carpenter
39024 February 1893Charles Harry - Julia GOODPriors Marston 
3919 April 1893IdaFrederick & Sarah Jane HAINESPriors MarstonLabourer
39225 September 1893Ernest JohnCharles & Mary Ann TEWPriors MarstonLabourer
3931 October 1893Ernest WalterThomas & Elizabeth RAWLINGSPriors MarstonPolice Constable
3948 October 1893Grace EvelynArthur & Eliza Georgina WATSONPriors MarstonLabourer
39527 November 1893Joseph WilliamJoseph Samuel & Ann WAGSTAFFPriors MarstonPublican
3966 March 1894John William - Emma GARRETTPriors Marston 
39721 May 1894Dora EllenHenry & Mary Ann WINGPriors MarstonLabourer
39827 July 1894Eliza MillieWilliam Ezekiel & Catharine TAYLORShutwell SpringLabourer
39918 November 1894Ralph Eland - Ella HARTPriors Marston 
4007 January 1895AnnJohn & Amelia BOSWELLNo fixed address (Gipsies)Scissor Grinder
40110 February 1895Fred - Elizabeth LOWPriors Marston 
40224 February 1895LilianFrederick & Phyllis HYATTPriors MarstonLabourer
40312 March 1895AnneAlbert & Ellen ALLWOODPriors MarstonMason
4041 April 1895EdithFrederick & Sarah Jane HAINESPriors MarstonLabourer
40529 May 1895John WilliamJohn & Mary Ann BAXTERPriors MarstonLabourer
40629 August 1895Elsie - Helena GARRETTPriors Marston 
4073 November 1895Edith MaryJohn Harry & Lucy SWEATMANPriors MarstonLabourer
40811 November 1895DoraThomas & Susan PRATTPriors MarstonEngine Driver

ëWarwick Info   ëTREPESS Info
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