Stratford on Avon - Holy Trinity
Marriages from 1653 to 1658

ëWarwick Info

If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.


Adams, Ainge, Alibone, Allen, Allibone, Altry, Andrews, Apelbee, Aplebee, Archer, Ashlee, Askell, Asson, Atwhood, Austin, Bainbery, Baker, Ball, Banbery, Barns, Barres, Basse, Bates, Beard, Beesley, Beesly, Benfford, Benford, Bennett, Berricke, Berry, Bickerstaffe, Bidle, Bigge, Biker, Bishope, Blithe, Bolte, Boulter, Boulton, Boyce, Bradford, Braine, Brannis, Brian, Bridges, Bromfeild, Bromly, Brooke, Browne, Buckly, Bumpasse, Burman, Burrowes, Burt, Burton, Bushipe, Butteler, Cale, Callowee, Carelesse, Carpenter, Cawdry, Chapman, Charlett, Chesley, Clark, Cleuer, Clifford, Cockbill, Collett, Corbitt, Couentree, Cowper, Cox, Dallowaye, Dauis, Dawson, Dickins, Dingly, Dolittle, Dowly, Drinckewater, Durham, Dyde, Dyson, Eden, Edginton, Edkins, Edwarde, Eedes, Egelstone, Egglington, Elson, Eluins, Evans, ffairfox, ffawdry, ffayrefax, ffield, ffinch, fflecknoe, ffrancis, ffreeman, ffyfeild, Gardner, Gearring, Georg, George, Gibbes, Gilbert, Goffe, Grant, Grassinggam, Grauenor, Green, Greene, Gregory, Griffen, Grissoll, Griuell, Griuill, Groues, Gunn, Haile, Hale, Halford, Hall, Hancocke, Hande, Hannaway, Harbidge, Haris, Harison, Harrington, Harris, Hart, Hartly, Hasler, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawtin, Heall, Hedges, Hemminge, Heritage, Hewes, Hiccox, Hickes, Higgins, Highorn, Hinton, Hiorne, Hobbins, Hobdey, Hobdie, Hobdy, Holliocke, Hollis, Holtom, Hone, Hooke, Hopkins, Hopper, Hornebee, Horrod, Horton, Howes, Hughes, Humpatch, Hunniatt, Hunt, Ilshaw, Jackeman, Jackson, Jenninge, Joanes, Jobe, Johnson, Jounes, Jurden, Kailes, Kecke, Kempson, Kempster, Kempstone, Keyt, Kilbee, King, Kinge, Kington, Kitchin, Knight, Lambert, Langfford, Lapington, Laurance, Lewes, Lightffootte, Loch, Loggin, Longe, lord, Ludiate, Lyde, Mace, Maris, Marshall, Martin, Matrum, Maund, Maunder, mawdicke, Medows, Meredith, Merriall, Merrill, Middelton, Midleton, Miles, Miller, Milles, Millington, Milman, milward, Miriall, Moore, Morell, Mountfort, Muchill, Mumford, Musill, Napton, Nash, Nason, Nicke, Nickholes, Pace, Pagett, Palmer, parish, Parker, Paully, Penn, Pennington, Petford, Phillips, Philpott, Pidgeon, Pilkington, Pincke, Pinke, Plastoe, Preist, Prew, Prince, Rawlins, Read, Rede, Redell, Reynolde, Richerson, Robarde, Roberte, Robins, Robinson, Rodes, Rogers, Rose, Roue, Rutter, Ryeland, Ryely, Sadler, Sambidge, Sandelle, Sauage, Scay, Scriuen, Seely, Sexton, Sharp, Sheapard, Sheldon, Shepard, Shortland, Shropsheire, Simmons, Simons, Sims, Skiner, Skipworth, Slater, Smoake, Smyth, Snell, Sparke, Sparow, Spencer, Spenser, Spicer, Spiers, Stanly, Stanton, Stapelle, Steele, Steuenage, Steuens, Stocke, Stoutt, Straine, Stratford, Sturch, Such, Surch, Symes, Tacher, Taunt, Tayler, Terey, Tewe, Thornenett, Tibbes, Timbrell, Timms, Tombes, Tomkins, Tompson, Trebell, Turbitt, Turner, Tustian, Tustin, Tynner, Venman, Voin, Wadnoll, Wagstaffe, Wake, Walford, Walker, Walsingham, Waltam, Walton, Warde, Warne, Warner, Watte, Watton, Weale, Welle, Welles, West, Weston, Whately, Wheatcraft, Wheeler, Wheler, Wheyham, White, Whitly, Whittaker, Whittington, Wiatt, Widdows, Wilkes, Wilkins, Willes, Williams, Wilson, Wolmer, Woodward, Wotton, Wye, Wyse, Yardly, Yeardly.

Memorandum that on the 28 Sep last past at a Vestry held in the parish Church of old Stratford Richard Smith was then and there Elected and made choise of by the General consent at the Vestry to bee Parish Register for the recording of all Births Burials and Marriadges, and to do such other things as belong to that office of Parish Register aforesaid aforesaid according to the late act of Parliament made in that behalfe and accordingly as is in the same act specifjed, and required, is approved; and hath taken his oath of Parish Register before Richard Hunt Gentleman Justice of the Peace now Bailiffe for the Burrough of Stratford as may appeare by the hand of the said Justice subscribed. Richard Hunt Baylife.

1653. Marriages in the yeare of lord 1653 by act of parliment to be Recorded ffrom the 29 Sep 1653.

B/L Date Groom forename Groom, Surname Bride Forename Bride Surname Full Entry
  20 Apr 1654         I Kathrin Marshall of the Towne and Burrough of Warwicke in the County of Warwicke Spinster being of the age of Eighteene yeares vnderstanding that John ffrancis of Welsburne in the said County Gent. intendeth shortly to marie doe hereby except against any such marriage ffor that he the said John ffrancis hath promised me marriage and according to a contract had betwixt vs I am willing to marie him according to such contract and promise of marrige and therefore I doe hereby except and pHibit any other pson or psons to marie wth the said John ffrancis and doe desier the Regester of stratford to incert this my Exception in his Register Booke acording to the late act of parliament and the trewth of this my exception I shall be Redy to maintaine and proufe Wittnes my hand the 20 Apr 1654.
B29 Nov 1653WilliamMountfortAnnTimmsnouemb Published wth consent of parente vppon three lorde dayes in the pish Church of old Stratfor an intent of mariage betwixt William Mountfort of this pish and Ann Timms of the pish of Clifford vppon 29 Nov 1653 were Joyned together in mariage William Mountfort and Ann Timms before Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B2 Feb 1653WilliamGriuillMargeryRosepublished wth Consent of parente as by Certificate did appeare vppon three lorde dayes in the pish Church of whitchurch an intent of mariage betwixt William Griuill and Margery Rose.
ffebuary Vppon the 2 Feb 1653 were Joyned together in mariage William Griuill and margery Rose in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace.
B6 Feb 1653ClementDrinckewaterffrancesPenningtonpublished wth Consent [of] parente as did apeare by Certificate vpon three lorde dayes in the pish Church of Clifford an intent of mariage betwixt Clement Drinckewater and ffrances pennington.
Vppon the 6 Feb 1653 were Joyned together in mariage Clement Drinckewater and ffrances pennington in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B9 Feb 1653RobertDallowayeMarySimspublished wth Consent of parente as did apeare by Certificate vppon three lorde dayes that Robert Dallowaye of the pish of Berminham and Mary Simes of the pish of Blockley of an intent of marriage.
vppon the 9 Feb 1653 were Joyned together in mariage Robert Dallowaye and Mary Sims in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B2 Mar 1653RichardWillesMaryMedowspublished wth Consent of parentes as appeared by Certificate vppon three lorde dayes an intent of mariage betwixt Richard Willes and marye medows both of the pish of Brayles.
March vppon the 2 Mar 1653 were Joyned together in marriage Richard Willes and mary medows in the presence of Richard Hunt, Justice of the peace.
B12 Mar 1653ffrancisffayrefaxMarySteuenspublished vppon three lorde days in the pish of Aston Contloe & in the pish of ffeckenham an intent of mariage betwixt ffrancis ffairefax and mary Steuens.
vppon the 12 Mar 1653 were Joyned together in mariage ffrancis ffayrefax & mary Steuens in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B28 Mar 1653JamesBatesMargretMeredithMarch published wth Consent of parente as did apeare by Certificate vppon three seuerall lorde dayes in the pish Church of Loxley and in the pish Church of mickelton an intent of mariage betwixt James Bates and margret meridith allies
Evans and vppon the 28 Mar 1654 were Joyned together in mariage James Bates and margret meridith allies Evans in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B6 Apr 1654ThomasBennettElizabethSandelleAprill published wth Consent of parente vppon three seuerall markett dayes in this Burrough of Stratford betwixt the houres of Twelue & three in the markett place aforesaid an intent of mariage betwixt Thomas Bennett of the pish of packwood and Elizabeth Sandelle of the pish of Hampton and noe Bodye excepted against them any thing and 6 Apr 1654 Thomas Bennett and Elizabeth Sandelle were Joyned together in mariage before Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace in the aforesaid Burrough.
B17 Apr 1654ThomasSambidgeJanneSpierspublished as did apeare by Certificate vpon three seuerall lorde dayes in the pish of Wouluerton an intent of mariage betwixt Thomas Sambidge & Janne Spiers and 17 Apr 1654 Thomas Sambidge and Janne Spiers were both Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B29 Apr 1654ThomasBrianAilceBainberypublished in the markett place of this Burrough of Stratford betwixt the houres of Twelue and three wth the consent of parente an intent of mariage betwixt Thomas Brian of the pish of long Compton and Ailce Banbery of Dascott in the pish of Tredington and noe exception made against them.
      Aprill and 29 Apr 1654 Thomas Brian and Ailce Banbery were both Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace.
B15 May 1654JohnHemmingeAnnRedellpublished wth Consent of parente. John Hemminge and Ann Redell both of this pish of old Stratford an intent of mariage and noe exception was made against them and 15 May 1654 thay were both Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of peace Wittness Humphery Redell Richard Hemminge Anthony Bell.
B22 May 1654RichardWellesAnnSharpmay Richard Welles of Henly in Arden in the pish of Wauens Wotton and Ann Sharp of Bushwood in the pish of old Stratford were published in both pishes of an intent of mariage and noe exception made against them as did apeare by certificate and 22 May 1654 Richard Welles & Ann Sharp were both Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford.
B22 May 1654ThomasGreenElizabethHallMay Thomas Greene of the pish of lemington and Elizabeth Hall of this pish old Stratford hath bin published vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the market place of this Burrough betwixt the houres of Eleuen and three of an intent of mariage and noething excepted against them and 25 May 1654 were Joyed together Thomas Greenne and Elizabeth Hall in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace of the Borough of Stratford Wittnes Simon Cole Thomas Buggin Tho: Skinner.
B3 Jun 1654JohnWilkinsAilceMilesJohn Wilkins and Ailce miles both of this pish were published of an intent of mariage in the pish Church of old Stratford vppon three seuerall lorde dayes and noe exception against them and 3 Jun 1654 were John Wilkins and Ailce miles both Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice in the Burrough of Stratford Mr Alex Beane wittnes William Miles senior Wm Miles Junior.
B26 Jun 1654JosephPhillipsSussannahSpiersJoseph phillips and Sussannah Spiers both of this pish were published of an intent of marrage vpon three seuerall lordes Dayes in the pish Church of old Stratford and noe exception made against them and 26 Jun 1654 Joseph phillips and Sussannah Spiers were Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the Burrough of Stratford / Mr Alex Beane Wittnes Ely fforster Sinolphus fforster.
B1 Jul 1654AdamHughesJonneWyeAdam Hughes of this pish and Jonne wye of the pish of Burford were as apeared by Certificate published in both pishes vpon three seuerall lorde dayes and no exception made and vpon the 1 Jul 1654 Adam Hughes and Jonne wye were both Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace of the Burrough of Stratford Wittness Mr Alex Beane John Welles William Smith Richard Wake Jonathan wye.
B10 Jul 1654PhillipDydeMaryMorellPhillip Dyde and mary morell being both of this pish of old Stratford and published in the Church vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 10 Jul 1654 in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace. Wittnes Mr Richard mountfort John moulineux Thomas Straien.
B2 Jul 1654ThomasTaylerElizabethSparkeThomas Tayler of the pish of Ilmington in the county of warwicke and Elizabeth Sparke of Hardwicke in the pish of Banbury in the County of Oxfford as appeared by certifficates were published in both pishes and noe exception being made against them the said Thomas Tayler and Elizabeth Sparke were Joyned together in mariage 2 Jul 1654 in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace. Witnes Mr Richard mountfort Richard Eden.
B24 Jul 1654NicholasDawsonMaryDauisNicholas Dawson and Mary Dauis being both of this pish of old Stratford and were vpon three Seuerall Sabath dayes published in the Church and noe exception being made against them were 24 Jul 1654 Joyned to gether in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Moulenex Richard Smyth Jonathan Wye.
B28 Jul 1654JohnAshleeJonneBeardJohn Ashlee and Jonne Beard being both of this pish of old Stratford in the church published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and noe exception being made against them were 28 Jul 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of peace in the burrogh of Stratford. Wittnes John Beesly John Smart Edmund Hathaway.
B2 Aug 1654ThomasSmythElizabethCalloweeThomas Smyth of this pish and Elizabeth Callowee of Hardwicke in pish of Tysow as apeared by Certificates ffrom Both pishes were published in the church and noe exception being made against them were 2 Aug 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Wolmer Ralph Callowee Wm Halford.
B3 Aug 1654NathenielMatrumKatherenTereyNatheniel matrum of the pish of Snitterfeild and Katheren Terey of the pish of old Stratford hath bin published of an intent of marige in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett dayes betwixt the houres of Eleuen and three of the Clocke in the after noone and noe exception being made against them were Joyned togeather in mariage 3 Aug 1654 in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of peace. Wittnes Thomas Scriuen william Biddle Tho: Bedford.
B14 Aug 1654WilliamTeweAnnRobardeWilliam Tewe of Hampton Lucy in the County of Warwicke and Ann Robarde of Conorton in the County of worcester were published vppon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Warwicke of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made as did apeare by Certifficate were 14 Aug 1654 Joyned to gether in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Wotton Thomas Laurance Wm Lawrance Richard Clarke John Ainge.
B22 Aug 1654GilbertDowlyAilceAingeGilbert Dowly and Ailce Ainge were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the pish of old Stratford of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 22 Aug 1654. Wittnes Alexand Beane minester Richard Ainge Richard Smyth.
B05 Sep 1654HenryGrantJanneRodesHenry Grant and Janne Rodes were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes of an intent of mariage in the pish Church of old Stratford and being noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justis of peace 05 Sep 1654. Wittnes John Bromly John Gray Thomas Scriuen.
B07 Sep 1654ClementGeorge???EdkinsClement George and Edkins were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes of an intent of mariage in the pish Church of old Stratford and being noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 07 Sep 1654 in the presence of Nicholas Ryeland Justice of the peace. Wittness Mr Alexander Beane Thomas Scriuen Richard Smyth.
B27 Sep 1654JamesSmythElenerJacksonJames Smyth of Dorne in the pish of Blockly and Elener Jackson of Ayliston in the pish of Atherson were published in both pishes as did apeare by Certifficates vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and being noe exception made against were Joyned together in mariage 27 Sep 1654 in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace. Wittnes Thomas Greene Junior Richard Hinton Amos Power Thomas Ainge.
B28 Sep 1654ThomasGeorgKathrenffreemanThomas Georg and Kathren ffreeman both of the pish of Brayles were published there vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 28 Sep 1654 in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Mr Wm Richerson minester Thomas Greene John Hunt.
B28 Sep 1654JohnmilwardElinermawdickeJohn milward of the pish of pebworth and Eliner mawdicke of morton Baggett were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the pish Church of pebworth and being noe exception made against them were 28 Sep 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Giles Ryeland Thomas Barton Robert Martin Edward Maudicke Thomas Bartlam.
B7 Oct 1654ffrancesRawlinsSibbillHortonffrances Rawlins of the pish of loxly and Sibbill Horton of the pish of Alueston were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the pish Church of loxly and noething being excepted against the same were 7 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Wm Greene Justice of the peace. Wittnes Edward Lord Thomas lord Edmund Townsend.
B9 Oct 1654WilliamWheelerElizabethArcherWilliam Wheeler of the pish of old Stratford and Elizabeth Archer of Ragly in the pish of Arrow were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in both pishes and being noe exception made against the same were 9 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Wm Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Samuel Case Richard moore Richard Smyth.
B9 Oct 1654JohnSuchMargeryHawkesJohn Such and margery Hawkes both of the pish of Shelburne were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Stratford at the houres apoynted and being noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 9 Oct 1654 in the presence of Wm. Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Mr Alexander Beane Wm. Hawkes Tho: Greene.
B10 Oct 1654SamuellRoueKathrenGrissollSamuell Roue and Kathren Grissoll both of the pish of Rowington were there published of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made against them were 10 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace. Wittness John Grissoll Wm Smyth Thomas Greene.
B12 Oct 1654WilliamWilkesJonneBromlyWilliam Wilkes of ludington in the pish of old Stratford and Jonne Bromly of the pish of Weston were published of an intent of mariage vpon three seuerall lorde dayes in the pish Church of old Stratford and being no exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 12 Oct 1654 in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Joseph Phillips Joshua Wheeler Richard Smyth.
B12 Oct 1654ThomasHumpatchAnnGriuellThomas Humpatch and Ann Griuell, both of the pish of old Stratford were there published of an intent of marriage and being noe exception made against them were 12 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the Peace. Wittnes Edmund Walford Thomas Milles Richard Smyth.
B18 Oct 1654ThomasPreistElizabethWarneThomas Preist and Elizabeth Warne were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the pish Church of Welford of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made against them were 18 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the Peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Anthony Warne Richard Smyth Ann Baily.
B19 Oct 1654SamuellRawlinsAilcePhilpottSamuell Rawlins of Marson Sicca and Ailce Philpott of Lythorne were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of Alcester and being noe exception made against them were 19 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the Peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Mathew Clarke William Rawlins Tho. Raynolde.
B31 Oct 1654RichardMilmanffrancisWardeRichard Milman and ffrancis Warde both of the pish of old Stratford were there published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made against them were 31 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Wm Greene Justice of the peace. Wittness Robert Howes Moses Hiatt Richard Tredwell.
B19 Oct 1654WilliamBurrowesJoaneBoyceWilliam Burrowes and Joane Boyce both of the pish of Ilmington were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Shipson vpon Stowre and being no exception made against them were 19 Oct 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace. Wittness John payne John Goodwin Richard Smyth.
B09 Nov 1654EdmundReadDorithyTustinEdmund Read and Dorithy Tustin being published vpon three Seuerall lorde [Dayes] in the pish Church of Ilmington and being noe exception made against the proceeding of the mariage were 09 Nov 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witness Richard Payne Jonathan Petty.
B15 Nov 1654JohnStockeMaryJounesJohn Stocke and Mary Jounes both of Henly in the pish of Wotton Wauen and were published there vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes of an intent of mariage and being noe exception made against the proceeding in mariage were 15 Nov 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witness Peter Whateley Richard Baker.
B15 Nov 1654StephenSuchAnnPinckeStephen Such and Ann Pincke both of the pish of old Stratford were published in the parish Church of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception made against them were 15 Nov 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace. Wittnes Mr Alexan Beane Richard Smart Thomas Hickcox.
B05 Dec 1654HenryHarbidgeMaryMaundHenry Harbidge and Mary Maund both of the pish of old Stratford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Warwicke and being noe exception made against them were 5 Dec 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Michaell Johnson July Shaw.
B15 Sep 1654WilliamBanberyMaryBraineWilliam Banbery of the pish of Tredington and Mary Braine of the pish of long Compton were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford according to the houres apoynted and being noe exception made against them were 15 Sep 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace. Wittnes Stephen Halford William Wood Thomas Braine.
B21 Dec 1654WilliamSeelySarahCharlettWilliam Seely of the pish of Tredington and Sarah Charlett of the pish of old Stratford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the pish Church of old Stratford and being noe exception made against them were 21 Dec 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace. Wittnes Aurthur Rowney Thomas Haunde.
B12 Jan 1654BeniaminSmythMaryWilkinsBeniamin Smyth and Mary Wilkins both of the pish of old Stratford were there published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception made against them were 12 Jan 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace. Witness Richard Ainge William Smyth Richard Wake.
B29 Jan 1654JohnBushipeAnnWellesJohn Bushipe and Ann Welles both of the pish of Brayles were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Severall markett dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Warwicke and being. noe exception made against them were 29 Jan 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace. Wittnes Thomas Bishope Thomas Stock Richard Tayler.
B29 Jan 1654ThomasTimbrellVrsulaPlastoeThomas Timbrell of preson and Vrsula Plastoe of Ilmington were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and being noe exception made against them were 29 Jan 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John fflower William Rose John Carelesse.
B29 Jan 1654NathaniellRoseKathrenPlastoeNathaniell Rose and Kathren Plastoe of the pish of Ilmington were there published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seavrall lorde Dayes and being noe exception made against them were 29 Jan 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Rose Thomas Locke John Carelesse.
B20 Feb 1654RichardKempsonElizabethffairfoxRichard Kempson of Binton and Elizabeth ffairfox of Barford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and being noe exception made against them were Joyned together in mariage 20 Feb 1654 in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John ffarefax Thomas Walford.
B27 Feb 1654JohnGrouesAnnaHaslerJohn Groues of Burmicham and Anna Hasler of Stratford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Warwicke and being noe exception made against them were 27 Feb 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of Richard Hunt Justice of the peace. Wittnes William Cox Julie S[h]aw Wm Baylies John Wilson.
B01 Mar 1654RobertGunnAnnBallRobert Gunn of the parish of Tredington and Ann Ball of the parish of Halford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and being noe exception made against them were 01 Mar 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace. Wittnes Richard Bull Thomas Gunn Thomas Hobbins.
B15 Mar 1654RichardKeytElizabethStraineRichard Keyt and Elizabeth Straine both of Weson in the parish of long Compton were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and being noe exception made against them were 15 Mar 1654 Joyned together in mariage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace. Wittnes Anthony Keyt Thomas Straine Richard Smyth.
B14 Apr 1655NicholasRuttermaryGibbesNicholas Rutter of quinton in the Countye of Glocester and mary Gibbes of the parish of Stretton in the County of Warwick were published of an intent of mariage in both the parishes abouesaid and being noe exception against them were 14 Apr 1655 Joyned in mariage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of stratford. Wittnes Michaell Johnson Tho: Rutter William Gibbes.
B16 Apr 1655GeorgCouentreeElizabethHarisonGeorg Couentree Gent. and Elizabeth Harison were published vpon three Seuerall lordes Dayes in the parish Church of Stretton super efforce being both of that parish and there was noe exception against their proceeding in marriage and 16 Apr 1655 the aboue said Georg Couentree Gent. and Elizabeth Harison were Joyned together in marriage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Wm ffreeman Wm Hurdis Richard Smyth.
B16 Apr 1655WilliamLewesmargretBallWilliam Lewes and margret Ball were published of an intent of mariage vpon three seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and noe exception made against there proceeding in marriage and 16 Apr 1655 the abouesaid William Lewes and margret Ball were Joyned together in marriage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Wm Ball Simon Ball Joshua Wheeler.
B17 Apr 1655ffrancesTrebellElizabethBurmanffrances Trebell of the parish of Berlingham in the Countye of Worcester and Elizabeth Burman of the parish of old Stratford were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and noe exception against there marriage and 17 Apr 1655 the abovesaid ffrances Trebell and Elizabeth Burman were Joyned together in marriage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness michaell Johnson Edward wright.
B17 Apr 1655BeniaminJoanesMargretHarringtonBeniamin Joanes of Hudson in the Countye of Worcester and Margret Harrington of the parish of old Stratford were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Warwicke and there was noe exception made and 17 Apr 1655 the abouesaid were Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Wilmore Gent.
B20 Apr 1655ThomasWalkerMaryMidletonThomas Walker and Mary Midleton both of the parish of Brayles and there published of an intent of marriage vpon three seuerall lorde dayes and being noe exception made against them were 20 Apr 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Richerson minster Phillip Munford Wm Balden John Corbett.
B25 Apr 1655RogerJenningeMargeryLambertRoger Jenninge sonn of John Jenninge of Wotton Wauen and Margery Lambert of Shelfeild in the parish of Aston Cantlee were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the markett place of Henley in Arden and noe exception being made were 25 Apr 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Smyth Thomas ffairefax Tho: Ingram.
B26 Apr 1655JohnBurtonMargretBarresJohn Burton of Loxley and Margret Barres were published of an intent of marrige vpon three seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Sowtham and bring noe exception made were 26 Apr 1655 Joyned together in marriage by Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Josiah Sowtham Daniell Mason.
B27 Apr 1655JohnWyseElizabethCowperJohn Wyse of the parish of St. Mary's in Warwicke and Elizabeth Cowper of the parish of old Stratford were published vpon three seuerall lorde dayes in both the parishes abouesaid and there being noe exception made were 27 Apr 1655 Joyned together in marriage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Alexander Beane minster Phillip Cale.
B03 May 1655EdwardHiorneAngeloeWhiteEdward Hiorne and Angeloe White both of Noball in the parish of Tredington were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Shipston vpon three Seuerall markett dayes and being noe exception made were 03 May 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Georg Sparrow John Sparrow.
B03 May 1655RichardShortlandElizabethRyelyRichard Shortland of Wolford and Elizabeth Ryely of Dracutt in the parish of Blockley were published of an intent of marriage vpon three seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Shipston betwixt the houres of Eleuen and two and being noe exception made were 03 May 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Anthony Greene John Warkman.
B15 May 1655ThomasGregoryAnnffreemanThomas Gregory and Ann ffreeman both of the parish of Ilmington in the Countye of Warwicke were in the parish Church of Ilmington published vpon three seuerall lorde days and there being noe exception against them were 15 May 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Richard Bartlett Thomas Greene Henry Turner.
B24 May 1655HenryHawkinsMaryHoltomHenry Hawkins of the parish of old Stratford and Mary Holtom of Didcutt in the parish of Beckford were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and there being noe exception made against them were 24 May 1655 Joyned together in marriage in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Greene Robert Southerne.
B26 May 1655JohnBolteJaneChapmanJohn Bolte Gent. of Temple Grafton and Jane Chapman of Hanging Aston in the parish of Blockly were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish Church of Blockly and there being noe exception made against them were 26 May 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Watte Nicholas Doly.
B08 Jun 1655JohnCaleMaryJenningeJohn Cale sonn of John Cale of Wotton Wauen and Mary Jenninge daughter of John Jenninge of the parish abouesaid were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of alcester that ys to say 22 May 1655 29 Jun 1655 and 5 Jun 1655 and there being noe exception against them were 8 Jun 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes [blank.]
B14 Jun 1655WilliamMaceAnnWestonWilliam Mace and Ann Weston both of the parish of old Stratford and in the parish Church of old Stratford were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and there being noe exception made against them were 14 Jun 1655 Joyned together by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Wm Smyth and Richard Castle.
B07 Jun 1655ThomasSadlerElizabethWhiteThomas Sadler of the parish of Clifford and Elizabeth White were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford being noe exception were 7 Jun 1655 Joyned in maridge by Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes [blank].
B16 Jun 1655RobertHopkinsKathrenHopkinsRobert Hopkins and Kathren Hopkins both of the parish of Wotton Wauen were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Henley in Arden and being noe exception made against them were 16 Jun 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Abraham West Stephen Edkins.
B18 Jun 1655RobertDurhamMargretAtwhoodRobert Durham and Margret Atwhood both of the parish of old Stratford in that parish Church published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes of an intent of marriage and being noe exception made against them were 18 Jun 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Mulinex Mathew Blackford.
B19 Jun 1655ThomaslordElizabethStanlyThomas lord of the parish of Alueston and Elizabeth Stanly of the parish of Alderminster were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in both the parishes abouesaid and being noe exception made against them were 19 Jun 1655 Joyned in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes [blank].
B     [A sufficient space is left here for another entry].
B02 Jul 1655ffrancisBiggeElizabethMerrillffrancis Bigge of Tysoe and Elizabeth Merrill of Hunington were published in both parishes abouesaid vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and there being noe exception made against them were 2 Jul 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Robert Hobdie Peter Holland.
B03 Jul 1655JohnWheelerAnnCharlettJohn Wheeler and Ann Charlett both of the parish of old Stratford were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish abouesaid and there being noe exception made against them were 03 Jul 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness William Seely Thomas Hickcox.
B03 Jul 1655JonathanWyeRoseBucklyJonathan Wye and Rose Buckly both of the parish of old Stratford were published of an intent of marriage in the parish Church of old Stratford vpon three seuerall lorde [days] and there being noe exception made against them were 3 Jul 1655 Joyned together in marriage by Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Smyth Abigill Hunt.
B21 Jul 1655HenryVenmanKathrenTaylerHenry Venman of Chatham in the County of Kent and Kathren Tayler of the parish of old Stratford were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in both the parishes abouesaid that ys 1 Jul 1655 and 08 Jul 1655 and 15 Jul 1655 and there being noe exception made against them were 21 Jul 1655 Joyned together in marriage by Richard Hunt Justice of the peace in the burrough of Stratford. Wittnes [blank].
B24 Jul 1655ZakeriaslordMaryKingtonZakerias lord and Mary Kington both of the parish of Alueston were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish Church abouesaid and there being noe exception made against them were vpon the 24 Jul 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Higgens Robert Kington.
B26 Jul 1655GeorgBerrickeMarthaSextonGeorg Berricke and Martha Sexton both of the parish of Alcester were published of an intent of marrige vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish Church of old Stratford that ys to say one the 1 Jul 1655 the 8 the 15 Jul 1655 at there being noe exception made against them were vpon the 26 Jul 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes ffrancis Madly Beniamin Jenninge.
B30 Jul 1655WilliamHobdieElizabethBrowneWilliam Hobdie of Honington in the Countye of Warwicke and Elizabeth Browne of Shipston were published of an intent of marriage in both parishes abouesaid vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and vpon the 30 Jul 1655 they were Joyned together in marrige by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Wm Halford ffrancis Millington.
B31 Jul 1655EdwardLogginAnnWalkerEdward Loggin of Westcott in the parish of Tysoe in the Countye of Warwicke Gent. the Sonn of William Loggin late of Swal Cliffe in the Countye of Oxon deceased the one partye and Ann Walker of Rattly in the Countye of Warwicke the daughter of Thomas Walker of the same parish and Countye aforesaid Gent. the other partye was published three Seuerall markett dayes in the open markett in Sowtham that ys to say on the 16th day the 23 Jul 1655 and the 30 Jul 1655 and being nothing against them were vpon the 31 Jul 1655 Joyned together in mariage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses names recorded.]
B01 Aug 1655WilliamSmythElizabethHemmingeWilliam Smyth and Elizabeth Hemminge both of the parish of Haseler were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford and noe exception being made were vpon the 1 Aug 1655 Joyned together in marridge by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Edward Lane, Tho: Collins.
B11 Aug 1655WilliamMarisMargretDauisWilliam Maris and Margret Dauis both of the parish of old Stratford and there published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes vpon the 15 Jul 1655 and 22 Jul 1655 vpon the 29 Jul 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 11 Aug 1655 Joyned together in marridge by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Robert Howes William Miles senior.
B14 Aug 1655WilliamDurhamtheparishWilliam Durham of Dreyton in the parish of old Stratford and Ester Archer of the parish of Ilmington the other partye published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish Church of old Stratford that ys to say vpon the 29 Jul 5 Aug 1655 12 Aug 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 14 Aug 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Greene Samuell Cox.
B29 Aug 1655WilliamDolittleElizabethRogersWilliam Dolittle of Wasperton and Elizabeth Rogers of Bishops Hampton were published in both the parishes abouesayd vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against them were vpon the 29 Aug 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Rogers William Watte.
B26 Sep 1655JohnCorbittJoanWealeJohn Corbitt and Joan Weale both of the parish of Wotton Wauen were published of an intent of mariage in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford that is to say vpon the 6 Sep 1655 13 Sep 1655 & 20 Sep 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 26 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Thomas Hiccox Humphery Weale.
B26 Sep 1655HumpheryWealeMaryGrassinggamHumphery Weale and Mary Grassinggam both of the parish of Wotton Wauen were published of an intent of marige in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 6 Sep 1655 13 Sep 1655 & 20 Sep 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 26 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford.
B26 Sep 1655WilliamBromlyJoanHowesWilliam Bromly of the parish of Wotton Wauen and Joan Howes of the parish of Claredon were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 6 Sep 13 Sep & 20 Sep and [no] exception being made were vpon the 26 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Tho: Hiccox John Corbitt.
B26 Sep 1655WilliamTynnerMargretHeallWilliam Tynner and Margret Heall both of the parish of Wotton Wauen were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish abouesaid and being noe exception made were vpon the 26 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hiccox John Corbitt.
B26 Sep 1655WilliamMuchillJoanMumfordWilliam Muchill and Joan Mumford both of the parish of Brayles were published of an intent of mariage in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 23 Aug 1655 30 Aug 1655 & 06 Sep 1655 and being noe exception made were vpon the 26 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. John Willes Thomas Hiccox.
B27 Sep 1655HenryTibbesElizabethBeeslyHenry Tibbes of the parish of Inckborow and Elizabeth Beesly of the parish of Alcester were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the markett place of parshord and noe exception made were vpon the 27 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hiccox Richard Smyth.
B27 Sep 1655ffrancisAllenKatherinBurtffrancis Allen and Katherin Burt both of Alcester in the Countye of Warwicke were published vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Alcester and being noe exception made were vpon the 27 Sep 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace published vpon the 21 Aug 1655 28 Aug 1655 and 4 Sep 1655. Witt. Georg Berricke Thomas Hiccox.
B01 Oct 1655WilliamHigginsMaryCockbillWilliam Higgins of the parish of old Stratford and Mary Cockbill of the parish of Awne were published in both parishes abouesaid vpon three Seuerall lordes dayes vpon the 2 Sep 1655 9 Sep 1655 16 Sep 1655 and noe exception made were vpon the 1 Oct 1655 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Edward Lord Edward Canninge.
B02 Oct 1655JohnWillesJudithHalfordJohn Willes of the parish of Brayles and Judith Halford of the parish of Halford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 23 Aug 1655 30 Aug 1655 & 6 Sep 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 2 Oct 1655 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. John Wolmer Thomas Greene.
B11 Oct 1655JohnDinglyAilceGearringJohn Dingly and Ailce Gearring both of Alcester and there published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the market place of Alcester vpon the 14 Aug 1655 21 Aug 1655 & 28 Aug 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 11 Oct 1655 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. John Bouey Georg Berricke.
B23 Oct 1655RichardWakeHannahRogersRichard Wake of the parish of old Stratford and Hannah Rogers of the parish of Euisham were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish Church of old Stratford vpon the 30 Sep 1655 7 Oct 1655 and 14 Oct 1655 and noe exception being made were vpon the 23 Oct 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Edward Smyth Tho. Hiccox.
B23 Oct 1655RichardHancockeAnnAssonRichard Hancocke and Ann Asson both of the parish of Honnington and there published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and being noe exception were vpon the 23 Oct 1655 Joyned together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Phillip Cale Thomas Hiccox.
B24 Oct 1655RobertEdgintonElizabethMaunderRobert Edginton of the parish of Bercheston and Elizabeth Maunder of Blackwell published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish of Berchester vpon the 7 Oct 1655 14 Oct 1655 21 Oct 1655 and being no exception were vpon the 24 Oct 1655 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Edward Maunder Thomas Hiccox.
B05 Nov 1655JohnEdkinsIssabellWellesJohn Edkins and Issabell Welles both of the parish of Wotton Wauen and were in that parish Church published vpon three seuerall lorde dayes vpon the 21 Oct 1655 28 Oct 1655 and 4 Nov 1655 & no exception were vpon the 05 Nov 1655 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. William Baggett William Morell.
B09 Nov 1655HenryAliboneEmmMiriallHenry Alibone and Emm Miriall both of the parish of Honnington and in that parish Church published vpon three seuerall lorde dayes and vpon the 9 Nov 1655 were Joyned to gether in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. ffrancis Millington Henry Dauis ffrancis Bigge.
B12 Nov 1655ThomasEdenAnnHobdyThomas Eden and Ann Hobdy both of the parish of Honnington published in that parish Church vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes and being noe exception were Joyned Together in mariage vpon the 12 Nov 1655 by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses' names recorded.]
B22 Nov 1655WilliamHobbinsMarySmoakeWilliam Hobbins of Binton and Mary Smoake of the parish of old Stratford published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of the Burrough of Warwick and noe exception being made were vpon the 22 Nov 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace. [No witnesses' names recorded.]
B22 Nov 1655GilesChesleyAnnApelbeeGiles Chesley & Ann Apelbee both of the parish of long marson published of an intent of mariage vpon three seuerall market dayes in the market place of Camden being noe exception were Joyned Together in mariage vpon the 22 Nov 1655 by William Hiccox Justice of peace. Witt Robert Cooper Thomas Apelbee.
B07 Dec 1655AnthonyCollettffrancisTimbrellAnthony Collett of Alderminster and ffrancis Timbrell of Whitchurch were published of an intent of mariage in the markett place of the Citty of Worcester vpon three Seuerall market dayes and being noe exception against them were vpon the 7 Dec 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Robert pipps Richard Williams.
B18 Dec 1655JohnTompsonElizabethEvansJohn Tompson and Elizabeth Evans both of the parish of Wotton Wauen and in that parish Church was published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 2 Dec 1655 9 Dec 1655 & 16 Dec 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 18 Dec 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Richard Pitman John Cale.
B19 Dec 1655RichardLordffrancisHaleRichard Lord and ffrancis Hale both of the parish of old Stratford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of the Burrow of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were vpon the 19 Dec 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Robert Hall Richard Hall.
B25 Dec 1655LauranceHorrodElizabethScriuenLaurance Horrod and Elizabeth Scriuen both of the parish of old Stratford and in that Church published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon 9 Dec 1655 16 Dec 1655 23 Dec 1655 and noe exception against them were vpon the 25 Dec 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Tho: Scriuen Wm Hiccox.
B27 Dec 1655JohnParkerAnnMillerJohn Parker and Ann Miller both of the parish of Tysoe and in that parish Church published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against them were vpon the 27 Dec 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Smyth Henry Wright.
B07 Jan 1655EdwardCleuerAilceffyfeildEdward Cleuer and Ailce ffyfeild both of the parish of old Stratford. and in that parish Church were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 23 Dec 1655 30 Dec 1655 and 6 Jan 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 7 Jan 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. John Wheeler and Thomas Cooksee.
B10 Jan 1655ThomasSlaterffrancisBidleThomas Slater and ffrancis Bidle both of the parish of Whitchurch published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon three seuerall market dayes vpon 3 Jan 1655 10 Jan 1655 17 Jan 1655 being noe exception were vpon the 17 Jan 1655 Joyned in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace. Witt. Georg Vnderhill Tho: Vnderhill.
B01 Feb 1655ThomasShropsheireKathrenCawdryThomas Shropsheire of the parish of Welsborne and Kathren Cawdry of the parish of old Stratford and in the parish Church of old Stratford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 13 Jan 1655 20 Jan 1655 27 Jan 1655 and being no exception were vpon the 01 Feb 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hiccox William Smyth.
B13 Feb 1655ThomasMooreMaryJohnsonThomas Moore of Clauerdon and Mary Johnson of the parish of Wotton Wauen were published by William Gibbs Regester of Clauerdon and vpon the 13 Feb 1655 were Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Georg Moore Samuell Joyce.
B08 Mar 1655JohnBlitheDorithyBakerJohn Blithe and Dorithy Baker both of the parish of Alueston were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes vpon 21 Feb 1655 28 Feb 1655 & 6 Mar 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 08 Mar 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses names recorded].
B18 Feb 1655JohnHolliockeRebekahGreeneJohn Holliocke of the parish of Morton Baggett and Rebekah Greene of the parish of Wotten Wauen and in the parish of Wotton Wauen were published vpon three lorde dayes vpon the 27 Jan 1655 3 Feb 1655 & 10 Feb 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 18 Feb 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Giles Ryland Thomas Perkinson.
B18 Feb 1655ThomasPetfordJaneTomkinsThomas Petford and Jane Tomkins both of the parish of Binton were published vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were vpon the 18 Feb 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Richard Welles William Baker.
B01 Mar 1655WilliamRoseAnnWottonWilliam Rose of the parish of Ilmington and Ann Wotton of Rockstone in the County of Oxfford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 7 Feb 1655 14 Feb 1655 21 Feb 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 1 Mar 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Hunt Thomas Wotton.
B20 Mar 1655JohnKailesAliceGilbertJohn Kailes of the parish of preston and Alice Gilbert of the parish of Tanworth were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the market place of the burrough of Stratford vpon the 6 Mar 1655 13 Mar 1655 20 Mar 1655 being noe exception were vpon the 20 Mar 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses' names recorded.]
B20 Mar 1655HarrisDauisJaneMillingtonHarris Dauis and Jane Millington both of the parish of Honnington were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of the Burrough of stratford vpon the 6 Mar 1655 13 Mar 1655 and 20 Mar 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Mar 1655 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Millington.
B05 Apr 1656ThomasSkinerAnnHartlyThomas Skiner of the parish of Alueston and Ann Hartly of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 9 Mar 1655 16 Mar 1655 23 Mar 1655 and being noe exception were vpon the 5 Apr 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Cooksee John Collett.
B10 Apr 1656EdwardWarnerAnnLongeEdward Warner and Ann Longe both of the parish of Brayles and there published in that Church vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being no exception against them were vpon the 10 Apr 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt Thomas Walker John Longe.
B30 Apr 1656RichardHarrisElizabethKempstoneRichard Harris of the parish of Mickelton in the County of Glocester and Elizabeth Kempstone of Binton were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 13 Mar 1656 20 Mar 1656 27 Mar 1656 being no exception against them were vpon the 30 Apr 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Roberte Thomas Hiccox.
B03 May 1656RobertSimmonsAnnRichersonRobert Simmons of Astoncontly and Ann Richerson of the parish of old Stratford were published vpon three Seuerall market days in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon the 17 Apr 1656 24 Apr 1656 1 May 1656 being not excepted against were vpon the 3 May 1656 Joyned by William Hiccox Justice. Witt: Tho: Hiccox Edward Roberte.
B03 May 1656ThomasBakerMargeryCaleThomas Baker and Margery Cale both of the parish of Alueston were in that parish church published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes and being noe exception were vpon the 3 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the burrough of Stratford. Witt. [names omitted].
B06 May 1656WilliamGreeneffrancisSmythWilliam Greene of the parish of old stratford and ffrancis Smyth daughter of Allen Smyth of the parish of Nether Pillerton were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon 26 Dec 1656 3 Jan 1656 and 10 Jan 1655 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 6 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by [particulars cease].
B07 May 1656IsaacWestAnnRoberteIsaac West of the parish of old Stratford and Ann Roberte of Helmly were published of an intent of mariage upon three seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish Church of Old Stratford that ys to say vpon the 20 Apr 1656 27 Apr 1656 and 04 May 1656 being noe exception against them were vpon the 7 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the burrough of Stratford. Witt. Georg Rudg and William Callow.
B08 May 1656WilliamCoxElenerReynoldeWilliam Cox of the parish of Tredington and Elener Reynolde of nether norton in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon the 10 Apr 1656 17 Apr 1656 and 24 Apr 1656 being noe exception were vpon the 8 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. John Rowney John Perry John Reynolde.
B14 May 1656AbrahamRobinson???BenfordAbraham Robinson of the parish of Pebworth and Benford of the parish of Cropthorne were published in the parish Church of Cropthorne vpon three Seuerall lordes Dayes vpon the 20 Apr 1656 27 Apr 1656 & 4 May 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 14 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Mr John Trapp Richard Smart.
B19 May 1656WilliamAingeMaryWilliamsWilliam Ainge and Mary Williams both of the parish of old Stratford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were vpon the 19 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Wolmer Thomas Hiccox.
B20 May 1656ThomasBoulterAbigaiellKempsterThomas Boulter and Abigaiell Kempster both of the parish of old Stratford were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish Church aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 6 Apr 1656 13 Apr 1656 and 20 Apr 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Tho: Smyth Edward Smyth.
B27 May 1656JohnKeckeMaryffawdryJohn Kecke of Nethrup in the parish of Banbury and Mary ffawdry of the parish of Eatenton in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Dadington that ys to say vpon the 29 [Mar] 1656 5 Apr 1656 and 12 Apr 1656 and being noe exception against there proceeding in mariage were vpon the 27 May 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Richard ffawdry Samuell Hewes.
B01 Jul 1656RichardSteeleJoneKingeRichard Steele and Jone Kinge both of the parish of Cherington were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford vpon 29 May 1656 5 Jun 1656 12 Jun 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 1 Jul 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Kinge Mathew Blackford.
B08 Jul 1656AdamHewesAilceNaptonAdam Hewes and Ailce Napton both of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish Church published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 22 Jun 1656 29 Jun 1656 and 6 Jul 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 8 Jul 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Humphery Edkins Richard Hall.
B03 Jun 1656WilliamRawlinsAnn MaryHedgesWilliam Rawlins of Donnington in the parish of Salford Priors in the Countye of Warwicke Gent. and Ann Mary Hedges of Hilborrowe of the parish of Grafton in the Countye aforesaid were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish Church of Grafton that ys to say vpon the 4 May 1656 11 May 1656 and 18 May 1656 being noe exception against them were vpon the 3 Jun 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Edmund Rawlins Thomas Rawlins John Kempson.
B03 Jun 1656HumpheryDauisAnnffrancisHumphery Dauis and Ann ffrancis both of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 20 Apr 1656 27 Apr 1656 4 May 1656 and being noe exception against proceeding against them were vpon the 3 Jun 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. John Wheeler Stephen Edkins.
B14 Jun 1656AnthonyStratfordElizabethWhittingtonAnthony Stratford Gent and Elizabeth Whittington Spinester both of the parish of Barton on the Heath were published there in that parish Church vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception were vpon the 14 Jun Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Georg Stratford Richard Higge.
B16 Jun 1656WilliamHemmingeMaryJenningeWilliam Hemminge of the parish of Arrow and Mary Jenninge of the parish of Alcester were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford and being no exception against there proceeding in mariage were vpon the 16 Jun 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Georg Jenninge Edward Watton.
B28 Jun 1656JohnHighornElizabethJounesJohn Highorn of the parish of Binton and Elizabeth Jounes of the parish of Marson were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford vpon the 5 Jun 1656 12 Jun 1656 and 19 Jun 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 28 Jun 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Robert Cowper Thomas Humpatch.
B23 Jun 1656ThomasDydeBridgettBakerThomas Dyde and Bridgett Baker both of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish Church published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against there proceeding in marriage were vpon the 23 Jun 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Greene Richard Smyth.
B24 Jun 1656WilliamCorbittMargretAndrewsWilliam Corbitt and Margret Andrews both of the parish of Snitterfield in the County of Warwick were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of Alcester that ys to say vpon the 22 Apr 1656 29 Apr 1656 and 6 May 1656 and being noe exception against there proceeding in mariage were vpon the 24 Jun 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. John Eluins Richard Smyth.
B03 Jul 1656RobertNickholesDeborahJurdenRobert Nickholes of the parish of Chadson and Deborah Jurden of the parish of Kinton were published of an intent of mariage vpon three seuerall market dayes in the market place of the burrow of Stratford that ys to say vpon the 19 Jun 1656 26 Jun 1656 and 3 Jul 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 3 Jul 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Shropsheire Samuell Jurden.
B09 Jul 1656EdwardWattonMargeryVoinEdward Watton and Margery Voin both of the parish of Alcester were published of an intent of mariage upon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford vpon the 19 Jun 1656 26 Jun 1656 3 Jul 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 9 Jul 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Robert Watton Richard Dewes.
B12 Jul 1656RichardAdamsAnnYardlyRichard Adams and Ann Yardly both of the parish of Salford priors were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon the 15 May 1656 22 May 1656 & 29 May 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 12 Jul 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Joseph Yardly Thomas Yardly.
B17 Jul 1656WilliamGilbertSarahWilliamsWilliam Gilbert of the parish of Tanworth and Sarah Williams of the parish of Preston were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon the 12 Jun 1656 19 Jun 1656 26 Jun 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 17 Jul 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. William Lea Edmund Knight.
B28 Jul 1656HughWalfordHannahSpiersHugh Walford Gent and Hannah Spiers spinester both of the parish of Wouluerton were in that parish Church published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon 23 Jun 1656 30 Jun 1656 and 5 Jul 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 28 Jul 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Witt. Thomas Stanton Gent. Sturch Walford.
B11 Aug 1656JohnWhatelyMaryBerryJohn Whately and Mary Berry both of the parish of Great Awne were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrow of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market dayes vpon the 17 Jul 1656 24 Jul 1656 31 Jul 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 11 Aug 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in Stratford. Witt. Georg Edkins Humphery Whately.
B27 Aug 1656JamesLapingtonEllingGreeneJames Lapington and Elling Greene both of the parish of Idlycott were published of an intent of mariage in the market place of the Towne of Bermingam vpon three Seuerall market dayes that ys to say vpon the 3 Jul 1656 10 Jul 1656 17 Jul 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 27 Aug 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. William Greene Georg Greene.
B05 Sep 1656JohnHancockeMaryHookeJohn Hancocke of the parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and Mary Hooke of the parish of stoke of the same County were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford that ys to say vpon the 7 Aug 1656 14 Aug 1656 21 Aug 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 5 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiscox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Beniamin Smyth Tho. Scotton.
B08 Sep 1656IsaacSparowAnnTustinIsaac Sparow of the parish of Preston in the County of Gloster the one partye and Ann Tustin of the parish of Whitchurch in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford that ys to say vpon the 21 Aug 1656 28 Aug 1656 and 04 Sep 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 8 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Smyth John Sparow.
B09 Sep 1656ThomasWaltamElizabethBradfordThomas Waltam and Elizabeth Bradford both of the parish of Ox Hill in the County of Warwicke were there published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and vpon the 9 Sep 1656 were Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of stratford. Witt: Edward Eden John Blackford.
B10 Sep 1656ThomasHawtinIssabellffinchThomas Hawtin of the parish of Welsborne and Issabell ffinch of the parish of old Stratford both in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of mariage in the parish Church of old Stratford vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes that ys to say vpon the 24 Aug 1656 31 Aug 1656 and 4 Sep 1656 and being noe exception made against them were vpon the 10 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Richard Hawtin Thomas Smyth.
B15 Sep 1656JosephffieldmargeryHighornJoseph ffield of the parish of Haseler and margery Highorn of the parish of Bidford were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of Alcester that ys to say vpon the 26 Aug 1656 and vpon the 2d 9 Sep 1656 and being noe exception made against them were vpon the 15 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Gibbes Richard Smyth.
B15 Sep 1656WilliamNashKathrenHuntWilliam Nash of Horsham in the County of Sussex and Kathren Hunt of Rowington in the County of Warwicke were published vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Warwicke of an intent of mariage and noe exception at all made against them were vpon the 15 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Tibbatte Robert Tibbatte Thomas Atwood.
B18 Sep 1656EdwardBoultonJudithClarkEdward Boulton and Judith Clark both of the both of the parish of Whitchurch were published of an intent of mariage in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market dayes that ys to say vpon the 4 Sep 1656 11 Sep 1656 & 18 Sep 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 18 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Higgins William Boulton.
B30 Sep 1656JohnWoodwardAmeHigginsJohn Woodward of wooluerton in the County of Warwick Gent. and Ame Higgins daughter to Mr Robert Higgins of the parish of Norton in the same County aforesaid were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of Alcester that ys to say vpon the 9 Sep 1656 16 Sep 1656 & 23 Sep 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 30 Sep 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Robert Higgins William Raynolde.
B31 Oct 1656RichardHallChristianEdkinsRichard Hall and Christian Edkins both of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish Church were published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes that ys to say vpon the 21 Sep 1656 28 Sep 1656 and 5 Oct 1656 and being noe exception made against them were vpon the 31 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Stephen Edkins William Hall.
B09 Oct 1656AurthurMooreSusannaKilbeeAurthur Moore and Susanna Kilbee both of the parish of Pillerton Priery in County of Warwicke have bin published of an Intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford that is to say vpon the 25 Sep 1656 2 Oct 1656 and 9 --- 1656 and being noe exception made against them were vpon the 9 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. William Sambach John Court.
B13 Oct 1656RobertMarshallElizabethDysonRobert Marshall and Elizabeth Dyson both of the parish of Old Stratford in the County of Warwicke have bin published of an Intent of mariage vpon Three Seuerall Iorde Dayes in the parish Church abouesaid that ys to say vpon the 31 Aug 1656 7 Sep 1656 & 14 Sep 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 13 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Witt. Richard Smyth William Dyson.
B13 Oct 1656ThomasWalkerMaryWalkerThomas Walker and Mary Walker both of the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke have bin published of an intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford that ys to say vpon the 25 Sep 1656 2 Oct 1656 and 9 Oct 1656 and being noe exception made against them were vpon the 13 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Henry Hancocke Thomas Middleton.
B16 Oct 1656RobertLightffootteJaneAustinRobert Light ffootte allies Beckett and Jane Austin both of the parish of Tysoe in the County of Warwicke have bin published of an Intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were upon the 16 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Light ffoote Thomas Gibbes.
B16 Oct 1656AnthonyGardnerMaryRedeAnthony Gardner and Mary Rede Both of the parish of Wolford in the County of Warwicke and in that parish Church haue been published vpon three Seuerall lorde [days] that ys to say vpon the 28 Sep 1656 5 Oct 1656 & 12 Oct 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 16 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Phillip Cale William Higgins.
B27 Oct 1656BarackTustianMaryYeardlyBarack Tustian and Mary Yeardly both of the parish of Great Dassett in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of mariage in the market place of the Burrough of Stratford that ys to say vpon 2 Oct 1656 09 Oct 1656 16 Oct 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 27 Oct 1656 Joyned together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Wessone John Yoxall.
B28 Oct 1656StephensEdkinsMaryffrancisStephens Edkins and Mary ffrancis both of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish Church haue bin published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Severall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 7 Sep 1656 14 Sep 1656 21 Sep 1656 and being noe exception against them were upon the 28 Oct 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Smyth Clement Georg.
B04 Nov 1656EdwardWalfordffrancisWolmerEdward Walford and ffrancis Wolmer both of the parish of old Stratford were published of an Intent of mariage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were vpon the 4 Nov 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hiccox Richard Smyth.
B09 Nov 1656ThomasGeorgMaryHiccoxThomas Georg and Mary Hiccox both of the parish of Old Stratford were published of an Intent of mariage upon three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Warwicke and noe exception against them were vpon the 9 Nov 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes [blank].
B19 Nov 1656RichardHawtinAnnBakerRichard Hawtin of Worcester and Ann Baker of Tidington in the parish of Alueston in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of mariage in the parish Church of Aldermarson in the County of Worcester vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against them were vpon the 19 Nov Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses names recorded].
B20 Nov 1656HumpheryEdkinsJoanPidgeonHumphery Edkins and Joan Pidgeon both of this parish & in this parish Church were published of an intent of mariage upon three Seuerall lorde dayes that ys to say vpon the 5 Oct 1656 12 Oct 1656 & 19 Oct 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Nov 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes [blank].
B20 Nov 1656MichaellTombesSarahHintonMichaell Tombes and Sarah Hinton both of the parish of Clifford and in that parish Church were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Nov 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Hinton William Smyth.
B22 Nov 1656ChristopherBrannisJoanMarshallChristopher Brannis and Joan Marshall both of the parish of Idlicote in the Countye of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of Kington in the County abouesaid and being noe exception against them were vpon the 22 Nov 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittness Thomas Hiccox Richard Smyth.
B02 Dec 1656TimothyMarshallKathrenHobdeyTimothy Marshall and Kathren Hobdey both of the parish of Honnington in the County of Warwicke were in the parish Church abouesaid published vpon three Seuerall lorde [days] and being noe exception against them were vpon the 02 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hiccox John Wheler.
B03 Dec 1656WilliamHobbinsMaryJackemanWilliam Hobbins and Mary Jackeman both of the parish of Binton in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Alcester in the County aforesaid vpon three Seuerall markett dayes that ys to say vpon the 11 Nov 1656 18 Nov 1656 & 25 Nov 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 3 Dec 1656 Joyned in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Jakeman William Smyth.
B04 Dec 1656ThomasMiddeltonffrancesPaullyThomas Middelton and ffrances Paully both of the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the markett place of the Burrough of Stratford that ys to say vpon the 20 Nov 1656 27 Nov 1656 and 4 Dec 1656 and being noe exception made against them were upon the 4 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Walker Thomas Middleton Junior.
B13 Dec 1656GeorgMerriallMaryAlliboneGeorg Merriall of Honnington and Mary Allibone of Hardwicke in the parish of lemmington in the County of Warwicke and in that parish Church were published vpon three seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against them were upon the 13 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes ffrancis Millington Henry Allibone.
B22 Dec 1656EdwardHighornJoanWhelerEdward Highorn and Joan Wheler both of this parish were published in the parish Church of old Stratford vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 30 Nov 1656 the 7 Dec 1656 14 Dec 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 22 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Smyth Richard Smart.
B24 Dec 1656JohnElsonMaryGrauenorJohn Elson and Mary Grauenor both of the parish of Snitterfeild and in that parish Church were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes and being noe exception against them were vpon the 24 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Smyth John Smyth.
B29 Dec 1656JohnHandeEmmSpicerJohn Hande of the parish of Tredington the one partye and Emm Spicer of Halford in the County of Warwicke the other partye published vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Stratford upon Auon in the County of Warwicke that ys to say vpon the 4 Dec 1656 11 Dec 1656 18 Dec 1656 and being noe exception against theire proceeding in marriage were vpon the 29 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in Stratford. As witneseth William Hande Richard Merrill.
B29 Dec 1656HumpheryWheyhamMargeryHarbidgeHumphery Wheyham of the parish of Awne in the countye of Warwicke the one partye and Margery Harbidge of the parish of Bidford of the same County were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 27 Nov 1656 4 Dec 1656 & 11 Dec 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 29 Dec 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Harbidge Thomas Wheyam.
B01 Jan 1656RichardStantonAmeeHiccoxRichard Stanton of Alcester in the County of Warwicke one partye and Amee Hiccox of the parish of old Stratford of the same County were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Alcester that ys to say vpon the 11 Nov 1656 18 Nov 1656 25 Nov 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 1 Jan 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow [of] stratford. Wittnes John Yarnole John Ems.
B20 Jan 1656ThomasWalkerAnnReynoldeThomas Walker and Ann Reynolde both of the parish of Bidford in the Countye of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 11 Dec 1656 18 Dec 1656 & 25 Dec 1656 and being noe exception against them were upon the 20 Jan 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Smyth Robert Edkins.
B03 Feb 1656ThomasTaylerMaryAllenThomas Tayler and Mary Allen both of the parish of Great Wolford in the County of Warwicke were published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish abouesaid that ys to say vpon the 11 Jan 1656 18 Jan 1656 and 25 Jan 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 3 Feb 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Shildon John Allen.
B18 Feb 1656GeorgSheldonAnnGriffenGeorg Sheldon the Sonn of Anthony Sheldon Gent. of Broadway in the County of Worcester and Mrs Ann Griffen Daughter of Mrs Ann Griffen of Bickmarsh in the County of Warwicke Spinster were published vpon three Seuerall markett dayes in three Seuerall weecke in the markett place of Alcester that ys to say vpon the 3 Feb 1656 10 Feb 1656 17 Feb 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 18 Feb 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Henry Pitt Laurance Wheler.
B19 Feb 1656WilliamDauisMaryPennWilliam Dauis and Mary Penn both of the parish of Pillerton in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County of Warwicke that ys to say vpon the 5 Feb 1656 12 Feb 1656 and 19 Feb 1656 and being no exception were vpon the 19 Feb 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Smyth Abraham Robison.
B05 Mar 1656ThomasBasseHannahCliffordThomas Basse and Hannah Clifford both of the parish of Burton Dassett in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 19 Feb 1656 26 Feb 1656 and 5 Mar 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 5 Mar 1656 Joyned by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Smyth William Bull.
B07 Mar 1656JohnBridgesIssabellPalmerJohn Bridges and Issabell Palmer Both of the parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and in that parish Church were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 16 Nov 1656 23 Nov 1656 and 30 Nov 1656 and being noe exception were vpon the 7 Mar 1656 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Wolmer Phillip Bridges.
B11 Mar 1656TimothyNickeAilceEdkinsTimothy Nicke and Ailce Edkins both of the Burrow of Stratford vpon Auon in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of the Burrow of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were vpon the 11 Mar 1656 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Alexander Hornebee William Tayler.
B28 Mar 1656JohnTurbittHannahMaceJohn Turbitt and Hannah Mace both of the parish of Old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and in that parish Church were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 22 Feb 1656 1 Mar 1656 & 8 Mar 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 28 Mar 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Milward Henry Cawdry.
B30 Mar 1656WilliamSimmonsMaryCarpenterWilliam Simmons and Mary Carpenter both of this parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and in the parish Church aforesaid were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes that ys to say vpon the 28 Dec 1656 4 Jan 1656 & 11 Jan 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 30 Mar 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. [No witnesses names recorded.]
B31 Mar 1656AlexanderHornebeeMarthaSuchAlexander Hornebee of the parish of old Stratford and Martha Such of Noball in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Warwicke and being noe exception against them were vpon the 31 Mar 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford Wittnes John Ainge Richard Tue.
B02 Apr 1657ThomasLydeElizabethPinkeThomas Lyde and Elizabeth Pinke both of the parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the parish Church aforesaid vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 15 Mar 1657 22 Mar 1657 29 Mar 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 2 Apr 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by Wm Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Robert Simmons Thomas Hiccox Wm Ouerton.
B13 Apr 1657HenryHancockeParnellaTaylerHenry Hancocke and Parnella Tayler both of the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 19 Mar 1657 26 Mar 1657 and 2 Apr 1657 and noe exception being made were vpon the 13 Apr 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of stratford. Wittnes Thomas Edden Thomas Middelton.
B14 Apr 1657WilliamDickinsElizabethGreeneWilliam Dickins of Notgroue in the County of Glocester Gent. the one partye and Elizabeth Greene Daughter of Thomas Greene [of] this Burrow Gent. were published of an Intent of marriage in the parish Church of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke that ys to say vpon the 8 Mar 1657 15 Mar 1657 and 22 Mar 1657 and noe exception being made against them were vpon the 14 Apr 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Greene Thomas Greene Junior.
B14 Apr 1657WilliamBakerAnnSymesWilliam Baker of the parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwick Gent. and Mrs Ann Symes of Stichall of the County aforesaid were published of an Intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon Auon vpon three Seuerall market dayes that ys to say vpon the 5 Mar 1657 12 Mar 1657 19 Mar 1657 published alsoe in the Citty of Couentree vpon three Seuerall market dayes in three Seuerall weecke vpon the 6 Mar 1657 13 Mar 1657 and 20 Mar 1657 and being noe exception made against them were vpon the 14 Apr 1657 Joyned Together in mariage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Beniamin Jones John Barlow Thomas Hart William Coles.
B16 Apr 1657WilliamLauranceElizabethfflecknoeWilliam Laurance and Elizabeth fflecknoe both of the parish of Charlcote in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Warwicke and noe exception being made against them were vpon the 16 Apr 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Ann Hiccox Tho: Hiccox.
B23 Apr 1657ffardinandoSteuensAnnSurchffardinando Steuens and Ann Surch both of the parish of Sawford in the Countye of Warwicke were published vpon three Seuerall market dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 5 Mar 1656 12 Mar 1656 19 Mar 1656 and Being noe exception against them were vpon the 23 Apr 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Beuer Richard Smyth.
B26 Apr 1657JohnWiddowsAliceRoseJohn Widdows of Winderton in the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke and Alice Rose Daughter of Richard Rose of Armscote and parish of Treddington in the County of Worcester published in both parishes vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 12 Apr 1657 19 Apr 1657 26 Apr 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 04 May 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Rose Richard Smyth.
B07 May 1657ThomasShepardWinnifritEedesThomas Shepard and Winnifrit Eedes Both of the parish of Hampton in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the markett place of Stratford vpon Avon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 23 Apr 1657 30 Apr 1657 7 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 7 May 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Smyth Thomas Hopkins.
B13 May 1657JosephSpenserBridgettJohnsonJoseph Spenser of the parish of Alcester in the County of Warwicke and Bridgett Johnson of the parish of old Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid published vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 23 Apr 1657 30 Apr 1657 7 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 13 May 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Smyth Georg Johnson.
B17 May 1657JohnBrookeBridgettSimonspublished an Intent of marriage betwixt John Brooke Gentn of the parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and Mrs Bridgett Simons of Parshaw in the County of Worcester the other party published by Richard Smyth parish Regester of old Stratford on the 3 May 1657 10 May 1657 17 May 1657 and noe exception made against there proceeding in marriage.
B18 May 1657WilliamBarnsMaryWagstaffeWilliam Barns of Shellingford in the County of Barke Gent. and Mrs Mary Wagstaffe daughter of Mr Edward Wagstaffe of the parish of Alueston in the County of Warwicke Gent. published vpon three Seuerall market dayes in three Seuerall weekes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon 30 Apr 1657 7 May 1657 14 May 1657 published alsoe in Abingdon vpon three seuerall market dayes in three seuerall weecke that ys to say vpon the 20 Apr 1657 27 Apr 1657 4 May 1657 and noe exception being made against them were vpon the 18 May 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes [blank].
B18 May 1657WilliamMarshallKathrenWadnollWilliam Marshall of the parish of Idlycote in the County of Warwicke and Kathren Wadnoll of the parish of Honnington in the County aforesaid published upon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say upon the 23 Apr 1657 30 Apr 1657 07 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were upon the 18 May 1657 Joyned Together in mariage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Wheler Timothy Marshall.
B25 May 1657WilliamLochAnnBakerWilliam Loch of the parish of old Stratford and Ann Baker of the parish of Nether Pillerton in the County of Waricke published upon three Seuerall Lorde Dayes in the parish Church of old Stratford that ys to say vpon the 10 May 1657 17 May 1657 24 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 25 May 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Edward Baker Henry Cawdry.
B26 May 1657JosephJobeJaneWelleJoseph Jobe the sonn of Edmund Jobe of Wotton Wauen in the County of Warwicke Plough Right and Jane Welle of Henly in Arden of the County aforesaid yeoman published vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in Alcester that ys to say vpon the 14 Apr 1657 21 Apr 1657 28 Apr 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 26 May 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Jeffes John Jenninge.
B04 Jun 1657EdwardHeritageElizabethHollisEdward Heritage of the parish of Atherstone in the County of Warwicke and Elizabeth Hollis of Aldermarson were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 21 May 1657 28 May 1657 4 Jun 1657 and bring noe exception against them were vpon the 4 Jun 1657 Joyned by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hurdis Edward Egelstone.
B JamesHaileAbigaiellStantonpublished in the markett place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County of Warwicke vpon three Seuerall market Dayes that ys to say vpon the 28 May 1657 4 Jun 1657 11 Jun 1657 an Intent of Marriage betwixt James Haile of Couentree Gent. the one party and Mrs Abigaiell Stanton of the parish of Snitterfeild in the same County and noe exception hath bin made against them as witnesseth Richard Smyth parish Regester of old Stratford.
B04 Jun 1657RichardKingAilceHewesRichard King of Winderton in the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke and Ailce Hewes daughter of William Hewes of long Compton in the County aforesaid were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon vpon three Seuerall markett dayes that ys to say vpon the 21 May 1657 28 May 1657 04 Jun 1657 and being noe exception were vpon the 4 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Smyth John James.
B08 Jun 1657ThomasBickerstaffeAilceMillesThomas Bickerstaffe of Milcote in the County of Warwicke and Ailce Milles in the parish of Alcester in the County aforesaid daughter of Richard Milles of Welford in the County of Glocester published vpon three Seuerall lorde dayes in the parish Church of Alcester that ys to say vpon the 3 May 1657 10 May 1657 17 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 8 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by William Hiccox Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Hewes Richard Gregg.
B09 Jun 1657JohnSturchJoanWhitlyJohn Sturch of Storton in the parish of Whitchurch in the County of Warwicke and Joan Whitly of Sutton in the County of Glocester published vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Avon in the County aforesaid vpon 22 Jan 1656 29 Jan 1656 5 Feb 1656 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 9 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Tredwell Matthew Blackford.
B10 Jun 1657Mr HenryButtelerffrancesBrookeMr Henry Butteler pastor of St. Nicholas in Warwicke and Mrs ffrances Brooke of the parish of Old Stratford in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market Dayes in the markett place of Stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 7 May 1657 14 May 1657 21 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 10 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hill Ann Trapp.
B24 Jun 1657MarkeHuntMaryArcherMarke Hunt and Mary Archer Both of the parish of Aston contly in the County of Waricke were published of an Intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 4 Jun 1657 11 Jun 1657 18 Jun 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 24 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Laurance Wheler Thomas Dale.
B25 Jun 1657WilliamGrassinggamMaryHopkinsWilliam Grassinggam sonn to Robert Grassinggam of Wotton Wauen in the County of Warwicke yeoman and Mary Hopkins daughter of Charles Hopkins of the same Towne and County yeoman published in Alcester the 26 May 1657 2 Jun 1657 9 Jun 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 25 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes John Hopkins Georg Grassinggam.
B29 Jun 1657MathewSauageElizabethMarshallMathew Sauage of Oxhill and Elizabeth Marshall of Whatcott both in the County of Warwicke were published in both parishes vpon the 31 May 1657 7 Jun 1657 14 Jun 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon 29 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes William Blackford William Wyatt.
B02 Jul 1657WilliamBoultonElizabethSmythWilliam Boulton and Elizabeth Smyth both of the parish of Whitchurch in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Alcester vpon three Seuerall market Dayes that ys to say vpon the 12 May 1657 19 May 1657 26 May 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 2 Jul 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Phillip Edwarde William Smyth.
B10 Jul 1657JohnNasonElizabethRoberteJohn Nason of the Burrow of Stratford and Elizabeth Roberte of the parish of Welford were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County of Warwicke vpon three Seuerall markett dayes that ys to say vpon the 11 Jun 1657 18 Jun 1657 25 Jun 1657 and being noe exception were vpon the 10 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Samuell Hewes Edward Roberte.
B16 Jun 1657RobertThornenettEmmHandeRobert Thornenett and Emm Hande Both of the parish of Welsborne in the County of Warwicke were published of an Intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid vpon three Seuerall market Dayes that ys to say vpon the 2 Jul 1657 9 Jul 1657 16 Jul 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 16 Jun 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrow of Stratford. Wittnes Henry Heritage William Hande.
B JohnHarisffrancesScayJohn Haris and ffrances Scay both of the parish of Long Compton in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County aforesaid that ys to say vpon the 19 Feb 1656 26 Feb 1656 5 Mar 1656 and noe exception made against there proceed in marriage.
B RichardDauisHellennaEdenRichard Dauis and Hellenna Eden both of the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke were published vpon 3 seuerall markett dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon of an intent of marriage that ys to say vpon the 2d 09 Jul 1657 16 Jul 1657 and noe exception against there proceeding in marriage.
B WilliamEluinsAilceBeesleyWilliam Eluins sonn of John Eluins of Wootton Wauen in the County of Warwicke and Ailce Beesley late daughter of Thomas Beesley of of Newnam in the parish of Aston Contly in the County afforesaid were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon [Auon] vpon three Seuerall markett dayes that ys to say vpon the 9 Jul 1657 16 Jul 1657 23 Jul 1657 and noe exception against them.
B13 Aug 1657JohnAskellElizabethHopperJohn Askell of Geyden in the parish of Chadsunt in the County of Warwicke Gent and Mrs Elizabeth Hopper of Walton in the parish of Welsborne in the County afforesaid were published upon 3 seuerall lorde dayes in both parishes abouesaid and being noe exception against them were vpon the 13 Aug 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in Stratford. Wittnes Richard Cleeue John Ryely.
B20 Aug 1657ThomasRoseMarySteuenageThomas Rose and Mary Steuenage both of the parish of Tysoe in the County of Warwicke were published in the Markett place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County afforesaid vpon three seuerall markett dayes that ys to say vpon the 25 Jun 1657 2 Jul 1657 9 Jul 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Aug 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Henry Tasker Richard Smyth.
B20 Aug 1657JohnBikerIssabellHickesJohn Biker and Issabell Hickes both of the parish of the parish of Welsborne were published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish abouesaid and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Aug 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratfford. Wittnes Henry Heritage ffrancis Veale.
B03 Sep 1657EdwardWheatcraftJanePrewEdward Wheatcraft and Jane Prew both of the parish of Burmington in the County of Warwicke were published vpon three seuerall market dayes in the market place of stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 20 Aug 1657 27 Aug 1657 3 Sep 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 03 Sep 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses' names recorded.]
B ThomasWilsonJoneIlshawThomas Wilson of the parish of Tanworth in the County of Warwicke and Jone Ilshaw of fford Hall in the parish of Wotton Wauen in the county afforesaid were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall market [days] in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 10 Sep 1657 17 Sep 1657 24 Sep 1657 and noe exception made against them.
B24 Sep 1657TimothyEgglingtonAnnAustinTimothy Egglington of Tyso in the County of Warwicke and Ann Austin of Shutfford in the parish of Swakely in the County of oxfford were published of an intent of marriage upon three Seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon that ys to say vpon the 10 Sep 1657 17 Sep 1657 24 Sep 1657 Joyned together in marriage the 24 Sep 1657 by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratfford. [No witnesses' names recorded].
B05 Oct 1657HughGoffeAilceKitchinHugh Goffe and Ailce Kitchin both of the parish of Preston were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon Auon in the County of Warwicke vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes that ys to say vpon the 27 Aug 1657 3 Sep 1657 10 Sep 1657 and being noe exception were vpon the 5 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Robert Robertte Thomas Mancell.
B05 Oct 1657DauidWardeAilceHannawayDauid Warde and Ailce Hannaway both of the parish of Old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and in that parish Church were published vpon three seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 10 Sep 1657 17 Sep 1657 24 Sep 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 05 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Loch Beniamin Jones.
B08 Oct 1657RichardPaceSarahBromfeildRichard Pace of the parish of old Stratford & Sarah Bromfeild of the parish of long marson were in both parish Churches published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 10 Sep 1657 17 Sep 1657 24 Sep 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace the 08 Oct 1657. Wittnes Thomas Bromfeild John Ball.
B01 Oct 1657GeorgEdkinsRuthNickeGeorg Edkins and Ruth Nicke both of the parish of old Stratford both published in that parish Church vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 13 Sep 1657 20 Sep 1657 27 Sep 1657 and being noe exception were vpon the 1 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Gilbert Dowly Richard Smyth.
B15 Oct 1657EdwardEgelstoneSusannaRobinsEdward Egelstone and Susanna Robins both of the parish of old Stratford and in this parish church were published vpon three seuerall lorde Dayes of an intent of marriage that ys 9 Aug 1657 16 Aug 1657 23 Aug 1657 noe exception were vpon the 15 Oct 1657 Joyned in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice in Stratford. Wittnes Ancker Prickett ffrancis Smyth.
B14 Sep 1657JosephWheelerAnnWhelerJoseph Wheeler sonn of Georg Wheeler late of Alcester and Ann Wheler daughter of Robert Wheler late of Ipsly in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Warwicke and being noe exception were vpon the 14 Sep 1657 Joyned in marriage vpon the 14 Sep 1657 by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses names recorded.]
B14 Sep 1657ThomasSheapardAnnSkipworthThomas Sheapard of Long Compton in the County of Warwicke and Ann Skipworth of Barton one the Heath were published three Seuerall market Dayes in Kington in the County abouesaid vpon 28 Jul 1657 04 Aug 1657 11 Aug 1657 and being noe exception were vpon the 14 Sep 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. [No witnesses names recorded.]
B WilliamWiattffrancisMarshallWilliam Wiatt of the parish of Whatcott & ffrancis Marshall of the parish of Idlicote both in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon the 17 Sep 1657 24 Sep 1657 1 Oct 1657 and noe exception against them.
B JohnWaltonMaryWatteJohn Walton and Mary Watte both of the parish of Hampton in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of Stratford vpon the 17 Sep 1657 24 Sep 1657 1 Oct 1657 and noe exception against them.
B14 Sep 1657WilliamTomkinsAnnTurnerWilliam Tomkins and Ann Turner both of the parish of Honnington in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish abouesaid and being noe exception against them were vpon the 14 Sep 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Adam Gibbes Thomas Dale.
B21 Sep 1657RichardStanlyMaryLangffordRichard Stanly of Kington in the County of Warwicke and Mary Langfford of Shipston in the County of Worcester were in both the parishes abouesaid published of an intent of marriage vpon the 16 Aug 1657 23 Aug 1657 30 Aug 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 21 Sep 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Tayler Edward Langford.
B20 Oct 1657JohnKnightJoneKeckeJohn Knight and Jone Kecke both of the parish of the parish of Marson Sica were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon the 1 Oct 1657 8 Oct 1657 15 Oct 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Kecke Clement ffarly.
B20 Oct 1657RichardWattonJudithWhittakerRichard Watton and Judith Whittaker both of the parish of Whitchurch were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon the 1 Oct 1657 8 Oct 1657 15 Oct 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 20 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Whitaker & Richard Smyth.
B15 Oct 1657ffrancisKeytAilceSpencerffrancis Keyt of Eberton in the County of Glocester Gent. and Mrs Ailce Spencer of Idlycote in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes vpon the 1 Oct 1657 8 Oct 1657 15 Oct 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 15 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Douer Gent. Christopher Smyth.
B10 Dec 1657ThomasRyelandAnnPhilpottThomas Ryeland of Wimson in the parish of Whitchurch and Ann Philpott of Lighthorne in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett dayes vpon the 8 Oct 1657 15 Oct 1657 22 Oct 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 10 Dec 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Samuell Rawlins Mr ffrancis Smyth of Clopton.
B13 Oct 1657StephenAltryDorithyChesleyStephen Altry of ludington in the parish of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke and Dorithy Chesley of Welford in the County of Glocester were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of stratford vpon three seuerall markett Dayes vpon the 24 Sep 1657 1 Oct 1657 8 Oct 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 13 Oct 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Moore & Robert Camden.
B30 Oct 1657JamesHoneMaryBishopeJames Hone and Mary Bishope both of the parish of Brayles in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes that ys to say vpon the 24 Sep 1657 1 Oct 1657 8 Oct 1657 and noe exception being made were vpon the 30 Oct 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Isaac West Thomas Horne.
B01 Dec 1657CharlesPrinceElizabethWalsinghamCharles Prince of Atherstone vpon Stower in the County of Warwicke and Elizabeth Walsingham of Great [blank] of the same County were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in both parishes abouesaid that ys to say vpon the 11 Oct 1657 18 Oct 1657 25 Oct 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 1 Dec 1657 Joyned together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Maurice Walsingham James Hurdis William Milward.
B10 Dec 1657WilliamStouttMargretEdenWilliam Stoutt of Cherington in the parish of Brayles and Margret Eden of Shipson in the parish of Tredington were published vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of Stratford and being noe exception against them were vpon the 10 Dec 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Euitte Richard Euitte.
B03 Feb 1657WilliamHallMaryStapelleWilliam Hall and Mary Stapelle both of the parish of old Stratford and in that parish church published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 17 Jan 1657 24 Jan 1657 31 Jan 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 3 Feb 1657 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Tayler Robert Hall.
B ThomasDauisAnnPilkingtonThomas Dauis of the Tower of London and Ann Pilkington of the parish of Whatcott in the County of Warwicke were published vpon three seuerall market Dayes in the market place of Stratford vpon Auon vpon the 14 Jan 1657 21 Jan 1657 28 Jan 1657 and noe exception against there proceeding in mariage as witnesseth Richard Smyth parish Regester of Old Stratford.
B16 Feb 1657JohnTauntHannahCarelesseJohn Taunt and Hannah Carelesse both of the parish of Old Stratford and in that parish Church published vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes of an intent of marriage vpon 17 Jan 1657 24 Jan 1657 31 Jan 1657 and being noe exception [against] them were vpon the 16 Feb 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Leonard Timbrell William Carelesse.
B09 Jan 1657GeorgHartEsterLudiateGeorg Hart Sonn of Thomas Hart and Ester Ludiate Daughter of Thomas Ludiate of the same Towne and County were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes in the markett place of Alcester vpon the 1 Dec 1657 8 Dec 1657 15 Dec 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 9 Jan 1657 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Thomas Hiccox Clement Georg.
B13 Apr 1658ValentineWilkinsEedyTimmsValentine Wilkins of the parish of Whitchurch and Eedy Timms of Willersy in the County of Glocester were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon three seuerall market Dayes vpon the 18 Feb 1657 25 Feb 1657 4 Mar 1657 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 13 Apr 1658 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Henry Tombes Alexander Hornebee.
B15 Apr 1658AueryEdwardeElizabethBenffordAuery Edwarde and Elizabeth Benfford both of this parish were published of an intent of marriage in the parish Church of old Stratford vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes vpon the 14 Mar 1658 21 Mar 1658 28 Mar 1658 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 15 Apr 1658 Joyned Together in marriage by William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Abraham Robison Richard Smyth.
B05 May 1658JoshuaKnightSeuceWardeJoshua Knight and Seuce Warde both of the parish of Wotton Wauen were publisht of an intent of marriage in stratford vpon the 08 Apr 1658 15 Apr 1658 22 Apr 1658 being noe exception were vpon the 5 May 1658 Joyned by William Greene Justice of the peace in stratford. Wittnes Georg Warde Richard Knight.
B29 Apr 1658JohnMooreMeriumPagettJohn Moore of the parish of Clareden the one party and Merium Pagett of Snitterfeild in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett dayes vpon 15 Apr 1658 22 Apr 1658 29 Apr 1658 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 29 Apr 1658 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of stratford. Wittnes William Paget senior William Paget Junior.
B17 May 1658WilliamBurmanTamisonMusillWilliam Burman and Tamison Musill both of this parish were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett Dayes vpon 2 May 1658 9 May 1658 16 May 1658 by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford and being noe exception against them were vpon the 17 May 1658 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Tarver Auerie Milward.
B RobertMartinSarahAtwhoodRobert Martin sonn of Edward Martin of Pebworth in the County of Glocester and Sarah Atwhood daughter of Edmund Atwhood of the parish of Aston Contly in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the markett place of Stratford vpon three seuerall markett dayes vpon 27 May 1658 3 Jun 1658 10 Jun 1658 and noe exception against there proceeding in marriage.
B01 Jul 1658RichardTacherJudithAplebeeRichard Tacher of the parish of Greatwooluard in the County of Warwicke and Judith Aplebee of Blackwell of the parish of Tredington in the County of Worcester were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall markett dayes vpon the 17 Jun 1658 24 Jun 1658 1 Jul 1658 and being noe exception against them were vpon the 1 Jul 1658 Joyned Together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes Richard Ainge Thomas Winge.
B08 Jul 1658WilliamBumpasseAliceGibbesWilliam Bumpasse of the parish of quinton and Alice Gibbes of the parish of Idlycote in the county of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage in the market place of Stratford vpon three Seuerall market Dayes vpon the 24 Jun 1658 1 Jul 1658 8 Jul 1658 being noe exception were vpon the 08 Jul 1658 Joyned together in marriage by ffrancis Smyth Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes William Tomes John Molinex.
B18 Oct 1658BrianSnellSarahHunniattBrian Snell of the parish of St. Michelle in Couentree minister and Sarah Hunniatt of the parish of old stratford were published of an intent of marriage in the parish church of old Stratford in the County of Warwicke vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes that ys to say vpon the 26 Sep 1658 3 Oct 1658 10 Oct 1658 being noe exception were vpon the 18 Oct 1658 Joyned Together in marriage by Mr Henry Butler. Wittnes Mr ffrancis Smyth and Ann his wife.
B08 Mar 1658JohnWalkerRebekahRichersonJohn Walker and Rebekah Richerson both of the parish of Old Stratford in the County of Warwicke were published of an intent of marriage vpon three Seuerall lorde Dayes in the parish abouesaid that ys to say vpon the 6 Feb 1658 13 Feb 1658 20 Feb 1658 and being noe exception were vpon the 8 Mar 1658 Joyned Together in marriage by Mr Willim Richerson minester of Brayles in the presence of William Greene Justice of the peace in the Burrough of Stratford. Wittnes John Richerson Richard Smyth.

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