Surname Listing: |
Aloridge, Anall, Arnall, Arnold, Arnoll, Atkins, Atkyns.
Barrington, Baselie, Basely, Basset, Bedle, Bett, Bidle, Blower, Boddell, Botrell, Bottrell, Bowker, Brawnston, Bucknall, Bucknell, Bucknoll, Butlar, Butler. Chapleyne, Chapma', Chawndler, Childes, Childs, Chiles, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clercke, Clerk, Clerke, Clever, Cosford, Couper, Cox, Coxe, Crosse, Curtis, Curtise, Curtisse, Curtisse haltz? Dawnyer, Denny, Dennye, Denye, Denys, Dunam, Dunnam. Evans, Eyels, Eyles. ffosse. Gelly, Gellye, Good, Goode, Gowlbie, Graunt, Greene, Grobie, Groobie, Grooby, Growbie. Halliwell, Hicklye, Hickman, Hill, Hinde, Hindes, Hipwell, Hodges, Holme, Holmes, Homes, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Hutchins, Hynde. Jenkins. Keen, Keene, Lawrence, Lee, Lette, Loucke, Louke, Lowke. Maistors, Masters, Milner, Modeman, Modiman, Modyma', Modyman, Muddeman, Muddiman. Priest, Puller. Quiney, Quynes, Quyney, Quyny. Radburne, Roberde, Roberdes, Roberds, Roberts, Rolewright, Rylie. Sander, Saunders, Sawnders, Sharod, Sharot, Sharrod, Shaw, Shawe, Shease, Shenston, Shenstone, Sherod, Sherrod, Sherwod, Shewels, Simons, Smith, Spenser. Tailer, Tailor, Taylor, Thomkyns, Thornecraft, Thornicraft, Thornicroft, Thruston, Times, Tomkins, Tomkyns, Tomson, Tredwel, Turner, Tustian. Vicar, Vicars. Wale, Walton, Waltone, Waters, Watson, Webb, Webbe, Webster, Whane, White, White fabri, Whitney, Wilcox, Wilkens de ye Lane, Wilkins, Wilkyns, Wolcote, Wotton, Wryght. Yardly, Yarnall. |
Name | Father | Date | Notes | |
1558 BAPTIZATI | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Good | 10th January | |
Richard | son of | Robert Barrington | 25th January | |
Alice | daughter of | John Roberde | 4th February | |
Robert | son of | Richard Quyney | 13th February | |
Alexander | son of | Thomas Denye | 25th February | |
Roger | son of | Richard Sawnders | 22nd February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Clever | 28th March | |
Alice | daughter of | Henry Good | 16th April | |
Bennett | daughter of | Richard Shaw | 9th May | |
Mary | daughter of | William Quyney | 5th June | |
Lawrence | son of | Edward Thornecraft | 10th August | |
1559 BAPTIZATI | ||||
Elsa | daughter of | Martin Crosse | 4th January | |
Richard | son of | Richard Waltone | 21st March | |
Agnes | daughter of | Henry Spenser | 13th April | |
Margaret | daughter of | John Bottrell | 22nd April | |
John | son of | Henry Good | 26th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John Clever | 1st November | |
Alice | daughter of | Wiiliam Eyels | 26th November | |
1560 BAPTIZATI | ||||
Agnes | daughter of | John Masters | 20th February | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Quynes | 25th February | |
Ursula | daughter of | John Roberdes | 2nd April | |
Richard | son of | Richard Masters | 25th April | |
Emma | daughter of | Henry Good | 5th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William Quyney | 8th July | |
Richard Foebil | son of | Robert Dawnyer | 1st July | |
Alice | daughter of | Richard Shawe | 4th August | |
Bartholomew | son of | Edward Masters | 25th August | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Good | 8th December | |
William | son of | Richard Walton | 15th December | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Good | 26th December | |
1561 BAPTIZATI | ||||
John | son of | John Bottrell | 2nd February | |
Robert | son of | John Whitney | 2nd March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry Quyney | 16th April | |
Alice | daughter of | William Masters | 15th June | |
Nicholas twin | son of | John Atkyns | 4th August | |
John twin | son of | John Atkyns | 4th August | (This Is a joint entry) |
Nicholas | son of | Richard Wilkyns | 20th August | |
Joan | daughter of | John Clever | 7th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John Masters | 8th October | |
Lucas | son of | Richard Shaw | 28th October | |
Margaret | daughter of | John Chapleyne | 31st December | |
1562 BAPTIZATI | ||||
Richard | son of | Edward Masters | 12th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry Good | 12th February | |
Mary | daughter of | John Roberdes | 14th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward Thornicraft | 22nd February | |
Joan | Modeman | 25th February | ||
Thomas | son of | Thomas Denys | 17th March | |
Robert | son of | William Quyney | 6th April | |
William | son of | Henry Good | 6th April | |
Thomas | son of | William Eyles | 25th April | |
Bridget | daughter of | Edward Modeman | 10th July | |
Robert | son of | Richard Masters | 30th July | |
Edward | son of | Richard Masters | 10th October | |
John | son of | Richard Chiles | 1st October | |
John | son of | Nicholas Shewels | 17th November | |
William (?) | son of | Henry Quyney | 19th November | |
1563 BAPTIZATI | ||||
Nicholas | son of | John Bottrell | 4th March | |
John | son of | Richard Sawnders | 5th May | |
Edward | son of | John Atkyns | 19th May | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Wilkyns | 27th June | |
Margaret | daughter of | Edward Modeman | 1st July | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Eyles | 30th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Clerk | 25th September | |
John | son of | William Quyney | 29th September | |
Joan Masters | son of | John Masters | 1st October | |
Joan | daughter of | John Clever | 6th October | |
John | son of | John Webbe | 13th November | |
Richard | son of | Thomas Good | 1st December | |
Richard | son of | William Lette | 19th December | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Roberdes | 21st December | |
1564 BAPTIZATI | ||||
John | son of | William Brawnston | 10th February | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Denye | 16th January | |
John | son of | Thomas Curtisse | 26th February | |
Thomas | son of | Henry Quyney | 26th April | |
Richard | son of | Richard Chiles | 4th June | |
Catherine | daughter of | Richard Good | 24th August | |
Edward | son of | Thomas Eyles | 30th August | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Masters | 10th September | |
Michael | son of | Richard Wilkyns | 29th September | |
Alice | daughter of | Richard Masters | 1st November | |
Isabell | daughter of | Edward Modeman | 27th November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Wilkyns | 27th November | |
Andrew | son of | Edward Masters | 30th November | |
Robert | son of | John Clerk | 8th December | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Lee | 17th December | |
1565 BAPTIZATI | ||||
John | son of | William Waters | 5th February | |
Catherine | daughter of | John Roberds | 4th February | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Hunter | 24th February | |
John | son of | John Clever | 19th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Webbe | 29th March | |
Catherine | daughter of | Edward Thornicraft | 24th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry Good | 9th June | |
Edward | son of | William Lette | 11th June | |
Edward | son of | John Masters | 21st September | |
John | son of | Richard Chiles | 1st October | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Chiles | 1st October | (This is a double entry) |
Thomas | son of | John Bottrell | 9th October | |
Emma | daughter of | William Quyney | 25th November | |
Margaret | daughter of | Richard Sawnders | 25th December | |
1566 Baptizati | ||||
Mary | daughter of | Edward Thruston | 6th May | |
Richard | son of | Thomas Eyles | 11th March | |
William | son of | Edward Modeman | 2nd April | |
Robert | son of | Robert Priest | 3rd May | |
Isabella | daughter of | John Atkins | 23rd May | |
Thomas | son of | William Brawnston | 31st May | |
Richard | son of | Henry Quyney | 28th July | |
Richard | son of | Richard Lee | 16th September | |
Emma | daughter of | Thomas Good | 21st September | |
Emma | daughter of | Richard Wilkyns | 2nd December | |
Richard | son of | John Clever | 7th December | |
Edward | son of | Richard Good | 21st December | |
1567 Baptizati | ||||
Joan | daughter of | Thomas Wilkyns | 12th January | |
Thomas | son of | John Webbe | 25th January | |
Christiana | daughter of | Edward Masters | 12th February | |
Edward | son of | Thomas Shawe | 4th March | |
Thomas | son of | William Lette | 12th March | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas Curtisse | 16th May | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Chiles | 24th May | |
John | son of | Thomas Eyles | 22nd June | |
William | son of | William Brawnston | 24th August | |
Edward | son of | John Bottrell | 8th October | |
William | son of | William Quyny | 20th October | |
John | son of | Edward Modeman | 30th November | |
1568 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | John Clerk | 18th February | |
Bridget | daughter of | Richard Wilkyns | 24th April | |
Catherine | daughter of | Richard Sawnders | 2nd May | |
Boteridge | daughter of | Richard Lee | 16th May | |
Solomon | Clark alias Pathandes | 16th May | ||
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Milner | 10th June | |
Richard | son of | Henry Good | 15th August | |
William | son of | Thomas Denye | 5th September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Shawe | 12th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John Atkyns | 12th November | |
Richard | son of | John Webbe | 1st December | |
1569 Baptizati | ||||
Margaret | daughter of | Henry Quyney | 2nd February | |
Joan | daughter of | Richard Masters | 20th April | |
Richard | son of | Richard Chiles | 3rd July | |
Alice | daughter of | William Brawnston | 2nd October | |
Isabella | daughter of | Thomas Eyles | 20th November | |
Margaret | daughter of | Thomas Eyles | 20th November | (This is a joint entry) |
John | son of | Thomas Bedle | 5th December | |
Richard | son of | John Botrell | 16th December | |
1570 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | Richard Lee | 19th February | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard Wilkyns | 17th March | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Good | 13th August | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Shawe | 8th October | |
1571 Baptizati | ||||
William | son of | John Webb | 20th January | |
Henry | Wale | 8th March | ||
Isabella | Wale | 8th March | (This is a double entry) | |
Bridget | daughter of | John Eyles | 27th March | |
Nicholas | son of | Robert Butler | 8th April | |
Anne | daughter of | John Clerke | 14th June | |
Edward | son of | Henry Quyney | 16th August | |
John | son of | John Masters | 19th August | |
Edward | son of | Thomas Wilkyns | 16th September | |
Isabel | daughter of | Richard Keene | 3rd October | |
Alice | daughter of | William Quyney | 18th November | |
Catherine | daughter of | Richard Atkyns | 30th November | |
1572 Baptizati | ||||
Henry | son of | Thomas Eyles | 6th February | |
John | son of | Richard Lee | 9th May | |
Nicholas | son of | Alexander Wale | 10th April | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Shenston | 10th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard Sawnders | 23rd May | |
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Curtisse | 1st June | |
Isabel | daughter of | Richard Wilkyns | 15th June | |
John | son of | Henry Modeman | 28th June | |
Agnes | daughter of | Henry Masters | 27th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward Modeman | 7th August | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Shawe | 17th August | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry Good | 17th August | |
Nicholas | son of | ffrancis Gelly | 13th September | |
1573 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | Robert Butler | 8th February | |
Edward | son of | John Webbe | 3rd April | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Shenston | 10th July | |
John | son of | Richard Shenston | 10th July | (This is a joint entry) |
William | son of | Richard Keen | 16h July | |
John | son of | Richard Keen | 16h July | (This is a joint entry) |
Agnes | daughter of | John Hickman | 30th August | |
Thomas | son of | William Quyney | 20th September | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Lette | 21st September | |
1574 Baptizati | ||||
Bridget | daughter of | Henry Quiney | 17th January | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Sawnders | 15th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Chawndler | 19th March | |
Isabel | daughter of | Richard Lee | 2nd April | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas Eyles | 29th April | |
Thomas | son of | Robert Butler | 30th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry Masters | 30th May | |
Mary | daughter of | John Clerk | 1st June | |
Isabel | daughter of | John Dunnam | 16th June | |
Joan | daughter of | Thomas Wilkyns | 8th September | |
1575 Baptizati | ||||
Bridget | daughter of | Richard Keene | 21st January | |
Nicholas | son of | Henry Aloridge | 11th February | |
Bridget | daugher of | Richard Shenston | 27th February | |
Agnes | daughter of | Henry Modeman | 15th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | ffrancis Gelly | 29th May | |
Anna | daughter of | Richard Lee | 12th June | |
Helen | daughter of | Thomas Shawe | 15th June | |
John | son of | Richard Lette | 21st June | |
Alice | daughter of | William Eyles | 9th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Roberde | 10th August | |
Alice | daughter of | John Dunam | 25th September | |
John | son of | Thomas Clever | 19th September | |
Nicholas | son of | John Webbe | 2nd December | |
Richard | son of | Richard Sawnders | 11th December | |
1576 Baptizati | ||||
Emma | daughter of | Richard Atkyns | 21st January | |
Alice | daughter of | Henry Masters | 18th March | |
Alice | daughter of | Henry Quiney | 29th April | |
Joan | daughter of | William Thornicraft | 9th May | |
Alice | daughter of | ffrancis Gelly | 15th June | |
Catherine | daughter of | Richard Lette | 22nd August | |
Elenora | daughter of | John Hickman | 21st October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Blower | 23rd December | |
1577 Baptizati | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 5th January | |
Robert | son of | Richard Lee | 10th February | |
John | son of | Richard Aloridge | 10th February | |
Richard | son of | John Dunam | 10th April | |
Edward | son of | Richard Shenston | 22nd May | |
Edward | son of | Richard Wilkyns | 22nd May | |
Edward | son of | Richard Keene | 4th September | |
Henry | son of | Thomas Shawe | 13th October | |
Thomas | son of | William Thornicraft | 8th November | |
1578 Baptizati | ||||
Robert | son of | John Webbe | 9th February | |
Joan | daughter of | John Clarke | 20th February | |
Joan | daughter of | Richard Sawnders | 21st March | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Sawnders | 21st March | (This is a joint entry) |
John | son of | Richard Blower | 11th April | |
Agnes | daughter of | John Rylie | 20th May | |
Agnes | daughter of | Henry Tomkyns | 31st May | |
John | son of | John Roberdes | 3rd August | |
Isabel | daughter of | Thomas Chiles | 26th October | |
Nicholas | son of | Henry Masters | 2nd November | |
1579 Baptizati | ||||
Isabel | daughter of | Richard Lette | 6th January | |
Joan | daughter of | Richard Lee | 7th January | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Crosse | 27th February | |
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Curtisse | 7th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Shenston | 25th May | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Clever | 29th July | |
Henry | son of | William Eyles | 9th August | |
Nicholas | son of | Henry Modiman | 16th August | |
Richard | son of | John Roberde | 6th November | |
Margaret | daughter of | Thomas Shawe | 30th November | |
John | son of | John Clark | 20th December | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard Blower | 21st December | |
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Wilkyns | 10th December | |
1580 Baptizati | ||||
Robert | son of | George Greene | 30th January | |
Alice | daughter of | William Chapma' | 2nd March | |
Alice | daughter of | Richard Keene | 3rd March | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Curtisse | 9th March | |
Robert | son of | John ffosse | 2nd April | |
Martin | son of | Thomas Crosse | 27th May | |
Henry | son of | John Webbe | 5th June | |
Joan | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 29th July | |
Emma | daughter of | Henry Tomkyns | 11th September | |
Alice | daughter of | Robert Evans | 13th October | |
Alice | daughter of | John Masters | 9th November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Good | No date but entered after 9th November 1580 and before 5th January 1581) | |
1581 Baptizati | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Lette | 5th January | |
Richard | son of | Henry Masters | 22nd January | |
Robert | son of | Thomas Shaw | 17th January | |
Richard | son of | Henry Bett | 16th February | |
Richard | son of | Richard Shenston | 26th February | |
Agnes | daughter of | William Thornicraft | 30th March | |
John | son of | William Eyles | 27th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Good | 20th September | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas Chiles | 24th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Good | 19th September | |
John | son of | Thomas Hill | 1st October | |
Bridget | daughter of | ffrancis Gelly | 5th November | |
1582 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | Richard Blower | 28th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry Tomkyns | 2nd February | |
Nicholas | son of | John Masters | 4th February | |
William | son of | Richard Keene | 20th February | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Roberdes | 22nd February | |
Thomas | son of | Henry Modiman | 12th April | |
Isabel | daughter of | Thomas Sawnders | 22nd May | |
Joan | daughter of | Thomas Curtisse | 15th July | |
John | son of | William Tomson | 20th July | |
Ursula | daughter of | John Lette | 25th August | |
Anne | daughter of | Richard Sawnders | 24th August | |
Richard | son of | Thomas Crosse | 24th September | |
Nicholas | son of | John Holme | 7th October | |
Richard | son of | John ffosse | 28th October | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Masters | 20th November | |
1583 Baptizati | ||||
Mary | daughter of | John Webbe | 3rd February | |
Joan | daughter of | John Masters | 13th February | |
William | son of | Richard Lette | 15th February | |
William | son of | William Thornicroft | 15th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | George Greene | 17th March | |
Bridget | daughter of | William Eyles | 26th May | |
John | son of | Thomas Shaw | 4th July | |
Joan | daughter of | Richard Blower | 8th October | |
Anne | daughter of | William Tomson | 25th December | |
Alice | daughter of | George Gowlbie | 9th December | |
Henry | son of | John Good | 3rd December | |
1584 Baptizati | ||||
John | son of | Richard Modiman | 4th January | |
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Chiles | 31st January | |
Mary | daughter of | ffrancis Gelly | 31st January | |
Henry | son of | Henry Modyma' | 8th May | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard Masters | 17th May | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas Wilkyns | 17th March | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry Masters | 22nd March | |
John | son of | Richard Sawnders | 17th April | |
Thomas | son of | Richard Roberdes | 17th April | |
Olive | daughter of | Richard Shenstone | 4th May | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas Crosse | 7th August | |
William | son of | John Masters | 24th September | |
John | son of | John Lette | 18th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William Thornicroft | 1st November | |
Richard | son of | William Masters | 2nd December | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Keene | 31st December | |
1585 Baptizati | ||||
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 12th February | |
Richard | son of | Henry Good | 8th July | |
Emma | daughter of | Henry Good | 8th July | (This is a joint entry which reads Richard & Emma good liberi Henry Good) |
Mary | daughter of | Henry Modyman | 4th July | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Lette | 16th July | |
Mary | daughter of | William Tomson | 22nd August | |
Robert | son of | Robert Barrington | 28th September | |
John | son of | ffrancis Gellye | 24th November | |
Richard | son of | Richard Blower | 12th December | |
Alice | daughter of | William Masters | 19th December | |
1586 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | Thomas Shaw | 16th April | |
Richard | son of | Thomas Sawnders | 8th May | |
1587 Baptizati | ||||
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Crosse | no date | |
Joan | daughter of | Thomas Chiles | no date | |
John | son of | Richard Roberdes | no date | |
Richard | son of | William Thornicraft | no date | |
Alice | daughter of | William Masters | no date | |
John | son of | Richard Sawnders | 10th February | |
Agnes | daughter of | John White | 20th February | |
Mary | daughter of | John White | 20th February | (This is a joint entry) |
Edward | son of | Henry Modyman | 3rd March | |
William | son of | John Masters | 7th May | |
Anthony | son of | Henry Bowker | 17th October | |
1588 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | William Chiles | 6th May | |
Agnes | daughter of | William Masters | 8th September | |
William | son of | Thomas Crosse | 20th October | |
John Growbie | son of | William Growbie | 10th February | |
1589 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | William Chiles | 6th April | |
Millecent | daughter of | Thomas Shaw | 6th April | |
Agnes | daughter of | Nicholas Good | 1st May | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry Good | 6th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry Bowker | 30th August | |
Millecent | daughter of | Robert Clark | 12th February | |
1590 Baptizati | ||||
Robert | son of | John Sherod | 6th June | |
Thomas | son of | Robert Clark | 23rd February | |
Nicholas | son of | Henry Wilkyns | 6th March | |
1591 Baptizati | ||||
Nicholas | son of | Nicholas Good | 28th October | |
Henry | son of | John Good | 31st October | |
1592 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | John Sherod | 30th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Robert Clark | 14th May | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Shawe | 7th September | |
1593 Baptizati | ||||
Richard Saunders | son of | Alice Saunders | 12th March | |
Edward | son of | John Good | 14th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Sherod | 16th March | |
Richard | son of | Richard Hill | 30th March | |
Millicent | daughter of | John Sherod | 14th July | (This entry crossed out and entered in '94) |
John | son of | Robert Clerke | 14th May | |
1594 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | Richard Homes | 11th March | |
Edward | son of | John Good | 13th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Sherod | 15th March | |
Richard | son of | Peter Hill | 21st March | |
Millicent | daughter of | John Sherod | 14th July | |
1595 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | Henry Wilkyns | 6th April | |
Anna | daughter of | Thomas Shawe | 11th May | |
Isabell | daughter of | Thomas Good | 6th July | |
Mary | daughter of | George Tailor | 31st August | |
Margery | daughter of | John White | 25th November | |
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Tomkyns | 14th December | |
Alice | daughter of | Richard Clarke | 29th December | |
Catherine | daughter of | William Masters | 15th February | |
Isabel | daughter of | Richard Homes | 21st March | |
1596 Baptizati | ||||
Ursula | daughter of | Nicholas Good | 12th September | |
John | son of | William Hodges | 18th September | |
Anna | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 5th December | |
1596/97 Baptizati | ||||
Edward | son of | John Sherod | 24th January | |
William | son of | John Good | 9th February | |
1597 Baptizati | ||||
Henry | son of | George Taylor | 15th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Shawe | 15th April | |
Agnes | daughter of | Edward Basely | 26th June | |
Ursula | daughter of | Henry Good | 6th July | |
Millecent | daughter of | William Hutchins | 15th September | |
Robert | son of | John Webbe | 11th December | |
Nicholas | son of | John White | 16th December | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Tomkyns | 17th November | |
1597/98 Baptizati | ||||
William | son of | William Masters | 2nd February | |
Anna | daughter of | Thomas Sherod | 29th January | |
Agnes | daughter of | John Curtisse | 15th March | |
1598 Baptizati | ||||
Nicholas | son of | Thomas Lette | 21st May | |
Henry | son of | Thomas Good | 20th August | |
Hugh | son of | Thomas Shaw | 17th November | |
Millicent | daughter of | Edward Hurst | 15th December | |
1598/99 Baptizati | ||||
Agnes | daughter of | Richard Holmes | 1st January | |
Leonard | son of | John Shawe | 30th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 18th February | |
Mary | daughter of | Edward Masters | 4th March | |
1599 Baptizati | ||||
William | son of | Nicholas Good | 17th January | |
ffriscoide | daughter of | Robert Clarke | 1st July | |
Nathaniel | son of | Wulcott Bucknell | 8th July | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Hicklye | 15th July | |
Henry | son of | Henry Good | 5th August | |
Thomas | son of | George Tailer | 26th October | |
Henry | son of | William Masters | 1st November | |
Alice | daughter of | John Curtisse | 14th November | |
Richard | son of | John White | 30th November | |
1599/1600 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | William Basset | 4th January | |
John | son of | William Basset | 4th January | (This is a joint entry) |
1600 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | Richard Graunt | 30th March | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Sherod | 6th April | |
Mary | daughter of | John Webbe | 1st July | |
John | son of | Thomas Arnall | 13th July | |
William | son of | Thomas Sawnders | 3rd August | |
Mary | daughter of | Robert Barrington | 28th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John Wilcox | 6th October | |
William Clark | son of | Robert Clark | 12th October | |
1600/01 Baptizati | ||||
Agnes | daughter of | Thomas Good | 22nd February | |
Nicholas | son of | John Sherod | 24th February | |
John | son of | Edward Masters | 8th March | |
1601 Baptizati | ||||
Edward | son of | Nicholas Masters | 1st May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Homes | 6th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Curtisse | 21st August | |
Rebecca | daughter of | Walcott Bucknell | 27th September | |
Sarah | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 18th October | |
Edward | son of | Henry Good | 6th December | |
1601/02 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | Robert Shawe | 24th January | |
1602 Baptizati | ||||
William | son of | Thomas Masters | 23rd May | |
Anna | daughter of | Agnes Curtisse | 21st May | |
Robert | son of | John White | 23rd June | |
John | son of | Richard Puller | 24th June | |
Matthew | son of | Thomas Arnall | 30th June | |
Agnes | daughter of | Edward Wilkyns | 20th November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William Masters | 21st November | |
1602/03 Baptizati | ||||
Alice | daughter of | Nicholas Masters | 23rd January | |
1603 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | John Curtisse haltz? | 25th February | |
Ifaur | son of | Wulcot Bucknell | 3rd April | |
Thomas | son of | John Cleaver de Hardwicke | 1st May | |
John | son of | John Webb junior | 15th May | |
Thomas | son of | John White fabri | 22nd May | |
Euseby | son of | Richard Homes | 22nd May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Clarke | 14th August | |
John | son of | John Sherod | 4th September | |
Anna | daughter of | Thomas Sherod | 11th September | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas Masters | 3rd September | |
Helen | daughter of | Samuel Hindes | 2nd October | |
Susan | daughter of | Thomas Cleaver | 13th November | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Radburne | 10th November | |
Anna | daughter of | Robert Shawe | 5th February | |
1604 Baptizati | ||||
Robert | son of | Henry Good | 9th April | |
Richard | son of | Michael Wilkyns | 5th August | |
John | son of | William Masters | 5th August | |
Margaret | daughter of | Nicholas Masters | 7th October | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Yarnall | 7th October | |
Mary | daughter of | John Curtis | 11th November | |
John | son of | Richard Roberts | 25th November | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Webb | 16th December | |
1604/05 Baptizati | ||||
Joan | daughter of | Robert Clerke | 7th January | |
Joseph | son of | Woolcott Bucknell | 2nd February | |
1605 Baptizati | ||||
Margery | daughter of | Richard Clerke | (no date but between 2nd February and 2nd June) | |
Alice | daughter of | John Masters | 2nd June | |
Richard | son of | Robert Shenston | 9th June | |
Joan | daughter of | John Webbe junior | 5th September | |
1605/06 Baptizati | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert Barrington | 6th February | |
Thomas | son of | Robert Hipwell | 27th February | |
Edward | son of | William Lawrence | 27th February | |
Joan | daughter of | John Sherod | 7th April | |
1606 Baptizati (These seem to be a bit out of order) | ||||
Mary | daughter of | Edward Wilkens de ye Lane anno predict | 1st June | |
Anna | daughter of | Edward Masters de the Berke | 14th December | |
Anna | daughter of | Michael Wilkins anno predict | 14th December | |
Emma | daughter of | Thomas Goode | 1st January | |
Richard | son of | Thomas Masters of Blackpit Lanne end | 8th February | |
Robert | son of | Robert Shenston anno predict | 31st January | |
Mary | daughter of | John Masters of the Roe anno predict | 1st March | |
Mary | daughter of | Robert Shawe of Nethercote | 1st May | |
Joan | daughter of | William Hutchins of Nethercote | 12th April | |
Susan | daughter of | John Sherod | 6th September | |
John | son of | Nicholas Masters | 24th September | |
Edward | son of | Thomas Anall anno predict | 14th October | |
Isabel | daughter of | Michael Wilkins anno predict | 14th December | |
Anna | daughter of | Edward Masters anno predict | 14th December | |
1606/07 Baptizati | ||||
Margery | daughter of | John Curtisse | 17th January | |
Ursula | daughter of | Thomas Clever | 22nd February | |
Thomas | son of | William Lee | 1st January | |
1607 Baptizati | ||||
Joan | daughter of | Samuel Hinde | 10th May | |
Joan | daughter of | Henry Webbe | 17th May | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Elizabeth Saunders of Salbridge | 29th June | |
Emma | daughter of | William & Elizabeth Saunders of Salbridge | 29th June | (This is a joint entry) |
Joan | daughter of | Richard & Ann Clarke of Salbridge | 5th July | |
Richard | son of | William & Alice Keene | 22nd November | |
1607/08 Baptizati | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Webbe junr | 1st February | |
Joan | daughter of | Thomas Webbe | 24th January | |
Anna | daughter of | Walcot Bucknall | 31st January | |
George | son of | George Taylor | 2nd February | |
John | son of | Thomas Thomkyns | 25th February | |
1608 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | Robert Hipwell | 8th May | |
Alice | daughter of | Elizabeth Wryght | 13th May | |
Sara | daughter of | Robert Webbe | 7th August | |
Richard | son of | Richard Roberts | 24th August | |
Mary | daughter of | William Lawrence | 14th August | |
Isabel | daughter of | John Sherod | 27th August | |
Katherine | daughter of | Henry Webb | 27th August | |
Robert | son of | William Lee | 6th November | |
Ursula | daughter of | Thomas Arnoll | 20th November | |
1608/09 Baptizati | ||||
John | son of | William Hutchins | 8th April | |
(An illegible entry is here) | ||||
1609 Baptizati | ||||
Mary | daughter of | Henry Goode junr | 9th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Nicholas Masters | 20th August | |
John | son of | John Masters | 26th August | |
Sarah | daughter of | Richard Clerke | 1st November | |
Agnes | daughter of | Robert Shenston | 19th November | |
1609/10 Baptizati | ||||
Robert | son of | Edward Wilkyns | 23rd March | |
1610 Baptizati | ||||
Richard | son of | Richard Webster | 11th August | |
William | son of | Richard Roberts | 20th May | |
Joan | daughter of | Robert Shawe | 30th June | |
Agnes | daughter of | Henry Goode junr | 22nd July | |
Henry | son of | Samuel Hynde | 26th August | |
Thomas | son of | William Dennye | 9th September | |
Richard | son of | John Webbe | 3rd November | |
Milicent | daughter of | Richard Clercke of Salbridge | 18th December | |
1610/11 Baptizati | ||||
Thomas | son of | John Sharrod bapt in Nether Shuckbrough | 12th January | |
Edward | son of | John Masters | 13th January | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Arnoll | 20th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William Whane | 20th January | |
Henry | son of | Robert Webb | 28th February | |
Edward | son of | William Keene | 24th March | |
1611 Baptizati | ||||
Abraham | son of | Robert Wolcote | 30h April | |
Henry | son of | Richard Webster anno predict | 2nd July | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Wilkyns | 23rd July | |
Millicent | daughter of | John Turner | 13th August | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Masters | 30th November | |
1611/12 Baptizati | ||||
Henry | son of | Henry Goode | 23rd February | |
1612 Baptizati | ||||
John | son of | Robert Hipwell | 19th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert Clerke | 13th April | |
Alice | daughter of | John Sharod | 27th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert Shawe | 24th September | |
Richard | son of | John Turner | 13th December | |
1612/13 Baptizati | ||||
Agnes | daughter of | Ambrose Halliwell | 1st January | |
Richard Saunders | son of | Thomas Saunders | 9th May | |
This is the last baptism before there are 2 missing pages in the register. | ||||
Baptisms 1620 | ||||
John | son of | Robert Sherod of Flecknoe | 24th September | |
Susan | daughter of | John Grooby | 14th September | |
Baptisms 1620/21 | ||||
Henry | son of | Richard Holmes | 13th January | |
Alice | daughter of | Lawrence (?) Boddell | 14th March | |
Thomas | son of | George Sherod of Nethercot | 24th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward Thornicroft | 18th March | |
Baptisms 1621 | ||||
William | son of | William Denny | 26th March | |
William | son of | Nicholas Maistors junr | 20th July | |
Phisworth (?) | daughter of | Robert Sharot of Nethercote | 22nd July | |
Anna | daughter of | Henry son of John Good | 28th August | |
Baptisms 1621/22 | ||||
Richard | son of | Richard Saunders | (no date) January | |
Dorothy | daughter of | John & Lucy Muddiman of Flecknoe | 24th February | |
Margaret | daughter of | John & Margaret Masters | 23rd March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Jenkins anno predict | 19th April | |
Baptisms 1622 | ||||
Thomas | son of | Thomas Masters | 12th May | |
Deborah | daughter of | Richard Masters | 26th May | |
Baruth (?) | son of | Job Baselie | 2nd June | |
Edward | son of | Robert Sherod | 24th June | |
John | son of | John Vicar | 20th August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry Goode | 25th August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Groobie | 1st September | |
Ursula | daughter of | Nicholas Good | 1st September | |
Mary | daughter of | Nicholas Butler | 22nd September | |
John | son of | Thomas Saunders | 1st November | |
Deborah | daughter of | Henry Lowke | 3rd November | |
Walter | son of | Walter Watson | 7th November | |
Anna | daughter of | Robert Clever of Salbridge | 24th November | |
Richard | son of | Richard Shenston of Flecknoe | 27th December | |
Baptisms 1622/23 | ||||
John | son of | Thomas Crosse of Salbridge | 4th February | |
William | son of | Richard Hunt | 13th March | |
Baptisms 1623 | ||||
Mary | daughter of | Nicholas (junr) & Mary Masters of Flecknoe | 6th April | |
John | son of | John & Alice Watson of Salbridge | 13th April | |
Anna | daughter of | John & Ann Wotton of Flecknoe ? | 10th November | |
Richard | son of | Henry & Alice Good | 20th November | |
Luce | daughter of | John & Lucy Muddeman of Flecknoe | 7th December | |
Nicholas | son of | Robert & Joyce Sherrod | 25th December | |
Baptisms 1623/24 | ||||
Katherine | daughter of | Richd & Mary Saunder of Salb' | 24th January | |
William | son of | Richd & Dorothy Childs of Salb' | 1st March | |
Thomas | son of | Lawrence & Eliz Bidle of Salb' | 4th March | |
Baptisms 1624 | ||||
Robert | son of | Thomas Curtise | 4th April | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Katherine Smith | 23rd May | |
Richard | son of | George Cosford | 30th May | |
Alice | daughter of | Nicholas (junr) & Mary Masters | 26th September | |
Henry | son of | Nicholas & Elizabeth Goode | 3rd October | |
Anna | daughter of | Nicholas Butlar junior | 14th December | |
Priscilla | daughter of | Thomas & Grace Sander | 26th December | |
Baptisms 1624/25 | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry (junr) & Alice Goode | 30th January | |
John | son of | Thomas Arnold junior | 18th February | |
Henry | son of | Henry & Katherine Louke | 20th February | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Joyce Sherwod | 3rd March | |
Baptisms 1625 | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Frances Puller | 27th March | |
Alice | daughter of | Richard & Ursula Shenston | 8th May | |
Ellenora | daughter of | Richard & Mary Sander | 15th May | |
Anne | daughter of | Richard (crossed out) Humphrey & Eliz Keene? | 15th May | |
Alice | daughter of | Robert & Alice Cleaver | May | |
Edward | son of | Thomas Muddiman | 5th June | |
Henry | son of | John & Alice Vicars | 19th June | |
Rebecca | daughter of | William & Catherine Smith | 24th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry & Margaret Tomkins | 5th July | |
Ursula | daughter of | John & Joyce Sherod | 21st August | |
Isabel | daughter of | Thomas Rolewright | 8th October | |
Alice | daughter of | John & Elizabeth Crosse | 5th November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth Groobie | 7th September | |
Baptisms 1625/26 | ||||
Richard | son of | Francis Tredwel | 18th January | |
Bernard | son of | Richard Childes | 12th February | |
Baptisms 1626 | ||||
John | son of | Henry & Alice Goode | 16th April | |
William | son of | Robert & Sarah Watson | 24th June | |
Nicholas | son of | William & Dorothy Smith | 23rd July | |
William | son of | John & Alice Watson | 25th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Mr Richard Crosse | 3rd December | Vicar of Wolfamcot and Alice his wife |
Baptisms 1626/27 | ||||
William | son of | John & Lucie Simons | 24th February | |
Geoffrey | son of | John & Sarah Smith | 21st January | |
John | son of | Nicholas & Helen Butlar | 8th March | |
Margery | daughter of | Lawrence & Anna Bidle | 23rd March | |
Baptisms 1627 | ||||
William | son of | Thomas Muddiman | 15th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Rolewright | 19th April | |
Thomas | son of | Joan Shease | 1st May | |
Edward | son of | Richard & Ursula Shenston | 7th June | |
William | son of | William Tustian | 2nd September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth Graunt | 6th September | |
Robert | son of | Robert Watson | 16th September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Nicholas Goode | 27th November | |
Henry | son of | Henry Eyles | 25th November | |
Thomas | son of | William & Dorothy Smith | 16th December | |
Agnes | daughter of | John & Elizabeth Grobie | 23rd December | |
Baptisms 1627/28 | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Hindes | 27th January | |
Nicholas | son of | Nicholas Masters | 22nd February | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas Crosse | 2nd March | |
Agnes | daughter of | John Puller | 2nd May | |
Baptisms 1628 | ||||
Mary | daughter of | John & Joyce Sherod | 30th March | |
Ursula | daughter of | Robert & Joyce Sherod | 10th April | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Childes | 27th July | |
William | son of | Henry & Catherine Loucke | 3rd August | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas Curtise | 2nd November | |
Alice | daughter of | Henry Goode | 9th December | |
Baptisms 1628/29 | ||||
John | son of | John Grooby | 1st February | |
Baptisms 1629 | ||||
Ursula | daughter of | Nicholas & Elizabeth Goode | 24th June | |
Thomas | son of | John & Alice Arnall | 2nd August | |
Emma | daughter of | Matthew Bucknell | 27th September | |
William | son of | Thomas & Liddia Chiles | 4th October | |
George | son of | William Smith | 8th November | |
Henry | son of | Robert & Margaret Goode | 29th November | |
John | son of | Thomas Muddeman | 6th December | |
Baruck | son of | William & Alice Tustian | 17th January | |
Baptisms 1629/30 | ||||
Thomas | son of | Richard Coxe | 21st February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas Crosse | 14th March | |
Nathanial | son of | Nathaniel Bucknoll | 14th March | |
Agnes | daughter of | Robert Sherod | 21st March | |
1630 Baptisms | ||||
Mabel | daughter of | Radolph Couper | 29th March | |
William | son of | Richard Shenston junior | 9 May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Lawrence Bidle | 25th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John Basely | 26th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard Yardly | 27th June | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Mary Shenston | 11th July | |
John | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth Clarke | 25th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard Goode | 29th August | |
Anna | daughter of | John Times | 26th September | |
John | son of | John & Mabel Webbe | 3rd October | |
Friswidda (?) | daughter of | John & Frances Puller | 20th December | |
1630/31 Baptisms | ||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Alice Cleaver | 6th March | |
Nicholas | son of | John & Joyce Masters | 8th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Nicholas & Mary Masters | 8th March | |
1631 Baptisms | ||||
John | son of | William & Alice Tustian | 27th March | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Margery Goode | 25th May | |
Anna | daughter of | Thomas & Isabel White | 25th May | |
Joan | daughter of | William Smith | 29th May | |
William | son of | Henry Goode | 2nd October | |
Rebecca | daughter of | Joseph Bucknall | 2nd October | |
Thomas | son of | Matthew & Elizabeth Arnall | 29th October | |
Richard | son of | Thomas Curtise | 20th November | |
Mary | daughter of | Nicholas Goode | 7th December | |
Richard | son of | Richard Cox | 27th November | |
1631/32 Baptisms | ||||
Richard | son of | Robert Sherod | 8th January | |
William | son of | Richard & Agnes Goode | 29th January | |
Dorothy | daughter of | John Grooby | 4th March | |
Ursula | daughter of | John Arnall | 20th March | |
1632 Baptisms | ||||
Susan | daughter of | Thomas Crosse | 2nd April | |
Alice | daughter of | Richard & Rebecca Wilkins | 29th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard Shenston | 22nd July | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth Masters | 18th November | |
Joan | daughter of | William & Anna Clarke | 2nd December | |
1632/33 Baptisms | ||||
Mary | daughter of | John Simons | 10th February | |
John | son of | Lawrence Bidle | 17th February | |
John | son of | Thomas Chiles | 24th February | |
Sarah | daughter of | Thomas Graunt | 24th March |
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Revised: 22 April 2007
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