Wolfhampcote, St Peter's
Baptisms from 1659 to 1687

ëWarwick Info

If you find something of interest, you are strongly advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.
Thanks to Sheila Steane for transcribing and providing this data

                    Surname Listing:

Alsopp, Arnol, Arnold, Arnole, Arnoll, Basely, Benyon, Boucknill, Brainston, Bucknill, Bucknol, Butler, Chambers, Chiles, Chilles, Clarke, Cleark, Cleaver, Clerke, Clever, Cross, Crosse, Curtis, Curtisse, Denny, Dinney, Dinny, Dinnye, Eales, Edwards, Enfield, Ernold, Garret, Gennings, Good, Goode, Goud, Grafts, Grant, Green, Grub, Grubb, Hakesly, Heatly, Hickman, Holmes, Homes, Jennings, Line, Louke, Lyne, Lynes, Marshall, Masters, Maters, Poells, Quinney, Quinny, Radburn, Rawbone, Sallock, Sallogue, Sanders, Sargeon, Scotton, Shakespeare, Sharman, Shaw, Shawe, Shazman, Shenston, Smith, Sutton, Truslar, Truslove, Tustian, Vale, Wale, Watson, Webb, Weetly, Whit, Whitaker, White, Williams, Wodhams, Worrall, Wright.

Name   Father Date Notes
1658/59 BAPTISMS
Edwardson ofHenry & Joane Goode19th FebruaryYear to be checked
Richardson of(no given name) Marshall widow4th February 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn Ernold17th JuneYear to be checked
Thomasson ofJohn & Mary Cleaver17th June 
Bridgetdaughter ofHenry & Mary Dinnyborn 1stNovember
Williamson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Tustianborn 23rd Aprilbapt 26th April
Josephson ofThomas & Alles Boucknillbapt 25th September 
Thomasson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Grant11th  (month not given but entry between 25th September and 21st November)
Debradaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth White21st November 
Johnson ofJohn Clever22nd December 
Thomasson ofThomas & Elizabeth Whit29th September 
Millysentdaughter ofRobert Curtis14th January 
Thomasson ofThomas & Elizabeth Sandersborn(?) 1st November 
Samuelson ofHenry Goodborn 26th SeptemberBirth
Williamson ofWilliam Mastersborn 13th NovemberBirth
Robertson ofHenry Goudborn 27th SeptemberBirth
Josephson ofWilliam Holmesborn 16th January 
Thomasson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Tustianborn 4th Januarybapt 31st January
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam Chilesbapt 5th June 
Williamson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Chiles18th December 
Marydaughter ofThomas & Alles Bucknill3rd December 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Arnol1st January 
Williamson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Grant12th August 
Richardson ofJohn Clever22nd April 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Elizabeth Goodeborn 11th JanuaryBirth
Sarydaughter ofThomas & Ann Sanders7th  (no month given but entry between 11th January and 10th July)
Susandaughter ofHenry & Mary Denny10th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & Ann Arnoldborn 19th FebruaryBirth
Johnson ofWilliam Homes4th August 
Richardson ofEdward & Alice Shenstonborn 24th MarchBirth
Johnson ofEdward Shenstonborn 18th November1658 - Transcribers note - there appear to be 2 entries erased and substitited by this and the following entry, possibly from the same family
Anndaughter ofEdward Shenstonborn320th October1656 See above note
Robertson ofRobert Curtis (of ?) Salbridge1st August 
Davidson ofWilliam Chilles2nd June 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard Weetly14th April 
Johnson ofGrase Bucknol6th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard Marshall29th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Elizabeth Louke22nd August 
Rebeccadaughter ofJohn & Mary Clever24th February 
Thomasson ofThomas & Elizabeth Cleark15th November 
Thomasson ofThomas Bucknill19th June 
Jonedaughter ofJohn & Ann Arnole21st April 
Anndaughter ofWilliam & Elizabeth Tustian11th March 
Anndaughter ofJohn & Mary Cleaver9th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Sarah Shaweborn 9th AprilBirth
Thomasson ofRobert & Elizabeth Crossborn 25th MarchBirth
1673 BAPTISMS (this entry appears to be out of order)
Sarahdaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Shenstonborn 3rd December 1673bapt 30th Dec 1673.
Williamson ofWilliam & Jane Sargeon25th May 
Johnson ofElizabeth Sutton25th May 
Robertson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Grant24th July 
Johnson ofThomas & Elizabeth Sanders28th December 
Williamson ofThomas & Elizabeth Sanders28th December(this is a joint entry)
1666/67 BAPTISMS
Williamson ofWilliam & Mary Holmes    
Thomasson ofHenry & Ann Dinney24th May 
Anndaughter ofHenry & Juday Goodeborn 7th April 
Anndaughter ofRobert & Joane Curtisse5th September 
Anndaughter ofJohn & Joane Arnold4th October 
Andrewson ofThomas Clerke junr & Elizabeth Clerke29th October 
Edwardson ofEdward Shazman16th November 
Johnson ofThomas & Millicent Curtisse17th November 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & Sarah Wale10th December 
1667/68 BAPTISMS
Loueson ofThomas & Ales Bucknill19th January 
Hannahdaughter ofRichard & Sarah Marshall17th March 
Johnson ofThomas & Elizabeth Sanders12th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & Elizabeth Tustian21st May 
Emmadaughter ofWilliam & Mary Holmes8th May 
Joandaughter ofHenry & Jeeff Good10th December 
Johnson ofJohn & Ann Webb10th December 
Koriah(?)daughter ofJohn & Joan Ernold1st December 
Hannahdaughter ofJohn Grafts31st December 
Anndaughter ofHenry & Elizabeth Sallogue30th September 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Shawe4th September 
Thomasson ofWilliam & Mary Holmes18th September 
1669/70 BAPTISMS
Henryson ofHenry & Judith Goodeborn 31st January 
Ann Phyllisdaughter ofEuseby & Ann Phylis Holmes7th May 
Williamson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Smith31st March 
(Elizabeth crossed out) Margaretdaughter ofWilliam Tustian28th April 
Johnson ofWilliam Grant2nd June 
Williamson ofJohn & Sarah Wale9th June 
Edwardson ofJohn & Mary Mastersborn 18th Julybapt 1st September
Newportson ofThomas & Elizabeth Jennings26th August 
Richardson ofRichard & Sarah Dinnye24th June(This entry was originally written as son of Richard Shenston, Shenston crossed out and Dinney added with a date of 4th August, the whole lot crossed out and entered as above)
1670/71 BAPTISMS
Johnson ofJohn & Ann Whitaker1st January 
Richardson ofRichard Grant19th January 
1671 BAPTISMS (Many illegible)
Emmadaughter ofWilliam & Mary Holmes12th April 
Thomasson ofRobert & Joan Curtisse14th April 
(illegible)son ofFrancis & Alice (illegible)25th August 
Williamson ofEdward & (illegible) Rawbone25th August 
(illegible) Smithdaughter ofWilliam and (no given name) Smith31st August 
(illegible)son ofJoseph & Elinor Sutton29th September 
(illegible)daughter ofEdward & Elizabeth Masters30th November 
(illegible)daughter ofRobert Crosse of Sawbridge(illegible date) January 
Hannahdaughter ofWilliam Tustian17th March 
Williamson ofRobert Clerke31st April 
Johnson ofJohn & Sarah Waleborn 6th May1672 bapt 4th June
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Jennings29th August 
Anndaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Shaw2nd October 
Jobson ofWilliam Grant27th October 
1672/73 BAPTISMS
Henryson ofNicholas & Mary Goode20th February 
Thomasson ofJohn junr & Elizabeth Ernold10th March 
Marydaughter ofJohn & Mary Maters13th March 
Thomasson ofThomas & Elizabeth Shawe9th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofJoseph & Ellinor Sutton4th August 
Marydaughter ofAnn Sutton17th October 
Johnson ofJohn & Joyce Ernold12th November 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & Elizabeth Cleark27th November 
Alicedaughter ofFrancis & Alice Lyne1st December 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Sanders13th January 
Ursuladaughter ofJohn & Isabel Alsoppborn 1st MayBirth
Josephson ofWilliam Grant27th October 
Anndaughter ofThomas Quinny2nd November 
Elizabethdaughter ofNicholas & Mary Masters6th November 
Joanedaughter ofWilliam Smith22nd December 
Richardson ofThomas & Eliz Shaw of Nethercote10th October 
Sarahdaughter ofSamuel & Elizabeth Green25th August 
1677/78 BIRTH (appears to be out of order)
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Shawborn 1st April 
1674/75 BAPTISMS
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & Sarah Vale1st January 
Nicholasson ofNicholas & Mary Goodelast day of February 
Barnetson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Chiles1st June 
Marydaughter ofRobert & Joan Curtis29th June 
Ursuladaughter ofThomas & Mary Arnold1st July 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & Joan Chambers22nd August 
Johnson ofJohn & Elizabeth Masters29th October 
Richard(?)son ofThomas & Elizabeth Shaw31st October 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & Elizabeth Grant31st December 
1675/76 BAPTISMS
Thomas Clarkeson of(parents name illegible) (Clarke)17th January 
Alicedaughter ofEdward Masters13th February 
Anndaughter ofNicholas & Mary Masters27th March 
Williamson ofHenry & Ann Worrall21st May 
Francisson ofFrancis & Alice Lynes12th June 
Thomasson ofJohn & Elizabeth Arnold28th December 
Henryson ofHenry & Ann Williams of Flecknoeborn 8th Decemberbapt 12th December
Francisson ofFrancis & Alice Line of Sawbridge11th June 
Thomasson ofJoseph & Elinor Suttonbapt 16 November1675 (Is this out of order or duplicated below?)
Thomasson ofNicholas & Mary Goode18th May 
Estordaughter ofThomas & Mary Arnoll18th May 
Thomasson ofWilliam & Elizabeth Smith24th March 
Richardson ofGeorge & Alse Watson of Flecknoe28th November1676
Thomasson ofJoseph & Elinor Sutton of Flecknoe16th November 
Jamesson ofJames & Elizabeth Scotton of Nethercote1st September 
Robertson ofMr Thomas & Elizabeth Gennings of Wolfamcote5th October 
1678/79 BAPTISMS
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & Elizabeth Enfield of Nethercote31st January 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam Grubb of Flecknoe8th February 
Ephraimson ofEphraim & Alice Shakespeare of Flecknoe28th March 
Georgeson ofWalter junr & ElizabethWatson 5thApril
Georgeson ofGeorge & Sarah Sallock of Flecknoe8th May 
Edmundson ofJohn & Mary Masters of Flecknoe22nd May 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & Elizabeth Arnold of Flecknoe12th June 
Marydaughter ofRobert & Mary Clerke of Sawbridge10th October 
Sarahdaughter ofJoseph & Elinor Sutton24th November 
Thomasson ofMr Thomas & Elizabeth Jennings of Wolfamcote22nd December 
Daniellson ofThomas & Elizabeth Jennings of Wolfhamcote31st December 
1679/80 BAPTISMS
Thomasson of(Thomas Good crossed out) Henry & Elizabeth Good of Flecknoe6th February 
Richardson ofThomas & Mary Arnold of Flecknoe10th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofNicholas & Mary Good of Flecknoe6th May 
Esterdaughter ofNicholas & Mary Masters of Flecknoe6th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofGeorge & Alice Watson of Flecknoe1st July 
Nicholasson ofAoron & Millicent Edwards10th July 
Charlesson ofThomas & Elizabeth Garret travellers11th July 
Marydaughter ofHenry & Mary Goode of Flecknoe21st August 
Thomasson ofHenry & Anne Worrall of Sawbridge29th August 
Johnson ofWilliam & Esther Wright of Sawbridge24th September 
Williamson ofWilliam Wright of Sawbridge24th September 
Thomasson ofFrancis & Alice Line of Sawbridge16th December 
Annedaughter ofJohn & Anne Eales of Sawbridge14th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofSamuel & Dorothy Arnold of Flecknoe29th March 
Johnson ofThomas & Mary Arnold of Flecknoe7th May 
Annedaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Shaw of Nethercote20th May 
Thomasson ofJohn & Elizabeth Shaw of Wolfhamcote22nd Mayon Whit Sunday
Marydaughter ofThomas & Elizabeth Jennings of Wolfamcote24th June 
Henryson ofHenry & Elizabeth Goode of Flecknoe26th August 
Richardson ofThomas & Rebeccka Heatly11th September 
Elizabethdaughter ofMary Goode oth hill widow22nd September 
Josephson ofJoseph & Eliner Sutton of Flecknoe13th November 
Ephraimson ofEphraim & Alice Shakespeare of Flecknoe9th December 
Edwardson ofHenry & Deborah Clerke of Flecknoe10th December 
Johnson ofWilliam & Alice Brainston of Flecknoe6th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofWalter & Eliz: Watson of Nethercote3rd February 
Nicholasson ofNicholas & Mary Masters of Flecknoe7th March 
Richardson ofFrancis & Alice Line of Sawbridge10th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & Ann Ealesborn 15th July 
Elinordaughter ofJohn & Mary Cleaver of Flecknoebapt 23rd July 
Richardson ofHenry & Anne Williams of Flecknoe24th September 
Robertson ofRobert & Mary Clerke of Sawbridge17th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Ann Worrall of Sawbridge26th November 
Sarahdaughter ofSamuel & Dorothy Arnold7th December 
Williamson ofWilliam & Jane Grub of Flecknoe6th January 
Williamson ofThomas & Eliz: Quinney of Nethercote4th March 
Johnson ofJohn & Elizabeth Poells of Flecknoe16th March 
Johnson ofJohn & Mary Wodhams of Flecknoeborn 4th September1679 bapt 12th July 1683
Annadaughter ofJohn & Mary Wodhams of Flecknoeborn 29th November1680 bapt 12th July 1683
Marydaughter ofJohn & Mary Wodhams of Flecknoeborn 6th June1683 bapt 12th July 1683
Marydaughter ofNicholas & Mary Goode of Flecknoe15th July 
Johnson ofJohn & Elizabeth Shaw of Wolfamcote13th September 
Robertson ofRobert & Elis Shaw of Sawbridge18th September 
Richardson ofWiddow Grant, wife of John Grant of Sawbridgedeceased 4th November 
Thomasson ofHenry & Millicent Truslar of Nethercote8th November 
1683/84 BAPTISMS
Richardson ofWilliam & Mary Holmes of Sawbridge3rd February 
Ursuladaughter ofNicholas & Mary Masters of Flecknoeborn 7th Februarybapt 13th February
Henryson ofThomas Benyon, Minister of this psh and Frances his wife was born Thursday7th Februarybapt 21st February
Elizabethdaughter ofEdward & Eliz: Sharman of Flecknoe29th February 
Michaellson ofRobert & Mary Clerke of Salb14th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofEphraim & Alice Shakespeare of Flecknoe15th March 
Marydaughter ofWalter junr & Elizabeth Watson of Nethercote17th April 
Johnson ofJohn & Anne Eales of Sal'22nd May 
Marydaughter ofJoseph & Eline Sutton29th June 
Josephson ofHenry & Anne Williams of Flecknoe10th August 
(no given name)daughter ofJohn & Mary Masters ith Farme Lane of Flecknoe kept by Mr Vale of Napton11th September 
Henryson ofHenry Hickman of Norton juxta Daventry & Sarah Coles of Flecknoe spurious born bapt28th September 
Thomasson ofThomas & Mary Butler of Sal'13th October 
Johnson ofWilliam & Esther Wright of Sal'4th December 
1684/85 BAPTISMS
Marydaughter ofJohn & Eliz: Poells of Flecknoe20th January 
Henryson ofHenry & Anne Worrall of Sal'30th January 
Thomasson ofWilliam & Jane Grub6th February 
Alicedaughter ofRobert Smith of Grandborough & Millicent Curtice of Saw' spurious born bapt14th February 
Nicholasson ofGeorge & Alice Watson of Flecknoe10th March 
Annedaughter ofThomas & Amee Smith, travellers15th March 
Simonson ofThomas & Eliz: Quinney of Nethercote29th may 
Williamson ofThomas & Eliz: Shaw of Nethercote1st June 
Hannahdaughter ofHenry & Anne Williams18th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Eliz: Hakesly of Flecknoe27th November 
Johnson ofJoseph & Eline Sutton of Flecknoe24th January 
Benjaminson ofRobert & Mary Clerke of Sal'28th January 
Williamson ofJohn & Eliz: Shaw of Wolfamcote29th January 
Thomasson ofRobert & Eliz: Shaw of Sal11th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & Eliz: Goode of Flecknoe12th March 
Marydaughter ofSamuel & Dorothy Arnold of Flecknoe16th March 
Marydaughter ofJohn & Anne Eales of Sal'18th March 
Henryson ofHenry & Millicent Truslove of Nethercote2nd May 
Annedaughter ofJohn & Eliz: Poells of Flecknoe17th May 
Samuelson ofSamuel & Sarah Goode of Flecknoe20th May 
Estherdaughter ofWilliam & Esther Wright of Sal'27th June 
Marydaughter ofRobert & (no given name) Radburn of Sal'1st July 
Annedaughter ofNicholas & Mary Goode of Flecknoe4th July 
Alicedaughter ofHenry & Deborah Clerke of Flecknoe5th November 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Frances Benyon born Thursday9th Decemberbapt St Tho: day 21st Dec
Eusebyson ofThomas & Anne Holmes of Sal'3rd February 
Katherinedaughter ofThomas & Eliz: Quinney of Nethercote24th June 
Annedaughter ofHenry & Anne Worrall of Sal'3rd July 
Annedau ofBarack & Anne Basely of Sal'5th November 
Susannadaughter ofJohn & Mary Masters ith3Farme Lane23rd December 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & Sarah Masters29th December 

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