Wolfhampcote, St Peter's
Baptisms from 1688 to 1768

ëWarwick Info

This register has several entries jumbled, some have been sorted by the original transcriber,
others by the transcription of that document and more by the creation of this page.
If you find something of interest, you are strongly advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.
Thanks to Sheila Steane for transcribing and providing this data

                    Surname Listing:

Alcock, Alder, Allard, Allcock, Allord, Allsop, Allsup, Alsop, Alsup, Arnol, Arnold, Arnoll.
Barr, Barres, Barret, Barrit, Barritt, Barrs, Bars, Basely, Basley, Bates, Bays, Bazely, Beedle, Biddel, Biddell, Bliss(?), Boswooth, Bosworth, Bouers, Bradbury, Brancen, Bransen, Branson, Branston, Braunston, Bringes, Bringess, Brown, Browne, Buckn?, Bucknall, Bucknell, Bucknill, Butler, Buttler.
Carpender, Catell, Cattill, Cattle, Chambers, Chattel, Childs, Chiles, Chilldes, Chilles, Chills, Claridge, Clarig, Clark, Clarke, Cleark, Cleaver, Clerk, Clerke, Clever, Coles, Cooke, Cross, Curroll, Curtis, Curtiss, Curtois.
Denney, Draper, Eagles, Eales, Earl, Edmens, Elard, Ellard, Ellerd, Elles, Ellet, Elliot, Elliott, Ellus,
Falkes, Faux, Fookes, Garner, Garnier, Garret, Garrett, Geebens, Geffs, Geffts, Genenines, Geninss, Gibbins, Good, Goode, Goosey, Gooshisg, Gossage, Gosses, Gossig, Goude, Grammer, Grant, Green, Groob, Grub, Grubb, Grube,
Hackly, Hacksley, Hacley, Hacsley, Hage, Hakesley, Hakesly, Haksly, Hall, Halleridge, Hallridge, Harbode, Harris, Hauitt, Hewett, Hewit, Hewitt, Higmon, Hinton, Holland, Holmes, Holmesridge, Homes, Huchens, Hucley, Huett, Huit, Huitt, Hutchings,
Jackson, Jenckings, Jenkings, Jenkins, Jennings, Langom, Layton, Line, Lines, Lioock, Looke, Lowe, Lowke, Lyne,
Mackpis, Manders, Manning, Marriett, Marriot, Marrit, Mason, Masser, Massere, Masters, Mastersridge, Mathass, Mather, Maunders, Mayee, Mayway,
Nasbey, Nassauridge, Newman, Oadams, Odames, Odams, Perkins, Pollord, Powne,
Queney, Quiney, Quinney, Quinny, Rabone, Radburn, Rainbow, Rathbone, Rawbon, Rawbone, Rawborne, Rhadburn, Row, Row bapt, Rowboone, Rusell, Rushel, Rushell, Russall, Russel, Russell,
Sallock, Sallok, Sanders, Saunders, Shakespear, Sharman, Sharmon, Shaw, Shenston, Shortland, Simans, Simoness, Simpson, Simson, Simsun, Slatcher, Smart, Smeeth, Smith, Smithridge, Sollake, Sollock, Solloke, Sommers, Spencer, Spicer, Spookes, Summers, Sutton,
Taylor, Thornecraft, Thornecroft, Thornicraft, Thornicroft, ThornyCroft, Toorall, Toroll, Torrall, Torroll, Treen, Trusler, Truslov, Truslove, Truslow, Tuckey, Turner,
Ullet, Usher, Verety, Vicars, Vicers, Vickers, Ward, Watsen, Watson, Weest, West, White, Whitehead, Whiticrow, Whood, Willes, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Wilston, Winn, Wite, Wodham, Wodhams, Wood, Woodful, Woodward, Worrall, Yates.

Name   Parent(s) Surname, Abode Date Notes
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & MillicentTruslow of Nethercote6th April 
Williamson ofJohn & ElizabethShaw23rd May 
Samuelson ofHenry & Eliz:Goode ith Lne of Flecknoe7th June 
Sarahdaughter ofSamuel & MillicentGarret of Flecknoe12th August 
Annedaughter ofThomas & AnneHolmes of Sal?26th August 
Lawrenceson ofLawrence & Eliz:Biddell of Sawbridge. born: St Bartholomew Day; bapt: Sunday26th August 
Elizabethdaughter ofEuseby & Eliz:Saunders of Sal?11th October 
Samuelson ofWalter & Eliz:Watson of Nethercote18th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofElias & Eliz:Thornecraft of Flecknoe11th November 
Ursuladaughter ofSamuel & DorothyArnold of Sal?28th December 
Stephenson ofGeorge & AliceWatson of Flecknoe24th January 
Samuelson ofJoseph & ElinorSutton of Flecknoe27th January 
Janedaughter ofRobert & ElizabethShaw of Sal?1st February 
Elizabethdaughter ofBarack & AnneBasely of Sal15th February 
Johnson ofEdward junr & MarySharman of Flecknoe17th March 
Williamson ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe5th April 
Marydaughter ofRobert & MaryShenston of Flecknoe9th April 
Johnson ofNicholas & MaryGoode of Flecknoe25th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofSamuel & SarahGoode of Flecknoe19th June 
Bucknell Whoodson ofThomas Bucknill & RebeckaWhood spurious born at Salbridge bapt21st July 
Robertson ofThomas & KatherineBucknell of Sal21st July 
Marydaughter ofFrancis & BridgetClaridge28th July 
Thomasson ofJohn & KatherineVickers of Nethercote29th September 
Annedaughter ofRichard & AnneRadburn of Sal?25th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliamMasters als Waller & Anne his wife of Flecknoe16th January 
Johnson ofJohn & LydiaChambers of Flecknoe30th January 
Williamson ofBarack & AnneBazely of Sal?30th January 
Robertson ofAnneAllcock spurious born by an unknown father was baptized16th February 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethGrub of Flecknoe2nd March 
Dorothydaughter (of)William & ElizabethGrub of Flecknoe2nd March(this is a joint entry)
Thomasson ofJohn & AnneEales of Sal?2nd May 
Josephson ofJames & MaryTurner, travellers16th July 
Janedaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethBradbury, travellers16th July 
Annedaughter ofHenry & MillicentTruslow1st August 
Richardson ofRobert & MaryShenston of Flecknoe12th September 
Thomasson ofHenry & DeborahClerke of Flecknoe12th September 
Thomasson ofThomas & AnneHolmes of Sal?11th October 
Richardson ofJohn & ElizabethShaw of Wolfhamcote23rd November 
Robertson ofChristopher & SarahBosworth of Flecknoe4th December 
Samuelson ofSamuel & MillicentGarret of Flecknoe2nd February 
Williamson ofRichard & JoyceMassere of Wolfamcote8th February 
Richardson ofEuseby & ElizabethSanders of Sawbridge10th February 
Thomas  Shaw13th August 
Thomasson ofThomas & CatherineBucknell of Sawbridge
born: 12th February; bapt:
12th March 
Ursuladaughter ofElias & ElizabethThornecraft of Flecknoe22nd March 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe27th September 
Robertson ofSamuel & DorothyArnold of Sawbridge2nd May 
Robertson ofJohn & CatherineVicars27th  (month illegible but between 2nd May & 27th September)
Thomasson ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Flecknoe27th September 
Williamson ofWilliam & Eliz:Grub of Flecknoe6th December 
1691/92 BAPTISMS
Elizabethdaughter ofStephen & Eliz:Manders of Sal?20th February 
Mosesson ofDaniel & MaryThornicraft of Flecknoe25th February 
Josephson ofHenry & AnnWorrall of Sawbridge13th March 
Marydaughter ofEdward & MarySharman of Flecknoe1st April 
Thomasson ofThomas & Eliz:Hakesly of Flecknoe17th May 
Robertson ofRobert & MaryShenston of Flecknoe8th April 
Marydaughter ofSamuel & SarahGoode of Flecknoe17th June 
Millicentdaughter ofSamuel & MillicentGarret of Flecknoe2nd October 
Marydaughter ofBarack & AnneBazely of Sal?23rd September 
Marydaughter ofEuseby & Eliz;Saunders of Sal?12th September 
Johnson ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe27th December 
Marydaughter ofThomas & KatherineBucknill of Sal13th January 
Johnson ofThomas & AnnHolmes of Sawbridge16th March 
Marydaughter ofGeorge & AllesWatson2nd April 
Richardson ofRichard & JoyceMasser of Wolfamcote9th April 
Samuelson ofWilliam & ElizabethGrube of Flecknoe21st May 
Marydaughter ofJohn & LiddyChambers of Flecknoe2nd July 
Robertson ofRobert & ElizabethArnold of Flecknoe16th July 
Rebeckadaughter ofJohn & SarahHigmon of Sawb?21st July 
Thomasson ofThomas & JoaneGrant of Sawbridge17th September 
Joandaughter ofJohn & ElizabethShaw of Wolfamcote12th October 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Flecknoe19th November 
Samuelson ofSamuel & DorothyArnold of Sawbridge12th December 
Marydaughter ofDaniel & MaryThornecraft of Flecknoe28th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofLawrence & Eliz:Biddel of Sawbridge27th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & MaryShenston of Flecknoe19th February 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & AnnGrant of Flecknoe18th March 
Susannadaughter ofChristopher & SarsahBosworth of Flecknoe9th April 
Johnson ofHenry & ElizabethGoode of Flecknoe11th April 
Marydaughter ofStephen & ElizabethManders of Sawbridge15th April 
Jamesson ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe3rd September 
Edwardson ofEdward & MarySharman of Flecknoe9th February 
Williamson ofRichard & MaryColes of Sawbridge; born :10th AprilBirth
Thomasson ofJohn & KatherineVicers of Nethercote9th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & Eliz.Arnold of Flecknoe9th June 
Josephson ofSamuel & MillicentGarret of Flecknoe16th June 
Marydaughter ofChristopher & SarahBosworth of Flecknoe16th June 
Richardson ofThomas & KatherineBucknell of Sawbridge23rd June 
Anndaughter ofEuseby & ElizabethSanders of Sawbridge7th July 
Richardson ofWilliam & Eliz.Grub of Flecknoe19th August 
Danielson ofDaniel & MaryThornicraft of Flecknoe8th September 
Richardson ofRichard & SarahDenney of Flecknoe8th September 
Marydaughter ofThomas & JaneGrant of Sawbridge22nd September 
Johnson ofCharles & HannaLioock of Flecknoe25th October 
Marydaughter ofFrancis & SharahClaridge of Flecknoe23rd November 
Williamson ofEmmWilles6th December 
Sarahdaughter ofWilliamMasters of Flecknoe20th December 
Annedaughter ofEusebyHomes of Sawbridge1st January 
Jamesson ofJamesShakespear of Flecknoe17th February 
Georgeson ofJohnShaw of Wolfampcote31st January 
Eliasson ofEliasThornicroft of Flecknoe4th April 
Annedaughter ofGeorgeBrown of Sawbridge born 15th April bapt19th April 
Thomasson ofSamuelGood of flecknoe born 4th April bapt5th June 
Alicedaughter ofGeorgeWatson of Flecknoe born 20th June bapt20th July 
Marydaughter ofThomasClark of Wolfampcote born 2nd September bapt14th September 
Richardson ofWilliamMasters of Flecknoe born 1st September bapt11th September 
Williamson ofRichardMasters of Salbridge11th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomasHolmes of Salbridge18th October 
Esterdaughter ofChristopher & SarhaBoswooth of FlecknoeAll SS Day  
Annedaughter ofStephen & MillicentMaunders of Wolfamcote10th January 
Matthewson ofSamuel & DorothyArnold30th May 
Samuelson ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe5th June 
Anndaughter ofLawrence & ElizabethBeedle born 11th June bapt11th July 
Williamson ofFrancis & SarahClaridge of Flecknoe born 5th October bapt9th October 
Annedaughter ofThomas & CatherineBucknell of Sawbridge born 19th October bapt4th November 
Annedaughter ofRobert & MaryShenston of Flecknoe born 28th October bapt4th November 
Alicedaughter ofEuseby & ElizabethSaunders of Sawbridge born 17th October bapt19th November 
Alicedaughter ofJames & SarahShakespear of Flecknoe born 8th December bapt10th December 
Eliasson ofElias & ElizabethThornecroft of Flecknoe born 6th November bapt12th December 
Eusebyson ofEuseby & DorothyHolmes of Sawbridge1st January 
Thomasson ofThomas & SarahGood of Flecknoe1st January 
Annedaughter ofJohnJackson, Minister of Wolfamcote and Lydia Jackson his wife born 5th January bapt1st February 
(Originally written as John but amended to) Georgeson ofGeorge & ElizabethBrown born 12th January bapt20th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & ElizMasters of Sawbridge born 3rd May bapt8th May 
Josephson ofSamuel & MillissentGarrett of Flecknoe born 8th May bapt15th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofEdward & MarySharman of Flecknoe born 24th May bapt29th May 
Georgeson ofGeorge & SarahWatson of Flecknoe10th October 
Hannahdaughter ofChristopher & SarahBosworth30th October 
Jobson ofJohn & AnneGrant of Flecknoe6th January 
Thomasson ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe9th March 
Anndaughter ofThomas & ElizabethBatesin March[sic] (no date given)
Annedaughter ofHenry & BridgettWilliams born 12th March bapt20th March 
Annedaughter ofRichardMasters of Sawbridge26th July 
Georgeson ofGeorgeBrowne of Sawbridge26th July 
William Goodeson ofSamuelGoode of Flecknoe27th September 
(No given Name)son ofDanielThornicroft of Flecknoe   (no date given but between 27th September & 9th October)
Thomasson ofSamuelArnold of Sawbridge9th October 
Williamson ofEusebyHolmes of Sawbridge16th February 
Richardson ofFrancisClaridge of Flecknoe7th March 
Johnson ofThomasBucknell of Sawbridge20th March 
Robertson ofThomas & MaryClerke of Wolfamcote born 4th March bapt21st March 
Richardson ofEusebySaunders of Sawbridge born 6th October bapt10th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofSamuel & ElizShortland born 24th October bapt27th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofGeorge & SarahWatston of Flecknoe born 2nd November bapt30th November 
Richardson ofRichard & MaryColes so called being Quaker born29th OctoberBirth
Richardson ofRichardMasters of Sawbridge8th December 
Hannahdaughter ofWilliam & SarahMasters of Flecknoe28th February 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & BridgettWilliams29th March 
Henryson ofSamuel & SarahGood29th March 
Thomasson ofJames & SarahShakespear of Flecknoe7th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofJames & SarahShakespear of Flecknoe7th May 
Williamson ofChristopher & SarahBosworth of Flecknoe13th May 
Williamson ofEdward & MarySharmon of Flecknoe12th June 
Marydaughter ofSamuel & MillicentGarrett of Flecknoe8th September 
Millicentdaughter ofStephen & MillicentMaunders of Sawbridge14th September 
(Millicent)(child of)Moses & MaryAllsop of Flecknoe Anabaptists had a child born Novr ye1st they call it Millicent
Thomasson ofFrancis & SarahClaridge6th December 
Annedaughter ofWilliam & AnneGoode8th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWodhams6th January 
Richardson ofWilliam & SarahMasters6th March 
(Job)(child of)DanielThornicroft has a child born April19ththey call it Job
Elizabethdaughter ofGeorge & ElizabethBrown26th July 
Hannahdaughter ofEusebySanders9th October 
Johnson ofRichardMasters12th October 
Sarahdaughter ofGeorgeWatson23rd October 
Johnson ofHenryTruslove27th November 
Robertson ofThomasBucknell of Sawbridge19th January 
Marydaughter ofEliasThornicraft3rd February 
Marydaughter ofHenryWilliams of Flecknoe3rd February 
Hannahdaughter ofSamuelShortland of Flecknoe6th September 
Johnson ofRichardMasters of Sawbridge10th October 
Henryson ofThomasGood of Flecknoe7th January 
(John)(son of)One MosesAllsop of Flecknoe, an Anabaptist, had a son born Jan: ye2d he called him John
Elizabethsupposed daughter ofJohnArnold of Flecknoe2nd February 
Annedaughter ofJohnRhadburn of Sawbridge21st March 
  JohnWhitehead an Anabaptist of Harlow(?) of Flecknoe had a child born Aprill ye8th  
Henryson ofJohnShaw of Sawbridge30th April 
Sarah  Claridge9th July 
Thomasson ofWilliam & AnnePerkins2nd October 
Hannahdaughter ofEusebySaunders14th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & MellicentMayway19th October 
Annedaughter ofGeorge & AnneWatson of Flecknoe29th December 
Johnson ofElias & ElizabethThornicraft20th February 
Robertson ofStephen & ElizabethMaunders25th February 
Marydaughter ofHenry & MaryRussel15th April 
Hannahdaughter ofWilliam & SarahMasters4th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & HannahHuett of Sawbridge10th June 
Alicedaughter ofSamuel & ElizabethShortland29th July 
(Joseph)(child of)JohnWhitehead of Flecknoe, an Anabaptist, had a child born July2d they call it Joseph
Annedaughter ofThomasLayton29th April 
Henryson ofRobertGood1st October 
Abrahamson ofGeorge & ElizabethBrowne27th December 
Williamson ofThomas & DorothyGood27th December 
Annedaughter ofThomas & DorothyGood27th December(this is a joint entry)
 (child)One MosesAlsop an Anabaptist had a child born November30th 
Katherinedaughter ofJohn & ElizabethShaw of Sawbridge27th April 
Annedaughter ofJohn & ElizabethOdams26th May 
Josephson ofJoseph & AnneSutton16th June 
Edwardson ofWilliam & MaryRawbone4th August 
Annedaughter ofRobert & SarahCurtois6th October 
Sarahdaughter ofHenry & BridgetWilliams13th October 
Sarahdaughter ofMosesAllsup of Flecknoe born26th JuneBirth
Thomasson ofRichard & JudithRawbone6th December(1706?)
Annedaughter ofRobert & SarahGoude21st January 
Williamson ofWilliam & AnneBays of Burbury in the parish of Marton. bapt in the parish of Ovencote20th February 
Robertson ofThomas & CatherineBucknall6th March 
Henryson ofMr John Shaw & ElizabethShaw11th April 
Williamson ofThomas & MarthaWhite8th May 
Williamson ofWilliam & Millicent(surname illegible)9th December 
Samuelson ofHenry & MaryRushel of Flecknoe5th February 
Richardson ofThomas & DorithyGood of Flecknoe5th February 
Millicentdaughter of(father?s name illegible) & MaryRawbone26th  (month illegible but
between 5th February and 5th April)
Marydaughter of(parent?s names illegible)Curtois   (date illegible but
between 5th February and 5th April)
Johnson ofJosephSutton5th April 
Samuelson ofEliasThornicroft11th July 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethOdames of Flecknoe29th October 
Williamson ofRichard & MargaretMackpis of Flecknoe4th November 
Elizabethdaughter ofMichael & ElizabethWard of Nethercote7th November 
1708/09 BAPTISMS
Johnson ofFrancis & SarahClerk6th February 
Williamson ofWilliam & HannaHuett10th February 
Elizabethdaughter ofNicholas & SarahMasters of Flecknoe17th March 
Henryson ofHenryWilliams of Flecknoe25th March 
Thomasson ofSamuel & ElizabethShortland25th March 
Robertson ofThomasJenckings of Flecknoe28th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobertGood of Flecknoe24th July 
Thomasson ofThomasAllord of Sawbridge28th August 
Thomasson ofJohn & MaryQueney of Nethercote4th November 
Richardson ofRichardRathbone of Flecknoe17th November 
Williamson ofWilliamRathbone of Flecknoe3rd December 
Williamson ofJosephSutton of Flecknoe25th December 
Anndaughter ofJohn & ElizabethShaw of Sawbridge10th March 
Henryson ofHenryOadams10th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofTho: & Dora:Goude of Flecknoe in the parish of Wolfhampcote5th September 
Johnson ofEdward & ElizabethMasters of the parish of Wolfampcote31st October 
Millicent  Allsop28th December 
John  Allsop28th December 
Moses  Allsop28th December 
Sarah  Allsop28th December 
Mary  Allsop28th December 
Robert  Allsop28th December(this was a combined entry)
1710/11 BAPTISMS
Allicedaughter ofJohn & ElizabethGrub of Sawbridge14th January 
Youngdaughter ofGeorge & AnnSallock18th January 
Johnson ofMoses & ElizabethGossage12th February 
Henryson ofHenry & MaryRussell22nd April 
Josephson ofElias & ElizabethThornicraft13th May 
Robertson ofRobert & AnnWatson24th June 
Williamson ofThomas & KatherineGrub of Flecknoe15th July 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethShaw of Sawbridge5th August 
Marydaughter ofNicholas & SarahMasters3rd September 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryQuinney of Nethercote23rd October 
Edwardson ofEdward & ElizabethHarris of Flecknoe22nd November 
Williamson ofThomas & MaryJenkings of Flecknoe25th November 
Edwardson ofEdward & ElizabethMasters of Wolfamcote10th December 
1711/12 BAPTISMS
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethGrub of Sawbridge13th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & JudethRawbone of Flecknoe27th January 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryYates of Flecknoe3rd February 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MaryRawborne10th February 
Hannahdaughter ofThomas & HannahHewit of Sawbridge20th April 
Edwardson ofDaniel & MaryWilliams26th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & Eliz:Arnol of Flecknoe3rd July 
Sarahdaughter ofRobert & SarahCurtis of Sawbridge21st September 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & AnnThornicraft of Sawbridge21st September 
Robertson ofMoses & MaryAlsop of Flecknoe23rd November 
Elizabethdaughter ofGeorge & Eliz:Sallock of Flecknoe23rd November 
Samuelson ofGeorge & Eliz:Sallok of Flecknoe23rd November 
Samuelson ofGeorge and AnnWatson of Nethercote29th November 
Thomasson ofJohn & ElizabethOdams of Flecknoe25th December 
1712/13 BAPTISMS
Thomasson ofAmbrose & AnnGoosey of Daintry8th February 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & KatherineGrub of Flecknoe9th February 
Johnson ofEdward & ElizabethHarris of Flecknoe5th April 
Anndaughter ofDaniel & AnnWilliams of Flecknoe24th May 
Samuelson ofJoseph & AnnSutton of Flecknoe14th June 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethShaw21st June 
Sarahdaughter ofSamuel & ElizabethSimpson26th July 
Marydaughter ofThomas & MaryElliot of Sawbridge26th August 
Marydaughter ofThomas & ElizabethJenkins of Flecknoe20th September 
Anndaughter ofElizabethGarner of Flecknoe15th November 
Anndaughter ofGeorge & AnnSallock of Flecknoe21st November 
Johnson ofJohn & HannahEales of Sawbridge25th December 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethChilds of Sawbridge29th December 
1713/14 BAPTISMS
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethGrub of Sawbridge17th January 
Richardson ofJohn & MaryQuinny of Nethercote7th February 
Thomasson ofWilliam & MaryRawbone of Flecknoe14th March 
Thomasson ofJohn & ElizabethYates of Flecknoe21st March 
Johnson ofRobert & AnnThornicroft of Sawbridge28th March 
Thomasson ofHenry & MaryRushell of Flecknoe13th June 
Henryson ofHenry & ElizabethCooke of Flecknoe4th July 
Francisson ofFrancis & AnnLine of Sawbridge24th October 
Sarahdaughter ofSamuel & JoanneHolland of Flecknoe31st October 
Anndaughter ofRichard & JudithRawbone of Flecknoe5th December 
1714/15 BAPTISMS
Williamson ofWilliam & Elizabeth(surname illegible)16th January 
Marydaughter ofDaniel & AnnWilliams of Flecknoe23rd January 
Williamson ofGeorge & AnnSallock of Flecknoe6th February 
Williamson ofThomas & AnneLyne of Sawbridge20th February 
Edwardson ofJohn & HannahEales of Sawbridge3rd April 
Johnson ofRobert & AnnWatson of Flecknoe10th April 
Johnson ofNicholas & SarahMasters of Flecknoe born 20th May bapt17th June 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & UrsulaWest of Flecknoe19th June 
Robertson ofRobert & SarahCurtis15th July 
Thomasson ofRobert & SarahCurtis15th July(this is a joint entry)
Elizabethdaughter ofJefry & SarahGood of Flecknoe7th August 
Elizabethdaughter ofMoses & MaryAlsop of Flecknoe3rd August 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethGroob of Sawbridge14th August 
Thomasson ofJohn & MaryCleaver of Flecknoe30th October 
Robertson ofJohn & SarahMarrit of Sawbridge12th November 
1715/16 BAPTISMS
Thomasson ofWilliam & ElizabethChills of Sawbridge5th February 
Thomasson ofRobert & SarahArnold3rd March 
Anndaughter ofJohn & MaryQuiney25th March 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MaryRabone25th March 
Gorgeson ofGeorge & AnnSollock8th April 
Thomasson ofJoseph & AnnSutton15th April 
Anndaughter ofRobert & AnnThornicraft15th April 
Agnousdaughter ofEdward & ElizabethMasters17th April 
Thomasson ofThomas & AnnWatson of Sawbridge5th February 
Edwardson ofThomas & MaryEllard of Sawbridge5th May 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethYates of Flecknoe25th May 
Matthewson ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe9th June 
Jamesson ofSamuel & ElizabethSimsun9th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & SarahCurtis9th September 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe16th September 
Hanowdaughter ofJohn & HanowWinn3rd November 
Samuelson ofSamuel & SarahShortland of Flecknoe11th November 
Marydaughter ofHenry & MaryHarbode of Nethercote2nd December 
Johnson of(John crossed out) Thomas & ElizabethArnold of Flecknoe2nd November 
Alice  Line of Sawbridge17th March 
Richardson ofFrancis & AnnLine of Sawbridge21st April 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethChiles16th June 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & JameShaw14th July 
Robertson ofEdward & ElizabethHarris14th July 
Georgeson ofWilliam & MaryRabone14th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & SarahArnold4th August 
Sarahdaughter ofThomas & ElizabethJenkins11th August 
Marydaughter ofMoses & MaryAlsup13th October 
Williamson ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe27th October 
Williamson ofRobert & AnnThornicraft22nd December 
Anndaughter ofHenry & MaryRussall of Flecknoe31st March 
Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryCleaver of Flecknoe31st March 
Joyner  Edmens29th December 
Nicholasson ofNicholas & SarahMasters of Flecknoe17th January 
Marthadaughter ofThomas & MarthaWhite of Flecknoe30th March 
Johnson ofJohn & UrsulaWest6th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & MaryQuinney of Nethercote27th April 
Johnson ofJohn & SarahMarriot of Sawbridge4th May 
Samuelson ofSamuel & ElizabethSimsun18th May 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryGarner of Flecknoe1st June 
Johnson ofRobert & SarahArnold of Flecknoe13th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters13th July 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethHutchings of Sawbridge27th July 
Anndaughter ofJohn & HanowElles of Sawbridge24th August 
Katherinedaughter ofGeorge & AnnSallock of Flecknoe7th September 
Richardson ofJohn & ElizabethGroob of Sawbridge14th September 
Marydaughter ofThomas & ElizabethBuckn? (page torn) of Sawbridge born 15th October bapt19th October 
Christopherson ofJoseph & AnnSutton of Flecknoe26th December 
Edwardson ofThomas & MaryElard of Flecknoe26th December 
Robertson ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe27th December 
Gracedaughter ofHenry & SarahTruslov of Nethercote9th April 
Anndaughter ofJohn & SarahWhiticrow of Sawbridge3rd May 
Richardson ofEdward & ElizabethHarris of Flecknoe17th May 
Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethChilles of Sawbridge21st May 
Sarahdaughter ofGeorge & SarahWilliams of Sawbridge27th September 
Thomasson ofFrancis & AnnLine of Sawbridge1st October 
Thomasson ofThomas & KatherineGroob of Flecknoe1st December 
Samuelson ofJefry & SarahGoode of Flecknoe4th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe4th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & ElizabethChambers of Flecknoe15th January 
Samuelson ofThomas & AnnWatson15th January 
Nathanielson ofWilliam & MaryBars of Flecknoe24th January 
Agnusdaughter ofRobert & AnnThornicraft of Sawbridge14th February 
Anndaughter ofThomas & AmeyLine of Sawbridge14th February 
Mosesson ofMoses & ElizabethGossig of Sawbridge22nd February 
Thomasson ofRobert & SarahCurtiss of Sawbridge born 7th March bapt20th March 
Sarahdaughter ofGeorge & AnnSolloke of Flecknoe24th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & MaryRusell of Flecknoe3rd April 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & AllisSmith of Flecknoe8th May 
Thomasson ofJohn & MarySommers of Sawbridge8th June 
Marydaughter ofRichard & MaryRawbone of Flecknoe2nd (month illegible) but entry after 8th June and before 21st September
Henryson ofHenry & HanowTruslow of Nethercote21st September 
Thomasson ofWilliam & MaryRowboone of Nethercote28th October 
Judydaughter ofThomas & ElizabethJenkins of Flecknoe28th October 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethLangom31st September(? October as placed after 28th Octoiber)
Johnson ofMoses & MaryThornicraft of Flecknoe13th November 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & ElizabethBucknell of Sawbridge born 19th February bapt2nd March 
Marydaughter ofJohn & UrsulaWeest of Flecknoe16th March 
Richardson ofWilliam & ElizabethChilles of Sawbridge10th April 
Johnson ofWilliam & JaneShaw7th May 
Richardson ofWilliam & MaryBars of Flecknoe31st May 
Sarahdaughter ofEdward & AnnCatell of Flecknoe2nd July 
Marydaughter ofMoses & ElizabethGossig30th July 
Nicholasson ofJohn & ElizabethGroob of Sawbridge22nd July 
Elenordaughter ofJoseph & AnnShaw6th August 
Elizabethdaughter ofMichael & ElizabethClarke of Sawbridge1st September 
Johnson ofThomas & AnnWatson of Sawbridge1st October 
Elizabethdaughter ofEdward & ElizabethHarris of Flecknoe8th October 
Johnson ofJohn & MarySummers of Sawbridge12th November 
Annedaughter ofFrancis & AnnLine19th November 
1721/22 BAPTISMS
Marydaughter ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe21st January 
Eliasson ofSamuel & ElizabethSimson21st January 
Edmonson ofSamuel & ElizabethSimson21st January(this is a joint entry)
Johnson ofStephen & SarahRainbow28th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & ElizabethHacley of Flecknoe23rd March 
Johnson ofHenry & HaneaTruslove of Nethercote7th February 
Marydaughter ofThomas & CatherineRawbone3rd May 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe17th May 
Marydaughter ofMoses & MaryThornicraft of Fleckoe18th May 
Robertson ofWilliamSpicer of Flecknoe20th May 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryChambers of Flecknoe16th July 
Thomasson ofJohn & SarahMarriett of Sawbridge2nd September 
Williamson ofJohn & L?(illiegible)Yates of Flecknoe2nd September 
Robertson ofRobert & ElizabethChambers of Flecknoe13th September 
Georgeson ofWalter and AnnSpookes of Sawbridge14th September 
Sarahdaughter ofMichell & ElizabethClarke of Sawbridge11th October 
Charlesson ofThomas & UrsulaTorrall20th January 
Marydaughter ofJohn & AllesSmith of Flecknoe20th January 
Samuelson ofRobert & SarahArnold of Flecknoe10th February 
Edwardson ofRobert & AnnThornicraft of Sawbridge7th April 
Anndaughter ofThomas & ElizabethBucknell born 29th June bapt29th July 
Marydaughter ofMoses & MaryThornicraft of Flecknoe29th July 
Aranson ofWilliam & MaryRathbone of Flecknoe7th September 
Janedaughter ofRichard & MaryRawbone of Flecknoe24th October 
Thomasson ofEdward & AnnChattel of Flecknoe31st October 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & MaryChambers of Flecknoe10th November 
Jamesson ofJohn & UrsulaWest of Flecknoe17th November 
Thomasson ofThomas & CatherineRawbon of Flecknoe5th December 
Thomasson ofJohn & HannaEales of Sawbridge11th December 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryClever of Flecknoe22nd December 
Johnson ofJohn & SarahFalkes of Flecknoe29th December 
Thomasson ofThomas & ElizabethHacley of Flecknoe31st December 
Anndaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethChiles of Sawbridge19th January 
Millisentdaughter ofHenry & HannaTruslove of Sawbridge17th January 
Anndaughter ofWalter and AnnSpookes of Sawbridge1st February 
Williamson ofJohn & LadyYates of Flecknoe2nd February 
Robertson ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe2nd February 
Johnson ofGeorge & ElizabethWatson of Sawbridge13th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofSamuel & ElizabethSimson of Sawbridge5th April 
Thomasson ofThomas & AmeyLine of Sawbridge5th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & AmeyLine of Sawbridge5th April(this is a joint entry)
Georgeson ofThomas & AnnWatson of Sawbridge19th April 
Anndaughter ofMichael & ElizabethCleark of Sawbridge28th June 
Sarahdaughter ofJephery & SarahGoode of Sawbridge28th June 
Edwardson ofRichard & ElizabethShenston of Flecknoe5th July 
Edwardson ofEdward & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe12th July 
Anndaughter ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge26th July 
Johnson ofJohn & AlesSmith of Flecknoe6th September 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe9th September 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MarySpicer of Flecknoe22nd September 
Johnson ofThomas & AnnHauitt of Sawbridge17th January 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethHuchens of Sawbridge7th February 
Sarahdaughter ofMoses & MaryThornicraft of Flecknoe21st February 
Anndaughter ofJohn & ElizabethBranson of Flecknoe18th June 
Edwardson ofEdward & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe18th July 
Richardson ofGeorge & AnnSollake of Flecknoe21st June 
Anndaughter ofRichard Line & ElizabethMasters shuperors born at Flecknoe bapt1st August 
Hannowdaughter ofThomas & KatherineGroob of Flecknoe8th August 
Samuelson ofRichard & MaryRathbone of Flecknoe5th September 
Edwardson ofThomas & ElizabethHacley5th September 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & MaryRathbone of Flecknoe17th October 
Johnson ofHenry & HannowTruslov of Nethercote26th December 
Johnson ofThomas & AllesGeebens of Flecknoe24th October 
Anndaughter ofThomas & CatherineRathbone of Flecknoe7th December 
Johnson ofJohn & RoseGooshisg of Flecknoe19th December 
Robertson ofMichael & ElizabethClerke of Sawbridge born 9th January bapt11th January 
Richardson ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge born 23rd3February bapt3rd March 
Hanowdaughter ofJohn & AllesRow of Sawbridge8th April 
Anndaughter ofEdward & AnnCatell of Flecknoe12th May 
Marydaughter ofJohn & AlceSmith of Flecknoe23rd October 
Williamson ofWilliam & MaryBarres of Flecknoe15th December 
Johnson ofJohn & MarySummers of Sawbridge18th December 
Williamson ofThomas & AnnHewit of Sawbridge25th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & AnnSanders of Sawbridge27th December 
Josephson ofRobert & AnnThornecroft of Sawbridge19th December1725 (sic)
Millescentdaughter ofJefery & SarahGoode of Flecknoe12th May 
Sarahdaughter ofHenry & AnnGoode of Flecknoe26th June 
Thomasson ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe10th July 
Henryson ofHenry & AnnGarnier of Sawbridge19th August 
Hannahdaughter ofSamuel & ElizabethSimson of Sawbridge15th January 
Williamson ofWilliam & JaneShaw of Sawbridge born 22nd January bapt12 March 
Jonathonson ofJohn & LideyYates9th April 
Anndaughter ofRobert & AnnBrown23rd April 
Georgeson ofRobert & MaryArnoll of Flecknoe14th Mary 
Saradaughter ofRobert & MaryArnoll of Flecknoe14th Mary(this is a joint entry)
Samuelson ofWilliam & MaryRathbone of Flecknoe21st May 
Williamson ofThomas & AnnWatson of Sawbridge25th June 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethChilldes of Sawbridge2nd July 
Rebeccadaughter ofMoses & MaryThornyCroft of Flecknoe   (no date but between 2nd July 1727 and 2nd February 1728)
Jamesson ofJohn & RosesGossig of Flecknoe2nd February 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & ElizabethBringess of Flecknoe17th March 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & UrsleyToroll of Flecknoe17th March 
Johnson ofRichard & AnnSanders of Sawbridge17th March 
Marydaughter ofRobert & JaneClarke of Wolfamcote4th July 
Edwardson ofThomas & KatherineRathbone of Flecknoe7th July 
Thomasson ofHenry & HanowTruslov of Nethercote22nd September 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge8th September 
Thomasson ofWilliam & AnnGreen13th October 
Edwardson ofEdward & AnnCattill of Flecknoe3rd November 
Johnson ofRobert & MaryArnold of Flecknoe9th June 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & AnneGood of Flecknoe12th March 
Richardson ofRichard & AnnSanders of Sawbridge5th October 
Johnson ofRobert & JaneClarke of Wolfampcote27th November 
Georgeson ofThomas & ElizabethHucley of Flecknoe11th January 
Richardson ofJohn & AliceSmith of Flecknoe29th March 
Thomasson ofThomas & AnnMayee of Flecknoe22nd June 
Marydaughter ofThomas & MaryBringes of Flecknoe28th June 
Walterson ofGeorge & (given name illegible)Watson ofFlecknoe (date illegible)September
Samuelson ofJohn & AliceRow bapt7th June 
Marydaughter ofThomas & HesterButler of Sawbridge28th September 
Marydaughter ofHenry & AnnGoode of Flecknoe20th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofWalter & AnnSpookes of Sawbridge27th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & AnnMathass of Sawbridge10th January 
Thomasson ofThomas & RebecakaGibbins of Flecknoe10th January 
Johnson ofEdward & ElizabethRathbone of Flecknoe17th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & SarahFalkes of Flecknoe21st February 
Williamson ofHenry & HanahTruslove of Nethercote7th March 
Mosesson ofMoses & MaryThornecroft of Flecknoe7th March 
Williamson ofJohn & AnnGoode of Flecknoe2nd May 
Williamson ofEdward & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe30th May 
Anndaughter ofRichard & AnnSanders of Sawbridge22nd August 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & RoseGosses of Flecknoe5th September 
Jane Qunsindaughter ofRobertCleark of Wolfampcote2nd October 
Edwardson ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge15th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethBasley of Sawbridge19th October 
Hanowdaughter ofJohn & AnnBucknell of Flecknoe26th October 
Marydaughter ofThomas & ElizabethBouers of Bradwell2nd November 
Marydaughter ofThomas & AnnHewett of Sawbridge5th December 
Johnson ofThomas & ElizabethHacsley6th February 
Marydaughter ofSamuel & MarySmith20th February 
Marydaughter ofThomas & UrsleyTorroll27th February 
Benjaminson ofBenjamin & AllesSimans of Nethercote6th March 
Thomasson ofThomas & EsterButler of Sawbridge22nd March 
Janedaughter ofThomas & MaryBringes of Flecknoe7th May 
Feebeydaughter ofThomas & CatrineRawbone14th September 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethTreen of Sawbridge17th September 
Johnson ofJohn & AllesSmeeth of Flecknoe24th September 
Henryson ofHenry & AnnGoode of Flecknoe9th November 
Samuelson ofHenry & HanowTruslove of Nethercote22nd November 
Edwardson ofThomas & AnnHuitt of Sawbridge25th December 
Williamson ofEdward & AnnCatell of Sawbridge24th December 
Georgeson ofWalter & AnnSpookes of Sawbridge27th January 
Thomasson ofJohn & ElizabethEllerd of Flecknoe27th January 
Anndaughter ofThomas & EsterButler25th March 
Edwardson ofEdward & ElizabethRathbone of Flecknoe19th April 
Thomasson ofJohn & UrsleyWest of Flecknoe20th May? 
Thomasson ofJohn & SarahFookes of Flecknoe9th September 
Thomasson ofMoses & MaryAllsop of Flecknoe16th September 
Thomasson ofWilliam & MaryAllard of Flecknoe22nd September 
Marydaughter ofThomas & ElizabethHackly of Flecknoe4th October 
Bridgetdaughter ofRobert & JaneClarke of Wolfampcote30th November 
Anndaughter ofBenjamin & AllisSimoness of Nethercote27th September 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & AllisGeninss of Sawbridge6th January 
Williamson ofAbram & HanwCurroll of Flecknoe10th February 
Hannowdaughter ofRichard & HannowGoode of Flecknoe17th February 
Anndaughter ofSamuel & MarySmith of Flecknoe17th February 
Robertson ofHenry & SarahGoode of Flecknoe14th April 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethBasley of Flecknoe21st April 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & AnnHuit of Sawbridge21st April 
Anndaughter ofThomas & EsterButler of Sawbridge2nd June 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethTreen of Sawbridge28th July 
Thomasson ofJohn & MaryChambers of Flecknoe3rd November 
Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryEllerd of Flecknoe01(sic) November 
Danielson ofDaniel & MaryHage of Flecknoe21st November 
Thomasson ofWilliam & AnnGeffts of Flecknoe25th December 
Millicentdaughter ofMoses & MaryAllsop of Flecknoe25th December 
Williamson ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge27th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & MaryEllard of Flecknoe15th February 
Johnson ofElizabethTrusler of Flecknoe6th April 
Williamson ofWilliam & MaryClever of Flecknoe20th April 
Marydaughter ofRichard & AnnSanders of Sawbridge11th May 
Richardson ofGeorge & ElizabethWatson ofFlecknoe 25thMay
Thomasson ofJohn & AnnBucknell of Flecknoe1st June 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & AnnNewman of Sawbridge24th August 
Johnson ofJohn & SarahManders of Sawbridge31st August 
Dorothydaughter ofRichard & HanowGoode of Flecknoe7th September 
Elizabethdaughter ofEdward & ElizabethRathbone of Flecknoe7th September 
Edwardson ofThomas & SarahWhite of Flecknoe17th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & DorothyWhite of Flecknoe17th October 
Johnson ofThomas & ElizabethHacksley of Flecknoe20th November 
Hannahdaughter ofHenry & HannahTrusler of Nethercote25th December 
Johnson ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge27th December 
Thomasson ofThomas & UrsulaToorall of Flecknoe14th March 
Thomasson ofJohn & ElizabethTruslove of Flecknoe4th April 
Thomasson ofJohn & AnnGoode of Flecknoe11th April 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MaryAlder of Flecknoe11th April 
Millicentdaughter ofMoses & MaryAllsop of Flecknoe2nd May 
Edwardson ofHenry & SarahGoode of Flecknoe16th May 
Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryGossage of Flecknoe25th July 
Williamson ofThomas & ElizabethJennings of Sawbridge25th July 
Marydaughter ofThomas & MaryClarke of Drayton1st August 
Thomasson ofMr Robert & JaneClerke of Drayton1st August 
Anndaughter ofJohn & ElizabethBasely of Flecknoe10th October 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MaryAlder of Flecknoe5th December 
Marydaughter ofGeorge & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe25th December 
Marydaughter ofRichard & HannahGoode of Flecknoe23rd January 
Richardson ofWilliam & MaryCleaver of Flecknoe30th January 
Marydaughter ofMoses & MarthaWood27th March 
Thomasson ofThomas & EstherButler of Sawbridge10th April 
Anndaughter ofThomas & AnnHewit of Sawbridge10th April 
Marydaughter ofMoses & MaryAlsop of Flecknoe17th April 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethFaux of Flecknoe30th June 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryEllard of Flecknoe17th July 
John or Joanson or daughter ofJohn & SarahManders of Sawbridge2nd OctoberThis entry has been altered and could be either
Richardson ofRichard & AgnesBarret of Ovencote10th February 
Janedaughter ofThomas & SarahWhite of Flecknoe10th March 
(Given name illegible)daughter ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge23rd July 
Samuelson ofHenry & HannahTruslove of Nethercote1st October 
Thomasson ofWilliam & MaryElard of Flecknoe1st October 
Anndaughter ofJohn & ElizabethTruslove of Flecknoe5th November 
Edwardson ofRichard & AgnisBarritt of Wolfamcote30th November 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethRawbone of Flecknoe10th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethTreen25th March 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & DorothyWhite3rd February 
Annadaughter ofWilliam & JaneChilldes30th March 
Edwardson ofThomas & AnnHuitt30th March 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethBasley1st April 
Marydaughter ofEdwardRathbone of Flecknoe19th July 
Josephson ofThomas & EstherButtler of Sawbridge5th August 
Thomasson ofThomas & AnnElliott of Sawbridge19th August 
Williamson ofJohn & MarthaMasters of Flecknoe7th October 
Anndaughter ofThomas & ElizabethHacsley21st October 
Marydaughter ofThomas & MarySmart of Flecknoe9th December 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & SarahEllet of Sawbridge27th January 
Samuelson ofHenry & AnnGood of Flecknoe29th March 
Sarahdaughter ofThomas & AnnHuitt of Sawbridge30th March 
Essterdaughter ofMoses & MaryAllsup6th April 
Edwardson ofRichard & AgnesBarrit1st August 
Hanowdaughter ofJohn & MaryWeest of Flecknoe bapt12th October 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MaryRainbow of Flecknoe19th October 
Annydaughter ofThomas & AnnEllet of Sawbridge25th December 
Johnson ofJohn & MarthaMasters18th January 
Edwardson ofWilliam & MaryEllard1st February 
Hanowdaughter ofWilliam & EsterGroob of Flecknoe12th March 
Esterdaughter ofEuseby & EsterHomes of Nethercote22nd March 
Elizabethdaughter ofWilliam & AnnGeffs of Flecknoe17th May 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethRathbone of Flecknoe31st May 
Williamson ofFrancis & ElizabethLines of Sawbridge31st May 
Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & AnnMasters of Sawbridge11th June 
Georgeson ofRichard & ElizabethWilliams6th June 
Janedaughter ofJohn & ElizabethBasley20th June 
Williamson ofWilliam & JaneChiles25th July 
Marydaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethDraper of Flecknoe11th October 
William Arnoldson ofThomas & MaryWood of Flecknoe1st November 
Mary  Mason alegetmate1st February 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatsen14th February 
Johnson ofThomas & EsterButler of Sawbridge28th March 
Richard  Rawbone of Flecknoe an adult27th August 
Barbaradaughter ofMoses & MaryAlsop of Flecknoe5th September 
Marydaughter ofJohn & MarthaMasters of Flecknoe3rd October 
Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryEllard of Flecknoe3rd October 
Johnson ofJohn & PaschalSharman of Flecknoe3rd October 
Thomasson ofWilliam & EstherGrub31st October 
Annedaughter ofHenry & AnnGood of Flecknoe31st October 
Isaacson ofJames & MaryWood of Flecknoe14th November 
Thomasson ofEuseby & EstherHolmes of Nethercote14th November 
1742/43 BAPTISMS
Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryNasbey23rd January 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MaryClever of Nethercote23rd January 
Catherinedaughter ofWilliam & MaryRainbow of Flecknoe27th February 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatson of Fletno4th September 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethArnoll of Fletcknoe11th January 
Hanowdaughter ofJobe & ElizabethWillson of Sawbridge11th January 
Anndaughter ofThomas & AnnGenenines4th March 
Thomasson ofThomas & AnnBranson of Sawbridge1st April 
Anndaughter ofFrancis & AnnLine of Sawbridge1st April 
Zackeiousson ofWilliam & MaryEllerd of Flecknoe27th May 
Williamson ofWilliam & MaryRainbow of Flecknoe20th June 
Elizabethdaughter ofThomas & MaryOdames of Flecknoe2nd September 
Richardson ofJoseph & MaryClaridge of Sawbridge28th October 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & SarahUllet of Sawbridge4th November 
Williamson ofWilliam & EsterGroob of Flecknoe18th November 
Thomasson ofJobe & ElizabethWillson of Sawbridge23rd December 
Thomasson ofWilliam & IsabelCleaver of Nethercote25th December 
Richardson ofRichard & ElizabethWilliams of Sawbridge25th December 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe5th May 
Doritydaughter ofWilliam & DorityWite12th May 
Marydaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethDraper of Sawbridge2nd June 
Marthadaughter ofHenry & AnnGoode of Flecknoe16th June 
Pasquedaughter ofJohn & PasqueSharman of Flecknoe8th September 
Jamesson ofJohn & ElizabethWeest of Flecknoe1st February 
Marydaughter ofJoseph & MaryClaridge of Sawbridge1st January 
Elizabethdaughter ofRichard & ElizabethWilliams18th January 
Charlesson ofJohn & SarahEllet of Sawbridge24th May 
Thomasson ofThomas & MaryShortland of Flecknoe1st June 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethLine7th September 
Johnson ofWilliam & MaryClever7th September 
Christanadaughter ofRobert & JaneClarke of Wolfhamcote9th October 
Johntanson ofJoseph & ElizabethDraper7th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofJames & EsterHinton22nd April 
Hesterdaughter ofWilliam & HesterGrub14th December 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethWatson11th February 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethArnold21st June 
Elizabethdaughter ofJobe & ElizabethWillson of Sawbridge21st June 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & AnnArnold of Flecknoe19th July 
Johnson ofThomas & MaryWodham7th September 
Thomasson ofThomas & AnnGood7th September 
Johnson ofJohn & MaryNewman of Sawbridge20th September 
Robertson ofRobert & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe8th November 
  EdmansSimson child was bapt the same8th November 
Thomasson ofThomas & MarySmart of Flecknoe25th December 
Ann Joynerborn byAnnPowne father (sic)18th March 
Sarahdaughter ofJoseph & MaryClarig of Sawbridge22nd July 
Elizabethdaughter ofHenry & MaryLooke4th August 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & PasqueSharman of Flecknoe6th November 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & JaneThornicraft of Sawbridge20th November 
Johnson ofJohn & AnnArnold of Flecknoe  
Williamson ofThomas & AnnBransen13th July 
Josephson ofWilliam & MaryGoode of Flecknoe24th September 
Thomasson ofJohn & AnnWest of Flecknoe18th February 
Ursuladaughter ofHenry & MaryLowke(?) of Flecknoe18th Feburary 
Elizabeth3(the name Mary was crossed out)daughter ofJohn & MaryNewman7th February 
Johnson ofRichard and ElizabethWilliams of Sawbridge24th February 
Edwardson ofJohn & PaskerSharman of Flecknoe4th June 
Williamson ofRichard & SarahMasters of Sawbridge5th June 
Brirten  born and bapt without a father29th July 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & HanowEllus of Sawbridge2nd Aug 
Baptisms 1751
Agkinesson ofJames & EsterHinton of Sawbridge3rd February 
Robertson ofJohn & ElizabethWatson of Sawbridge10th February 
Johnson ofNicholas & ElizabethGroob of Sawbridge23rd February 
Thomasson ofJoseph & MaryClarig of Sawbridge3rd March 
Johnson ofThomas & AnnBrancen of Sawbridge28th July 
Shuzanahdaughter ofJohn & MaryNewman of Sawbridge28th July 
Richardson ofSamuel & Jane (originally written as Mary)Rathbone of Flecknoe13th October 
Richardson ofEuseby & Hester (originally written as Ann)Holmes of Nethercote20th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofSamuel & Sarah (originally written as Joseph & Elizabeth)Carpender of Flecknoe20th October 
Marthadaughter ofJohn & MarthaMasters of Nethercote20th March 
Josephson ofJoseph & MaryClarig of Nethercote27th March 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethClever of Flecknoe5th April 
Edwardson ofJohn & PosqueSharman3rd March 
Sarahdaughter ofWilliam & MaryRawbone born 1851 bapt23 July 
Thomasson ofNicholas & ElizabethGroob29th April 
Elizabethdaughter ofJoseph & ElizabethPollord29th April 
Anndaughter ofJohn & AnnArnold6th May 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethWatson15th November 
Richardson ofRichard & SarahMasters9th March 
Worth (?)son ofJohn & ElizabethDraper7th April 
Thomasson ofNicholas & ElizabethGrub29th April 
Anndaughter ofRobert & JaneThornicroft6th May 
Williamson ofWilliam & MaryGoode17th June 
Marydaughter ofThomas & MaryRawbone21st October 
Marydaughter ofJohn & MaryNewman21st October 
Williamson ofWilliam & MaryWhite (?)28th October 
Thomasson ofSamuel & JaneRawbone11th November 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethWatson15th November 
Johnson ofHenry & MaryLowe12th December 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethCleaver9th  (month illegible)
Williamson ofRobert & SarahHall3rd  (month not given)
Edwardson ofThomas & AliceCattle10th  (month not given)
Robertson ofJohn & ElizabethWatson7th April 
Saradaughter ofJohn & MarthaMasters14th April 
Richardson ofJoh & AnnWilson5th May 
Marydaughter ofJohn & AnnWest16th July 
Johnson ofJoseph & MaryClaridge17th  (month not given)
Edmundson ofEdmund & SarahSimson15th  (month not given)
Johnson ofThomas & HannahSpencer12th January 
Thomasson ofMatthew & MaryHewit(?)26th January 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatson1st February 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & JaneBarr16th March 
Williamson ofWilliam & ElizabethSmart13th April 
Williamson ofHenry & MaryLowke27th April 
Edwardson ofJohn & MarthaMasters8th June 
Marydaughter ofJohn & AnnArnold   (date illegible but
between 8th June & 12th October)
Marydaughter ofIsaac & ElizabethAlcock   (date illegible but
between 8th June & 12th October)
John(?)son ofSamuel & JaneRawbone   (date illegible but
between 8th June & 12th October)
Anndaughter ofRobert & SarahHall12th October 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethCleaver9th November 
Sarahdaughter ofThomas & MaryRawbone23rd November 
Jeffryson ofWilliam & MaryGoode15th February 
Marydaughter ofEdward & AnnRawbone21st March 
Samuelson ofNicholas & ElizabethGrub28th March 
Marydaughter ofMatthew & MaryHewitt28th March 
Jane Bridgetdaughter ofJohn & MaryNewman11th April 
Thomasson ofJohn & HannanSpencer19th June 
Johnson ofJohn & AnnSlatcher1st August 
Anndaughter ofThomas & MarySmart19th September 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatson26th September 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & SarahTuckey10th October 
Jamesson ofEdmund & SarahSimpson19th January 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatson4th January 
Johnson ofRichard & SarahMasters11th February 
Edwardson ofSamuel & JaneRawbone10th April 
Marydaughter ofEuseby & HesterHolmes17th April 
Williamson ofWilliam & JaneBarrs24th April 
William(?)son ofGeorge & MaryHakesly24th April 
Samuelson ofJohn & AnnWest18th September 
Samuelson ofWilliam & MaryGoode18th September 
Comfortdaughter ofThomas & ElizabethCross23rd October 
Josephson ofWilliam & MaryCleaver4th December 
Johnson ofThomas & MaryRawbone19th February 
Richardson ofHenry & MaryLowke8th January 
Thomasson ofThomas & MarySmith15th January 
Kittydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethCleaver24th January 
Sarahdaughter ofRobert & SarahHall17th February 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & MaryNewman2nd April 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatson16th April 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & AnnSlatcher23rd April 
Williamson ofNicholas & ElizabethGrub14th May 
Marydaughter ofThomas & HannaSpencer21st May 
Williamson ofEdward & AnnRawbone28th May 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & AnnArnold6th June 
Agnesdaughter ofRobert & JaneThornicroft30th July 
Liddiadaughter ofThomas & AnnBraunston5th September 
Hannahdaughter ofWilliam & MillicentWilson17th September 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethRawbone8th October 
Abigaldaughter ofJoseph & MaryClaridge22nd October 
Thomasson ofThomas & (no given name)Curtis1st January 
Williamson ofJohn & AnnTurner11th June 
Hannahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethWatson4th February 
Samuelson ofSamuel & JaneRawbone4th February 
Williamson ofJohn & AnnWest15th April 
Sarahdaughter ofGeorge & MaryHaksly15th April 
Williamson ofRichard & AnnEarl1st May 
2 infantsof Walter & MaryWilliam & HannowUsher25th May 
WilliamofEdward & AnnRawbone of Flecknoe11th September 
Alicedaughter ofThomas & AliceTaylor of Sawbridge7th October 
Januedaughter ofThomas & AnnBranston of Sawbridge21st October 
Elizabethdaughter ofRobert & (given name illegible)Holmes(?)18th November 
Williamson of(given name illegible) & Elizabeth(surname illegible)25th December 
1759 + 1763 Baptisms
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & BridgetMather21st January1759
Thomasson ofRevd Mr JohnMather & Bridget his wife27th February1763
Richardson ofWilliam & MillicentWilson of Flecknoe6th January 
Janedaughter ofNicholas & ElizabethGrub of Nethercote6th January 
Samuelson ofWilliam & MaryCleaver of Sawbridge20th January 
Margaretdaughter ofRobert & (no given name)Woodful of Sawbridge20th January 
Georgeson ofJohn & ElizabethRawbone of Flecknoe16th March 
Estherdaughter ofJohn & AnnSlatcher of Flecknoe6th April 
Williamson ofThomas & HannahSpencer of Sawbridge20th May 
Elizabethdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe29th June 
Johnson ofJohn & AnnTurner of Flecknoe14th August 
Thomasson ofWilliam & HannahUsher of Sawbridge14th September 
Francesdaughter ofJohn & AnnArnold of Flecknoe9th October 
Richardson ofRichard & AnnEarl of Flecknoe12th April 
Thomasson ofThomas & ElizabethTruslove of Nethercote23rd April 
Marydaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe19th July 
Marydaughter ofJohn & SarahTuckey23rd August 
Williamson ofWilliam & AliceTaylor of Sawbridge27th September 
(no givenname)of Thomas & ElizabethTruslove25th April 
(no givenname)of John & MollyHakesley30th May 
(no givenname)of Thomas & HannahSpencer27th June 
Anndaughter ofWilliam & ElizabethSmart of Sawbridge24th July 
Thomasson ofThomas & MarySmith of Sawbridge8th August 
Anndaughter ofJohn & ElizabethEales8th August 
Johnson ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe8th August 
Williamson ofWilliam & MaryGoode2nd January 
Janedaughter ofJohn & AnnArnold of Flecknoe31st January 
Marydaughter ofThomas & HesterButtler of Sawbridge26th March 
(no given name)  Butler10th April 
Mollydaughter ofSamuel & ElizabethWatson1st May 
(no given name)  Newman1st May 
Williamson ofJeremiah & (no given name)Eagles19th June 
Millicentdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters17th July 
Edwardson ofJohn & EstherManning8th September 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & SarahGoode of Flecknoe18th September 
Edwardson of(no parents names)Manning2nd October 
Williamson ofHenry & MaryVerety6th November 
Thomasson ofJohn & AnneTurner26th December 
Samuelson of(no given name) & MaryBliss(?)15th January 
Samuelson ofJohn & AliceSlatcher4th March 
Reubenson ofWilliam & HannahNassau of Salbridge21st April 
Robertson ofRobert & SarahHalle of Salbridge22nd May 
Margaretdaughter ofSamuel & ElizabethWatson26th June 
Edwardson ofJohn & ElizabethRawbone8th July 
Annedaughter ofJohn & AnneMasters8th July 
Thomasson ofMary & JohnSharman12th August 
Anndaughter ofThomas & ElizabethTruslow19th August 
Eusebyson ofJacob & Ann(no surname)11th November 
Janedaughter ofRobert & JaneThornicraft11th November 
Robertson ofJohn & AnneWest9th December 
Richardson ofWilliam & MillicentWilston9th December 
Annedaughter ofEdward & AnneRawbone10th March 
Catherinedaughter ofJohne & AnneArnold of Flecknoe19th May 
Annedaughter ofThomas & MarySmith of Salbridge26th May 
Sarahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters of Flecknoe23rd June 
Hannahdaughter ofJames & EstherWoodward of Flecknoe4th August 
(given name illegible)ofWalter & Mary(surname illegible) at Knapton   (no date)
(given name illegible)son ofJohn & Anne(surname illegible)   date illegible but before 7th May
Marydaughter ofRichard & AnnEarl of Flecknoe   date illegible but before 7th May
Georgeson ofGeorge & AnnGrammer of Flecknoe7th May 
Richardson ofSamuel & ElizabethWatson of Flecknoe8th June 
Janedaughter ofJohn & ElizabethRawbone of Flecknoe20th July 
Robertson ofRobert & SarahHall of Salbridge10th  (month illegible)
Sarahdaughter ofThomas & MaryGrubb1st  (month illegible)
Jobson ofJohn & AnneTurner of Flecknoe20th  (month illegible)
Williamson ofJohn & MarySharman of Flecknoe12th  (month illegible)
Williamson ofJohn & SarahGoode of Flecknoe26th  (month illegible)
Marydaughter ofJohn & EstherManning of Nethercote7th December 
Marydaughter ofWilliam & MillicentWilston of Flecknoe8th February 
Elizabethdaughter ofGeorge & AnnGrammer14th June 
Hannahdaughter ofJohn & ElizabethMasters17th July 
Anndaughter ofJohn & SusannahMasters9th August 
Edwardson ofEdward & AnnRawbone13th September 
Thomas Whitea base son ofThomas White & RebeccaThornicraft born 9th December bapt24th December 
Anndaughter ofThomas & MarySmith born 29th November 1767 bapt31st January1768

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