Surname Listing: |
Alcock, Alder, Allard, Allcock, Allord, Allsop, Allsup, Alsop, Alsup, Arnol, Arnold, Arnoll.
Barr, Barres, Barret, Barrit, Barritt, Barrs, Bars, Basely, Basley, Bates, Bays, Bazely, Beedle, Biddel, Biddell, Bliss(?), Boswooth, Bosworth, Bouers, Bradbury, Brancen, Bransen, Branson, Branston, Braunston, Bringes, Bringess, Brown, Browne, Buckn?, Bucknall, Bucknell, Bucknill, Butler, Buttler. Carpender, Catell, Cattill, Cattle, Chambers, Chattel, Childs, Chiles, Chilldes, Chilles, Chills, Claridge, Clarig, Clark, Clarke, Cleark, Cleaver, Clerk, Clerke, Clever, Coles, Cooke, Cross, Curroll, Curtis, Curtiss, Curtois. Denney, Draper, Eagles, Eales, Earl, Edmens, Elard, Ellard, Ellerd, Elles, Ellet, Elliot, Elliott, Ellus, Falkes, Faux, Fookes, Garner, Garnier, Garret, Garrett, Geebens, Geffs, Geffts, Genenines, Geninss, Gibbins, Good, Goode, Goosey, Gooshisg, Gossage, Gosses, Gossig, Goude, Grammer, Grant, Green, Groob, Grub, Grubb, Grube, Hackly, Hacksley, Hacley, Hacsley, Hage, Hakesley, Hakesly, Haksly, Hall, Halleridge, Hallridge, Harbode, Harris, Hauitt, Hewett, Hewit, Hewitt, Higmon, Hinton, Holland, Holmes, Holmesridge, Homes, Huchens, Hucley, Huett, Huit, Huitt, Hutchings, Jackson, Jenckings, Jenkings, Jenkins, Jennings, Langom, Layton, Line, Lines, Lioock, Looke, Lowe, Lowke, Lyne, Mackpis, Manders, Manning, Marriett, Marriot, Marrit, Mason, Masser, Massere, Masters, Mastersridge, Mathass, Mather, Maunders, Mayee, Mayway, Nasbey, Nassauridge, Newman, Oadams, Odames, Odams, Perkins, Pollord, Powne, Queney, Quiney, Quinney, Quinny, Rabone, Radburn, Rainbow, Rathbone, Rawbon, Rawbone, Rawborne, Rhadburn, Row, Row bapt, Rowboone, Rusell, Rushel, Rushell, Russall, Russel, Russell, Sallock, Sallok, Sanders, Saunders, Shakespear, Sharman, Sharmon, Shaw, Shenston, Shortland, Simans, Simoness, Simpson, Simson, Simsun, Slatcher, Smart, Smeeth, Smith, Smithridge, Sollake, Sollock, Solloke, Sommers, Spencer, Spicer, Spookes, Summers, Sutton, Taylor, Thornecraft, Thornecroft, Thornicraft, Thornicroft, ThornyCroft, Toorall, Toroll, Torrall, Torroll, Treen, Trusler, Truslov, Truslove, Truslow, Tuckey, Turner, Ullet, Usher, Verety, Vicars, Vicers, Vickers, Ward, Watsen, Watson, Weest, West, White, Whitehead, Whiticrow, Whood, Willes, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Wilston, Winn, Wite, Wodham, Wodhams, Wood, Woodful, Woodward, Worrall, Yates. |
Name | Parent(s) | Surname, Abode | Date | Notes | |
1688 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry & Millicent | Truslow of Nethercote | 6th April | |
William | son of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw | 23rd May | |
Samuel | son of | Henry & Eliz: | Goode ith Lne of Flecknoe | 7th June | |
Sarah | daughter of | Samuel & Millicent | Garret of Flecknoe | 12th August | |
Anne | daughter of | Thomas & Anne | Holmes of Sal? | 26th August | |
Lawrence | son of | Lawrence & Eliz: | Biddell of Sawbridge. born: St Bartholomew Day; bapt: Sunday | 26th August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Euseby & Eliz: | Saunders of Sal? | 11th October | |
Samuel | son of | Walter & Eliz: | Watson of Nethercote | 18th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Elias & Eliz: | Thornecraft of Flecknoe | 11th November | |
Ursula | daughter of | Samuel & Dorothy | Arnold of Sal? | 28th December | |
1689 BAPTISMS | |||||
Stephen | son of | George & Alice | Watson of Flecknoe | 24th January | |
Samuel | son of | Joseph & Elinor | Sutton of Flecknoe | 27th January | |
Jane | daughter of | Robert & Elizabeth | Shaw of Sal? | 1st February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Barack & Anne | Basely of Sal | 15th February | |
John | son of | Edward junr & Mary | Sharman of Flecknoe | 17th March | |
1689 BAPTISMS | |||||
William | son of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 5th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Robert & Mary | Shenston of Flecknoe | 9th April | |
John | son of | Nicholas & Mary | Goode of Flecknoe | 25th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Samuel & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 19th June | |
Bucknell Whood | son of | Thomas Bucknill & Rebecka | Whood spurious born at Salbridge bapt | 21st July | |
Robert | son of | Thomas & Katherine | Bucknell of Sal | 21st July | |
Mary | daughter of | Francis & Bridget | Claridge | 28th July | |
Thomas | son of | John & Katherine | Vickers of Nethercote | 29th September | |
Anne | daughter of | Richard & Anne | Radburn of Sal? | 25th October | |
1690 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | William | Masters als Waller & Anne his wife of Flecknoe | 16th January | |
John | son of | John & Lydia | Chambers of Flecknoe | 30th January | |
William | son of | Barack & Anne | Bazely of Sal? | 30th January | |
Robert | son of | Anne | Allcock spurious born by an unknown father was baptized | 16th February | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Grub of Flecknoe | 2nd March | |
Dorothy | daughter (of) | William & Elizabeth | Grub of Flecknoe | 2nd March | (this is a joint entry) |
Thomas | son of | John & Anne | Eales of Sal? | 2nd May | |
Joseph | son of | James & Mary | Turner, travellers | 16th July | |
Jane | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Bradbury, travellers | 16th July | |
Anne | daughter of | Henry & Millicent | Truslow | 1st August | |
Richard | son of | Robert & Mary | Shenston of Flecknoe | 12th September | |
Thomas | son of | Henry & Deborah | Clerke of Flecknoe | 12th September | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Anne | Holmes of Sal? | 11th October | |
Richard | son of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw of Wolfhamcote | 23rd November | |
Robert | son of | Christopher & Sarah | Bosworth of Flecknoe | 4th December | |
1691 BAPTISMS | |||||
Samuel | son of | Samuel & Millicent | Garret of Flecknoe | 2nd February | |
William | son of | Richard & Joyce | Massere of Wolfamcote | 8th February | |
Richard | son of | Euseby & Elizabeth | Sanders of Sawbridge | 10th February | |
Thomas | Shaw | 13th August | |||
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Catherine | Bucknell of Sawbridge born: 12th February; bapt: | 12th March | |
Ursula | daughter of | Elias & Elizabeth | Thornecraft of Flecknoe | 22nd March | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 27th September | |
Robert | son of | Samuel & Dorothy | Arnold of Sawbridge | 2nd May | |
Robert | son of | John & Catherine | Vicars | 27th | (month illegible but between 2nd May & 27th September) |
Thomas | son of | William & Ann | Masters of Flecknoe | 27th September | |
William | son of | William & Eliz: | Grub of Flecknoe | 6th December | |
1691/92 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Stephen & Eliz: | Manders of Sal? | 20th February | |
Moses | son of | Daniel & Mary | Thornicraft of Flecknoe | 25th February | |
Joseph | son of | Henry & Ann | Worrall of Sawbridge | 13th March | |
Mary | daughter of | Edward & Mary | Sharman of Flecknoe | 1st April | |
1692 BAPTISMS | |||||
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Eliz: | Hakesly of Flecknoe | 17th May | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Mary | Shenston of Flecknoe | 8th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Samuel & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 17th June | |
Millicent | daughter of | Samuel & Millicent | Garret of Flecknoe | 2nd October | |
Mary | daughter of | Barack & Anne | Bazely of Sal? | 23rd September | |
Mary | daughter of | Euseby & Eliz; | Saunders of Sal? | 12th September | |
John | son of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 27th December | |
1693 BAPTISMS | |||||
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Katherine | Bucknill of Sal | 13th January | |
John | son of | Thomas & Ann | Holmes of Sawbridge | 16th March | |
Mary | daughter of | George & Alles | Watson | 2nd April | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Joyce | Masser of Wolfamcote | 9th April | |
Samuel | son of | William & Elizabeth | Grube of Flecknoe | 21st May | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Liddy | Chambers of Flecknoe | 2nd July | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Elizabeth | Arnold of Flecknoe | 16th July | |
Rebecka | daughter of | John & Sarah | Higmon of Sawb? | 21st July | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Joane | Grant of Sawbridge | 17th September | |
Joan | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw of Wolfamcote | 12th October | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Ann | Masters of Flecknoe | 19th November | |
Samuel | son of | Samuel & Dorothy | Arnold of Sawbridge | 12th December | |
Mary | daughter of | Daniel & Mary | Thornecraft of Flecknoe | 28th December | |
1694 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Lawrence & Eliz: | Biddel of Sawbridge | 27th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Mary | Shenston of Flecknoe | 19th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Ann | Grant of Flecknoe | 18th March | |
Susanna | daughter of | Christopher & Sarsah | Bosworth of Flecknoe | 9th April | |
John | son of | Henry & Elizabeth | Goode of Flecknoe | 11th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Stephen & Elizabeth | Manders of Sawbridge | 15th April | |
James | son of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 3rd September | |
1695 BAPTISMS | |||||
Edward | son of | Edward & Mary | Sharman of Flecknoe | 9th February | |
William | son of | Richard & Mary | Coles of Sawbridge; born : | 10th April | Birth |
Thomas | son of | John & Katherine | Vicers of Nethercote | 9th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Eliz. | Arnold of Flecknoe | 9th June | |
Joseph | son of | Samuel & Millicent | Garret of Flecknoe | 16th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Christopher & Sarah | Bosworth of Flecknoe | 16th June | |
Richard | son of | Thomas & Katherine | Bucknell of Sawbridge | 23rd June | |
Ann | daughter of | Euseby & Elizabeth | Sanders of Sawbridge | 7th July | |
Richard | son of | William & Eliz. | Grub of Flecknoe | 19th August | |
Daniel | son of | Daniel & Mary | Thornicraft of Flecknoe | 8th September | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Sarah | Denney of Flecknoe | 8th September | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Jane | Grant of Sawbridge | 22nd September | |
John | son of | Charles & Hanna | Lioock of Flecknoe | 25th October | |
Mary | daughter of | Francis & Sharah | Claridge of Flecknoe | 23rd November | |
William | son of | Emm | Willes | 6th December | |
Sarah | daughter of | William | Masters of Flecknoe | 20th December | |
1696 BAPTISMS | |||||
Anne | daughter of | Euseby | Homes of Sawbridge | 1st January | |
James | son of | James | Shakespear of Flecknoe | 17th February | |
George | son of | John | Shaw of Wolfampcote | 31st January | |
Elias | son of | Elias | Thornicroft of Flecknoe | 4th April | |
Anne | daughter of | George | Brown of Sawbridge born 15th April bapt | 19th April | |
Thomas | son of | Samuel | Good of flecknoe born 4th April bapt | 5th June | |
Alice | daughter of | George | Watson of Flecknoe born 20th June bapt | 20th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas | Clark of Wolfampcote born 2nd September bapt | 14th September | |
Richard | son of | William | Masters of Flecknoe born 1st September bapt | 11th September | |
William | son of | Richard | Masters of Salbridge | 11th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas | Holmes of Salbridge | 18th October | |
Ester | daughter of | Christopher & Sarha | Boswooth of Flecknoe | All SS Day | |
1697 BAPTISMS | |||||
Anne | daughter of | Stephen & Millicent | Maunders of Wolfamcote | 10th January | |
Matthew | son of | Samuel & Dorothy | Arnold | 30th May | |
Samuel | son of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 5th June | |
Ann | daughter of | Lawrence & Elizabeth | Beedle born 11th June bapt | 11th July | |
William | son of | Francis & Sarah | Claridge of Flecknoe born 5th October bapt | 9th October | |
Anne | daughter of | Thomas & Catherine | Bucknell of Sawbridge born 19th October bapt | 4th November | |
Anne | daughter of | Robert & Mary | Shenston of Flecknoe born 28th October bapt | 4th November | |
Alice | daughter of | Euseby & Elizabeth | Saunders of Sawbridge born 17th October bapt | 19th November | |
Alice | daughter of | James & Sarah | Shakespear of Flecknoe born 8th December bapt | 10th December | |
Elias | son of | Elias & Elizabeth | Thornecroft of Flecknoe born 6th November bapt | 12th December | |
1698 BAPTISMS | |||||
Euseby | son of | Euseby & Dorothy | Holmes of Sawbridge | 1st January | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Sarah | Good of Flecknoe | 1st January | |
Anne | daughter of | John | Jackson, Minister of Wolfamcote and Lydia Jackson his wife born 5th January bapt | 1st February | |
(Originally written as John but amended to) George | son of | George & Elizabeth | Brown born 12th January bapt | 20th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard & Eliz | Masters of Sawbridge born 3rd May bapt | 8th May | |
Joseph | son of | Samuel & Millissent | Garrett of Flecknoe born 8th May bapt | 15th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward & Mary | Sharman of Flecknoe born 24th May bapt | 29th May | |
George | son of | George & Sarah | Watson of Flecknoe | 10th October | |
Hannah | daughter of | Christopher & Sarah | Bosworth | 30th October | |
1699 BAPTISMS | |||||
Job | son of | John & Anne | Grant of Flecknoe | 6th January | |
Thomas | son of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 9th March | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Bates | in March | [sic] (no date given) |
Anne | daughter of | Henry & Bridgett | Williams born 12th March bapt | 20th March | |
Anne | daughter of | Richard | Masters of Sawbridge | 26th July | |
George | son of | George | Browne of Sawbridge | 26th July | |
William Goode | son of | Samuel | Goode of Flecknoe | 27th September | |
(No given Name) | son of | Daniel | Thornicroft of Flecknoe | (no date given but between 27th September & 9th October) | |
Thomas | son of | Samuel | Arnold of Sawbridge | 9th October | |
1700 BAPTISMS | |||||
William | son of | Euseby | Holmes of Sawbridge | 16th February | |
Richard | son of | Francis | Claridge of Flecknoe | 7th March | |
John | son of | Thomas | Bucknell of Sawbridge | 20th March | |
Robert | son of | Thomas & Mary | Clerke of Wolfamcote born 4th March bapt | 21st March | |
Richard | son of | Euseby | Saunders of Sawbridge born 6th October bapt | 10th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Samuel & Eliz | Shortland born 24th October bapt | 27th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | George & Sarah | Watston of Flecknoe born 2nd November bapt | 30th November | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Mary | Coles so called being Quaker born | 29th October | Birth |
Richard | son of | Richard | Masters of Sawbridge | 8th December | |
1701 BAPTISMS | |||||
Hannah | daughter of | William & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 28th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry & Bridgett | Williams | 29th March | |
Henry | son of | Samuel & Sarah | Good | 29th March | |
Thomas | son of | James & Sarah | Shakespear of Flecknoe | 7th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | James & Sarah | Shakespear of Flecknoe | 7th May | |
William | son of | Christopher & Sarah | Bosworth of Flecknoe | 13th May | |
William | son of | Edward & Mary | Sharmon of Flecknoe | 12th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Samuel & Millicent | Garrett of Flecknoe | 8th September | |
Millicent | daughter of | Stephen & Millicent | Maunders of Sawbridge | 14th September | |
(Millicent) | (child of) | Moses & Mary | Allsop of Flecknoe Anabaptists had a child born Novr ye | 1st | they call it Millicent |
Thomas | son of | Francis & Sarah | Claridge | 6th December | |
Anne | daughter of | William & Anne | Goode | 8th December | |
1702 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Wodhams | 6th January | |
Richard | son of | William & Sarah | Masters | 6th March | |
(Job) | (child of) | Daniel | Thornicroft has a child born April | 19th | they call it Job |
Elizabeth | daughter of | George & Elizabeth | Brown | 26th July | |
Hannah | daughter of | Euseby | Sanders | 9th October | |
John | son of | Richard | Masters | 12th October | |
Sarah | daughter of | George | Watson | 23rd October | |
John | son of | Henry | Truslove | 27th November | |
1703 BAPTISMS | |||||
Robert | son of | Thomas | Bucknell of Sawbridge | 19th January | |
Mary | daughter of | Elias | Thornicraft | 3rd February | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry | Williams of Flecknoe | 3rd February | |
Hannah | daughter of | Samuel | Shortland of Flecknoe | 6th September | |
John | son of | Richard | Masters of Sawbridge | 10th October | |
1704 BAPTISMS | |||||
Henry | son of | Thomas | Good of Flecknoe | 7th January | |
(John) | (son of) | One Moses | Allsop of Flecknoe, an Anabaptist, had a son born Jan: ye | 2d | he called him John |
Elizabeth | supposed daughter of | John | Arnold of Flecknoe | 2nd February | |
Anne | daughter of | John | Rhadburn of Sawbridge | 21st March | |
John | Whitehead an Anabaptist of Harlow(?) of Flecknoe had a child born Aprill ye | 8th | |||
Henry | son of | John | Shaw of Sawbridge | 30th April | |
Sarah | Claridge | 9th July | |||
Thomas | son of | William & Anne | Perkins | 2nd October | |
Hannah | daughter of | Euseby | Saunders | 14th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Mellicent | Mayway | 19th October | |
Anne | daughter of | George & Anne | Watson of Flecknoe | 29th December | |
1705 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Elias & Elizabeth | Thornicraft | 20th February | |
Robert | son of | Stephen & Elizabeth | Maunders | 25th February | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry & Mary | Russel | 15th April | |
Hannah | daughter of | William & Sarah | Masters | 4th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Hannah | Huett of Sawbridge | 10th June | |
Alice | daughter of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Shortland | 29th July | |
(Joseph) | (child of) | John | Whitehead of Flecknoe, an Anabaptist, had a child born July | 2d | they call it Joseph |
Anne | daughter of | Thomas | Layton | 29th April | |
Henry | son of | Robert | Good | 1st October | |
Abraham | son of | George & Elizabeth | Browne | 27th December | |
William | son of | Thomas & Dorothy | Good | 27th December | |
Anne | daughter of | Thomas & Dorothy | Good | 27th December | (this is a joint entry) |
(child) | One Moses | Alsop an Anabaptist had a child born November | 30th | ||
1706 BAPTISMS | |||||
Katherine | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw of Sawbridge | 27th April | |
Anne | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Odams | 26th May | |
Joseph | son of | Joseph & Anne | Sutton | 16th June | |
Edward | son of | William & Mary | Rawbone | 4th August | |
Anne | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Curtois | 6th October | |
Sarah | daughter of | Henry & Bridget | Williams | 13th October | |
1707 BAPTISMS | |||||
Sarah | daughter of | Moses | Allsup of Flecknoe born | 26th June | Birth |
Thomas | son of | Richard & Judith | Rawbone | 6th December | (1706?) |
Anne | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Goude | 21st January | |
William | son of | William & Anne | Bays of Burbury in the parish of Marton. bapt in the parish of Ovencote | 20th February | |
Robert | son of | Thomas & Catherine | Bucknall | 6th March | |
Henry | son of | Mr John Shaw & Elizabeth | Shaw | 11th April | |
William | son of | Thomas & Martha | White | 8th May | |
William | son of | William & Millicent | (surname illegible) | 9th December | |
1708 BAPTISMS | |||||
Samuel | son of | Henry & Mary | Rushel of Flecknoe | 5th February | |
Richard | son of | Thomas & Dorithy | Good of Flecknoe | 5th February | |
Millicent | daughter of | (father?s name illegible) & Mary | Rawbone | 26th | (month illegible but between 5th February and 5th April) |
Mary | daughter of | (parent?s names illegible) | Curtois | (date illegible but between 5th February and 5th April) | |
John | son of | Joseph | Sutton | 5th April | |
Samuel | son of | Elias | Thornicroft | 11th July | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Odames of Flecknoe | 29th October | |
William | son of | Richard & Margaret | Mackpis of Flecknoe | 4th November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Michael & Elizabeth | Ward of Nethercote | 7th November | |
1708/09 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Francis & Sarah | Clerk | 6th February | |
William | son of | William & Hanna | Huett | 10th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Nicholas & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 17th March | |
Henry | son of | Henry | Williams of Flecknoe | 25th March | |
Thomas | son of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Shortland | 25th March | |
1709 BAPTISMS | |||||
Robert | son of | Thomas | Jenckings of Flecknoe | 28th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert | Good of Flecknoe | 24th July | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas | Allord of Sawbridge | 28th August | |
Thomas | son of | John & Mary | Queney of Nethercote | 4th November | |
Richard | son of | Richard | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 17th November | |
William | son of | William | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 3rd December | |
William | son of | Joseph | Sutton of Flecknoe | 25th December | |
1710 BAPTISMS | |||||
Ann | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw of Sawbridge | 10th March | |
Henry | son of | Henry | Oadams | 10th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Tho: & Dora: | Goude of Flecknoe in the parish of Wolfhampcote | 5th September | |
John | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Masters of the parish of Wolfampcote | 31st October | |
Millicent | Allsop | 28th December | |||
John | Allsop | 28th December | |||
Moses | Allsop | 28th December | |||
Sarah | Allsop | 28th December | |||
Mary | Allsop | 28th December | |||
Robert | Allsop | 28th December | (this was a combined entry) | ||
1710/11 BAPTISMS | |||||
Allice | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Grub of Sawbridge | 14th January | |
Young | daughter of | George & Ann | Sallock | 18th January | |
John | son of | Moses & Elizabeth | Gossage | 12th February | |
1711 BAPTISMS | |||||
Henry | son of | Henry & Mary | Russell | 22nd April | |
Joseph | son of | Elias & Elizabeth | Thornicraft | 13th May | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Ann | Watson | 24th June | |
William | son of | Thomas & Katherine | Grub of Flecknoe | 15th July | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw of Sawbridge | 5th August | |
Mary | daughter of | Nicholas & Sarah | Masters | 3rd September | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Quinney of Nethercote | 23rd October | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Harris of Flecknoe | 22nd November | |
William | son of | Thomas & Mary | Jenkings of Flecknoe | 25th November | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Masters of Wolfamcote | 10th December | |
1711/12 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Grub of Sawbridge | 13th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard & Judeth | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 27th January | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Yates of Flecknoe | 3rd February | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Rawborne | 10th February | |
1712 BAPTISMS | |||||
Hannah | daughter of | Thomas & Hannah | Hewit of Sawbridge | 20th April | |
Edward | son of | Daniel & Mary | Williams | 26th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Eliz: | Arnol of Flecknoe | 3rd July | |
Sarah | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Curtis of Sawbridge | 21st September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Ann | Thornicraft of Sawbridge | 21st September | |
Robert | son of | Moses & Mary | Alsop of Flecknoe | 23rd November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | George & Eliz: | Sallock of Flecknoe | 23rd November | |
Samuel | son of | George & Eliz: | Sallok of Flecknoe | 23rd November | |
Samuel | son of | George and Ann | Watson of Nethercote | 29th November | |
Thomas | son of | John & Elizabeth | Odams of Flecknoe | 25th December | |
1712/13 BAPTISMS | |||||
Thomas | son of | Ambrose & Ann | Goosey of Daintry | 8th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Katherine | Grub of Flecknoe | 9th February | |
1713 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Harris of Flecknoe | 5th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Daniel & Ann | Williams of Flecknoe | 24th May | |
Samuel | son of | Joseph & Ann | Sutton of Flecknoe | 14th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Shaw | 21st June | |
Sarah | daughter of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simpson | 26th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Elliot of Sawbridge | 26th August | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Jenkins of Flecknoe | 20th September | |
Ann | daughter of | Elizabeth | Garner of Flecknoe | 15th November | |
Ann | daughter of | George & Ann | Sallock of Flecknoe | 21st November | |
John | son of | John & Hannah | Eales of Sawbridge | 25th December | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Childs of Sawbridge | 29th December | |
1713/14 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Grub of Sawbridge | 17th January | |
Richard | son of | John & Mary | Quinny of Nethercote | 7th February | |
Thomas | son of | William & Mary | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 14th March | |
Thomas | son of | John & Elizabeth | Yates of Flecknoe | 21st March | |
1714 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Robert & Ann | Thornicroft of Sawbridge | 28th March | |
Thomas | son of | Henry & Mary | Rushell of Flecknoe | 13th June | |
Henry | son of | Henry & Elizabeth | Cooke of Flecknoe | 4th July | |
Francis | son of | Francis & Ann | Line of Sawbridge | 24th October | |
Sarah | daughter of | Samuel & Joanne | Holland of Flecknoe | 31st October | |
Ann | daughter of | Richard & Judith | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 5th December | |
1714/15 BAPTISMS | |||||
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | (surname illegible) | 16th January | |
Mary | daughter of | Daniel & Ann | Williams of Flecknoe | 23rd January | |
William | son of | George & Ann | Sallock of Flecknoe | 6th February | |
William | son of | Thomas & Anne | Lyne of Sawbridge | 20th February | |
1715 BAPTISMS | |||||
Edward | son of | John & Hannah | Eales of Sawbridge | 3rd April | |
John | son of | Robert & Ann | Watson of Flecknoe | 10th April | |
John | son of | Nicholas & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe born 20th May bapt | 17th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Ursula | West of Flecknoe | 19th June | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Sarah | Curtis | 15th July | |
Thomas | son of | Robert & Sarah | Curtis | 15th July | (this is a joint entry) |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Jefry & Sarah | Good of Flecknoe | 7th August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Alsop of Flecknoe | 3rd August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Groob of Sawbridge | 14th August | |
Thomas | son of | John & Mary | Cleaver of Flecknoe | 30th October | |
Robert | son of | John & Sarah | Marrit of Sawbridge | 12th November | |
1715/16 BAPTISMS | |||||
Thomas | son of | William & Elizabeth | Chills of Sawbridge | 5th February | |
Thomas | son of | Robert & Sarah | Arnold | 3rd March | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Mary | Quiney | 25th March | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Rabone | 25th March | |
1716 BAPTISMS | |||||
Gorge | son of | George & Ann | Sollock | 8th April | |
Thomas | son of | Joseph & Ann | Sutton | 15th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Robert & Ann | Thornicraft | 15th April | |
Agnous | daughter of | Edward & Elizabeth | Masters | 17th April | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ann | Watson of Sawbridge | 5th February | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Mary | Ellard of Sawbridge | 5th May | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Yates of Flecknoe | 25th May | |
Matthew | son of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 9th June | |
James | son of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simsun | 9th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Curtis | 9th September | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 16th September | |
Hanow | daughter of | John & Hanow | Winn | 3rd November | |
Samuel | son of | Samuel & Sarah | Shortland of Flecknoe | 11th November | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry & Mary | Harbode of Nethercote | 2nd December | |
John | son of | (John crossed out) Thomas & Elizabeth | Arnold of Flecknoe | 2nd November | |
1717 BAPTISMS | |||||
Alice | Line of Sawbridge | 17th March | |||
Richard | son of | Francis & Ann | Line of Sawbridge | 21st April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Chiles | 16th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Jame | Shaw | 14th July | |
Robert | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Harris | 14th July | |
George | son of | William & Mary | Rabone | 14th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Arnold | 4th August | |
Sarah | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Jenkins | 11th August | |
Mary | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Alsup | 13th October | |
William | son of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 27th October | |
William | son of | Robert & Ann | Thornicraft | 22nd December | |
Ann | daughter of | Henry & Mary | Russall of Flecknoe | 31st March | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Mary | Cleaver of Flecknoe | 31st March | |
Joyner | Edmens | 29th December | |||
1718 BAPTISMS | |||||
Nicholas | son of | Nicholas & Sarah | Masters of Flecknoe | 17th January | |
Martha | daughter of | Thomas & Martha | White of Flecknoe | 30th March | |
John | son of | John & Ursula | West | 6th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Mary | Quinney of Nethercote | 27th April | |
John | son of | John & Sarah | Marriot of Sawbridge | 4th May | |
Samuel | son of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simsun | 18th May | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Garner of Flecknoe | 1st June | |
John | son of | Robert & Sarah | Arnold of Flecknoe | 13th July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters | 13th July | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Hutchings of Sawbridge | 27th July | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Hanow | Elles of Sawbridge | 24th August | |
Katherine | daughter of | George & Ann | Sallock of Flecknoe | 7th September | |
Richard | son of | John & Elizabeth | Groob of Sawbridge | 14th September | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Buckn? (page torn) of Sawbridge born 15th October bapt | 19th October | |
Christopher | son of | Joseph & Ann | Sutton of Flecknoe | 26th December | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Mary | Elard of Flecknoe | 26th December | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 27th December | |
1719 BAPTISMS | |||||
Grace | daughter of | Henry & Sarah | Truslov of Nethercote | 9th April | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Sarah | Whiticrow of Sawbridge | 3rd May | |
Richard | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Harris of Flecknoe | 17th May | |
Sarah | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Chilles of Sawbridge | 21st May | |
Sarah | daughter of | George & Sarah | Williams of Sawbridge | 27th September | |
Thomas | son of | Francis & Ann | Line of Sawbridge | 1st October | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Katherine | Groob of Flecknoe | 1st December | |
1720 BAPTISMS | |||||
Samuel | son of | Jefry & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 4th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 4th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Elizabeth | Chambers of Flecknoe | 15th January | |
Samuel | son of | Thomas & Ann | Watson | 15th January | |
Nathaniel | son of | William & Mary | Bars of Flecknoe | 24th January | |
Agnus | daughter of | Robert & Ann | Thornicraft of Sawbridge | 14th February | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Amey | Line of Sawbridge | 14th February | |
Moses | son of | Moses & Elizabeth | Gossig of Sawbridge | 22nd February | |
Thomas | son of | Robert & Sarah | Curtiss of Sawbridge born 7th March bapt | 20th March | |
Sarah | daughter of | George & Ann | Solloke of Flecknoe | 24th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry & Mary | Rusell of Flecknoe | 3rd April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Allis | Smith of Flecknoe | 8th May | |
Thomas | son of | John & Mary | Sommers of Sawbridge | 8th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard & Mary | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 2nd (month illegible) | but entry after 8th June and before 21st September |
Henry | son of | Henry & Hanow | Truslow of Nethercote | 21st September | |
Thomas | son of | William & Mary | Rowboone of Nethercote | 28th October | |
Judy | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Jenkins of Flecknoe | 28th October | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Langom | 31st September | (? October as placed after 28th Octoiber) |
John | son of | Moses & Mary | Thornicraft of Flecknoe | 13th November | |
1721 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Bucknell of Sawbridge born 19th February bapt | 2nd March | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Ursula | Weest of Flecknoe | 16th March | |
Richard | son of | William & Elizabeth | Chilles of Sawbridge | 10th April | |
John | son of | William & Jane | Shaw | 7th May | |
Richard | son of | William & Mary | Bars of Flecknoe | 31st May | |
Sarah | daughter of | Edward & Ann | Catell of Flecknoe | 2nd July | |
Mary | daughter of | Moses & Elizabeth | Gossig | 30th July | |
Nicholas | son of | John & Elizabeth | Groob of Sawbridge | 22nd July | |
Elenor | daughter of | Joseph & Ann | Shaw | 6th August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Michael & Elizabeth | Clarke of Sawbridge | 1st September | |
John | son of | Thomas & Ann | Watson of Sawbridge | 1st October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward & Elizabeth | Harris of Flecknoe | 8th October | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Summers of Sawbridge | 12th November | |
Anne | daughter of | Francis & Ann | Line | 19th November | |
1721/22 BAPTISMS | |||||
Mary | daughter of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 21st January | |
Elias | son of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simson | 21st January | |
Edmon | son of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simson | 21st January | (this is a joint entry) |
John | son of | Stephen & Sarah | Rainbow | 28th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hacley of Flecknoe | 23rd March | |
John | son of | Henry & Hanea | Truslove of Nethercote | 7th February | |
1722 BAPTISMS | |||||
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Catherine | Rawbone | 3rd May | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 17th May | |
Mary | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Thornicraft of Fleckoe | 18th May | |
Robert | son of | William | Spicer of Flecknoe | 20th May | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Chambers of Flecknoe | 16th July | |
Thomas | son of | John & Sarah | Marriett of Sawbridge | 2nd September | |
William | son of | John & L?(illiegible) | Yates of Flecknoe | 2nd September | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Elizabeth | Chambers of Flecknoe | 13th September | |
George | son of | Walter and Ann | Spookes of Sawbridge | 14th September | |
Sarah | daughter of | Michell & Elizabeth | Clarke of Sawbridge | 11th October | |
1723 BAPTISMS | |||||
Charles | son of | Thomas & Ursula | Torrall | 20th January | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Alles | Smith of Flecknoe | 20th January | |
Samuel | son of | Robert & Sarah | Arnold of Flecknoe | 10th February | |
Edward | son of | Robert & Ann | Thornicraft of Sawbridge | 7th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Bucknell born 29th June bapt | 29th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Thornicraft of Flecknoe | 29th July | |
Aran | son of | William & Mary | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 7th September | |
Jane | daughter of | Richard & Mary | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 24th October | |
Thomas | son of | Edward & Ann | Chattel of Flecknoe | 31st October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Mary | Chambers of Flecknoe | 10th November | |
James | son of | John & Ursula | West of Flecknoe | 17th November | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Catherine | Rawbon of Flecknoe | 5th December | |
Thomas | son of | John & Hanna | Eales of Sawbridge | 11th December | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Clever of Flecknoe | 22nd December | |
John | son of | John & Sarah | Falkes of Flecknoe | 29th December | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hacley of Flecknoe | 31st December | |
1724 BAPTISMS | |||||
Ann | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Chiles of Sawbridge | 19th January | |
Millisent | daughter of | Henry & Hanna | Truslove of Sawbridge | 17th January | |
Ann | daughter of | Walter and Ann | Spookes of Sawbridge | 1st February | |
William | son of | John & Lady | Yates of Flecknoe | 2nd February | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 2nd February | |
John | son of | George & Elizabeth | Watson of Sawbridge | 13th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simson of Sawbridge | 5th April | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Amey | Line of Sawbridge | 5th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Amey | Line of Sawbridge | 5th April | (this is a joint entry) |
George | son of | Thomas & Ann | Watson of Sawbridge | 19th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Michael & Elizabeth | Cleark of Sawbridge | 28th June | |
Sarah | daughter of | Jephery & Sarah | Goode of Sawbridge | 28th June | |
Edward | son of | Richard & Elizabeth | Shenston of Flecknoe | 5th July | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 12th July | |
Ann | daughter of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 26th July | |
John | son of | John & Ales | Smith of Flecknoe | 6th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 9th September | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Spicer of Flecknoe | 22nd September | |
1725 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Thomas & Ann | Hauitt of Sawbridge | 17th January | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Huchens of Sawbridge | 7th February | |
Sarah | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Thornicraft of Flecknoe | 21st February | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Branson of Flecknoe | 18th June | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 18th July | |
Richard | son of | George & Ann | Sollake of Flecknoe | 21st June | |
Ann | daughter of | Richard Line & Elizabeth | Masters shuperors born at Flecknoe bapt | 1st August | |
Hannow | daughter of | Thomas & Katherine | Groob of Flecknoe | 8th August | |
Samuel | son of | Richard & Mary | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 5th September | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hacley | 5th September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Mary | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 17th October | |
John | son of | Henry & Hannow | Truslov of Nethercote | 26th December | |
John | son of | Thomas & Alles | Geebens of Flecknoe | 24th October | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Catherine | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 7th December | |
John | son of | John & Rose | Gooshisg of Flecknoe | 19th December | |
1726 BAPTISMS | |||||
Robert | son of | Michael & Elizabeth | Clerke of Sawbridge born 9th January bapt | 11th January | |
Richard | son of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge born 23rd3February bapt | 3rd March | |
Hanow | daughter of | John & Alles | Row of Sawbridge | 8th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Edward & Ann | Catell of Flecknoe | 12th May | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Alce | Smith of Flecknoe | 23rd October | |
William | son of | William & Mary | Barres of Flecknoe | 15th December | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Summers of Sawbridge | 18th December | |
William | son of | Thomas & Ann | Hewit of Sawbridge | 25th December | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard & Ann | Sanders of Sawbridge | 27th December | |
Joseph | son of | Robert & Ann | Thornecroft of Sawbridge | 19th December | 1725 (sic) |
Millescent | daughter of | Jefery & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 12th May | |
Sarah | daughter of | Henry & Ann | Goode of Flecknoe | 26th June | |
Thomas | son of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 10th July | |
Henry | son of | Henry & Ann | Garnier of Sawbridge | 19th August | |
1727 BAPTISMS | |||||
Hannah | daughter of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Simson of Sawbridge | 15th January | |
William | son of | William & Jane | Shaw of Sawbridge born 22nd January bapt | 12 March | |
Jonathon | son of | John & Lidey | Yates | 9th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Robert & Ann | Brown | 23rd April | |
George | son of | Robert & Mary | Arnoll of Flecknoe | 14th Mary | |
Sara | daughter of | Robert & Mary | Arnoll of Flecknoe | 14th Mary | (this is a joint entry) |
Samuel | son of | William & Mary | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 21st May | |
William | son of | Thomas & Ann | Watson of Sawbridge | 25th June | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Chilldes of Sawbridge | 2nd July | |
Rebecca | daughter of | Moses & Mary | ThornyCroft of Flecknoe | (no date but between 2nd July 1727 and 2nd February 1728) | |
1728 BAPTISMS | |||||
James | son of | John & Roses | Gossig of Flecknoe | 2nd February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Bringess of Flecknoe | 17th March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Ursley | Toroll of Flecknoe | 17th March | |
John | son of | Richard & Ann | Sanders of Sawbridge | 17th March | |
Mary | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Clarke of Wolfamcote | 4th July | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Katherine | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 7th July | |
Thomas | son of | Henry & Hanow | Truslov of Nethercote | 22nd September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 8th September | |
Thomas | son of | William & Ann | Green | 13th October | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Ann | Cattill of Flecknoe | 3rd November | |
1729 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Robert & Mary | Arnold of Flecknoe | 9th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry & Anne | Good of Flecknoe | 12th March | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Ann | Sanders of Sawbridge | 5th October | |
John | son of | Robert & Jane | Clarke of Wolfampcote | 27th November | |
1730 BAPTISMS | |||||
George | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hucley of Flecknoe | 11th January | |
Richard | son of | John & Alice | Smith of Flecknoe | 29th March | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ann | Mayee of Flecknoe | 22nd June | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Bringes of Flecknoe | 28th June | |
Walter | son of | George & (given name illegible) | Watson of | Flecknoe (date illegible) | September |
Samuel | son of | John & Alice | Row bapt | 7th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Hester | Butler of Sawbridge | 28th September | |
Mary | daughter of | Henry & Ann | Goode of Flecknoe | 20th December | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Walter & Ann | Spookes of Sawbridge | 27th December | |
1731 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Ann | Mathass of Sawbridge | 10th January | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Rebecaka | Gibbins of Flecknoe | 10th January | |
John | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 17th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Sarah | Falkes of Flecknoe | 21st February | |
William | son of | Henry & Hanah | Truslove of Nethercote | 7th March | |
Moses | son of | Moses & Mary | Thornecroft of Flecknoe | 7th March | |
William | son of | John & Ann | Goode of Flecknoe | 2nd May | |
William | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 30th May | |
Ann | daughter of | Richard & Ann | Sanders of Sawbridge | 22nd August | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Rose | Gosses of Flecknoe | 5th September | |
Jane Qunsin | daughter of | Robert | Cleark of Wolfampcote | 2nd October | |
Edward | son of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 15th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Basley of Sawbridge | 19th October | |
Hanow | daughter of | John & Ann | Bucknell of Flecknoe | 26th October | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Bouers of Bradwell | 2nd November | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Hewett of Sawbridge | 5th December | |
1732 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hacsley | 6th February | |
Mary | daughter of | Samuel & Mary | Smith | 20th February | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Ursley | Torroll | 27th February | |
Benjamin | son of | Benjamin & Alles | Simans of Nethercote | 6th March | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ester | Butler of Sawbridge | 22nd March | |
Jane | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Bringes of Flecknoe | 7th May | |
Feebey | daughter of | Thomas & Catrine | Rawbone | 14th September | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Treen of Sawbridge | 17th September | |
John | son of | John & Alles | Smeeth of Flecknoe | 24th September | |
Henry | son of | Henry & Ann | Goode of Flecknoe | 9th November | |
Samuel | son of | Henry & Hanow | Truslove of Nethercote | 22nd November | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Ann | Huitt of Sawbridge | 25th December | |
William | son of | Edward & Ann | Catell of Sawbridge | 24th December | |
1733 BAPTISMS | |||||
George | son of | Walter & Ann | Spookes of Sawbridge | 27th January | |
Thomas | son of | John & Elizabeth | Ellerd of Flecknoe | 27th January | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Ester | Butler | 25th March | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Elizabeth | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 19th April | |
Thomas | son of | John & Ursley | West of Flecknoe | 20th May? | |
Thomas | son of | John & Sarah | Fookes of Flecknoe | 9th September | |
Thomas | son of | Moses & Mary | Allsop of Flecknoe | 16th September | |
Thomas | son of | William & Mary | Allard of Flecknoe | 22nd September | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hackly of Flecknoe | 4th October | |
Bridget | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Clarke of Wolfampcote | 30th November | |
Ann | daughter of | Benjamin & Allis | Simoness of Nethercote | 27th September | |
1734 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Allis | Geninss of Sawbridge | 6th January | |
William | son of | Abram & Hanw | Curroll of Flecknoe | 10th February | |
Hannow | daughter of | Richard & Hannow | Goode of Flecknoe | 17th February | |
Ann | daughter of | Samuel & Mary | Smith of Flecknoe | 17th February | |
Robert | son of | Henry & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 14th April | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Basley of Flecknoe | 21st April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Huit of Sawbridge | 21st April | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Ester | Butler of Sawbridge | 2nd June | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Treen of Sawbridge | 28th July | |
Thomas | son of | John & Mary | Chambers of Flecknoe | 3rd November | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Mary | Ellerd of Flecknoe | 01(sic) November | |
Daniel | son of | Daniel & Mary | Hage of Flecknoe | 21st November | |
Thomas | son of | William & Ann | Geffts of Flecknoe | 25th December | |
Millicent | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Allsop of Flecknoe | 25th December | |
William | son of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 27th December | |
1735 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Mary | Ellard of Flecknoe | 15th February | |
John | son of | Elizabeth | Trusler of Flecknoe | 6th April | |
William | son of | William & Mary | Clever of Flecknoe | 20th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard & Ann | Sanders of Sawbridge | 11th May | |
Richard | son of | George & Elizabeth | Watson of | Flecknoe 25th | May |
Thomas | son of | John & Ann | Bucknell of Flecknoe | 1st June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Newman of Sawbridge | 24th August | |
John | son of | John & Sarah | Manders of Sawbridge | 31st August | |
Dorothy | daughter of | Richard & Hanow | Goode of Flecknoe | 7th September | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Edward & Elizabeth | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 7th September | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Sarah | White of Flecknoe | 17th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Dorothy | White of Flecknoe | 17th October | |
John | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hacksley of Flecknoe | 20th November | |
Hannah | daughter of | Henry & Hannah | Trusler of Nethercote | 25th December | |
John | son of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 27th December | |
1736 BAPTISMS | |||||
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ursula | Toorall of Flecknoe | 14th March | |
Thomas | son of | John & Elizabeth | Truslove of Flecknoe | 4th April | |
Thomas | son of | John & Ann | Goode of Flecknoe | 11th April | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Alder of Flecknoe | 11th April | |
Millicent | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Allsop of Flecknoe | 2nd May | |
Edward | son of | Henry & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 16th May | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Mary | Gossage of Flecknoe | 25th July | |
William | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Jennings of Sawbridge | 25th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Clarke of Drayton | 1st August | |
Thomas | son of | Mr Robert & Jane | Clerke of Drayton | 1st August | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Basely of Flecknoe | 10th October | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Alder of Flecknoe | 5th December | |
Mary | daughter of | George & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 25th December | |
1737 BAPTISMS | |||||
Mary | daughter of | Richard & Hannah | Goode of Flecknoe | 23rd January | |
Richard | son of | William & Mary | Cleaver of Flecknoe | 30th January | |
Mary | daughter of | Moses & Martha | Wood | 27th March | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Esther | Butler of Sawbridge | 10th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Hewit of Sawbridge | 10th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Alsop of Flecknoe | 17th April | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Faux of Flecknoe | 30th June | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Ellard of Flecknoe | 17th July | |
John or Joan | son or daughter of | John & Sarah | Manders of Sawbridge | 2nd October | This entry has been altered and could be either |
1738 BAPTISMS | |||||
Richard | son of | Richard & Agnes | Barret of Ovencote | 10th February | |
Jane | daughter of | Thomas & Sarah | White of Flecknoe | 10th March | |
(Given name illegible) | daughter of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 23rd July | |
Samuel | son of | Henry & Hannah | Truslove of Nethercote | 1st October | |
Thomas | son of | William & Mary | Elard of Flecknoe | 1st October | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Truslove of Flecknoe | 5th November | |
Edward | son of | Richard & Agnis | Barritt of Wolfamcote | 30th November | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 10th December | |
1739 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Treen | 25th March | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Dorothy | White | 3rd February | |
Anna | daughter of | William & Jane | Chilldes | 30th March | |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Ann | Huitt | 30th March | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Basley | 1st April | |
Mary | daughter of | Edward | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 19th July | |
Joseph | son of | Thomas & Esther | Buttler of Sawbridge | 5th August | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ann | Elliott of Sawbridge | 19th August | |
William | son of | John & Martha | Masters of Flecknoe | 7th October | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Hacsley | 21st October | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Smart of Flecknoe | 9th December | |
1740 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Sarah | Ellet of Sawbridge | 27th January | |
Samuel | son of | Henry & Ann | Good of Flecknoe | 29th March | |
Sarah | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Huitt of Sawbridge | 30th March | |
Esster | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Allsup | 6th April | |
Edward | son of | Richard & Agnes | Barrit | 1st August | |
Hanow | daughter of | John & Mary | Weest of Flecknoe bapt | 12th October | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Rainbow of Flecknoe | 19th October | |
Anny | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Ellet of Sawbridge | 25th December | |
1741 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | John & Martha | Masters | 18th January | |
Edward | son of | William & Mary | Ellard | 1st February | |
Hanow | daughter of | William & Ester | Groob of Flecknoe | 12th March | |
Ester | daughter of | Euseby & Ester | Homes of Nethercote | 22nd March | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | William & Ann | Geffs of Flecknoe | 17th May | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 31st May | |
1742 BAPTISMS | |||||
William | son of | Francis & Elizabeth | Lines of Sawbridge | 31st May | |
Sarah | daughter of | William & Ann | Masters of Sawbridge | 11th June | |
George | son of | Richard & Elizabeth | Williams | 6th June | |
Jane | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Basley | 20th June | |
William | son of | William & Jane | Chiles | 25th July | |
Mary | daughter of | Joseph & Elizabeth | Draper of Flecknoe | 11th October | |
William Arnold | son of | Thomas & Mary | Wood of Flecknoe | 1st November | |
Mary | Mason alegetmate | 1st February | |||
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watsen | 14th February | |
John | son of | Thomas & Ester | Butler of Sawbridge | 28th March | |
Richard | Rawbone of Flecknoe an adult | 27th August | |||
Barbara | daughter of | Moses & Mary | Alsop of Flecknoe | 5th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Martha | Masters of Flecknoe | 3rd October | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Mary | Ellard of Flecknoe | 3rd October | |
John | son of | John & Paschal | Sharman of Flecknoe | 3rd October | |
Thomas | son of | William & Esther | Grub | 31st October | |
Anne | daughter of | Henry & Ann | Good of Flecknoe | 31st October | |
Isaac | son of | James & Mary | Wood of Flecknoe | 14th November | |
Thomas | son of | Euseby & Esther | Holmes of Nethercote | 14th November | |
1742/43 BAPTISMS | |||||
Mary | daughter of | John & Mary | Nasbey | 23rd January | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Mary | Clever of Nethercote | 23rd January | |
Catherine | daughter of | William & Mary | Rainbow of Flecknoe | 27th February | |
1743 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watson of Fletno | 4th September | |
1744 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Arnoll of Fletcknoe | 11th January | |
Hanow | daughter of | Jobe & Elizabeth | Willson of Sawbridge | 11th January | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Genenines | 4th March | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ann | Branson of Sawbridge | 1st April | |
Ann | daughter of | Francis & Ann | Line of Sawbridge | 1st April | |
Zackeious | son of | William & Mary | Ellerd of Flecknoe | 27th May | |
William | son of | William & Mary | Rainbow of Flecknoe | 20th June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Odames of Flecknoe | 2nd September | |
Richard | son of | Joseph & Mary | Claridge of Sawbridge | 28th October | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Sarah | Ullet of Sawbridge | 4th November | |
William | son of | William & Ester | Groob of Flecknoe | 18th November | |
Thomas | son of | Jobe & Elizabeth | Willson of Sawbridge | 23rd December | |
Thomas | son of | William & Isabel | Cleaver of Nethercote | 25th December | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Elizabeth | Williams of Sawbridge | 25th December | |
1745 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 5th May | |
Dority | daughter of | William & Dority | Wite | 12th May | |
Mary | daughter of | Joseph & Elizabeth | Draper of Sawbridge | 2nd June | |
Martha | daughter of | Henry & Ann | Goode of Flecknoe | 16th June | |
Pasque | daughter of | John & Pasque | Sharman of Flecknoe | 8th September | |
1746 BAPTISMS | |||||
James | son of | John & Elizabeth | Weest of Flecknoe | 1st February | |
Mary | daughter of | Joseph & Mary | Claridge of Sawbridge | 1st January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Richard & Elizabeth | Williams | 18th January | |
Charles | son of | John & Sarah | Ellet of Sawbridge | 24th May | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Mary | Shortland of Flecknoe | 1st June | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Line | 7th September | |
John | son of | William & Mary | Clever | 7th September | |
Christana | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Clarke of Wolfhamcote | 9th October | |
Johntan | son of | Joseph & Elizabeth | Draper | 7th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | James & Ester | Hinton | 22nd April | |
Hester | daughter of | William & Hester | Grub | 14th December | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 11th February | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Arnold | 21st June | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Jobe & Elizabeth | Willson of Sawbridge | 21st June | |
1747 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Ann | Arnold of Flecknoe | 19th July | |
John | son of | Thomas & Mary | Wodham | 7th September | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Ann | Good | 7th September | |
John | son of | John & Mary | Newman of Sawbridge | 20th September | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 8th November | |
Edmans | Simson child was bapt the same | 8th November | |||
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Mary | Smart of Flecknoe | 25th December | |
Ann Joyner | born by | Ann | Powne father (sic) | 18th March | |
Sarah | daughter of | Joseph & Mary | Clarig of Sawbridge | 22nd July | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Henry & Mary | Looke | 4th August | |
1748 BAPTISMS | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Pasque | Sharman of Flecknoe | 6th November | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Thornicraft of Sawbridge | 20th November | |
1749 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | John & Ann | Arnold of Flecknoe | ||
William | son of | Thomas & Ann | Bransen | 13th July | |
Joseph | son of | William & Mary | Goode of Flecknoe | 24th September | |
1750 BAPTISMS | |||||
Thomas | son of | John & Ann | West of Flecknoe | 18th February | |
Ursula | daughter of | Henry & Mary | Lowke(?) of Flecknoe | 18th Feburary | |
Elizabeth3(the name Mary was crossed out) | daughter of | John & Mary | Newman | 7th February | |
John | son of | Richard and Elizabeth | Williams of Sawbridge | 24th February | |
Edward | son of | John & Pasker | Sharman of Flecknoe | 4th June | |
William | son of | Richard & Sarah | Masters of Sawbridge | 5th June | |
Brirten | born and bapt without a father | 29th July | |||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Hanow | Ellus of Sawbridge | 2nd Aug | |
Baptisms 1751 | |||||
Agkines | son of | James & Ester | Hinton of Sawbridge | 3rd February | |
Robert | son of | John & Elizabeth | Watson of Sawbridge | 10th February | |
John | son of | Nicholas & Elizabeth | Groob of Sawbridge | 23rd February | |
Thomas | son of | Joseph & Mary | Clarig of Sawbridge | 3rd March | |
John | son of | Thomas & Ann | Brancen of Sawbridge | 28th July | |
Shuzanah | daughter of | John & Mary | Newman of Sawbridge | 28th July | |
Richard | son of | Samuel & Jane (originally written as Mary) | Rathbone of Flecknoe | 13th October | |
Richard | son of | Euseby & Hester (originally written as Ann) | Holmes of Nethercote | 20th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Samuel & Sarah (originally written as Joseph & Elizabeth) | Carpender of Flecknoe | 20th October | |
BAPTISMS 1752 | |||||
Martha | daughter of | John & Martha | Masters of Nethercote | 20th March | |
Joseph | son of | Joseph & Mary | Clarig of Nethercote | 27th March | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Clever of Flecknoe | 5th April | |
Edward | son of | John & Posque | Sharman | 3rd March | |
Sarah | daughter of | William & Mary | Rawbone born 1851 bapt | 23 July | |
Thomas | son of | Nicholas & Elizabeth | Groob | 29th April | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Joseph & Elizabeth | Pollord | 29th April | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Ann | Arnold | 6th May | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 15th November | |
Richard | son of | Richard & Sarah | Masters | 9th March | |
Worth (?) | son of | John & Elizabeth | Draper | 7th April | |
Thomas | son of | Nicholas & Elizabeth | Grub | 29th April | |
Ann | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Thornicroft | 6th May | |
William | son of | William & Mary | Goode | 17th June | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Rawbone | 21st October | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Mary | Newman | 21st October | |
William | son of | William & Mary | White (?) | 28th October | |
Thomas | son of | Samuel & Jane | Rawbone | 11th November | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 15th November | |
John | son of | Henry & Mary | Lowe | 12th December | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Cleaver | 9th | (month illegible) |
1754 BAPTISMS | |||||
William | son of | Robert & Sarah | Hall | 3rd | (month not given) |
Edward | son of | Thomas & Alice | Cattle | 10th | (month not given) |
Robert | son of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 7th April | |
Sara | daughter of | John & Martha | Masters | 14th April | |
Richard | son of | Joh & Ann | Wilson | 5th May | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Ann | West | 16th July | |
John | son of | Joseph & Mary | Claridge | 17th | (month not given) |
Edmund | son of | Edmund & Sarah | Simson | 15th | (month not given) |
1755 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Thomas & Hannah | Spencer | 12th January | |
Thomas | son of | Matthew & Mary | Hewit | (?)26th January | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 1st February | |
Mary | daughter of | William & Jane | Barr | 16th March | |
William | son of | William & Elizabeth | Smart | 13th April | |
William | son of | Henry & Mary | Lowke | 27th April | |
Edward | son of | John & Martha | Masters | 8th June | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Ann | Arnold | (date illegible but between 8th June & 12th October) | |
Mary | daughter of | Isaac & Elizabeth | Alcock | (date illegible but between 8th June & 12th October) | |
John(?) | son of | Samuel & Jane | Rawbone | (date illegible but between 8th June & 12th October) | |
Ann | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Hall | 12th October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Cleaver | 9th November | |
Sarah | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Rawbone | 23rd November | |
1756 BAPTISMS | |||||
Jeffry | son of | William & Mary | Goode | 15th February | |
Mary | daughter of | Edward & Ann | Rawbone | 21st March | |
Samuel | son of | Nicholas & Elizabeth | Grub | 28th March | |
Mary | daughter of | Matthew & Mary | Hewitt | 28th March | |
Jane Bridget | daughter of | John & Mary | Newman | 11th April | |
Thomas | son of | John & Hannan | Spencer | 19th June | |
John | son of | John & Ann | Slatcher | 1st August | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Smart | 19th September | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 26th September | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Sarah | Tuckey | 10th October | |
1757 BAPTISMS | |||||
James | son of | Edmund & Sarah | Simpson | 19th January | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 4th January | |
John | son of | Richard & Sarah | Masters | 11th February | |
Edward | son of | Samuel & Jane | Rawbone | 10th April | |
Mary | daughter of | Euseby & Hester | Holmes | 17th April | |
William | son of | William & Jane | Barrs | 24th April | |
William(?) | son of | George & Mary | Hakesly | 24th April | |
Samuel | son of | John & Ann | West | 18th September | |
Samuel | son of | William & Mary | Goode | 18th September | |
Comfort | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Cross | 23rd October | |
Joseph | son of | William & Mary | Cleaver | 4th December | |
1758 BAPTISMS | |||||
John | son of | Thomas & Mary | Rawbone | 19th February | |
Richard | son of | Henry & Mary | Lowke | 8th January | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Mary | Smith | 15th January | |
Kitty | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Cleaver | 24th January | |
Sarah | daughter of | Robert & Sarah | Hall | 17th February | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Mary | Newman | 2nd April | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 16th April | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Ann | Slatcher | 23rd April | |
William | son of | Nicholas & Elizabeth | Grub | 14th May | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Hanna | Spencer | 21st May | |
William | son of | Edward & Ann | Rawbone | 28th May | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Ann | Arnold | 6th June | |
Agnes | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Thornicroft | 30th July | |
Liddia | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Braunston | 5th September | |
Hannah | daughter of | William & Millicent | Wilson | 17th September | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Rawbone | 8th October | |
Abigal | daughter of | Joseph & Mary | Claridge | 22nd October | |
1759 BAPTISMS | |||||
Thomas | son of | Thomas & (no given name) | Curtis | 1st January | |
William | son of | John & Ann | Turner | 11th June | |
Hannah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Watson | 4th February | |
Samuel | son of | Samuel & Jane | Rawbone | 4th February | |
William | son of | John & Ann | West | 15th April | |
Sarah | daughter of | George & Mary | Haksly | 15th April | |
William | son of | Richard & Ann | Earl | 1st May | |
2 infants | of Walter & Mary | William & Hannow | Usher | 25th May | |
William | of | Edward & Ann | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 11th September | |
Alice | daughter of | Thomas & Alice | Taylor of Sawbridge | 7th October | |
Janue | daughter of | Thomas & Ann | Branston of Sawbridge | 21st October | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | Robert & (given name illegible) | Holmes(?) | 18th November | |
William | son of | (given name illegible) & Elizabeth | (surname illegible) | 25th December | |
1759 + 1763 Baptisms | |||||
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Bridget | Mather | 21st January | 1759 |
Thomas | son of | Revd Mr John | Mather & Bridget his wife | 27th February | 1763 |
1760 BAPTISMS | |||||
Richard | son of | William & Millicent | Wilson of Flecknoe | 6th January | |
Jane | daughter of | Nicholas & Elizabeth | Grub of Nethercote | 6th January | |
Samuel | son of | William & Mary | Cleaver of Sawbridge | 20th January | |
Margaret | daughter of | Robert & (no given name) | Woodful of Sawbridge | 20th January | |
George | son of | John & Elizabeth | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 16th March | |
Esther | daughter of | John & Ann | Slatcher of Flecknoe | 6th April | |
William | son of | Thomas & Hannah | Spencer of Sawbridge | 20th May | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 29th June | |
John | son of | John & Ann | Turner of Flecknoe | 14th August | |
Thomas | son of | William & Hannah | Usher of Sawbridge | 14th September | |
Frances | daughter of | John & Ann | Arnold of Flecknoe | 9th October | |
1761 BAPTISMS | |||||
Richard | son of | Richard & Ann | Earl of Flecknoe | 12th April | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Truslove of Nethercote | 23rd April | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 19th July | |
Mary | daughter of | John & Sarah | Tuckey | 23rd August | |
William | son of | William & Alice | Taylor of Sawbridge | 27th September | |
1762 BAPTISMS | |||||
(no given | name) | of Thomas & Elizabeth | Truslove | 25th April | |
(no given | name) | of John & Molly | Hakesley | 30th May | |
(no given | name) | of Thomas & Hannah | Spencer | 27th June | |
Ann | daughter of | William & Elizabeth | Smart of Sawbridge | 24th July | |
Thomas | son of | Thomas & Mary | Smith of Sawbridge | 8th August | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Eales | 8th August | |
John | son of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 8th August | |
1763 BAPTISMS | |||||
William | son of | William & Mary | Goode | 2nd January | |
Jane | daughter of | John & Ann | Arnold of Flecknoe | 31st January | |
Mary | daughter of | Thomas & Hester | Buttler of Sawbridge | 26th March | |
(no given name) | Butler | 10th April | |||
Molly | daughter of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Watson | 1st May | |
(no given name) | Newman | 1st May | |||
William | son of | Jeremiah & (no given name) | Eagles | 19th June | |
Millicent | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters | 17th July | |
Edward | son of | John & Esther | Manning | 8th September | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 18th September | |
Edward | son of | (no parents names) | Manning | 2nd October | |
William | son of | Henry & Mary | Verety | 6th November | |
Thomas | son of | John & Anne | Turner | 26th December | |
1764 BAPTISMS | |||||
Samuel | son of | (no given name) & Mary | Bliss(?) | 15th January | |
Samuel | son of | John & Alice | Slatcher | 4th March | |
Reuben | son of | William & Hannah | Nassau of Salbridge | 21st April | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Sarah | Halle of Salbridge | 22nd May | |
Margaret | daughter of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Watson | 26th June | |
Edward | son of | John & Elizabeth | Rawbone | 8th July | |
Anne | daughter of | John & Anne | Masters | 8th July | |
Thomas | son of | Mary & John | Sharman | 12th August | |
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Elizabeth | Truslow | 19th August | |
Euseby | son of | Jacob & Ann | (no surname) | 11th November | |
Jane | daughter of | Robert & Jane | Thornicraft | 11th November | |
Robert | son of | John & Anne | West | 9th December | |
Richard | son of | William & Millicent | Wilston | 9th December | |
1765 BAPTISMS | |||||
Anne | daughter of | Edward & Anne | Rawbone | 10th March | |
Catherine | daughter of | Johne & Anne | Arnold of Flecknoe | 19th May | |
Anne | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Smith of Salbridge | 26th May | |
Sarah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters of Flecknoe | 23rd June | |
Hannah | daughter of | James & Esther | Woodward of Flecknoe | 4th August | |
(given name illegible) | of | Walter & Mary | (surname illegible) at Knapton | (no date) | |
1766 BAPTISMS | |||||
(given name illegible) | son of | John & Anne | (surname illegible) | date illegible but before 7th May | |
Mary | daughter of | Richard & Ann | Earl of Flecknoe | date illegible but before 7th May | |
George | son of | George & Ann | Grammer of Flecknoe | 7th May | |
Richard | son of | Samuel & Elizabeth | Watson of Flecknoe | 8th June | |
Jane | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Rawbone of Flecknoe | 20th July | |
Robert | son of | Robert & Sarah | Hall of Salbridge | 10th | (month illegible) |
Sarah | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Grubb | 1st | (month illegible) |
Job | son of | John & Anne | Turner of Flecknoe | 20th | (month illegible) |
William | son of | John & Mary | Sharman of Flecknoe | 12th | (month illegible) |
William | son of | John & Sarah | Goode of Flecknoe | 26th | (month illegible) |
Mary | daughter of | John & Esther | Manning of Nethercote | 7th December | |
1767 BAPTISMS | |||||
Mary | daughter of | William & Millicent | Wilston of Flecknoe | 8th February | |
Elizabeth | daughter of | George & Ann | Grammer | 14th June | |
Hannah | daughter of | John & Elizabeth | Masters | 17th July | |
Ann | daughter of | John & Susannah | Masters | 9th August | |
Edward | son of | Edward & Ann | Rawbone | 13th September | |
Thomas White | a base son of | Thomas White & Rebecca | Thornicraft born 9th December bapt | 24th December | |
1768 BAPTISMS | |||||
Ann | daughter of | Thomas & Mary | Smith born 29th November 1767 bapt | 31st January | 1768 |
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Revised: 5 June 2007
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