Wolfhamcote, St Peter's
Burials in Wool from 1679 to 1755

ëWarwick Info

These entries are in the register marked "Burials in Woolen"
which is approximately from 1679 to 1765.

The records have been re-formatted to fit easily into this page and are NOT as entered in the register
If you find something of interest, you are advised to check the actual record itself.
Look at the parish record book, which may be available in the PRO,
or a copy in the Birmingham library.

Thanks to Sheila Steane for transcribing and providing this data

           Surname Listing:
Adams, Alcoocke, Alcuck, Allard, Alles, Allord, Allsop, Allsup, Alsop, Arnnol, Arnold, Arnoll.
Baker, Barritt, Bars, Basely, Bates, Benyon, Beringes, Biddle, Bidle, Bilson, Branson, Bringese, Brings, Brown, Browne, Bucknell, Bucknill, Butler.
Chambers, Chaplain, Chaplin, Childs, Chilles, Chils, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clerk, Clerk(?), Clerke, Clever, Coles, Cortis, Cox, Crafts, Cross, Curtice, Curtis.
Dinney, Diny, Drapers, Eales, Edmunds, Eles, Ellard, Elles, Ellet, Ellot, Elord, Enfield.
Falkes, Filding Cross, Fookes, Frisber.
Garner, Garnier, Garret, Gennes, Gibbins, Ginkins, Good, Goode, Goodes, Goodin, Goosiy, Gossage, Gosses, Grant, Graunt, Green, Groob, Grooby, Grub, Grubb.
Hackesly, Hacksley, Harbard, Harbod, Harbode, Harris, Hayne, Heles, Hermens, Hill, Hinds, Hipwell, Holmes, Homes, Horne, Huchings, Hucley, Huge, Hugins, Huit, Huitt, Hutchins.
Jackson, Jenings, Jenkins, Jennings, Jinkins.
Knight, Lee, Lile, Line, Loke, Looke, Lowke, Lucas, Lyne.
Macer, Maikris, Maisters, Manders, Marshall, Martiall, Maser, Masser, Masters, Maters, Neale.
Oadams, Odams, Odmes, Parker, Quiney, Quinney, Quney.
Rabone, Radbone, Rainbo, Rainbow, Rainsford, Raswbone, Rathbone, Rathdone, Rawbone, Rawbones, Read, Roberts, Robins, Rogers, Rooe, Row, Rusall.
Sadhams, Salloch, Sallock, Sallocke, Sallucks, Sanders, Sandors, Saunders, Scoton, Shachboar, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Shakespere, Sharman, Shaw, Shearesby, Sheasby, Shenston, Shenstone, Shortland, Shucboar, Shuckboar, Sillny, Simmons, Simpson, Simson, Simsons, Smarts, Smith, Smyth, Sollock, Somers, Spokes, Spookes, Sullock, Sutton.
Thornecraft, Thornicraft, Thornicroft, Tomkins, Tompkins, Troslove, Truslor, Truslov, Truslove.
Varman, Vicars.
Walter, Ward, Watsen, Watson, Watsons, Wattson, Web, Webb, Welch, West, Westbury, White, Whittacar, Widubud, Wilkins, Willes., Williams, Willsen, Witticare, Wodomes, Wood, Worldly, Worrall, Worrell, Wright.
Yardley, Yates, Yats.

Surname Forename Abode Date Notes
Quinney ThomasNethercoteFebruary 4th 1679/8.servant to Walter Watson Affidavit made ye 10th of ye same.
Grubb MaryFlecknoFeb 8th 1679/8. Affidavit made ye 10th of ye same
Shakespere WilliamFlecknoApril 6th 1679. ye son of Ephraim Shakespeare & Alice his wife Affid made ye 11th of ye same
Wright HannahSawbridgeSeptember 18th 1679. ye daughter of William Wright & Hester his wife Affid made ye 20th of ye same.
Jennings Thomas Dec 25th 1679. ye son of Thomas Jennings & Elizabeth his wife Affidavit made Dec 31.
Wilkins RichardSawbridgeJanuary 21st 1679. the son of Anne Wilkins Affidavit made 24th ejusd.
Arnold RichardFlecknoApril 13th 1680. ye son of Thomas & Mary Arnold Affidavit made the 19th of April.
Goode Maryth HillSept 15th 1680. ye daughter of Henry & Mary Goode Affidavit made the 20th of ye same.
Hill Thomas  (do. Same)[there is a footnote to say this entry is written between two entries in a different ink – I suggest it is checked out].
Dinney BridgetFlecknoJan 2nd 1680/81 ye daughter of Henry Dinney & Mary his wife Affidavit made the 25th of same
Bates WilliamtravellorJan 23rd 1680/81 Affidavit made the 13th Feb.
Shearesby Sarah widowFlecknoMarch 10th 1680/81 Affidavit made the 15th of the same
Knight Elizabeth widowFlecknoApril 24th 1680/81 Affidavit made 29th of the same
Arnold SarahFleckenhoMay 5th 1680/81 the daughter of Jon Arnold and Elizabeth his wife Affid made ye 8th of the same.
Sutton Thomas FlecknoMay 15th 1680/81 Affidavit made ye 19th of ye same
Enfield Esther widowNethercoteMay 19th 1680/81 Affidavit made ye 23rd of the same.
Masters ElizabethFlecknoeMay 29th 1680/81.ye daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Masters Affidavit made the 2nd June.
Jennings DaniellWolfamcoteJune 10th 1680/81.the son of Thomas & Elizabeth Jennings Affidavit made the 11th of ye same
Arnold ElizabethFlecknoeJuly 16th 1680/81.ye wife of John Arnold junior Affidavit made ye 19th of ye same.
Goode HenryFlecknoe super montemAugust 8th. 1680/81Affidavit made ye 13th of the same
Masters John o'th BeckFlecknoeOctober 27th 1680/81. Affidavit made the 30th of the same.
Watson WalterNethercoteNov 5th 1680/81. Affidavit made the 12th of ye same.
Enfield RobertNethercoteNov 16th 1680/81. Affidavit made ye 19th of ye same.
Goode Elizabeth super montemFlecknoeNovember 22nd 1680/81. ye daughter of Widow Goode Affidavit made ye 23rd of ye same.
Masters EdwardFlecknoeDecember 7th 1680/81. ye son of John & Mary Masters Affidavit made the 10th of the same.
Hinds JohnSawbridgeDecember 29th 1681/2. Affidavit made ye 2nd January
Arnold ThomasFlecknoeJanuary 6th 1681/2. Affidavit made ye 12th of the same.
Jennings NewportWolfamcoteJanuary 21st 1681/2. ye son of Thomas & Elizabeth Jennings Affidavit made ye 27th of ye same
Grant Anne widowSawbridge May 11th 1681/2. Affidavit made ye 15th of ye same
MastersWilliam, alias WallerFlecknoeMay 13th 1681/2. Affidavit made the 21st of the same.
Grooby ElizabethFlecknoeMay 13th 1681/2. Affidavit made ye 21st of ye same.
Tomkins Margaret widowFlecknoeJuly 11th 1681/2. Affidavit made ye 15th of ye same
Brown MarySawbridgeNovember 27th 1681/2. wife of George Brown Affidavit made December 2nd
Shaw ElizabethNethercoteJanuary 2nd 1682/3. ye daughter of Thomas & Elizabeth Shaw Affidavit made the 8th of ye same.
Shakespear EphraimFlecknoeJanuary 13th 1682/3. ye son of Ephraim Shakespear and Alice his wife Affidavit made ye 19th of the same
Butler MarySawbridgeFebruary 10th 1682/3. Affidavit made the (blank) of the same
Quinney WilliamNethercoteMarch 6th 1682/3. ye son of Jho Quinney Affidavit made ye 8th of ye same.
Grant JohnSawbridgeJuly 21st 1683. Affidavit made ye 23rd of the same.
Cross ElizabethSawbridgeDecember 16th 1683. Affidavit made ye same day.
Grant AnneSawbridgeFebruary 20th 1683/4. Affidavit made the 22nd of the same.
Grooby AliceFlecknoeFebruary 21st 1683/4. Affidavit made the 23rd of ye same
Cox MargeryFlecknoeApril 14th 1684. Affidavit made ye 18th of ye same
Sutton MaryFlecknoon July 6th 1684. ye daughter of Joseph & Elinr Sutton Affidavit made ye 7th of the same
Masters NicholasFlecknoeJuly 18th 1684. High Constable Affidavit made 23rd of ye same
Basely WilliamSawbridgeSeptember 4th 1684. Affidavit made Sept 6th
Williams JosephFlecknoe7th September 1684. the son of Henry & Anne Williams Affidavit made the same day
Eales Anne widowSalbridgeNovember 18th 1684. Affidavit made November 19th
Goode SamuellFlecknoeNovember 21st 1684. ye son of Samuell & Sarah Goode Affidavit made ye 24th November
Masters ElizabethFlecknoeNovember 27th 1684. ye daughter of John Masters & Mary his wife Affidavit made December 1st
Web JohnSalbridgeDecember 1st 1684. Affidavit made ye same day.
Sutton Elizabeth widowFlecknoeDecember 12th 1684. Affidavit made December 14th
Sharman ElizabethFlecknoeJanuary 8th 1684/5. ye wife of Edward Sharman Affidavit made January 12th
Smith AliceSalbridgeMarch 2nd 1684/5. ye daughter of Robert Smith of Grandborough and Millicent Curtice spurious born Affidavit made March 4th
Cleaver Thomas senior March 23rd 1685. Affidavit made March 27th
Holmes ElizabethSalbridgeApril 18th 1685. ye wife of Euesby Holmes Affidavit made April 20th
Rawbone JoaneFlecknoeJuly 25th 1685. the wife of Edward Rawbone Affidavit made ye 29th of ye same
Hinds ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 18th 1685. Affidavit made the 22nd of ye same
Shaw RichardSalbridgeDecember 25th 1685. the son of Robert & Elizabeth Shaw Affidavit made 26th of the same
Masters ElizabethFlecknoeJanuary 24th 1685/6. the wife of Thomas Masters Affidavit made 28th of the same.
MatersThomasFlecknoeFebruary 2nd 1685/6. Affidavit made the 6th of the same
Rawbones Samuell February 16th. 1685/6 infant dying without baptism Affidavit made February 18th
Wilkins Anne widow March 1st 1685/6. Affidavit made the 5th of the same
Horne AliceSalbridgeApril 7th 1686. Affidavit made April 10 th
Williams HannahFlecknoeMay 23rd 1686. ye daughter of Henry & Anne Williams Affidavit made May 4th (sic)
Rawbonedying unbaptizdFlecknoeJune 14th. 1686 a child of Thomas & Anne Rawbone Affidavit made June 15th.
Quinney SimonNethercoteJune 18th 1686. ye son of Tho: & Elizabeth Quinney Affidavit made ye 19th of ye same
Wright EstherSalbridgeJune 30th 1686. ye daughter of William & Esther Wright Affidavit made the 2nd of July
Cleaver Ann widowSalbridgeSeptember 19th 1686. Affidavit made the 20th of ye same
Goode Elizabeth virginFlecknoeOctober 12th 1686. Affidavit made October 14th
Arnold John seniorFlecknoeNovember 7th 1686. Affidavit made November 9th
Curtice ThomasSalbridgeJanuary 3rd 1686/7. Affidavit made ye 6th of ye same
Worrall HenrySalbridgeJanuary 6th 1686/7. the son of Henry & Anne Worrall Affidavit made ye same day.
Roberts MaryNethercoteJanuary 11th 1686/7. Affidavit made the 13th of the same
Bilson MarySalbridgeJanuary 16th 1686/7. ye daughter of Ann Worrall spurious born Affidavit made January 20th
WorrallThomasSalbridgeJanuary 16th 1686/7. ye son of Henry & Ann Worrall Affidavit made January 20th
Grub WilliamFlecknoeFebruary 9th 1686/7. ye son of William Grub Affidavit made ye 13th of the same
Thornecraft EdwardFlecknoeFebruary 25th 1685/6. Affidavit made February 28th
Masters UrsulaFlecknoeMarch 25th 1687. ye daughter of Mary Masters (widow) Affidavit March 28th
Williams RobertFlecknoeMarch 25th 1687. ye son of Henry Williams Affidavit March 28th
Dinney HenryFlecknoeApril 1st 1687. Affidavit made April 15th
Lucas alias Bucknill JohnBrainston in the county of Norhampton April 25th 1687. Affidavit made April 28th
Rawbones dyeing unbaptizdFlecknoeApril 27th 1687. a male infant of Thomas Rawbones Affidavit made the same day
Benyon Frances May 21st 1687ye wife of Thomas Benyon Minister of this parish. dyed on Thursday May 10th and was buryd in the parish Church close to the North wall on ye altar
Masters RichardFlecknoeMay 21st 1687 Affidavit made May 23rd
Rawbone ElizabethFlecknoe June 5th 1687 ye wife of Samuel Rawbone without the Christian burial of ye Church
Masters MaryFlecknoeJune 9th 1687 ye widow of Richard Masters Affidavit made ye 11th of same
Williams a still born infantFlecknoeJuly 20th 1687 of Henry & Ann Williams Affidavit made July 21st
Rogers AnneWolphamcoteOctober 12th 1687 ye daughter of Mr Samuel & Hopeshill Rogers Affidavit made October 15th
Jenings Mrs ElizabethWolfhamcoteNovember 5th 1687 the wife of Mr Thomas Jenings Affidavit made November 8th
Lucas ElizabethSalbridgeSeptember 30th 1689. ye wife of Robert Lucas Affidavit
Masters SusannaFlecknoeJanuary 7th 1687/8 ye daughter of John & Mary Masters Affidavit made January 10th
Chambers an infantFlecknoeFebruary 27th 1687/8 male child of John & Lydia Chambers Affidavit made the same day
Grub JoaneFlecknoeMarch 4th 1687/8 ye wife of William Grub Affidavit made the same day
Vicars KatherineFlecknoeMarch 16th 1687/8 ye daughter of John Vicars Affidavit made March 17th
Shaw WilliamWolfhamcoteMay 23rd 1688 the son of John & Elizabeth Shaw Affidavit made May 25th
Saunders ElizabethFlecknoeMay 25th Flecknoe the wife of Thomas Saunders Affidavit made May 28th
Harris AliceNether Hodnill in this countyJune 13th 1688 at Wolfhamcote. the wife of John Harris Affidavit made June 17th
Sutton JamesNethercoteAugust 5th 1688. Affidavit made August 7th
Shearesby ThomasFlecknoeDecember 9th 1688. Affidavit made December 11th
Worrall a still born femaleSawbridgeFebruary 9th 1688/9. child of Henry & Ann Worrall Affidavit made February 10th
Arnold MathewFlecknoeMarch 8th 1688/9. Affidavit made March 11th
Dinney Susanna June 7th 1689. Affidavit made June 8th
Jennings Millicent July 14th. ye dau of Tho. Jennings Affidavit made July 21st
Claridge MaryGlecknoeJuly 30th1689. ye daughter of Francis and Bridget Claridge Affidavit made August 3rd
Claridge BridgetGlecknoeJuly 30th 1689 ye wife of Francis Claridge and mother of Mary Claridge Affidavit made August 3rd
Thornicraft Elizabeth widowFlecknoeAugust 16th 1689. Affidavit made August 17th
Saunders Katherine September 3rd 1689. Affidavit made the 5th of the same made November 3rd
Tomkins RichardFlecknoeNovember 26th 1689. Affidavit made November 28th
Grub William March 9th 1689/90 Affidavit made ye 15th of ye same
Grub Dorothy March 9th 1689/90 Affidavit made ye 15th of ye same
Vicars ThomasNethercoteApril 29th 1690 ye son of John Vicars & Katherine his wife Affidavit made May 4th
Hill ThomasSalbridgeMay 25th 1690. Affidavit made May 28th
Bucknill RobertSawbridgeJune 18th 1690. ye son of Thomas and Katherine Bucknill Affidavit made J|une 19th
Shenston a still born infantFlecknoe10th August 1690. of Robert Shenston Affidavit made 15th of ye same.
Shenston Mary widowo'th hill in FlecknoeJune 11th 1691. Affidavit made 14th of ye same.
Sanders Tho.FlecknoeJuly 9th 1691. Affidavit made July 11th
Martiall widowSawbridgeOctober 30th 1691. Affidavit made November 1
Rawbone SamuellFlecknoeDecember 11th 1691. ye son of Thomas Rawbone Affidavit made ye 30th of ye same.
Webb ThomasFlecknoeJanuary 28th 1691/2. Affidavit made ye 29th of January.
Williams a stillborn child January 29th 1691/2. of Henry Williams Affidavit made January 30th
Rainsford Robert gent of ye city of LondonFebruary 10 1691/2. Affidavit made February 4th (sic)
Arnold MathewFlecknoeJuly 18th 1692. Affidavit made July 23rd
Dinney RichardFlecknoeSeptember 8th 1692. Affidavit made September 10th
Holmes EusebySawbridgeJune 6th 1693. Affidavit made June 11th
ShawThomas September 2nd 1693. ye son of Thomas Shaw Affidavit made Sept 6th
Wattson ElizabethtrafallarOctober 22nd 1693. Affidavit made October ye 25th
Neale DeborahRadbundeDecember 3rd 1693. Affidavit made December 6th
Holmes ElizabethSawbridgeApril the 19th 1694 Affidavit made ye 22nd
Curtis RobertSawbridgeApril 22nd 1694 Affidavit made ye 22nd
Arnold JohnFlecknoeApril ye 30th 1694. Affidavid made May 3rd
Shenston WilliamFlecknonoeJune ye 21st 1694.Affidavied made June ye 24 of St John Baptist day
Troslove ThomasNethercoteJuly ye 16th 1694. Affidavid made July ye 22nd
Lucas RobertSawbridgeAugust ye 17th 1694 Affidavid made August 19th
Thornicroftstill born maleFlecknoAugust 20th 1694 child of Elias Thornicroft Affidav made August 23rd
Smith GeorgeFlecknoSeptember 13th 1694 Affadavid made September 16th
Yardley SarahFlecknoSeptember 18th 1694 Affid made 24th of same
Wright RobertNethercoteOctober 13th 1694 Servant to Robert Enfield Affidavit made 18th of same
Shakespeare EphraimFlecknoeOctober 14th ye son of Ephraim Shakespeare Affidavit made ye 18th of same
Masters ElizabethFlecknoOctober 14th 1694. Affidavit made ye 18th of same
Wright JohnSawbridgeOctober 15th 1694. ye son of William Wright & Esther his wife Affidavit made 18th of ye same
Goode Elizabeth widowFlecknoOctober 19th 1694. Affidavit made ye 23rd of the same
Eales JohnSawbridgeNovember 4th 1694. Affidavit made ye 9th of ye same
Watson SusannaFlecknoeDecember 17th 1695 Affidavit made 22nd of the same
Tompkins HenryFlecknoeMarch 12th 1695/6. Affidavit made ye 15th of the same
Thornicraft ElizabethFlecknoeApril 4th 1696. ye wife of Elias Thornicraft Affidavit made ye 5th of the same
Shenston AnneThurp in ye parish of NortonJune 28th 1696. Affidavit made July 4th
Sheasby SarahFlecknoeDecember 11th 1696. Affidavit made December 12th
Watson ElizabethNethercoteJanuary 27th 1696/7. wife of Walter Watson Affidavit made February 1st
Childs WilliamSawbridgeJanuary 28th 1696/7. Affidavit made February 1st
Shenston AlliceFlecknoeMay 5th 1697. wife of Edward Shenston Affidavit made May 6th
Williams HenryFlecknoeMay 6th 1697. husband of Anne Williams Affidavit made the same day
Jackson Lydia August 26th 1697. daughter of John Jackson Minister of this parish & Lydia his wife Affidavit made August 28th.
Hacksley ElizabethFlecknoeSeptember 18th 1697. wife of Thomas Hacksley Affidavit made The same day
Thornicroft EliasFlecknoeSeptember 22nd 1697. the son of Elias Thornicroft widower Affidavit made September 25th
Jennings MaryWolfamcoteSeptember 25th 1697. the daughter of Thomas Jennings Affidavit made September 28th
Thornicroft Daniel October 5th 1697. the son of Daniel Thornicroft & Mary his wife Affidavit made October 8th
Webb Anne widowSawbridgeNovember 4th 1697. Affidavit made the 8th of the same
Browne GeorgeSawbridgeDecember 9th 1697. Affidavit made the 13th of the same
Masters Elenor widowFlecknoeDecember 24th 1697. Affidavit brought December 27th
Good SarahFlecknoeJanuary 26th 1697/8. the wife of Thomas Good of Affidavit made January 28th
Arnold Mathew February 10th 1697/8. the son of Samuel Arnold & Dorothy his wife Affidavit made the same day
Browne John February 19th 1697/8. the son of George Brown & Elizabeth his wife Affidavit made the same day
Watson WalterNethercote no date given but between entries dated 19th February 1697/8 and 26th February 1697/8
Clerk MarySawbridge February 26th 1697/8 ye daughter of Robert Clerk and Mary his wife Affidavit made February 27th
Sanders RichardSawbridgeApril 20th 1697. the son of Euseby Sanders Affidavit brought April 22nd
    An entry has been crossed out but possibly that of John son of John and Jane Rainsford who died July 3rd 1698
Shaw GeorgeWolfamcoteJuly 24th 1698 the son of John Shaw Affidavit brought July 27th
Grant Elizabeth September 12th 1698 the wife of William Grant Affidavit brought September 18th
Masters RichardFlecknoeFebruary 1st 1698. the son of William & Anne Masters Affidavit brought February 6th
Sharman ElizabethFlecknoeFebruary 18th 1698. wife of Edward Sharman senior Affidavit brought February 20th
Hipwell ThomasNethercoteMarch 8th 1698/9 servant to Thomas Quinney Affidavit brought March 11th
HillRichardSawbridgeAugust 20th 1699 
Worldly Ann widowFlecknoeSeptember 19th 1699 
Goode WilliamFlecknoeOctober 16th 1699 the son of Samuel Goode
Rainsford SusannaMeers AshbyOctober 21st 1699 daughter of John Rainsford
Green ElizabethNethercoteNovember 1st 1699daughter of John Clerke
Quinney ThomasNethercoteNovember 24th 1699 
Lowke HenryFlecknoeNovember 27th 1699 
Odams AnneFlecknoeNovember 28th 1699 
Masters ElizabethFlecknoeDecember 9th 1699 
Holmes EusebySawbridgeFebruary 18th 1699/1700 
Graunt WilliamSawbridgeJuly 17th 1700 
Truslove Elizabeth October 19th 1700daughter of Henry & Millicent Truslove
Truslove Anne October 19th 1700daughter of Henry & Millicent Truslove
Shortland ElizabethFlecknoeNovember 27th 1700wife of Samuel Shortland
Coles WilliamSawbridgeJanuary 9th 1700/1 
Masters HannahFlecknoeMarch 4th 1700/1 daughter of William & Sarah Masters
Rainsford John gentMeers Ashby in co' NorthantsMarch 24th 1700/1 
MastersJohnSawbridgeNovember 15th 1702son of Richard Masters
Arnold EdwardFlecknoeMay 4th 1701 
Rainsford RichardBoston LincolnshireMay 9th 1701son of John Rainsford
Masters William March 22nd 1701/2 son of William Masters
Shaw William March 26th 1702 
Hackesly Thomas April 19th 1702 
Rawbone EdwardFlecknoeJuly 5th 1702 
Holmes AnneSawbridgeSeptember 22nd 1702 daughter of Thomas Holmes
Smyth ElizabethFlecknoeDecember 29th 1702 
Wright JohnSawbridgeFebruary 6th 1702/3 son of William Wright
Sharman WilliamFlecknoeFebruary 17th 1702/3 son of Edward Sharman
Masters SamuelFlecknoeApril 13th 1703 son of William Masters
Marshall RichardSawbridgeMay 24th 1703 Affidavit made
Masters ElizabethSawbridgeJuly 22nd 1703 daughter of Richard Masters Affidavit same day
Grubb WilliamFlecknoeSeptember 15th 1703 Affidavit same day
Good WilliamFlecknoeNovember 4th 1703 Affidavit made
Good AnneFlecknoeNovember 8th 1703 daughter of William Good (above)Aff:
Good MaryFlecknoeNovember 12th 1703 daughter of Samuel Good Aff:
Saunders HannaSawbridgeNovember 18th 1703 daughter of Euseby Saunders
Good SarahFlecknoeNovember 19th 1703 wife of Samuel Good
Goode HenryFlecknoeNovember 22nd 1703 
Rainsford Mrs ElizabethMeers Ashby - Northants4th December 1703. Affidavit made
Good JohnFlecknoeDecember 7th 1703 son of Nicholas Good
Good AnnFlecknoeDecember 11th 1703 daughter of Nicholas Good
Alsop JohnFlecknoeMarch 20th 1703/4 
Bucknell Robert April 13th 1704 
Holmes WilliamSawbridgeMay 14th 1704 
Worrell HenrySawbridgeJune 7th 1704 
Filding Cross Arabella June 30th 1704 
Rawbone AliceGrandboroughJuly 8th 1704 
Diny MaryFlecknoeSeptember 29th 1704 
Alcuck Katherine October 18th 1704 wife of John Alcuck
Smith ThomasFlecknoeNovember 8th 1704 
Garret MellicentFlecknoeDecember 26th 1704 wife of Henry Garret
Quiney ThomasNethercoteMarch 7th 1704/5 
Wright WilliamSawbridgeJune 17th 1705 
Quiney ElizabethNethercoteJuly 23rd 1705 
Masters JohnSawbridgeAugust 15th 1705 son of Richard Masters
Good Henry October 8th 1705 son of Robert Good
Maisters RichardSawbridgeDecember 11th 1705 son of Richard Maisters
Saunders Anne January 29th 1705/6 daughter of Euseby Saunders
Lyne Robert April 18th 1706 son of Francis Lyne
Masters WilliamFlecknoeMay 6th 1706 
Westbury John December 2nd 1706 
Biddle LawrenceSawbridgeMarch 21st 1706/07 
Goode WilliamFlecknoeMarch 22nd 1706/07 
Clerke John gentNethercoteMarch 29th 1707 
Williams MaryFlecknoeApril 30th 1707 daughter of Henry Williams
Grant RichardSawbridgeJune 11th 1707 
Clerk(?) Elizabeth (no date) 1707 daughter of Thomas (entry blotted)
Smyth WilliamFlecknoeFebruary 25th 1707/8 
No Surname givenstill born April 5th 1708child of Walter
Masters still born April 6th 1708 child of Richard & Elizabeth Masters
Brown Mary August 15th 1708 daughter of George Brown
Masters Mary December 28th 1708 
Welch UrsulaSawbridgeJanuary18th 1708/9 
Butler ThomasSawbridgeJanuary 26th 1708/9 
Biddle ElizabethSawbridgeApril 16th 1709 
Goode WilliamFlecknoeSeptember 11th 1709 son of Thomas Goode
Smith ElizabethFlecknoeSeptember 27th 1709 
Grubb ElizabethFlecknoeNovember 4th 1709 
SallucksmaleFlecknoe(? Month) November or December 12th 1709 childof George Sallucks diing unbaptized
Eles AnnSawbridge in the parish of WolfamcoteAugust 25th 1710 Affidavit made to ye same
Bucknell ThomasSawbridge in the parish of WolfamcoteAugust 30th 1710 Affidavit made to ye same
Cleaver John September 2nd 1710 Affidavit made to ye same
Shenstone EdwardFlecknoe in the parish of WolfamcoteOctober 8th 1710 Affidavit made to ye same
Crafts ElizabethFlecknoe in the parish of WolfamcoteNovember 22nd 1710 Affidavit made to ye same
Arnold JohnFlecknoe in the parish of WolfamcoteNovember 25th 1710 Affidavit made to ye same
Oadams JohnWolfamcoteWednesday January 24th 1710/11 Affidavit made to ye same
Sharman EdwardWolfamcoatTuesday February 6th 1710/11 Affidavit made to ye same
Gossage JohnWolfamcoatFebruary 13th 1710/11 Affidavit made to ye same
Sutton EleanorFlecknoeMarch 16th 1710/11 Affidavit made to ye same
Cleaver MaryWolfamcoatApril 18th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Hayne ElizabethFlecknoeApril 22nd 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Shenston RichardFlecknoeApril 30th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Shenston MaryWolfamcoatMay 14th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Rainsford Mr JohnWolfamcoatJuly 18th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Masters WalterFlecknoeJuly 31st 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Sadhams HenrySawbridgeAugust 7th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Read the widowWolfamcoatAugust 9th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Shakespear JamesFlecknoeSeptember 8th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Alsop Sarah September 9th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Alsop Robert September 9th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Curtis female September 20th 1711 child of Robert & Sarah Curtis dying unbaptised put in ye ground in woollen only Affidavit made to ye same
Simpson JamesSawbridgeOctober 2nd 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Rawbone ThomasFlecknoeDecember 9th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Masters Edward December 12th 1711 Affidavit made to ye same
Lyne FrancisSawbridgeDecember 19th 1711 
Williams EdwardFlecknoe28th April 1712 son of Daniel & Mary Williams Affidavit made to ye same
Masters ElizabethFlecknoeJuly 29th 1712 daughter of Nicholas & Sarah Masters
Jinkins WilliamFlecknoeOctober 12th 1712 son of Thomas & Elizabeth Jinkins
Masters MilicentFlecknoeSeptember 22nd 1713 
Arnold ThomasFlecknoeOctober 25th 1713 
Masters AnnSawbridgeApril 29th 1714 daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Masters
Masters AnnFlecknoeMay 18th 1714 
Garret SamuelFlecknoeMay 23rd 1714 
Arnnol RobertFlecknoeJune 4th 1714 
Wattson GeorgeNethercuttJune 6th 1714 
Clerke HenryFlecknoeNovember 6th 1714 
Chambers JoanFlecknoeNovember 16th 1714 
Robins ThomasFlecknoeJanuary 9th 1714/15 
Sharman EdwardFlecknoeJanuary 9th 1714/15 
Sharman MaryFlecknoeJanuary 14th 1714/15 
Walter JoanFlecknoeJanuary16th 1714/15 
Salloch WilliamFlecknoeMarch 1sth 1714/15 
Shenston JohnFlecknoeMarch 15th 1714/15 
Clarke BenjaminSawbridgeMarch 15th 1715 
Smith ThomasFlecknoeApril 5th 1715 
Masters SamuelFlecknoeApril 27th 1715 
Curtis ThomasSalbridgeJuly 31st 1715 
Curtis RobertSalbridgeJuly 31st 1715 
Masters JohnFlecknoeSeptember 18th 1715 
Chils ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 28th 1715 
Allsup MaryFlecknoeOctober 30th 1715 
Smith WilliamFlecknowMarch 15th 1716 
Rabone AnnFlecknoeMarch 22nd 1716 
Rabone ElizabethFlecknoeApril 1st 1716 
Crafts JohnFlecknoeApril 2nd 1716 
Raswbone ElizabethFlecknoeApril 4th 1716 Affidavit made to ye same
Raswbone Flecknoe April 4th 1716 was bapt AD 1716 and buried with its mother Elizabeth Raswbone Affidavit made to ye same
Shaw RobertSawbridgeJuly 23rd 1716 
Goode SarahFlecknoeJuly 27th 1716 
Holmes ThomasSawbridgeJuly 31st 1716 
Quiney JohnNethercoteOctober 9th 1716 Affidavit made to ye same
Sallock SarahFlecknoeDecember 4th 1716 
Wodomes JohnFlecknoeDecember 16th 1716 
Bates ThomasSawbridgeDecember 29th 1716 
Radbone AlisSawbrigeJanuary 25th 1717 
Good ThomasFlecknoeFebruary 22nd 1717 
Sanders MarySawbridgeMarch 20th 1717 
Groob Mary July 1717 
Alsop MilesentFlecknoeJuly 28th 1717 
Arnold ElizabethFlecknoeSeptember 1st 1717 
Harbode WilliamDallington Co' NorthtonSeptember 17th 1717 Affidavit made to ye same
Grant ElizabethSawbridgeSeptember 20th 1717 
Rawbone JudeyFlecknoeOctober 27th 1717 
Truslove ThomasNethercoteDecember 3rd 1717 
Walter JohnFlecknoeDecember 31st 1717 
Allard EdwardSawbridge January 30th 1718 
Edmunds JoynesSawbridge died February 26th 1718 Affidavit made to ye same
Masters Mary gentlewomanFlecknoeMarch 21st 1718 
Baker RichardFlecknoeApril 17th 1718 
Williams HenryFlecknoeApril 17th 1718 
Baker AbrahamFlecknoeApril 21st 1718 
Williams AnnFlecknoeMay 4th 1718 
Yats ElenorFlecknoeSeptember 20th 1718 
Line AllisSawbridgeOctober 3rd 1718 Affidavit made to ye same
Lee MaryFlecknoeOctober 28th 1718 
Odams JohnFlecknoeMay 25th 1719 
Branson SamuelSawbridgeJune 18th 1719 
Thornicraft SamuelFlecknoeDecember 7th 1719 
Quney MaryNethercote December 24th 1719 
Watson GeorgeBranstoneDecember 29th 1719 
Goode JoyceBadbyJanuary 18th 1719/20 
Chambers ElizabethFlecknoeJanuary 18th 1719/20 
Rainbo StevenSawbridgeFebruary 28th 1719/20 
Watson SamuelSawbridgeMarch 13th 1719/20 
Scoton ElizabethNethercoteMarch 14th 1719/20 
Yats ElizabethFlecknoeMarch 22nd 1719/20 
Sollock SarahFlecknoeApril 3rd 1720 
Rainbow MaryNethercoteApril 18th 1720 
Chambers RobertFlecknoeMay 5th 1720 
Line RichardSawbridgeMay 10th 1720 
Sharman EdwardFlecknoeAugust 10th 1720 
Sanders ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 2nd 1720 
Chilles DhorityBransonMarch 12th 1720/21 
Holmes AnnFlecknoeMay 10th 1721 
Elles JohnSawbridgeJuly 12th 1721 
Rawbone male November 2nd 1721 child of Richard & Mary Rawbone Affidavit made to ye same
Shenstone maleFlecknoeJanuary 18th 1721/22 child of Richard & Elizabeth Shenstone
Masters EdwardFlecknoeJanuary 25th 1721/22 
Goodin Alles February 10th 1721/2 
Rainbow StevenSawbridgeApril 1st 1722 
Rusall MaryFlecknoe3rd May 1722 
Odmes JohnFlecknoeAugust 17th 1722 
Goode ThomasFlecknoeAugust 31st 1722 
Clarke MarySawbridgeOctober 3rd 1722 
Masters ElizabethFlecknoeOctober 5th 1722 
Ginkins ElizabethFlecknowOctober 22nd 1722 
Holmes ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 26th 1722 
Maikris ElizabethMartonOctober 26th 1722 
Thornicraft EliasFlecknoeNovember 9th 1722 
Watson WalterNethercoteDecember 21st 1722 
Manders MellicentSawbridgeJanuary 2nd 1722/23 
Cortis JoneSawbridgeJanuary 3rd 1722/23 
Shenston RobertFlecknoeJanuary 23rd 1722/23 
Truslov JohnNethercoteFebruary 25th 1722/23 
Loke ElizabethFlecknoeMarch 5th 1722/23 
Simson SamuelSawbridgeApril 30th 1723 
Yates WilliamFlecknoeJune 28th 1723 
Williams RichardSawbridgeJuly 24th 1723 
Somers JohnSawbridgeAugust 14th 1723 
Sillny MarySawbridgeSeptember 7th 1723 
Bars MaryFlecknoeOctober 10th 1723 
Sutton JosephFlecknoeDecember 30th 1723 
Watson MaryFlecknoeJanuary 14th 1723/24 
Varman AnnFlecknoeFebruary 15th 1723/4 
Clarke RobertSawbridgeFebruary 18th 1723/24 
Clarke SarahNethercoteMay 6th 1724 
Falkes John FlecknoeMay 10th 1724son of John Falkes
Masters ElizabethSawbridgeMay 18th 1724 
Grant AnnSawbridgeJune 10th 1724 
Browne GeorgeSawbridgeJuly 12th 1724 
Rawbone JaneFlecknoeJuly 26th 1724 daughter of Richard Rawbone
Watson EdwardFlecknoeJuly 27th 1724 son of Edward Watson
Manders StevenSawbridgeOctober 7th 1724 
Bates ElizabethFlecknoeNovember 23rd 1724 
Cleaver MaryFlecknoeFebruary 17th 1724/5 
Elles ThomasSawbridgeFebruary 18th 1724/5 
Simson EliasSawbridgeMarch 4th 1724/5 
Rathbone JohnFlecknoeMarch 5th 1724/5 
Row HanowSawbridgeJune 18th 1725 daughter of John Row
Curtis AnnSawbridgeJune 20th 1725 daughter of William Curtis
Garner KatrinSawbridgeJuly 16th 1725 
Varman JohnFlecknoeSeptember 28th 1725 
Yats WilliamFlecknoeSeptember 28th 1725 
Masters AnnFlecknoeSeptember 28th 1725 
Shuckboar AllesFlecknoeOctober 31st 1725 
Sullock GorgeFlecknoeFebruary 16th 1725/26 
Macer JoyceNethercoteFebruary 28th 1725/6 
Homes JohnSawbridgeMay 12th 1726 
Widubud ThomasFlecknoeMay 30th 1726 
Garnier HenrySalbridgeSeptember 4th 1726 son of Henry Garnier
Goode FlecknoeMay 14th 1727 a child of Henry Good
Arnold FlecknoeMay 28th 1727 a child of Robert Arnold
Huit AnnSawbridgeJune 25th1727 
Saunders EuesbySawbridgeAugust 20th 1727 
Masters JohnFlecknoeAugust 29th 1727 
Watson WilliamSawbridgeOctober 12th 1727 son of Samuel Watson
Masters JohnSawbridgeOctober 14th 1727 son of William Masters
Clarke ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 25th 1727 
Parker JohnFlecknoeOctober 26th 1727 
Brown ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 27th 1727 
Shachboar EphraimFlecknoeFebruary 1727/8 
Rainsford Francis Esq.Bricsoth co' NorthantsFebruary 27th 1727/28 
Shucboar EphraimFlecknowMarch 10th 1727/28 
Chambers JohnFlecknowMarch 18th 1727/28 
Thornicraft DainellFlecknowMarch 21st 1727/28 
Allsop MosesFlecknowJuly 30th 1728 
Alcoocke JohnFlecknowAugust 25th 1728 
Simsons ElizabethSawbridgeAugust 27th 1728 
Masters JohnFlecknoeSeptember 8th 1728 
Masters WilliamFlecknoeSeptember 11th 1728 
Watson AnnSawbridgeSeptember 29th 1728 
Watson the widowBranstone in co' NorthantsOctober 8th 1728 
Masters SarahFlecknoeOctober 18th 1728 
Sanders ElizabethSawbridgeJanuary 7th 1728/29 
Beringes ElizabethFlecknoeMarch 7th 1728/29 
Shaw ElizabethSawbridgeMarch 1st 1728/29 
Groob JohnSawbridgeMarch 12th 1728/29 
Frisber HenryNethercoteApril 1st 1729 
Line AllisSawbridgeApril 3rd 1729 
Thornicraft AnnFlecknoeApril 7th 1729 
Butler MarySawbridgeApril 14th 1729 
Elord ThomasMartonApril 24th 1729 
Curtis RobertSawbridgeMay 13th 1729 
Shaw John July 21st 1729 
Chambers LedeyFlecknoeJuly14th 1729 
RainbowSarahSawbridgeJuly 14th 1729 
Watson ElizabethNethercoteAugust 23rd 1729 
Masters RichardSawbridgeAugust 25th 1729 
Homes ElizabethNethercoteSeptember 29th 1729 
Shenstone RichardFlecknoeOctober 7th 1729 
Thornicraft MaryFlecknoeNovember 1st 1729 
Masters ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 12th 1729 
Sanders RichardSawbridgeOctober 12th 1729 
Line ThomasSawbridgeJanuary 17th 1729/30 
Ward RogerFlecknoeMarch 1st 1729/30 
Ward MaryFlecknoeMarch 12th 1729/30 
Whittacar AnnSawbridgeApril 25th 1730 
Garner HenryFlecknoeMay 9th 1730 
Clarke ElizabethSawbridgeMay 11th 1730 
Grubb  May 28th 1730 the wife of John Grubb
Quney James of this parishJuly 13th 1730 
Bucknell CatrineSawbridgeJuly 13th 1730 
Thornicraft MosesFlecknoeDecember 13th 1730 
Truslor MilesentNethercoteDecember 24th 1730 
Alsop JohnFlecknoeFebruary 11th 1730/31 
Sallocke GeorgeFlecknoeOctober 1st 1731 
Spookes GeorgeSawbridgeMay 20th 1732 
Hermens WilliamNethercoteSeptember 7th 1732 
Brings ThomasFlecknoeOctober 27th 1732 
Masser RichardNethercoteOctober 18th 1732 
Chilles ElizabethSawbridgeJanuary 7th 1732/33 
Butler ThomasSawbridgeJanuary 24th 1732/33 
Green Mrs AnnNethercoteApril 9th 1733 
Clarke DebraFlecknoeMay 20th 1733 
Curtis SarahSawbridgeJune 22nd 1733 
Watson SarahFlecknoeJune 27th 1733 
Bidle AnnSawbridgeAugust 5th 1733 
Arnoll DorathyFlecknoeDecember 21st 1733 
Rathbone JoneFlecknoeFebruary 14th 1733/34 
Chilles WilliamSawbridgeApril 13th 1734 
Sharman JohnFlecknoeJune 8th 1734 
Arnoll WidowFlecknoeJune 30th 1734 
Chilles RichardSawbridgeOctober 1st 1734 
Huge DanillFlecknoeDecember 25th 1734 
Truslov AnnFlecknoeJanuary 6th 1734/35 
Arnold SamuelFlecknoeJanuary 7th 1734/35 
Allsop MaryFlecknoeFebruary 13th 1734/35 
Sandors RichardSawbridgeMarch 12th 1734/35 
Truslov SamuelNethercoteMarch 12th 1734/35 
Rawbone SarahFlecknoeMay 1st 1735 
Bringese JaneFlecknoeJune 15th 1735 
Shaw WilliamSawbridgeJune 20th 1735 
Shaw ElizabethSawbridgeJuly12th 1735 
Allord MaryFlecknoeAugust 14th 1735 
Goode RobertFlecknoeAugust 24th 1735 
Manders MilicentSawbridgeSeptember 9th 1735 
Rawbone WilliamFlecknoeDecember 25th 1735 
Goode ElizabethFlecknoeJanuary 12th 1735/36 
Holmes EusebyNethercoteApril 5th 1736 
Goode ElizabethPriors MarstonAugust 27th 1736 
Clarke RobertSawbridgeSeptember 1st 1736 
Hutchins ElizabethSawbridgeSeptember 5th 1736 
Smith ElizabethSawbridgeOctober 12th 1736 
West JohnFlecknoeJanuary 31st 1736/37 
Goode ThomasFlecknoeMay 2nd 1737 
Jenkins ThomasFlecknoeMay 18th 1737 
Alsop MosesFlecknoeMay 18th 1737 
White ThomasFlecknoeFebruary 13th 1737/38 
Goode SamuelFlecknoeMay 2nd 1738 
Barritt EdwardWoolfamcoatJanuary 1st 1738/39 
Gibbins JohnFlecknoeJanuary 7th 1738/39 
Clarke Mr. ThomasWolfamcoteJanuary 27th 1738/39
Arnold WilliamWordfordeJuly 19th 1739. 
Masters MaryFlecknoeSeptember 14th 1739 
Masters WilliamFlecknoeOctober 15th 1739 
Somers JohnSawbridgeNovember 12th 1739 
Chaplin RichardSawbridgeNovember 23rd 1739 
Green Mr. JohnNethercoteJanuary 8th 1739/40
Truslov HenryNethercoteMarch 24th 1739/40 
Shaw AnnSawbridgeJuly 1st 1740 
Masters JohnFlecknoeJuly 5th 1740 
Grant JohnSawbridgeAugust 16th 1740 
Watson MaryFlecknoeJanuary 7th 1740/41 
Clarke Mrs MaryWolfamcoteJanuary 22nd 1740/41 relict of Thomas Clarke gent (The entry just says Mrs but from a memorial we find her name is Mary)
Arnold ElizabethFlecknoeMay 2nd 1741 
Elles JohnSawbridgeMary 3rd 1741 
Simson SamuelSawbridgeMay 21st 1741 
Rawbone WilliamFlecknoeJuly 31st 1741. 
Rathbone FlecknoeSeptember 20th 1741 child of Edward Rathbone
Sharman EdwardFlecknoeOctober 2nd 1741 
Simmons ElizabethNethercoteOctober 5th 1741 
Clark Mr MichaelSawbridgeOctober 7th 1741 (The entry just says Mr but from a memorial we find his name is Michael)
Thornicraft JohnSawbridgeOctober 25th 1741 
Wood William ArnoldFlecknoeNovember 5th 1741 
Rathbone MaryFlecknoeNovember 25th 1741 
Rooe AllisSawbridgeDecember 9th 1741 
Watson GeorgeFlecknoeDecember 24th 1741 
Shenstone EdwardFlecknoeDecember 28th 1741 
Line AllisSawbridgeJanuary 6th 1741/42 
Rooe JohnSawbridgeJanuary 10th 1741/42 
Ellet AnnSawbridgeJanuary 21st 1741/42 
Line AnnSawbridgeJanuary 31st 1741/42 
Goosiy ElizabethSawbridgeFebruary 1st 1741/42 
Hugins AmmeySawbridgeFebruary 2nd 1741/42 
Hucley AnnFlecknoeFebruary 13th 1741/42 
Spookes AnnSawbridgeFebruary 18th 1741/42 
Huchings WilliamSawbridgeMarch 3rd 1741/42 
Cleaver NethercoteMarch 27th 1742 child of William Cleaver
Gibbins JohnFlecknoeApril 2nd 1742 
White FlecknoeApril 22nd 1742 child of William White
Butler ThomasSawbridgeAugust 25th 1742 
Rawbone RichardFlecknoeSeptember 4th 1742 
Grub Esther an infantFlecknoeOctober 17th 1742 
Spokes GeorgeSawbridgeNovember 10th 1742 
Willes. ElizabethSawbridgeNovember 16th 1742 
Chaplain SusannaSawbridgeNovember 19th 1742 
Adams ThomasFlecknoeJanuary 3rd 1742/43 
Masters ElizabethSawbridgeJanuary 13th 1742/43 
Clever MaryNethercoteFebruary 3rd 1742/43 
Heles Charles September 11th 1743 
Witticare SarahSawbridgeNovember 2nd 1743 
Goode DorityFlecknoeMay 3rd 1744 
Goodes FlecknoeMay 25th 1744 child of Hanow Goodes
Goode 2 childrenFlecknoeMay 30th 1744 two more children of Hanow Goode
Truslov ThomasFlecknoeJuly 22nd 1744 Affidavit made to ye same
Watson GeorgeFlecknoeAugust 12th 1744 Affidavit made to ye same
Williams SawbridgeJanuary 6th 1744/45 child of Richard Williams
Huitt MarySawbridgeFebruary 25th 1744/45 
Rainbow a child of William RainbowFlecknoeMarch 17th 1744/75 
Gosses MosesSawbridgeApril 6th 1775 
Ellot SawbridgeMay 4th 1745 child of John Ellott
Gennes SawbridgeMay 24th 1745 child of Thomas Gennes
Garner JohnSawbridgeAugust 27th 1745 
Chambers MaryFlecknoeJanuary 5th 1745/6 
Watson AnnNethercoteJanuary 16th 1745/6 
Harbod MaryNethercoteJanuary 17th 1745/6 
Masters SarahFlecknoeJanuary 17th 1745/6 
Shaw JohnSawbridgeMarch 2nd 1745/46 
Rathdone MillecentFlecknoeMarch 22nd 1745/46 
Bars WilliamFlecknoeApril 8th 1746 
Ellard MaryWillibyMay 24th 1746 
Masters EdwardFlecknoeMay 25th 1746 
Goode FlecknoeJune 27th 1746 child of Henry Goode
Arnold FlecknoeJuly 6th 1746 child of John Arnold
Looke ElizabethFlecknoeNovember 4th 1746 wife of Henry Looke
Truslov JohnNethercoteNovember 21st 1746 
Alsop  December 20th 1746 child of Moses Alsop
Watson AnnFlecknoeJanuary 7th 1746/47 
Thornicraft RobardSawbridgeJanuary 7th 1746/47 
Smarts FlecknoeJanuary 11th 1746/47 child of Thomas Smarts
Arnold SarahFlecknoeJanuary 16th 1746/47 
Chambers JohnFlecknoeJanuary 20th 1746/47 
Harbard WilliamNethercoteFebruary 11th 1746/47 Affidavit made to ye same
Green Mrs SarahNethercoteMarch 1st 1746/47 
Lile FrancesSawbridgeMarch 18th 1746/47 Affidavit made to ye same
Rusall MaryFlecknoeApril 10th 1748 
Line SawbridgeApril 24th 1748 child of Francis Line
Arnold ThomasFlecknoeMay 17th 1748 
Goode FlecknoeOctober 16th 1748 child of William Goode
Sharman FlecknoeMay 1749 child of John Sharman
Cleaver SawbridgeJune 1749 a child of William Cleaver
Hucley WilliamFlecknoeJuly 13th 1749 
Watsons SawbridgeDecember 1749 child of Gorge Watsons
Rathbone  July 2nd 1750 child of William Rathbone
Rathbone  July10th 1750 child of William Rathbone
Drapers FlecknoeAugust 5th 1750 child of Joseph Drapers
Masters EdwardSawbridgeAugust 7th 1750 
Watsen RobardFlecknoeNovember 28th 1750 
Willsen ThomasSawbridgeJune 15th 1751 
Harbod Henry July 14th 1751 
Alles  July 26th 1751 child of John Alles
Brown MarySawbridgeMarch 22nd 1752 
Elles HannaSawbridgeMarch 26th 1752 
Shaw John of this parishOctober 13th 1752 
Maser widow of this parishOctober 15th 1752 
Fookes John of this parishDecember 12th 1752 
Good EdwardBraunson April 20th 1753Note other register says March 20
Sallock GeorgeFlecknoeFebruary 16th 1755 

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