Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2368 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: Ladywood

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Abbott, Abbotts, Acton, Adams, Adcock, Addison, Adey, Agara, Aird, Albut, Aldock, Alford, Allcock, Allday, Alldrit, Allen, Allison, Allsop, Allsopp, Ames, Andrews, Arch, Archer, Argent, Armett, Armshaw, Armstrong, Asbury, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashley, Ashmore, Askew, Aspinall, Astbury, Astell, Aston, Atherton, Athey, Atkins, Attwell, Austin, Aven, Avery, Ayton.

Badger, Badham, Badkin, Badman, Bagley, Baglin, Bagnall, Bailey, Baily, Bainbridge, Baker, Baldock, Baldwin, Ball, Ballinger, Banks, Bannister, Bannock, Bant, Barber, Barker, Barkill, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhurst, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barrier, Barrington, Barrow, Bartlam, Bartle, Bartlett, Barton, Bashford, Bass, Bassett, Bastin, Bate, Bates, Batsford, Bayliss, Beale, Beck, Beeman, Beesley, Beetram, Bell, Bellamy, Bendall, Bennett, Bennion, Bentley, Berrington, Berry, Best, Bevan, Bicknell, Biddulph, Bidgood, Billing, Billingham, Bingham, Binion, Bint, Birch, Bird, Birkitt, Bishop, Blackwell, Bladon, Blisset, Blogg, Blumfield, Blunt, Boas, Boddington, Boffey, Bolton, Bonehill, Boot, Booth, Bottrell, Bourne, Bovin, Bowell, Bowen, Bowey, Boxter, Boyes, Bradberry, Bradbourne, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Brain, Bramhall, Brampton, Branson, Branston, Brasier, Brassman, Bray, Brazier, Brewer, Bridge, Bridgens, Bridger, Bridgewater, Brierley, Bright, Brightly, Brindley, Briscoe, Brittan, Brittle, Britton, Broadhead, Broadhurst, Brodrick, Brogan, Bromyard, Brookes, Brooks, Broom, Broomfield, Brough, Broughton, Brown, Browne, Brownley, Brum, Bryan, Bubb, Buckby, Buckley, Buet, Bugby, Bullock, Bunce, Bunn, Bunney, Bunsford, Bunting, Burbidge, Burcombe, Burd, Burdett, Burke, Burne, Burness, Burns, Burrows, Bursell, Burton, Busby, Bustin, Butinson, Butler.

Cable, Cadby, Cairns, Caley, Callicott, Cambell, Campion, Cannon, Caradine, Cardall, Carlaw, Carney, Carroll, Carswell, Carter, Cartwright, Carty, Carver, Casey, Cash, Cassidy, Castle, Caswood, Cattell, Cawley, Chadwick, Challener, Challiner, Challinor, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Chatin, Chatwin, Chawnes, Cheadle, Checkland, Cherry, Cheshire, Cheslin, Chesterman, Chinery, Churchill, Clack, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clasebrook, Clays, Clee, Clewer, Clewes, Clewley, Clews, Clifford, Clifton, Cobb, Cobley, Coglin, Coleman, Coley, Collins, Collis, Collumbell, Colthard, Comley, Commander, Connolly, Connor, Conroy, Cook, Cooke, Cooling, Cooper, Cope, Copsen, Corbett, Corfield, Corles, Cormell, Coton, Cotton, Cottrell, Court, Courts, Cover, Cowen, Cowley, Cox, Coxson, Credgington, Creedy, Cresswell, Creswell, Crockett, Crook, Croome, Cross, Crossby, Croton, Crouch, Crowley, Cruickshank, Crump, Crumpton, Crutchley, Cuckow, Cull, Cummings, Cuquemille, Currall, Curtis, Cuthbertson, Cutler.

Dainty, Dale, Daley, Dallivan, Darlington, Darwood, Davenport, David, Davies, Davis, Day, Death, Deer, Dell, Denton, Devan, Deveneay, Dewsnap, Dibble, Dickenson, Dickinson, Dickson, Dillon, Dipple, Divett, Dobbins, Dodd, Dolphin, Done, Donellan, Doolan, Doughty, Douglass, Douse, Dowler, Downing, Downs, Drakeley, Drew, Drinkwater, Drummond, Duckworth, Dudley, Duffell, Duggan, Duggins, Dugmore, Duller, Dunn, Dunsbee, Dutton.

Eagles, Earl, Earles, Earp, Easthope, Ebourne, Eckley, Eden, Edge, Edgeley, Edgley, Edmonds, Edwards, Egginton, Elias, Eling, Elliott, Ellis, Ellsmore, Ellson, Elsanon, Elsden, Emery, Essery, Evans, Everill, Evers, Ewens.

Farmaner, Farmer, Faulkner, Faulks, Fearn, Fellows, Ferguson, Ferneyhough, Ferry, Few, Fiddament, Field, Finch, Finney, Firkins, Fisher, Flaharty, Flavell, Fleming, Fletcher, Flynn, Ford, Foster, Fouch, Foulkes, Foulks, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foxton, Francis, Frankliin, Franklin, Freeman, Freer, French, Frith, Fry, Furber.

Gains, Gallimore, Galvin, Gandly, Ganeham, Gardner, Garfield, Garvey, Gateley, Gee, Gellard, Gent, George, Gething, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilday, Gill, Gillam, Gillier, Gillins, Gillman, Gittins, Glaze, Gleadall, Glover, Godsell, Goffer, Gold, Gomers, Goodby, Goodwin, Goose, Gough, Gould, Grady, Graham, Grancourt, Grasser, Grater, Greatricks, Green, Greenway, Greenwood, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grigg, Grogan, Grove, Groves, Guest, Guider, Guppy, Gupwall, Gurley, Gurnett, Guy.

Habberley, Habberly, Habgood, Haden, Hadley, Hadly, Haidon, Halbord, Hale, Hales, Hall, Hambridge, Hamilton, Hampson, Hampton, Hanbury, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Handy, Hanks, Hanson, Hanziah, Harbage, Harbidge, Hardern, Harding, Harford, Harland, Harley, Harper, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Harting, Hartland, Harwood, Haryel, Haslum, Hassell, Haswell, Hatherton, Hathway, Hatton, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawthorn, Hayden, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Headley, Heafield, Healey, Healford, Hearnshaw, Heath, Heaven, Hemingway, Hemming, Hemmingway, Heptinstall, Herbert, Hetherington, Hibbitt, Hicke, Hickebottom, Hicken, Hickin, Hickman, Hicks, Higetts, Higginbotham, Higgins, Higgitt, Higgs, Hill, Hince, Hinde, Hine, Hinett, Hinitt, Hinks, Hinningham, Hitchman, Hoare, Hobbin, Hobson, Hocker, Hodges, Hodgetts, Holdcroft, Holder, Holland, Hollow, Hollyoak, Holmes, Holms, Holroyd, Holt, Holtom, Holyland, Homer, Hood, Hook, Hope, Hopkins, Horley, Horne, Horton, Houghton, House, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Hubble, Hudson, Hughes, Hulbert, Humpherson, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hupston, Huskins, Huxtable, Hyde.

Iliffe, Ince, Ingram, Ingrey, Ireland, Izzett.

Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jansen, Jeffcott, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jess, Jessop, Jevon, Jevons, Jewell, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Judd, Judge, Jukes.

Kane, Kark, Kay, Keast, Keating, Keilty, Keir, Kelly, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenny, Kent, Kerelan, Kerwin, Key, Keys, Keyse, Keyte, Kibble, Kibler, King, Kirby, Knight, Knill, Knott, Knowles, Kuill.

Lacey, Ladyman, Lalley, Lally, Lamb, Lancaster, Lane, Langford, Langley, Langston, Langstone, Larvin, Latham, Lawler, Lawrence, Laws, Lawson, Leadbeator, Leamon, Lee, Leedham, Lees, Leighton, Lennon, Leonard, Leppard, Lewin, Lewis, Lido, Lidoe, Lidsey, Liggins, Lilley, Lindon, Linford, Linforth, Linnon, Litherland, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lobley, Lock, Longdon, Lord, Loughlin, Loveland, Lovell, Lowe, Loynes, Lucas, Lyne.

Mac Kay, Mac Kenzie, Mace, Mack, MacKay, MacNamara, Madford, Madge, Main, Mainwaring, Malin, Mallaber, Mallabor, Mallaby, Mallin, Mallison, Mander, Mann, Mantle, Manton, Mapp, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Matthew, Matthews, Matty, Mawson, May, Mayo, Mc Culloch, Mc Donald, Mc Kechnie, McClaskie, McKellar, McKenna, Mead, Meakin, Mealings, Meckin, Mee, Meek, Mellor, Merchant, Meredith, Metcalf, Middleton, Milder, Miles, Millard, Millday, Miller, Millischamp, Mills, Millward, Millwood, Milman, Minchin, Mintoft, Mitchell, Mitchelson, Mitten, Mobley, Mole, Mollard, Monaghan, Monk, Moore, Moran, More, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morris, Mortimer, Moseley, Mott, Motz, Mould, Moulton, Mucklow, Muddiman, Muddman, Mulerish, Mulgrue, Mullard, Mumby, Murphy, Mustin, Mutlowe, Mutton, Myer.

Nash, Neale, Neville, Newall, Newark, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newnes, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nind, Niven, Nock, Norledge, Norris, North, Norton.

Oakes, Oakley, Oldfield, Oldham, Oliver, Olley, ONeill, Onion, Onions, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourn, Osman, Owen.

Pace, Packer, Paddock, Page, Paget, Painting, Palker, Palmer, Palser, Paradoe, Paris, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parnham, Parry, Partridge, Patchett, Paton, Patrick, Pauling, Payne, Payton, Peake, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Pemberton, Pendleton, Penken, Peplow, Percival, Perkins, Perks, Perrin, Perrins, Perris, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pickin, Pidgeon, Pike, Pillsbury, Pinches, Pinnell, Piper, Pitchford, Pitt, Plaster, Pocock, Polker, Polton, Pool, Poole, Poppitt, Porter, Postans, Postle, Potter, Potts, Powell, Power, Pratt, Prescott, Pressland, Prestridge, Pretlove, Price, Priddy, Priest, Prince, Pritchard, Pritchet, Probert, Probin, Prosser, Proud, Pryce, Pullin, Pullinger, Purchase, Purdue, Purnell, Purvin.

Quiney, Quinton.

Raban, Rabone, Rack, Radford, Rainbow, Raisen, Rankin, Rann, Raven, Ray, Rayton, Rea, Reacord, Read, Reading, Redding, Redfern, Reece, Reid, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ricketts, Rider, Ridgway, Ridings, Ridley, Riley, Rimew, Robert, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robotham, Roche, Rock, Roden, Roderick, Rodway, Rogers, Rollings, Rooke, Roper, Rose, Rosenthall, Roswell, Rowe, Rowley, Rudge, Rushton, Russell, Rutter, Ryan, Ryder, Rye.

Sable, Saddington, Saddler, Sadler, Sale, Salisbury, Salter, Sanders, Sant, Sargent, Satchwell, Saunders, Saut, Savage, Savery, Saviger, Saville, Scandrett, Schofield, Scott, Scrivens, Seagar, Seagrave, Sedgley, Serwen, Seymour, Shakespeare, Sharp, Shaw, Sheath, Sheet, Sheldon, Shellam, Shepherd, Sheward, Shiner, Shipton, Shorters, Shotton, Shrew, Shuck, Shulto, Shuttleworth, Siddall, Siegenfield, Silver, Silvester, Simmons, Simpkins, Simpson, Sims, Sisman, Skinner, Skollins, Slater, Slatter, Slim, Smallman, Smart, Smith, Smitheman, Snape, Snow, Southall, Southam, Spalding, Sparkes, Sparrow, Speake, Spencer, Spendlove, Spooner, Spratt, Spring, Squire, St Cyr, Stableford, Stacey, Stainton, Stammer, Stamps, Stanford, Stanley, Statham, Steedman, Stenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stirrup, Stocker, Stockton, Stoddart, Stokes, Stone, Storkey, Stour, Strange, Street, Stride, Styche, Suckling, Suddenham, Summerfield, Summerhill, Summerton, Sumner, Sutton, Swain, Swales, Swash, Swawn, Sweeney, Sweetman, Swift, Swinborne, Sylvester.

Tabberner, Talbut, Tandy, Tarbet, Tarlton, Tattersall, Taylor, Tedstone, Tennant, Terrell, Teston, Tetley, Tew, Thew, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thurman, Thurstan, Tickle, Tidman, Tiffin, Tiley, Tilsey, Timberell, Timblett, Timmins, Timms, Tipper, Tisdale, Toghill, Tombes, Tomes, Townsend, Tracey, Tranter, Trantor, Treaton, Trigg, Trow, Trusted, Tuck, Tucker, Tuddenham, Tudor, Tullett, Tune, Turner, Turton, Twitty, Tyler.

Umbers, Underhill, Upton.

Vaughan, Veal, Veirk, Vick, Vines, Vivash, Vivian, Voisey, Vyse.

Wade, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Wait, Wakelam, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wareham, Warman, Warner, Waterland, Waters, Watkins, Watkinson, Watson, Wattis, Watts, Weake, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Welch, Weller, Welsh, Weston, Westwood, Wheatly, Wheeler, Whelan, Whitaker, White, Whitehouse, Whitin, Whitmore, Whitworth, Wigley, Wild, Wilder, Wilding, Wildman, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willcox, Willday, Willey, Williams, Willies, Willingan, Willis, Willits, Wills, Wilson, Wilton, Windsor, Winnall, Winters, Withey, Withorn, Wood, Woodbine, Woodhall, Woodhams, Woodhouse, Woodroffe, Woodwiss, Woolley, Wootton, Workman, Worrall, Wort, Wren, Wright, Wyley, Wythes.

Yardley, Yates, Yeomans, Yerbury, Young.

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