Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2369 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: Ladywood
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Aaron, Ackrill, Adams, Adcock, Adey, Adie, Ainge, Alcock, Alderwell, Aldridge, Allard, Allart, Allbutt, Allen, Allport, Allsopp, Allwood, Alpres, Amess, Anderson, Andliff, Andrews, Ansell, Ansill, Anslow, Anthony, Appleby, Archer, Armitt, Armsbury, Arnold, Arundel, Ashby, Ashford, Atkins, Atkinson, Attwood, Attwool, Austin, Avery, Ayres.
Backett, Backley, Bacon, Badger, Badgers, Badland, Bagnall, Bailey, Bailiss, Baker, Ball, Banford, Banks, Barber, Barford, Barker, Barlill, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnham, Barnsford, Barnsley, Barnwell, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barsley, Bartham, Barton, Barwell, Bassett, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Batten, Baut, Baxter, Bayless, Baylis, Beale, Beasley, Beaufoy, Becks, Bedford, Bedington, Bednall, Bedworth, Beeby, Beech, Beedeison, Beeman, Beesham, Beesley, Belcher, Bell, Bellenger, Bendal, Bennett, Benton, Benwell, Berry, Besby, Besbye, Best, Betteridge, Bettles, Bettridge, Bickley, Biddle, Bilmot, Bindman, Birch, Birchmore, Bird, Birkett, Bishop, Black, Blackman, Blackwell, Blake, Blakemore, Blakey, Blood, Bloye, Boden, Booth, Bossward, Boswell, Bott, Bottrell, Boulton, Bound, Bourn, Bourne, Bowater, Bowden, Bowken, Bowkin, Bowley, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradly, Bradney, Bradshaw, Bragg, Bragger, Brain, Branson, Brattell, Brawley, Bray, Breakwell, Breckles, Brennan, Brewer, Brewin, Bridgen, Bridgewater, Bridgwater, Brierley, Briggs, Brittain, Broadbent, Broadfield, Broadhead, Brooke, Brookes, Brough, Broughton, Brown, Bruton, Bryan, Buckley, Buffery, Bull, Bulleroms, Bullivant, Bullock, Buney, Bunn, Bunnall, Burger, Burke, Burnett, Burnhand, Burrell, Burrows, Burston, Burt, Burton, Busby, Bussey, Buston, Buswell, Butler, Butley, Buttler, Bygrave.
Cadby, Cain, Caldicott, Cale, Campbell, Camwell, Caney, Capewell, Carobine, Carpenter, Carroll, Carter, Cartwright, Carwardine, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Causon, Cave, Chadwick, Chalk, Challoner, Chalton, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chancellor, Chaplin, Chapman, Chatellan, Chatwin, Checkland, Cherry, Cheshire, Chester, Chick, Chill, Chinn, Christopher, Churm, Clancy, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clener, Cleveley, Clewley, Clews, Clifford, Clissold, Clulee, Clutterworth, Codling, Cohen, Colderick, Coldrick, Cole, Coleman, College, Collett, Collins, Common, Comwell, Condren, Coney, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Coombs, Coop, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Corfield, Corlett, Corrall, Coton, Cotton, Cottrell, Cowell, Cowley, Cox, Coy, Craven, Crawford, Creed, Cresswell, Creswell, Crocker, Croft, Crook, Crossman, Crouch, Crow, Crowder, Crowdey, Crowdy, Crowther, Cruise, Cullis, Culverwell, Cummings, Cunnington, Cupwell, Curley, Currin, Curry, Curtis, Cuthbert, Cutler.
Dale, Dancer, Dandy, Danks, Datson, Daunsey, Daur, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Denham, Devaney, Devonport, Dewerson, Dewis, Dibble, Didicott, Dimbleby, Dimmett, Dixon, Dobbin, Docking, Dodd, Dodds, Doherty, Dommett, Doodey, Doughty, Dove, Dovery, Dowdeswell, Downing, Drennan, Drew, Driscoll, Druce, Duddleston, Dudley, Duff, Duffield, Dunn, Dunnott, Durnell, Dutock, Dyer, Dyke, Dysons.
Earl, Earp, East, Eaves, Ebourne, Eden, Edge, Edwards, Edwin, Eels, Egerton, Eling, Elliott, Ellis, Ellson, Elmore, Eltham, Emson, England, Engley, Etheridge, Evans, Evanson, Eves, Evuall.
Fabery, Falcon, Fallimore, Farbrother, Farquhar, Farr, Farrington, Faulkner, Faux, Fear, Fearnley, Felfor, Fellows, Fenney, Fenton, Fentrall, Fenwick, Ferns, Field, Finch, Firkin, Firkins, Fisher, Fleming, Fletcher, Flood, Flowers, Foden, Follier, Ford, Forley, Forsbrook, Forster, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Foxhall, Frampton, Francis, Frankel, Franklin, Frape, Fraser, Frayne, Freardon, Freath, Freeman, French, Fritter, Frost, Fry, Fryer, Fulford, Furber.
Gagaligan, Gain, Gamble, Gardener, Gardner, Garfield, Garner, Garratt, Gasby, Gaydon, Gazey, Geary, Genever, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gidney, Gilbert, Gill, Gittins, Glasby, Glover, Glyn, Glynn, Goddard, Godfrey, Gold, Goldby, Golden, Goldingay, Goldrick, Goldthorpe, Goodall, Goodby, Goode, Goodman, Goose, Gosling, Goss, Gough, Gould, Graham, Granger, Grantham, Grattan, Gray, Greatrex, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greenway, Gregson, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimmett, Grimshaw, Groom, Grosvenor, Grove, Guest, Gupwell.
Haband, Haddington, Hadley, Hales, Hall, Hammett, Hammond, Hancox, Hands, Hanks, Hanson, Harbidge, Harbourne, Hardcastle, Hardiman, Hardy, Hare, Hargrove, Harley, Harman, Harnall, Harrell, Harris, Harrison, Harston, Hartland, Harvey, Hassall, Hatherly, Hatton, Havard, Hawker, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hay, Hayden, Hayes, Hayfield, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazel, Hazlewood, Headley, Heafield, Healey, Heap, Hearnshaw, Heartlow, Heath, Heaton, Heeks, Hemming, Hemus, Henbury, Henderson, Henley, Henly, Henry, Hensman, Henwrich, Hepherd, Herbert, Heritage, Herrmann, Hewitt, Hickebottom, Hickling, Higgins, Higgits, Higgs, Hill, Hillier, Hillman, Hind, Hinks, Hippey, Hitchin, Hitchings, Hoare, Hobbs, Hobday, Hobson, Hocking, Hoddard, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hodgkinson, Hodgkiss, Holbrook, Holden, Holder, Hole, Holland, Hollis, Holloway, Hollyhoke, Holt, Holyoak, Hook, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopton, Horsley, Horton, Houghton, Howard, Howell, Howells, Howes, Hubble, Hudson, Hughes, Humpherson, Humphrey, Humphries, Hunt, Hutchins, Hyde, Hyland.
Ife, Iles, Ingram, Iron.
Jabbett, Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jameson, Jarman, Jeff, Jeffrey, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jennings, Jesson, Jessop, Jevons, Jew, Jinks, Job, Jobbins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Josephs, Joyner.
Kavenney, Kay, Kearzy, Keen, Kelly, Kempson, Kendall, Kennard, Kenrick, Kent, Kermode, Ketley, Kettlelon, Key, Keys, Keyte, Kilby, Kilmister, Kimberley, Kindrick, King, Kingston, Kirby, Kirkham, Kitchin, Knibb, Knight, Knipps, Knox, Kynaston.
Lacey, Lacy, Lake, Lakins, Lamb, Lancaster, Lander, Landsbury, Lane, Langdell, Langford, Langridge, Langstone, Larkin, Latimer, Laughton, Lavey, Law, Lawrence, Lawson, Lea, Leadham, Leaton, Leavy, Lee, Leedham, Leeson, Leigh, Leighton, Leman, Levin, Lewis, Liddiard, Lien, Linay, Lines, Linthwaite, Lloyd, Loade, Lomcaster, Long, Lord, Lorne, Lovatt, Lowe, Lucas, Ludlow, Lugg, Lunerick.
Machin, Machine, Mackenzie, Macready, Madden, Mallett, Mallinson, Malpass, Mamford, Manders, Mann, Mansell, Mansfield, Mantle, Manton, Margetts, Markley, Marpole, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Matthews, May, Maycock, Mayes, Mayo, McCausland, McDonald, McHale, McIntyre, McKay, McLeod, McQuin, Meacham, Meakin, Mealand, Meason, Meere, Melhuish, Meredith, Merrick, Merrideth, Merry, Midgley, Miggetts, Miles, Miller, Millerchip, Millichamp, Mills, Millward, Mitchell, Mobley, Moggs, Mole, Molesworth, Moliniaux, Monday, Monk, Montgomery, Moody, Moor, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Mornington, Morrall, Morris, Morrison, Mosley, Moss, Mott, Moulston, Mountford, Muddiman, Mullard, Mullen, Mullingan, Mullins, Munslow, Murphy, Musson, Myall.
Naish, Nash, Neal, Neale, Needham, Neighbour, Neil, Nelson, Netherway, Neville, New, Newbold, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nightingale, Niven, Norman, North, Norwood, Nott, Nutt.
O Rourke, Oakley, Oates, Obday, OConnor, Oldfield, Oldham, Oliver, Olward, Onslow, Orme, Osborn, Osbourne, Otley, Otway, Ovens, Overton, Owen.
Paddock, Palethorp, Palmer, Paloner, Palsim, Pane, Panting, Pardoe, Pargetter, Parish, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parnell, Parnham, Parr, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Passey, Patchett, Patton, Payne, Peace, Peach, Peak, Peake, Pearce, Pearson, Peck, Penn, Penny, Percy, Perham, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Peters, Pettigrove, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pike, Pinches, Pinder, Pinfold, Pinnell, Piper, Pitt, Pittam, Plant, Plater, Plumb, Podmore, Pool, Poole, Pooller, Porton, Potter, Pountney, Poutney, Powell, Powers, Preece, Pressly, Prestidge, Price, Priest, Prigg, Primmer, Prince, Pritchatt, Pritchett, Probert, Probin, Procton, Proctor, Proffitt, Prosser, Proud, Proverbs, Pugh, Pulling, Putram, Pywell.
Radford, Rainbow, Rake, Rammell, Randall, Randell, Rastall, Ratcliffe, Raven, Rawes, Ray, Raybon, Read, Redding, Redfern, Redgrave, Redley, Redwood, Reece, Reeves, Renand, Renwrick, Reynolds, Rhoades, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riddick, Ridgway, Rigby, Riley, Rinder, Ringrose, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robottom, Roden, Rodin, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Roper, Rosser, Round, Rowe, Rowles, Rowley, Rowright, Rudge, Rudman, Rumsey, Russell, Rutter, Ryan.
Sabell, Sabin, Sale, Salisbury, Salmons, Salt, Salter, Sanders, Sandford, Sands, Sargent, Saunders, Scandreth, Scholefield, Scott, Scragg, Scrivens, Seaburn, Seaman, Sears, Selton, Sewell, Seymour, Shakespeare, Shann, Shaw, Sheavring, Sheilds, Shelley, Shenstone, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sheward, Shewring, Shields, Shingles, Shintts, Shirley, Shore, Shorter, Shorthouse, Shuker, Shuttleworth, Shutts, Siddons, Sidwell, Sill, Silver, Silvers, Simes, Simkiss, Simmonds, Simmons, Simpson, Sirr, Sketchley, Skinner, Slater, Smallman, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smithsman, Snape, Snead, Southall, Southam, Southerington, Southern, Sparrow, Speake, Spears, Spicer, Spiers, Spilsbury, Spires, Spragg, Stace, Stacey, Stafford, Staite, Standley, Stanley, Stanton, Statham, Steadman, Steane, Stephens, Sternton, Stevens, Steventon, Steveson, Steward, Stewart, Stiles, Stoker, Stokes, Stonal, Stonall, Stone, Storer, Stormont, Stratford, Strawford, Streatham, Street, Stubbs, Sturley, Suckley, Summer, Summers, Summerton, Sumner, Surfleet, Sutton, Swann, Swift, Swinbourn, Swinburn, Synes.
Talbot, Tarbet, Tarnty, Tarplee, Tatton, Tay, Taylor, Teague, Tench, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorneycroft, Thornicroft, Thorp, Thurston, Tibbetts, Tidmarch, Tildesley, Till, Tilley, Timms, Timson, Tinney, Tinson, Tipper, Tippetts, Toft, Tombs, Tompkins, Tooley, Townsend, Tracey, Tranter, Treadwell, Trimbrute, Trotman, Tuckey, Tuddenham, Tullett, Tunley, Tureman, Turley, Turner, Turrell, Turton, Twilton, Tyler.
Udale, Underhill, Underwood, Upton, Usher.
Vale, Vaughan, Vaux, Vernall, Vick, Vincent, Vizor.
Wade, Waden, Wadley, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wakefield, Wakeley, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Waller, Wallis, Walsh, Walshingham, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wardell, Warden, Wareham, Warham, Waring, Warner, Warvale, Washwood, Waterhouse, Watkins, Watkinson, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Welch, Weller, Wells, West, Weston, Westwood, Whaler, Wharton, Whatmore, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Whitaker, White, Whitecombe, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiting, Whitney, Whittaker, Whittle, Wigan, Wilcox, Wilde, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, William, Williams, Willis, Willmore, Willock, Winstone, Winterton, Woffinden, Wolsey, Wood, Woodall, Woodbine, Woodcock, Woodhouse, Woodland, Woodrow, Woodsell, Woodward, Wootton, Wordsworth, Worrall, Wright, Wyatt, Wyer, Wythes.
Yardley, Yarwood, Yates, Yeoman, Yeomans, Yerbury, York, Young.
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