Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2370 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: Ladywood

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BIRMINGHAM, Ladywood - St Marks

Abell, Adams, Adey, Adney, Agnew, Albert, Alcock, Alderman, Alexander, Alford, Allan, Allbutt, Allcock, Allcott, Alldrett, Alldridge, Alldrige, Allen, Allingham, Allsop, Allwood, Alvey, Ammott, Amos, Amphlett, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Anslow, Anson, Antcliff, Antrobus, Appleby, Appleton, Archard, Arkinstall, Armstrong, Arnold, Ash, Ashby, Asher, Ashford, Ashmore, Askey, Asney, Astley, Aston, Atherton, Atkin, Atkins, Atkinson, Attwood, Austen, Avery, Ayres.

Backer, Bacon, Bagley, Bagnall, Bagshaw, Bailey, Bainbridge, Baker, Bakewell, Ball, Ballard, Balled, Banks, Banner, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnhurst, Barns, Barratt, Barrett, Barteram, Bartlett, Barton, Baskerville, Bate, Bates, Bateson, Baxter, Bayless, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beard, Bearon, Beasley, Beatte, Beaufery, Beaumont, Beckett, Beddall, Beddoes, Beech, Bell, Bellamy, Bennett, Bent, Beresford, Bernard, Berry, Berwick, Best, Bevan, Bickley, Biddulph, Bill, Billingham, Bindley, Bing, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bissaker, Bithell, Black, Blackburn, Blackshaw, Bland, Blandford, Blizzard, Blunt, Boddington, Boden, Bolas, Bolland, Bolton, Bond, Bonehill, Booker, Bool, Boot, Booth, Borne, Bosley, Bottrell, Boucher, Boulton, Bound, Bourne, Bowater, Bowden, Bowen, Bowes, Bowler, Box, Boyd, Boyle, Bradbeer, Bradley, Bradmore, Bradshaw, Brady, Bragg, Brain, Bramhall, Brandrick, Branson, Brassington, Brazenor, Brenholz, Brevitt, Brick, Bridges, Bridgman, Brierley, Bright, Broadhurst, Bromley, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Brough, Brown, Browning, Bryan, Bryant, Buckley, Budd, Buff, Bull, Bullen, Bullin, Bullivant, Bunch, Bunt, Bunyan, Burden, Burdett, Burford, Burge, Burgess, Burgoyne, Burke, Burks, Burnace, Burnett, Burns, Burr, Burraston, Burrill, Burrows, Burton, Bushell, Busst, Butcher, Butler, Butts, Buxton, Byed.

Cain, Caines, Cairns, Caldwell, Cale, Camwell, Cane, Carby, Carling, Carlon, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Case, Caseley, Casey, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Cauldicatt, Cauldwell, Causer, Cecil, Chagott, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chambling, Champ, Chant, Chaten, Chater, Chatfield, Chatterton, Chatwin, Cheadle, Checkland, Childs, Chillingworth, Church, Claque, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clemson, Clewlow, Clifford, Clift, Clives, Clotworthy, Clowes, Coan, Cofield, Cohen, Coleman, Coley, Colin, Collett, Collings, Collins, Collis, Colston, Colton, Comaby, Conner, Connery, Connington, Connor, Conroy, Constance, Cook, Cooke, Cookinham, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Copley, Copner, Corbett, Cordes, Cornett, Cornfield, Costello, Cotton, Coward, Cowpers, Cox, Cramp, Crathorns, Cray, Creed, Cressor, Cresswell, Cristman, Crosbie, Cross, Crouch, Crow, Cruise, Crump, Cullis, Cunningham, Cusact, Cuthbertson, Cutler, Cutmore.

Dalby, Dale, Daly, Danch, Dandy, Dangerfield, Daniel, Danks, Darby, Dark, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dean, Deans, Deaux, Dee, Deeley, Deeming, Delaney, Denham, Dennis, Dent, Deque, Derry, Devall, Dickery, Dickson, Dillon, Dingley, Dixon, Doak, Docker, Dodd, Dodds, Doggett, Dolman, Dolphin, Dominey, Done, Donegani, Donnellan, Dookery, Doughty, Dow, Dowding, Downes, Downing, Draper, Drew, Duckworth, Dudley, Duffield, Dugard, Duggan, Dugmore, Dumbleton, Dunkley, Dunn, Durnell, Dyer, Dyhouse.

East, Eaton, Eccleston, Eden, Edge, Edgeley, Edginton, Edwards, Edwin, Egger, Elland, Elliott, Ellis, Elsmore, Elwood, English, Erwin, Evans, Everton, Ewart.

Facer, Fairley, Falconer, Falkner, Farmer, Farrell, Faulkner, Feeney, Fell, Fellows, Fensom, Feran, Feriday, Fiddler, Field, Filling, Finch, Finlow, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzgerald, Flavell, Fleming, Fletcher, Flewker, Flinn, Flint, Flood, Floyd, Flynn, Foley, Folger, Ford, Forster, Foster, Foulkes, Fowles, Fox, Foxhall, Fradley, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, Freeth, Frells, French, Fulford.

Gaden, Gale, Gamwell, Ganderton, Ganon, Gardner, Gargill, Garner, Garratt, Garrington, Gayford, Gee, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gill, Gilliver, Gillman, Gilroy, Glover, Godridge, Goldberg, Golding, Goldman, Gollings, Gomer, Goodall, Goodbey, Goode, Goodridge, Goodwin, Goodyer, Goold, Gordon, Goss, Gough, Goulding, Grace, Grafton, Graham, Granson, Grantham, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greencock, Greenhouse, Greenway, Greenwell, Gregroy, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grosvenor, Grove, Grundy, Guest, Gummell.

Haddon, Hadfield, Hadland, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hammerton, Hammet, Hammond, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Hands, Hanks, Hanley, Hanson, Harbage, Harber, Harcourt, Harley, Harlling, Harop, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrowsmith, Hart, Hartil, Hartill, Harvey, Hastings, Hatcock, Hatfield, Havill, Haw, Hawes, Hawker, Hawkesford, Hawkesworth, Hawksford, Hay, Haycock, Hayes, Haynes, Haywood, Hazeltine, Hazledean, Hearne, Heath, Heathcote, Heeley, Heeling, Heigh, Heighway, Hemming, Hendrix, Hepkiss, Herbert, Hewitt, Hewson, Hickie, Hickman, Hicks, Higgits, Hill, Hilliar, Hillman, Hingley, Hitch, Hitchcox, Hitchman, Hobbis, Hobday, Hobson, Hockall, Hodge, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgkis, Hodgkiss, Hodkinson, Hodson, Holland, Hollins, Holloway, Holmes, Holton, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Horrex, Horton, Hosgood, Houghton, Houldey, Houseman, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Hubble, Hubert, Huddleston, Hudson, Hughes, Hulme, Hummerton, Humpage, Humphrey, Humphries, Humprhries, Hunt, Hunting, Huntley, Hurst, Hutchinson, Huxley, Hyde.

Iloley, Inchley, Ingall, Ingram, Ireson, Ireston, Isaacs.

Jackson, Jacques, Jaeckel, Jakeman, James, Jarrett, Jeavons, Jeff, Jefferson, Jefferys, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jerron, Jesson, Jessop, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jonso, Jordan, Joyce, Jukes, Juson.

Kavanagh, Kay, Keeling, Keen, Keenay, Keene, Keetley, Keeys, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendall, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenney, Kenroy, Kent, Key, Kibby, Kidd, Kiernan, Kilkenny, Killeen, Kimselmeyer, Kinder, Kinderman, King, Kingdom, Kings, Kirkham, Kirkland, Kitching, Knight, Knighton, Knowels.

Lacey, Lacy, Ladbrook, Lake, Lakin, Lamb, Lampitt, Landau, Landers, Lane, Lang, Langford, Langley, Languin, Lapworth, Larkin, Latimer, Laugham, Laurence, Lawrence, Lawson, Lea, Leake, Leaver, Lee, Lees, Lemay, Leonard, Letts, Levi, Levy, Lewis, Lewton, Light, Lilley, Linford, Linthwaite, Litherland, Littlewood, Living, Lloyd, Loach, Lobb, Lock, Loftis, Lomax, Long, Longdon, Longfield, Longford, Lovekin, Lovell, Lovett, Low, Lowe, Lucas, Luckcuck, Lugsden, Luntz, Luter, Lutteman, Luxemberg, Lyddiatt, Lynch.

Macauley, Macdermot, Machin, Mack, Mackenzie, Mackey, Mackie, Macksfield, Macnalley, Macqueen, Maddock, Maddocks, Mahon, Male, Malesky, Malin, Malines, Malpass, Mancell, Mancus, Manders, Mann, Maquire, March, Marcus, Marcuson, Markham, Marklew, Marris, Marsden, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mason, Masters, Masterson, Mather, Mathews, Mathewson, Mattheson, Matthews, Maxfield, May, Mayall, Mc Kean, Mccarhew, Mccormack, Mccoy, Mccracken, Mcdonald, Mcgauley, Mcgrane, Mckee, Mckinnell, Mcleod, Meakin, Mealing, Meers, Meeson, Melady, Melliven, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milton, Miner, Minton, Mitchell, Mogg, Mole, Moles, Monk, Moody, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morhouse, Morland, Morrel, Morrice, Morris, Morteboys, Moseley, Mountford, Mucklord, Muddiman, Mudie, Murphy, Murray, Murrey, Mutten, Myers.

Nash, Naxeltine, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neave, Nevett, Newall, Newball, Newby, Newcomb, Newell, Newhall, Newman, Newton, Niblett, Nicholls, Nicoll, Nolte, Norris, Norton.

Oakes, Oakley, O'connor, Ocoy, Oldham, Oliver, Olkenitsky, Olsen, Olver, Onions, Orchard, Osborne, Oughton, Overton, Owen, Owler.

Page, Pailings, Painter, Palfreman, Palmer, Pardoe, Pargeter, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parsons, Partridge, Patterson, Pattison, Payne, Peace, Pearce, Pearke, Pearsall, Pearson, Peart, Pegg, Pendleton, Penistone, Pensall, Peplow, Percy, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Pettigrew, Pettit, Phelps, Phillips, Pick, Pickard, Pickering, Pickman, Piercey, Pignutt, Pike, Pikett, Pimm, Pinfield, Pinner, Pitt, Pittaway, Pittman, Plant, Platts, Plumbly, Plummer, Poctor, Podmore, Pointon, Poole, Poolton, Pope, Porte, Portman, Postlethwait, Pountrey, Powell, Power, Poyner, Pratt, Pressdee, Preston, Prewitt, Price, Priest, Priestley, Prince, Pritchard, Proctor, Proud, Proudman, Pryce, Pugh, Pumphrey, Punbrey, Purchase, Pursall, Purslow, Pye.

Quayle, Quick, Quin.

Ralph, Randall, Ratford, Rawes, Rawson, Rayner, Read, Reaney, Reay, Reddall, Redfern, Reeves, Restall, Resuggan, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richmond, Rickaby, Ricketts, Ridding, Rigby, Riley, Rimmington, Rivett, Roath, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roden, Rodgers, Rodway, Roe, Roger, Rogers, Rooney, Rose, Round, Rowe, Rowen, Rowlands, Rowley, Rudd, Rudge, Ruffle, Russell, Ryan.

Sabell, Sallicker, Salmon, Sambrook, Samson, Sanders, Sanderson, Sands, Sankey, Sapcote, Saunders, Savage, Savige, Scamp, Schearick, Schinzel, Scott, Scragg, Seabridge, Seager, Searle, Sedgwick, Seelhoff, Sewell, Shakespeare, Sharp, Shaw, Shawbridge, Shaylor, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shenton, Sheppard, Shields, Shipley, Shorthouse, Shotton, Showell, Shurrock, Shuttleworth, Siddell, Sidwell, Silvers, Silvester, Simcar, Simmonds, Simmons, Simpson, Skidmore, Skinner, Slade, Slater, Sleet, Sloan, Slutykin, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smithson, Smitten, Sniglie, Soobroy, South, Southall, Sparkes, Spears, Spence, Spencer, Spicer, Spires, Sprang, Spratt, Stainton, Staite, Stallard, Stamps, Stanley, Stanyard, Staples, Starkey, Steadman, Steel, Steele, Stephens, Stepney, Sterratt, Stevens, Stevenson, Steventon, Stewart, Stinson, Stinton, Stockhall, Stockton, Stoker, Stokes, Stott, Stowe, Strawbridge, Street, Streeter, Strong, Stuart, Stubbs, Suffield, Suffolk, Sugden, Summers, Summorton, Surman, Sutch, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Swift, Sylvester, Symmonds.

Taigle, Talbot, Taylor, Terry, Thatcher, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorne, Thornecroft, Thorpe, Tighe, Tilly, Timmins, Timms, Tipping, Tiptaft, Tolley, Tomalin, Tomlinson, Tompkins, Tongue, Tonkin, Tonks, Toogood, Tough, Tovey, Towers, Townsend, Townson, Toy, Tranter, Tricklebank, Trisham, Trout, Truman, Trussell, Tubb, Tucker, Tuckman, Tudor, Turner, Turton, Twigger, Tyall, Tyler, Tyser.

Udall, Umbers, Underhill, Underwood, Usher, Usherwood.

Valpiansky, Vanstone, Varley, Vaughan, Venables, Vernon, Vickers, Vincent.

Wadlow, Wadsworth, Wain, Wainwright, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallington, Wallis, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Wankling, Warburton, Ward, Wardlow, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warriner, Washbrook, Water, Waters, Waterson, Watkin, Watkins, Watkinson, Watmore, Watson, Wattis, Watts, Wealstead, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Welch, Well, Wells, Welsh, West, Weston, Westwood, Whaler, Whalley, Wheatley, Wheeldon, Wheeler, Wheer, While, Whilis, Whitchurch, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitehurst, Whitlock, Whittle, Wickens, Wickett, Wiggett, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Wilks, Williams, Willington, Willis, Willmore, Wills, Willson, Wilmore, Wilson, Wilton, Winchurch, Windle, Windmill, Wingate, Winkle, Wise, Withe, Wixey, Wixton, Wolfe, Wollers, Wolverson, Wood, Woodcock, Wooderick, Woodfield, Woodhall, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wooley, Woolley, Wootton, Wordley, Wort, Wright, Wrighton, Wyatt, Wycherley.

Yates, Yelland, Yewen, Yong, York, Yorke, Young.

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