Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2371 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: Ladywood

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BIRMINGHAM, Ladywood - St Marks

Abbott, Acaster, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Ainsworth, Akers, Albots, Alder, Aldridge, Allcock, Allcott, Allcourt, Alldridge, Allen, Allwick, Allwood, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Angell, Anthony, Apperley, Archer, Arden, Armes, Armstrong, Arrowsmith, Ashby, Ashforth, Ashmore, Ashton, Askew, Aston, Attridge, Attwood, Aughton, Austin, Avery, Aylward.

Bache, Backe, Bacon, Badkin, Bagley, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Banford, Banister, Banks, Banner, Barbor, Barbour, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnfield, Barton, Basher, Bassett, Bate, Bateman, Bayles, Bayley, Bayliss, Beale, Beasley, Bebbington, Beck, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Bench, Benjamin, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Bently, Benton, Beresford, Bermingham, Berrow, Berry, Berryman, Best, Beswick, Betteridge, Betts, Bevan, Bibb, Biddle, Bill, Billingham, Binns, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bishton, Blackburn, Blacklock, Blackwell, Bladin, Blakemore, Blaney, Blastock, Blaymires, Blizard, Blooner, Bloor, Blower, Bloxsome, Bloxwich, Blunsom, Boaler, Board, Bock, Bodycoat, Bolton, Bolus, Bonas, Bond, Bonell, Boon, Booth, Borelcott, Borrowman, Bostock, Botterill, Bouckley, Boulton, Bourne, Bowden, Bowen, Boyce, Bradbury, Bradshaw, Brady, Brander, Brant, Brayford, Breese, Brett, Brettell, Brevitt, Bridgens, Bridgewater, Briggs, Bright, Brindley, Brinkwell, Brinkworth, Britton, Broad, Broadhurst, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Bryan, Bryne, Buckland, Buckle, Bull, Bunn, Burden, Burgess, Burke, Burns, Burnside, Burr, Burridge, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Butcher, Butler, Byron.

Cadden, Cair, Cake, Caldwell, Caloway, Cam, Campbell, Camwell, Cannon, Carmichael, Carpenter, Carrington, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Cateon, Caton, Causer, Cave, Chadd, Challinor, Chamberlain, Chandler, Chapman, Charles, Charmon, Chatfield, Chatham, Chatwin, Checkley, Cherms, Cheshire, Chester, Chidlow, Christie, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Cleeton, Clements, Clifford, Clift, Clowes, Cockade, Cockerill, Coggins, Cole, Coleman, Colesby, Colesley, Coley, Colgon, Collier, Collingwood, Collins, Colton, Cook, Cooke, Cookson, Cooper, Cornes, Cornwall, Corrigan, Coss, Costello, Costigan, Cotter, Cotterell, Cotton, Cottrell, Court, Cowper, Cox, Cranmer, Cray, Creed, Crookes, Crosbee, Cross, Crowder, Cuen, Currie, Curtis, Cuthbertson.

Daffern, Dakden, Dale, Dalley, Dance, Dandy, Dangerfield, Danks, Darby, Dark, Darley, Darrall, Daughty, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dean, Delaney, Denham, Dent, Denton, Derry, Devenport, Devere, Dickinson, Dingley, Dixon, Doak, Dodd, Dodson, Doherty, Dolphin, Doody, Dowding, Dowell, Downey, Draper, Drew, Drummond, Drury, Dubank, Duckett, Duggan, Dugmore, Dunkley, Dunn, Dunsby, Durase, Durham, Dutton, Dyche, Dyhouse, Dysin.

Eachus, Eades, Earp, East, Eccleston, Eddins, Edge, Edgington, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Eld, Elde, Eldred, Ellerington, Elliot, Ellis, Elton, Elvins, Elvis, Emms, Engil, England, Evans, Evason, Evetts, Eyles.

Fanwell, Farbrother, Farington, Farley, Farmiloe, Farnell, Farrell, Faux, Featherstone, Fell, Fellows, Felton, Fenton, Fereday, Fernes, Ferrell, Ferriday, Few, Fewtrell, Field, Fieldhouse, Findon, Firkin, Fisher, Fitcher, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flavell, Fleet, Fleming, Fletcher, Flynn, Foden, Follons, Forder, Fordey, Fortnum, Fowle, Fowler, France, Freeman, French, Fry.

Gabb, Garbett, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garrish, Gatehouse, Gearsley, George, Gerrand, Gibberson, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gill, Gillespie, Gilliver, Gillon, Gilman, Glaze, Glover, Gobbett, Godfrey, Gold, Good, Goodchild, Gooding, Goodman, Goodwin, Goodyear, Goodyer, Gordon, Gould, Gravatt, Gray, Greatrex, Green, Greenwood, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Griswell, Groom, Grounds, Groves, Gunner, Gurney, Gutgemann, Guy.

Hackett, Hackley, Haddock, Haden, Hadgkiss, Hadley, Haines, Hall, Hallam, Hamies, Hammacott, Hammond, Hancliff, Hancock, Hancox, Hand, Hands, Hanes, Hankinson, Hanks, Hanley, Hanslow, Hanson, Harding, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Hartshorne, Harvey, Hassall, Hatcher, Hatchett, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkeswood, Hawkin, Hawkins, Hayden, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazzard, Hearn, Heaton, Heaven, Hedgecock, Hedges, Heeley, Heely, Heighway, Hemming, Hemmings, Henderson, Hendsen, Henley, Hepherd, Herlen, Hern, Heslop, Hewett, Hewitt, Hewlett, Hibbs, Hickie, Hickling, Hickman, Hide, Higgins, Higgs, Hilditch, Hill, Hilliar, Hilton, Hinde, Hinks, Hirons, Hoare, Hobday, Hobly, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgkiss, Hodgskin, Holden, Holland, Hollins, Holloway, Hollowood, Holmes, Homes, Hone, Hood, Hook, Hopcroft, Hopkins, Horrox, Hortin, Horton, Hosier, Hough, Hougham, Houghton, Houston, Howard, Howat, Howatt, Howells, Howes, Hubbard, Hubble, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Hullett, Humphreys, Hurley, Huskisson, Huxley, Hyde.

Illidge, Ingham, Ingram, Instone, Isham, Ives.

Jackson, Jacob, Jagger, Jakeman, Jakes, James, Jarratt, Jarvis, Jefferies, Jefferson, Jeffery, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jennings, Jephson, Jewell, Jewkes, Jinks, Johnson, Jones, Joyce, Jukes.

Kain, Kate, Kay, Keeling, Kelcher, Kelly, Kemp, Kendrick, Keneed, Kennedy, Kenny, Kenrick, Ketch, Kilby, Kimberly, King, Kings, Kinsella, Kipps, Kirk, Kite, Knapton, Knight, Knutton.

Labell, Lacey, Ladbrook, Ladbrooke, Lake, Lakin, Lamb, Lancaster, Lane, Langford, Langston, Larigs, Latham, Lathbury, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Layton, Lea, Ledbetter, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leggitt, Leighton, Lester, Levis, Lewis, Liddell, Liggins, Light, Lightwood, Lilley, Lillington, Lines, Livingstone, Lobley, Lock, Lockley, Lord, Lowbridge, Lowe, Loyns, Lucas, Lunt, Lutley, Lutwyche.

Mabbett, Mabbott, MacAuley, MacAuly, Mace, MacNamara, Maddams, Maddock, Malcolm, Maley, Malin, Mall, Mallett, Mallier, Mann, Manning, Mansell, Manyer, Mapp, Margetts, Marriatt, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathers, Mathewson, Mattey, Matthews, May, Maycock, Mayo, McConnell, McCuan, McCutcheon, McGregor, McHugo, McKenzie, McMasters, McNamara, McPhee, Meacham, Meakin, Meeson, Meller, Merryweather, Middleton, Milbourne, Miles, Miller, Millington, Mills, Millward, Moffatt, Monk, Monroe, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Mould, Muir, Mumford, Murdoch, Murphy, Myatt.

Nash, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Needle, New, Newby, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicklin, Nickolls, Noble, Norgrove, Norris, Norton, Nutt.

Oakes, Obday, Oglesby, Oldaker, Oldney, Oliver, Omalley, Oram, Orson, Osborn, Osborne, Owen, Owens.

Page, Pallett, Palmer, Panter, Parker, Parkes, Parkman, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Passmore, Paterson, Patrick, Pawsey, Payne, Peace, Peacock, Pearsall, Pearse, Peat, Peck, Pemberton, Perkin, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Peters, Pettifer, Petty, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickerell, Pickering, Pickford, Pickles, Piper, Pitford, Pitman, Pitt, Pittaway, Plant, Pollington, Poole, Poore, Pope, Potter, Pountney, Powell, Pownall, Pratt, Prebble, Preece, Prescott, Prestige, Preston, Price, Priest, Prieste, Prise, Proud, Prowse, Pugh, Pullinger, Pyke.

Quick, Quinn.

Radford, Radnor, Ranie, Rathbone, Ravenscroft, Ray, Raymond, Read, Reade, Reader, Reading, Reckless, Redfern, Redman, Reed, Reeve, Reeves, Rendle, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ridley, Riley, Rixom, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Roby, Roddis, Rogers, Rogerson, Rollason, Rolls, Romney, Rook, Rose, Ross, Round, Rowbotham, Rowen, Rowlands, Rowley, Rowney, Rubley, Rudge, Rudkin, Rusgrove, Russell, Rutter, Ryan.

Sadler, Sanders, Sandford, Saucer, Saunders, Savage, Scambler, Scott, Scragg, Screen, Scriven, Sealey, Seymore, Seymour, Shackle, Shanks, Sharp, Sharrad, Shaw, Sheldon, Shelley, Shemmans, Sheppard, Sherry, Shiels, Shiner, Shinton, Shipley, Shirley, Shorthouse, Shotton, Showman, Shugg, Shuter, Shutt, Siddall, Silverster, Simkiss, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Siviter, Skett, Skipp, Slade, Slaney, Slater, Slicks, Slim, Smallwood, Smardon, Smethurst, Sminer, Smirles, Smith, Snape, Snow, Somerfield, Sorby, Sorrill, Sparkes, Sparks, Spencer, Spink, Spooner, Springall, Stacey, Stamps, Stanford, Stanley, Steanes, Steed, Steel, Steele, Stenson, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Steward, Stiff, Stirks, Stockton, Stoddard, Stokes, Stone, Storey, Strain, Street, Stride, Stringer, Strong, Stroud, Sturch, Styche, Suffield, Summers, Sutton, Swailes, Swain, Sweeting, Swinden, Swinfield, Sylvester.

Taaffe, Talbot, Tallis, Tanner, Taplin, Tarant, Taylor, Tayncott, Tedesley, Tedstone, Tench, Terry, Tetstall, Thacker, Tharme, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thorpe, Thurman, Thursfield, Thurstans, Tibbett, Tibbitts, Tickle, Tilley, Tinsley, Toft, Tolley, Tomlin, Tongue, Tonks, Tovey, Towell, Townsend, Trapp, Traveller, Trewhitt, Triniman, Trout, Trueman, Truman, Tucker, Tuckwood, Turley, Turner, Turnpenny, Turton, Twist, Tyler, Tyrer.

Underwood, Unite.

Vale, Varley, Vaughan, Vernon, Village, Villar, Viner, Voice, Vurnnell.

Wade, Wadsworth, Wakefield, Walker, Wallbank, Wallis, Walton, Waplington, Ward, Warden, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Wassell, Wathen, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Wayte, Webb, Webster, Wedekind, Weighall, Welch, Wells, Welsh, West, Westwood, Whatmore, Wheatcroft, Wheeler, Whick, Whissell, White, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitlock, Whitmore, Whittard, Whittington, Whittlesey, Wickens, Wickstead, Wickstone, Wilcox, Wilden, Wildman, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willetts, Williams, Williamson, Willmore, Wilson, Wiltshire, Winterton, Withey, Woffinden, Wood, Woodhall, Woodward, Woolley, Wootten, Wormlayton, Worrall, Worthington, Wright, Wrighton, Wyatt, Wylde.

Yapp, Yardley, Yates, Youl, Young,


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