Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2373 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: St John

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Abbott, Abels, Abley, Abraham, Abrahams, Adams, Adderley, Adey, Alcock, Aldridge, Allbright, Allen, Allengarne, Allinson, Allport, Allsop, Amos, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Ansley, Apperley, Armstrong, Arrowsmith, Asbury, Ashfield, Ashforth, Ashman, Ashmore, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Attwood, Avery.

Bacon, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Baller, Bamford, Barber, Barimore, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnsley, Barratt, Barrell, Barrett, Bartlett, Barton, Bastin, Bastow, Bateman, Bates, Baugh, Baxter, Bay, Bayley, Bayliss, Baynes, Beard, Bearsly, Bebington, Beck, Beckett, Beech, Beesley, Beet, Beetlestone, Beisley, Bell, Bellamy, Bennett, Bentley, Beresford, Bernell, Berry, Besemeres, Best, Betterton, Beusley, Bevan, Bewley, Bibb, Bickley, Biggs, Billingham, Billingsley, Billington, Bint, Birch, Bird, Birrell, Bisby, Bise, Bishop, Black, Blackwell, Blake, Blakeway, Blanthorn, Blaymires, Bloomfield, Bloxham, Bloye, Boardman, Boarne, Boffin, Bohemia, Bolwin, Bond, Booth, Boswell, Bourne, Bowcott, Bowels, Bowles, Bowman, Box, Boyle, Bradburn, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Braham, Braid, Brannen, Branson, Branston, Bratt, Brayne, Brazenor, Bridgewater, Bridgwater, Bright, Brightland, Brighton, Brinkworth, Briscale, Brisemore, Broadway, Brocklesby, Brookes, Brookhouse, Brooks, Broom, Broomshaw, Broughton, Brown, Bruton, Bubb, Buck, Buckingham, Buckland, Buffey, Bull, Bullock, Bumford, Bunkle, Bunn, Burford, Burman, Burns, Burr, Burt, Burton, Busby, Bush, Buston, Butcher, Butler, Buttery, Butts.

Callaghan, Callahan, Capener, Cardall, Carey, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Cartwright, Castle, Catlow, Cauldwell, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chancellor, Chandler, Chanters, Chapman, Charlesworth, Chatterton, Chatwin, Chesterton, Child, Chinn, Chirna, Churley, Chyles, Clapp, Clark, Clarke, Claybrook, Claydon, Cleaton, Cleaver, Clements, Clift, Clinton, Clissold, Coard, Coates, Cobb, Cockarde, Cole, Coleman, Colley, Collier, Collins, Compson, Comsford, Coney, Connard, Connor, Cook, Coombes, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Cordwell, Cornick, Cornish, Cosboth, Cosnett, Cotterill, Cottrell, Court, Courts, Coux, Cox, Cramp, Crawford, Crease, Creery, Crisp, Critchley, Crocket, Crowley, Crowshaw, Cuff, Cull, Cumberland, Cunliffe, Currie, Curtiss, Cutler.

Dakin, Dampier, Dance, Daniels, Danks, Daper, Darling, Darlow, Dartile, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davingford, Davis, Daw, Dawson, Day, De Eocofil, Deakin, Dean, Dearn, Deeley, Delaney, Des Landes, Detheridge, Devey, Diana, Dibble, Dicken, Dickenson, Dillon, Dillworth, Disham, Dixon, Dodd, Doherty, Donovan, Doody, Dorrell, Douglass, Douse, Dovey, Dowler, Down, Downing, Draper, Ducket, Duckett, Dudley, Duggill, Dugmore, Duncan, Dunn, Dutfield, Dutton, Dye, Dyer.

Eaborn, Earl, Eastwood, Eaton, Eaves, Ectonnix, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Eggelton, Eley, Elkington, Ellery, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellory, Elvidge, Enson, Erlich, Etheridge, Evans, Evatt, Everitt, Evworth, Ewbank.

Fair, Farnell, Farr, Farrell, Faukner, Faulconbridge, Faulkner, Felton, Ferguson, Ferriday, Field, Fielden, Fielding, Filling, Fillis, Finan, Finch, Findon, Finney, Firkins, Fisher, Fitfield, Fitzmaurice, Fleet, Fleming, Fletcher, Flinn, Flint, Floyd, Ford, Forrester, Forster, Fowkes, Fowler, Fox, Franklin, Franks, Freeley, Freeman, Freer, French, Frost, Fulford, Fusby.

Gair, Garbett, Garbot, Gardner, Garnier, Garratt, Gattell, Gavigan, Gee, Gem, Gent, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gidney, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillett, Gillon, Gilmore, Gisbourne, Gittens, Gittus, Glover, Godridge, Goodall, Goodby, Goodchild, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Gopsill, Gordon, Gosling, Goudan, Gough, Graham, Grainger, Granger, Gray, Greatrex, Greaves, Green, Greenfield, Greensill, Greenway, Gregory, Gregson, Griffin, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimes, Grimmett, Grove, Groves, Grud, Guest, Guise, Gunn, Gurney, Gwiliam.

Haden, Hadley, Haines, Halbard, Hale, Hall, Hammond, Hampson, Hampton, Hancock, Hand, Hands, Hankinson, Hannon, Hanson, Harbidge, Harbourne, Hardwick, Hardy, Harknett, Harlow, Harman, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartley, Harvey, Hash, Haslum, Hassett, Hathaway, Hatwell, Hawke, Hawkes, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayden, Hayes, Hayling, Haynes, Hayward, Heal, Heap, Hearn, Heath, Heaton, Helier, Hemming, Hemmings, Henderson, Henshaw, Heritage, Heskett, Hesvinge, Hetherington, Hewell, Heydon, Hick, Hickling, Hickman, Hicks, Higginbotham, Higgins, Higgs, Higton, Hill, Hillman, Hince, Hindley, Hinks, Hinton, Hipkins, Hiron, Hitching, Hitchins, Hobbing, Hobbs, Hobday, Hobson, Hoddinott, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgkinson, Hodson, Holden, Holding, Holland, Hollinghead, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Homer, Hone, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopper, Hopton, Horewood, Horne, Hornsby, Horsman, Horton, Horwood, Houdley, Houghton, Howard, Howell, Howes, Howie, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Humphries, Hunt, Huntingdon, Hurlston, Hyland, Hynett.

Iddins, Iliffe, Inchley, Ingram, Innis, Insley.

Jabbener, Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jane, Jarratt, Jay, Jeavons, Jefferies, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jennins, Jevon, Jevons, Jinks, Johns, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judd.

Keeley, Kelland, Kelly, Kenning, Kent, Kerkoff, Kerr, Kerry, Kilbey, Kilby, Kimberley, King, Kings, Kirby, Knight, Knott, Koket, Kyle.

Lamb, Lane, Langdon, Langford, Larigo, Larney, Latham, Laurence, Lavill, Law, Lawrence, Layton, Leach, Leache, Lead, Leaver, Lee, Leedham, Lees, Leese, Lemmens, Lennon, Lerwill, Lett, Lewis, Libley, Lice, Lilly, Ling, Link, Linton, Lisseman, Lister, Llenallyn, Lloyd, Loach, Lock, Locke, Lockett, Lockley, Lodge, Lomas, London, Longdon, Loreken, Louch, Lounds, Lovekin, Lovell, Loveridge, Lowe, Lowndes, Lucas, Luckman, Luk, Lyddiatt, Lynch.

MacDonald, Machin, Malpas, Malpass, Maltby, Mandall, Mander, Manison, Manning, Mansell, Manton, March, Markham, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathews, Matilda, Matthews, Maudes, Maxon, May, Maybury, Mayette, McCoy, McCullough, McGinity, McHugo, McLean, McTurk, Meacham, Meaden, Meadows, Meakins, Medlicott, Mellors, Melville, Merrick, Merryfield, Metcher, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Milliman, Mills, Millward, Miners, Mitchell, Mitchever, Moore, More, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morrogh, Morton, Moseley, Mosley, Mottershead, Moughton, Mould, Mountford, Moxham, Mullins, Munn, Murray, Murrish, Murrow, Muson, Muston, Myers.

Nash, Neal, Neale, Nelson, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nickolls, Nickols, Nickolson, Nixon, Noble, Norman, Noron, Norrey, Norrish, Northall, Norton, Nott, Nutt.

O Shea, Oakes, Oakley, Ogden, Oldacre, Oliver, Ore, Organ, Osbourn, Ostine, Ostins, Oven, Overthrow, Overton, Owen, Owens, Owoner.

Paddock, Page, Paget, Palk, Palmer, Palser, Pardoe, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parkins, Parkridge, Parr, Parry, Parsons, Passey, Pater, Patman, Patstone, Payne, Paytner, Peace, Peackeman, Peakman, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Pegg, Penson, Peplow, Perkins, Perris, Perry, Peters, Philips, Phillips, Piercy, Pifee, Pile, Pinder, Piper, Pitcher, Pitt, Plant, Platmoure, Plevey, Plovey, Plumbe, Plummer, Pollet, Pond, Pool, Poole, Poolton, Porter, Poston, Potter, Poulton, Pountney, Poutney, Powell, Powick, Poynel, Poyner, Pratt, Preen, Prentice, Prentis, Prescott, Presdee, Price, Priedee, Prince, Pritchard, Prosedie, Pudge, Pugh, Purden, Puttock.


Rabbage, Radford, Rafferty, Randall, Ratheram, Raven, Read, Reading, Reddall, Reddin, Redman, Reeves, Revill, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Ricketts, Ridgeway, Ridgway, Ridley, Rigbey, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Robotham, Robson, Rodar, Rodgers, Rogers, Rolend, Rooker, Rose, Ross, Rotheram, Rotheroe, Round, Rowbotham, Rowbottom, Rowcroft, Rowe, Rowley, Ruddle, Rudge, Ruff, Russel, Russell, Rutter, Ryan, Ryder.

Sabin, Salter, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandford, Sands, Sant, Santy, Sargeant, Saunders, Savage, Savery, Scattergood, Scott, Scrannage, Searle, Seaton, Serannage, Servis, Severn, Seymour, Sharp, Shaw, Shayler, Shelton, Shenton, Shepherd, Sheriff, Sherrington, Shinton, Shipton, Shirley, Shoebottom, Shotton, Showell, Shutt, Sibley, Silman, Silvester, Simcox, Simkins, Simkiss, Simmins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Singleton, Skelding, Skidmore, Skinner, Slater, Smethem, Smirles, Smith, Smithers, Smitten, Snelling, Snookes, Soley, Southall, Sparkes, Sparrow, Spencer, Sprigg, Stace, Stack, Stafford, Stamford, Stanley, Stanton, Starfield, Starkey, Steel, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stocker, Stockholm, Stockley, Stockton, Stokes, Stone, Storer, Stowe, Strangward, Stratford, Stubbs, Styles, Sullivan, Summer, Summers, Sunderland, Surrell, Sutton, Swafield.

Tacker, Talbot, Tapper, Tarley, Tash, Tasker, Taylor, Teague, Tedstone, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thornett, Tibbetts, Tilsley, Timmins, Timms, Titcombe, Todd, Toddington, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tonge, Tonks, Toombs, Tooth, Townsend, Townshead, Townson, Toy, Tranter, Trapp, Trent, Trevor, Trimnell, Truelove, Trunkfield, Truscott, Tuck, Turley, Turner, Turrell, Tussell, Tussill, Tustin, Tye, Tyler.


Veary, Vickers, Viggers, Vince, Vincent, Voice, Voss.

Wakelin, Waketown, Walder, Walker, Wallace, Wallington, Wallis, Walmsley, Walsh, Walthew, Walton, Ward, Wardell, Warner, Washington, Waterhouse, Waters, Watken, Watkins, Watkinson, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Weber, Weeton, Welsh, West, Westwick, Westwood, Whatmore, Wheatcroft, Wheeler, Wheelwright, While, Whitby, White, Whitehouse, Whitney, Whittall, Wick, Wiggin, Wiggins, Wigley, Wild, Wilday, Wilden, Wildman, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willbraham, Williams, Wilmore, Wilson, Wilton, Winspear, Withers, Wolstenholme, Wolstenhulme, Wood, Woodall, Woodhouse, Woods, Woolley, Woolridge, Wootton, Workman, Worrall, Worthy, Wortley, Worton, Wright, Wrisbury, Wunbury, Wyatt, Wyers, Wynde.

Yates, Yemens, Yeomans, Yerbury, Young.

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