Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2377 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: St Asaph and St Thomas
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BIRMINGHAM, St Asaph - St Thomas
Abraham, Abrahams, Adam, Adams, Adderly, Adelitone, Ades, Adkins, Airey, Albutt, Alderson, Aldum, Allan, Alldrit, Allen, Allman, Allsop, Amos, Amphlett, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Applebe, Archer, Ardley, Argyll, Armston, Armstrong, Arnold, Ash, Ashcroft, Asher, Ashford, Ashton, Aston, Atkins, Attkins, Attwood, Austey, Averill, Avery, Ayre, Ayres.
Bache, Badham, Badjer, Bagland, Bagley, Bailes, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Bancroft, Bannister, Banous, Barber, Barge, Barker, Barlett, Barnby, Barnes, Barnsley, Barratt, Barrett, Barrow, Barrows, Barson, Barston, Bartlam, Barton, Bashford, Bass, Bassett, Bastable, Bates, Bayce, Bayles, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Bean, Beard, Beardamore, Beardmore, Beardsmore, Beasley, Beauford, Beaumont, Beck, Beddington, Beddows, Beenham, Beere, Beers, Beeson, Beevor, Bell, Bellamy, Bellanger, Belman, Bennett, Bennion, Besigham, Best, Betteridge, Bettridge, Betts, Bevans, Bicknell, Biddulph, Biggs, Bill, Billingham, Bilson, Bingley, Binns, Binton, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bitson, Black, Blackfood, Blackmore, Blackshaw, Blackwell, Blades, Blain, Blakemore, Blaney, Blencow, Blewett, Blick, Blighton, Bloomfield, Blows, Bloxham, Bloye, Blundell, Boid, Boiles, Bolingbork, Bolton, Bond, Boneham, Booth, Borthwick, Boulton, Bourn, Bourne, Bourstead, Bowkett, Bowler, Bown, Bradburn, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Bragger, Braine, Brains, Braithwaite, Branch, Brannan, Branson, Brefan, Brewer, Bridges, Bridgwater, Brien, Briggs, Briscoe, Bromhall, Bromley, Brook, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Broome, Brough, Brown, Browne, Bryant, Bugmore, Bull, Buller, Bullivant, Bullock, Bullows, Bunch, Bunn, Bunting, Burdock, Burges, Burnett, Burrington, Burrows, Bursey, Burt, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Busk, Buswell, Butcher, Butler, Butlin, Butts.
Caddick, Calbordge, Caldecott, Calkin, Callaghan, Callicut, Camfield, Campini, Cannon, Canns, Capell, Capewell, Carmichael, Carney, Carpenter, Cartland, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Cater, Catherall, Cattell, Cautrell, Cette, Challener, Chamberlain, Chamberlan, Chambers, Chance, Chandellor, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Charlton, Chattall, Chatwin, Cheasley, Checketts, Cheeseworth, Cheshire, Chester, Child, Chillingborth, Chinery, Chinn, Chinnery, Chollerton, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Clarks, Clayton, Cleaver, Clench, Cliff, Clifford, Clifton, Clutterbuck, Coates, Coffin, Cogswell, Cohen, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colesby, Coley, Colledge, Collins, Collumbell, Collumbell Kelly, Conelly, Coney, Conlan, Contersor, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooksey, Coombs, Coope, Cooper, Coopey, Cope, Corbett, Corfield, Cork, Costello, Cot, Cotterell, Cotton, Coupland, Coutts, Cowley, Cox, Craddock, Cramfo, Crighton, Crilley, Cripps, Crocker, Crocket, Crofts, Crook, Crosby, Croseman, Crowe, Crowley, Crump, Crutchley, Crythorn, Cumberland, Cummings, Cunningham, Curdiffe, Curley, Curnull, Curtis, Cusler, Cuthbert, Cuthbertson, Cuthford, Cutler, Cuttler.
Daft, Dale, Dance, Daniels, Dannett, Dare, Darman, Davey, Davidge, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Davison, Dawes, Dawson, Dayus, Deakin, Dean, Dearling, Deekin, Deeley, Deeman, Degrass, Dempster, Denham, Dennis, Dent, Derby, Deverense, Dew, Dicken, Dickinson, Dickson, Dillow, Dingley, Dipple, Disc, Dix, Dobson, Docker, Dominey, Doody, Dore, Douglas, Dovey, Dowding, Dowell, Dowling, Down, Downes, Downing, Downs, Dowse, Dowson, Draper, Drawbridge, Drew, Driscoll, Drover, Dudley, Duff, Dugmore, Dunn, Dunster, Duois, Durnell, Dury, Dutton, Duxfield, Dyke, Dyson.
Eades, Eales, Easwell, Eccleston, Edge, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Edwin, Elcock, Ellard, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ellsmore, Elsom, Eltham, Emery, Endicott, Ensor, Esthop, Evans, Everiss, Eves, Eveson.
Fabery, Fallon, Fann, Farmer, Farnell, Farr, Faulkner, Faultless, Featherstonhaugh, Felton, Fenn, Fern, Fessey, Fiddian, Fiddler, Field, Finch, Finnemore, Finney, Fisher, Fitton, Fletcher, Floyd, Foley, Ford, Foreman, Foster, Fothergill, Foulks, Fownes, Fox, Franklin, Frazier, Freake, Freedman, Freeman, Freestone, French, Frolich, Frost, Fry, Fudger, Furnace, Furness.
Gaffey, Galey, Gallagher, Galvin, Gandestone, Gannon, Garbelt, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Gardware, Garfield, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Gates, Gaunt, Gavon, Geates, Gee, George, Gething, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddens, Giles, Gill, Gillott, Glasgoro, Glass, Glover, Goalston, Golding, Goldwater, Goodaue, Goode, Goodenough, Goodhead, Goodman, Goodrich, Goodrick, Goodyear, Gorshune, Gorton, Gosling, Gough, Gould, Goulder, Goulding, Grady, Graham, Grainger, Gran, Grant, Graves, Greatwood, Greaves, Green, Greenwood, Gregory, Greive, Grennall, Grey, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimley, Grist, Grosvenor, Groves, Grubb, Guest, Guilfoyle, Guise, Gumbley, Gwinnett, Gwynn.
Haddon, Haddow, Hadley, Haines, Hakesley, Halfield, Hall, Hamilton, Hammersley, Hampion, Hampson, Hampton, Hancock, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Handson, Hannan, Harct, Hardviske, Hardy, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartgroves, Hartland, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hassam, Hathowool, Haven, Hawkins, Hawkswood, Hawley, Haycock, Haydon, Hayes, Haylurst, Hayne, Haynes, Haywood, Heafield, Healey, Heifdon, Heming, Hemmings, Hemms, Henderson, Henntley, Hephinstall, Herberet, Herbert, Hewith, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heymanson, Hickall, Hicken, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higgs, Hill, Hilliar, Hillidge, Hinchcliffe, Hinde, Hindle, Hinks, Hinson, Hinstone, Hinton, Hirons, Hiscox, Hitchcot, Hitchiner, Hoare, Hobro, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkinson, Holines, Holloway, Holt, Holtom, Holton, Holyoake, Homer, Homes, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopley, Hopwood, Horton, Houghton, Houlday, Housman, Howard, Howell, Howlett, Huckin, Hudson, Hugh, Hughes, Hulbert, Hull, Hume, Humphreys, Humphries, Hundy, Hunt, Hunter, Huskisson, Hutchins, Hyde.
Iles, Ince, Ingram, Insleay, Irwin, Isham, Iveley, Ives.
Jackson, Jakes, James, Jarrett, Jelf, Jenkinson, Jenks, Jennings, Jeynes, Jinks, Johnes, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Joines, Jolly, Jones, Joolman, Jordan, Josland, Joynes, Justain.
Karnes, Kearns, Keeling, Keen, Kelly, Kempson, Kempster, Kendal, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kennon, Kent, Khaderbutty, Kilby, King, Kingham, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkman, Kitchen, Kite, Knight, Knighton, Kniveton, Knowles, Krampton.
Labbitt, Lake, Lakin, Lamb, Lambourne, Lancaster, Land, Landcastle, Lane, Langford, Langley, Langstow, Lasham, Latham, Laughlin, Lawrence, Laycock, Laydon, Layton, Leach, Leasmott, Leath, Lee, Leek, Lees, Leonard, Leslie, Lester, Levi, Leviryshall, Levy, Lewis, Liddard, Lidiard, Lidsey, Lille, Lilley, Lilly, Lindsey, Lines, Lingard, Lingen, Lingley, Lister, Litchfield, Liversage, Livesly, Llewllin, Lloyd, Lloyds, Loffman, Lollett, Lomas, Loverock, Lowe, Lowell, Lucas, Luckett, Lukes, Lunbert.
Macdevitt, Mackenzie, Mackey, Macnamara, Macone, Macquay, Maddison, Maddocks, Madeley, Maginski, Main, Maley, Mallard, Mallatey, Malley, Mannering, Manse, Mantle, Manton, Marden, Margetts, Marks, Marsh, Marshall, Marsland, Marston, Martin, Masion, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathewman, Matthews, Matty, May, Maylott, Mcarthur, Mccarthy, Mccullock, Mcdevitt, Mcdonald, Mcguvie, Mclacklan, Mcnichol, Mcnicoll, Mcvitie, Mealand, Medlicott, Medlicotte, Melville, Meredith, Merriman, Messinger, Mewhouse, Middleton, Miller, Mills, Milner, Milton, Mitchell, Molesworth, Molick, Moody, Moore, Morcombe, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morrey, Morris, Mortimer, Moseley, Moss, Mott, Moys, Muir, Mullins, Mulvale, Murphy, Murray.
Nash, Neal, Neale, Neary, Neaves, Nelson, Neville, Newbold, Newman, Newport, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nightingale, Noke, Nolan, Norris, Norton, Nurrish.
Oates, Oldfield, Oldman, Oldnall, Oliver, Oneil, Onions, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Overs, Overton.
Packard, Packer, Packman, Padmore, Page, Palamon, Palmer, Palsey, Pane, Pangborne, Parker, Parkes, Parkins, Parkinson, Parks, Parsons, Partridge, Paste, Payne, Peacock, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Peckham, Peddale, Peel, Peers, Pemberton, Percival, Perkin, Perkins, Perrin, Perring, Perry, Peters, Pevevelle, Phelps, Philips, Phillipps, Phillips, Pickard, Pickering, Pickthorn, Piddington, Pinfield, Pitcher, Pitt, Pizer, Plackett, Pleaden, Plover, Plumber, Plummer, Polgrave, Pool, Poole, Poolton, Pope, Pople, Porsmall, Porter, Portlock, Potter, Powell, Pownsell, Prangnell, Pratt, Preddy, Preen, Price, Prime, Prince, Pritchart, Protheroe, Prowling, Pugh, Pullam, Purser, Pursey, Purslow.
Rabjohns, Radford, Rafferty, Ramford, Ramsay, Randall, Ranford, Rathbone, Ratheram, Raven, Ravenscroft, Rawlings, Raymond, Redding, Redman, Reece, Reed, Reeve, Reeves, Reppington, Reynolds, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Rider, Ridgeway, Riley, Riscons, Robbins, Robbinson, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roche, Rodds, Roden, Rogers, Roller, Rooney, Roper, Rose, Rosenthall, Ross, Rossiter, Round, Roundall, Rouse, Rowberry, Rowe, Rowlands, Rowlett, Rowley, Ruaman, Rubery, Ruff, Ruge, Rush, Russell, Rutter.
Sabell, Sadler, Sady, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandland, Sangers, Sargent, Saunders, Savage, Saxelby, Sayce, Sayers, Scanett, Schinthak, Schister, Schmneth, Scholefield, Scoltock, Scott, Sedgewick, Sediard, Sellars, Severn, Sewell, Shakespere, Shann, Sharp, Sheldon, Shelley, Shenstone, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherlock, Shiff, Shilton, Shineberg, Shipton, Shirley, Shollis, Shompton, Shopley, Shorey, Short, Shortes, Shortland, Siddel, Silvester, Silwood, Simco, Simkins, Simkiss, Simpkins, Simpson, Sinclair, Skeldon, Skinner, Skuse, Slanney, Slater, Slaughter, Slilner, Slim, Slinn, Slymn, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snape, Snead, Solley, Sollors, Solomon, Sparkes, Sparrow, Spencer, Sphriam, Spilsbury, Spink, Spinks, Spragg, Sproston, Squires, St Johnston, Stacey, Staindey, Stainton, Stallard, Stamford, Stanbie, Stanley, Stantial, Stanton, Stathan, Steadman, Steel, Stephen, Stephens, Stevens, Steventon, Steward, Stock, Stockall, Stockhall, Stockham, Stokes, Stone, Storay, Storer, Strickley, Sullivan, Summers, Sutherland, Sutton, Swan, Swann, Sweeny, Swift, Syers, Symonds.
Tailby, Talbot, Taylor, Teally, Tellay, Terranti, Thacker, Theobold, Thomas, Thompson, Thorley, Thorney, Thornton, Thorp, Thorton, Thurman, Thurstans, Tibbats, Tibbitts, Tiff, Till, Tillson, Timmins, Timmis, Timms, Tincknell, Tipping, Tolley, Toltey, Tomkinson, Tomlinson, Toney, Toogood, Tooth, Tost, Townsend, Townson, Tracey, Tranter, Treadwell, Trehern, Trevitt, Trickett, Trotman, Troughton, Truman, Truss, Tucker, Tupman, Turner, Turpinan, Turrell, Turton, Turvey, Tustain, Twist, Tyler.
Unsworth, Upton, Urry.
Vale, Vaughan, Vaux, Vernon.
Wadkins, Wagstaff, Wailing, Wainwright, Wakefield, Wakeman, Walby, Waldron, Wale, Walker, Wallis, Walloe, Walsh, Walshaw, Walshe, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warden, Ware, Wareing, Warner, Warwood, Washbourne, Wassell, Wastnage, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Waving, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weinstein, Welch, Welding, Wells, Welsh, Westbury, Western, Westman, Weston, Westwood, Wharton, Wheeler, Wheelwright, Whillock, White, Whitehead, Whiteheard, Whitehouse, Whithorn, Whitlock, Whittle, Whitworth, Whyley, Wicks, Wigfield, Wiggett, Wilcox, Wild, Wilden, Wildman, Wiles, Wilkes, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willday, Willetts, Willey, Williams, Willis, Willmot, Wills, Willson, Wilner, Wilson, Wiltshire, Winkles, Winsford, Winter, Withers, Wolescroft, Wolley, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodcock, Woodhead, Woodhouse, Woodland, Woodward, Woodwiss, Woodyatt, Woolcocks, Woolf, Woollard, Woolley, Wootten, Worrall, Wright, Wyer, Wyke, Wynn.
Yates, York, Young.
Zissman, Zolan.
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