Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2386 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: St George

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Abberley, Abbotts, Abell, Abt, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Ainsworth, Akers, Albert, Alcock, Allbutt, Allday, Allen, Allett, Allsop, Alprovidge, Amory, Angel, Anscombe, Ansell, Anslow, Antill, Archer, Armstrong, Arnatt, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Asbury, Ash, Asher, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashmore, Ashton, Ashworth, Aston, Atkin, Atkins, Atterton, Attwood, Austin, Averill, Avery.

Bacon, Badham, Baggot, Bagley, Bagnall, Bailey, Baily, Baines, Baker, Bakewell, Baldwin, Balham, Ball, Banks, Bannister, Barber, Barclay, Bardell, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barney, Barnsley, Barratt, Barrows, Barton, Bassett, Bate, Bates, Bayley, Bayliss, Bayman, Beach, Beard, Beardmore, Beardsmore, Beare, Beaumont, Beck, Beckett, Beddoes, Bedworth, Beech, Beet, Begg, Bell, Bembridge, Bennett, Bent, Benton, Berkman, Berks, Berry, Betts, Bevan, Bibb, Bickley, Biddell, Biddle, Billingham, Billington, Bindley, Bingham, Binley, Birch, Birchall, Bird, Bisby, Bishop, Bishton, Bissell, Black, Blackham, Blackman, Blackwell, Blakeney, Blick, Blockridge, Bloxham, Bloxwich, Blundell, Blunn, Blunt, Blyth, Blythe, Bolt, Bolton, Booker, Booth, Boraston, Boston, Boswell, Bosworth, Boughton, Boulton, Bourne, Bowater, Bowen, Bower, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bramich, Braney, Bratt, Bravington, Breese, Brewer, Brian, Bridgen, Bridges, Briggs, Brighton, Brindley, Brinton, Britbind, Broadbent, Broadway, Brockington, Bromwich, Brook, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Brough, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Brueton, Bryant, Buckingham, Buckley, Buff, Built, Bull, Bullock, Burden, Burgoine, Burke, Burn, Burns, Burovitch, Burrell, Burwood, Busby, Buswell, Butler.

Cadbury, Cadd, Cadwallender, Cain, Cairns, Callow, Campbell, Caney, Capewell, Carey, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Cartland, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Cassidy, Catchpole, Cattle, Cauley, Caunt, Cavey, Chad, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chamtlin, Chance, Chandler, Chant, Charie, Charles, Chatwin, Checkley, Chellingworth, Cheltoe, Cherrington, Cheslin, Chilton, Churms, Chutter, Clarabut, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Claybrook, Clayton, Clement, Clements, Clemson, Clews, Clifford, Clobury, Cluans, Cockerill, Cohen, Cole, Coles, Colesby, Coley, Collett, Collier, Collins, Complin, Conington, Connelly, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooknill, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Copper, Copson, Corbett, Cornery, Cose, Costello, Cotter, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Count, Course, Cowley, Cowney, Cox, Coyne, Cramp, Creighton, Crockford, Croft, Crosby, Cross, Crossland, Crouch, Crowton, Crump, Cullen, Currier, Curtis.

Dabbs, Dale, Dales, Dalton, Daly, Dance, Darby, Darrow, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Dayus, Deakin, Dean, Deathridge, Dee, Deeley, Deem, Delahunt, Dennett, Dent, Devall, Dewens, Dewerson, Diaps, Dickens, Dickenson, Dillon, Dingley, Dipple, Docker, Doherty, Dolan, Donolan, Dossett, Doughty, Douglas, Dowding, Downes, Drakeford, Drew, Dryhurst, Dudson, Duern, Dugmore, Dunn, Dyer.

Eadon, Eagles, East, Easthope, Eccles, Eden, Edmunds, Edwards, Egginson, Egginton, Elder, Eldridge, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Elmore, Elsmore, Ensor, Eustace, Evans, Everett, Everitt, Evetts.

Fallon, Farley, Farmer, Farraher, Farrell, Favell, Fazakarly, Fazakerley, Fellows, Fenton, Ferreday, Field, Fielding, Finan, Findlay, Finnigan, Fisher, Fisk, Flannagan, Fletcher, Flinn, Floyd, Flynn, Fogarty, Follis, Folstow, Ford, Foster, Fowler, Foxhall, Francis, Frankish, Franklin, Frear, Freeman, Frost, Fussell, Futen.

Gainham, Gallagher, Gallimore, Gamble, Gandley, Gandy, Garbett, Gardner, Garner, Garrald, Garratt, Garvey, Gascombe, Gavin, Gee, George, Geraghty, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gines, Gisbourne, Gissey, Glaze, Glover, Godfrey, Godson, Godwin, Gold, Goldman, Goodall, Goode, Goodfellow, Gordon, Gough, Gould, Grady, Grainger, Grant, Gratton, Gray, Greatreax, Greatrex, Greaves, Green, Greenberg, Greenhill, Greenhouse, Greenway, Gregg, Gregory, Grendon, Grew, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimes, Grimmett, Grissall, Gritton, Grove, Groves, Grundy, Gubbins, Guest, Gumbly, Gunn, Gunter, Gwilliam.

Hackett, Haddon, Haden, Hadley, Haigh, Haines, Hale, Hales, Hall, Hallard, Ham, Hamblin, Hamnet, Hamson, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Hands, Handy, Hanford, Hanks, Hanley, Hannon, Hanson, Harbourn, Harcourt, Harden, Hardware, Hardy, Harnett, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Harwood, Hasker, Hassall, Hastilow, Hastings, Hathaway, Havens, Hawker, Hawkins, Hawksford, Hayer, Hayes, Hayne, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlewood, Head, Healey, Hearn, Heart, Heath, Heathcote, Heeley, Hemming, Hench, Henry, Henshaw, Henwood, Herbert, Hetherington, Hewin, Hewitt, Hibbs, Hichin, Hick, Hicken, Hickman, Hickson, Higgins, Higginson, Highfield, Hiley, Hill, Hilton, Hind, Hines, Hinkley, Hinks, Hinsley, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hiscock, Hitchens, Hitchman, Hoar, Hobbins, Hobbs, Hocklon, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodson, Hogan, Holdcroft, Holder, Holl, Holland, Hollingsworth, Hollins, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holtram, Homer, Homes, Hooper, Hopcroft, Hope, Hopkins, Hopton, Horberry, Horn, Horton, Hough, Howel, Howell, Howells, Howle, Hubball, Hubble, Hudson, Hughes, Hulin, Hulston, Humphries, Hunt, Hurd, Hurdle, Hurley, Hurlston, Huston, Hutchinson, Hyde, Hydes.

Ibbotson, Iliffe, Ingham, Innes, Insley, Irving.

Jackaway, Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jarvis, Jeavons, Jefferies, Jeffery, Jeffries, Jelfs, Jenkins, Jenks, Jenner, Jennings, Jinks, Joesbury, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jonston, Jordan, Joyner, Judge, Jukes.

Kain, Kay, Keeling, Keen, Keetley, Keith, Kelly, Kench, Kendall, Kendling, Kent, Kerry, Kesterton, Ketcher, Ketelbey, Kett, Keyte, Kibbin, Kibblewhite, Kibby, Kightley, Kimberley, King, Kingham, Kington, Kirby, Knapp, Knight, Knowles.

Lacey, Lagoe, Lamb, Lambeth, Lambourne, Lane, Langham, Lant, Laundbury, Lawrence, Lawson, Lea, Lear, Leather, Lee, Lees, Leeson, Leicester, Lenton, Leslie, Lewis, Liebmann, Lilley, Lindon, Line, Lines, Linett, Liney, Liston, Littleford, Littlehales, Livingstone, Lloyd, Lock, Logan, Longfield, Loveridge, Lovett, Lowe, Lowry, Loynes, Lucas, Ludlow, Lynam, Lynes, Lyon.

MacDonald, MacKay, MacKenzie, MacLeod, Madox, Maguire, Maher, Maidment, Makin, Malins, Mallin, Mann, Manners, Manning, Mansell, Mantle, Margorchis, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Maslin, Mason, Mather, Matthews, Mawson, May, Maylin, Mc Hugh, McAnaulty, McCarty, McCormack, McGovery, McGregor, McHale, McKanns, McKay, McKenna, McTighe, Meades, Meadows, Meakin, Meaking, Mealing, Medlam, Meeson, Merrick, Merry, Middleton, Miesch, Miles, Miller, Millward, Milroy, Mincher, Minney, Mitchell, Mobley, Mole, Molesworth, Moon, Moore, Moorfield, Moran, More, Morfield, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Moss, Moulden, Moulds, Moulton, Mountford, Mousley, Moxon, Mucklow, Mullen, Mullings, Mullins, Murliss, Murphy, Murry, Muston, Myatt.

Nash, Neal, Neale, Neild, Nelly, Nelson, Nevitt, Newby, Newcomb, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Niblett, Nicholls, Nichols, Noakes, Nock, Noon, Noone, Noreham, Norton.

Oake, Oakes, OBrien, ODell, O'Donaghue, O'Grady, O'Keefe, Old, Oldhouse, Oliver, O'Neill, Onions, Onley, Orbell, Orme, Orton, Osbond, Osborne, Otheneret, Owen, Owens.

Packer, Packwood, Page, Paget, Painting, Paling, Pallet, Pallett, Palmer, Pannell, Panter, Pardoe, Parke, Parker, Parkes, Parramore, Parry, Parslo, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Paskin, Patrick, Patterson, Payne, Payton, Peach, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearse, Pearson, Pease, Penny, Peplow, Pepperell, Percell, Perkins, Perks, Perrin, Perry, Perryman, Petchford, Peters, Pettifer, Petts, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pickin, Pierpoint, Pilsbury, Pinfold, Pinner, Pitchford, Pitt, Pittaway, Pittifer, Plant, Plumbridge, Pool, Poole, Pooley, Pope, Popkin, Porter, Potter, Potts, Pountney, Powell, Powers, Poyner, Pratt, Preece, Prentice, Prewitt, Price, Prinn, Pritbury, Pritchett, Probin, Proctor, Proud, Prueitt, Pugh, Purveur, Pye.

Ralph, Randall, Ravenscroft, Raymond, Rayson, Read, Reddall, Reece, Reed, Reeves, Restall, Resterton, Rhodes, Richards, Ricketts, Riddiford, Ridding, Riddle, Rider, Riley, Roach, Robainan, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roddy, Roden, Roe, Rogers, Roland, Rollason, Rollins, Rollinson, Rooke, Rooker, Rooney, Rose, Rourke, Routley, Rowe, Rowley, Rusker, Russell, Rutherford, Ryall, Ryan, Ryder, Ryland.

Sadlier, Saice, Sakespeare, Salmon, Salt, Sampson, Sanders, Sandford, Sankey, Sansum, Sargent, Satch, Sault, Saunders, Savage, Scott, Seadon, Seaman, Searle, Sedgworth, Sexty, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Shale, Shann, Sharpe, Shaw, Shayler, Sheasby, Sheffield, Sheldon, Shellet, Shelley, Shenstone, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherratt, Sherriff, Sheward, Shipton, Shollet, Shore, Sidwell, Silvester, Simmons, Simpson, Sine, Sirrell, Sivannock, Slater, Sleath, Slimm, Slocombe, Sly, Small, Smallburn, Smallwood, Smith, Snelson, Solley, Sorrell, Sothers, South, Southall, Southwick, Sparkes, Speak, Speet, Spencer, Spilsbury, Spires, Spittle, Spooner, Spratt, Stacey, Stagg, Staite, Stamps, Stanley, Starkey, Start, Startin, Steele, Stephens, Stern, Stevens, Stewart, Stirk, Stockley, Stokes, Stolt, Stone, Stowell, Sturch, Sturmey, Styles, Summers, Sutton, Swadkins, Swaffa, Swain, Sweetman, Symonds.

Tabberer, Tainty, Talbot, Talliss, Tandy, Tarbet, Taylor, Teague, Tearle, Thomas, Thommy, Thompson, Thordell, Thorn, Thorne, Thorneywork, Thurman, Thursfield, Thurston, Tibbs, Tidboald, Tilsley, Timmins, Timms, Tipping, Titt, Tocknell, Tolouse, Tomalin, Tombs, Tomkin, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tomlin, Tongue, Tonks, Tookey, Toon, Townsend, Toy, Triggs, Trilby, Trinder, Trott, Trotter, Trout, Trueman, Truman, Tucker, Turner, Turnley, Turvey, Tustin, Twist, Tyler.

Underhill, Updon, Upton.

Vale, Vann, Varley, Vaughan, Venables, Vennell, Vernon, Vickers, Viles, Vincent, Voice, Voisey.

Wade, Wadsworth, Wager, Wagstaff, Wakelam, Wakerley, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walley, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Wankling, Warburton, Ward, Wardle, Waring, Warner, Warren, Wassall, Watkins, Watkinson, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weight, Welch, Weldon, Wellings, Wells, Wesson, Westbury, Western, Weston, Westwood, Wheatley, Whitacre, Whitaker, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Wickett, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilden, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willer, William, Williams, Willis, Willmot, Willson, Wilson, Windsor, Wingfield, Winkley, Winterton, Winwod, Winwood, Wise, Witcomb, Witham, Withers, Woldridge, Wolfe, Woliter, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfull, Woodin, Woodley, Woodward, Wooley, Woolley, Woollhoff, Worrall, Wright, Wyers, Wykes, Wynn.

Yardley, Yate, Yates, Yenn, Yeoman, Yeomans, Young.

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