Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2391 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: St George

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Abbot, Abbott, Abell, Adams, Adey, Ainsworth, Albert, Alcock, Aldridge, Alger, Allcock, Alldridge, Allen, Allsop, Allsopp, Altvater, Amerson, Anderson, Andrews, Annan, Anolio, Anyon, Apperley, Argyle, Armfield, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Aruston, Ashby, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashforth, Ashmore, Ashwall, Askew, Askey, Aslett, Aspey, Astbury, Astilow, Astley, Aston, Athersick, Atkins, Auden, Audley, Austin.

Baggott, Bailey, Bainbridge, Baird, Baker, Ballard, Ballinger, Band, Banford, Bangley, Banham, Banning, Bannister, Barber, Barby, Bardell, Barker, Barley, Barlow, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barney, Barns, Barnwell, Baron, Barrington, Barritt, Barthamn, Bartlam, Bartlett, Baseley, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Bathurst, Batkin, Batty, Baughan, Baxter, Bayley, Bayliss, Baynes, Baynham, Beach, Beacham, Beard, Beardman, Beardmore, Beardsmore, Beasley, Beason, Beck, Beckett, Bedford, Beech, Beesley, Beeson, Bell, Bellamy, Bellhouse, Bembridge, Benbow, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Benwell, Beresford, Berrill, Berrington, Berry, Betson, Bevens, Bibb, Bicknell, Biddle, Biddleston, Biddulph, Billing, Birch, Bird, Birkley, Bishop, Bishton, Black, Blackband, Blackwell, Bleasdale, Blick, Bliss, Bloodworth, Bloomfield, Bloore, Blunn, Blunt, Bly, Boden, Bohen, Bolt, Bolton, Bond, Bondley, Boneham, Bonser, Booker, Boon, Booth, Botterill, Boucher, Boughs, Boughton, Bowdler, Bowen, Bowker, Bowler, Box, Boyce, Bradbury, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Brailey, Bramhall, Bramley, Bransome, Branson, Bray, Breadman, Breakspear, Breedon, Brettell, Bridgen, Bridges, Brierley, Briggs, Brighty, Brimble, Brindley, Bristoll, Bristow, Brittain, Broadhead, Broadhurst, Bromwich, Bronovitch, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Brueton, Bryan, Bryant, Buck, Buckly, Buff, Bugest, Bullivant, Bullock, Bulmer, Bummer, Bunn, Burchell, Burdon, Burford, Burger, Burgess, Burke, Burlace, Burley, Burn, Burnham, Burt, Burton, Bushell, Busst, Butcher, Butler, Byrom.

Cadby, Caddick, Caldecott, Caldicott, Callagan, Callas, Callow, Cammiser, Campion, Cannon, Capewell, Capperhurst, Carding, Careless, Carless, Carr, Carroll, Carson, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Casnett, Caswell, Cattell, Cauldwell, Caulitt, Caulkin, Cawley, Chadwick, Chalmers, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapell, Chaplain, Chapman, Charles, Chatwin, Checkett, Cherry, Cheslin, Chew, Child, Chinn, Chiswell, Churchill, Chuveley, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clement, Clift, Clissold, Coburn, Cohen, Coker, Colbourne, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Colledge, Colley, Collins, Colly, Conchan, Congrave, Connell, Connery, Connolly, Connor, Conroy, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Coran, Corbett, Corkeid, Corkram, Cornick, Corral, Corvan, Cosgrove, Coton, Cotterill, Cottle, Couch, Court, Cousem, Cowdrill, Cowley, Cows, Cox, Craddock, Craig, Cramner, Crane, Crawford, Crawley, Creaton, Cresswell, Crisp, Crispin, Crook, Cross, Crossley, Crouton, Crump, Cruse, Cull, Cullan, Cumming, Cunningham, Currin, Curry, Curtis, Cutler, Cuttler.

Dabbs, Dagley, Dakin, Dalby, Dale, Dalley, Da_lulis, Dance, Dancer, Dandy, Daniel, Danks, Darbey, Darby, Darcy, Davey, Davies, Davis, Davitt, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deacon, Deakin, Deampsted, Dean, Death, Deem, Deives, Delaney, Denham, Devey, Devine, Dewen, Diamond, Dickens, Dingley, Docker, Dodd, Dodwell, Doherty, Dolan, Dolphin, Donoghue, Doughty, Douglas, Dovey, Downes, Draper, Dudley, Duern, Duffey, Dugard, Duggin, Dugmore, Dugrouille, Duley, Duncan, Dunford, Dunkley, Dunlevey, Dunmore, Dunsby, Dutton, Dwyer.

Eades, Eagles, Earle, Eaton, Eaves, Eccles, Echell, Edge, Edgington, Edkins, Edwards, Egerton, Eldridge, Ellard, Elliott, Ellis, Ellwood, Emery, England, Ensor, Evans, Evaran, Everett, Everton, Evetts, Eyland.

Fairant, Falkan, Falkner, Fallon, Farey, Farmer, Farr, Faulkner, Fawcett, Feasey, Fell, Fellies, Fellows, Fenny, Fenton, Ferkins, Fichily, Fidler, Field, Fieldhouse, Finans, Findlaw, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzpatrick, Flanders, Flaney, Flannigan, Flarety, Flavell, Fleet, Fleming, Fletcher, Flynn, Foley, Follows, Fomes, Ford, Fortescue, Foster, Fowler, Fox, France, Francis, Franklin, Franks, Freeman, Fripp, Froggatt, Fueslin, Fulford, Fyfe.

Gable, Gain, Gallagher, Galvin, Gamble, Gameston, Gannon, Garbett, Gardener, Gardner, Garratt, Garratty, Garty, Garwood, Gateley, Gaunt, Gentry, Gibbs, Giblin, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilliver, Gittins, Glasby, Glascott, Glass, Gleeson, Glover, Glynn, Goddard, Godfrey, Godwin, Golby, Goodchild, Goodman, Goodwin, Goray, Gordin, Gordon, Gore, Gorenshtain, Gough, Grabaluick, Graham, Grainger, Greaney, Greatrick, Greatrix, Greaves, Green, Greenberg, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimes, Grimmitt, Grindley, Grove, Gubbins, Guest, Gumbley, Gust, Guy, Guythers, Gwilliam, Gwilliams.

Hadley, Haines, Halcrow, Hale, Hales, Halford, Hall, Halladay, Hallam, Hamer, Hamnett, Hancock, Hancox, Hand, Handerson, Hands, Hankin, Hanly, Hanslow, Hant, Haphlali, Harborne, Harcross, Harding, Hardy, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harwood, Hassall, Hassan, Hassell, Hastilow, Haswell, Hatton, Haughton, Haven, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawkley, Hawkridge, Hayes, Hayward, Heacock, Headerard, Hear, Heard, Heath, Helsby, Hemsley, Henery, Henshaw, Henson, Heron, Herring, Hewitt, Hewson, Hickling, Hickman, Higgins, Higo, Hill, Hinckley, Hines, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hippen, Hirons, Hitchens, Hitchins, Hobday, Hodge, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoft, Holdaway, Hollick, Hollins, Holloway, Hollyhead, Holmes, Holt, Home, Homer, Homes, Hood, Hootton, Hope, Hopkins, Hopton, Horne, Hornsby, Horton, Hosking, Hoskins, Hounslow, Howard, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Hume, Humphrey, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Huntington, Husselbee, Hyatt, Hyde, Hyles, Hymers, Hymm.

Illidge, Ingram, Innes, Innis.

Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jarvis, Jefferies, Jeffery, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenks, Jennens, Jenning, Jennings, Jepson, Jerks, Jescott, Jesson, Jevons, Jewell, John, Johns, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Juggins, Jukes.

Kane, Kay, Kealty, Kearney, Keeley, Keeve, Keir, Kelley, Kelly, Kempson, Kempster, Kendal, Kendall, Kenderick, Kendling, Kennedy, Kenny, Kent, Kett, Key, Kiernan, Kimber, Kimberton, Kinchin, King, Kington, Kinnian, Kirby, Kirkham, Kitson, Kittard, Kleiser, Klooz, Knight, Knowles.

Lamb, Lambert, Lambourne, Lamplough, Lancaster, Lane, Larden, Larvin, Last, Laurence, Lauterback, Law, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawrie, Lawton, Lea, Leach, Leadly, Leak, Leasley, Leat, Leather, Lee, Leech, Lees, Legg, Leighton, Lenton, Leonard, Lester, Lett, Letts, Lewis, Lichfield, Liddiard, Lilley, Line, Lines, Lingram, Lisemore, Lisgo, Littlehales, Littlewood, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Loftus, Lonchild, Lonergan, Longworth, Lort, Lorton, Louisa, Lovekin, Loveridge, Lowe, Lowley, Loynes, Lucas, Luckett, Luckman, Lundy, Lusianno, Lutt, Lynass, Lynch, Lyons.

MacCabe, Mack, Madders, Madderson, Maddock, Maddox, Madge, Magee, Maguire, Main, Maisey, Malin, Malins, Mallard, Mallett, Malley, Manion, Mann, Manning, Mannings, Mansell, Manson, Mapperley, March, Margerrison, Marins, Markwell, Marment, Marnsor, Marsden, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mason, Mass, Massey, Master, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Maunder, Mawby, Maxted, May, Maybury, Mc Avery, Mc Bride, Mc Carty, Mc Cormick, Mc Culloch, Mc Daulan, Mc Dermott, Mc Donald, Mc Donnough, Mc Donough, Mc Hale, Mc Intyre, Mc Momamin, Mc Tighe, McKill, Meakin, Mee, Melcraft, Melvin, Messenger, Meyer, Michell, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Millership, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milward, Minchew, Mitchell, Moate, Mobley, Mocock, Molick, Monks, Moore, Moorfield, Moran, Moreton, Morgan, Morris, Morriss, Mortimer, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Mould, Mountford, Mshalpas, Muddyman, Mulling, Mullings, Mullins, Mundway, Murphy, Murray, Musto, Mycroft, Myers, Myott. Nangle, Naughton, Neal, Neale, Nelson, Neville, New, Newbery, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nibbett, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nock, Nolan, Northall, Norton, Nugent, Nunn, Nurse.

O Connor, O Donnell, O Hara, Oakley, Oberton, O'Connor, O'Hara, Oliver, Onions, Orchard, Orme, Osborne, Osman, Ouante, Overs, Owen, Owens, Oxenbould, Oxford.

Page, Pagett, Palmer, Pane, Pardy, Pare, Pargeter, Parker, Parkes, Parrick, Parry, Parsonage, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Pattman, Payne, Peach, Pearce, Pearl, Pearsall, Pearson, Peck, Peers, Penny, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Peters, Pettit, Pettitt, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Phyton, Pickard, Piddeson, Piggott, Pike, Pimm, Piney, Pinner, Pinnet, Pitchford, Pitt, Plant, Plasquett, Pleavin, Podmore, Pool, Porter, Portlock, Potter, Poultney, Pound, Pountney, Povey, Powell, Power, Poyner, Pratt, Preece, Preen, Preston, Price, Prior, Pritchard, Proud, Pruden, Pugh, Pulling, Puriand, Purnell, Purrott.


Rabnett, Radford, Rafferty, Rainbow, Raine, Ralph, Randall, Ratcliffe, Ratican, Ratigan, Rattenbury, Rattney, Rawson, Ray, Rea, Read, Reddall, Redding, Redfern, Redpath, Reece, Reeve, Reeves, Reily, Rennolds, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riddell, Ridge, Ridgway, Ridley, Riles, Riley, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Rollins, Rollison, Rooney, Rose, Rothen, Round, Rouse, Routh, Rowe, Rowley, Royce, Royds, Rubery, Rudge, Rudhall, Ruff, Russell, Ryan, Ryhan, Ryland.

Sage, Sanders, Sandford, Sansom, Satchell, Saunders, Sawyer, Schofield, Scollan, Scott, Scribbens, Scriven, Scully, Seals, Searle, Sedgwick, Sermann, Sermon, Seville, Sewell, Shadwell, Sharpe, Shaw, Shekkley, Sheldon, Shelton, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sheridan, Sherriff, Sherwin, Shinton, Shipton, Shirter, Shore, Short, Shorthouse, Shott, Shubotham, Shuttleworth, Sidney, Silvester, Simkins, Simmond, Simmonds, Simms, Simpson, Singleton, Sizer, Skerrett, Skidmore, Skoons, Skyrme, Slack, Slader, Slann, Slim, Slims, Slinn, Sloane, Small, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smitton, Smythe, Snape, Sneath, Snook, Soden, Sotherns, Southall, Spackman, Spear, Spencer, Stagg, Stainton, Standley, Stanley, Steadman, Steed, Steele, Stepham, Stephens, Sterland, Stevens, Stevenson, Steventon, Steward, Stewart, Stiles, Stines, Stirks, Stitch, Stokes, Stone, Storey, Stretton, Stych, Styles, Such, Sudan, Summins, Sunneley, Sussman, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Sweet, Sweetman, Swinfen, Sword, Sykes.

Tabberner, Tailby, Talbot, Tandy, Tanner, Tarbuck, Tarmey, Taylor, Tedstone, Terry, Thackwell, Thistlewood, Thomas, Thomley, Thompson, Thorn, Thorneywork, Thornley, Thorp, Thronton, Thrupp, Tibbetts, Tibbitts, Tidy, Tierney, Tilling, Tillotson, Timing, Tims, Tippett, Tittley, Tiviotdale, Tolley, Tomblin, Tomkin, Tomkins, Tomlins, Tompkins, Tongue, Tonks, Tookey, Toole, Toombs, Tooth, Towkes, Townsend, Tozer, Tracey, Trickett, Troman, Troop, Trueman, Truman, Tuck, Tucker, Tuddenham, Tuffly, Turland, Turner, Turnpenny, Twigg, Twiston, Tye, Tyler.

Underhill, Underwood, Upton, Urry, Ursell, Uttridge.

Vale, Vanes, Varley, Vaugan, Vaughan, Vearncombe, Venables, Vernall, Vernon, Viner, Vye.

Wadhams, Wager, Wailing, Wainwright, Wakeham, Waldron, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallbank, Wallens, Wallis, Walls, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warner, Wassall, Wassel, Waters, Waterson, Watkins, Watson, Watton, Watts, Weare, Webb, Weir, Welch, Wells, Welsh, Wem, Wenlock, West, Western, Weston, Westwick, Westwood, Whateley, Whatton, Wheeler, Whiledge, Whiling, Whiston, Whitaker, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiten, Whithall, Whittaker, Whittle, Whitton, Whyley, Whytaker, Wicker, Wickstone, Widds, Wier, Wiggett, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilden, Wilders, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willets, Willetts, Williams, Willmore, Willmott, Wilshire, Wilson, Wilston, Winbridge, Wincote, Winfield, Wingrove, Winkles, Winn, Winter, Wisedale, Wiseman, Witheridge, Wivell, Wolf, Wood, Woodbury, Woodfield, Woodfull, Wooding, Woodward, Woodword, Woolf, Woolley, Worrall, Worrod, Worthington, Worwood, Wragg, Wright, Wylds, Wynn, Wyre.

Yates, Yeomans, Yerrell, York, Young.

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