Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2399
Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: All Saints
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Ace, Adams, Adderly, Adnitt, Agnesse, Aldhouse, Aldridge, Alexander, Alford, Alger, Allday, Alldridge, Allen, Allport, Allsop, Allsopp, Allwood, Amerson, Anderson, Andrews, Anslow, Aordley, Appleby, Appleton, Apsdale, Arch, Arthur, Ashford, Askey, Astley, Astmore, Aston, Atkins, Attwood, Aucott, Austin, Ayland.
Badger, Badham, Bagley, Bagnall, Bailey, Baker, Baldock, Ball, Ballard, Balyliss, Banks, Banner, Bannister, Banton, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barnsley, Bartlam, Bartlett, Barton, Barwell, Bassett, Bastin, Bate, Bates, Baxter, Bayliss, Beach, Beale, Beard, Beasley, Beck, Beckett, Beddard, Beeman, Beer, Beesley, Beetlestone, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Belton, Benbow, Bennett, Bent, Beresford, Berkeley, Berry, Best, Bevan, Bevens, Bickley, Biddle, Biddulph, Bidmead, Biggs, Bignall, Biles, Billing, Billingham, Billings, Billingsley, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Blackwell, Bladon, Blake, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blaymires, Bloor, Blount, Bloxham, Bloxwitch, Bluck, Blunt, Blythe, Boland, Bond, Bonehill, Bonner, Booth, Boraston, Boreham, Bostock, Bosworth, Boulton, Bourke, Bourne, Bowater, Bowen, Bower, Boyce, Boyd, Brace, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bradworth, Bragg, Brakes, Brandreth, Brayford, Breakwell, Brecknell, Bretnell, Brettel, Brettell, Brewer, Brice, Brick, Bridgens, Bridges, Bridgwater, Bridgwood, Briggs, Brigham, Briley, Brindley, Briscoe, Brittle, Broadway, Bromage, Bromley, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bryan, Bryant, Buckley, Budd, Buley, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Bunn, Burden, Burgess, Burridge, Burrow, Burrows, Burton, Burwood, Busby, Butler, Butterworth, Butteworth, Byfield.
Cachus, Cadby, Caldicutt, Callow, Calvert, Campbell, Candell, Cane, Caney, Canning, Capener, Capner, Capnerhurst, Capper, Cardall, Carnell, Carp, Carrier, Carrington, Carstairs, Carter, Cartmail, Cartwright, Carver, Casey, Caulwell, Causer, Causier, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapman, Charles, Chatwin, Chavasse, Cheatham, Chetter, Chettoe, Chew, Chiles, Chinn, Choat, Christie, Clark, Clarke, Clayfield, Clemens, Clement, Clements, Clemmens, Clemson, Clifton, Clissold, Clough, Coates, Coats, Cobb, Coggins, Colclough, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Collett, Collington, Collins, Colwick, Condreso, Congrave, Connor, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooksley, Coombes, Coop, Cooper, Cope, Copson, Cornforth, Cornwell, Corrbet, Costin, Cotterill, Cottrell, Cousins, Cowell, Cowley, Cox, Coyle, Crabbe, Craney, Creese, Cressall, Crisp, Crook, Cross, Crowder, Crowshaw, Crump, Cudd, Culverwell, Cummings, Cundy, Curson, Curtis, Cutler.
Dainty, Dales, Dalley, Dancocks, Darby, Dark, Darrall, Davenport, Davidson, Davie, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Deakins, Dealey, Dean, Deathridge, Debney, Dedicoat, Deeley, Deeming, Denham, Dent, Denver, Dickinson, Dicks, Dingley, Dishley, Disley, Dobbs, Docker, Dodd, Dodwell, Dolphin, Donald, Doughty, Douglas, Dowling, Downing, Dredge, Drewer, Drinkwater, Duckett, Dugmore, Dumelow, Dwyer, Dyas, Dyche, Dyer, Dyke, Dyott.
Eadon, Eagles, Eaglesfield, Eardly, Ebrall, Eccleston, Eddington, Edes, Edgar, Edge, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Eglesfield, Ellis, Elvis, England, Eustace, Evans, Everett, Eyre.
Fain, Fairbrother, Fane, Fareley, Farmer, Farnell, Faroke, Farr, Farrell, Faulkner, Faulks, Fearon, Fermalson, Fiddler, Field, Finch, Fisher, Fitter, Flaharty, Flanaghan, Fletcher, Flowers, Floyd, Follis, Follows, Footill, Ford, Foreman, Forest, Forrester, Foster, Fowler, Foxall, Francis, Franklin, Fray, Free, Freeman, Freer, French, Friend, Frith, Fryer, Fulford, Fullwood.
Gale, Gander, Gane, Garbett, Gardiner, Gardner, Garratt, Gascoigne, Geens, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilding, Giles, Gill, Gillies, Gilligan, Gillingham, Gingell, Gisborne, Glendinning, Glover, Gobbings, Godsell, Godsill, Godwin, Goodby, Goode, Gooding, Goodwin, Gorle, Gotobed, Gough, Goy, Graham, Grainger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Grayson, Greatrex, Greatrix, Greaves, Green, Greener, Greenfield, Greenway, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grigg, Grimley, Groom, Grove, Groves, Gue, Guest, Gumbley, Guppy, Gupwell.
Hackett, Hale, Halford, Hall, Ham, Hamlin, Hammond, Hanks, Hanley, Hanslow, Hanson, Harcourt, Harderman, Hardiman, Harding, Harlow, Harlser, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hart, Hartland, Hartley, Harvey, Harwood, Hasinton, Hastelow, Hathaway, Hattwell, Haughton, Hawke, Hawker, Hawkesford, Hawkeswood, Hawkin, Hawkins, Hawthorne, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Head, Headland, Healey, Heath, Heaton, Heeley, Heggmann, Hemmington, Henchcliff, Hennelley, Herbert, Heritage, Hewitt, Heydon, Hicks, Higgins, Higginson, Higgitt, Higgs, Hignell, Hildick, Hiley, Hill, Hillcox, Hillyer, Hines, Hinton, Hipkins, Hipkiss, Hiscox, Histlom, Hobday, Hobley, Hobson, Hockley, Hocroft, Hodgetts, Hodgkiss, Hodgkisson, Hodgson, Hodson, Hogg, Holder, Holland, Hollhouse, Holliss, Holmes, Holt, Holtom, Homer, Honilver, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Horne, Horton, Hoskison, Houstorne, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howitt, Howl, Howles, Howlett, Hucombe, Hudson, Hughes, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hunting, Huntington, Hurd, Hurst, Huskinson, Hussey, Hutchings, Hutchinson, Hyatt, Hyde, Hym, Hynett.
Ingram, Inman, Inscoe, Isaac, Isham.
Jackson, Jacques, James, Jarvis, Jeffcott, Jefferies, Jefferson, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jenns, Jephcott, Jerome, Johnson, Johnstone, Joint, Jolliffe, Jones, Jonson, Jordan, Josebury, Judd.
Kain, Kay, Keeling, Kelcher, Kendrick, Kennet, Kerby, Kerkhoff, Kershaw, Ketley, Kightley, Kilkenny, Kilminster, Kimberley, King, Kinman, Kinsley, Kirk, Kitchen, Kite, Knight, Knights, Kyder.
Lack, Lacy, Ladds, Laing, Lamb, Lander, Lane, Langley, Lapworth, Lardge, Latham, Lauder, Laughton, Lavender, Law, Lawley, Lawrence, Lea, Leach, Leak, Leary, Lee, Leeke, Lees, Leeson, Lemon, Lerman, Lester, Lewis, Lichfield, Lilley, Lilly, Lilwall, Linford, Link, Lisle, Littlehales, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Locker, Loines, Lonergan, Long, Loram, Love, Lovegrove, Lovekin, Lovett, Lowe, Lowham, Loxton, Loyde, Lucas, Luckington, Luke, Lundy, Lunn, Lynall, Lyon, Lyster.
MacField, MacKay, MacKenzie, Madkins, Mahoney, Mahony, Mall, Mander, Manion, Manison, Mann, Manning, Manton, Marchington, Marks, Marlow, Marrion, Marriott, Marsden, Marshall, Marson, Martin, Mascall, Mason, Massingham, Masters, Matthews, Maud, Maunder, May, McCalla, McCullock, McDermot, McDonald, McHale, McHugh, McKay, McLeish, McNeill, Meddings, Meddows, Melley, Mellows, Menzies, Mercer, Meridith, Merrick, Merridew, Merriman, Merritt, Messer, Middleton, Miller, Millichamp, Millington, Mills, Mitchell, Moland, Moor, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morriss, Morton, Mosley, Mould, Muddeman, Muddiman, Mullard, Mullins, Murcott, Murray, Murry, Musson, Myatt.
Nash, Nasmyth, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nichols, Nievlson, Noble, Noon, Norris, Norton, Nottage, Nutt.
Oakley, Ockford, O'Hare, Oldbury, Oliver, Onions, Onslow, Ord, Orme, Ormond, Osborne, Ossim, Overton, Owen, Oxenbould.
Packwell, Page, Pain, Painting, Pallett, Palmer, Parker, Parkes, Parnham, Parr, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Passey, Patchett, Paterson, Patrick, Patstone, Patterson, Paulton, Payne, Paynting, Peace, Peacock, Pearce, Pearson, Peart, Pee, Pegg, Pell, Penney, Penzer, Perigo, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Peters, Petterfer, Pettifer, Pettit, Pettitt, Peverey, Phillipps, Phillips, Pickard, Pickford, Piggott, Piper, Pitt, Plant, Pledge, Pointon, Poole, Pope, Potter, Poual, Poultney, Pountney, Powell, Power, Powney, Powys, Poyner, Poyser, Pratt, Prestidge, Preston, Price, Print, Pritchard, Pritchett, Probert, Proctor, Prosser, Pugh.
Quarry, Quick.
Radbone, Rade, Ramsdale, Ramsden, Randall, Rathbone, Ravenscroft, Ray, Read, Reading, Redgrave, Redman, Reece, Rees, Reeve, Reeves, Rendall, Reynolds, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickaby, Rickas, Riddall, Ridding, Rider, Rides, Riley, Rinder, Ring, Roadknight, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robotham, Robottom, Roger, Rogers, Rollason, Rollinson, Rooke, Roome, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rosson, Round, Rouse, Rowan, Rowe, Rowes, Rowley, Rowlinson, Rubery, Rudd, Rudge, Ruscoe, Rushton, Russel, Russell, Russon, Rutheford, Rutherford, Ryan, Ryder, Ryley.
Sabin, Sadler, Samuels, Sanderson, Sands, Satchell, Sault, Saunders, Savage, Schofield, Scoffham, Scott, Scribbans, Scriven, Scrivens, Seal, Sealy, Sedgley, Sedgwick, See, Seel, Segar, Sershall, Sevens, Sewell, Sexton, Shale, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheargold, Shearman, Sheffied, Shelard, Sheldon, Shelton, Shenton, Sheppard, Shepperd, Sherwin, Shilton, Showell, Shrimpton, Shuck, Shurry, Shutt, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Siddalls, Sidwell, Silver, Simmonds, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Skan, Sketchly, Skiff, Slater, Slatter, Slide, Small, Smallwood, Smerdon, Smith, Snape, Soar, Somerville, Sotherton, Southall, Spargo, Speake, Spencer, Spettigen, Spettigue, Spinks, Spurgin, Squires, Stacey, Stamps, Standley, Stanford, Stanley, Stanton, Starkey, Statham, Steadman, Stean, Steed, Steele, Stenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stiff, Stinton, Stirrup, Stokes, Stone, Stovell, Stowell, Street, Stretton, Stride, Stringer, Studds, Styles, Suckling, Summer, Summerfield, Summerton, Sutton, Swift, Swingler, Sykes, Symonds.
Taffler, Tallon, Tandy, Tarbath, Targett, Tatlow, Taylor, Teague, Tearne, Temple, Thacker, Tharme, Thirsfield, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thorne, Thorneywork, Thornhill, Thorniwork, Thornton, Tidman, Timmins, Timms, Tippins, Tomlin, Tomlins, Tompkins, Tonks, Toon, Tooze, Topping, Towner, Toye, Tranter, Trawford, Trigger, Trowman, Trueman, Tubey, Tuckey, Tuckwell, Tumbelty, Tunstall, Turly, Turner, Turton, Turvey, Tustin, Twist, Tye, Tytler.
Underhill, Underwood, Upson, Urquhart.
Vale, Vanderkiste, Vaughan, Vernon, Vick, Vickers.
Wadhams, Wain, Wakelam, Wakeling, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Walsh, Walsham, Walter, Walters, Walton, Wankling, Warburton, Ward, Wareham, Waring, Warmingham, Warner, Warren, Warrender, Warring, Warrownore, Wassall, Waterhous, Waterhouse, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watton, Watts, Weale, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weet, Welch, Wells, Wesbury, Wesley, West, Westwood, Whale, Whalin, Wharton, Wheeler, Wheildon, Whelan, Whiles, Whitaker, White, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Whitney, Whitting, Whyley, Wiggins, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilding, Wiles, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willekins, Williams, Williamson, Willington, Wilshaw, Wilson, Winfield, Wiseman, Withers, Withey, Withington, Wood, Woodall, Woodfield, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woolley, Wootten, Workman, Worley, Worrall, Worwood, Wragg, Wrenn, Wright, Wyer, Wykes, Wynn.
Yardley, Yarnold, Yates, York, Young, Younghusband.
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