Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surname mentioned in Piece Number 2400 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: All Saints

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Abel, Abrahall, Ackerman, Adams, Addie, Addison, Adkins, Alcott, Alebon, Allard, Allaway, Allbutt, Allcock, Allen, Allenton, Allibone, Allison, Allkins, Althorpe, Alton, Aming, Anderson, Andrews, Angell, Arch, Archer, Argent, Arms, Armstrong, Arnold, Ash, Ashbury, Ashby, Aspinall, Astley, Aston, Atherley, Atkins, Atkinson, Attfield, Attwood, Averall, Avery, Axeltine

Bachelor, Bacon, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Bamford, Bandle, Banks, Bannister, Barber, Bardell, Baring, Barker, Barlow, Barnett, Barnfield, Barnsley, Barnwell, Barradale, Barratt, Barrell, Barrow, Bartlam, Bartles, Bartlett, Baskerville, Bass, Bate, Bates, Baughen, Bayley, Bayliss, Bazley, Beach, Beaman, Beard, Beardmore, Beards, Beardsmore, Beason, Bedall, Beddows, Bedford, Bedwood, Beesley, Beetlestone, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Bennett, Benson, Bent, Bentley, Beresford, Berkitt, Berrty, Berry, Beshton, Best, Betts, Bevis, Bickley, Biddall, Biddle, Biffin, Biggs, Bill, Billingham, Billings, Billingsley, Bilston, Binsley, Bird, Bishop, Black, Blackburn, Blackwell, Bladon, Blain, Blake, Blakeman, Blaymires, Blinks, Blogg, Bloomer, Bloxham, Bloxsidge, Blunsdon, Blunt, Boazman, Boddington, Boden, Boff, Bolton, Bolus, Bonas, Booker, Boot, Boote, Booton, Bosley, Bott, Bottle, Boucher, Bourne, Bowater, Bowen, Bowkett, Bradley, Bradnick, Bradshaw, Bradwick, Bragg, Braines, Branch, Brandon, Breakwell, Breese, Brereton, Brewer, Brian, Briden, Bridgens, Brighton, Brindley, Brittain, Britton, Broadhead, Broadhurst, Bromwich, Brook, Brooke, Brooker, Brookes, Brooks, Broom, Broome, Broomhead, Brown, Brownlow, Bruce, Brueton, Brunt, Bruton, Bryant, Buckingham, Buckley, Budd, Built, Bull, Bullock, Bunce, Bunn, Bunting, Burdett, Burford, Burger, Burges, Burgess, Burkitt, Burley, Burnham, Burridge, Burrows, Burrus, Burton, Busby, Butler, Butterford, Butterworth, Butts

Cadman, Cain, Caison, Caldicott, Caldwell, Call, Caller, Callow, Came, Campbell, Cane, Carey, Carnell, Carpenter, Carrington, Carter, Cartherington, Cartwright, Cash, Cassidy, Caswell, Causier, Chalbourne, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Chaplin, Chatterton, Cheatham, Cheesman, Cheshire, Chesire, Cheslin, Chester, Chiles, Chingle, Chiswell, Choat, Clapshaw, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clemens, Clements, Clemmens, Clemmons, Cleveley, Clewer, Cliffe, Clifford, Clifton, Clutterbuck, Coaling, Cockram, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Colledge, Colley, Collins, Collun, Coney, Cook, Cooke, Cooklley, Cooksley, Cooling, Coombes, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Cordwell, Corey, Cornish, Costello, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cottom, Cottrell, Couch, Courbet, Court, Cowdrell, Cox, Crathorne, Crawley, Creswell, Crisp, Crockett, Crook, Cropper, Crosland, Cross, Crossley, Crowley, Croydon, Crump, Crumpton, Cull, Cully, Cunningham, Curraie, Cutler, Cutts

Dabbs, Dackson, Dain, Dale, Dalton, Daly, Dancer, Dandy, Daniels, Darby, Darnley, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Day, De Vound, Deakin, Dean, Dearn, Deathridge, Debourgh, Deeley, Denham, Dennis, Denton, Derrick, Derry, Desborough, Devey, Dew, Dewsbury, Dickens, Dingley, Dipper, Dixon, Docker, Dodds, Dodwell, Dolphin, Done, Dornton, Dover, Dovey, Dowle, Downes, Downing, Downsby, Draper, Dryhurst, Duckenfield, Duckerfield, Dudley, Dufly, Dugan, Dugmore, Dumbleton, Dumes, Dunham, Dunn, Dunning, Dyas, Dyer, Dykes

Eade, Eades, Eagles, Eaton, Eaves, Ebery, Ebrey, Edge, Edgerton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Egan, Eggerton, Egginton, Ekurs, Elcock, Eldershaaw, Eldershaw, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Elvin, Embrey, Emems, Emms, Erdest, Evans, Everett, Eveson, Ewen, Exton, Eyre

Farmer, Farr, Faulkes, Faulkner, Fawkes, Fell, Fellows, Fenwick, Ferguson, Fernyhough, Field, Fifield, Fincher, Finnemore, Finney, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flaherty, Flavell, Flectcher, Flemming, Fletcher, Follis, Forbes, Ford, Forest, Fortescue, Foster, Foulger, Fowkes, Fowler, Fox, Foxhall, Foxley, Frankish, Free, Freeman, Freer, Freeth, Friday, Fryer, Fulford, Furber, Fussell

Gallagher, Gameson, Gandly, Gardner, Garey, Garfield, Garner, Gate, Gater, Gavlin, Gee, Gent, Gentleman, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gillett, Ginks, Gittins, Glascott (D. D.), Glasgow, Gobourne, Godfrey, Goldby, Goodall, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gorse, Gossage, Gotch, Gotsall, Gough, Gould, Gower, Grainge, Gravatt, Gray, Greathead, Green, Greenfield, Greenwood, Gregg, Gregory, Greswell, Grice, Griffiths, Grissen, Grogan, Grovel, Grover, Guest, Gunn, Gurney, Guy
Hackett, Haddock, Haden, Hadley, Haines, Hale, Hales, Halfpenny, Hall, Hallin, Hamblin, Hamilton, Hamlbin, Hammond, Hamnett, Hampshire, Hampton, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Hands, Handscomb, Handy, Hanks, Hanley, Hanny, Hanson, Harding, Hardy, Hare, Hargrove, Harper, Harrinson, Harris, Harrison, Hartland, Hartley, Harvey, Hasty, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawks, Hawley, Hawthorn, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazleton, Heap, Heath, Hebbert, Heeley, Heem, Hellier, Hemmett, Hemming, Hemmings, Henn, Henson, Herdis, Herrick, Hewitt, Hewlett, Hewliss, Heydon, Hiccox, Hickenbottom, Hicks, Hickson, Higgs, Hill, Hillcox, Hilton, Hinchley, Hinde, Hine, Hinkley, Hinley, Hinsley, Hitchings, Hobbs, Hobley, Hodgetts, Holden, Holder, Holland, Hollies, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Hollyoake, Holman, Holmes, Holt, Homer, Hook, Hooper, Hopcroft, Hopkins, Horton, Howdle, Howe, Howell, Howse, Hudson, Hughes, Humphrys, Hundy, Hunt, Hurlstone, Hurst, Huskisson, Hyde, Hynett

Ingram, Inman, Irwin, Ivory, Izon

Jackson, James, Jaques, Jarvis, Jaspar, Jays, Jeavons, Jeboud, Jeff, Jefferies, Jeffery, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennens, Jenning, Jennings, Jinks, Johnslon, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Jons, Jordan, Josephs, Joyes, Joyner, Judd, Judkins, Jukes

Kamard, Keen, Kempster, Kendall, Kenderick, Kennon, Kerkhoff, Kettle, Key, Kilane, Killoway, Kimberton, Kinch, King, Kings, Kirbey, Kirby, Knight, Knights, Knott

Lago, Lambeth, Lancaster, Lander, Lane, Langore, Langston, Laurence, Lavender, Law, Lawley, Lawrence, Layton, Lea, Leake, Leather, Lee, Leech, Leek, Lees, Leese, Leeson, Lenord, Leon, Lewin, Lewis, Lilley, Lillies, Lilly, Lindley, Lindsay, Lines, Ling, Linley, Linney, Little, Livy, Lloyd, Loach, Lock, Lockett, Lockley, Locksley, Long, Longhurst, Loveridge, Lowe, Lucas, Luckett, Luckman, Lyall, Lydiard, Lyne, Lynell, Lyster

Maguire, Maher, Maiden, Mall, Mallison, Malpass, Mamson, Mander, Manison, Manning, Mansell, Mansfield, Marchant, Marland, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Marton, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Mawby, May, Mcdevitt, Mcgawley, Mcglawley, Mckenna, Meadows, Measures, Medd, Medley, Meers, Merritt, Mettham, Mew, Middleton, Milkington, Miller, Millett, Millington, Mills, Millward, Minifie, Mitchell, Mogford, Molineaux, Moon, Moor, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morley, Morrell, Morris, Morton, Mountford, Mullinew, Mullis, Mumby, Munden, Munn, Munslow, Munton, Murray, Myers

Nash, Naughton, Neal, Neale, Neat, Neville, New, Newis, Newman, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicklin, Noble, Nock, Noke, Norris, North, Norton, Nuthing

Oakes, Oakley, Obrian, Ohare, Orme, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Owen

Packer, Painting, Pakes, Paler, Palmer, Pap, Parke, Parker, Parkes, Parnell, Parramore, Parrott, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Pattison, Pawson, Paxter, Payne, Paynting, Peake, Pearshouse, Pearson, Peck, Peel, Peers, Pegg, Pell, Pemberton, Penbury, Penn, Pennell, Penrise, Peplow, Percival, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Pettinger, Pettit, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pierman, Pimm, Piper, Pitt, Plant, Pleaven, Pledge, Plumbly, Plume, Podmore, Poland, Polland, Poole, Pope, Popple, Postans, Postings, Potter, Potterton, Pountney, Povey, Powell, Power, Pownell, Pratt, Preedy, Preston, Pretty, Price, Priddy, Priestmall, Pritchard, Pritchett, Proctor, Proffit, Proud, Pugh, Purslow, Putsey


Radcliff, Radcliffe, Radford, Ragg, Rainbow, Ramberry, Rampton, Randall, Rapps, Ravenscroft, Ray, Raybould, Rayson, Rea, Reader, Reddall, Redding, Reece, Reed, Reeves, Rennie, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Rick, Rickards, Ridden, Ridgley, Rigby, Riley, Roach, Roadknight, Roberts, Robinson, Rockford, Rodway, Rogers, Roland, Rollason, Room, Rose, Ross, Rotharn, Rothers, Rouse, Rowe, Rowlands, Rowley, Rowney, Ruce, Rudd, Runce, Russell, Russon

Sabell, Sadler, Sage, Sale, Sammons, Sampson, Sandall, Sanders, Sands, Sanford, Sargeant, Satchwell, Saundby, Saunders, Savage, Saville, Sawyer, Scandrett, Scott, Scriven, Searle, Searwell, Selbourne, Sergeant, Seymour, Shakespeare, Shale, Sharp, Shaw, Sheffield, Shelding, Sheldon, Shelton, Shelvick, Shepperd, Sherwood, Shilvoch, Shipley, Shirley, Shotton, Showell, Shufflebottom, Sidebottom, Sidney, Silvers, Simcox, Simkiss, Simmonds, Simms, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Singleton, Siviter, Sivitter, Skeales, Skidmore, Skinner, Skirving, Slinn, Smallwood, Smitchd, Smith, Smithson, Snazell, Snell, Snooks, Snowdon, Southall, Spalding, Spencer, Spendlove, Spettigue, Spittle, Spooner, Spragg, Spurling, Squelch, Stacy, Stait, Standley, Stanier, Stanley, Stansbie, Stanton, Staronore, Startin, Steadman, Steel, Stephen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stetford, Stevens, Stevenson, Stinton, Stockley, Stokes, Stowe, Stretton, Stringer, Stroyd, Stubbs, Surplice, Suttle, Swain, Sweeney, Sweetman, Sweetmen, Swinbourne, Swinburne, Swinnerton

Tabberner, Taft, Tanner, Tansley, Tarpen, Taylor, Telford, Tennant, Thickett, Thomas, Thompson, Thorne, Thorneloe, Thornton, Thorpe, Tibbetts, Tibbins, Tidman, Timbrell, Timms, Tipper, Titmus, Tobin, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Tonks, Toone, Tooze, Townsend, Tranter, Tresspass, Tristram, Trott, Trowman, Trueman, Truman, Tuffy, Tunmins, Turner, Turton, Tustain, Tustin, Twamley, Twist, Tyler, Tyrer

Underhill, Upton

Varney, Vaughan, Ventham, Verity, Vernon
Wadswoth, Wagstaff, Wain, Wakefield, Walker, Walkley, Wall, Wallace, Waller, Wallin, Wallis, Walters, Wane, Ward, Wardle, Ware, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Wassall, Waterhouse, Watkins, Watling, Watson, Watt, Wattens, Watton, Wayne, Wearing, Webb, Webley, Webster, Week, Welch, Wellings, Wells, Welt, Weskett, Westmacott, Weston, Westwood, Wheaver, Wheeler, Whelan, Wheldon, Whilie, Whillhouse, Whinyates, Whiston, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whittaker, Whitten, Whitworth, Wigley, Wild, Wilday, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willatt, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willington, Wills, Wilmot, Wilson, Wimbush, Winders, Windsor, Wing, Winkles, Winkless, Winspear, Wiseman, Witheridge, Withers, Wittin, Wood, Woodbine, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodhouse, Woods, Woodward, Woolaston, Wootten, Workman, Worsey, Wrench, Wrigglesworth, Wright, Wyers, Wynn

Yates, Yendole, Yeomans, Young.

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