Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2401 Birmingham Section - Registration Sub District: All Saints

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Aaron, Abbott, Abbs, Abel, Abrahams, Adams, Adcock, Adderley, Adey, Adkins, Ainge, Ainsworth, Aird, Airey, Alaban, Albrow, Albutt, Alcock, Alexander, Allans?, Allbutt, Allcock, Allday, Allen, Allingham, Allington, Allison, Allridge, Allwood, Alpson, Amendl, Anderson, Andrews, Aness, Anson, Anthony, Appleby, Archer, Argyle, Armitage, Armshaw, Armstrong, Arnold, Ash, Ashby, Ashcroft, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashley, Ashmore, Ashton, Askew, Askey, Aspernall, Aspey, Astley, Aston, Athorsuch, Atkins, Atkinson, Attic, Attwood, Atwell, Augustus, Austin, Avery, Aylott, Ayshon
Bach, Bacon, Baddington, Baden, Badham, Badley, Bagley, Baglin, Bagnall, Bagot, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Balls, Banks, Banner, Bannister, Barber, Barett, Bario, Barker, Barlow, Barnard, Barnbrook, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnsley, Barratt, Barrett, Barrow, Barrows, Barry, Bartholmey, Bartle, Bartleet, Bartles, Barton, Bartram, Barwell, Bashford, Bassett, Bateman, Bates, Bateson, Batt, Battle, Baugh, Baw, Baxter, Baxter or Baker, Bayes, Baylen, Baylew, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Baynes, Beamand, Bean, Beard, Beardsmore, Bearpark, Beasley, Beattie, Beaumont, Beaver, Beavon, Beckett, Beddows, Bedford, Beech, Beesley, Beeson, Beeston, Belcher, Bell, Bellair, Bellamy, Bellhouse, Belsey, Bench, Benham, Bennet, Bennett, Bentley, Benton, Berbeak, Beresford, Berks, Bernard, Berrill, Berry, Berwick, Best, Bettridge, Betts, Bevan, Bevens, Beveridge, Bicks?, Biddle, Biddulph, Biggins, Biggs, Bilk, Billingham, Billings, Bingham, Binn, Bint, Birch, Bird, Birdsey, Bishop, Bisley, Bissell, Bithell, Bizett, Black, Blackford, Blackham, Blackshaw, Blackwell, Blair, Blake, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blakey, Blaze, Blick, Blinkow, Blixham, Blockridge, Blogg, Bloxham, Blunn, Blunt, Boddington, Boden, Bodger, Bodile, Boeman, Bogle, Bolden, Boleyne, Bolton, Bond, Bonnell, Bonner, Bonstead, Bonwell, Boot, Booth, Booton, Boston, Boswell, Bosworth, Bothwell, Bott, Bottwood, Boucher, Boughton, Bourne, Bouton, Bowan, Bowe, Bowell, Bowen, Bower, Bowerman, Bowker, Bowles, Bowley, Bowman, Bowson, Boyle, Boyles, Brace, Bradbury, Bradey, Bradford, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Bragg, Braham, Brain, Branch, Braner, Braney, Branham, Brannon, Brants, Brassington, Bratt, Brazier, Breakwell, Breedon, Breeze, Brewin, Brewster, Brich, Bridges, Brierley, Briggs, Bright, Brindley, Brinkworth, Briscoe, Brittain, Britten, Broadhurst, Brockhas, Bromage, Bromley, Bromyard, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Brookshaw, Broomhall, Brotherton, Brough, Brown, Browne, Browning, Brueton, Brunt, Bruton, Bryce, Bubb, Buckingham, Buckley, Bull, Bullen, Buller, Bullers, Bullivant, Bullock, Bulmer, Bunce, Bunn, Bunting, Bunyan, Burden, Burdett, Burford, Burgess, Burk, Burke, Burkill, Burks, Burman, Burns, Burrill, Burrough, Burrows, Bursley, Burst, Burton, Bush, Bushill, Butler, Butters, Butterworth, Buxton, Buzzard, Byars, Byrne, Byron, Bywater
Cable, Cadd, Caddick, Cadman, Caffery, Cain, Caines, Caldicott, Cale, Callaghan, Calligan, Callighan, Calnon, Calver, Calvert, Camm, Campbell, Campion, Camwell, Cannadine, Canning, Cannon, Cantlow, Cantrill, Capell, Capewell, Carbery, Careless, Carew, Carling, Carney, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cartledge, Cartmail, Cartnell, Cartwright, Carty, Cash, Cashmore, Cass, Cassall, Castelow, Caster, Catchpole, Catley, Cauldwell, Caulfield, Causon, Cawley, Cawlishaw, Challingsworth, Challingworth, Chalmers, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chappell, Chard, Charles, Charlton, Chattaway, Chatwin, Cheadle, Checketts, Cheese, Cherm, Cheshire, Cheston, Chick, Chidlow, Chignall, Child, Chile, Chillingworth, Chinn, Chirmage, Christie, Churchus, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Clavvy, Clay, Claymore, Claytin, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Clerk, Clewes, Clews, Clifford, Clift, Clifton, Clinton, Clissold, Clive, Clutterbuck, Coaling, Coates, Cobb, Cobley, Cogan, Cohen, Colbert, Colbing, Colburn, Coldrick, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Coliece, Colley, Collingwood, Collins, Collinston, Collyer, Colston, Coney, Conlin, Connell, Connelly, Conner, Connington, Connolly, Connor, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooley, Cooney, Cooper, Cope, Copewell, Copley, Copswell, Corbett, Cordon, Corfield, Cormick, Cornely, Cornes, Corns, Cornwall, Cosby, Cosgrave, Cosier, Cosnett, Costello, Coton, Cotterill, Cottom, Cotton, Coucher, Coudrill, Coulton, Court, Couth, Cowland, Cowlar, Cox, Coxon, Coyne, Craddock, Crahy, Craig, Crane, Crathorne, Crawford, Crawley, Craythorne, Creed, Creswell, Crew, Crockett, Crome, Crooke, Crosley, Cross, Crowder, Crowley, Crowther, Cruckshank, Crump, Cryer, Cuddy, Cullis, Cumberly, Cummins, Cund, Cundy, Cunningham, Curr, Curry, Curtis, Curwood, Cuson, Cuthbe, Cutler, Cutter
Daft, Dalby, Dale, Daley, Daly, Dane, Dangerfield, Danks, Dann, Danse, Darby, Dare, Darlaston, Darley, Darnell, Darnley, Darrell, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Dawe, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Dayns, De Laney, Deakin, Dean, Dearne, Death, Debar, Deconsey, Deegan, Deeley, Deeming, Degge?, Dellon, Delton, Dempsey, Denchfield, Dennis, Denston, Dent, Denton, Devaney, Devanney, Devanny, Deveridge, Devine, Devlin, Dewhurst, Dewson, Diamond, Dickens, Dickinson, Dickson, Dignam, Dillon, Dinsley, Dinwoodie, Dixon, Dobbs, Doble, Docker, Dockerty, Dodd, Dodds, Doherty, Dolan, Dolby, Doley, Dolman, Donald, Donaldson, Donnelly, Donoghue, Donovan, Donston, Doodey, Doolan, Doubleday, Doud, Doughty, Douglas, Dovey, Dowell, Dowler, Downing, Doyle, Drake, Draper, Drew, Driver, Drury, Dryhurst, Ducker, Duckworth, Dudley, Duffy, Dufton, Dugard, Duggan, Duggins, Dugmore, Duncuff, Dunean, Dunn, Dunnerty, Duones, Durden, Durrant, Dutton, Dwyer, Dyer, Dyke, Dykes, Dyson
Eades, Eagan, Eagles, Eaglestone, Eames, Earp, Easthope, Eastwood, Eaton, Eaves, Eccles, Eden, Edge, Edinburg, Edkins, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Egan, Eggington, Egginton, Eggison, Eldershaw, Eldin, Ellen, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ellson, Elsham, Elsmore, Elson, Elton, Elury, Elvery, Elwell, Emery, Emmerson, Emmerton, Emms, Empson, Ennis, Ensor, Erwin, Eulish, Eurall, Evans, Everall, Everett, Everill, Everton, Eveston, Evetts, Exton, Eyland
Failing, Fairbrother, Fairfax, Falkener, Fallon, Fanagher, Fancott, Fanew, Farbrother, Fardon, Farmer, Farquhar, Farraghar, Farragher, Farrell, Farrington, Faulkes, Faulkner, Faux, Fearney, Feeney, Feerick, Feldman, Fellows, Felton, Fenn, Fenton, Ferguson, Fessey, Field, Fielding, Finan, Findley, Findon, Finlay, Finnerty, Finney, Finniemore, Finnigan, Finson?, Fird, Firkin, Fish, Fisher, Fitter, Fitz, Fitzer, Fitzmaurice, Fitzpatrick, Flain, Flannagan, Flannaghan, Flannery, Flannigan, Flatley, Flavel, Flavell, Fleetwood, Flemming, Fletcher, Flint, Floyd, Flynn, Foggatt, Foley, Forbisher, Ford, Fortey, Forth, Foster, Foulkes, Foust, Fowke, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foy, Frampton, Francis, Franklin, Fraser, Frayne, Frazer, Freeman, Freeney, Freeth, French, Frobesher, Frost, Fry, Fryer, Fulford, Fullwood, Fulton, Furnces, Furry
Gaffney, Gahan, Gale, Galey, Gallagher, Gallett, Galloway, Ganderton, Ganley, Ganner, Gannow, Garbett, Garbutt, Gardener, Gardner, Gargan, Garity, Garrey, Garstone, Garvey, Garvy, Gastin, Gaunt, Gavican, Gavin, Gear, Gee, George, Geraghty, Germain, Gibbins, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Giblin, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Gilday, Gile, Giles, Gilks, Gillespie, Gilligan, Gilliver, Gillman, Gimblett, Gingie, Girling, Girvan, Gittins, Gleeson, Gloster, Glover, Glynn, Goble, Goddard, Godden, Godfree, Godfrey, Godsall, Gold, Golden, Golingay, Goodall, Goode, Goodfellow, Goodhead, Goodman, Goodridge, Goodway, Goodwin, Goody, Goodyear, Goran, Gordon, Gormley, Gotch, Gough, Gould, Goulding, Goulsen, Graham, Graily, Grainger, Granger, Grant, Grantham, Graves, Gray, Grayson, Greasley, Greatore, Greatrex, Greaves, Green, Greenall, Greenhill, Greening, Greensie, Greensill, Greenway, Gregory, Grew, Grewcock, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimby, Grimley, Grogan, Groom, Grose, Grosvener, Grove, Groves, Guest, Gumdy, Gunner, Gupwell, Gutterie, Guy, Gwynn
Hackett, Hadden, Haddleton, Haddock, Haddon, Haden, Hadland, Hadley, Hagen, Hague, Haines, Hale, Hales, Haley, Halford, Hall, Hallett, Halliday, Halyett, Hamblin, Hamer, Hamilton, Hammersley, Hammond, Hampton, Hanbury, Hancox, Hand, Handcox, Handley, Hands, Handy, Hanes, Hanks, Hannon, Hanson, Harborne, Hardacre, Hardie, Hardine, Harding, Hardman, Hardy, Hare, Harker, Harkinstone, Harmon, Harper, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrity, Harryes, Hart, Hartel, Harthill, Hartley, Hartney, Harton, Harvey, Harwood, Haselar, Haseler, Haskett, Haslam, Hastings, Hateley, Hatfield, Hatherty, Hatton, Hawcett, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawley, Hawthorne, Haxeltine, Haycock, Hayden, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlehurst, Hazlewood, Heach, Healey, Heap, Hearley, Heath, Heaven, Hede, Hedges, Heeley, Hellett, Helliott, Helm, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemms, Hemsley, Henderson, Henn, Henny, Henshaw, Henson, Hentre, Herbert, Heron, Herrick, Hession, Hethington, Hewett, Hewitt, Hewson, Hexley, Heyfield, Hickey, Hickin, Hickman, Hicks, Hickson, Higgins, Higgs, Hill, Hiller, Hilton, Himms, Hincks, Hind, Hine, Hines, Hinnigan, Hinton, Hipkins, Hirons, Hiscox, Hitch, Hitchcock, Hitchin, Hitchinson, Hixon, Hoare, Hobbs, Hobday, Hocking, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgkiss, Hodgson, Hodson, Hoft, Hogg, Holdcroft, Holden, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollier, Hollington, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Hollyhead, Hollyoak, Hollyoake, Holmes, Holt, Holtz, Holyoak, Holyoake, Homans, Homer, Honeybourne, Honywood, Hooban, Hood, Hook, Hooke, Hoole, Hoolowell, Hooper, Hopkins, Horan, Horley, Hormer, Horne, Horner, Hornsby, Horrobin, Horsley, Horton, Hough, Houghton, Houlston, Hounsell, Hounslow, Houston, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howle, Howlett, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurd, Hurley, Husband, Hussey, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutley, Hutton, Huxtable, Hyatt, Hyde, Hyden
Igon, Iliffe, Ilsley, Ince, Ingram, Insen, Inwood, Ireland, Isaac
Jack, Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jameson, Janes, Jarvis, Javons, Jayes, Jeffrey, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jeffs, Jehed?, Jelfs, Jelley, Jenkins, Jenks, Jennings, Jerris, Jervis, Jesson, Jessop, Jevons, Jinks, Joesbury, Johnson, Johnstone, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Jorden, Joyce, Joyner, Jren, Judge
Kameke, Kanny, Keay, Keefe, Keehahan, Keeling, Keen, Keenan, Kellett, Kelly, Kemp, Kempson, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kenney, Kenning, Kenny, Kent, Kerrigan, Kershaw, Kerwin, Kettle, Key, Kilban, Killion, Kilmartin, Kilner, Kilroy, Kimbell, Kin, Kinder, King, Kingston, Kinnersley, Kirby, Kirkham, Kirshbanne, Kirwin, Kitchen, Kite, Knibb, Knight, Knock, Knowles, Knox, Knutton, Kollet, Kutney
Lacey, Ladyman, Lake, Lakin, Lamb, Lambert, Lamplow, Lancaster, Lander, Lane, Langbridge, Langford, Langham, Langley, Lapworth, Larkin, Last, Latham, Laud, Laurence, Lavis, Law, Lawler, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Lea, Leach, Lead, Leadbeater, Lear, Leary, Leaver, Lee, Leedham, Leek, Leeland, Lees, Leeson, Legget, Leins, Lench, Lennard, Lennon, Leonard, Lester, Lett, Levein, Levey, Lewis, Lightfoot, Lilley, Lilly, Line, Lines, Linforth, Lingard, Linton, Lissamore, Litchfield, Little, Littlefield, Littlewood, Litwyche, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lock, Locke, Lockley, Locksley, Lockyer, Lodge, Lofters, Loftus, Logan, London, Long, Longmore, Loose, Lord, Lovall, Lovekin, Lovell, Loveridge, Lowe, Lower, Lowndes, Lucas, Luckman, Lucy, Ludford, Luke, Lumley, Lumsdale, Lundy, Lunt, Lupson, Lutwyche, Luxton, Lynam, Lyndon, Lynes, Lyon, Lyons
Macadam, Mack, Mackay, Macker, Mackey, Macklin, Macnally, Macnamara, Madden, Maddock, Maddocks, Maddox, Madison, Magg, Magher, Maguires, Mahoney, Maiden, Mainwaring, Mair, Makin, Male, Maley, Malia, Malin, Malins, Mall, Mallett, Malley, Maloney, Malpas, Malpras, Mammett, Mander, Manderville, Manion, Manison, Mann, Manning, Mannion, Mansell, Mantle, Manton, Manyon, Mapp, March, Marchant, Marguand, Marion, Marklow, Marks, Marland, Marlow, Marmion, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Maskell, Maskwell, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mates, Mathews, Matthews, Matty, Mawby, Mawden, Maxfield, May, Maybury, Mayes, Mc Keown, Mc Laughlin, Mcalton?, Mcavan, Mccale, Mccarthy, Mccarty, Mccormack, Mcdermott, Mcdonald, Mcdonough, Mcgarth, Mcghee, Mcgoogin, Mcgorley, Mcgregor, Mcguire, Mchugh, Mchugo, Mcintosh, Mcintyre, Mckeever, Mckenna, Mckenzie, Mclaren, Mclaughton, Mcleod, Mclichlan, Mcmann, Mcnally, Mcnamara, Mcqueen, Mead, Meaden, Meadows, Mealand, Meason, Mecarte?, Mee, Meeham, Meers, Meeson, Megaskin, Meider, Melbourne, Mellifort, Mellows, Melville, Meredith, Merrick, Messenger, Metcalf, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Millchamp, Millen, Miller, Millin, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milne, Milward, Milwood, Minchin, Mitchell, Mobley, Mock, Mocock, Moffatt, Moland, Mole, Molineux, Molloy, Monfill, Monnox, Montagu, Montgomery, Mooney, Moore, Moorhouse, Moran, Mordan, Moreton, Morgan, Morican, Morley, Morrell, Morris, Morse, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Mountford, Mountjoy, Mountney, Mowatt, Mozeley, Muckley, Mucklow, Muggeridge, Mulkerrin, Mullard, Mullett, Mullins, Mulverhill, Mumford, Munday, Munn, Munnerley, Munroe, Munslow, Murphy, Murray, Murry, Musgrove, Myatt
Naden, Nadin, Narey, Narin, Nary, Nash, Nason, Neal, Neale, Neary, Neil, Nelly, Nelson, Netherway, Nettleship, Neville, Newbury, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newton, Newy, Niblett, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nicklin, Nightingale, Nite, Nix, Nixon, Nock, Nolan, Noon, Norman, Norris, North, Northcote, Norton, Nowell, Nutt, Nye
Oakes, Oakeys, Oakley, Oates, Obrien, O'brien, O'donnell, Ohara, O'hara, Oldfield, Oldham, Oliver, O'moore, Oneill, Onions, Orchard, Organ, Orme, Orton, Oryan, Osborne, O'shea, Oswald, Ovens, Overbury, Overend, Overton, Owen, Oxford, Oxley
Pace, Packwood, Page, Pagett, Paine, Painter, Pakernan, Pallett, Palmer, Palpey, Pankhurst, Pardoe, Pargeter, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parks, Parloon, Parrock, Parrot, Parrott, Parry, Parslow, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Partridge, Patchett, Patrick, Patten, Payne, Payton, Peach, Peake Eaton, Pearce, Pearman, Pears, Pearsale, Pearsall, Pearse, Pearson, Peart, Pecks, Peekman, Peet, Pegg, Peizer, Pell, Pennell, Penniger, Pensom, Penton, Peplow, Perkins, Perks, Perrin, Perrins, Perris, Perry, Peters, Pethard, Pettit, Pettitt, Petty, Phelan, Phelps, Phillips, Phillpot, Phipps, Pickering, Piercy, Pike, Pilkington, Pimley, Pimm, Pinifold, Pinner, Piper, Pitchford, Pitt, Pittaway, Plackett, Pland, Plant, Platt, Platts, Playdon, Plester, Plewett, Plimley, Plumridge, Plunkett, Pocock, Podmore, Polinski, Pollard, Pool, Poole, Poolton, Pope, Porks, Porter, Portman, Porton, Postin, Postons, Potter, Poulston, Poulton, Pountain, Pountney, Pouter, Powell, Poyner, Pratchett, Pratt, Preece, Preese, Prenderghast, Prescott, Preston, Pretty, Price, Priddy, Priest, Prince, Prinn, Pritchard, Pritchett, Probert, Proctor, Prosser, Prott, Proud, Proudman, Puddy, Pugh, Purnell, Pursall, Purser, Putman
Quinn, Qwinn
Raby, Race, Radcliffe, Radford, Raffell, Rafferty, Rafter, Rafther, Railton, Rainbow, Ralf, Ramsford, Randell, Randle, Randles, Ransom, Ratchford, Ratcliff, Ratcliffe, Ravenall, Rawlings, Rawson, Ray, Raybold, Raybould, Rayner, Rea, Read, Reading, Reanley, Reaves, Redfern, Reed, Rees, Reese, Reeve, Reeves, Regan, Reid, Remmer, Renahan, Rennie, Revell, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richard, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Ridding, Riddington, Rideout, Rider, Ridge, Ridley, Riley, Ringrose, Ritchard, Rix, Roach, Roadnight, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roden, Rogers, Rohrs, Rolands, Rollason, Rollasson, Rollings, Rollins, Rooker, Rooney, Roots, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rote, Rotherham, Rotton, Rouland, Round, Rourke, Rouse, Rowe, Rowley, Rowney, Roxby, Royds, Ruddy, Rudge, Rudhall, Ruff, Rundle, Rushton, Russell, Russon, Ruston, Rutherford, Rutter, Ryder, Ryland, Rymell
Sadler, Sale, Salmon, Salt, Samuel, Sanders, Sandford, Sands, Sansum, Sansurn, Sant, Santy, Satchwell, Saunders, Savage, Saviger?, Savin, Savory, Scalfi, Scally, Scandrett, Scanlan, Schingel, Schofield, Scott, Scriven, Scrivens, Scull, Seabridge, Seaman, Searle, Seeley, Seldon, Selvey, Selwyn, Sennett, Sewell, Sexton, Shakespeare, Shannon, Sharp, Sharrock, Shaw, Shay, Shayler, Shears, Shedden, Sheeler, Sheires, Sheldon, Shelver, Shelvock, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherlock, Sherrington, Sherwood, Shield, Shore, Shoreson, Shoreson?, Shotton, Shuttleworth, Siddle, Siddon, Sidley, Sidwell, Silk, Silvers, Silvester, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Sinclair, Siviter, Sixsmith, Sizer, Skase, Skell, Skelly, Skelton, Skett, Slater, Slim, Slinn, Sly, Small, Smallbun, Smallwood, Smart, Smethhurst, Smith, Smitten, Smythe, Snape, Snarey, Snow, Snowdon, Softley, Soloman, Solomon, Southall, Southam, Southwell, Spears, Spencer, Spiers, Spilsbury, Spinks, Spragg, Spraggs, Spragne, Spriggs, Sprott, St Pierre, Stacey, Stainton, Standley, Stanier, Stanley, Stansbie, Stanton, Stanyon, Star, Starkey, Starling, Starting, Statham, Stawell, Steadman, Stean, Steele, Stein, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stevenson, Stever?, Steward, Stewart, Stickley, Stiff, Stinges, Stinton, Stock, Stoker, Stokes, Stone, Stott, Street, Stretch, Stribblehill, Stringer, Stroud, Stubbs, Sturgen, Styche, Suckling, Suffield, Suggett, Sullivan, Summerfield, Summers, Summerville, Sumner, Sunderland, Surman, Surr, Sutton, Swadkins, Swain, Swasbrooke, Sweeney, Sweet, Sweetman, Swift, Swinbourne, Swindles, Swingler, Swinton, Sykes, Synyer, Syron
Taberer, Tabner, Taborer, Tackaberry, Taft, Tailby, Talbot, Tame, Tandy, Tanner, Tarple, Taylor, Taysum, Teague, Tebbut, Tebbutt, Tedstone, Teichelman, Temple, Terraby, Thacher, Thacker, Thistle, Thistlewood, Thomas, Thompson, Thornborough, Thornby, Thorneloe, Thorneyword, Thornhill, Thornton, Thrupp, Thurman, Thurston, Thwaites, Tidmus, Tidwell, Tierney, Tighe, Tilley, Timins, Timmings, Timmins, Timms, Timothy, Tinson, Tipper, Tirmion, Titmus, Tolley, Tolly, Tombs, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Tonks, Toombs, Toulson, Towers, Townsend, Toy, Tracy, Tranter, Tregilles, Trevor, Trewolla, Tristram, Tritschler, Troman, Tromans, Trow, Trowers, Trowhide, Trueman, Truman, Tubb (Or Tabb), Tuckley, Tullett, Tumelty, Tunstall, Turley, Turner, Turton, Turville, Tuteni, Twigg, Tworkuwior, Tye
Umbers, Underhill, Underwood, Upton, Usher
Vale, Vaughan, Vaughn, Vaux, Veal, Veisey, Venvil, Vernon, Vigers, Viggers, Villiers, Vincent, Voce, Vowles
Wade, Wadell, Wager, Wagstaff, Wainwright, Waite, Waitt, Wakelam, Walch, Walder, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallerds, Wallin, Wallis, Walsh, Walsh Junr, Walters, Walton, Warburton, Ward, Warden, Wardle, Wardley, Ware, Wareing, Waring, Warner, Warr, Warrell, Warren, Warrilow, Warris, Watchern, Watkins, Watson, Watterson, Watteson, Watts, Weare, Weate, Weaver, Webb, Webberley, Webster, Weekes, Welch, Welden, Weldon, Wells, Welton, Wenman, Werton, West, Westbury, Westley, Weston, Westwood, Wetherall, Wetton, Whale, Wharton, Whateley, Wheat, Wheatley, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whelan, Wheldon, Whetton, While, Whitall, Whitbread, Whitcombe, White, Whitear, Whiteford, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whithorn, Whiting, Whitmore, Whittingham, Whyley, Wickett, Wiggin, Wiggins, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilden, Wilding, Wildman, Wiley, Wilford, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willcox, Willets, Willetts, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willings, Willis, Willisford, Wilmott, Wilson, Wiltshire, Winbury, Wincott, Windsor, Wingrove, Winn, Winspear, Winspur, Winter, Winters, Winton, Winwood, Wisdom, Wise, Wisedale, Wiseman, Withers, Withey, Withington, Wittington, Witton, Wivell, Wood, Woodall, Woodbridge, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodhall, Woodhouse, Woodley, Woodroffe, Woods, Woodward, Woolard, Wooldridge, Wooley, Woolley, Woolrich, Woolritch, Wootrugh, Wootten, Workman, Worlow, Wovley, Wray, Wright, Wyatt, Wylde, Wynn
Yapp, Yarnall, Yarndley, Yarranton, Yates, Yenington, Yeomans, York, Young.

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