Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2404 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Bordesley

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ASTON Bordesley

Abbott, Adams, Akers, Alcock, Aldridge, Aldrite, Allen, Allsopp, Allwood, Anderson, Andrews, Anslow, Aplen, Appleby, Appleford, Arculus, Arkwell, Arnett, Arnold, Asbury, Ash, Ashbee, Ashford, Ashington, Astell, Astle, Astley, Aston, Atherton, Ault, Avern, Avery, Ayers.

Backer, Baggott, Bailey, Bain, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Bamford, Bamsley, Bannister, Barber, Bardell, Barker, Barnard, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnfield, Barnickle, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barsley, Bartlam, Bartlett, Base, Baskett, Bassett, Baston, Bateman, Bates, Batty, Baugh, Baxter, Bayley, Bayliss, Bayse, Bayworth, Bazeley, Beach, Beake, Beale, Beaman, Beard, Beasley, Bebbengton, Beck, Beckett, Beddowes, Bedford, Beesley, Bell, Bendy, Benfield, Bennett, Bernard, Berrow, Berry, Berwick, Best, Bethell, Bevan, Bickey, Bickley, Bicknell, Biddle, Billings, Billington, Birch, Bird, Birkett, Birks, Birlord, Bishop, Blackburn, Blake, Blakeway, Blamires, Blews, Bliss, Blizzard, Blockley, Blogg, Bloor, Blume, Blundell, Blunt, Boddin, Boden, Bodman, Boleyne, Bolt, Bolton, Bond, Bonham, Boodle, Booth, Boshill, Boston, Bott, Boulton, Bowen, Bowkett, Bowsfield, Boyce, Boyle, Boyse, Bradleer, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Braizier, Brampton, Bray, Brazenhall, Breeden, Breslin, Brettain, Bridgens, Bridgewater, Bridgins, Brierley, Brindly, Brinsley, Brinton, Bristol, Bristow, Brittan, Britton, Broad, Broadbent, Broadfield, Bromley, Brookes, Brooks, Broomfield, Broomhall, Brotherton, Broughall, Brougham, Broughton, Brown, Browne, Browning, Buck, Buckley, Buffrey, Bufton, Bullock, Bunn, Burgess, Burke, Burns, Burraston, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Butler, Butlin, Butterfield, Butterworth, Byse.

Cadman, Cale, Callis, Caltom, Camble, Campbell, Candle, Cardwell, Carey, Carpenter, Carter, Cartland, Cartmell, Cartwell, Cartwright, Casell, Castle, Caswell, Cave, Cawley, Ch????d, Chadderway, Chadwick, Chambers, Chandler, Chantry, Chapman, Charles, Charlton, Charmain, Chatter, Chatterton, Chatwin, Checkley, Chedzey, Cheeseman, Chelwyn, Cheney, Chidley, Child, Childs, Chin, Chinn, Chorley, Churchill, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clements, Clifford, Clifton, Clive, Coates, Cobley, Cockayne, Colbourne, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Collett, Collier, Collins, Collis, Colston, Combe, Combes, Commander, Compton, Connor, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Cordwell, Corfield, Cornforth, Cotterill, Coudrey, Couebaut, Coulson, Coward, Cox, Coxen, Cranage, Crane, Crisp, Crockett, Crompton, Crook, Crosher, Cross, Crowley, Crozier, Crudgington, Crutchley, Cullerne, Cumbey, Cumming, Cummins, Cund, Cunningham, Cure, Curley, Currall, Curtes, Curtis.

Dalby, Dale, Daniels, Dank, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Davy, Dawson, Day, Deake, Deakin, Dean, Deaves, Dennies, Depper, Derrick, Devey, Dicken, Dignam, Dillon, Dixon, Dobbins, Docker, Dodd, Doggett, Doley, Dollanson, Dolphin, Domney, Donnelly, Douglas?, Dousley, Dowding, Downay, Downes, Downey, Downs, Doyle, Doyly, Drake, Draper, Drew, Drewery, Drinkwater, Drong, Dudley, Duffill, Dunderdale, Dunean, Dunfee, Dutnall, Dutson, Dutton, Duyord, Dyke, Dyson.

Eaton, Eavens, Eaves, Ecceleston, Eccleston, Edgington, Edmonds, Edrop, Edwards, Ell, Elleman, Elleridge, Elliott, Elsmire, Elson, Embery, Emeric, Ensore, Errington, Evans, Ewsell, Exell, Eyers, Farmer, Faulkiner, Faulkner, Feasey, Felgmcain, Fellows, Felton, Fenton, Ferkins, Field, Fielding, Fildes, Finch, Findlater, Findon, Finn, Finnemore, Finnimore, Firkin, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzgerald, Fitzmaurice, Fletcher, Flower, Floyd, Ford, Forman, Foster, Foulks, Fountain, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foyle, Frampton, Franks, Fraser, Frazier, Freeman, Frost, Fulford, Fulwell.

Gale, Gamble, Gamell, Gameson, Ganderton, Gardener, Garland, Garner, Garratley, Gaunt, Gay, Gaynor, Gazey, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gidney, Gilbeck, Gilbert, Giles, Gittings, Gittins, Gloster, Glover, Gold, Golsby, Good, Goodchild, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Goodyear, Gould, Grady, Greasley, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greenway, Gregg, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grove, Grubham, Guest, Gully, Gunn, Gunnell, Gunner, Guppy.

Hackett, Haddon, Hadey, Hadley, Hadshead, Hague, Hales, Halford, Hall, Halson, Hammond, Hancock, Hands, Handstock, Hanks, Hannan, Hanson, Harbon, Harborne, Harbrough, Hardy, Harkey, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrow, Hart, Hartle, Hartwell, Haskey, Hatchem, Hatfield, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawthorn, Haycroft, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hayter, Haywood, Hazel, Heath, Hefford, Hemming, Hemmings, Henerie, Henley, Herben, Herbert, Herutage, Heseltine, Hewitt, Heydon, Hickman, Higgins, Hill, Hinghram, Hinley, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hobbis, Hobday, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodson, Holborn, Holder, Hole, Holland, Hollies, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holtom, Holyoak, Holyoake, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopley, Hopwell, Horman, Hornsby, Horton, Houghton, Housman, Howard, Howell, Howes, Howse, Hubbard, Hudson, Hufton, Hughes, Humpage, Humphage, Humpherson, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunston, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Hutchings, Hyde.

Ingley, Ingram, Instone, Isherwood, Islip.

Jackson, Jacques, Jakeman, James, Jarggiari, Jarrett, Jarrow, Jarvis, Jeferate, Jefferies, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennings, Jessop, Jeynes, Jeynes or Lynes, Jobe, Johnson, Jones, Joyce.

Keele, Keene, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemnell, Kemp, Kempster, Kendrick, Kennelly, Kennett, Kent, Ker, Kerring, Kibbles, Kimberley, Kimberly, King, King?, Kings, Kitson, Knight, Knighton, Knock, Knott, Knowles.

Lacy, Ladstone, Laight, Lainchbury, Laing, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Larden, Larke, Lathwood, Launchbuy, Laurence, Law, Lawley, Lawrence, Lea, Leach, Leadbeater, Leary, Lee, Leeson, Letts, Levann, Levear, Lewis, Lightouler, Lilly, Lindenshott, Lines, Linforth, Linnie, Linsey, Lippitt, Lisle, Littlehales, Lloyd, Locker, Long, Longmore, Lovell, Lovett, Lowe, Lucas, Luckett, Luke, Lumley, Lyndon, Lynes.

Macmeeken, Maddocks, Madeley, Maguire, Maidlin, Maidment, Maison, Maitland, Malin, Mann, Manning, Mapp, March, Marks, Marlow, Marriott, Marsden, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Marven, Masefield, Mason, Masters, Matthews, Maudefield, Mawby, May, Mayhew, Maynard, Mccormick, Mcculla, Mcdermot, Mcgann, Mcorman, Mcpherson, Mcwatt, Meadows, Mealey, Mealing, Meddings, Meddlicolt, Mee, Meir, Melia, Melling, Merrick, Merrison, Messenger, Millard, Miller, Mills, Millward, Miln, Milne, Milward, Mimings, Mitchell, Moffot, Mole, Monk, Monsley, Moon, Moore, Moores, Moreton, Morgan, Mornington, Morris, Morton, Mosedale, Moseley, Mould, Mountford, Mowbray, Mundy, Munton, Murphy, Musgrove, Myring.

Nash, Nayler, Neal, Needham, Neesham, Neville, Newey, Newlands, Newman, Newton, Nicholes, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicholsan, Nicklen, Nickwau, Nightingale, Nix, Nixey, Noake, Noble, Nock, Nolan, Norman, Norrbrough, Norrish, North, Norton, Nutt.

Oakley, Oakwood, Oberton, Odell, Oldham, Oldridge, Oliver, Oneill, Onions, Onley, Onslow, Orton, Osborne, Osment, Owen, Owens, Oxbaud.

Packer, Page, Pailan, Palfrey, Paling, Palmer, Palser, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parman, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Pass, Passmore, Patrick, Patterson, Paul, Paulton, Payne, Pearce, Pearman, Pearson, Pedley, Pemberton, Penfield, Perkins, Perks, Permell, Perry, Peters, Pew, Peyton, Phair, Phenix, Phibbs, Philips, Phillips, Phillpot, Philpot, Phipps, Picton, Piggott, Pill, Pincocks, Pinnock, Pitts, Platt, Polock, Poole, Poolton, Pope, Potter, Poulson, Poulton, Powell, Powles, Pratt, Preece, Prendergast, Preseleton, Presscot, Preuett, Price, Prince, Pritchard, Pritchatt, Proverbs, Pugh, Pullen.

Quartermaine, Quien, Quinn.

Rafferty, Raffity, Ragner, Rainster, Randall, Randel, Randle, Ravenscroft, Rea, Read, Reading, Redden, Reddy, Redyway, Ree, Rees, Reeves, Rendall, Rennie, Revell, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Rick, Rickards, Ricketts, Rigden, Riley, Rivett, Roach, Roache, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robeson, Robinson, Rock, Rogers, Rollins, Rook, Rose, Ross, Rowden, Rowley, Rowlinson, Rushton, Russel, Russell, Russon, Ruston.

Salmon, Samuels, Sanders, Sannt, Sargent, Saudbook, Saunders, Savin, Sawyer, Scenprose, Scotton, Searles, Searls, Seddon, Sedgewick, Selfe, Sewell, Shakespeare, Shale, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shelley, Shenton, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sheppel, Sherlock, Sherwood, Shier, Shipley, Shipman, Shipp, Shipton, Shirley, Shooter, Shorter, Shorthouse, Shread, Shufflebottom, Sides, Sill, Simcocks?, Simcot, Simkins, Simms, Skarrett, Skidmore, Skipp, Slater, Sleigh, Slim, Smalley, Smallman, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smytheman, Solomans, Solomon, Sorrell, Southall, Southerton, Souwley, Sowden, Spearman, Spencer, Spilsbury, Spitle, Spittle, Sprawson, Spriggs, Stack, Stafford, Stait, Standly, Stanley, Stanton, Stanyard, Starkey, Staunton, Stean, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stick, Stirk, Stock, Stockwell, Stokes, Stoll, Stone, Strong, Stubbs, Suckling, Sullivan, Summerfield, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swain, Swinbourne, Sydes.

Tabberer?, Talbot, Tarling, Tatton, Tay, Taylor, Terris, Tetsell, Thacker, Thackwell, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thorne, Thurston, Tidmus, Tilley, Timmins, Timms, Tinns, Tisdale, Todd, Toddington, Tombs, Tomlinson, Tompkins, Tonkins, Toon, Townley, Townsend, Tracy, Tranter, Travers, Trott, Trueman, Truman, Tucker, Tudman, Tulk, Tunn, Turk, Turner, Twigger, Twining, Tyler, Tylor, Tysall.

Ulett, Upton.

Vale, Vaun, Ventham, Vernon, Vesty, Viggars, Vincent, Vine.

Waitt, Wakefield, Wakeman, Walden, Waldren, Walker, Walkley, Walters, Walterson, Walton, Wane, Ward, Wareing, Waring, Warner, Warom, Wasdell, Waterson, Watkins, Watson, Watteson, Wattis, Watton, Watts, Weake, Weaver, Webb, Wedgbury, Weight, Welling, Wellings, Wells, West, Westley, Weston, Westy, Whateley, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whitcomb, White, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitney, Whittaker, Whittingham, Whitworth, Wiffin, Wilcox, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willetts, Williams, Willmot, Wills, Wilson, Wincote, Wincott, Winn, Winspur, Winter, Winwood, Witt, Witten, Wixey, Wodden, Wood, Woodall, Woodcock, Wooderidge, Woodhill, Woodman, Woodward, Woodwiss, Woodwood, Woolaston, Wootton, Worrilow, Wragg, Wright.

Yardley, Yardly, Yarwood, Yates, Yeates, Young.

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