Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2405 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Bordesley

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ASTON Bordesley

Abbitts, Abbott, Acock, Acton, Adams, Adcock, Addenbroke, Adderley, Addesley, Adkins, Ainge, Aitken, Albert, Alcock, Alexander, Allbright, Allbut, Allcock, Allen, Allso, Allwood, Amos, Andrews, Annaker, Anstey, Archer, Argent, Arlett, Armitage, Arnett, Arthur, Asbury, Ashford, Ashlee, Ashley, Ashton, Ashwin, Astley, Aston, Atkins, Attwood, Aubery, Austey, Austin, Averill, Avern, Avery.

Bach, Bacon, Badger, Badham, Baggott, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Baks, Baldwin, Ball, Balmond, Bancher, Banks, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnsley, Barr, Barrett, Barsby, Barth, Bartlam, Barton, Bashford, Baster, Batcheldor, Batchelor, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Bath, Bathstone, Baugh, Baxter, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Bayne, Baynes, Beach, Beard, Beavon, Beckett, Beddows, Bedman, Beech, Beecroft, Beesley, Bellington, Bemand, Bench, Benham, Bennett, Bent, Beran, Berks, Bernard, Berrens, Berrey, Berry, Besinett, Best, Beth, Bethell, Bette, Bettridge, Bevan, Bevington, Bickley, Biddle, Biggs, Bilk, Bill, Billings, Billingsley, Billington, Billwood, Bingham, Binns, Birch, Bird, Birkett, Bishop, Black, Blackham, Blake, Blakeman, Bland, Blenkorm, Blincoe, Bliss, Blogg, Blower, Bloxedge, Bloxidge, Blunn, Blunt, Bode, Bolton, Bond, Booth, Borret, Borrett, Boslock, Boswana, Boswell, Bott, Boucher, Boughton, Boulton, Bourne, Bovill, Bowden, Bowen, Bowes, Bowker, Bowkett, Bowning, Bowyer, Boyear, Boyle, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bragg, Branch, Brannor, Brath, Bratt, Bray, Bree, Breedon, Brett, Brettell, Brevitt, Brice, Bridge, Bridgens, Bridges, Brierley, Briggs, Brindley, Bristoll, Bristow, Brittle, Broadfield, Broadhurst, Bromwich, Brooke, Brooker, Brookes, Brookhouse, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bruff, Bryant, Bubb, Buckley, Bull, Bullock, Buncher, Burbury, Burden, Burdett, Burfitt, Burford, Burgen, Burgess, Burgwin, Burling, Burman, Burmann, Burn, Burrow, Burrows, Burt, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Butcher, Butler, Byfield, Bywater.

Callahan, Callingham, Callow, Cambray, Cambrey, Camming, Campbell, Campion, Camwell, Cantrill, Capewell, Capsey, Carles, Carpenter, Carrington, Carsfyher, Carter, Carthy, Cartwright, Casey, Cash, Cashmore, Cater, Caurage, Chalkley, Challener, Chambers, Champ, Chance, Chapman, Charley, Chase, Chater, Chatwin, Cheadle, Chellingworth, Cheshire, Chetwynd, Child, Childs, Chillingworth, Chinn, Chorley, Churchley, Clamp, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clement, Clements, Clift, Clifton, Clissold, Coates, Cockbill, Coggins, Coir, Colbourne, Cole, Coleman, Colemans, Coles, Colesby, Coley, Colin, Colledge, Collett, Collier, Collins, Comyn, Conde, Conibar, Connell, Conner, Connolly, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Coombes, Cooper, Cope, Copham, Corbett, Corfe, Cormack, Cornelius, Cornforth, Cornick, Costello, Coulson, Coulton, Courtnell, Coventry, Coward, Cowen, Cox, Crampton, Cranmer, Crawford, Craythorne, Creese, Cresser, Cresswell, Creswell, Crethorn, Crew, Crick, Crisp, Crispen, Critchley, Crompton, Crook, Cross, Crosslin, Croton, Crowley, Cruse, Culm, Curbishley, Cure, Currall, Cusick, Cutler, Cutts.

Dack, Dale, Dalton, Daly, Dangerfield, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Darbank, Darby, Darden, Dassett, Davey, Davies, Davis, Daw, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Dayus, Deakin, Dean, Deaves, Dedicoatt, Dennis, Denny, Dent, Denton, Derrick, Devey, Dickenson, Dickin, Dickins, Dickinson, Dincan, Dingley, Dixon, Dobson, Docker, Dodd, Dodsworth, Doley, Donaldson, Done, Douglass, Downes, Drake, Dudley, Duggan, Duggins, Dukes, Dukesell, Duncan, Dunn, Durbin, Dutton, Duyard, Dwyer, Dyke.

Eales, Earls, Easthope, Eastwood, Eaton, Eaves, Ebery, Ecles, Edden, Edge, Edkins, Edmondson, Edmunds, Edrop, Edward, Edwards, Egde, Egerton, Egginton, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Ellson, Else, Eltham, Elton, Emery, English, Etchells, Evans.

Fance, Fanshaw, Farberville, Farmer, Farnell, Farr, Faulkes, Faulks, Fawcett, Fell, Fellows, Felton, Fennell, Fenwick, Figgures, Filkin, Finch, Fincham, Findon, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzpatrick, Flanner, Fletcher, Foden, Follow, Ford, Forde, Forster, Foster, Fothall, Foulkes, Foulston, Fountain, Fowkes, Fowler, Fowles, Fox, Foxall, Fradgley, Frampton, Franklin, Franks, Fritton, Froggatt, Frost, Fry.

Gamble, Gammage, Garbeck, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfield, Garner, Garrad, Garratt, Gasby, Gaskin, Gates, Gaunt, Gazey, Gee, Gelfs, Geobey, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gillebrand, Gillett, Gilliam, Gilliver, Gillon, Girden, Girling, Gittins, Glencross, Glews, Godwin, Goldsby, Goodall, Goodhall, Goodman, Goodyear, Gopsill, Gordon, Gore, Goring, Gorton, Gosling, Gostelow, Gough, Gould, Grace, Grafton, Grainger, Gray, Grayson, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Gregg, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimsley, Grove, Growtage, Guest, Guilliam, Gulliver, Gumbley, Guy, Gwilliams, Gwynne.

Hadley, Hague, Haigh, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hallam, Hallbrook, Hallmard, Hallon, Halston, Hambleton, Hames, Hamilton, Hammestley, Hammond, Hammonds, Hamnett, Hampton, Hancox, Hand, Hands, Hanlin, Hannon, Hanson, Harbige, Harbone, Harborne, Hardiker, Hardy, Hargreaves, Hargrove, Harley, Harmer, Harper, Harrad, Harriman, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartles, Hartley, Hartwell, Harvest, Harvett, Harvey, Harwood, Hassam, Hassard, Hastelow, Hatfield, Hathersall, Hatton, Haughton, Hawkes, Hawkeswood, Hawksford, Hawthorn, Hawthorne, Haycock, Hayer, Hayes, Hayhurst, Haynes, Haywood, Hazlewood, Head, Heafield, Healey, Heath, Hedges, Henderson, Henn, Hennis, Henshaw, Herbert, Heritage, Hetch, Hevey, Hewlett, Hewson, Hiceken, Hickin, Hickling, Hicks, Hickson, Higgins, Higginson, Higgs, Hill, Hinde, Hindey, Hinkley, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hirons, Hitch, Hobbday, Hobday, Hocton, Hodges, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgskin, Hodkinson, Hodnette, Hodson, Hoffmeier, Hogg, Holcroft, Holden, Holdnall, Holiman, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollier, Hollington, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holton, Homer, Hood, Hookham, Hopkins, Horeman, Horlick, Horton, Hoskison, Houghton, Houston, Howell, Howes, Howkins, Howlett, Howson, Hubert, Huckerby, Huddleston, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Huntpage, Hurdle, Hurley, Hurn, Hurst, Hyde.

Inchley, Ingram, Inman, Insall, Ironmonger, Irvine, Ivans.

Jabbitt, Jackson, Jakes, James, Jarvis, Jeacus, Jeavons, Jefcoate, Jeffery, Jeffies, Jenke, Jenkins, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Joselin, Joynes.

Keen, Kelfome, Kelly, Kelsey, Kendrick, Kent, Ketteridge, Kettle, Kidd, Kimbell, Kimberley, Kimberlin, Kimberly, King, Kings, Kingston, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkham, Knight, Knott, Knowles, Lack, Lake, Lamberton, Lambon, Lampett, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Larner, Latham, Laurance, Laurence, Laut, Law, Lawley, Lawne, Lawrence, Lawton, Leach, Leather, Lee, Lees, Lennon, Leon, Leonard, Lewellyn, Lewis, Licy, Lightfoot, Lightwood, Lindley, Lindon, Lines, Lint, Lipitt, Lipscombe, Lissiman, Litchfield, Lloyd, Lockwood, Lodge, Long, Longman, Longmore, Lovatt, Lovell, Low, Lowe, Lucas, Luckett, Luckman, Ludgate, Lumby, Lunn, Lyall, Lymer, Lymes.

Macdonald, Maddocks, Maggett, Magory, Maguire, Mahony, Mainwaring, Malin, Mallarby, Maltby, Mander, Manfield, Manger, Manlove, Manning, Mannings, Manton, Marchant, Marchington, Marity, Marks, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marsland, Marson, Marston, Martin, Masefield, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathers, Mathew, Matthews, May, Maybury, Mayo, Mc Call, Mc Clenn, Mc Cracken, Mc Cullah, Mc Culld, Mc Gann, Mc Geever, Mc Kennan, Mccormack, Mcdermott, Mckenzie, Mclaren, Mcleod, Mead, Meadows, Mealey, Meddings, Medlam, Meek, Meilles, Meir, Melborn, Mellor, Meredith, Meridith, Merrett, Merrin, Meyer, Middleton, Middleton?, Midgely, Miles, Miller, Milliard, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milne, Misely, Mitchell, Mobley, Mold, Moller, Monk, Moore, More, Moreton, Morgan, Morgan?, Morrall, Morrell, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Mottershead, Mould, Moulton, Mountford, Mourn, Muddyman, Munton, Murphy, Murray, Musgrove, Mush, Mutlow, Myatt.

Nash, Neal, Neale, Nelson, Nevett, Neville, Newell, Newey, Newham, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nightingale, Nixon, Noak, Noble, Nock, Noke, Norburn, Norton, Noston, Noxon, Noyce, Nurser, Nutt.

Oates, O'brien, O'connor, O'conor, Odell, Ogden, Oldacre, Oliver, Onions, Osborn, Osborne, Overbury, Owen.

Paddock, Page, Palmer, Pardoe, Pares, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parr, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Pasco, Patrick, Paveley, Payton, Peace, Pead, Peake, Pearce, Pearse, Pearson, Peart, Peck, Pedley, Pee, Pembroke, Pennant, Penrice, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Pestridge, Peters, Pettitt, Peyer, Phelps, Phillips, Phillipson, Phillps, Philpott, Pickersgill, Pickrell, Pilkington, Pinfield, Pinson, Piper, Pitcher, Pitt, Pittam, Plant, Platt, Plumb, Polly, Poncia, Poole, Poolton, Porch, Porter, Pountney, Povy, Powell, Powers, Powis, Pranquell, Pratt, Preece, Preen, Preston, Prew, Prian, Price, Pridey, Priest, Prist, Pritcherd, Prosser, Provett, Pugh, Pullin, Pumfrey, Purcocks, Purden, Purnell, Pursall, Pursan, Purser.


Rainbow, Raison, Randall, Randle, Rawson, Ray, Read, Reade, Reading, Reed, Reeves, Reid, Remington, Restall, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Rich, Richards, Richardson, Rickets, Rigby, Riley, Roach, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Romney, Rooker, Roper, Rose, Rosier, Ross, Roston, Rotherham, Rothwell, Rouch, Round, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rowlinson, Rowson, Rubottom, Rudge, Rushby, Russell, Russon, Ryan.

Sabell, Sabin, Sadler, Salt, Salvin, Sanders, Sands, Sargent, Sarnders, Saunders, Savage, Saver, Savin, Say, Sayce, Scattergood, Scoltock, Scott, Searle, Seelley, Selley, Sewell, Seymour, Sharlock, Sharman, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheasby, Shell, Shelley, Shelton, Shephard, Sheppard, Sherlock, Sherratt, Shields, Shipley, Shipton, Shipway, Short, Shorter, Shralbe, Shrimpton, Shurdlow, Siddle, Sigston, Silvester, Simkins, Simmons, Simpkins, Simpson, Skelding, Sketchley, Skett, Skidmore, Skipp, Skipway, Slater, Slim, Smallwood, Smart, Smeeton, Smetham, Smith, Smithin, Snape, Snook, Southall, Southam, Spalding, Sparkes, Spencer, Spiers, Spillman, Spilsbury, Springthorps, Stacey, Stafford, Stainway, Stanford, Stanley, Stanton, Stanyer, Staples, Startin, Steadman, Steer, Stephens, Stephenson, Sterry, Stevens, Stevenson, Stiles, Stockley, Stocks, Stokes, Stone, Street, Stretton, Stride, Stubbins, Stubbs, Sturge, Such, Suckling, Sulivan, Summers, Sumner, Sunderland, Sutton, Swadkins, Swann, Sweeney, Sweet, Sweetman, Swift, Swingler.

Talbot, Tallis, Tarrant, Tasker, Taylor, Teague, Tennant, Tetsell, Thacher, Tharm, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorne, Thornicroft, Thornton, Tidman, Tidmarsh, Timms, Tipping, Tookey, Tooth, Totnell, Towler, Townley, Townsend, Toy, Tranter, Trotter, Trowley, Truby, Truly, Truman, Truss, Tubb, Tuckley, Tuffs, Tufft, Tuke, Turley, Turner, Twitty, Tye, Tyler.

Ubsdell, Underhill, Underwood, Utley.

Vale, Vernon, Village, Villinger, Vincent, Virgo, Vizzard.

Wade, Wager, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallbank, Wallis, Walls, Walmoley, Walsingham, Walter, Walters, Walton, Wanklin, Ward, Wardell, Warder, Wareham, Wareing, Warner, Wassall, Waters, Waterson, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weare, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Welch, Weldon, Wellard, Wells, Wesson, West, Weston, Westwood, Whatmore, Wheeler, Whichell, While, Whitaker, Whitall, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whithom, Whithy, Whiting, Whittle, Whitty, Whitworth, Widdows, Wiffett, Wilch, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willett, Willetts, Willey, William, Williams, Willington, Willmott, Wills, Wilmot, Wilson, Wincott, Windle, Windridge, Winter, Winton, Wiseman, Withers, Withes, Witmarsh, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodcock, Woodhall, Woodship, Woodward, Woolf, Woolison, Wooliston, Woore, Worrall, Worralls, Worthington, Wragg, Wrench, Wright.

Yardley, Yates, Yeomans, Yorke, Young.

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