Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2406 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Bordesley
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ASTON, Bordesley
Abbott, Abdele, Abott, Adams, Adderley, Addison, Aker, Akers, Albat, Alexander, Allcock, Allday, Allden, Allely, Allen, Allmas, Allport, Allsebrook, Allwood, Amighino, Amos, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Appleby, Appleton, Arbon, Arch, Archer, Argyle, Arlidge, Armstead, Armstrong, Arnett, Arnishaw, Arnold, Arnott, Arnsley, Artill, Asbury, Ash, Ashford, Ashmore, Ashton, Aston, Atkins, Avergathe, Averill.
Backley, Baggott, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Bandinel, Bannister, Bant, Barber, Barker, Barkham, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnett Clerk, Barnsley, Barr, Barratt, Barron, Barrs, Bartle, Bartlett, Bartley, Barton, Barwell, Basfield, Baskerfield, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Battersby, Batterwell, Bayham, Baylis, Bayliss, Bayne, Beacham, Beamond, Beanscomb, Beard, Beatham, Beatie, Beaucham, Beavon, Beck, Bedford, Beesley, Belaz, Bellamy, Bennett, Benson, Bent, Bentley, Bently, Benton, Berry, Beston, Bewitt, Bibb, Bick, Biddell, Biddle, Bidell, Bingley, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bisk, Bisp, Black, Blackham, Blewer, Bliss, Bloomer, Bloxham, Blundel, Blunn, Blunt, Boddington, Boden, Bolding, Bond, Bone, Bordell, Bott, Boucher, Bourne, Bowen, Bowyer, Boyle, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Braff, Brain, Braines, Brame, Bramwell, Brassington, Brawn, Braythorn, Brazier, Breedon, Brereton, Brian, Bridges, Bridgewater, Briggins, Briggs, Bright, Brightwell, Brindy, Briscoe, Bristow, Brittain, Brittle, Britton, Broad, Broadfield, Brodie, Brompton, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Brough, Browit, Brown, Bryan, Brydon, Buckler, Buckley, Budd, Budford, Buff, Bullen, Bumpas, Bumpus, Bunce, Burbridge, Burckett, Burdett, Burgen, Burgess, Burke, Burnett, Burns, Burrows, Burting, Burting Jones, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushell, Butler, Butlin, Butt, Byron.
Cade, Caines, Callaghan, Callanan, Cannon, Cantwell, Capes, Capewele, Cardge, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cartridge, Cary, Casey, Cashmore, Cassell, Catley, Caughtry, Cavanagh, Cave, Chaddock, Chaffin, Chaloner, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chandler, Chapman, Chater, Checketts, Chellingworth, Cherrington, Cheshire, Chester, Child, Chillingworth, Chilton, Chinn, Chinns, Chocketts, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clayton, Clement, Clements, Cleveley, Clift, Clifton, Clive, Coates, Cobley, Cockring, Cocks, Coggins, Coleman, Coll, Collette, Collins, Collinsbye, Collumbell, Colly, Comer, Cones, Coney, Conles, Conley, Connolly, Cook, Cooke, Coonan, Cooper, Cope, Cope Colley, Copeland, Corbett, Corfield, Cornell, Cosnett, Cotterall, Cottill, Cottrell, Coulson, Couper, Court, Cowen, Cowley, Cox, Coxam, Crabtree, Craddock, Crane, Crappen, Crathorn, Craven, Craythorne, Creese, Creethorn, Crew, Crisp, Croft, Crompton, Cronick, Cross, Crotty, Crow, Crupie, Cruse, Crutchley, Cull, Culverwell.
Daires, Daly, Dance, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Darleston, Darley, Darman, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawson, Day, Deacon, Deakin, Deeley, Deffley, Deinbecker, Delahay, Delaney, Dencefield, Denley, Dennington, Dennis, Denton, Dewerson, Dillington, Dingley, Dix, Dixon, Dobbins, Docker, Dodd, Doidge, Donohoe, Doolan, Dowdle, Downey, Drake, Drew, Drover, Drury, Dryhurst, Duckett, Duffell, Duffin, Dunkley, Dutnell, Dutton, Dwight, Dwyer, Dyer, Dyke.
Eades, Eales, Earley, Earp, Eason, Edden, Edge, Edgington, Edmonds, Edmunds, Ednett, Edouard, Edwards, Egan, Elden, Elkin, Ellaway, Elliens, Ellis, Elsden, Elt, Elvis, Elward, Elwell, Ennor, Essex, Evans, Everiex, Everton, Ewer.
Fadgean, Falford, Farmer, Farnell, Farrell, Faulconbridge, Favell, Fay, Feakes, Fedeski, Fedstone, Fellows, Fenn, Fenton, Field, Fincher, Finemore, Finney, Fisher, Fitchett, Flanders, Fleming, Fletcher, Flint, Flower, Floyd, Ford, Forster, Foster, Fountain, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Foxhall, Fradgley, Francis, Freeman, Freer, French, Friedman, Froggett, Frost, Fuller, Furness, Fury.
Gabin, Garbitt, Garden, Gardener, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garside, Gasinger, Gaskin, Gazey, Gear, Gee, Gen, George, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilberthorpe, Giles, Gill, Glascott, Gloster, Glover, Goate, Goddard, Godridge, Gold, Goldsbury, Goode, Goodwin, Gordon, Gough, Gould, Goulding, Grace, Grainger, Granger, Grantham, Graty, Graves, Greaney, Greaves, Green, Greeney, Gregory, Grew, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grilley, Grimes, Gross, Grosvenor, Guest, Guggiani, Gullivan, Guy, Gwillam.
Hackett, Hackney, Hackwood, Haddock, Haddon, Haden, Hadlem, Hadley, Haines, Hales, Halford, Hall, Hamer, Hames, Hampshire, Hampton, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Hands, Handsworth, Hanks, Hanlon, Hanson, Hanx, Harding, Hardman, Hardwick, Harman, Haroth, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrop, Hart, Hartland, Hartley, Harvey, Haskerfield, Haskins, Hastings, Hatton, Haunt, Haviland, Hawker, Hawkeswood, Hawkings, Hawkins, Hawks, Haycock, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Heath, Heathcote, Heaton, Heffer, Heighway, Heird, Hemm, Hemming, Hemmingham, Hemmings, Hemos, Hems, Hemus, Henningham, Henrey, Henshaw, Herriotts, Heslop, Hewitt, Hewson, Hiatt, Hickey, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higginson, Hignett, Hildrick, Hill, Hilton, Hince, Hinkes, Hirst, Hitchend, Hitchman, Hoban, Hobday, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodgson, Hodrien, Hogan, Hogg, Holden, Holder, Holding, Holland, Hollingsworth, Hollis, Holloway, Hollyoake, Holmes, Holms, Holt, Holyoake, Homer, Homes, Hoope, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopson, Horner, Horton, Houghton, Howard, Howes, Huband, Hubball, Hudson, Huff, Hughes, Humpage, Humphries, Hunt, Hurley, Hurst, Hutchings, Hutton, Huxley, Hyde, Hyndiman.
Iliffe, Illes, Illston, Ingley, Ingram, Inns, Insley.
Jack, Jackson, Jacob, Jakes, James, Jameson, Janernors, Jarrett, Jasper, Jay, Jayes, Jaynes, Jeffcott, Jeffries, Jelf, Jelley, Jenkins, Jennens, Jephcott, Jerome, Jerrett, Jervis, Jesson, Jevons, Jewkes, Jeynes, Jobber, Johns, Johnson, Joiner, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Judd, Jukes.
Keen, Keene, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendell, Kendrick, Kent, Kernon, Ketley, Kilby, Kimberley, King, Kirby, Kirk, Knibble, Knight, Knights, Knott, Knowles, Kranth, Kraund.
Lable, Lacey, Lakin, Lakins, Lamb, Lambert, Lancaster, Lander, Lane, Langham, Langley, Langston, Lasbury, Laughford, Law, Lawford, Lawrance, Lawrence, Layton, Lea, Leach, Lean, Ledbetter, Lee, Leedfram, Lees, Leeson, Leigh, Leonard, Leptford, Leresche, Letts, Lewis, Ley, Lichfield, Lill, Lilley, Lindon, Lines, Lister, Littlehales, Littletales, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lloyde, Loader, Lock, Lockyer, Lomas, London, Longden, Longford, Longmore, Lord, Loveridge, Lowe, Lucas, Luckcuck, Ludlam, Lunt, Lusk, Lustin, Lygo.
MacDonald, MacKintosh, MacLoy, Madden, Maddison, Maddox, Madeley, Madelor, Madison, Maguire, Maisey, Major, Malin, Mallin, Maloney, Malvisi, Manders, Manlove, Mansfield, Margetts, Marghett, Marklett, Markley, Marks, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Mattocks, Matts, May, Mayer, Mayo, Mayou, Mays, McAnulty, McCormack, McCormick, McDermott, McDonald, McDonnell, McGauley, McGlann, McGlynn, McLeod, McNamara, Meaby, Meacham, Meacheam, Mead, Means, Meddows, Meehan, Mellard, Mellin, Meredith, Merriman, Metwood, Mewis, Miles, Miles Harlow, Milletts, Mills, Millward, Milner, Mitchell, Mitton, Mongford, Monighan, Moore, Morecroft, Morgan, Morrall, Morris, Morrison, Mortiboys, Morton, Moss, Mountford, Mullins, Mumford, Munn, Murphy, Murray, Mutlow.
Naden, Napoleon, Nash, Neath, Neil, Neild, Nelson, Nettle, Newbould, Newell, Newey, Newiss, Newman, Newnham, Newport, Newton, Ney, Nicholls, Nield, Nightingale, Nock, Noland, Norneff, Norris, Noxon.
Oakley, Ogden, Okey, Oldham, ONeill, Orbell, Orcutt, Orton, Osborne, Osmond, Oswald, Overton, Owen, Ozwell.
Pace, Packham, Packwood, Padmore, Page, Pakins, Palethorpe, Palmer, Pardow, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parkins, Parman, Parsons, Partridge, Patterson, Payne, Payton, Peacock, Pearce, Pearson, Pecock, Pedlar, Pedley, Pemberton, Penderel, Pendle, Penryn, Penway, Penzer, Perry, Peters, Petty, Phillips, Phipp, Phipps, Pickering, Pickin, Piddington, Pie, Pierson, Pike, Pilley, Pilling, Pinfold, Pitt, Pittaway, Pointon, Pollard, Pool, Poole, Porter, Potter, Potts, Pountney, Powell, Powers, Powney, Poyner, Pratt, Prescott, Pressdee, Preston, Price, Priddey, Pridmore, Priestman, Prince, Pritchard, Probert, Prosser, Pryce, Pugh, Pulling, Purcell, Pursall, Purser, Purslow, Pym.
Race, Racey, Rainbow, Ralph, Randell, Randle, Ratcliffe, Raymond, Rea, Read, Reading, Redfurn, Redhead, Redman, Reeve, Regan, Reville, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ridge, Rigby, Riley, Ritter, Roard, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Rock, Rodgers, Rodrienie, Rogers, Rogerson, Roleson, Rollason, Rollaston, Rose, Ross, Rothwell, Rourke, Routledge, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rubey, Rudge, Rulke, Rulkle, Ryan, Ryley.
Salisbury, Salvin, Sanders, Sands, Saulon, Savage, Sayers, Scoffins, Scott, Seal, Sealey, Sedgwick, Selby, Selley, Sermon, Shakespeare, Sharp, Shaw, Shay, Shaylor, Sheeby, Sheldon, Shelton, Shenton, Shephard, Shepherd, Sherman, Sherriden, Sherwood, Shield, Shilbork, Shornhill, Short, Shortman, Shuttleworth, Side, Sifley, Silk, Silven, Silvester, Simcox, Simkins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sinthwick, Skeets, Skidmore, Skinner, Slade, Slater, Sleigh, Smallwood, Smedley, Smethwaite, Smith, Snook, Solo, Solomon, Sorrell, South, Southall, Sparkes, Sparry, Spearman, Spencer, Spooner, Spratt, Stack, Stainton, Stallard, Stanley, Stapinell, Stedman, Stepham, Stephen, Stephens, Stevens, Stockton, Stokes, Stone, Strong, Stubbs, Suckett, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swain, Sweetinburgh, Sysum.
Tabbener, Tabberner, Tack, Tadgett, Taper, Tarder, Tatchell, Taton, Tattieth, Taylor, Tedd, Tenson, Terry, Tew, Thacker, Thain, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Thorley, Thornbury, Thorne, Thornton, Threadgold, Tidmus, Till, Timins, Timmins, Timms, Timson, Tinan, Tindale, Tingle, Titmus, Todd, Tolladay, Tomkins, Toney, Tonks, Tookey, Tooth, Townsend, Tracy, Tread, Trench, Trenfield, Trenfield Harris, Trevor, Trimmell, Trodell, Trowman, Trueman, Truman, Trumper, Tuaremeris, Tucker, Turner, Turnick, Turnile, Tursell, Turton, Turvey, Twinnings, Tye, Tyler.
Undrill, Upton, Urnwood.
Van Helden, Vaughan, Venables, Vernon, Verrall, Vincent, Viney, Waddoup, Wade, Wadsworth, Wagh, Wagstaffe, Wake, Wakefield, Waldron, Walford, Walker, Walkley, Wall, Wallbank, Walstaff, Walters, Walton, Ward, Wareham, Warner, Warren, Waskell, Waterhouse, Waters, Wathes, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weale, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weeks, Weir, Wells, Welsh, West, Weston, Wharton, Wheeler, Whelan, Whewel, Whichells, While, Whillock, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whitty, Whitworth, Wickell, Wilcox, Wilden, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wilson, Windsor, Winnell, Winshull, Wise, Witcomb, Wood, Woodhall, Woodland, Woodman, Woods, Woodward, Wooley, Woolgate, Woolley, Woolsworth, Worrall, Wray, Wright, Wynn. Yardley, Yates, Yeomans, York, Yorke, Young.
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