Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2408 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Bordesley

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ASTON, Bordesley

Abbotts, Abel, Abercrombie, Abery, Abrahall, Adams, Adkins, Airderey, Aitchison, Alcock, Aldhouse, Aldington, Alldridge, Allen, Allenby, Allitt, Allsop, Allsopp, Althorpe, Amos, Amphlett, Anderton, Andrews, Ansell, Anslow, Anstice, Appleby, Applin, Archer, Areulus, Ariss, Armstrong, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Ashton, Aston, Atkins, Atkinson, Attwood, Ayres

Babbington, Badger, Baggott, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Bales, Ball, Ballard, Bancroft, Banford, Banks, Banner, Bannister, Barber, Barclay, Bargay, Barley, Barnes, Barns, Barnsley, Barrand, Barratt, Barrett, Barrows, Barry, Bartlam, Bartlett, Barton, Bassett, Bassom, Batcheldor, Batchelor, Bate, Bates, Bathie, Batt, Baugh, Baugham, Baxter, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Bearcroft, Beasley, Beaver, Beck, Beddall, Beddoes, Beddowes, Bedford, Beech, Beesham, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Bellue, Belton, Benham, Bennett, Benton, Berry, Best, Betteridge, Bettridge, Bevan, Bick, Biddle, Biddow, Bigwood, Bikker, Billingham, Billingsley, Bink, Birch, Bird, Birkbeck, Black, Blackham, Blake, Blinco, Blood, Bluck, Boddington, Bolling, Bolt, Bolton, Bond, Bonehill, Bonnor, Boothwick, Boswell, Botherill, Boucher, Bouckley, Boughey, Boughton, Bourne, Bowen, Bowers, Bowie, Bowler, Bowles, Boyall, Boyce, Boylin, Bradley, Bradshaw, Bray, Braywood, Brazier, Brearley, Brett, Brettell, Brewerton, Brice, Bridgwater, Brierley, Brierly, Briggs, Brighton, Briley, Brinkworth, Brittain, Bromley, Brook, Brookbank, Brooke, Brookes, Broom, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Brueton, Bryan, Bryant, Buckthorp, Bull, Bullock, Bullores, Bun, Bunell, Burbidge, Burden, Burdett, Burke, Burns, Burrows, Burt, Burton, Busby, Bushell, Bushill, Bussoli, Butler, Butt, Buttler, Buxton

Caffell, Cain, Caldicott, Caldwell, Cale, Callen, Campbell, Campion, Camptin, Cantrell, Cape, Capewell, Cappel, Carlill, Carnall, Carpenter, Carter, Case, Cashmore, Cavanagh, Chadney, Chadwick, Chambers, Chapman, Chattaway, Cheatle, Cheshire, Chester, Chetwynd, Child, Chilton, Chinn, Chippendale, Chirney, Christian, Clanchy, Clark, Clarke, Cleever, Cleist, Clements, Clewes, Clifford, Clift, Clinch, Clive, Clowes, Coates, Cock, Cockrill, Coe, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colley, Collier, Collins, Collis, Collman, Colls, Colori, Conitchee, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Cooling, Coombes, Coombs, Cooper, Cope, Cordon, Corfield, Cork, Cornforth, Corser, Costello, Cotterell, Court, Cousens, Coventry, Cowley, Cowper, Cox, Craddock, Crane, Crathorn, Cresswell, Crocker, Crockett, Crook, Cross, Croxson, Crutchley, Cull, Cullimore, Culm, Cummerford, Cummings, Cureton, Curnock, Curry, Curtis, Cutler

Dacie, Daffern, Dainty, Dale, Danaher, Dance, Danks, Darby, Darrall, Dascombe, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawkins, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dean, Death, Deathridge, Deed, Deeley, Delicote, Dennis, Denton, Deoey, Derrington, Dersis, Devereux, Devey, Dewey, Dibbin, Dickens, Dickenson, Dodds, Doig, Donaldson, Done, Doody, Dord, Doughly, Douras, Dower, Dowler, Downes, Downie, Downing, Draper, Draysey, Drew, Driscole, Duce, Dunkley, Dunn, Durbin, Dyer, Dyson

Each, Eades, Eagney, Eales, Earl, Eaton, Eccleston, Edden, Edge, Edkins, Edmunds, Edwards, Edwin, Egerton, Eldridge, Eley, Ellard, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Ells, Elson, Ely, Embley, Englese, Espley, Evans, Everard, Evins, Eyles

Fairfax, Fallows, Farley, Farmer, Farnalt, Farrant, Fathers, Faulker, Faulkner, Fawdry, Fawtrill, Fell, Fellows, Felton, Fenlar, Fenn, Fenton, Ferguson, Field, Fieldhouse, Figgures, Filkin, Finch, Finlayson, Fisher, Fitt, Flavell, Fletcher, Flint, Flintoff, Flogdell, Flude, Ford, Forrest, Forward, Foster, Fowler, Fowles, Fox, Francis, Frankham, Fraser, Frazier, Free, Freeman, Freeth, French, Fry, Fryer

Gabb, Gadon, Gamble, Garbett, Gardener, Gardner, Garland, Garrad, Garret, Gaywood, Gazy, Gee, Geering, Gent, George, Gessey, Gibbard, Gibbens, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gill, Gillette, Gillman, Gittens, Glynn, Godby, Godfrey, Godwin, Goldie, Golding, Goldsby, Golsby, Gooch, Goodacre, Goodby, Goode, Goodfellow, Goodyear, Gordon, Gosling, Gough, Goulden, Gowan, Grady, Granger, Grant, Grantham, Gray, Greathead, Greaves, Green, Greening, Gregory, Greig, Griffin, Griffis, Griffiths, Grimson, Gritton, Grogan, Grove, Groves, Grubb, Grundy, Guest, Guvin, Guy, Gwynne

Haden, Hadley, Hague, Hairs, Halinshaw, Hall, Hallgood, Hammend, Hammond, Hamon, Hampshire, Hancock, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanks, Hanman, Hannam, Hardie, Harding, Hardy, Hargrave, Harkness, Harmon, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartell, Hartle, Harvest, Harvett, Harwood, Hatcher, Hatfield, Hatton, Haughton, Havlin, Hawkes, Hawkings, Hawkins, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlewood, Heage, Healey, Heath, Heatley, Hemming, Henness, Henshaw, Hensman, Herbert, Hervey, Hewas, Hewes, Hewitt, Hickley, Hicklin, Hickman, Hicks, Hickson, Higgins, Higgs, Hildick, Hiles, Hill, Hilton, Hincks, Hinghley, Hinton, Hipkiss, Hipwood, Hitchcock, Hitchman, Hobbin, Hobday, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hodgson, Holbecke, Holford, Holland, Hollich, Hollingsworth, Hollioake, Hollis, Holmes, Holt, Holyland, Homans, Homer, Honnor, Hook, Hopkins, Hordern, Hordle, Horne, Horton, Horwood, Hoskins, Houghton, Hoult, Houser, Howe, Howell, Howes, Hucklin, Hucknall, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Hullah, Hulme, Humpage, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Huntley, Hurley, Hurst, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Huxley, Hyde

Icke, Ingley, Ingram, Install, Irons, Irwin, Ivens, Izon

Jabel, Jack, Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, James, Jardine, Jarvis, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jennings, Jenns, Jepson, Jessop, Jewell, Joel, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jordan, Joyner, Jukes

Kay, Kebecks, Keeley, Keeling, Keen, Keepax, Keighley, Keily, Kelly, Kemp, Kendall, Kennett, Kent, Kenzett, Kerkhoff, Ketland, Kettle, Kibby, Kimber, Kimberley, King, Knibb, Knight, Knighton, Knott, Knowles

Laight, Lakier, Lamb, Lampett, Lander, Lane, Langley, Langston, Latham, Laud, Laugher, Lawless, Lawley, Lawlor, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Layland, Layton, Lea, Lear, Ledbury, Lee, Lees, Legg, Lemarquand, Lennon, Leonar, Leonard, Lester, Lewis, Lichfield, Lighthaven, Linnett, Liscombe, Lissaman, Livesey, Lloyd, Loach, Lockley, Lommas, London, Longfield, Longshore, Loughton, Lowe, Lucas, Luck, Luckett, Luckman, Ludlow, Lunt, Lusty, Lutman, Lyon

MacAdam, MacDonald, MacKay, MacKereth, MacNamara, MacRae, Maddocks, Magrath, Malin, Manderfield, Manning, Mansfeild, Manson, Mantar, Manton, March, Margetts, Marguaride, Markboys, Markley, Markwick, Marlow, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masterman, Mathews, Matthews, Maullin, May, Mayfield, Mayhew, Mc Murray, McArthur, McCormack, McDonough, McEvoy, McEwan, McGann, McKenzie, McKinnon, Meacham, Mead, Meakin, Meaking, Mears, Medson, Meek, Men, Metcalf, Middlehurst, Miles, Miller, Millin, Millington, Mills, Millward, Milner, Minshull, Mitchell, Mocock, Moffatt, Moir, Mole, Moniford, Monroe, Monsley, Moody, Moore, More, Moreton, Morgan, Morris, Mortimer, Morton, Moss, Mould, Mountford, Mullins, Munro, Murphy, Murray, Musgrove

Naden, Nash, Neal, Neale, Needham, Nelville, Nevill, Neville, Newbold, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newth, Newton, Nicholls, Nightingale, Nind, Nixon, Noake, Nobbs, Nokes, North, Norton, Notting

Oakley, O'dowd, Oliver, Ollerenshaw, Onions, Orbell, Osborn, Osborne, Osment, Overeth, Overs, Owen, Oxford

Packe, Page, Paid, Pain, Paisloe, Pallisder, Palmer, Palser, Paniter, Panter, Pardoe, Parker, Parks, Parson, Parsonage, Parsons, Parton, Payne, Payton, Peach, Pearce, Peck, Peckmore, Peel, Peers, Pelincoe, Pembury, Pendle, Penketh, Penn, Pennell, Penzer, Pepper, Percox, Perkins, Perrins, Pettitt, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickerill, Pidgeon, Pigeon, Pike, Pilsbury, Pilsworth, Pimley, Pinckston, Pinkston, Pitt, Pittam, Plant, Platt, Plenderleith, Plevey, Pool, Poole, Pope, Porter, Potter, Poulter, Powell, Power, Powis, Powles, Pratt, Preece, Preston, Price, Prince, Prior, Prise, Pritchard, Proctor, Protheroe, Prue, Pugh, Purkis, Purton, Purvin

Quarterman, Quincey

Rabone, Radnidge, Rafferty, Rainbow, Ramsay, Randall, Randle, Ratcliffe, Ravenhill, Rawley, Rawlings, Rawlins, Raybould, Rea, Redfern, Rees, Reeve, Reeves, Reid, Reynold, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rhone, Richards, Richardson, Riley, Roadhyffe, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robjohns, Robotham, Roch, Rock, Roden, Roebuck, Rogers, Rollason, Rollins, Romney, Rose, Ross, Round, Rowbotham, Rowe, Rowlands, Rowley, Rowney, Roy, Ruff, Ruscoe, Russell, Russon

Sadler, Samuels, Sanders, Sansom, Sapcote, Sarson, Satchell, Satchwell, Saunders, Sawner, Saxbee, Sayer, Sayers, Scanagatta, Scaresbrook, Schick, Schlosser, Scholefield, Scott, Scrivens, Searl, Searler, Serape, Serrigo, Settlewood, Severn, Shackleton, Sharp, Sharpe, Sharrett, Shaw, Sheard, Shelcock, Shenstone, Shenton, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sheridan, Sherratt, Sherry, Shiftlow, Shilrock, Shinton, Shipley, Shipman, Shipway, Short, Shorthouse, Shortland, Shough, Shovelbottom, Shovell, Showell, Shread, Shutt, Sillator, Silvers, Simkins, Simmons, Simpson, Simson, Skellicom, Sketchley, Skidmore, Slack, Slade, Slater, Sleath, Small, Smallman, Smart, Smedley, Smith, Smitten, Smyth, Snead, Solliss, Southall, Southam, Southerton, Sparfe, Sparrow, Spencer, Spicer, Spiers, Spiller, Spink, Spooner, Spooney, Spragg, Spratt, Stagg, Stait, Stallard, Stannard, Stant, Starforth, Starkey, Starlin, Start, Statham, Stayte, Steed, Steenton, Stein, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stokes, Stone, Stoney, Storey, Strange, Strangward, Stretton, Stride, Stringer, Stuart, Stubbs, Sturges, Suckling, Sudborough, Sullivan, Summerill, Summers, Sumner, Surtees, Sutton, Swadkins, Swain, Swingler, Swingles, Sykes, Symes

Tabberner, Taber, Talbot, Talboys, Tandy, Tarrant, Tattersall, Taylor, Teague, Tedds, Templeman, Tennant, Terry, Tether, Thew, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thornbery, Thornett, Thorney, Thornton, Thurston, Tiddiard, Tilsley, Timms, Tippin, Tollis, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tompkins, Toms, Tonks, Tony, Toole, Touks, Townsend, Townsend-Thompson, Toye, Trapp, Trengrove, Trillo, Trindell, Trow, Trueman, Tucker, Tunstall, Turl, Turle, Turnbull, Turner, Turvey, Twigger, Twiner, Twittey, Tyler, Tyrer

Underwood, Upton, Upward, Urgun

Vanderlyn, Vanson, Varney, Verity, Vick, Vickers, Viggars, Vincent, Vine

Wadds, Wade, Wager, Wagstaff, Waight, Wainwright, Waitt, Wakley, Waldron, Walford, Walker, Wall, Walles, Walsh, Walsingham, Walters, Walton, Wankling, Ward, Warden, Ware, Wareham, Waring, Warr, Warren, Wartenbey, Warwick, Warwood, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weake, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weedman, Weekes, Weldon, Wells, Wenlock, Werkman, Wernham, Westbury, Western, Westmacott, Weston, Westwood, Whatmore, Wheeler, Whelan, Whiles, White, Whitehouse, Whiter, Whitlock, Whitney, Whittingham, Whittle, Whitworth, Whorwood, Widdas, Wiggins, Wilcox, Wilds, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willett, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willison, Willnot, Wills, Wilson, Windsor, Winspar, Winter, Withers, Wood, Woodhall, Woodhams, Woods, Woodward, Wooldridge, Woolfe, Woolley, Woorall, Wooton, Wort, Worten, Worton, Worwop, Wosely, Wotteram, Wright, Wykes, Wynne

Yardley, Yarnall, Yates, Yeomans, Yerbury, York, Yorke, Young

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