Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2415 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Duddeston cum Nechells

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ASTON, Duddeston cum Nechells

Abbott, Abraham, Acton, Adams, Adamson, Adkins, Akers, Alford, Allbutt, Allcoate, Allcott, Allen, Allis, Allport, Allso, Ames, Amyes, Ancell, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Anson, Anthony, Apperley, Archer, Arculees, Arnold, Asbury, Ashfield, Ashford, Ashton, Ashworth, Astley, Aston, Atkins, Attwood, Austin, Ayers, Aymes, Ayres.

Bachelor, Badge, Badger, Bagely, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Bambrook, Barber, Barford, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barney, Barnfield, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Bartholemew, Bartlam, Barton, Bassett, Bates, Batten, Baugh, Baxter, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Beard, Beasley, Beck, Beddoe, Bedwell, Beesley, Beetlestone, Bellamy, Bellringer, Bench, Benfield, Bennett, Benson, Bent, Benton, Beresford, Bernell, Berrington, Berry, Bertie, Best, Bevan, Bevis, Beynon, Bickerton, Bicknell, Biddle, Biddulph, Biggs, Bignall, Bignell, Billiard, Billyard, Bingham, Birch, Bird, Bisons, Black, Blackham, Blake, Blakesley, Blatch, Blinko, Bloomer, Blount, Boden, Boles, Bolton, Bond, Bonham, Borer, Borrows, Boswell, Bott, Boucher, Bough, Boulcott, Bourbonneux, Bowcott, Bowen, Bower, Bowyer, Bradley, Bradnoch, Bradshaw, Bradstock, Brailsford, Brain, Branfield, Brant, Bray, Brearley, Brewer, Bright, Brighton, Brindley, Brinkworth, Broadstock, Brock, Bromage, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooking, Brooks, Brown, Browning, Bruce, Bubb, Budd, Budge, Bullivant, Bunch, Bunn, Burke, Burnell, Burton, Butler, Buxton.

Campion, Canning, Cantrill, Capell, Capewell, Carless, Carmadine, Carpenter, Carr, Carroll, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Caswell, Catstree, Cattermole, Cave, Chadaway, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chamberlaine, Chambers, Chaplin, Charles, Charsley, Chatham, Chattock, Chaworth, Cheatle, Cherry, Chester, Child, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clater, Clayfield, Cleveland, Clews, Clifton, Clist, Clowes, Clues, Coates, Cockburn, Coldicutt, Cole, Coley, Colgrave, Collinge, Collings, Collins, Colloff, Connor, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Coope, Cooper, Copeslake, Copus, Corbett, Cornes, Cornforth, Cornish, Cottle, Cotton, Couchman, Court, Cox, Crane, Crathorne, Crawford, Crocker, Crompton, Cross, Crossley, Crowther, Crudgengton, Crutchley, Culin, Culm, Culwick, Cummings, Cure, Curtis, Cuthell.

Daffern, Daker, Dale, Dales, Dallaway, Dalloway, Danby, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Darling, Darnell, Darrall, Darwin, David, Davidge, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Day, Deakin, Dean, Dee, Deeley, Denham, Denston, Dewbery, Dewett, Dick, Dickenson, Dickson, Dillon, Dixon, Docker, Dodd, Dorman, Doust, Downes, Doyle, Drake, Draper, Drinkwater, Dudley, Dukes, Dunkley, Dunn, Dunsmore, Durant, Dutnell, Dutton, Dwyer, Dye, Dyer, Dyke, Dyson.

Eades, Eagles, Eales, Earl, Earp, Eaton, Eaves, Eborall, Edge, Edginton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Eile, Eite, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Erato, Essex, Ethell, Evans, Everitt, Evetts, Eyles.

Fangham, Fanthom, Fanton, Farley, Farmer, Farndon, Farrall, Fehrenbach, Felton, Ferrer, Fiddian, Field, Fincher, Fisher, Fitchett, Fitzherbert, Fletcher, Flin, Florentine, Flowers, Flude, Foldey, Ford, Forman, Foster, Fountain, Fowler, Fowles, Fox, Foxley, France, Francis, Freeman, Freshwater, Friend, Fuller, Fullwell.

Gale, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Garvey, Gayard, Gaynham, Gazey, Genge, Gent, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilkes, Gilks, Gillman, Gilsham, Gimson, Glendon, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godsal, Godsall, Goff, Gold, Goldsby, Gooch, Goode, Goodwin, Gosnell, Goucher, Gough, Gould, Gower, Grady, Gray, Grayston, Greathead, Greaves, Green, Greenhill, Greenway, Gregory, Gregson, Grenville, Grice, Grieg, Grieson, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Gritten, Groves, Growcott, Grubham, Gubbins, Gunton, Gupwell, Gutteridge.

Hackett, Haden, Hagan, Hagen, Hague, Haime, Haines, Hakewill, Hale, Hales, Halford, Hall, Hammonds, Hamnett, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanmer, Hanwell, Harding, Hardstaff, Hardware, Hardy, Harling, Harper, Harrad, Harris, Harrison, Hartin, Hartland, Hartley, Harwood, Haskins, Hatfield, Hatton, Havaland, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Hawksford, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Heard, Heath, Heatley, Heely, Heike, Heming, Hemmings, Hemus, Heppenstall, Herbert, Heritage, Hetherington, Hetley, Hewitt, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higginson, Hiley, Hill, Hillyard, Hilton, Hilyer, Hincks, Hinks, Hinton, Hitchcox, Hodder, Hodges, Hogetts, Holden, Holland, Holmes, Holt, Holtom, Holton, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Horne, Horobin, Horton, Howard, Howe, Howell, Huband, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Hulme, Hulse, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hurst, Hutchins, Hyde.

Iddins, Ingram, Inson, Irons, Irvin, Irwin, Ison.

Jackson, Jacques, James, Jaques, Jarmery, Jaysinn, Jebb, Jeffcoate, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jennings, Jessop, Job, John, Johnson, Jolly, Jones, Jordan, Judd.

Karnery, Kearsey, Keates, Keay, Keeble, Keesey, Kelley, Kelsey, Kendall, Kendrick, Kent, Kerr, Kersey, Kerslake, Kimber, King, Kingham, Kingsland, Kirchin, Kirk, Kirkby, Kite, Knibb, Knight, Knowles, Knuckey, Kyle.

Laband, Labrum, Lake, Lakin, Lambe, Lambert, Lamont, Lampult, Langher, Langley, Lanham, Lapper, Lapworth, Large, Larkin, Laughton, Lavill, Law, Lawley, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawton, Lea, Leadbeater, Ledbrook, Lee, Lees, Leese, Lester, Lewis, Lickorish, Liddiard, Lines, Linton, Lippett, Livesey, Lloyd, Loakes, Loasby, Lock, Lomas, Long, Loud, Loughton, Lovell, Loveridge, Lowe, Lucas, Luckcock, Luckcuck, Luckett, Lusty, Lynn.

MacAlphine, MacDonald, MacRow, Madeley, Mallsbury, Manders, Manison, Manley, Mannings, Mansell, Mansfield, Mantle, Manton, Marin, Marsh, Marston, Martin, Mason, Mather, Matthews, Mawson, Maxfield, May, Mayou, McCormack, McDonald, McFarlane, McGregor, McKenzie, McLeish, McPearson, McPherson, Mead, Meades, Meakin, Measures, Meek, Melia, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Millersby, Millichamp, Mills, Millsom, Milner, Milnes, Milsom, Minchin, Molcher, Mole, Molesworth, Molyneux, Moore, Moorman, Morgan, Morris, Morton, Mosedale, Moseley, Moss, Mountford, Mountney, Mousley, Muddyman, Mumford.

Nash, Nathen, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neaves, Neill, Neville, Newey, Newman, Nicholls, Nield, Nixon, Nock, Noon, Norton, Nouell.

Oakey, Oakley, Olerenshaw, Oliver, Olorenshaw, Onslow, Orchard, Osborne, Overs, Overton, Owen.

Page, Pagett, Palfrey, Palmer, Palser, Pardoe, Parish, Parker, Parrish, Parsons, Partridge, Passey, Patrick, Payne, Peace, Peacock, Pearce, Pearman, Pearson, Peck, Pegler, Pemble, Penfield, Penn, Pepper, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Perrygrove, Petford, Pettifer, Petty, Phelps, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pickering, Pickin, Pidgeon, Pillinger, Pilsbury, Pinder, Pipkin, Pitt, Plant, Ponder, Ponting, Poole, Porter, Portlock, Poskitt, Poulton, Pouncey, Powell, Powers, Pratley, Pratt, Prew, Price, Prince, Proctor, Prosser, Puddephat, Pugh, Pyle.


Radcock, Rainbow, Ratford, Ravenhill, Ray, Rea, Reaves, Reece, Rees, Reeves, Restall, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Riddell, Riddiford, Riddofrd, Riley, Robbins, Robbitt, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Robson, Rodway, Rogers, Rose, Ross, Rouse, Rowan, Rowbothan, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rowlinson, Rudge, Rushton, Russel, Russell, Russon, Rutter, Ryde, Ryder.

Sabin, Sadler, Sainsbury, Salmon, Sampson, Samuels, Sandall, Sanders, Sandford, Sandland, Sansome, Sargeant, Saunders, Sawyer, Scammell, Scott, Seabrook, Seacombe, Sears, Seaton, Sedgwick, Seeley, Severn, Shakespeare, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shelton, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherwin, Shield, Shiels, Shipton, Shirley, Shore, Sillifant, Silman, Silvester, Simcot, Simkins, Simmons, Sims, Singleton, Skelding, Skett, Skinner, Slater, Slaytor, Sly, Small, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snelling, Snow, Southam, Southern, Southon, Spearing, Spencer, Spender, Spragg, Sprague, Spriggs, Stacey, Stanfield, Stanton, Stanyard, Staples, Steed, Steele, Stephens, Steprinton, Stevens, Stevenson, Stirk, Stokes, Stone, Storer, Stubbing, Stubbins, Sturdey, Sturges, Sturgess, Sullivan, Summers, Sumner, Sutch, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Swift, Swinfield, Syers, Symonds.

Tailby, Talbot, Tandy, Tankard, Tatton, Taylor, Teakle, Tebby, Tennant, Tharm, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Thorneyhough, Thornton, Thrasher, Tilley, Tilsley, Timmins, Timms, Tipper, Tippett, Title, Todd, Toepken, Tomlinson, Tompkins, Tongue, Tonks, Tooley, Toon, Torrington, Tovey, Townsend, Trappett, Treadwell, Trevolla, Trevor, Tropman, Trowbridge, Tucker, Tuckey, Tulk, Tullett, Turley, Turner, Turnstall, Turrall, Tustin, Twigg.

Ulett, Underhill, Underwood, Uren, Usher.

Vance, Vann, Vanstone, Veldman, Vernon, Viley, Vincent, Vines, Violet, Visiters, Visiting, Voce.

Wadsworth, Wady, Wager, Waide, Walden, Waldron, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallis, Wallpole, Waltho, Walton, Ward, Warner, Warr, Warren, Waterhouse, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Webb, Webberley, Wedge, Weller, Wellington, Wesson, West, Weston, Westwood, Wheeler, Whillock, White, Whitehouse, Whitfield, Whitmarsh, Whittaker, Whittall, Whittell, Whittingham, Whittington, Wiggins, Wilby, Wilcox, Wild, Wilday, Wilders, Wildig, Wilding, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willcox, Williams, Willis, Willmott, Willson, Wilson, Wimbush, Winkett, Wintle, Wisedale, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woolley, Woolridge, Workman, Worwell, Wright, Wrighton, Wyatt, Wykes.

Yardley, Yates, Yeates, Young.


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