Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2418 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Duddeston cum Nechells

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ASTON, Duddeston cum Nechells

Abbott, Abel, Acton, Adams, Adaway, Adkins, Aiers, Ainsworth, Akerman, Albright, Alcock, Alden, Aldridge, Allan, Allcock, Allday, Allen, Allsopp, Allwood, Alner, Ames, Anchor, Ancliff, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Ansell, Anyon, Apperley, Appleby, Archer, Armstrong, Arnol, Asbury, Ash, Ashbury, Ashford, Ashforth, Ashmead, Ashton, Aston, Atkin, Atkins, Austin, Averill, Ayres.

Bach, Bache, Bachelor, Baggott, Bagnall, Bailey, Baisley, Baker, Bakewell, Baldaro, Baldwin, Ball, Ballinger, Banford, Banks, Banning, Bannister, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barnfield, Barnsley, Barratt, Barrell, Barrett, Bartle, Bartley, Barton, Barwell, Baskerville, Bassett, Bateman, Bates, Bats, Baxter, Bayliss, Beach, Beard, Beasley, Beaumont, Beavan, Beck, Beckell, Beckett, Bedman, Bedson, Bedworth, Bell, Bellamy, Benbow, Bennett, Bently, Berry, Betteridge, Bettridge, Bevington, Bibby, Biddle, Biggs, Biles, Billing, Billington, Bills, Billyard, Birch, Birchley, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Blackburn, Blackwell, Blake, Blakemore, Blakey, Bloxham, Boden, Bodfish, Bolland, Bond, Bonner, Bonsill, Boodle, Boot, Both, Bourne, Bouston, Bowers, Boxer, Boyce, Boyd, Bradbury, Bradley, Brain, Branson, Bray, Brettell, Brewerton, Brewin, Brewster, Bridgens, Briggs, Bright, Brighton, Brindley, Bristow, Britton, Broadis, Brock, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Broomhead, Brotheridge, Brown, Browne, Bryan, Bryant, Buckler, Budd, Bullen, Bullingham, Burbidge, Burdell, Burgess, Burley, Burman, Burr, Burrall, Busby, Bushey, Buson, Butcher, Butler, Butterworth, Buttle, Buxton, Byfield, Bynam, Byng.

Calder, Callaghan, Calloway, Capewell, Carpenter, Cartan, Carter, Cartridge, Cartwright, Carvell, Casey, Cassell, Castor, Cattell, Cauk, Cause, Cave, Challender, Challon, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chanell, Chapman, Cherry, Chesham, Cheshire, Chester, Chidlow, Child, Chiles, Chinn, Chinnock, Chiswell, Christie, Clamp, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Cleal, Cleaver, Clements, Clifford, Clift, Coburn, Cogin, Colburn, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Collins, Collinwood, Colston, Connal, Connell, Connor, Conway, Cook, Cooksey, Cooling, Cooper, Cope, Corby, Cornforth, Cornhill, Cornish, Cornwall, Corser, Cosgrove, Costello, Costelow, Costin, Coton, Cotterell, Cotterill, Couling, Cox, Coy, Crabtree, Craig, Crock, Croft, Croome, Cross, Crow, Crowther, Crump, Cuniff, Cupwell, Curbishley, Curtis, Curzon, Cusack, Cutler.

Dabbs, Daffon, Dagley, Dainter, Dakin, Daldam, Dale, Dalziel, Dangerfield, Daniel, Daniels, Danks, Davies, Davis, Day, Deakin, Deans, Dearn, Death, Debeny, Deeley, Deem, Deheals, Demsey, Dench, Deney, Derricourt, Derrington, Deuchar, Dexter, Dia, Dickson, Diffley, Dison, Dixon, Dodd, Doidge, Dolphin, Donaghue, Donegan, Doody, Dorkings, Douglas, Dowell, Dowey, Dowley, Dowling, Downs, Doyle, Draper, Drew, Drury, Ducker, Duckett, Dudey, Dudley, Duffey, Duffy, Dugmore, Dunn, Dunthorn, Durrant, Dutton, Dyke, Dykes.

Eacot, Eacott, Eagle, Earp, Eaton, Edge, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Ellaman, Ellaway, Ellem, Elliot, Ellis, Ellson, Elson, Elton, Elwell, Emery, Etheridge, Evans, Evetts, Exton.

Facer, Fair, Fairclough, Falconbridge, Fallon, Fallows, Fantham, Farley, Farly, Farr, Faulks, Feasey, Featherstone, Feeney, Fellows, Fennah, Fenton, Field, Fielding, Finchett, Finney, Finnigan, Firth, Fisher, Flannagan, Flanner, Fletcher, Flinn, Flynn, Foden, Fogg, Fokes, Ford, Fords, Fortey, Forty, Foster, Fowkes, Fox, Fradeley, France, Francis, Franklin, Franks, Frayne, Freebury, Freeman, Freeth, Fullwood, Fulwell, Furnill, Fussell.

Gair, Galantry, Gallivan, Gandie, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfield, Garlick, Gatheihams, Gaunt, Gazey, Geach, Geary, Gellard, Genders, Genever, George, Gibbins, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Giblin, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilbride, Gilby, Gill, Gillam, Gittings, Glover, Glynn, Godfrey, Godsell, Goode, Goodman, Gordon, Gore, Gosling, Gossage, Gough, Gould, Grady, Graves, Gray, Greasley, Greaves, Green, Greenhouse, Greening, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimley, Grindrod, Groutage, Groves, Gunn, Gupswell, Guttridge, Guynees, Gwinett.

Hackett, Haden, Hadley, Hailes, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hallett, Hallgarth, Halton, Hamblett, Hamlett, Hammond, Hampden, Hampson, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Hand, Handley, Hands, Hanley, Hannon, Hanson, Harbidge, Hardell, Harding, Hargreaves, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartill, Hartland, Hartley, Harvey, Hasell, Haskow, Hasley, Hassall, Hatfield, Hatton, Havakin, Havard, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkins, Haycock, Haydon, Haynes, Haywood, Hazel, Hazeldine, Hazlewood, Head, Healey, Heard, Heath, Hebbert, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemus, Henn, Henshaw, Henson, Hepwood, Herbert, Hewitt, Heywood, Hicken, Hickerton, Hickinbottom, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higgs, Hiles, Hiley, Hill, Hindley, Hines, Hingley, Hinks, Hirens, Hirons, Hitchman, Hoare, Hobbs, Hoben, Hobin, Hodgetts, Hodson, Holland, Hollick, Holloway, Holmes, Holtom, Holyland, Homer, Hopkins, Horler, Horne, Horner, Hornsley, Horton, Hotchkiss, Hoult, Houseman, Howard, Howe, Howell, Howes, Huband, Hubbard, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes, Hulbert, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurst, Hutchings, Hutchinson, Hyde.

Illey, Ilsley, Ingram, Insall, Isham, Isley, Ivens, Ivors.

Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jenking, Jennings, Jevon, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Jolley, Jones, Jordan, Joseph, Judd, Judge.

Kain, Katcher, Keight, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendrick, Kennedy, Kennet, Kenny, Kesterton, Kidgell, King, Kiplen, Kirk, Knibb, Knibbs, Knight, Knott, Knowles, Kyle.

Lacey, Lambert, Lambon, Lane, Langton, Lassey, Lathe, Law, Lawless, Lawley, Lawrence, Le Fever, Leadbetter, Lee, Leek, Leems, Lees, Lemmon, Levester, Levittous, Lewis, Liddon, Lightfoot, Lile, Lilley, Lily, Lindon, Line, Lineker, Lines, Linford, Lingard, Lingen, Liniker, Linley, Littler, Liveley, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Loach, Locker, Lockett, Lofts, Lole, Loman, Lomas, Lovesby, Lowe, Lucas, Lupino, Lutley, Lycett.

MacGregor, Mack, MacKenzie, Maddock, Mallabou, Malone, Mann, Mansell, March, Marks, Marriot, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Martin, Mason, Masters, Matthews, May, Maycock, McAllaster, McCabe, McCallum, McCloud, McCoy, McDermott, McDonald, McHerrick, McHugh, McKenzie, McLaughlin, McMacken, McManus, McStocker, Meades, Meadows, Meads, Meeham, Melvin, Merrick, Metcalf, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Millward, Minchin, Mitchell, Moffott, Mole, Moore, Moran, Morbey, Morgan, Morris, Mortiboy, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Motteram, Mountford, Muddiman, Mugg, Mullins, Munday, Murphy, Mustin, Myers, Mylotte, Nardley, Narey, Nash, Naven, Naylor, Neal, Neilson, Nelson, Newbold, Newbury, Newey, Newland, Newman, Newsom, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nicols, Nixon, Noake, Noke, Nolan, Norwood, Nutt, Nyland.

Oakley, Odell, Ogara, Oldham, Olorenshaw, Olton, Osborne, O'Shanhanagh, Owen, Oxburrow, Oxford. Packer, Packwood, Page, Paget, Paight, Pain, Pallett, Palmer, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parkins, Parks, Parry, Partington, Partridge, Passey, Patrick, Paveley, Paxford, Payne, Peacock, Peake, Pearce, Pearson, Pedley, Peers, Pell, Pentelow, Pepper, Perkins, Perks, Perris, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Phillpotts, Pickering, Pickersgill, Pile, Pinfield, Pinfold, Pinson, Pipe, Piper, Pitman, Pitt, Pittaway, Plester, Plowman, Plume, Poines, Poole, Pooley, Porter, Portlock, Potter, Poulton, Pountney, Povey, Powell, Poynter, Pratt, Preece, Prees, Prescott, Preston, Pretty, Price, Priddy, Prime, Printer, Prior, Pritchard, Procter, Prophet, Prosser, Pugh, Pullane, Pullen, Purshouse, Pym.


Randall, Randle, Ravenshall, Rawlings, Raywood, Reader, Reading, Reaves, Redden, Redfern, Redhead, Reekes, Reeves, Reilly, Reudier, Rewsey, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riddell, Ridding, Ride, Ridings, Rigby, Riley, Robb, Roberts, Robinson, Rockell, Rodway, Rogers, Rook, Roots, Roouse, Roper, Rose, Rossiter, Round, Rowe, Rowley, Rudge, Rudkin, Ruff, Russell, Russon.

Sabin, Sage, Salt, Sanders, Sandey, Sands, Saunders, Savage, Savin, Sawill, Sawyer, Scarf, Scarrott, Scott, Seconda, Seeley, Sewell, Seynes, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Shar, Shardlow, Sharratt, Shaw, Shayler, Sheldon, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sheward, Shiffington, Shilitoe, Shipley, Shirley, Shirvington, Short, Silk, Simkins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Sinfield, Skeggs, Slain, Slater, Slayford, Slim, Slinn, Sloane, Sly, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Snipe, Somerton, Sousfield, South, Southall, Spencer, Spittle, Spooner, Spratley, Stagg, Stait, Staley, Standon, Stanfield, Stanley, Stanton, Stent, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Stiles, Stokes, Stone, Strasmore, Stratford, Strice, Stubbs, Stuckfield, Stuteley, Stych, Styles, Sulley, Summers, Sumner, Sutherland, Suthons, Suttle, Sutton, Swain, Swains, Swift, Swindler, Swinfen.

Talbot, Tandy, Tatlow, Taylor, Tedston, Teece, Teirney, Telstall, Temple, Terry, Tewkes, Thomas, Thomley, Thompson, Thorne, Thyme, Tibbitts, Tickley, Till, Tillerton, Tilling, Tilsbury, Tilsley, Timbrell, Timmins, Timoning, Tipper, Titley, Titterton, Tivon, Todd, Tolfrer, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Tongue, Tonks, Toone, Towers, Townsend, Townshend, Tranter, Triggs, Trueman, Tuck, Tuckley, Tulley, Tune, Turley, Turner, Twamlow, Twiford, Twist, Twomlon, Tye, Tyers, Tyler.

Underhill, Upton.

Vale, Varrall, Vaughan, Veall, Veasey, Veisey, Vernon, Vickers, Vincent.

Waddleton, Wadhams, Wadley, Wadsworth, Waff, Wagstaff, Wain, Wainwright, Wakelin, Waldron, Walker, Wallace, Wallduck, Waller, Walsh, Walter, Walters, Walthers, Walton, Ward, Wardley, Wareham, Wareing, Wark, Warner, Warren, Wash, Washbourne, Wassell, Waters, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Wattie, Watts, Way, Weale, Wear, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weight, Welch, Wells, West, Westbury, Westmorland, Weston, Westor, Whale, Wheatley, Wheeler, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiteman, Whitfield, Whithorn, Whiting, Whittington, Wiggin, Wiggins, Wilcox, Wiles, Wilkes, Wilkins, Willetts, Williams, Willis, Willock, Willowby, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Winsper, Winterson, Winwood, Wise, Wisedale, Wish, Withers, Withington, Witmore, Witney, Witts, Wolfindale, Wolsoncroft, Wood, Woodcock, Woodhouse, Woodley, Woodward, Wooley, Woolley, Worrall, Wright, Wykes.

Yaine, Yale, Yarwood, Yates, Yeoman, York, Young.

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