Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2424 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Duddeston cum Nechells
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ASTON Duddeston cum Nechells
Abbot, Acford, Ackeroyd, Acton, Adams, Addenbrook, Adkins, Adock, Alderson, Aldridge, Alexander, Allchurch, Allden, Allen, Allport, Allsopp, Allwood, Amber, Amber?, Amos, Amphlett, Amplhlett, Anderson, Andrews, Anscombe, Aplin, Archer, Argant, Armfield, Arnold, Arundale, Asbury, Ash, Ashfield, Ashley, Ashwell, Astley, Aston, Atkins, Austin .
Bachelor, Baggott, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bales, Ball, Ballard, Ballenger, Bamber, Banham, Bant, Barber, Bardett, Barinch, Barker, Barlow, Barmer, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barnsley, Barr, Barrett, Bartlett, Barton, Bartram, Bassett, Batchelor, Bates, Baugh, Baughan, Baxter, Bayless, Bayley, Bayliss, Beaufoy, Beck, Beckitt, Beddowes, Beech, Bees, Bell, Bellington, Bembridge, Bench, Bennett, Bent, Bentley, Beresford, Bermingham, Berrey, Berry, Berwick, Best, Betts, Biddle, Bigg, Biggs, Billingsley, Billington, Birch, Birchley, Bird, Birkenhead, Birkett, Birks, Bishop, Bissell, Blackmore, Blackshaw, Blackwell, Blaze, Blencoe, Bloomfield, Blorham, Blunstone, Blunt, Blyth, Blythe, Boardman, Bobington, Boddington, Bolton, Bombridge, Bonell, Bonghey, Bonham, Bool, Booty, Borne, Bostin, Bott, Bottoms, Boult, Bowen, Bowers, Bowler, Bowles, Boyce, Brabson, Bradbury, Bradshaw, Bramell, Bramwell, Brandon, Brant, Bratt, Brayer, Brewer, Brewtnall, Bridgwater, Broadhurst, Brocklin, Brogan, Bromhead, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Browne, Brownhill, Bryan, Bryant, Buckingham, Bucklane, Building in Progress, Bull, Bunn, Burbridge, Burdett, Burditt, Burns, Burt, Burton, Bush, Bushill, Butler, Butlin, Button.
Cage, Caine, Cambray, Cantner, Cardall, Cardwell, Carey, Carpenter, Carrier, Carter, Cartwright, Carvell, Catchpole, Caulton, Causnett, Chades, Challoner, Chambers, Champ, Chandler, Changers, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Chawner, Cheshire, Chesshire, Chesters, Child, Chilton, Clare, Clark, Clarke, Claton, Clayton, Cleaton, Cleaver, Clegg, Clements, Clews, Clifford, Clowes, Clurston, Coks, Colbeck, Cole, Coleman, Collerick, Collet, Collington, Collins, Collis, Condon, Connor, Consideri, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Corbell, Corin, Corns, Cornwell, Corton, Coton, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Coward, Cowham, Cox, Crandon, Creswell, Crisp, Crofts, Cromton, Crook, Cross, Crossly, Crowley, Crowshaw, Crumpling, Cullen, Culliford, Cummings.
Dabbs, Daffern, Dalloway, Daniels, Darby, Dare, Darlow, Dauney, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Day, De Keppe Blanston, De Salis, Deakin, Dean, Deeley, Deeming, Dennier, Dennis, Dent, Derry, Dewson, Dickens, Dix, Dixon, Dodd, Dods, Dodson, Dodwell, Doidge, Dolloway, Dolphin, Donacue, Doogood, Dooley, Dorman, Dormer, Dormin, Doughty, Dovey, Dowell, Downes, Drakley, Dregheller, Drew, Drinkwater, Duckett, Dudley, Dugmore, Dukes, Durcan, Dykes, Dymoke.
Eagles, Eales, Earp, Eastens, Eden, Edgerton, Edgeworth, Edmonds, Edwards, Egginton, Elcock, Elkins, Elliott, Ellis, Elmes, Elton, Elwell, England, English, Enock, Essex, Etheridge, Evans, Eyre.
Fantham, Farmer, Farndon, Farr, Farrar, Faulkes, Featherstone, Fell, Fellows, Fenton, Ferria, Fido, Field, Fifield, Fincher, Finney, Firegar, Fish, Fisher, Fitter, Fitz, Fitzgerald, Flavell, Flemming, Fletcher, Florry, Flowers, Fluck, Foden, Footill, Ford, Fortrum, Foster, Fowler, Fox, France, Francis, Freeman, Freer, French, Fry, Fuller, Fulwell.
Gamble, Gammidge, Gant, Garbett, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfield, Garlick, Garratt, Garrett, Gent, George, Gerrard, Gessey, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gill, Gills, Gimbert, Glaiser, Glasier, Glaze, Glazebrook, Glen, Glenn, Goddard, Godfrey, Godridge, Godson, Golding, Goldingcoy, Goodall, Goode, Gough, Goulden, Granger, Grant, Graves, Gray, Greasley, Greatrex, Greaves, Green, Greenwood, Gregory, Gretton, Grey, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimley, Grish, Grogam, Grogan, Grove, Groves, Grovewith, Grubb, Guest, Guise, Gunn, Gurney, Guy, Gymry.
Haden, Hadfield, Hadley, Hagg, Haggard, Haines, Hainge, Hakett, Hale, Hales, Halfpenny, Hall, Hallett, Hamilton, Hampton, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Hanson, Harcombe, Hardwick, Hardy, Hargroves, Harney, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrop, Hart, Hartars, Hartland, Hartley, Hartwright, Harvey, Harwood, Hasemore, Hassall, Hastings, Hateley, Hathaway, Hatley, Hatwell, Hawkins, Hayden, Haydon, Hayes, Hayward, Hazel, Head, Heap, Heaps, Hearn, Heath, Helliwell, Hemmings, Hems, Henderson, Hendisly, Hendisty, Henson, Herapan, Herbert, Herriott, Hewitt, Hewlett, Hewson, Hibel, Hickling, Hickman, Higgins, Highway, Hiley, Hill, Hillard, Hillier, Hills, Hine, Hinton, Hiorns, Hitchins, Hitchman, Hoake, Hoare, Hobb, Hobbs, Hobby, Hodgkins, Hodson, Holden, Holder, Holfred, Holiday, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollier, Hollingshead, Holmes, Holton, Holyoak, Homer, Hood, Hooson, Hope, Hopkins, Horell, Hornsbey, Horton, Hounslow, Howell, Howes, Howis, Howl, Howlett, Hubberd, Hudson, Hughes, Huks, Hulbord, Hulley, Humble, Hunt, Hurley, Hyde, Hyson.
Iliffe, Ingleston, Ingram, Innis, Instone, Ireland, Islip, Ivins.
Jacks, Jackson, Jago, James, Jamieson, Jarman, Jenks, Jennings, Jermyn, Jervis, Jeynes, Jilks, Johnson, Johnston, Jolliss, Jones, Jordan, Joseph.
Kelly, Kemp, Kesterton, Key, Kibble, Kifford, Kimber, King, Kingstone, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkham, Kirkland, Knight, Knowles.
Lacey, Lainchbury, Lamb, Landon, Lane, Lang, Langford, Lanton, Lapper, Latham, Lauriston, Lavender, Lavin, Lawden, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Layton, Layzells, Lea, Leanes, Leather, Lee, Leefe, Leeming, Lees, Leese, Legging, Lenton, Lett, Lewis, Lewsey, Liddalls, Lide, Liggins, Lilley, Lines, Linforth, Little, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Locke, Locker, Locking, Locksley, Lodge, Long, Longden, Longmore, Lord, Lovatt, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Ludford, Lumby, Lynden, Lyndon.
MacDonald, Machin, Mackey, Macklin, MacLormac, Maddox, Major, Makencill, Malam, Malpass, Manby, Manning, Mansell, Manton, Manton?, Marchant, Marle, Marles, Marley, Marlow, Marriott, Martin, Marty, Masefield, Mason, Massey, Masters, Matthews, Maullin, Mayes, Maynard, Mayo, Mayon, Mcallaster, Mcgrail, Mcgully, Mcgyggyan, Mckinnon, Mcnaughton, Meadows, Medlam, Medlun, Meek, Mees, Mercuaret, Merrick, Merriman, Messenger, Metchinson, Mewis, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Mills, Milner, Minchin, Minshall, Miret, Mitchelston, Molineaux, Montgomery, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morris, Moss, Mould, Mountford, Mountney, Much, Mullins, Mundy, Murray, Mutch, Myatt, Myring.
Nabbs, Nash, Neal, Neale, Needham, Nelms, Nelson, Netherway, Newberry, Newbold, Newbury, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newsome, Newton, Nicholls, Nichols, Nightingale, Noakes, Nokes, Norman, Normansell, Norris, Norton, Nottingham, Nurse, Nutt, Nuttall.
Oakes, Oakey, Oakland, Oates, O'connor, Oldbury, Oliver, O'rorke, Orrell, Osborn, Osborne, Oseman, Oughton, Overs, Overton, Owen, Owens.
Pacey, Packwood, Page, Paget, Pagett, Painter, Pallett, Palmer, Pardoe, Parker, Parkes, Parry, Parsonage, Partoon, Pascoe, Patistiall, Pattison, Payne, Payton, Pearce, Pearsall, Pearson, Peateman, Pendrey, Penn, Penn?, Pennell, Pepper, Percival, Perks, Perrett, Perry, Petford, Petty, Phelps, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pike, Pimm, Pinnock, Piper, Plumb, Pocklington, Poole, Popplewell, Porter, Postlethwaite, Potter, Pountney, Powell, Powers, Poyser, Pratt, Presdee, Pressey, Price, Print, Pritchard, Pugh, Purcell, Purnell, Pursall.
Quibell, Quiney, Quinn.
Rabjohns, Rackham, Radford, Radnall, Rankilor, Ravenhall, Rawland, Rawland?, Rawlings, Rawlins, Raxworthy, Ray, Read, Record, Reddard, Redding, Reddington, Reeve, Reeves, Rencher, Revill, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Richings, Richmond, Ricketts, Riddell, Riddle, Rider, Ridley, Riley, Rimell, Roades, Robb, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Roddis, Roe, Rofe, Rogers, Roper, Ropper, Rose, Ross, Rossiter, Rote, Rothwell, Rouscham, Rowe, Rowlands, Roye, Rudd, Russell, Ryan, Ryder.
Sadler, Salt, Salvage, Samuels, Sandbrook, Sanders, Sands, Sansfield, Sargeant, Sarsons, Saunders, Saunderson, Savage, Saywell, Seaby, Seal, Sealy, Seampton, Senior, Sewell, Shakespeare, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheldon, Shelley, Shelton, Shelvey, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherborne, Shergold, Shinton, Shipley, Shipton, Shommets, Shore, Short, Shulock, Shuttleworth, Silvester, Simcox, Simmons, Simms, Simonds, Simons, Simpson, Singleton, Sinyard, Skelding, Skidmore, Slanger, Slater, Slaughter, Slim, Slygun, Smart, Smeathers, Smith, Soen, Sollaway, Solloway, Somerville, South, Southall, Spears, Speck, Spencer, Spiers, Spink, Spragg, Spring, Stafford, Stain, Standbridge, Stanley, Stanton, Stent, Stephens, Sterac, Sterer, Stevens, Stevenson, Stock, Stockdale, Stockton, Stoker, Stokes, Stone, Stoyle, Strong, Stubbs, Studerton, Sturday, Sturdy, Sugden, Summer, Summerfield, Sumner, Surplice, Sutton, Swan, Swann, Sylvester, Symonds, Symson.
Tabberner, Tansley, Tanter, Tares, Tarling, Tarver, Tate, Tay, Tayler, Taylor, Teakle, Tebby, Teedgold, Telfar, Tetley, Thackets, Thay, Thomas, Thompson, Thorneycroft, Tillger, Tillgers, Timbrell, Timmins, Timms, Tinall, Tolc, Tombs, Tomlinson, Tomser, Tongue, Tonkinson, Towler, Townsend, Tozer, Tracey, Tramain, Tranter, Treadgold, Trent, Tresseter, Trueman, Truman, Tubb, Tucker, Tudor, Turner, Turville, Twelvetree, Twigg, Twillon, Twist, Twombley, Tyrrell, Tyther.
Underhill, Underwood, Uninhabited, Unreabable, Unreadable, Upton.
Vallance, Vaughan, Vaux, Vernon, Vick, Vickers, Village, Vincent, Vipond, Voce.
Wadlow, Wadsworth, Wain, Wakeland, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallbank, Walsh, Walters, Warby, Ward, Wardingley, Warner, Warr, Warren, Washington, Wassall, Waterhouse, Waters, Watson, Watts, Weatherilt, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Webster, Weggins, Weightman, Wellings, Wells, West, Weston, Westward, Westwood, Wharton, Wheate, Wheeler, Whelan, While, Whitcombe, White, Whitehall, Whitehouse, Whiteing, Whiting, Whitmarsh, Whittall, Whittick, Whittingham, Whittington, Whittle, Whitton, Whorton, Wicks, Widdows, Wiggins, Wilday, Wilders, Wilding, Wildman, Wileman, Wilford, Wilke, Wilkes, Wilkin, Wilkings, Wilkins, Wilks, Willcox, Willett, Willetts, Williams, Willis, Willmott, Wills, Wilson, Windon, Winspear, Winsper, Winters, Withers, Withey, Witt, Wixen, Wolfe, Wood, Woodcock, Woodhouse, Woodman, Woods, Woodward, Wooldridge, Woolerton, Wooley, Woolley, Wright, Wyatt, Wykes.
Yardley, Yarnell, Yarwood, Yates, Yeadon, Yeates, Yenell, York, Yorke, Young.
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