Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2426 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Erdington
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ASTON Erdington
Abbott, Abel, Adams, Adcock, Adie, Adkins, Albrecht, Albutt, Alcock, Aldridge, Allchurch, Allcock, Allen, Allett, Allibone, Allport, Allton, Allwood, Amphill, Ampleford, Ancorn, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Annis, Anscombe, Ansloe, Argyle, Armishaw, Armitage, Arnett, Arnold, Ash, Ashby, Asheroft, Ashford, Ashmore, Ashton, Astley, Aston, Atcheson, Atkins, Atkinson, Attwood, Aubrey, Ault, Austin .
Backhouse, Bacon, Badham, Baggott, Bagley, Bagnall, Bailey, Baines, Baker, Ball, Balston, Bamfield, Bampton, Banks, Banwell, Barber, Barbidge, Barford, Barham, Barker, Barley, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barrows, Barton, Baslett, Bass, Bassett, Bastelle, Batchelor, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Battey, Baxter, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beach, Beard, Beasley, Beason, Beaumont, Beavon, Beck, Beckley, Bedder, Beddows, Bedford, Bedworth, Beere, Beeston, Belcher, Bell, Belsham, Bengrove?, Bennet, Bennett, Bensell, Benson, Bent, Best, Beswick, Betts, Beverley, Biddle, Biggs, Billingsley, Billington, Billson, Binnion, Binns, Binty, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Bittles, Blackwell, Blake, Blakemore, Blame?, Bland, Blenhorn, Blewitt, Bloomfield, Blount, Bloxham, Bluck, Blunn, Blunn?, Blyth, Blythe, Boader, Boddis, Boden, Bodley, Bollings, Bolstridge, Bond, Boone, Booth, Boston, Bosworth, Bott, Bottarill, Boulton, Bourhaye, Bourne, Bowcutt, Bowen, Bowers, Bowgler, Bowler, Bowles, Boys, Bradford, Bradley, Bradman, Bradney, Bradshaw, Brales, Braley, Brandon, Branston, Brant, Bratt, Bray, Breakspear, Breeze, Bretsford, Breuer, Brian, Bridgeman, Brimble, Brimyard, Brind, Brindley, Brinkworth, Briscoe, Britton, Broadfoot, Brody, Bromley, Brookes, Brooks, Broomfield, Brown, Brownett, Browning, Brueton, Bruin, Brunyard, Bryan, Bubb, Buchan, Buckingham, Buckler, Bullow, Bullows, Burbush, Burdock, Burford, Burgin, Burnell, Burns, Burrow, Burrows, Burton, Busby, Bush, Busst, Butler, Butlin, Buxton, Bywater .
Cadd, Cairns, Caldicott, Caldwell, Callender, Calloff, Callow, Cambridge, Cantrill, Capewell, Cardall, Carnall, Carr, Carter, Cartridge, Cartwright, Casey, Cash, Cashmore, Cast, Cattel, Cattell, Causier, Cave, Challener, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chance, Chant, Chapman, Charley, Charlton, Chase, Chattaway, Cheshire, Chesterman, Cheston, Chidler, Chinn, Church, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Claydon, Clayton, Cleaver, Clerk, Clewes, Clews, Cliff, Clifford, Clinton, Clive, Clowes, Coaley, Cochran, Coe, Cogbill, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Collett, Colley, Collier, Collins, Colloff, Colton, Commack, Commander, Compton, Comton, Concannon, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooksey, Cooksill, Coombes, Coons, Cooper, Cope, Corisedore, Cornish, Corns, Cosbyn, Coton, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Cottrill, Court, Cox, Craner, Cresswell, Creswell, Crew, Crisp, Crockett, Crofts, Crook, Crooke, Croshaw, Cross, Crossley, Crow, Crowdley, Crump, Crutchley, Cumberland, Cumberton, Curtis, Cutler, Cutter .
Daffarn, Daffern, Daft, Dakin, Dale, Dallow, Dance, Dancey, Dandy, Dankes, Darby, Dark, Davenport, Davey, Davies, Davis, Daw, Daws, Dawson, Day, Deakin, Dee, Deeley, Deeman, Deeming, Dennis, Dent, Derrick, Devereux, Devorl, Dickens, Dickenson, Dickins, Dickinson, Diddams, Dillord, Dimant, Dimmock, Dingley, Dipple, Dixon, Dobson, Dodd, Dodds, Doidge, Dollaway, Douce, Dowell, Downing, Dowson, Drake, Draycott, Drew, Drinkwater, Driscoll, Druce, Duckworth, Ducros, Dudley, Duffield, Duffill, Duffy, Duggan, Duke, Dunkley, Dunn, Durden, Durham, Dutton, Dyde, Dyke, Dyson .
Eades, Earp, East, Easthope, Eaton, Eaves, Eberall, Eden, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Eldridge, Eley, Elkington, Elliot, Ellis, Ellse, Elston, Elton, Emery, Emms, Ensor, Etheridge, Evans, Evetts .
Fairbrother, Fairfield, Fallard, Fantham, Fanton, Farmer, Farndon, Farney?, Faulkener, Faulknall, Fawkes, Fearn, Feeney, Fellows, Ferris, Fiander, Field, Filey, Filkins, Finch, Findon, Finlan, Firth, Fisher, Fitter, Fitton, Fitzgerald, Flavel, Flavell, Flear, Flecknoe, Fleming, Flemming, Fletcher, Flint, Florence, Flowers, Fluck, Foddy, Foden, Forsbrook, Forward, Forystal?, Foster, Fothergill, Foulkes, Fowler, Fowles, Fowlkes, Fox, Fozec?, France, Frances, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, Freer, Frith, Frost, Fry, Fullard, Fuller .
Gadsdon, Gallattie, Ganderton, Garbett, Garde, Gardener, Gardner, Garlick, Garrington, Garrison, Garside, Garthorne, Gascoigne, Gaskins, Gatehouse, Gazard, Gee, Gent, George, Gething, Gibbling, Gibbs, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Giles, Gilks, Gillott?, Gittings, Gittins, Glass, Glenn, Goddard, Godde, Godfrey, Godson, Golding, Goldingay, Goodall, Goodwin, Gosden, Gosling, Gostling, Goswell, Gough, Gould, Goyer, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenway, Greenwood, Grewcock, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimmett, Grizzell, Grove, Groves, Guest, Guider, Guise, Gurney, Gurrey, Guy, Gwyther .
Hackett, Haddock, Hadland, Hadley, Hainesberry, Haintslow?, Hale, Hales, Halford, Hall, Hallam, Halliwell, Halsley, Hamblett, Hammond, Hampson, Hanbury, Hancox, Handley, Hands, Handy, Hankin, Hanums, Harard, Harcombe, Hard?, Harding, Hardman, Hardy, Hare, Hargreaves, Harlow, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrold, Hart, Hartles, Hartop, Harvey, Hastings, Hathersuch, Hatton, Hawes, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Haworth, Hawthorne, Hawtin, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hearon, Heath, Heatley, Heatworth, Hefford, Hemmings, Henderton?, Henry, Henwood, Hepworth, Heritage, Hewitt, Hickin, Hickman, Hicks, Higginbotham, Higgins, Higgs, Higley, Hilke, Hill, Hilton, Hincks, Hinds, Hinson, Hinton, Hiorns, Hipkiss, Hitchen, Hitchman, Hoare, Hobbs, Hobday, Hobson, Hockham, Hocking, Hodges, Hodgkin, Hodgkinson, Hodson, Hoffman, Hogg, Holbich, Holden, Holford, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollingworth, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holton, Homes, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Hopper, Horn, Horne, Horton, Hough, Houghton, Houseman, Howell, Howes, Howitt, Huband, Hubbard, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes, Hulbert, Hulbert Jnr, Humpage, Humphrey, Humphries, Hundley, Hunt, Husbands, Hutchinson, Hutt, Hutton, Huxley, Hyde .
Illife, Ingram, Inman, Irons, Irving .
Jabb, Jackson, Jacobs, Jacombs, Jacques, Jagger, Jakeman, James, Jarman, Jeavons, Jefferies, Jeffery, Jenkins, Jennings, Jerromes, Jerroms, Jesson, Jester, Jevons, Jinks, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Jowett, Joyce, Justman?.
Keel, Keen, Kelland, Kelley, Kelsall, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendall, Kendrick, Kerley, Kerr, Kerrey, Kibble, Kilby, Kiley, Kilgerllan, Killaby, Kimbell, Kimber, Kimbley, Kind, King, Kinsey, Kirby, Kirk, Kitchen, Knibb, Knight, Knowles, Kriegel, Kyle.
Labrain, Ladbury, Lake, Lakin, Lambert, Lambon, Lander, Lander?, Lane, Langham, Langley, Langston, Langton, Lapthorne, Large, Lates, Lavan, Laville, Lawless, Lawrence, Lawson, Leach, Leacham, Leake, Ledds, Ledger, Lee, Lees, Leines, Leonard, Leventon, Lewis, Light, Lines, Linney, Lister, Litchfield, Livingstone, Livley, Lloyd, Load, Lock, Lockley, Lodge, Long, Longeard, Longford, Longley, Longnall, Longston, Looms, Lovall, Love, Lovell, Lovesey, Lowe, Loxton, Loyde, Lucas, Luckman, Lucock, Lydon, Lynes .
Maddox, Madeley, Madge, Mallabone, Mander, Mann, Mansell, Mantle, Manton, Marks, Markwick, Marlow, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mason, Massey?, Masson, Matley, Matthews, Mayo, Mccabe, Mcdonald, Mcevoy, Mchaig, Mckale, Mclean, Mcphillamy, Medlicott, Meer?, Menzies, Mercer, Merrall, Merrick, Merrill, Messenger, Millard, Millechamp, Miller, Millington, Mills, Millward, Mirhead, Mitchell, Moat, Mobley, Moisy, Moncrieff, Monk, Moorby, Moore, Moories, Moran, Morgan, Moriarty, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Mortiboys, Morton, Morwood, Moseley, Moss, Mould, Mound, Mugg, Mullard, Mumford, Munslow, Murray, Musson, Musto, Myatt .
Naden, Nash, Nason, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neat, Newall, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newns, Newport, Newton, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nobb, Norcott, Norman, North, Northcote, Northward, Northwood, Norton, Nutt, Nutting .
Oakes, Oakland, Oatfield, Oldacres, Oliver, Olner, Onions, Organ, Orton, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourne, Oslin, Oughton, Overton, Owen, Oxley .
Packson, Padbury, Page, Pagett, Painter, Painting, Palam, Palford, Paling, Palmer, Panton, Pardoe, Pargeter, Pargetter, Parker, Parkes, Parkes?, Parkinson, Parnell, Parr, Parrit, Parry, Parsons, Partington, Partlow, Partridge, Pascal, Paterson, Patrick, Patterson, Pattimore, Paxton, Paynter, Peachey, Pearce, Pearman, Pearsall, Pearson, Peat, Pedley, Pegg, Pencill, Pencles, Percy, Perkin, Perkins, Perks, Perrin, Perry, Pettet, Pew, Phillips, Phipps, Pick, Pickering, Pickford, Pickthorn, Pike, Pilkington, Pitt, Plant, Plater, Platt, Polgrain, Poole, Pooler, Pope, Port, Porter, Potter, Potts, Poulton, Powell, Powlett, Poyner, Pratt, Preece, Prentice, Preston, Pretty, Price, Priest, Priestnal, Prior, Pritchard, Probert, Procter, Pumfrey, Pummell, Pywell .
Quinney .
Radcliffe, Radford, Rainbow, Rainshall, Ralings, Ranshaw, Rathbone, Raven, Ravenhall, Rawling, Rawlings, Rawlins, Ray, Rayner, Rea, Read, Reardon, Reason, Redall, Reese, Reeve, Reeves, Renowden, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Richmond, Ricketts, Riddle, Rideout, Ridge, Ridley, Rigby, Rigsby, Riley, Roadley, Robb, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rommer?, Rooker, Rooms, Rose, Ross, Rouce, Round, Rowe, Royds, Rubery, Rudkin, Rumble, Rushton, Russell, Ruston, Rutter, Ryland .
Sadler, Salt, Sampson, Samson, Sand, Sandbrook, Sanders, Sandoz, Sanner, Sarsons, Satchwell, Saunders, Savidge, Sayer, Scase, Scattergood, Scott, Seely, Serman, Session, Seymore, Sharpe, Sharrad, Shaw, Shears, Sheasby, Sheffield, Shelley, Shelswell, Shepherd, Shergold, Sherman, Shorthouse, Shrimpton, Shuard, Shuttleworth, Silver, Silvester, Simmonds, Simms, Simpson, Sims, Simson, Singleton, Skett, Skidmore, Slater, Slawson, Slinn, Small, Smallman, Smallwood, Smart, Smedley, Smith, Smith?, Smithson, Snap, Snape, Snoad, Snow, South, Southall, Sparkes, Sparks, Sparshott, Spencer, Spenser, Spiers, Spink, Spraggett, Spring, Squires, Stacey, Stafford, Stait, Staite, Stanford, Stanley, Stark, Starkey, Starney, Statham, Steele, Stephenhill, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Steventon, Stewart, Stocks, Stokes, Stone, Storer, Strange, Street, Stretton, Strickley, Stringer, Strutt, Stuart, Studley, Sturgess, Stuzaker, Suckling, Sugg, Sully, Summers, Sutton, Swain, Swan, Swann, Sweeney, Sweetman, Swift, Swindells, Swinfen, Swington, Symes .
Tallis, Tandy, Tapley, Tarling, Tarplie, Taylor, Tea, Teagar, Teager, Teale, Tebbitts, Tedds, Teke, Terry, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thorley, Thornelow, Thornett, Thornton, Thurston, Tibbats, Tibbatts, Ticehurst, Tidmarsh, Tidsall, Tidy, Timmins, Timms, Tipper, Tipperey, Tirrell, Titcombe, Tole, Tolley, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tomlinson, Tongue, Tonks, Toomer, Toon, Tooth, Topp, Topper, Tottenam, Towers, Towney, Townsend, Townson, Tranter, Trentfield, Trevor, Treyhern, Treyherne, Trim, Tristram, Trueman, Trulock, Truman, Tuch, Tudor, Turley, Turner, Turtle, Turton, Tustin, Tuxton, Twigger, Tyler, Tyseth .
Underwood, Upton, Usher, Usherwood .
Verrinder, Vickers, Vickerstaff, Vigars, Vigrass, Vince, Vines, Vining, Voss, Voyce .
Wade, Wait, Waite, Wakefield, Walden, Waldron, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallbank, Wallbrook, Wallis, Walls, Wally, Walsh, Walter, Walton, Warburton, Ward, Warmington, Warner, Warren, Warrington, Wasbourne, Washbrook, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watteson, Wattie, Watton, Watts, Weale, Weatley, Weaver, Webb, Webster, Weedon, Welbery, Welch, Welchman, Wells, Wemyss, Werrett, West, Weston, Westwood, Whale, Wheedon, Wheeler, Whelan, While, White, Whitehair, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiteley, Whiteman, Whitmore, Whitworth, Wiggan, Wiggin, Wiggington, Wiggins, Wightman, Wigley, Wilcox, Wild, Wilde, Wildeman, Wildman, Wiley, Wiliams, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willcox, Willetts, Williams, Willinglow, Willis, Willow, Willson, Wilson, Wiltshire, Wimbush, Wing, Wingrove, Winketts, Winmill, Wise, Wistance, Withington, Witton, Wood, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodhall, Woodhead, Woodhouse, Woodins, Woodley, Woodward, Woodwys, Wooley, Woollatt, Woolley, Workman, Wormington, Worrall, Wrigglesworth, Wright, Wyatt, Wykes, Wythers .
Yapp, Yardley, Yates, Yaxley, Yeates, Yeomans, Young.
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