Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2433
Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Aston Manor
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ASTON, Aston Manor
Abbott, Abell, Abraham, Abrahams, Adams, Adkins, Alderman, Alexander, Allan, Allard, Allcock, Allcott, Alldridge, Allen, Allport, Allsop, Altree, Anderson, Andrews, Angell, Anson, Appleby, Archer, Armshaw, Armstrong, Arnold, Asbury, Ashford, Ashforth, Ashmore, Ashton, Ashwin, Askew, Aspinall, Aston, Atkins, Attwood, Ault, Austin, Avery, Aylward.
Bache, Baddeley, Baddsley, Badham, Bagnall, Bagnell, Bailey, Baker, Bakewell, Baldwin, Ball, Banham, Banks, Banning, Bannister, Barber, Bardell, Bardsmore, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barnwell, Barr, Barrows, Barry, Bartle, Bartleet, Bartlett, Barton, Bassett, Batchley, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Beaduck, Beard, Beck, Beddows, Bedington, Bedwell, Beer, Belcher, Bell, Bellamy, Bench, Benford, Bennett, Bentley, Benwell, Beresford, Berleck, Bermingham, Berry, Betts, Bickerton, Biddle, Biddney, Bidworth, Bill, Billings, Billingsley, Billyarde, Bilton, Bing, Binley, Binnell, Birch, Bird, Birkminire, Birmingham, Bishop, Bissell, Bitson, Black, Blake, Blakemore, Bleiben, Blood, Bloor, Bloore, Blunn, Blunt, Boden, Bodfish, Boland, Bolt, Booth, Boswell, Bott, Boucher, Boucker, Boughton, Boulton, Bowden, Bowen, Bowes, Bowker, Bowkett, Bowler, Bowles, Bradbear, Bradbury, Bradley, Bradshaw, Branagan, Brassington, Bratt, Bray, Brazener, Breeze, Breman, Brennan, Brettell, Brian, Briggs, Brinkworth, Bristow, Britain, Brittain, Britton, Bromfield, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Brough, Brougham, Brown, Browne, Brownhill, Browning, Bruce, Bruton, Bryan, Buck, Buckingham, Buckle, Buckley, Bullivant, Bullock, Bulpitt, Bunn, Burdett, Burford, Burkert, Burn, Burne, Burnett, Burnham, Burns, Burrows, Burton, Buswell, Butcherd, Butler, Buxton, Byfield, Byrd, Byron, Bywater.
Cale, Callear, Campbell, Cansick, Cantrill, Caplin, Carlile, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartridge, Cartwright, Cashmore, Chadwick, Chamber, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapman, Chappell, Charles, Charlwood, Chatham, Chick, Child, Chiles, Clansey, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clee, Clement, Clements, Clews, Clifford, Clive, Close, Clough, Clowes, Clunas, Coates, Cobb, Cockbill, Cocker, Cohen, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Colledge, Collett, Colley, Collins, Collis, Collison, Colyer, Compson, Conduit, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooknell, Coombs, Cooper, Cope, Copeland, Corbett, Cornick, Cosby, Costello, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cottom, Courbet, Courtney, Covington, Cowan, Cowell, Cox, Craig, Craven, Cresswell, Crisp, Cross, Crother, Crow, Crowdy, Cullimore, Cullingworth, Culpin, Currie, Currier, Cutler, Daffern, Daft, Dale, Daman, Danks, Darby, Dark, Darlaston, Darwood, Daunton, Davey, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Daw, Dawson, De Nicolas, Deakin, Dean, Deau, Dedman, Delany, Dennison, Dent, Devereux, Dew, Dexter, Dicken, Dickenson, Dixon, Dobbins, Dobbs, Docker, Dodd, Dodswell, Donnelly, Donovan, Doughty, Dowler, Downing, Dowset, Doyle, Drake, Draper, Dressey, Duckhouse, Dudley, Duffield, Dunderdale, Dunkley.
East, Eaton, Eaves, Eccleston, Eckstein, Eden, Edge, Edisbury, Edmunds, Edridge, Edwards, Egerton, Eggington, Ellington, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Ellson, Elson, Emerson, Emery, England, Entwistle, Erskine, Escott, Etheridge, Evans, Evison, Exall, Eyre.
Facer, Fairbairn, Fairley, Fallows, Farler, Farley, Farrant, Faulkes, Fellows, Felton, Ferguson, Ferris, Fidoe, Field, Finch, Finnemore, Finney, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzer, Flavel, Flavell, Fleetwood, Fletcher, Ford, Fortnum, Foster, Foulkes, Foulks, Fowler, Fox, Foxall, Frankenthal, Frankum, Freegard, Freeman, French, Friday, Frith, Froggatt, Frost, Fulford, Fulshaw, Furneaux, Futon.
Gadd, Galloway, Gammon, Garbutt, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Garman, Garner, Garnett, Garrison, Gateley, Gaxile, Gee, Gent, George, Gethin, Gettin, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilchrist, Gilder, Giles, Gilhin, Gill, Gilley, Gladman, Glassey, Glenny, Gloster, Glover, Gnosill, Goddard, Godfrey, Godwin, Gold, Gollicker, Goode, Goodman, Goodrick, Goodwin, Goodyear, Gosling, Gossage, Gothard, Goud, Gough, Gould, Graham, Grandfield, Granger, Grantham, Gray, Grayson, Greatorex, Greatrex, Greaves, Greeley, Green, Greene, Greenwood, Greesley, Gregory, Grew, Grice, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimshaw, Grindrod, Gritton, Grocott, Groom, Grossland, Groves, Guest, Guiread, Gumbley, Gurling, Guy.
Hadson, Hagon, Hainge, Hale, Haley, Hall, Hallett, Hamnett, Hand, Handley, Handly, Hands, Hankins, Hanley, Hanslow, Hanson, Harbidge, Harbige, Harbour, Harbuth, Harcourt, Harding, Hardy, Harker, Harlow, Harmer, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Hartill, Harvey, Harwood, Hastlelow, Hatchett, Hateley, Hathaway, Hawkes, Hawkesford, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayes, Hayman, Haynes, Hayward, Hazelton, Hazlewood, Heard, Heason, Heath, Heathcote, Heatherley, Hefford, Henningsley, Heron, Hewetson, Hewitt, Hewson, Hiatt, Hicken, Hickling, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Higginson, Higgs, Highfield, Hildick, Hill, Hiller, Hilliard, Hillier, Hilton, Hinchley, Hine, Hingeley, Hinkerman, Hinks, Hipkiss, Hitchin, Hitchings, Hobbins, Hobson, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hodson, Hogan, Hogarth, Hogg, Holcroft, Holdcroft, Holland, Hollier, Hollings, Hollingsworth, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Holt, Holte, Home, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hope, Hopkins, Horlick, Horsley, Horton, Houghton, Howard, Howse, Hoyles, Hubbard, Hudson, Hue, Hughes, Humpherson, Humphreys, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Huntley, Hurlston, Hurman, Hurst, Hutchinson, Hyam, Hyatt, Hyde, Hyron.
Idiken, Ife, Illidge, Illis, Ilsley, Immiss, Imms, Ingram, Inns, Islip, Ivell.
Jackson, Jacques, James, Jarvis, Jeffreys, Jeffries, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jenning, Jennings, Jennins, Jesson, Jessop, Jesty, Jeyes, Jinks, Johnson, Jones, Jordin, Joseph, Judd, Jukes, Justin.
Kastl, Kay, Keasy, Keay, Keeler, Keeley, Keen, Keey, Kelland, Kelly, Kendrick, Kent, Kenyon, Kesterton, Keyte, Kidd, Kilby, Killger, Kimberley, Kindon, King, Kinsey, Kirkham, Kite, Knight, Knowles, Konka, Kopp, Krengel, Kunier, Kyte.
Lacey, Lackey, Ladbrooke, Ladbury, Lamb, Lambking, Lancaster, Lane, Langley, Langman, Lapwood, Large, Latham, Laurence, Lavender, Law, Lawes, Lawley, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Le Bourg, Lea, Leacroft, Leadbetter, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leigh, Leighton, Lemmon, Leonard, Leppard, Lewis, Lightwood, Lilly, Linforth, Little, Livingstone, Lloyd, Loach, Locke, Lockwood, London, Long, Longden, Lord, Loveridge, Lovett, Lowe, Luck, Ludlow, Luker, Lusty, Lyndon.
Mabury, MacDonald, Machin, MacKie, Maddox, Madin, Magness, Mann, Maritts, Marlow, Marsh, Martin, Marwood, Mash, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Matty, Maul, May, Maycock, Mayes, Mayland, Mayner, McBean, McCarthy, McEntiyart, McGregor, McKenzie, McLean Xxx, McNeil, Meaden, Meeke, Meeland, Meers, Mellor, Melville, Meredith, Merrett, Meynell, Middleton, Miles, Mill, Millar, Millard, Miller, Mills, Millward, Milne, Minahan, Mitchell, Mobley, Mogg, Moile, Mokes, Mole, Monck, Moody, Moore, More, Moreldar, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morrison, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Mossop, Mountford, Mousley, Mushen, Myring.
Naylor, Negus, Neville, Nevitt, Newell, Newman, Newton, Nicholl, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicholson, Nightingale, Noake, Norris, Norton, Nutt, Nuttings.
O'Dell, O'Hare, Oldbury, Olliver, Olumb, Onions, Onslow, Orme, Osborne, Osbourne, Oswin, Ourton, Overton, Owen.
Page, Paget, Pallett, Palmer, Pane, Pardoe, Parish, Park, Parker, Parkes, Parry, Parson, Parsons, Partridge, Pasteras, Paterson, Patterson, Payne, Paynton, Peach, Peacock, Pearce, Pears, Pearsall, Pearson, Pease, Peberdy, Peck, Peeler, Pelkington, Pendleton, Pendry, Penfold, Penn, Penny, Percy, Perkin, Perkins, Perks, Perret, Perrins, Perry, Petford, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Pike, Pilling, Pinson, Piper, Pitt, Pladon, Plashett, Platt, Plenderleith, Podmore, Pogson, Point, Pointer, Poole, Pope, Popplewell, Porteous, Porter, Potter, Pountney, Povey, Powel, Powell, Powis, Powles, Poxon, Pratt, Preece, Prentice, Prewitt, Price, Priddin, Priestland, Pritchard, Proctor, Prouse, Prowse, Pruden, Pryse, Pugh, Pursall, Pursglove, Purton, Pylar.
Radford, Rainbow, Rainsford, Raith, Ralph, Randall, Rathbone, Ravenhill, Rawlings, Ray, Rea, Read, Rednall, Reed, Reeve, Reeves, Reide, Renolds, Restall, Reynolds, Ricardson, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Riches, Rickinson, Ridley, Rigby, Riley, Robathen, Robbinson, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robotham, Rochefort, Roden, Rodgers, Roe, Roffey, Rogers, Rollason, Roobottom, Rook, Roper, Rose, Rothwell, Rowbottom, Rowe, Rowley, Rowlinson, Rubery, Rush, Rushton, Russell, Ryder, Ryland, Ryling.
Sadler, Sala, Salt, Salter, Samuel, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandford, Sands, Sandy, Sankey, Sargeant, Satherwaite, Sault, Saunders, Savage, Savill, Scholz, Scott, Seaborn, Searle, Seaton, Selman, Seward, Shakespeare, Shale, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Shawling, Sheldon, Shelley, Shelton, Sheppard, Sheppick, Sherlock, Sherriff, Sherwin, Shilcock, Shipton, Short, Showell, Siddons, Sidebotham, Simcock, Simkiss, Simms, Simons, Simpson, Sims, Siviter, Skelding, Skeldon, Skinner, Slater, Small, Smallwood, Smart, Smith, Smyth, Solomon, Southall, Southwell, Sparkes, Sparks, Sparrow, Speight, Spencer, Spiers, Spikins, Spittle, Spurrier, Squires, Stamp, Stanbra, Standish, Standley, Stanson, Stark, Starkey, Steele, Steers, Stelisli, Stevens, Stickley, Stokes, Storer, Strange, Stratton, Stretton, Strickland, Stringer, Stubbings, Stubbs, Sturge, Stych, Styles, Sumerton, Sutton, Swain, Swift.
Talbot, Tandy, Tarker, Tarleton, Tavenner, Taylor, Tennant, Terry, Theales, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorburn, Thorn, Thorneyworth, Thornton, Threadgould, Thudkill, Tibbatts, Tildesley, Timkins, Timmins, Timpson, Timson, Tinsley, Tipper, Tippett, Tippetts, Tomey, Tomlins, Tomlinson, Tomnak, Tonks, Tookey, Topham, Topping, Townsend, Tozer, Tranter, Travis, Troman, Trueman, Tuck, Tucknell, Tullett, Turner, Turney, Twigg, Twining, Twiss, Twist, Tye, Tyler.
Uglow, Umfreviles, Umpleby, Underwood, Unite, Urry.
Vaughan, Vaughton, Vernon, Vigurs.
Wadeley, Wadsworth, Wainwright, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallis, Walsh, Walters, Waltham, Walton, Ward, Warren, Warrender, Warrington, Warwick, Warwood, Waterfield, Waterson, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Weight, Welburn, Welch, Wells, Wentworth, West, Westwood, Wheatley, Wheeldon, Wheelright, Wheelwright, Wheldon, While, White, Whitehall, Whitehead, Whitehill, Whitehorne, Whitehouse, Whiteley, Whitesmith, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whittell, Whitwell, Whitworth, Whomans, Wickes, Wiggins, Wigginton, Wigley, Wilburn, Wilcox, Wilde, Wilding, Wildsmith, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willan, Willetts, Willey, Williams, Willis, Willson, Wilmott, Wilshaw, Wilson, Wilton, Windiatt, Windsor, Wingrove, Winkle, Winnall, Winters, Wodak, Wolstencroft, Wood, Woodall, Woodcock, Woodford, Woodhall, Woodhead, Woodhouse, Woodward, Wooldridge, Woolfield, Woolley, Wootton, Wren, Wright, Wyatt, Wyeth, Wykes.
Yardley, Yarwood, Yates, Yeomans, Yorke.
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