Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2439 Aston Section - Registration Sub District: Sutton Coldfield
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ASTON Sutton Coldfield
Ace, Acton, Adams, Adcock, Alcott, Aldridge, Aldrige, Alkin, Allcott, Alldridge, Allen, Allport, Allsop, Allsopp, Altham, Ancott, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Ansell, Archer, Argyle, Arkenstall, Armes, Arnett, Arnold, Ashby, Ashcroft, Aspinall, Asprey, Assender, Aston, Atkins, Aulton, Aurthurs, Austin, Austins, Averill.
Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Bakewell, Baldwin, Ball, Bannister, Bant, Barker, Barling, Barlow, Barnell, Barnes, Barr, Barratt, Barrett, Barrows, Bartes, Barton, Baskett, Bassett, Bastable, Bateman, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beard, Beck, Beddard, Beddoes, Beech, Beeston, Bennett, Bentley, Benton, Beresford, Beswell, Betteridge, Betts, Bevan, Bibb, Bickley, Biddle, Bill, Billings, Billington, Bills, Billson, Birch, Bird, Birrell, Bishop, Bishton, Bissell, Black, Blackam, Blackwell, Blake, Blakeman, Blindman, Blount, Bloxcidge, Bloxham, Blunt, Blyton, Bond, Boneham, Bonell, Bookam, Booker, Bool, Boston, Boswell, Bott, Boucher, Bourne, Bowles, Boyle, Bracebridge, Bradbury, Bradnuck, Bradshaw, Brett, Bridge, Bridges, Briggs, Brighton, Brigton, Briscoe, Broadhurst, Bromwich, Brookes, Brookhouse, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Browning, Bryan, Bryant, Bubb, Bull, Bullock, Burberry, Burdett, Burgess, Burk, Burke, Burton, Bush, Butler, Butlin, Bywater.
Cadman, Cain, Cannings, Capewell, Capp, Carr, Carter, Cartwright, Cassidy, Cater, Caunter, Chadney, Challinor, Chamberlain, Chandler, Chapman, Chase, Chattam, Chatwin, Checkley, Chenant, Cherrington, Clark, Clarke, Clayman, Cleghorn, Clibbery, Clower, Coband, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coley, Colledge, Colley, Collins, Colmore, Commander, Compton, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Corkbill, Cornforth, Cornwall, Corrall, Cottrell, Cox, Crabtree, Craham, Crannidge, Creed, Cripps, Critchley, Croshaw, Cross, Crouther, Crowley, Crowshaw, Crump, Crumpton, Curnock, Currie, Cusado, Cutler.
Dainty, Dale, Danaker, Dangerfield, Darlow, Darneley, Daulman, Davey, Davies, Davis, Dawkins, Day, Dayman, De Lattre, Deakin, Deeks, Deeley, Degville, Denstone, Derry, Devereux, Deville, Dewsbury, Dickens, Dingley, Dixon, Dockrey, Dodd, Dolton, Done, Donning, Donovan, Dorsett, Dralaford, Duckett, Dumole, Dunn, Durley, Durrant, Dyde, Dyer, Dyson.
Eady, Eales, Early, Earp, Eastwood, Eaton, Eaves, Eden, Edgington, Edkins, Edwards, Eggson, Elkin, Ellis, Ellison, Elmore, Elsmore, Elwell, Emerson, Emms, Ensor, Escott, Etheridge, Evans.
Fairfield, Falconbridge, Fallows, Farmer, Farnell, Faulkner, Fawdry, Fellowes, Fellows, Fenn, Field, Finney, Fisher, Fitter, Flatell?, Flatman, Flello, Fletcher, Foden, Ford, Foster, Fowler, Fox, Francis, Franks, Frazer, Freeman, Friend, Froggatt, Frost, Fryer, Furnell, Furness.
Gale, Gallard, Gardener, Gardner, Garner, Garnham, Geary, Gee, Genders, George, German, Gibbs, Gilbert, Giles, Gilks, Glenday, Gloster, Glover, Godfrey, Goldingay, Goldsby, Goode, Goodwin, Goodyer, Gould, Grady, Greatrex, Greatrix, Green, Greenhill, Growcott, Grubb, Guthre, Guy, Gwilliam, Gwynn, Gyde.
Hague, Hailstone, Haines, Hall, Hallett, Hambridge, Hamer, Hammond, Hamox, Hampson, Hampton, Hancock, Hand, Handley, Hands, Handy, Hansor, Harcourt, Hardy, Harman, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrisson, Hart, Hartill, Hartlett, Hartley, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Haskett, Hassal, Hastelow, Hastilow, Hastings, Hatton, Hawes, Hawkes, Hawkin, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayland, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Healnean, Heape, Heath, Heathcock, Heatley, Heaton, Hedford, Hemming, Hendley, Herbert, Heron, Hewitt, Hickman, Higgins, Higgs, Higham, Highland, Hiley, Hill, Hillman, Hilton, Hinde, Hindley, Hinks, Hipkins, Hirst, Hitchen, Hodgetts, Hodgkins, Hodson, Holbeche, Holbecke, Holdcroft, Holden, Hollins, Hollis, Holloway, Holmes, Hookvale, Hopkins, Hopkinson, Horgrove, Horton, Howell, Hugh, Hughes, Humpherson, Humpherston, Humphries, Hundley, Hyde.
Ingram, Insley, Izon.
Jackson, James, Jelfs, Jennings, Jephcot, Jerome, Jobson, Johnson, Johnston, Jones.
Keatley, Keaveny, Keavny, Kedgell, Keeling, Kelly, Kendale, Kendall, Kendrick, Kent, Kesterton, Kilburn, Kimberlee, Kine, King, Kinge, Kingsett, Kingzett, Knight.
Ladbrook, Lago, Lakin, Lamb, Lambert, Lamkin, Lander, Lane, Langley, Larkin, Latham, Lawley, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lea, Leake, Leary, Lebon, Lee, Leech, Leedham, Lees, Lester, Leverock, Levett, Lewen, Lewis, Liddington, Lilly, Lingard, Link, Lissiman, Lister, Litherland, Little, Lloyd, Locke, Lockerine, Lockett, Loescher, Lowe, Loyns, Lucas, Ludford, Lumley, Lunt, Lyne, Lyon, Lyons, Lysons, Lythgoe.
Macer, Mackie, Macvitie, Macyneen, Maille, Malin, Malon, Malvern, Malverson, Mander, Mann, Mansell, Mansfield, Mapstone, Markham, Marles, Marlow, Marris, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Masefield, Mason, Masters, Matthews, Mayes, Mccausland, Mccormack, Mccullain, Mchale, Mckenney, Mcknight, Measures, Medlam, Meer, Melsom, Melton, Melvin, Meredith, Merrick, Merry, Middleton, Miles, Mills, Milner, Milward, Mitchell, Mold, Moody, Moon, Moore, More, Moreton, Morgan, Morris, Morwood, Moss, Muir, Munrow, Murry, Mutimer.
Nash, Naylor, Neale, Neville, New, Newbrook, Newey, Newman, Newsome, Newton, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nichols, Nix, Nonidge, Norcup, Norgrove, Northwood, Nowns, Nutt.
Oakley, Oarton, Oerton, Oliver, Orme, Orton, Ostler, Owen.
Pace, Pacey, Page, Palethorp, Pallett, Panter, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parr, Parsonage, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Pattison, Paviour, Payne, Peacock, Pearce, Pears, Pearson, Pecks, Penberthy, Penn, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Perryman, Pheasant, Pheasent, Philips, Phillips, Pickerill, Pickering, Pinder, Pinfold, Pitchford, Pittaway, Pitts, Plant, Pointon, Pook, Postans, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Pready, Preston, Price, Pride, Procter, Proffitt, Prosser, Puddy, Pugh, Punshon, Purcell, Purden, Purser.
Quimby, Quinn.
Rabjohns, Rabnett, Rabone, Radner, Raftery, Randall, Rastall, Ratcliffe, Ray, Raybourne, Read, Reading, Reason, Reeley, Reeve, Reeves, Reid, Reppan, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Rile, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robotam, Rochford, Rock, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Roper, Rose, Ross, Rowe, Ruffhead, Russell, Ryland, Ryte.
Sable, Sadler, Salt, Sandon, Sarrett, Savage, Sawyer, Saxelby, Saxon, Sayer, Scarlett, Scattergood, Scofield, Scott, Searby, Seares, Seaton, Sevey, Shaksphere, Sharner, Sharratt, Sharrock, Shaw, Shenton, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherratt, Sherwin, Shilburn, Shipley, Short, Showell, Shuttleworth, Silvester, Simms, Simnett, Simpson, Skelding, Skelton, Skinner, Slacke, Slater, Smale, Smith, Snape, Snead, Sollis, Somerfield, Southwood, Speak, Spencer, Spooner, Sprye, Stacey, Stamps, Stanton, Starkey, Statham, Stevens, Stevenson, Steventon, Stewart, Stimpson, Stokes, Stone, Stonehouse, Stophier, Storer, Stormant, Strange, Stringer, Stubbs, Such, Summerfield, Summerland, Sutherland, Sutton, Swain, Sweetman, Swinerton, Swinford, Swingler.
Talbot, Tandy, Tarleton, Tasker, Tatam, Tate, Tatton, Tayler, Taylor, Tegue, Tharme, Thickbroom, Thomas, Thompson, Thorley, Thorne, Thornton, Thorp, Thorpe, Thursfield, Tickell, Tidy, Timmins, Timns, Todd, Tompson, Tonge, Tonks, Tooth, Toplis, Topliss, Tough, Tower, Townsend, Toy, Tranter, Trickett, Trippett, Trueman, Tuffley, Turner, Turtell, Tutt, Twigg, Twist, Tyler.
Upton, Usherwood.
Vale, Vaughan, Venables, Vickers.
Waddington, Wadley, Wady, Waithman, Wakefield, Wakeling, Wakeman, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallin, Wallis, Walter, Walton, Warbeck, Ward, Wardle, Waring, Warren, Washbrook, Waterhouse, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webley, Webster, Welch, Welford, Wells, West, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whitehouse, Whitelock, Whitlock, Whitworth, Wholewood, Whorton, Whorwood, Widdows, Wiggin, Wigley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willcox, Willdey, Willey, Williams, Willis, Willmott, Wilson, Winder, Withers, Wittington, Wolvin, Wood, Woodfield, Woodman, Woodward, Woolley, Woolston, Worrall, Wort, Wrench, Wright, Wrighton, Wunder, Wyatt, Wylie.
Yendell, York.
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