Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2450 Coventry Section - Registration Sub District: St Michaels with St John
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COVENTRY, St. Michael with St. John
Abbitt, Abbotts, Ackland, Adams, Adcock, Adkins, Adler, Ager, Albutt, Alcock, Alder, Alexander, Alford, Allen, Ames, Amos, Anderson, Andrews, Ansell, Ansley, Antrobus, Argyle, Ariss, Armishaw, Arnold, Arnott, Arthur, Ash, Ashby, Ashley, Ashton, Askew, Assinder, Aston, Atkins, Attenborough, Austin, Aylward.
Bachini, Bacon, Bagshaw, Bailey, Bainton, Baker, Bales, Ball, Bambrick, Banner, Banser, Barber, Bardess, Barford, Barker, Barley, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnett, Barnlaw, Barnwell, Barr, Barrett, Barrows, Barry, Barsow, Bartlam, Barton, Bassnett, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Batting, Batty, Baum, Bausor, Bawsor, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Baynard, Beal, Beale, Beamish, Bean, Beards, Bearsley, Beasley, Beauchamp, Beaumont, Beck, Beckett, Beckingham, Bedder, Bednall, Bednell, Beeby, Beech, Beecham, Beers, Beesley, Belcher, Bell, Belts, Bench, Benjamin, Benn, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Bentzen, Beresford, Berry, Bertoli, Bescott, Betteridge, Bettmann, Bibb, Bickford, Bickley, Bidder, Biddle, Bidmead, Birch, Bird, Biscoe, Bisons, Blaby, Blackmore, Blackner, Blackwell, Blakeman, Blakemore, Bland, Blatchford, Bloxham, Blumfield, Blunt, Blythe, Boddington, Bolt, Bonham, Bonnick, Bonsor, Booth, Booton, Borne, Bottesworth, Bottrill, Bottsell, Boulton, Bourne, Bowering, Bowers, Bowling, Bowman, Bowran, Bowron, Boyes, Boyle, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brady, Brain, Braine, Bratt, Bray, Breen, Breeze, Brett, Brickych, Bright, Brindley, Brinskill, Brithon, Broadley, Broderick, Bromfield, Bromley, Brooke, Brookes, Brooks, Broomfield, Brothers, Brotherton, Brough, Broughall, Browett, Brown, Browne, Brownlie, Broxton, Brunt, Bryan, Bryce, Buckby, Buckingham, Buckland, Bucknell, Budd, Bull, Buller, Bullock, Bumbleton, Bunney, Burbage, Burbery, Burbidge, Burden, Burgess, Burke, Burman, Burnett, Burns, Burr, Burrows, Burry, Burton, Busby, Bush, Buswell, Butler, Butt, Butterfield, Buzzard, Byrgin, Byrne, Byron.
Cabrelan, Cakebread, Caldicott, Callaghan, Campbell, Campton, Canning, Capnerhurst, Capp, Carnall, Carpenter, Carr, Carrington, Carter, Cartright, Cartwright, Carvell, Carwell, Case, Casey, Cashmore, Castledine, Caton, Cattell, Causer, Cave, Cecil, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chandler, Chanhill, Chaplin, Chapman, Charley, Charlton, Chasland, Chasley, Chatfield, Chatland, Chattaway, Chatterway, Checkley, Checkling, Chetwin, Child, Chimes, Chinn, Chippindale, Chittem, Chittern, Clacke, Clancy, Clapperton, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleanet, Cleaver, Cleely, Clements, Clempson, Cleverley, Clewes, Clews, Clifford, Clitherow, Cloves, Coates, Cockbill, Cohen, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Collage, Colley, Collier, Collingbourne, Collins, Collis, Colls, Colpman, Coltman, Comley, Commander, Congrave, Conington, Connell, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Coombs, Cooper, Copson, Corbett, Costello, Coton, Cotton, Coulson, Courts, Cowley, Cox, Craddick, Craddock, Cramp, Crane, Cribdon, Crisp, Croft, Crofts, Croker, Crosby, Cross, Croton, Crouch, Crump, Cunningham, Cure, Cuthforce, Cutts.
Dadswell, Daffern, Daffion, Daft, Dale, Dalman, Dalton, Dan, Danks, Darbyshire, Darlison, Darlow, Darly, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Day, Deacon, Deakin, Deeming, Dellon, Denny, Dersach, Devenish, Devey, Dewis, Dexter, Dicken, Dickinson, Dix, Dixon, Docker, Docura, Dodd, Dodwell, Donnelly, Donny, Doran, Doubleday, Dowel, Dowell, Dowling, Downing, Downs, Dowswell, Drakeford, Draper, Dudley, Dumelow, Dunbury, Dunn, Durham, Dyke, Dyson.
Eades, Eales, Eardley, Easty, Eaves, Eburne, Eden, Edge, Edgington, Edginton, Edmonds, Edwards, Eglington, Eld, Eldridge, Elkington, Elliott, Elworthy, Endel, England, Ensor, Essex, Evans, Evens, Everett, Everitt, Everton, Evetts, Ewart.
Fairbrother, Fairley, Falconbridge, Farmer, Farrell, Farren, Faulks, Fawcett, Fawson, Fazakarley, Fellham, Feltham, Fenell, Fennell, Fesser, Fessy, Field, Finam, Fincham, Findley, Finham, Firkins, Fisher, Fitchett, Fitter, Fitzhugh, Flanagan, Flannigan, Flavell, Fleet, Fletcher, Flinn, Flint, Flowers, Floyd, Ford, Foster, Fox, Foy, Francis, Franklin, Frankton, Frearson, Freeman, Freidlander, Freirson, French, Freswell, Friday, Friswell, Frith, Froggett, Frost, Fulwell, Furness.
Gagham, Gahagan, Gallois, Ganley, Gardner, Garlich, Garlick, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Garvey, Gaskins, Gee, George, Gerty, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibney, Gilbert, Gill, Gillard, Glover, Goater, Goddard, Godfrey, Godsall, Godsell, Golby, Goldby, Goldie, Goode, Goodier, Goodman, Goodwin, Goodyer, Gore, Gorton, Goskins, Goulding, Gower, Grady, Grainger, Grant, Gravenor, Gray, Greasley, Greatrex, Green, Greening, Greenway, Gridlestone, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimsby, Grimsley, Grindley, Grinham, Grogan, Groom, Grundy, Gudgeon, Gunn, Gutteridge.
Haddon, Hadley, Haines, Hairies, Hales, Haley, Halford, Hall, Hallam, Hallem, Hallsworth, Halpin, Hambridge, Hammersley, Hammond, Hampton, Hamson, Hancox, Hanley, Hannah, Harborne, Harbourne, Hardey, Hardisty, Hardy, Hargreaves, Harker, Harnett, Harper, Harrad, Harris, Harris Morgan, Harrison, Harriss, Harrold, Harrow, Hartopp, Hartshorn, Hartwell, Harvey, Hatch, Hatton, Haughton, Haukerson, Hawkins, Hawley, Haws, Hawthorn, Haycock, Hayden, Hayes, Hayfield, Haymes, Haynes, Haywood, Hazel, Heales, Heart, Heath, Heatherley, Hembury, Hemming, Henings, Hennell, Henning, Hensbury, Hepworth, Herbert, Hesketh, Hewett, Hewins, Hewitt, Hewson, Hiatt, Hickman, Hicks, Hill, Hillman, Hillyer, Hilton, Hind, Hindle, Hinds, Hinton, Hippey, Hirons, Hirst, Hitchcox, Hitchens, Hitchins, Hitchman, Hoare, Hobbins, Hobbis, Hobson, Hoderin, Hodgens, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hodierne, Hodson, Hogg, Holcroft, Holland, Holliday, Hollingdale, Hollins, Hollis, Hollyoak, Holmes, Holoway, Holt, Homes, Homles, Hope, Hopkins, Horne, Hornnic, Horobin, Horsfall, Horton, Hotchkiss, Hough, Howes, Howkins, Hubbard, Hudson, Hughes, Hull, Humphries, Hunt, Hunter, Hurrell, Hurst, Husselby, Hutchinson, Hutt, Hyatt, Hyde.
Illingworth, Ingram, Ireland, Ison, Iveson.
Jackson, Jacobs, Jacox, Jakeman, James, Jameson, Jandrell, Jarvis, Jasker, Jeacock, Jee, Jeffcotte, Jefferies, Jeffries, Jeffriess, Jeffs, Jelley, Jelly, Jenkins, Jennings, Jephcott, Jessons, Jewsbury, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Joice, Joines, Jones, Jordan, Judd, Judge.
Kaffe, Kaley, Kay, Keene, Keightley, Kelham, Kelley, Kellin, Kemp, Kendall, Kennedy, Kenning, Kent, Key, Kiffen, Kightley, Kilby, Kimberley, King, Kinsey, Kirby, Kirk, Klimcke, Knibb, Knibbs, Knight, Knott, Kyte.
Lamb, Lanchbury, Lane, Lang, Lange, Langford, Langton, Lanson, Lant, Lapworth, Large, Latlow, Laugton, Lawrenson, Lawton, Laxon, Leahey, Leasby, Leather, Leatherland, Leavesley, Leavey, Leavis, Ledgate, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leeson, Leigh, Lenton, Lesley, Lester, Lewcas, Lewin, Lewis, Lewiss, Leyes, Liggins, Lilly, Lindon, Lines, Ling, Lingard, Linney, Linton, Lissaman, Litchfield, Littler, Loasby, Locke, Lockwood, Lomas, Long, Longhurst, Looms, Lord, Loseby, Lovatt, Loveitt, Loveridge, Loverock, Lowe, Lower, Lucas, Ludditt, Ludford, Lupton, Luren, Lynes, Lyons.
Mabbutt, Mack, Macklin, Macock, Makins, Malin, Mallett, Mam, Mamm, Manby, Mander, Manders, Mandle, Manger, Mann, Manning, Manton, Marlow, Marriott, Marrs, Marsden, Marsh, Marshall, Marston, Martin, Mascord, Maskrey, Mason, Massey, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Matts, May, Maycock, Mayfield, Mayo, McCabe, McCall, McCarthy, McCory, McDermott, McGowan, McGowran, McGuire, McKnight, McLaren Donald, McLaucklan, McLaughton, McManns, McNanard, Mealand, Merry, Metcalfe, Middleton, Miles, Millage, Miller, Millerchip, Milligan, Mills, Millward, Mitchell, Moirey, Mold, Molding, Molesworth, Molewsorth, Monk, Montgomery, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morison, Morley, Morlle, Morrall, Morrell, Morris, Morton, Mortram, Moseley, Moss, Mott, Mottram, Mountford, Mountner, Murphy, Musson, Mynett.
Nandle, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neilson, Nelson, Nerney, Neville, Newcombe, Newcome, Newell, Newey, Newman, Newsome, Nicholes, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nickols, Nicks, Nightingale, Noble, Nokes, Noon, Norberry, Norbury, Norris, North, Norton, Nuhan, Nutt.
O'Donnell, Oldenshaw, Oldham, Olds, Olerenshaw, Oliver, Olorenshaw, O'Neale, Onions, Osborne, Oswin, Oughton, Overs, Overton, Owen, Oxley.
Packwood, Padbury, Page, Paine, Painter, Pakeman, Pallet, Palma, Palmer, Paperwell, Paragon, Parbury, Parish, Parker, Parnell, Parr, Parsons, Partridge, Pathbury, Patrick, Pattison, Paul, Payne, Peabody, Peace, Peacey, Peach, Peacock, Peak, Pearman, Pears, Pearson, Peasey, Peers, Pegg, Pemberton, Penderley, Penn, Penney, Pepper, Pererra, Pericval, Perkins, Perry, Peters, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pickering, Piers, Piggon, Piggot, Piggott, Pinchbeck, Pinches, Piper, Pitman, Pittaway, Platt, Player, Plummer, Pointer, Pollard, Pollock, Ponsford, Poole, Pople, Popplewell, Port, Porter, Potter, Potts, Poultney, Powel, Powell, Powles, Powney, Pratt, Preece, Preedy, Preen, Price, Priest, Prince, Pritchard, Probert, Pullen, Pullman, Purdie, Pyatt.
Radburn, Rafferty, Rainbow, Randall, Randle, Raper, Rathbone, Ray, Rayan, Raybold, Raybould, Raymen, Read, Reader, Reading, Reane, Reaney, Reaves, Reddey, Redding, Redfearn, Redford, Redman, Reed, Rees, Reesby, Reeve, Reeves, Reid, Rencher, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Ricketts, Riley, Ringrose, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robottom, Roby, Roe, Rogers, Rose, Rosevear, Ross, Rotherham, Roundhill, Rowe, Rowlands, Rowley, Rushton, Russell, Ryan, Ryland, Rymell.
Sadler, Saigeman, Salmons, Salsbury, Salt, Sandaur, Sanders, Sansome, Sargeant, Sarson, Satchwell, Saul, Saunders, Savage, Sawbridge, Sayers, Scampton, Scarisbrick, Scattergood, Schucte, Scott, Scrivener, Seeley, Selwood, Serjeant, Sewell, Shakeshaft, Shakespeare, Shand, Sharman, Sharpe, Sharratt, Shaughnessy, Shaunessey, Shaw, Shelswell, Shenstone, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sheridan, Sheriden, Sherriff, Sheward, Shilton, Shipment, Shipton, Shirley, Short, Shortley, Shortridge, Shufflebotham, Shufflebottom, Shuttleworth, Sidwell, Sills, Silveston, Simkins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sinchkins, Skelsey, Skelton, Skidmore, Slater, Sleath, Slingsby, Sly, Small, Smart, Smith, Smithers, Snape, Southam, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Spicer, Spittle, Sprayson, Sprigg, Squires, Squirrell, Srawley, Stafford, Stamson, Stanley, Starley, Statham, Steane, Steely, Stephens, Sterland, Stevens, Stevenson, Stilwell, Stock, Stockrin, Stokes, Stretton, Stringer, Strong, Style, Styles, Suddens, Suffolk, Sugg, Sumner, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Swinton.
Tallin, Tanner, Tansley, Tanswell, Tate, Tatlow, Taylor, Taylor Irons, Taynton, Tayton, Tedd, Temple, Tennant, Terry, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorley, Thorneloe, Thornton, Thrasher, Threadgold, Tibbs, Tidmas, Tilley, Tilt, Timberley, Timmins, Timms, Timons, Tims, Tinsey, Tod, Todyen, Tolliday, Tomlinson, Tomms, Tomson, Toney, Townsend, Tranter, Treadgold, Treen, Troop, Trotman, Trotter, Troughton, Tubb, Tucker, Tunnacliff, Tunnicliff, Turner, Turrell, Tustin, Twaites, Twigger, Twigges, Tyrrell.
Underhill, Underwood, Upton, Urquhart.
Vace, Vale, Vallance, Varley, Verbbler, Vernon, Vice, Villers, Villiers, Vines.
Wadell, Wagstaff, Wain, Wakefield, Wale, Walgrove, Walker, Wallis, Walmesley, Walmsley, Walsgrove, Walter, Walters, Walton, Walts, Ward, Wardell, Warden, Wareham, Warman, Warmington, Warner, Warr, Warwick, Washington, Wate, Waterfall, Waterhouse, Waters, Watson, Watts, Waydick, Webb, Webley, Webster, Welby, Welch, Wells, Welsh, Welton, Went, West, Westhall, Westley, Weston, Westwood, Whale, Wheeler, Whitcroft, White, Whitehead, Whiteman, Whitfield, Whitley, Widlake, Wigley, Wilcox, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Willcox, Willday, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Willlday, Wills, Wilson, Wilton, Wincott, Window, Wing, Winkless, Winstanley, Withers, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodgate, Woodhead, Woodier, Woodler, Woodroffe, Woodruffe, Woodward, Woodword, Woolaston, Woolgar, Woolhead, Woolland, Woolstencroft, Wootton, Wormald, Worrall, Worrell, Worthington, Worward, Wrench, Wright, Wyatt, Wykes, Wyley.
Yale, Yardley, Yates, York, Young.
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