Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2452 Coventry Section - Registration Sub District: Holy Trinity
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COVENTRY, Holy Trinity
Acer, Ackins, Adams, Adcock, Adey, Adkin, Adler, Adrian, Ager, Aiken, Aitcheson, Alcock, Aldridge, Alexander, Allard, Allchurch, Allen, Allsopp, Allwood, Alsop, Ames, Amos, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Ansley, Anslow, Anstey, Apperley, Appleton, Arch, Archer, Arington, Ariss, Arkele, Arkle, Armford, Armstrong, Arnatt, Arnett, Arnold, Arsh, Arthurs, Asbury, Asenry, Ashby, Ashford, Ashley, Aspry, Aston, Atherdon, Athersuch, Atkins, Atkinson, Attenborough, Aubrey, Austin, Averus, Aviss, Ayer, Ayers, Ayres, Ayton.
Bacon, Baggott, Bagley, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Bambrick, Bambury, Bank, Banks, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnett, Barney, Barnnell, Barnucle, Barnwell, Barr, Barratt, Barrington, Barry, Barsby, Barson, Barton, Baskets, Basset, Bassett, Bastock, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Baugher, Baxter, Bayes, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Beacham, Beale, Beales, Beasley, Beaufoy, Beaumont, Beck, Beckett, Bedder, Bedding, Beesley, Beever, Bell, Benbridge, Benger, Benn, Bennett, Bensham, Benson, Bentley, Berry, Bettany, Betts, Bevis, Beworth, Bickerton, Bickley, Bicknell, Biddle, Bidmead, Bill, Billingham, Billington, Billins, Billson, Bimsden, Bindon, Birch, Bird, Birrell, Birt, Bishop, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blair, Blakeman, Blanchard, Blencom, Blensom, Blockley, Blood, Bloomfield, Bloxham, Blundell, Blythe, Boden, Boffin, Bold, Bolton, Bomdar, Bonas, Bond, Boneham, Bonham, Bonniksen, Booth, Bosman, Boswell, Bottomley, Boucher, Bourke, Bowen, Bowes, Bowron, Bowyer, Boyer, Bracking, Bradbury, Bradnick, Bradshaw, Brain, Braine, Branch, Branston, Bray, Brayson, Breame, Brett, Brewer, Brice, Brichard, Bricknell, Bright, Brisbond, Brise, Brittle, Britton, Broadbent, Broadhurst, Bromfield, Bromley, Bromwich, Brook, Brookes, Brooks, Broom, Broomfield, Brothers, Brotherton, Brown, Bryan, Buck, Buckingham, Buckler, Buckley, Bud, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Burbidge, Burden, Burdett, Burke, Burley, Burnell, Burnett, Burns, Burton, Bush, Bushill, Buston, Butler, Butlin, Buxton, Byrne.
Cadman, Calagan, Calcott, Caldicote, Caldicott, Callaghan, Callow, Calvart, Camp, Campbell, Campkin, Campton, Cannon, Cantrell, Capel, Capener, Caperne, Capmele, Caporn, Cardall, Carp, Carpenter, Carr, Carswell, Carter, Carvele, Carvell, Carver, Case, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Cattell, Caulfield, Challenor, Challmer, Chalmers, Chaloner, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chaplin, Chapman, Charley, Charlton, Chase, Chaston, Chater, Chattaway, Checkley, Cheeseman, Chester, Chetwin, Chilton, Chinn, Chittam, Clapton, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Claydon, Clayson, Clayton, Cleaver, Cleverley, Cliff, Clifford, Clifte, Clitherow, Cliverley, Cluley, Coats, Cockerill, Cocks, Colbourne, Cole, Coleman, Coley, Colledge, Collett, Collier, Collingbourne, Collingburne, Collings, Collins, Compton, Conduit, Congrave, Congreve, Connell, Connor, Conroy, Constable, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Coombs, Cooper, Copeland, Coppage, Corbett, Cotterns, Cotton, Coulson, Court, Courts, Covington, Cowley, Cowper, Cox, Coyne, Crabb, Cramp, Crane, Critchley, Croft, Crofts, Cromwell, Cronan, Cross, Cryer, Cuffe, Culbert, Culin, Cullum, Culverwell, Cumberlidge, Cunningham, Cureton, Curtis, Cuthbert, Cwerzons.
Dadley, Daffern, Dakin, Daks, Dalton, Danes, Daniels, Darbyshire, Darnell, Darrel, Dauncy, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawkins, Dawson, Dax, Day, Dayus, Deacon, Dean, Deeming, Deivis, Delf, Delo, Dennis, Dethnaur, Dew, Dewis, Dey, Dia, Dickens, Dickenson, Dickson, Dilesheim, Dilworth, Dingley, Discan, Dityman, Dixon, Docker, Dodd, Dolan, Dolphin, Douse, Dowes, Downes, Downing, Dowse, Doyle, Drakeford, Draper, Dreaper, Drury, Duce, Dudley, Duggan, Duggins, Dunkley, Dunn, Dunning, Dunton, Durant, Durham, Dutson, Dyke.
Eakins, Easom, Easton, Eaton, Eaves, Eburne, Edge, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Egan, Eld, Elfhick, Elis, Elkington, Elliott, Ellis, Ellliot, Elson, Elwell, Emerson, Emery, England, Enock, Enser, Ensor, Enzor, Essam, Essex, Evans, Everall, Everitt, Exton, Fallows, Farish, Farley, Farmer, Farren, Faulconbridge, Faulks, Fawson, Fell, Fellows, Fennele, Fennell, Fern, Ferriss, Field, Finam, Finch, Firth, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzpatrick, Flecher, Fleming, Flemming, Fletcher, Flinn, Flint, Florence, Flowers, Floyd, Flude, Flynn, Fontkes, Ford, Forman, Fortnam, Foster, Fowkes, Fowler, Francis, Frank, Franklin, Frasser, Frasson, Freeman, French, Froggat, Fromkin, Fubey, Furneaux, Furnival.
Gallaway, Gallois, Gardener, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Gascoigne, Gee, Geeson, George, Gerrard, Gibberd, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gill, Gloster, Glover, Goate, Godfrey, Godsell, Golby, Gold, Goode, Goodhall, Gooding, Goodman, Goodridge, Goodwin, Gorney, Gosdale, Goth, Gough, Govetti, Gower, Grady, Grainger, Grant, Gravenor, Gray, Greaves, Green, Greenaway, Greenfield, Greenway, Greenwood, Gregory, Grice, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimsley, Grinham, Grover, Guillaume, Gunthrup, Gunton, Gurney, Gutteridge, Guy.
Hadsfield, Hairs, Hakes, Halaway, Haley, Hall, Halliwell, Hambridge, Hamilton, Hammerton, Hammond, Hampherson, Hancock, Hancox, Hands, Handsfield, Hankerson, Hannis, Harbort, Harcourt, Harding, Hardmore, Hardware, Hardwick, Harietmonte, Harity, Harley, Harner, Harper, Harrad, Harratt, Harret, Harrington, Harris, Harrison, Harrod, Harrow, Hart, Hartler, Hartley, Hartopp, Harvey, Harwell, Hathaway, Hatton, Hawley, Hawthorne, Haycock, Hayes, Haymes, Haynes, Haynies, Hays, Haywood, Hazel, Hazelwood, Heath, Heathcote, Hembron, Hemmings, Hemnell, Henderson, Hennessey, Henson, Herbert, Heritage, Hewit, Hewitt, Hewson, Hiatt, Hickman, Higgins, Higgitt, Hill, Hinchcliffe, Hinds, Hinson, Hipwood, Hirons, Hirst, Hiscock, Hiscox, Hitchens, Hives, Hoare, Hobbs, Hobson, Hockton, Hoddell, Hogan, Holback, Holdbeck, Holland, Hollick, Hollingsworth, Hollins, Holloway, Hollyoake, Holt, Homer, Hood, Hook, Hooper, Hopkins, Horking, Horner, Horsfall, Horswill, Horton, Hough, Houghton, Housaux, Howard, Howarth, Howe, Hughes, Hugs, Hulen, Hulm, Humberstone, Humphrey, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphrys, Hunslet, Hunt, Hunter, Hurdly, Huritts, Hurst, Husselby, Hussleby, Hutchings, Hutt, Hutton, Hyde, Hyett.
Icke, Iliffe, Ingram, Ireland, Irving, Isaacs, Isen, Ives, Izzard.
Jack, Jackson, Jakeman, Jakes, Jakins, James, Jameson, Janes, Jarrams, Jeavon, Jeavons, Jefferies, Jelley, Jenkins, Jenkinson, Jennings, Jephcote, Jephcott, Jephertts, Job, Johns, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Joliffe, Jones, Jordan, Judd, Judson.
Kay, Keatley, Keats, Keene, Keight, Kelcey, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendrick, Kennel, Kenning, Kent, Keogh, Keppy, Kerighan, Kerr, Ketch, Kettle, Key, Keyes, Kightley, Killen, Killpack, Kilpack, Kimberley, King, Kingham, Kingston, Kinvell, Kirby, Kirk, Knibbs, Knight, Knighton, Kyles.
Lakin, Lamb, Lane, Lapworth, Latham, Lawenton, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Layland, Lea, Leather, Leathers, Leckerson, Lee, Leech, Lees, Leeson, Leicester, Leigh, Lenton, Leraine, Lester, Lewin, Lewis, Liffburns, Liggins, Limerick, Lindon, Lines, Linforth, Lingwood, Linnell, Linnett, Lisemur, Lissaman, Littlewood, Lloyd, Loarby, Lokes, London, Longden, Lord, Losely, Lovegrove, Lowe, Lowes, Lucas, Luckett, Luckman, Ludford, Luff, Lupton, Lynes, Lynet, Lynn.
Mabberley, MacDonald, Machin, Mackie, Macklin, Maddon, Madeley, Maginn, Magret, Magson, Makepeace, Malin, Mallay, Mallinson, Malloney, Malone, Mander, Manning, Mansel, Marlow, Marr, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marsters, Marston, Martin, Maseard, Mason, Masters, Mathes, Mathews, Matthews, Mattock, Mattocks, Matts, Mauger, May, Maycock, Mazey, McBride, McCall, McCauley, McCutcheon, McCutchin, McEnerley, McGhee, McGrory, McLeod, McRobb, Mctue, Meakin, Measey, Mellor, Melloy, Mercer, Meredith, Merrick, Merry, Metcalfe, Mickelwight, Middleton, Milbourne, Miles, Millburne, Millener, Miller, Millerchip, Millicamp, Millidge, Mills, Millward, Milner, Mitchell, Mogul, Molesworth, Monaghan, Montford, Montgomery, Moody, Moore, Moran, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Morton, Moulder, Moulding, Moulson, Mountford, Moxon, Muddiman, Muir, Mullis, Mullock, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Mushing, Nailer, Naughton, Naylor, Neal, Needham, Nelson, Nevey, Nevill, Newbold, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nicholson, Nightingale, Nolan, Norbury, Norris, North, Northon, Norton, Nosbury, Nye.
Oakey, Oakley, Oartear, Oates, O'Brien, Odell, Oldham, Olerenshaw, Oliphant, Olorenshaw, Onions, Oram, Orton, Osborne, Osmie, Oswin, Oughton, Over, Overton, Owen, Owens, Oxford, Oye.
Packwood, Padbury, Page, Pails, Pakeman, Pallet, Pallett, Parfith, Parker, Parkes, Parnall, Parr, Parroissien, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Parven, Parvin, Patchton, Patterson, Paul, Payne, Peabody, Peacock, Peak, Peake, Pear, Pearce, Pears, Pearson, Pease, Peel, Pegg, Penn, Percival, Percley, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Petch, Peters, Pettifor, Pettit, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pickering, Pickup, Pierson, Piggott, Pike, Pilpin, Piper, Pitman, Pitt, Plester, Plummer, Pointer, Pole, Pollard, Ponton, Poole, Porter, Portsman, Potts, Powell, Powers, Powney, Praidley, Pratt, Prestidge, Price, Pridmore, Prime, Pritchard, Probin, Proctor, Prosser, Prout, Pugh, Puragreen, Purcell, Purnell, Pyatt.
Quick, Quiggin, Quinney.
Rafferty, Rainbow, Rainford, Randall, Randle, Ratcliff, Rathbone, Ratliff, Raven, Ray, Rayner, Read, Reader, Reaves, Redgrave, Reed, Rees, Reeves, Reid, Renshaw, Revel, Revis, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Richardson, Ridley, Rigby, Riley, Rise, Rivitt, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robins, Robinson, Roby, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Ronin, Rose, Ross, Roughton, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rowney, Royce, Russel, Russell, Rust, Ryan, Ryley.
Sadler, Sage, Sale, Salloway, Salt, Samuel, Samuels, Sanders, Sansome, Saunders, Savage, Scandlow, Schofield, Scrivener, Seakerson, Sedgeley, Sedgewick, Self, Sellens, Sellors, Settle, Sexton, Shadbolt, Shaddock, Shakeshaft, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Sharkey, Sharman, Sharpe, Sharrock, Sharrod, Sharting, Shaughnessey, Shaw, Sheane, Sheasbey, Sheasby, Sheeham, Sheffield, Shelton, Shephard, Shepherd, Shepperd, Shergold, Sherriff, Sherwood, Sheward, Shilcock, Shillcock, Shillwell, Shilton, Shirley, Short, Shortgood, Shrewsbury, Shrimpton, Shufflebotham, Shuttleworth, Sibley, Sidnell, Sidwell, Simcock, Simins, Simms, Simpkins, Sims, Singer, Skelsey, Skidmore, Skipper, Slade, Slater, Slinn, Smail, Smart, Smith, Smyth, Snell, Soddard, Soden, Southam, Sparkes, Sparks, Sparrow, Spellbey, Spencer, Spittle, Sprigg, Squisrall, Stafford, Stagg, Stallnell, Stanley, Starley, Starr, Startin, Statham, Steane, Steel, Stephens, Sterling, Stevens, Stevenson, Stirland, Stock, Stockley, Stockwain, Stokes, Stone, Stonehouse, Stones, Storer, Stratton, Streetley, Stringer, Sturmey, Styler, Styles, Suddens, Suffolk, Sullivan, Summers, Sutton, Swainston, Swift.
Taberer, Talbot, Tallis, Tandy, Tatlow, Tattle, Taylor, Tedd, Tedds, Tellatt, Terrell, Terry, Teshot, Tester, Theabold, Therxxxxx, Thomas, Thompson, Thorneton, Thornett, Thornton, Thorpe, Thresher, Till, Tilley, Tillings, Tilson, Timmins, Timms, Tinsley, Tiporn, Tipson, Tipton, Tisdale, Todd, Tomlinson, Toms, Tong, Tooth, Touch, Townsend, Tranter, Trask, Travers, Treadgold, Trent, Trevnor, Trickett, Trinerick, Troop, Troughton, Trueman, Truslon, Truslove, Tubbs, Tucker, Tucketh, Tuckey, Tunerick, Turbitz, Turner, Turns, Turrall, Turrell, Tustin, Tutton, Twaites, Twigg, Twycross, Tye, Tymes, Tyrrell, Tyso.
Underhill, Underwood, Upton.
Valentine, Vander Porter, Vaney, Varney, Veasey, Vernon, Vicary, Vickers, Villiers, Villis, Viner.
Wade, Wafforne, Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wake, Wakefield, Walden, Wale, Walken, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallen, Wallis, Walmsley, Walter, Walton, Wanley, Ward, Warden, Wardle, Ware, Warner, Warren, Warriner, Warring, Warwick, Wastaff, Waterfall, Watson, Watson White, Watts, Webb, Webber, Webdale, Webster, Wells, Welsh, Welton, Werten, West, Westhead, Westley, Weston, Westrap, Westwood, Whale, Whapples, Whateley, Wheatfill, Wheeler, Whetstone, Whitaker, Whitbread, White, Whiteham, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitmen, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whittmer, Wilcox, Wilday, Wildigg, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Willday, Willdigg, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wincott, Windsor, Winn, Wire, Withimshaw, Withycomb, Wolverson, Wood, Woodfield, Woodier, Woodman, Woodward, Wooldridge, Wootten, Wootton, Worf, Worley, Wormwould, Worrall, Worrell, Worthington, Wotton, Wright, Wrist, Wykes, Wyler, Wynn.
Yardley, Yates, Yeomans, Yonils, Young.
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