Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2454 Coventry Section - Registration Sub District: Holy Trinity

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COVENTRY, Holy Trinity

Abberly, Abbots, Abbott, Abbotts, Adams, Ager, Albutt, Alcock, Aldrige, Alford, Allen, Allitt, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Angliss, Ansell, Anson, Appleby, Appletree, Arch, Archer, Arden, Arkley, Arnett, Arnold, Arrowsmith, Ashburn, Ashby, Ashmore, Ashton, Aspinall, Aston, Athersuch, Atkins, Atterton, Attkins, Austin, Avern, Avery, Ayres.

Bachelors, Bacon, Baglin, Bagnall, Bagshaw, Bailey, Baily, Baker, Baldock, Ball, Ballard, Banbury, Bancroft, Band, Banks, Barclay, Bardett, Barford, Barker, Barnes, Barnett, Barr, Barson, Barton, Bass, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Baugh, Baxter, Baylis, Bayliss, Baynes, Baynton, Beake, Beamish, Beardmore, Bearsley, Beasley, Beauchamp, Beaufoy, Beck, Bednell, Bee, Beech, Beetson, Belfield, Bell, Bellamy, Bennett, Benson, Berry, Berwick, Bickley, Bidmead, Biggs, Birch, Birchall, Bird, Bishop, Bissell, Blackham, Blackwell, Blakeman, Blanchford, Bland, Bleaney, Bleashall, Boileau, Bold, Bolton, Bonham, Bonner, Bonsor, Booker, Booth, Borle, Borton, Boston, Bosworth, Bottrill, Boulds, Bowen, Bowyer, Boyd, Boyes, Bradbey, Bradbury, Bradley, Bray, Brearley, Brewer, Bricknell, Bridge, Briggs, Brislin, Brittain, Broadhurst, Brookes, Brooks, Brothers, Brown, Browne, Brownridge, Buckingham, Buckler, Buckley, Buggins, Bull, Bullivant, Bullock, Bunn, Bunney, Burbidge, Burbury, Burden, Burgess, Burnett, Burns, Burton, Busby, Bush, Bushall, Butler, Butlin, Button.

Cadman, Calcott, Caldicott, Calow, Canning, Cannings, Cantrell, Cantrill, Capp, Carey, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Cartlidge, Carvell, Carver, Case, Cash, Cashmore, Castle, Cattell, Cattermole, Caulton, Causer, Cave, Chapman, Charley, Chatland, Chattaway, Cheatham, Checkley, Checklin, Chinn, Chittam, Clare, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Cleaver, Clemonts, Cleverly, Clew, Clews, Clifford, Cluff, Cluley, Coates, Cockerill, Coker, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colley, Collidge, Collier, Collingbourne, Collingridge, Collins, Colombier, Colsell, Colver, Compton, Connor, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copson, Corby, Corne, Corrall, Costello, Cotterill, Cotton, Cottrell, Coulson, Course, Court, Cowan, Cowell, Cowles, Cowley, Cox, Coyne, Cramp, Crofts, Crompton, Crook, Crosby, Crowton, Cruickshank, Crutchley, Crutchlow, Cumberlidge, Cumbers, Cure, Curtis, Curzons, Cutler, Cuttiford.

Dadley, Dagley, Dakin, Dalton, Daly, Dancaster, Daniel, Daniels, Dann, Darlinson, Darlow, Davey, Davies, Davis, Day, Deemin, Delo, Dennis, Denniss, Dent, Dewes, Dewis, Dilks, Dillon, Dives, Dixon, Dobson, Docker, Doherty, Dolby, Dolphin, Donald, Done, Doniely, Donovan, Dormer, Dorrell, Dorrington, Doughty, Douglass, Douse, Dowell, Downham, Dowse, Drakeford, Drane, Dryden, Dubeck, Dubock, Duckham, Dudley, Duff, Dufner, Dukes, Dumelow, Dunn, Durham, Durrant, Dusson, Dycke.

Eales, Eaves, Eberall, Eburne, Eden, Edgerton, Edlin, Edmond, Edmonds, Edwards, Eld, Elkington, Elliman, Ellingham, Elliott, Ellis, Elson, Elton, Embling, Enoch, Ensor, Errington, Evans, Everiss, Ewing.

Fairbrother, Falconbridge, Fallows, Fanard, Fancott, Fanton, Farley, Farmer, Farnell, Farrell, Farren, Faulkner, Fawson, Fell, Fellows, Fender, Fennel, Fennell, Fidkin, Field, Finches, Fisher, Fitter, Fitton, Flack, Flanders, Fleming, Fletcher, Flowers, Flynn, Ford, Forster, Forsyth, Foster, Foundling, Fox, Foxon, France, Francis, Franklin, Frazer, Frearson, Fredall, Freeman, Freeth, French, Friswell, Frith, Frost.

Gadd, Gamble, Gandy, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Garvey, Gascoigne, Gee, Gent, George, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gill, Gillings, Gilmore, Glenn, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godsell, Golby, Gold, Goldby, Golding, Golsby, Goode, Goodman, Goodyer, Gough, Gower, Grainger, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenway, Gregory, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimshaw, Groome, Grooms, Gunn, Gutteridge.

Hackett, Hadfield, Hadley, Hailstone, Haines, Hales, Halfield, Hall, Hammond, Hamson, Hancox, Hand, Handerson, Hands, Handy, Hanson, Hanwell, Hardy, Hargraves, Hargreaves, Harley, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harrow, Hart, Hartley, Hartopp, Hartshorn, Harvey, Harwood, Haselock, Hasfall, Hassall, Hastings, Haswell, Hatfield, Hathaway, Hathway, Haughton, Hawkes, Hawley, Hawthorne, Haycock, Hayes, Hayfield, Hayward, Haywood, Hazlewood, Heath, Heathcote, Heatley, Hedrine, Heighway, Hembury, Hemmings, Herbert, Herring, Hewett, Hewitt, Hickman, Higgins, Higgitt, Highfield, Hildin, Hill, Hinchcliffe, Hincks, Hinson, Hirons, Hitchings, Hobbins, Hobley, Hoderin, Hodierne, Hodrine, Hodson, Holcroft, Holder, Holland, Hollick, Holliday, Hollingsworth, Hollinshead, Hollowell, Hollwell, Holmes, Holt, Holtom, Homer, Hooton, Hopcraft, Hopkins, Hornidge, Horsfall, Horsley, Horton, Hottchet, Hough, Houghton, Hoult, Howard, Howkins, Hows, Hughes, Hulme, Humphries, Hunt, Hurley, Hurst, Hutt.

Iliffe, Ingram, Innocent, Ireland, Irons, Islip, Ison, Ivins.

Jackson, Jake, Jakeman, James, Janes, Jardine, Jarrard, Jarvis, Jeffs, Jelley, Jelly, Jellyman, Jenkins, Jephcott, Jilks, Johnson, Johnston, Johnstone, Jones, Jordan, Joyce, Jukes.

Kane, Keay, Keen, Keene, Keens, Kelley, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendall, Kent, Kibler, Killpack, Kimberley, Kimbley, King, Kingdon, Kingston, Kinsella, Kirby, Kirk, Kirkby, Knibbs, Knight, Kyle.

Labram, Ladkin, Lain, Lake, Lamb, Lancaster, Lane, Langdon, Lapworth, Larne, Latham, Laurance, Laurence, Law, Lawrence, Lax, Lay, Lea, Leadbeater, Leadham, Lee, Leeson, Legg, Lenton, Lester, Letzer, Levitt, Lewin, Lewis, Liddiard, Liggins, Lilly, Lindon, Lines, Lingwood, Lissaman, Lloyd, Loasby, Lockett, Lockington, Lomas, Lombard, Lord, Lovell, Lovitt, Lowe, Lowke, Lucas, Ludford, Lunn, Lynch, Lynes, Lyth.

Macklin, MacLean, Madell, Madely, Malin, Malkin, Mander, Manion, Mann, Manning, Mansfield, Marlow, Marriott, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mascord, Mason, Masters, Mather, Mathews, Matthews, Maylor, Mayo, Mc Donald, Mc Gowran, Mc Kenny, Mc Lean, McCabe, McCarthy, McDermott, McGregor, McKenzie, Mead, Meader, Meakin, Mealand, Mence, Middleton, Milburn, Miles, Miller, Millidge, Milligan, Milligin, Milliner, Mills, Millward, Minstrell, Mobbley, Mobley, Molesworth, Moody, Moorcroft, Moore, Moran, Moreton, Morgan, Morley, Morrall, Morran, Morris, Morrison, Mortimer, Morton, Moseley, Moss, Moulding, Mountford, Muggleton, Muir, Murden, Murphy, Murray, Muson.

Nason, Naul, Neal, Neale, Needham, Neil, Nelson, Nevill, Newbold, Newcombe, Newey, Newman, Nichloss, Nichols, Nicks, Nightingale, Noble, Nolan, Noon, Norbury, Norris, North, Norton.

Oakes, O'Donnell, Oldfield, Oliver, Onions, Orton, Osburn, Oswen, Oswin, Overton, Owen, Oxley.

Pack, Padbury, Padley, Padmore, Page, Pagett, Painter, Pakeman, Palmer, Papworth, Pardon, Parker, Parkes, Parkins, Parnell, Parr, Parsons, Partridge, Patrick, Pattison, Patty, Payne, Peace, Peak, Pears, Pearson, Peart, Pemberton, Penn, Peploe, Pepper, Perkins, Perry, Pettifer, Philips, Phillips, Pickard, Pickering, Pickles, Pincher, Pinches, Pitch, Platt, Player, Plimner, Plumb, Plummer, Pollard, Poole, Porter, Potter, Potts, Pouney, Powell, Powney, Poynton, Pratt, Preedy, Prentice, Prestage, Prestidge, Preston, Pretty, Price, Priest, Priestley, Prime, Printz, Pritchard, Proctor, Proudman, Pugh, Putman, Putt, Pyott.


Rae, Rainbow, Raipston, Ralph, Randells, Randle, Ranson, Ratcliffe, Raven, Rayner, Rea, Read, Reader, Reading, Record, Reed, Reeves, Regan, Reville, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Riley, Robbins, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robson, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rollings, Rooms, Rose, Ross, Rosselet, Rowe, Rowland, Rowley, Rowney, Ruberry, Rumsey, Runker, Rushgrove, Rushton, Russell, Ryall, Ryan, Ryley.

Sabin, Sadler, Sale, Salmon, Samuel, Sanders, Sansome, Santy, Sargent, Satchwell, Satterthwaite, Saull, Saunders, Savage, Sawrey, Scrivener, Shakeshaft, Shakespeare, Sharp, Sharratt, Sharrout, Shaw, Sheasby, Sheffield, Shelly, Shelton, Shenstone, Shepherd, Sheridan, Sherrad, Shilcock, Shillvock, Shilvock, Shingler, Shipp, Shirley, Shufflebottom, Shuttleworth, Sidwell, Sills, Simkins, Simmonds, Simmons, Simonds, Simpson, Skelding, Skelt, Skinner, Slack, Slater, Sleath, Smalley, Smart, Smith, Snape, Snook, Southam, Southern, Spencer, Spicer, Spink, Spittle, Spooner, Sprayson, Spriggs, Squires, Stagg, Stanbridge, Stanley, Starkey, Statham, Steane, Sterland, Stevens, Stokes, Stone, Stringer, Stuart, Stubbs, Sturgis, Styles, Sullivan, Summerfield, Sutton, Swaine, Swan, Swann, Swettenham.

Tabbener, Tabberer, Tafft, Tainty, Tame, Tatt, Taunton, Tayers, Taylor, Tayton, Tennyson, Testot, Tew, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Thorneth, Thornett, Thornloe, Thorp, Thorpe, Tibbols, Tidmarsh, Tillott, Timms, Timothy, Tipton, Tomkins, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Tompson, Tomson, Tongue, Tonks, Toogood, Toole, Tooth, Torrance, Towlson, Townsend, Townson, Toye, Trafford, Treen, Trego, Trescott, Trewinnard, Trickett, Troughton, Tuckett, Tuckey, Tunstall, Turland, Turner, Turral, Turrall, Turrell, Tustin, Twaits, Twomley, Twycross, Tye, Tyso.

Unsworth, Upton.

Vaughan, Venn, Vernon, Villers.

Wadfield, Wagstaff, Wain, Wakelin, Walden, Wale, Walford, Walker, Wallen, Walsgrove, Walters, Walton, Wankling, Ward, Wardman, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Warwood, Waterfall, Waterhouse, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watts, Weatheral, Weathersill, Webb, Webster, Welford, Wells, Welsh, Wesson, West, Westley, Westly, Weston, Westrapp, Westrop, Wetton, Whateley, Whatley, Whatton, Wheatcroft, Whelan, Whetstone, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiteman, Whitmore, Whitnell, Whittingham, Wickwar, Wigson, Wigston, Wilcox, Wildigg, Wilding, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Williams, Williamson, Wills, Wilson, Windley, Windridge, Windsor, Winkes, Witherly, Witt, Wood, Woodfield, Woodward, Woodyer, Woof, Wootton, Wormell, Wormleaton, Worrall, Worthington, Wosket, Wrench, Wright, Wykes, Wyles, Wylie.

Yardley, Yates, York, Young.

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