Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2459 Rugby Section - Registration Sub District: Crick
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RUGBY, Crick
Adams, Adkins, Adnett, Adnitt, Alford, Alibone, Allen, Allibone, Andrew, Andrews, Archer, Armstone, Arnold, Arthur, Ashburn, Ashby, Ashley, Atkins, Austin, Ayres.
Bachelor, Bailey, Baker, Balderson, Baldwin, Bamwell, Banks, Barden, Barker, Barnet, Barnett, Barnwell, Barratt, Barrett, Bartlett, Basset, Bassett, Baston, Batchelor, Bateman, Bates, Bayes, Beach, Beacham, Beal, Beale, Beard, Bearley, Beasley, Bedding, Bedford, Beech, Beesley, Belfet, Bell, Benjamin, Bennett, Bennitt, Bent, Bentley, Bertholst, Betts, Bevans, Bevins, Biddles, Billing, Billington, Bird, Bishop, Blackett, Blackwell, Blakemore, Blanchflower, Blincow, Blockley, Blower, Bodley, Bolton, Boneham, Bonsor, Bore, Bortrige, Bostock, Bosworth, Botham, Bothill, Botterill, Bottrill, Bourne, Boyce, Boyes, Boyse, Boyson, Bracebridge, Braderry, Bradshaw, Bradshawe, Brafield, Branson, Bransten, Branston, Bray, Braye, Brierly, Briggs, Brightman, Brightwell, Brill, Bromley, Bromwich, Brookes, Brown, Budd, Bugler, Bullock, Burbidge, Burdett, Burgess, Burton, Burwell, Busby, Bush, Butlin.
Capel, Carpenter, Carrod, Carvell, Carvill, Casebrooke, Casey, Cashmore, Castell, Caswell, Cattell, Cave, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chapman, Chappell, Chatwin, Chaxxxxlet, Cheney, Cherry, Chester, Chipman, Clarke, Claydon, Clayson, Cleasby, Cleave, Cleaver, Cleesby, Clements, Coaton, Cockerill, Coggins, Coleman, Coles, Colledge, Collier, Collins, Collis, Conopo, Cook, Cooke, Cooks, Cooper, Cosuins, Cotterell, Cousins, Cowley, Cox, Coxon, Crane, Crawford, Crisp, Crofts, Cross, Crouch, Crutchley, Cryer, Currin, Curtis.
Dadley, Daidson, Daniels, Darby, Darley, Davenport, Davidson, Dawson, Dean, Decker, Dicey, Dicker, Dieper, Ditcher, Donnovan, Donnvan, Doolan, Douglas, Dove, Drake, Draper, Dumbleton, Dunkley, Dunn, Dyson.
Eagles, Eales, Eason, Eaton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edmunds, Edwards, Egan, Elkington, Elkins, Ellard, Elliott, Ellson, Else, Emery, England, Etchen, Evans, Evington, Evis, Ewart, Ewington.
Facer, Fantham, Farham, Farmer, Fawby, Fell, Fennel, Fertin, Field, Fitten, Fitter, Fitzhugh, Flavell, Fleet, Fletcher, Foscutt, Foster, Fox, Franklin, Freeman, Fretin, Fretter, Frewel, Frisbey, Frisby, Frost, Fullylove, Furniss.
Gammage, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garnett, Garratt, Garrett, Gazeley, Geary, Gee, Gibb, Gibbard, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddings, Gifford, Gilber, Gilbert, Gillber, Gillitt, Gladdy, Glendenning, Goddard, Golby, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Goodyer, Gordon, Goslin, Goswell, Granderson, Grant, Gray, Green, Greenhill, Greenway, Grey, Griffith, Griffiths, Gripper, Groom, Gunn, Gupewell, Gupwell, Gurney.
Hadden, Haddon, Hale, Hales, Halfield, Halford, Hall, Hammond, Hammonds, Hanbury, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Harbut, Harfield, Harper, Harrall, Harris, Harrison, Hart, Hartwell, Hathaway, Havill, Hawes, Hawkins, Hayes, Haymes, Haynes, Head, Healey, Heath, Hemming, Hendrick, Hepwell, Herbert, Hewins, Hewitt, Hewson, Heygats, Heywood, Hickman, Higgs, Hill, Hinde, Hirons, Hobbs, Hobley, Holland, Holmes, Holton, Hopcraft, Hopcroft, Hopgood, Hopkins, Hornby, Horne, Howe, Howkins, Howlet, Howlett, Hudson, Humphries, Hunt, Huntley, Hurley, Hyatt. Ingham, Ingram.
Jackson, Jacob, Jacobs, Jean, Jeffery, Jenkins, Jennings, Jesson, Jew, Johnson, Jones, Judkins, Justin.
Keefe, Kenney, Kettle, Killworth, Kinch, King, Kirby, Kitchen, Knight.
Labram, Lacey, Lackley, Lane, Langton, Lansbury, Laurence, Lawman, Lawrance, Lawrence, Laws, Lea, Leamak, Leamark, Leatherland, Ledbrook, Lee, Leeson, Lenton, Lester, Letts, Lever, Lewin, Lewis, Liddington, Lilliosht, Line, Lines, Linnett, Linnitt, Lissamer, Little, Littlewood, Lockwood, Londas, Loveday, Lowe, Lowick, Loydall, Lucas, Lydale, Lynch.
Major, Malin, Malliband, Mann, Manners, Manning, Marler, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mather, Matthew, Matthews, Maule, Mawby, Mayo, Mcdonneld, Mckenzie, Mcnelson, Mead, Mercer, Meredith, Messenger, Mewis, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Millerchip, Mills, Minards, Minor, Mitchison, Montez, Montgomery, Moorcroft, Moore, Moorly, Morgan, Morris, Morrisroe, Morriss, Morse, Moseley, Moss, Mott, Muddiman, Muma, Mumford, Muntz, Murphy, Musson.
Neal, Newitt, Newman, Nichol, Nichols, Nicholson, Nicol, Noon, Norman, Norris, Norton, Nurst.
O'Brien, Odey, Oldham, Oliver, Orland, Osborne, Owen, Oxendale.
Page, Palmer, Palton, Parfett, Parish, Parsons, Partridge, Patchell, Patchett, Paterson, Payne, Pearce, Peasnall, Pebody, Pedley, Perkins, Perry, Pescow, Peters, Pettifer, Pike, Pittam, Pittom, Pollard, Poole, Pope, Postle, Potter, Powers, Pratt, Presledge, Prestidge, Price, Priest, Pryor.
Radbone, Rainbow, Randle, Rashbrooke, Rathbone, Rawson, Read, Reardon, Reasby, Redding, Redley, Reed, Reesby, Reeve, Renchan, Reynolds, Richardson, Ricketts, Rickman, Riddey, Ridgart, Ridgway, Rigby, Riley, Ringrose, Rivers, Rixom, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Roddis, Roe, Rollins, Rollston, Rowe, Rushall, Rushby, Russell.
Sabin, Sail, Salisbury, Sargent, Satchell, Savage, Sawbridge, Say, Scarlett, Scotcher, Scrimminger, Sculthorpe, Seamark, Seckington, Sedgeley, Sedgely, Sergeant, Sewell, Sharman, Sharp, Shaw, Shearsby, Shirley, Shrives, Shuttle, Simmons, Simpson, Sims, Sinfield, Skinner, Small, Smalley, Smart, Smith, Snow, Snutch, Southam, Spencer, Stafford, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stilgo, Stimpson, Stubbs, Sufewell, Sullivan, Summerfield, Sumpter, Sutton, Swan, Swindells, Swingler.
Tallett, Tanner, Tanser, Tarplay, Tarry, Tattam, Taylor, Terry, Tew, Thms, Thomes, Thompson, Thorneton, Thornton, Tilcock, Tilley, Timms, Tomalin, Tomes, Tomkins, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Towers, Townsend, Townshend, Treen, Tretter, Tuckey, Turland, Turner, Turrell, Tyrell.
Uff, Underwood.
Vann, Vaughan, Vause, Veales, Vears, Verney Cave, Vincent.
Waine, Wakefield, Walden, Wale, Walker, Wallace, Walmesley, Walmeslsey, Walton, Warcap, Ward, Wareing, Waring, Warren, Warwick, Water, Waters, Wates, Watson, Watts, Webb, West, Wharton, Whigman, White, Whitehall, Whiteman, Whiting, Whitlock, Whitmell, Whitmore, Whittingham, Whyman, Wickson, Wiggerton, Wiggins, Wilford, Wilkins, Williams, Wills, Wilson, Winchester, Windsor, Winn, Winter, Wolf, Wolfe, Wollerton, Wood, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodland, Woods, Worrall, Wright.
Yateman, Yates, Yeatman, York.
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