Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2465 Solihull Section - Registration Sub District: Knowle

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A, Adams, Adkins, Aldington, Aldridge, Alkin, Allchurch, Allday, Allen, Allport, Allsell, Allwood, Amphlett, Andrews, Arch, Asbury, Ash, Ashforth, Ashmore, Askew, Assinder, Attwell, Auberton, Avern.

B, Bacchus, Badger, Bagguley, Bains, Baker, Bale, Ball, Banford, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnes, Barr, Barrett, Barton, Barwell, Bashford, Bateman, Bates, Batsford, Batt, Bayliss, Beame, Beard, Beardmore, Beasley, Beaufoy, Bedford, Beer, Beesley, Bellingham, Bennet, Bennett, Bentley, Berrisford, Berwick, Bibb, Bicknell, Bindley, Bindly, Bird, Bishop, Bittleston, Black, Blake, Blakemore, Blakeway, Bland, Blanks, Blick, Blinco Smith, Blizzard, Bloxham, Bloyden, Blundell, Blyth, Boddington, Bolletson, Boot, Booth, Boston, Bower, Bowham, Bowles, Bradfield, Bradley, Bradnock, Brain, Brierley, Brisker, Brittain, Bromwich, Brooker, Brooks, Brown, Brumbill, Buckingham, Buggins, Bull, Bullen, Bunn, Burbidge, Burden, Burdett, Burton, Busby, Busser, Butler, Buttler.

C, Cakbread, Capers, Carney, Carpenter, Carrol, Carter, Cartwright, Cash, Cashmore, Cassell, Cassie, Cattell, Causier, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chaplin, Chattaway, Chatterley, Chaytor, Checkley, Checkly, Cheshire, Chesshire, Chew, Childs, Chinn, Christopherson, Ciappessoni, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Cleaver, Clifford, Clive, Cockbill, Cockerill, Coleman, Collins, Colmore, Comfort, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Cormell, Coton, Cottells, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotterrall, Cotterrell, Court, Cowley, Cox, Cranmer, Creke, Crisp, Croft, Cross, Crossby, Crowe, Crump, Curtis, Cuttle.

Dallas, Danby, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Daws, Day, De Maid, Deakin, Dearn, Deavey, Deeley, Delaney, Denman, Dennis, Dering, Dester, Dillon, Dixon, Dodd, Dodwell, Dolan, Don, Doughty, Downes, Downing, Drew, Duffin, Dumbleton, Dupont, Durden, Dutton, Dyke.

E, Eabry, Eagle_Meigh, Eagles, Eccleshall, Eden, Edwards, Eliot, Elkin, Ellis, Elmas, Elsom, Elson, Elwell, Emmett, Evans, Everard, Evered, Everitt.

F, Fairclough, Fairfield, Fairfields, Falcon, Fallons, Fantham, Farmer, Farr, Farrow, Faulkner, Fell, Field, Findon, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzgerald, Fletcher, Flory, Fooks, Forman, Forty, Foster, Freeman, French.

G, Gaery, Galloway, Ganty, Gardiner, Gardner, Garfield, Gargle, Garlick, Garner, Garrett, Gascoigne, Gater, Gazey, Gee, Gem, George, Gerrard, Ghilson, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gilks, Gill, Gillann, Gillen, Gilmore, Glover, Godson, Gold, Golding, Goode, Goodman, Gorden, Gosling, Gould, Graham, Grant, Grantham, Greatrex, Greaves, Greebe, Green, Greenhill, Greenway, Gregory, Grester, Greswold, Greves, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimley, Grosvenor, Groves, Guest, Gurney, Gwinnalt.

H, Hadland, Haines, Hale, Hall, Hamilton, Hammon, Hammond, Hamnet, Hampton, Hancox, Handley, Harborne, Harcourt, Harding, Harewood, Harison, Harris, Harrison, Harrold, Hartwell, Harwood, Hawes, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkins, Haycock, Hayden, Haydock, Hayes, Haynes, Haywood, Head, Heath, Hedges, Hegg, Hemming, Hendrick, Henn, Herbert, Hewitt, Hicken, Hickman, Higginson, Higgs, Higham, Hill, Hitchin, Hitching, Hobbins, Hobday, Hobson, Hodgekins, Hodgetts, Holbich, Holden, Holloway, Holmes, Holtom, Homer, Hood, Hooper, Hopkins, Horn, Horton, Horwood, Housman, Hudson, Hughes, Humprey, Hunt, Hurst, Hutton.

Ibbotson, Ingerthorpe, Innes, Irndon, Irwell.

J, Jacks, Jackson, James, Jaques, Jarvis, Jeavons, Jeffcoat, Jeffries, Jessop, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Jonnes, Joyce, Joyner.

K, Keel, Keenan, Keller, Kelsey, Kemp, Kent, Kenwait, Kimbell, Kimberley, King, Kingsnorth, Kirby, Kiss, Knapp, Knibb, Knight, Kordan.

L, Ladbury, Lake, Lane, Langford, Langstone, Lardner, Large, Lavery, Lea, Leatherland, Ledbridge, Ledbrook, Lees, Leeson, Leonard, Lester, Lewin, Lewis, Lidgate, Liggins, Lindon, Lines, Littlejohn, Llewellyn, Lock, Locke, Lockley, Long, Longman, Lorde, Loveland, Lowe, Lowen, Luckman, Ludlow, Lukey, Lute, Luty, Lymen, Lynch.

M, Machin, Major, Malins, Mallett, Mallins, Mander, Manders, Mann, Manning, Marriott, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Marttin, Mason, Masser, Mattherson, Matthews, Maugham, Mayo, Mayon, Mazey, McGainey, Meing, Melson, Mereck, Miles, Miller, Mills, Mole, Moon, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Morrill, Morris, Morse, Mortimer, Morton, Moseley, Moulton, Mountford, Munday, Murray, Murry, Musselwhite.

N, Nacrigaest, Nason, Neal, Neale, Needle, Neville, Newbery, Newitt, Newman, Nicholls, Nixon, Nowell, Nower.

Oakley, O'Connor, Oliver, Onions, Osborne, Overbury, Overs, Owen.

P, Paget, Palmer, Parker, Parkes, Parks, Parr, Parson, Parsons, Parsull, Payne, Peach, Pearce, Pearson, Peat, Pendleton, Penton, Perkins, Perks, Perry, Pherson, Phillips, Philpotts, Phipps, Pickering, Pilcher, Pincher, Pinfold, Pinford, Pitt, Pittaway, Pittman, Polton, Pool, Poole, Portman, Poulton, Powell, Pownall, Prentice, Price, Pritchard, Proctor, Prosser, Purkis.

Rabin, Ramsden, Ranbron, Randall, Rawbone, Rawson, Rea, Reading, Recass, Reeve, Reeves, Reynolds, Richards, Richmond, Rider, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Rolf, Rollason, Rose, Ross, Rudd, Rudman, Rush, Russell, Russill, Ryan, Ryder, Ryland.

S, Sacre, Sadler, Salmon, Sames, Sanders, Satchwell, Savage, Scarlett, Scarsbrook, Schofield, Scofield, Scrivens, Sears, Shakespear, Shakespeare, Shenstone, Sheriden, Sherrey, Sherrin, Sheverington, Shewell, Shilton, Shine, Shinith, Shirley, Shorey, Short, Shute, Shuttleworth, Sillito, Simmons, Simpson, Skelding, Slade, Smallbrook, Smallman, Smith, Smitten, Smtten, Spratt, Stafford, Stain, Stanbra, Staning, Stanley, Stanway, Starkey, Stebbing, Stephens, Stevens, Stokes, Stone, Stoney, Stoneystreet, Strange, Sturgess, Summer, Sumner, Sumpter, Surplice, Sutton, Swain, Sweatman, Swinbourne.

T, Tait, Tallis, Tandy, Taplin, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thorneycroft, Threadgold, Thurch, Tibbitts, Tidmarsh, Tidmas, Timmins, Timms, Tise, Tombs, Tomlinson, Totty, Tracey, Tranter, Treadgold, Tring, Troth, Truelove, Trunkfield, Tuby, Tudor, Tuffin, Tunstall, Turner, Tustin, Twigg, Twinberrow.

Van Wort, Viners.

W, Wade, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallbank, Wallis, Walls, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warner, Warren, Warrillow, Watkin, Watkins, Watt, Watts, Wear, Webb, Webster, Wells, Werner, Wesson, West, Westerton, Weston, Wheeler, Wheeley, Wheelock, Wheelwright, White, Whitehead, Whiting, Whitlock, Whitton, Whorwood, Wicks, Wideman, Wilkes, Wilkins, Willcox, Willday, Willen, Willert, Willetts, Williams, Willington, Willsoners, Wilson, Winston, Winter, Wolstenholme, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodward, Woollett, Woolley, Worrod, Wright, Wyatt, Wykes.

Yates, Yeates, Young.

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