Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2466 Solihull Section - Registration Sub District: Tanworth
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2466 Zipped
SOLIHULL, Tanworth
Abbey, Abbott, Adams, Adkins, Alderman, Aldington, Allsup, Alward, Amor, Andrews, Ansell, Arch, Arculus, Aris, Ariss, Arton, Astley, Attewell, Austin, Avery.
Bachelor, Badham, Bagnall, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ball, Ballard, Barker, Barnard, Barnett, Barrand, Barrass, Barrat, Barratt, Barrett, Barrows, Bartlett, Batchelor, Batchlor, Batsford, Batten, Bayley, Bayliss, Beach, Beal, Beale, Beard, Beardmore, Beasley, Beaufoy, Bebbington, Beeston, Belcher, Bellamy, Bennett, Berry, Betteridge, Bettridge, Bevington, Bickley, Biddle, Biggs, Billing, Billingham, Birch, Bird, Birt, Bishop, Bissell, Blood, Blundell, Boddington, Boddison, Bolt, Bonham, Booth, Boswell, Bott, Bowen, Bowley, Bowner, Bowrey, Boyce, Bradford, Bradley, Bralee, Brayne, Brettle, Britten, Bromwich, Brookes, Broome, Brown, Bryan, Bubb, Buckley, Bullivant, Bunn, Burbidge, Burbury, Burby, Burford, Burgess, Burman, Burridge, Busby, Bush, Bushell, Buttler, Byard.
Caddock, Campden, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Cartwright, Castle, Cattell, Chamberlain, Chambers, Checkley, Chessire, Church, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Clayton, Clinch, Clutterbuck, Cockshott, Cockson, Cole, Collett, Collins, Collis, Colton, Compton, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Copage, Copeman, Corbett, Corey, Cotterell, Cotterill, Cotton, Courtnall, Courtnell, Cox, Crammer, Cranmer, Creese, Crinage, Cross, Cruttenden, Crux, Cunnington, Cussans, Cutler.
Dabbs, Daffern, Dainty, Daniells, Daniels, Danks, Darby, Davey, Davis, Dawson, Deakin, Dearden, Dearn, Dickens, Dipple, Docker, Dolphin, Donell, Douglas, Douglass, Dowdeswell, Dowell, Downs, Duffin, Duffings, Dugard, Dukes, Dunn, Dury, Dyer, Dyson.
Eales, Eaves, Eden, Edgar, Edgington, Edkins, Edwards, Elvens, Emms, Etherington, Evans, Eyre.
Fardon, Farmer, Farmey, Farr, Fergie, Ferris, Field, Fisher, Fitter, Fleetwood, Flemming, Fletcher, Flint, Forster, Foster, Fowler, Foxall, Frampton, Franklin, Freeman, Frost, Fulford, Fullard, Fussell.
Gadd, Galloway, Gameson, Ganderton, Gardner, Garner, Garrad, Garthorne, Gary, Gaskine, Gassor, Gasy, Gazey, Gibbs, Gilson, Gladdy, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Goode, Gossage, Gould, Graham, Grazier, Greatrex, Green, Greenhall, Greenstead, Gregory, Grew, Griffin, Griffiths, Groove, Grout, Grove, Groves, Gurley, Gwinett.
Haden, Hadley, Haines, Hales, Hall, Hamblin, Hames, Hamley, Hammond, Hancock, Hands, Hanker, Hares, Hargrave, Harmer, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hartwip, Hatch, Hathaway, Hattin, Hatwood, Hawkes, Hawkins, Haydon, Hayes, Hayler, Haylor, Hayter, Haywood, Hazlor, Heald, Heartwell, Heath, Hemming, Hennis, Heynes, Hicken, Hickin, Higham, Hildick, Hill, Himber, Hirons, Hishop, Hitchcocks, Hobday, Hodgetts, Hodkinson, Holden, Hollis, Holliss, Holmby, Holmes, Holthorn, Holtom, Homer, Hopkins, Horsley, Horton, Houghton, Howse, Hucy, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes, Hulstone, Humphries, Hunscott, Hunt, Hurlstone, Hutchings, Hutchinson, Hyde.
Iles, Ingerthorpe, Ingles, Ironmonger, Isacke.
Jackson, Jakeman, James, Jarvis, Jefferies, Jeffs, Jelfs, Jenkins, Jenner, Jennings, Johnson, Jones.
Kannar, Keatley, Keel, Keen, Kelly, Kendall, Kendrick, Kerby, Kettle, Kibler, King, Kirkham, Kite, Knibb, Knight, Kynock.
Lancaster, Lane, Lawley, Lea, Leake, Lees, Lenien, Lewis, Lindenberg, Lindon, Lindsay, Linney, Lloyd, Llyod, Locke, Long, Lowe, Lucas, Lyndon.
Mackey, Malin, Mandebelle, Manderville, Manly, Mann, Mansell, Mansfield, Manton, Marr, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Mathews, Matthews, Maund, May, Maycock, Merrick, Micklewright, Middleton, Miles, Mills, Milward, Moakes, Mogg, Mole, Moncrieff, Monslow, Moore, Morgan, Morrall, Morris, Morriss, Moseley, Mousley, Muddiman, Mullin, Mumford, Muntz.
Nason, Naylor, Neal, Neale, Neaund, Needle, Newall, Newey, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Noble, Nolon, Noon, Northwood, Nowell.
Oliver, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourne.
Pace, Paddy, Page, Palfrey, Palmer, Pardington, Parker, Parkes, Parry, Parsons, Partington, Paxton, Payne, Payton, Peace, Perkins, Perks, Phillips, Pickergill, Pickering, Pinfold, Pinner, Pinnock, Pitt, Plumb, Podmore, Poole, Poulton, Powel, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Prentice, Prescot, Price, Print, Pritchard, Pryce, Purton.
Quinn, Quinney.
Rabin, Rainbow, Ramsden, Ravenshall, Raymond, Redden, Reeve, Reynolds, Richardson, Richmond, Right, Riley, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Roe, Rogers, Rollason, Rollins, Roney, Rose, Rotheram, Rouse, Rowley, Rowney, Runer, Rushton, Russell, Rutherford, Ryder.
Salmon, Sands, Satchwell, Saunt, Savage, Scragg, Seller, Sewell, Shakespeare, Shepherd, Shervington, Shirley, Shoutham, Simcox, Simmonds, Simpson, Sinking, Skelcher, Slack, Sly, Smallwood, Smith, Smithen, Snape, Snedwell, Snow, Soley, Southall, Speake, Spicer, Stanley, Steatham, Steward, Stringer, Styles, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swimbourne, Swinborne, Swinbourn, Swinsbourne.
Tallis, Tarplee, Taylor, Teece, Terry, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Timms, Tomlin, Tomlinson, Tonks, Townsend, Tozer, Trippas, Tuby, Tucker, Turner, Tyler.
Van Vestrant, Vardy, Vernon, Vickrage, Viner, Viners, Vines.
Waite, Wakefield, Wakeman, Walcot, Waldron, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walton, Ward, Wardell, Wareham, Warner, Warr, Waters, Watkins, Watts, Wearing, Webb, Webster, Weetman, Wells, Wesson, West, Weston, Wheatley, Wheeler, Whigham, White, Whitingham, Whitworth, Wiggatt, Wiggett, Wilde, Wiley, Wilkes, Wilkins, Willcox, Williams, Wilson, Wincott, Wiseman, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woods, Woodward, Woollaston, Woolley, Wright, Wyatt, Wylie.
Yardley, Young.
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