Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2467 WARWICK Section - Registration Sub District: Warwick

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WARWICK, Warwick

Abbott, Acklin, Adams, Adkins, Aitken, Alcock, Alcock Young, Alday, Allen, Allibon, Alty, Ames, Anderson, Andrews, Anker, Applebee, Arbury, Arch, Archer, Arkwright, Arundel, Ashbourne, Ashford, Ashmore, Ashwell, Askew, Aston, Atkins, Attwood, Austen, Avern, Avery, Avis, Ayres.

Bacon, Badger, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Baley, Ball, Ballard, Baly, Banington, Bant, Barber, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnbrook, Barnes, Barnett, Barnwell, Barratt, Barrett, Bartlam, Bartlett, Bass, Bastock, Batchelor, Bate, Bateman, Battey, Bayfield, Bayliss, Beal, Beale, Beck, Beecham, Beecher, Beer, Beers, Bell, Bellamy, Benbrook, Benbrooke, Bench, Benham, Benkin, Bennet, Bennett, Benson, Beresford, Berril, Berry, Betts, Biddle, Biddulph, Biggs, Bisher, Bishop, Bister, Blaby, Blackford, Blackmore, Blackwell, Bladon, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blencowe, Blenkisop, Blick, Blizzard, Blondel, Blowey, Bloxam, Bloxham, Blunt, Blythe, Board, Boddenham, Boddington, Boler, Bollin, Bolton, Boneham, Bonehill, Bonell, Bonham, Bonner, Booker, Boote, Booth, Bostock, Boswell, Boulton, Bourton, Bovington, Bowater, Bowden, Bowls, Box, Boyce, Bracebridge, Bradley, Bradshaw, Brag, Bragg, Branscombe, Branson, Branston, Branstone, Brian, Brimley, Brint, Briscoe, Broadfoot, Broadhurst, Brodie, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooks, Brotheridge, Brotherton, Brown, Bryan, Bryant, Bryerley, Bubb, Buck, Buckingham, Buckinham, Buckle, Buckley, Buckman, Buenty, Buggins, Bull, Bullen, Bullock, Bumford, Bunn, Burden, Burgess, Burrett, Burrow, Burton, Busby, Bush, Buswell, Butcher, Buttely, Buttler, Butwell, Byerley, Byerly, Bygrave, Byrne.

Caldwell, Cameron, Campbell, Canning, Capell, Carpenter, Carr, Carter, Cartridge, Cartwright, Cashmore, Castle, Catwell, Caunten, Cave, Chadband, Chadwick, Chalk, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chaplin, Chapman, Chapple, Charles, Charlton, Checkley, Chettle, Cheyney, Chilcott, Christmas, Chubb, Church, Churchley, Clark, Clarke, Cleaver, Clements, Clews, Clifford, Clifton, Clockher, Cluff, Coates, Coe, Coffer, Cogbill, Cole, Coles, Colledge, Collett, Collins, Collyer, Conduit, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cookes, Cooper, Cope, Costin, Cotterell, Cotton, Cottrell, Court, Courtnell, Courtney, Cowley, Cox, Crane, Cranmer, Crathorn, Creed, Crockell, Cross, Crovy, Crowhurst, Cruise, Crump, Cunningham, Cuorkett, Currall, Curtis, Cutler.

Dabbs, Daffern, Daking, Dalby, Dale, Dalton, Daly, Dancer, Daniels, Dark, Davies, Davis, Day, Dealey, Dean, Dee, Dennis, Denny, Derritt, Deverill, Dickens, Dickins, Dingley, Dodd, Doller, Dorell, Douglas, Dove, Dowen, Downes, Drage, Draper, Drinkwater, Drummond, Drurury, Duckett, Duffin, Duggins, Dunn, Durant, Dutton.

Eales, Earl, Eass, East, Easton, Eatwell, Eaves, Eborall, Ecob, Edden, Eden, Edgecox, Edgington, Edginton, Edkins, Edmonds, Edwards, Eeles, Egan, Elliott, Ellis, Ellison, Elsworth, Elvins, Emelly, Emmander, England, Enston, Essex, Estward, Evans, Fabt, Fahey, Fairbairn, Fairfax, Farmer, Faulkner, Faulks, Fawcett, Fawdrey, Fell, Fen, Field, Fisher, Fitter, Fitzroy, Fletcher, Flint, Foley, Ford, Forkan, Forrester, Forth, Fosbery, Foster, Fowell, Fowler, Francis, Franklin, Franks, Freeman, French, Freville, Fryer, Fullerton.

Gardener, Garderner, Gardiner, Gardner, Garner, Gartery, Gaugh, Gaunt, Gaydon, Gazey, Gee, Gem, Genders, Gent, George, Ghent, Gibbins, Gibbon, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilham, Gilks, Gill, Gilliver, Gimes, Girling, Gisbourne, Glenn, Glover, Goddard, Goff, Gold, Goldrey, Goldrick, Goldsby, Gollop, Goode, Goodie, Goodman, Goodway, Goodwin, Gossage, Gould, Gourlay, Gower, Grandos, Graves, Green, Greene, Gregory, Grenville, Gretton, Greville, Grice, Grierson, Grimmett, Groves, Grumbley, Grundy, Gubbins, Guest, Gulliver, Gumbley, Gurling, Gurney, Gust.

Hadden, Hadland, Hadley, Halford, Hall, Hallett, Hamblin, Hammond, Hampton, Hancock, Hancox, Hands, Handy, Hannis, Hanson, Harbage, Harding, Hardman, Harlenson, Harling, Harman, Harmer, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harvey, Harward, Harwood, Hastings, Hathaway, Hatt, Hawkins, Haydon, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Heale, Heath, Hedges, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemus, Henning, Hensley, Herbert, Heritage, Hern, Herring, Hesketh, Hewens, Hewett, Hewison, Hewitt, Hewlett, Heynes, Hiatt, Hibbard, Hicken, Hicks, Higgerson, Higginbotham, Higginbottom, Higgott, Higgs, Hill, Hind, Hine, Hinkins, Hinks, Hinson, Hinton, Hirions, Hirons, Hitchcock, Hitchin, Hitchman, Hobbins, Hobbis, Hobbs, Hobill, Hodginkson, Hodgkin, Hodgkins, Hodgkinson, Hodgson, Hodson, Holbeche, Holborn, Holder, Holes, Holland, Holliday, Hollis, Hollyoak, Holt, Holtam, Holtham, Holtom, Hones, Hopcroft, Hope, Hopkins, Hortin, Horton, Hoskins, Hough, Howard, Howell, Howse, Hubbard, Huchvale, Huckvale, Hudson, Hughes, Hume, Humphries, Hunt, Hurley, Hutchingon, Hutchinson, Huxley, Hyatt, Hydon.

Ingram, Inson, Irvine, Isham, Ivens.

Jackson, Jacques, Jakeman, James, Jaques, Jeaurenaud, Jefcoatt, Jeff, Jeffs, Jennings, Jessop, Jimes, Job, Jobe, Jobson, Joel, Johns, Johnson, Johnstone, Joiner, Jones, Jonson, Jordan, Joyce, Joyner, Judd, Juston.

Keene, Kelly, Kelman, Kelsey, Kemp, Kendrick, Kennett, Kent, Kester, Key, Keyte, Kibbler, Kightley, Killpack, Kinchant, King, Kings, Kingston, Kinshaw, Kirby, Kiss, Kitchen, Kitley, Knapp, Knibb, Knight, Knightley, Kyte.

Labrum, Lacy, Ladbrooke, Laight, Lait, Lake, Lamb, Lambert, Lampitt, Lancaster, Land, Landwell, Lane, Lang, Langford, Lant, Lapworth, Larkham, Laughlan, Laurance, Lawrance, Lawton, Lea, Leach, Leadbetter, Ledbrook, Lee, Leedham, Lees, Leeson, Lennington, Lethbridge, Letts, Levens, Lever, Lewen, Lewis, Liddington, Liggins, Lindsay, Line, Lines, Linforth, Ling, Little, Lively, Llewellyn, Lloyd, Lloyde, Loach, Logan, London, Lones, Long, Longchurch, Longrais, Lonner, Lovell, Lowe, Lucas, Ludlow, Lurkings, Lyttleton.

Mabbutt, MacDiarmid, Maiden, Makepeace, Male, Malin, Malins, Mallory, Mander, Mann, Manners, Mansell, Mansergh, Mansfield, Manton, Marles, Marlow, Marriott, Marsden, Marsh, Marshal, Marshall, Martin, Martindale, Mason, Masters, Mathews, Matthews, Mattlock, Maugham, Maver, Maycock, Mayely, Mayo, McDonald, McMillan, Meacock, Meadows, Meddlicott, Meen, Mellor, Meredith, Merriman, Merry, Middleton, Miles, Miller, Millett, Mills, Millward, Minley, Minnell, Mitchell, Mobey, Moor, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morse, Moseley, Mott, Mottram, Mountford, Mowner, Muckleston, Muldornie, Mullis, Munday, Murphy, Murray, Murrell.

Nash, Nason, Neal, Neale, Needle, Neid, Neiel, Nelson, Newbery, Newbury, Newcomen, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nickes, Nickles, Norris, Norton, Nuttam, Nutting.

Oakes, Odell, Ody, Oldham, Oliver, Olliver, Onions, Osborn, Overton, Owen.

Packer, Padbury, Page, Paget, Painton, Palbet, Palgrose, Palmer, Pammont, Parcy, Parish, Parker, Parkes, Parkin, Parsey, Parsons, Partridge, Pattman, Payne, Peabody, Peach, Pearce, Pearman, Penfold, Penn, Penny, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Peters, Pethard, Pettifer, Pettigrew, Phazey, Phelps, Phettipher, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Piddington, Piesey, Pinfold, Pinn, Pinnell, Piper, Pitt, Pittaway, Plaster, Platt, Plummer, Poigoraind, Pollard, Pope, Porter, Potter, Poulton, Pound, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Prentice, Prestage, Prestige, Pretty, Prew, Price, Priest, Prime, Print, Proctor, Prothero, Purcell, Purdy, Purser, Puttman, Puttnam.


Rabin, Raby, Rackham, Radford, Rainbow, Randall, Rankin, Ravenhill, Rawlings, Rawlins, Ray, Read, Reader, Reading, Reason, Reaves, Reddish, Redhead, Reed, Reesen, Reeve, Reeves, Rendill, Retler, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Rider, Roaden, Roadnight, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Robson, Rodgers, Rogers, Roland, Rollins, Ronayne, Rose, Rouse, Rowe, Rowland, Rowman, Rowney, Rudle, Russell, Rutherford, Ryder, Ryland, Ryley, Rymer.

Sabin, Sallaway, Salmon, Salt, Sanders, Sansome, Sargent, Satchwell, Savage, Savidge, Savory, Sawyer, Sayce, Scales, Scholfield, Scruby, Sculthorpe, Scurr, Seales, Searle, Searsbrook, Seaton, Seeley, Seeney, Setts, Sewell, Seymour, Shakespear, Sharman, Shaw, Shawe, Sheasby, Shellard, Shelswell, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shepperd, Shirely, Shirley, Short, Showell, Shreeve, Sidton, Silvester, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simonds, Simpkin, Simpson, Singleton, Skelcher, Slaney, Sleath, Sly, Smith, Smitton, Smout, Southy, Sparks, Sparrow, Spencer, Spennell, Spicer, Spike, Spruler, Squires, Stanford, Stanley, Stanton, Staunton, Steadman, Steel, Steele, Steeley, Steen, Stephens, Stephenson, Stevens, Stickland, Stiles, Stokes, Stowe, Stradwick, Stubbins, Stuchbury, Styles, Summers, Sumner, Sutton, Swain, Swann, Sweetman, Swingler, Sykes.

Taft, Talbot, Tallis, Talliss, Tandy, Tanner, Tarbox, Tarleton, Tarran, Tarver, Taylor, Teal, Tennant, Terry, Tew, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thornton, Thorpe, Tibbits, Timmins, Timms, Tingle, Titmus, Tombs, Tomkins, Tomlinson, Toole, Torre, Tovey, Townsend, Tranby, Treadgold, Treadwell, Treawell, Treddle, Treddwell, Tredgold, Trehearn, Trow, Truefield, Trussell, Tucker, Turner, Turton, Twigg, Tyler, Tyrer, Tysoe, Tyson.

Underwood, Unett, Upton.

Vaughan, Vaughan Fowler, Viggers, Vincent.

Wadham, Wadland, Wait, Waite, Wakefield, Walden, Waldron, Wale, Walford, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Wallin, Wallis, Wallsgrove, Walsgrove, Walters, Walton, Wanlow, Ward, Wardale, Waren, Waring, Warner, Warr, Warren, Warsfald, Warwick, Washburn, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Wayte, Webb, Webster, Weddell, Weedin, Weetman, Weight, Welbourze, Welch, Wells, Welsh, Wesson, West, Westcott, Weston, Wheeler, Wheildon, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whiting, Whitmore, Whittaker, Whittingham, Wickham, Wicks, Widdons, Widdows, Wiggett, Wilde, Wilding, Wilkes, Wilkie, Wilkins, Willacy, Williams, Willis, Wills, Wilson, Wimlett, Winch, Wincott, Winder, Winrush, Winston, Wise, Wolton, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodhouse, Woodward, Woollivan, Wordsworth, Worrall, Worrell, Woskett, Wrench, Wright, Wrighton, Wykes, Wylie, Wynne.

Yardley, Yates, Young.

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