Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2476 Stratford on Avon, Section - Registration Sub District: Wellesbourne

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STRATFORD on AVON, Wellesbourne

A Porta, Adams, Adderley, Adkins, Alcock, Alderwood, Allcock, Alldin, Allen, Allfrey, Allibone, Allwell, Anderson, Anderton, Andow, Ankorn, Anslow, Archer, Argyle, Ariss, Armstrong, Ashby, Ashfield, Aston, Atkins, Attwood, Aubrey, Ayres.

Bachelor, Bacon, Bailey, Baker, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Bamford, Banbrook, Bancroft, Banner, Barbe, Barber, Barford, Barlow, Barnard, Barnes, Barnett, Barratt, Barsell, Bartlam, Bartlett, Basson, Baston, Batchellor, Batchelor, Bates, Bathurst, Batsford, Batten, Baylis, Bayliss, Beal, Bean, Beasley, Beck, Benfield, Bengough, Bennett, Berrill, Berry, Bettridge, Betts, Biddle, Biggs, Biles, Birch, Bird, Birter, Bishop, Bister, Bizby, Blackford, Blair, Blakeman, Bloomfield, Bloxham, Blunn, Blunt, Bolter, Bond, Bonell, Bonner, Boore, Botterill, Bouch, Boulton, Bousfield, Box, Boxall, Boyce, Boyles, Bradley, Brain, Bratt, Brayne, Breeze, Brewer, Bridges, Briscoe, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Bryan, Bubb, Buckingham, Buffery, Buggins, Bull, Bullock, Bunker, Bunn, Burden, Burman, Burridge, Burrows, Busby, Bustin, Butcher, Butler, Byford, Bywater.

Cadd, Cadogan, Cannaby, Canning, Canway, Capers, Capp, Capper, Carlile, Carlisle, Carpenter, Carter, Cassel, Castle, Cattell, Catting, Ceyney, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chamion, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Charley, Charlton, Cheadle, Checkley, Chedham, Child, Chouippe, Chrighton, Churchill, Clack, Clark, Clarke, Claudeville, Clemens, Clements, Clementson, Clerk, Clifton, Climer, Clowes, Coates, Cockbill, Coffy, Coggins, Colbourne, Coldicote, Coldicott, Cole, Colegrave, Coles, Collett, Collings, Collins, Collis, Conway, Cook, Cooke, Coop, Cooper, Coppen, Corbett, Cotton, Court, Courtman, Courts, Cove Jones, Cowan, Cowley, Cowper, Cox, Craddock, Crane, Crawley, Creed, Cresswell, Crick, Crook, Cross, Crossland, Crowe, Cullwick, Curry.

Dadley, Dalby, Dale, Daniell, Darlow, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Dawkins, Day, Dee, Dencer, Dennison, Denter, Devey, Dews, Dickens, Dickenson, Dighton, Dilworth, Dodd, Donald, Doody, Downes, Drinkwater, Driver, Drury, Dryden, Duckett, Dumbleton, Dunn, Durey, Dyer.

Eagles, Eales, Earp, East, Eastbury, Eaton, Edden, Eden, Edgington, Edkins, Edwards, Elesmere, Ell, Elliott, Ellis, Elton, Embury, Emerton, England, Enstone, Esson, Evans, Eveleigh, Evetts.

Fairhead, Farley, Farly, Fathers, Faulkner, Fazey, Febery, Fellows, Fennel, Fenton, Field, Fields, Figg, Finch, Fincher, Findon, Fisher, Fletcher, Flint, Flower, Footit, Ford, Forkert, Foster, Foutitt, Fowler, Fowles, Fox, Frankliln, Franklin, Frankling, Fraser, Fredericks, Freeman, French, Fritton, Frost, Fry, Fuller.

Gardener, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garrett, Garson, Gaskin, Gazey, Geden, Gerard, Geydon, Gibbins, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Giles, Gilkes, Gilks, Gillett, Gisbourne, Glanbitz, Gleave, Gloster, Glover, Goddard, Godfrey, Godwin, Goff, Golby, Goldby, Goode, Goodwin, Gotts, Grace, Grant, Grantham, Granvile, Green, Greenway, Greenwood, Gregory, Griffin, Grimes, Grimmett, Grubb, Guest, Gulliver, Gun, Gunter, Gurley, Guyot, Gwinnett.

Hackleton, Hadland, Hadley, Hadlon, Hadlow, Haile, Hale, Halford, Hall, Hamilton, Hammond, Hanbury, Hancock, Hancox, Hands, Handy, Harbage, Hardeman, Hardiman, Harding, Harnell, Harnett, Harper, Harrif, Harrifs, Harris, Harrison, Harrop, Harry, Hartall, Hartigan, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hasther, Hastings, Hawes, Hawkes, Hawtin, Haydon, Hayes, Haylock, Haynes, Hayter, Haytor, Hayward, Healey, Heath, Heiden, Hella, Heming, Hemming, Hemmings, Hensley, Herbert, Heritage, Herring, Hewett, Hewins, Hewitt, Heyes, Hiatt, Hickman, Hicks, Hiebis, Higgins, Hill, Hinder, Hinks, Hinton, Hiorns, Hipworth, Hirons, Hitchcox, Hitchman, Hoad, Hoadley, Hobbs, Hobday, Hobley, Hockin, Hodges, Hodgkins, Hogg, Holden, Holiday, Holland, Holley, Hollis, Holtham, Holtom, Hone, Hope, Hopkins, Horniblow, Horseman, Horsley, Horsman, Hort, Horton, Horwood, Hottom, Hough, Howe, Howkins, Hubbard, Huby, Hudson, Huggins, Hughes, Hukin, Hull, Humphries, Humphrys, Hunt, Hurdwell, Hurleston, Hutchings, Hutchinson, Hutton, Hyatt, Hyde. Iliff, Ingram, Ivens, Ivins.

Jackman, Jackson, James, Jarvis, Jeacocks, Jeffcoat, Jeffrey, Jeffs, Jefkins, Jelfs, Jenkins, Jewel, Jimes, Johns, Johnson, Jonen, Jones, Jordan.

Kaye, Keen, Kendall, Kennarce, Kent, Kertland, Kerwood, Key, Keyte, Kibler, Kineton, King, Kings, Kinyett, Kirby, Kiteley, Kneller, Knibb, Knight, Knightley, Knights, Kohler, Kyte.

Lakin, Lamb, Lambert, Lampitt, Lane, Langston, Lapworth, Large, Lawrence, Laywell, Lea, Leach, Lechinere, Lee, Leeway, Lefroy, Legg, Leggett, Leigh, Leighton, Lemon, Lewis, Lewiss, Lidbetter, Lines, Liney, Little, Lloyd, Lock, Lomas, London, Long, Loomes, Louch, Lowe, Lucas, Luckett, Lutterman, Luxton, Lydiatt, Lyne, Lynes, Lyttiatt.

MacDonald, MacPherson, Maddicks, Magson, Mainwaring, Malin, Malins, Mander, Manders, Manlay, Mann, Manners, Mansfield, Manton, Margetts, Mark, Marriott, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mather, Mathers, Mathews, Matthews, Maul, Maule, Maunder, Mawson, Maxwell, Maycock, Mayo, Meddows, Melearie, Meler, Mellam, Mence, Menns, Mercer, Merrick, Metherell, Middleton, Midwinter, Mighall, Miles, Miller, Millican, Millin, Mills, Minns, Mitchell, Mobbs, Mobley, Mole, Montgomery, Moody, Moor, Moore, Morbey, Mordaunt, Morgan, Morris, Morriss, Moss, Mossop, Moulder, Mound, Mountford, Mowatt, Mullany, Mullis, Mumford, Munro, Munton, Murray, Mycott, Myring.

Nash, Nason, Navet, Neal, Neighbour, Neville, Newberry, Newbery, Newbury, Newman, Nicholls, Nichols, Nicks, Nix, Nokes, Noon, North, Norton, Notzlin, Nutt, Nuvllin.

O'Brien, Oldham, Oldhams, Oldnull, Oltham, Oppenheim, Oreton, Osborne, Osbourne, Overberry, Overbury, Overs, Overton, Owen.

Padbury, Paddison, Page, Paget, Pain, Palmer, Pardoe, Pargeter, Parish, Parisot, Parker, Parnell, Parr, Parritt, Parrott, Parry, Parson, Partington, Partlett, Paulet, Paxton, Payne, Peake, Pearce, Pearks, Pearson, Peck, Peers, Perase, Perkins, Perks, Pett, Petty, Phazey, Pheazey, Phillips, Philpot, Phipps, Pickett, Pidgeon, Pinfold, Pitcher, Pitt, Pittam, Pittaway, Pitts, Plumb, Plummer, Pollard, Pool, Porteous, Potts, Poucle, Poulton, Powell, Powers, Pratt, Preater, Preece, Prentice, Price, Pricket, Prickett, Priest, Print, Prior, Pritchard, Procter, Puffett, Pugh, Pymoor.


Rachel, Rainbow, Randall, Ratcliffe, Rawbone, Rawlings, Rawlins, Raybould, Reading, Reason, Redsull, Reece, Reed, Rees, Reeve, Reeves, Regney, Reynolds, Rhodes, Richards, Rigby, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rodger, Rogers, Rollo, Rose, Ross, Roston, Rouse, Rowe, Rudge, Russel, Rust, Rutherford, Ryan.

Sabin, Salmon, Salmons, Samway, Sandford, Saunbrook, Saunders, Sauville, Savage, Schmitt, Scott, Scragg, Sears, Sefton, Sellars, Seymour, Shakespeare, Sharp, Sheldon, Shelswell, Shelton, Shenton, Shephard, Shepherd, Sheppard, Shirley, Shotten, Siggars, Simmods, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Skelcher, Smallbones, Smart, Smith, Solin, Sollis, Southam, Southwell, Sparkes, Spatcher, Spencer, Spicer, Spike, Spilsbury, Sprigg, Sprigs, Stacey, Stanley, Steel, Stelfox, Stephens, Stevens, Stevenson, Steward, Stewart, Stickley, Stilgoe, Stock, Stockley, Storey, Stowe, Stratford, Strut, Styles, Such, Summerton, Sumner, Sutton, Swan.

Talbot, Tallis, Tandy, Taplin, Tartt, Tarver, Taylor, Teago, Terry, Thibler, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thornborough, Thornbourough, Thorne, Thorneycroft, Thorpe, Tibbit, Tillet, Timms, Tinson, Tipping, Tobin, Todd, Tomlins, Toms, Tooley, Townsend, Treadwell, Treen, Trenfield, Trevelyan, Trotman, Tubb, Turner, Turvy, Twyeman, Tye, Tyrrell, Tysoe.

Udney, Umbers, Unitt, Unwin, Upstone, Urwin, Usher.

Vale, Vaughan, Verney, Vincent, Violid, Virgo.

Waddoup, Waddup, Wade, Wady, Wain, Wainwright, Wakefield, Walden, Walker, Wall, Wallice, Wallis, Walsh, Walters, Walton, Ward, Warner, Warr, Warren, Washbrook, Waters, Watkins, Watson, Watt, Watts, Webb, Welchman, Wells, West, Whale, Wheeler, Wheildon, While, Whitbread, White, Whitehead, Whitehouse, Whitelock, Whiting, Wicks, Widdows, Wilcott, Wilgress, Wilkins, Wilks, Willcox, Willett, Williams, Williamson, Willis, Wills, Wilsden, Wilson, Wincote, Wincott, Winser, Winstanthy, Winter, Wisdom, Wolfendale, Woodburne, Woodfield, Woodley, Woodward, Worley, Worrall, Wright, Wrighting, Wyatt, Wynn, Wyton.

Yeomans, York, Young.

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