Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2484 Shipston on Stour Section - Registration Sub District: Blockley
(Note this piece lies in the administrative counties of Gloucestershire & Worcestershire.)

Click on the following link to go directly to the (full) transcription 2484
Or the following link to the Zipped File 2484 Zipped

SHIPSTON on STOUR - Blockley

Acocks, Adams, Alcock, Alderton, Alford, Algar, Allchurch, Allen, Almon, Anderton, Andrews, Angles, Anthony, Archer, Arnold, Ashwin, Astell, Aston, Atkins, Attack, Attewell, Attwood, Austin, Avenell, Averill, Ayres.

Bachelor, Bacon, Badger, Badham, Bagnell, Bailey, Bain, Baker, Baldwin, Baldwyn, Balhatchet, Ball, Balwyn, Bamforth, Banbury, Barber, Barne, Barnes, Barnfield, Barrett, Bartlett, Batchelor, Bates, Batsford, Baylis, Bayliss, Beal, Beale, Beauford, Beavington, Beazley, Beechey, Beechy, Beesley, Beezley, Begley, Belcher, Benfield, Bennett, Benton, Berry, Bertridge, Betteridge, Bettridge, Bevington, Bickley, Biddle, Biggerstaff, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Blackwell, Blain, Blake, Blakeman, Bolton, Bond, Booker, Booman, Booth, Bosely, Bough, Bowen, Bowld, Box, Boyles, Brace, Bradley, Braggington, Brain, Bramble, Brancher, Bratt, Bravington, Breakspear, Brend, Brick, Bricknell, Bridges, Bridgman, Bristow, Broad, Broadhurst, Bromley, Brookes, Brooks, Brotheridge, Brown, Browne, Bruce, Bryan, Bubb, Buckle, Buggin, Buggins, Bull, Bumford, Bumpas, Bunker, Burley, Burnham, Burrell, Burrows, Burson, Burton, Butcher, Butler, Buttler, Bylid, Byrd.

Cadd, Calder, Caldicott, Calloway, Camden, Cameron, Campion, Care, Careless, Carswell, Carter, Casswell, Cawston, Chadband, Chadbourne, Chainey, Chambers, Chapman, Checketts, Cherry, Chesher, Cholmondeley, Churchill, Churn, Clack, Clapton, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clayton, Clements, Clifford, Clift, Clifton, Clubley, Coates, Cockerell, Coggins, Coldicott, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Coling, Colins, Collett, Colley, Collier, Collins, Collitt, Colvert, Combes, Constable, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Corfield, Cormell, Cother, Court, Cowley, Cox, Coxhill, Craddock, Cross, Crossley, Crowhurst, Crump, Crumplin, Crumpton, Cull, Cummings, Currell, Curtis, Cuvelier.

Dale, Daniels, Dann, Danster, Davenport, Davice, Davis, Davy, Day, Dee, Deedy, Dennis, Dickenson, Dickinson, Dicks, Distan, Dobbins, Dodd, Dolphin, Dophin, Dovey, Dowdeswell, Draper, Driver, Drury, Dumbleton, Dunn, Dunne, Dunsbee, Dutton, Dworzak, Dyde, Dyer, Dywad, Dyweek.

Eales, Eastbury, Easton, Ebborn, Eden, Edge, Edgington, Edgworth, Edkins, Edwards, Elbrough, Elderton, Ellis, Ellison, Emms, Evans, Fairbrother, Fairfax, Fardon, Farley, Farman, Farrell, Farrer, Faulkner, Ferns, Field, Fifield, Figgitt, Figgures, Finch, Fisher, Fissey, Fletcher, Floyd, Forster, Foster, Fox, Francomb, Franklin, Freeman.

Gaden, Gardener, Gardner, Garner, Garrett, Gasside, Gaydon, Geden, Gee, George, Gibbs, Gibson, Gilbert, Gill, Gillett, Gisborne, Gisbourne, Gissing, Gladwin, Goddard, Godson, Godwin, Golby, Goodman, Goodson, Goodway, Gough, Gould, Gray, Green, Greenall, Gregary, Gregory, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimmett, Grinnall, Grove, Guise, Guthrie.

Hadfield, Haines, Hale, Halford, Hall, Hamilton, Hammond, Hancock, Hancox, Handcock, Hands, Handy, Harbourne, Hardiman, Hardwick, Harper, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Hartley, Hartwell, Harwood, Hathaway, Hawcutt, Hawes, Hawker, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hayden, Haydon, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Haywood, Hedges, Helps, Hemming, Hench, Herbert, Heritage, Hewins, Hiam, Hiatt, Hicks, Higgins, Higgs, Hill, Hillier, Hine, Hinks, Hitchman, Hobbins, Hobbs, Hodge, Hodgkins, Hoggins, Holbeach, Holder, Holford, Holland, Hollis, Holloway, Holme, Holmes, Holtom, Holtum, Honeybourne, Hooper, Hope, Hopes, Hopkins, Horlick, Horne, Horniblow, Horseman, Horton, Houghton, Howe, Howell, Howes, Howley, Howman, Hows, Hughes, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Humphriss, Humpres, Hunt, Hurlston, Hutchison.

Iliff, Ingles, Insall, Invine, Ireson, Irvine, Ivins, Izard, Izod, Izon.

Jackson, Jacques, Jakeman, James, Jameson, Jaques, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jaynes, Jeffery, Jeffrey, Jenning, Jennings, Jewell, Johnson, Jones, Joyner, Judson.

Kealey, Kedward, Keeble, Keeley, Keen, Keitley, Kemp, Keogh, Keyte, Kimberley, Kimble, Kinchin, King, Kingzett, Kinsman, Kirby, Kitchen, Knight, Knott, Knox, Koyte.

Ladbrook, Lamb, Lambert, Lancashire, Lane, Langbridge, Langford, Langston, Langstone, Lapworth, Larick, Laurie, Law, Leadbetter, Leaske, Ledbeter, Ledbetter, Lee, Legge, Lester, Lewes, Lewis, Liffen, Lissaman, Lively, Lloyd, Lock, Locke, Long, Longford, Lood, Lovatt, Lovett, Lowe, Loxley, Loyd, Loynes, Lucas, Lyddiatt, Lyne, Lynes.

Mabson, Mace, Makepeace, Malin, Mallett, Mann, Manning, Manton, Margetts, Marles, Marshall, Mason, Massie, Mathews, Matthews, Maule, Mayo, Mcmahon, Meadows, Meredith, Merriman, Middleditch, Middleton, Miles, Millard, Minchin, Minors, Mitchell, Mobley, Monnington, Morris, Moss, Muffett, Mumford, Murphy, Neal, Neale, Neve, New, Newett, Newitt, Newland, Newman, Nicholas, Nicholls, Nichols, Nixon, Nobes, Noel, Norledge, Norlidge, Northwick, Norton.

Oakley, O'Moore, Organ, Osborn, Osborne, Osbourne, Ourp, Outen.

Padbury, Page, Pain, Paintin, Palmer, Parnell, Parsons, Patterson, Payne, Peach, Peachey, Peachy, Peacock, Pearce, Pearse, Peebles, Pendey, Pendrey, Penn, Pepper, Perkins, Perrin, Perry, Pethard, Petty, Philips, Phillips, Phipps, Pickering, Piercen, Pilley, Pinchin, Pinfield, Pitcher, Pitt, Pleadon, Plested, Pockel, Pocket, Pocock, Poole, Pope, Portman, Postill, Potter, Poulter, Powell, Power, Prater, Pratley, Pratt, Prelley, Preston, Prewitt, Price, Prichard, Prior, Proctor, Pulbam, Pullen, Pulley, Purser, Purslow.


Radband, Railton, Rainbow, Randall, Randell, Randle, Rawlings, Ray, Raynbird, Readman, Realey, Reeves, Restall, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Righton, Rimall, Rimell, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rodway, Rogers, Rolison, Rooff, Roper, Rose, Rouse, Rowe, Rowley, Ruff, Rusch, Rushout, Russell.

Sabin, Sale, Salmon, Sandalls, Sandells, Sanders, Sandles, Sansom, Saunders, Savage, Scanlor, Scarlett, Scarson, Scudamore, Seitz, Sharp, Sharpe, Shaw, Sheaf, Shepherd, Sheppard, Sherwell, Sherwood, Silvester, Simcox, Simmonds, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Sinclare, Sinton, Skey, Skinner, Slater, Slatter, Smith, Smithers, Soley, Solloway, Southall, Southam, Southern, Spencer, Spendelow, Spiers, Spires, Stafford, Standbrook, Stanford, Stanley, Stead, Steele, Stephens, Stiles, Stott, Stow, Stowe, Stribblehill, Sturch, Styles, Such, Summers, Surman, Sutton, Symes.

Tallott, Tame, Tanner, Taplin, Tapp, Tarplett, Taylor, Thompson, Thomson, Thornley, Thornton, Tilling, Timms, Todd, Toft, Tombs, Tomes, Toms, Tonghurst, Tovey, Townsend, Tracey, Tracy, Trenfield, Trentepohl, Trinder, Trotman, Trott, Troughton, Tucker, Turberville, Turner, Turvey, Tustin, Tweed, Tysoe.


Vale, Vallis, Veale, Vinn.

Wagstaff, Waine, Waite, Wake, Walden, Walker, Wallace, Wallin, Walling, Walters, Walton, Warburton, Waring, Warner, Warters, Waters, Watson, Watts, Weaver, Webb, Webber, Weever, Weil, Wells, Westmacott, Weston, Whatcott, Wheatcroft, Wheatcross, Wheatley, Wheeler, White, Whitley, Wicksey, Widdows, Wiggins, Wigginton, Wilcox, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Williams, Willis, Willison, Willmore, Wilson, Wincott, Withers, Witts, Wixey, Woodward, Woolver, Wragge, Wright, Wyatt, Wykes, Wynniatt.

Yateman, Yates, Yeats, Yelf, Yells, Young.

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