Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions

Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2486 Shipston-on-Stour Section - Registration Sub District: Halford

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Shipston-on-Stour - Halford

Abbots, Abbotts, Adams, Adcock, Ainge, Akerman, Alcock, Alder, Alexander, Allcock, Allen, Allibone, Allitt, Allwood, Andrews, Archer, Arnell, Arnett, Arthur, Ashby, Aston, Attwood, Aubrey, Austin, Ayriss.

Bachelor, Badger, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Ballard, Barlow, Barnes, Barnett, Bartlett, Barwell, Baskott, Batchelor, Bateman, Batsford, Bawcutt, Baylis, Bayliss, Baynard, Beal, Becchey, Beck, Beckett, Beebuisake, Beech, Beesley, Bell, Bennett, Berry, Best, Betteridge, Biles, Birch, Bird, Bishop, Blackford, Blackwell, Blakeman, Blencowe, Bloxham, Blunn, Boddington, Bomford, Bond, Bone, Bonterry, Botterell, Boucher, Bowden, Bowers, Bowles, Box, Boyce, Bradley, Bragg, Brain, Brandis, Brewer, Brice, Brittan, Broad, Brooks, Brown, Bryan, Bryant, Buckingham, Budd, Buist, Bull, Bulmer, Burch, Burdon, Burman, Burmin, Burr, Burrows, Bury, Bustin, Butcher, Butler, Butters, Byrd.

Callow, Canning, Capp, Carey, Carley, Carter, Cassell, Cattle, Chamberlain, Chambers, Chappell, Checketts, Checkley, Churchill, Churchley, Clagne, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Claydon, Clemans, Clements, Clemons, Clifford, Clifton, Cockbill, Cocker, Cogbill, Coldicote, Coldicott, Coleman, Coles, Collcott, Collett, Collinns, Collins, Constable, Cook, Cooke, Cooling, Cooper, Corbett, Court, Cox, Crossley.

Davis, Day, Deaking, Dickins, Dixon, Dobell, Dodd, Dodge, Dorell, Dorgan, Dorrell, Doyle, Draper, Dumbleton, Dunkley, Durham, Dyer, Dyke.

Eales, East, Edden, Eden, Edkins, Edwards, Elliott, Ellis, Emens, Enstone, Evans.

Farver, Fathers, Faulkner, Fennell, Fessey, Field, Findlay, Firkins, Fisher, Fitter, Fletcher, Flint, Flower, Foster, Fox, Francis, Franklin, Freeman, French, Fry.

Gardiner, Gardner, Garner, Garrett, Gaydon, Geden, Geldart, Gerrard, Gibbins, Gibbons, Gibbs, Gilbert, Gilkes, Gilks, Gill, Gillam, Gisbourne, Godfrey, Godson, Goodway, Gough, Grant, Grantham, Gray, Green, Greenhill, Greenway, Gregory, Greig, Greves, Griffin, Griffiths, Grimmett, Groves, Gulliman, Guppy, Guy.

Haddon, Hall, Halten, Hancock, Hancox, Hands, Handy, Hankinson, Hannant, Harbage, Harington, Harper, Harris, Harriss, Hartwell, Harvey, Harwood, Hasley, Hastings, Haton, Hatten, Hawcutt, Hawkes, Hawkings, Hawkins, Hawtin, Hay, Haynes, Hayward, Heartwell, Hedges, Hemming, Hemmings, Henson, Hentage, Heritage, Hewens, Hewings, Hewins, Hews, Hiatt, Hibbard, Hibberd, Hicks, Higgins, Higgs, Hill, Hillman, Hills, Hine, Hirons, Hitchcox, Hitchins, Hitchman, Hoare, Hobday, Hodges, Hodgskins, Holland, Hollis, Holtham, Holtom, Hone, Honigan, Hook, Hornsby, Horseman, Horsley, Horton, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Hughes, Humphries, Hunt, Hurlston, Hutchings, Hyatt, Hyde.

Ingram, Isaacs, Ivens.

Jackson, Jacque, Jacques, James, Jaques, Jarrett, Jarvis, Jeffs, Jenaway, Johnson, Joins, Jones, Jordan, Jorden, Joyner.

Kane, Keck, Keeley, Keen, Keiley, Kettle, Keyte, Kinchin, King, Kinman, Kirby, Kirkaldie.

Lamb, Lampett, Lane, Larkin, Laurie, Laydon, Lee, Leyden, Lidzy, Linacre, Lines, Lister, Locke, Lomas, Long, Lucas, Lunnon, Lunnun, Lyne.

Mabbutt, Mace, MacPearson, Malcholm, Malins, Malpas, Manders, Mandeza, Manton, Margetts, Marley, Marsh, Marshall, Mascord, Mason, Mathews, Matthews, Mattinson, Maunton, McGowan, Mead, Meads, Middleton, Miller, Mills, Milton, Moore, Morgan, Morley, Morris, Moulden, Moulder, Mullin, Mullis, Mulliss, Mumford, Murphy, Murray, Nash, Nason, Neal, Newman, Newton, Nicholls, Nichols, Nickols, Nighton, Norgate.

Oliver, Orange.

Padbury, Page, Pain, Palmer, Pannett, Pardington, Pargeter, Pargiter, Parish, Parker, Parnell, Parr, Parsons, Paxford, Payn, Payne, Penn, Penson, Pettipher, Phillips, Philpott, Phipps, Pickering, Piggot, Pitt, Plester, Plum, Plumb, Pope, Potter, Powell, Power, Pratt, Prentice, Price, Pricket, Prickett, Print, Pritchard, Purser.

Quigley, Quinton.

Radbourne, Rainbow, Rand, Randall, Randle, Rastall, Ratcliffe, Ratley, Rawlings, Rawlins, Reason, Redding, Redfern, Rees, Reeve, Reid, Richard, Richardson, Rickett, Righton, Riley, Rimell, Roberts, Robinson, Rogers, Rolfe, Rose, Rothwell, Roule, Rourray, Rouse, Rowles, Ruck, Runnergar, Russell, Rymel, Rymell.

Sabin, Salmon, Salmons, Sandalls, Sandells, Sargeant, Savage, Sermon, Sheet, Sheldon, Shepherd, Shirley, Short, Simmonds, Simms, Simons, Sims, Skuce, Smith, Soden, Southam, Spencer, Spicer, Spike, Staley, Stanley, Staunton, Stayt, Steel, Stickley, Stock, Stockley, Stowe, Strong, Styles, Such, Summerton, Sumner, Sutton.

Tannell, Taplin, Tappin, Tasker, Taylor, Tear, Tennant, Terry, Thacker, Thackwell, Thomas, Thompson, Timms, Tombs, Tomes, Tomlin, Tomline, Tongue, Tovey, Townley, Townsend, Treadwell, Trentham, Trevor, Tuddwell, Tyrell, Tyrrel, Tyrrell.

Upton, Usher.

Vales, Vaughan, Veal, Vernon, Vincent, Violid.

Waddup, Wade, Wadlow, Wadup, Wakeham, Walden, Waldon, Walkenden, Walker, Walton, Ward, Wareing, Waring, Warmington, Waters, Watts, Webb, Weighell, Welch, Welchman, Wells, Westbury, Whale, Wheatcroft, Wheildon, Whiles, White, Whitehead, Widden, Widdows, Widows, Wiggins, Wilcox, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Wilks, Williams, Willson, Wilson, Wimpress, Winchester, Wincott, Winter, Withers, Wood, Woodfield, Woodward, Wrench, Wrighton, Wyatt, Wyse.

Yates, Young.

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