Surname Index to the Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2488 Southam Section - Registration Sub District: Southam II
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2488 Zipped
Abbott, Abbotts, Ackrill, Adams, Addison, Adkins, Adnitt, Aeirs, Aires, Aliband, Alibone, Alkins, Allard, Allcock, Allibone, Allitt, Allsop, Alsop, Amos, Archer, Armitage, Arnold, Ashby, Ashton, Askew, Aston, Aubery, Aubrey.
Bachelor, Bacon, Badger, Bagley, Baker, Baldock, Baldwin, Barber, Barkins, Barnacle, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barratt, Barrett, Barrons, Barrott, Barton, Baseley, Bastock, Batchelor, Bates, Batty, Bawcutt, Bayes, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Baynes, Bazeley, Beard, Beards, Bearman, Beasley, Beck, Bedington, Bedow, Beers, Beese, Bell, Bench, Bennett, Bensfey, Berry, Best, Bicknell, Biddle, Bignell, Billson, Bilson, Birch, Bird, Birkin, Blackwell, Blakeman, Blencoe, Bloxham, Blundell, Boddington, Bodfish, Bond, Boote, Booth, Boss, Boswell, Botterill, Boulton, Bourne, Bourton, Bowyer, Boyles, Bradshaw, Brain, Braines, Branston, Brayne, Brewster, Brindley, Britton, Broderick, Brooks, Brown, Broyer, Bryan, Buckerfield, Budd, , Bull, Bullock, Bungay, Bunting, Burbage, Burbidge, Burbridge, Burden, Burdett, Burman, Burnell, Burrowes, Burton, Burwell, Butler.
Campion, Cardall, Carr, Carter, Carvell, Casey, Cave, Chadbourne, Chadwick, Chalk, Chambers, Chater, Checkley, Cheney, Chester, Childs, Church, Clack, Claridge, Clark, Claydon, Cleaver, Clifton, Cockerill, Cocks, Coe, Cole, Colegrave, Coleman, Coles, Colin, Coling, Collins, Comery, Constant, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Cope, Corbett, Cosford, Cowley, Cox, Creed, Cross, Crouch, Cumberlidge, Cummins, Cure, Curtis, Cussons.
Dalton, Dancer, Daniel, Darby, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Day, Deacon, Dearing, Deeming, Dell, Deugard, Devenport, Dial, Dickens, Dickenson, Dilrens, Dodson, Douglas, Downing, Downton, Dran, Draper, Ducket, Duckett, Duffin, Duffy, Dumbleton, Dyer.
Eadon, Eagles, Eales, Earl, Eaton, Eden, Edmunds, Edwards, Elkington, Elliman, Elliott, Ellis, Elsdon, Ely, Emberton, Emblin, Endacott, England, Evell, Evetts, Evill.
Fabling, Faccarini, Fancott, Farmer, Farrer, Faulkner, Fawcett, Fearn, Fell, Fennel, Fennell, Ferns, Fessey, Fiddian, Field, Fields, Finch, Fines, Fisher, Fitchett, Fletcher, Flower, Follett, Forder, Foster, Foulkes, Fox, Francis, Freeman, French, Friedhofen, Frizer, Frogley, Frost, Fry, Frywood.
Gaghan, Gamage, Gammage, Gardner, Garner, Garratt, Garrett, Gascoigne, Gascoyne, Gaskin, Gaskins, Gent, Gibbard, Gibbins, Gibbs, Giddins, Giles, Gilkes, Gilks, Gillingham, Gilliver, Gillmore, Gilmon, Glen, Glenn, Goldsmith, Golsby, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gosdon, Gossage, Gough, Goulding, Gowland, Graham, Grant, Graves, Green, Greenfield, Greenway, Gregory, Grieve, Griffin, Grissole, Grosvenor, Gulliver, Guntrup, Gwillim.
Hackforth, Hales, Hall, Halpin, Hamilton, Hammin, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Hands, Hardy, Harries, Harris, Harriss, Harrold, Hart, Hartley, Hartsmann, Hartwell, Harty, Harvey, Harwood, Hastings, Hatton, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hawtin, Haycock, Hayes, Haynes, Hayward, Hazlewood, Hearn, Hearns, Heath, Hemmings, Hemsley, Henry, Hensey, Herbert, Hermann, Hertz, Hewitt, Hicken, Hickman, Hilba, Hill, Hillyard, Hinch, Hines, Hinkley, Hinks, Hint, Hirons, Hitchcox, Hoare, Hobley, Hoddinott, Hodges, Hodgkins, Holder, Holland, Hollins, Hollis, Holmes, Holt, Holtom, Hone, Hopkins, Horley, Horn, Hortin, Horwood, Hotson, Hough, Howard, Howell, Howells, Howes, Howkins, Hudson, Hughes, Humfriss, Humphriess, Humphris, Humphriss, Hunt, Huntwell, Hutchings, Hyatt, Hyde.
Iley, Inge, Irwin, Isham, Ivens, Ivens (Watson), Izzard.
Jackson, James, Jarman, Jarvis, Jeffs, Jelbert, Jelphs, Jenkins, Jennings, Jensen, Jessett, Jessitt, Jester, Johnson, Jones, Jordan, Josephs, Justice.
Keeling, Keen, Kelly, Kelsey, Kemp, Kenning, Kent, Kinby, Kind, King, Kingerlee, Kirby, Kirk, Kitchen, Knibb, Knight.
Ladbrooke, Laesier, Lamb, Lambert, Lamley, Lamsden, Lane, Large, Latsey, Lattimer, Lawrence, Le Grys, Lea, Lee, Leeds, Leeson, Leggett, Leigh, Lenz, Lewis, Ley, Lickorish, Lifley, Line, Linell, Lines, Lingen, Linnell, Linnett, Lloyd, Lockley, Locock, Lomas, Lomer, Lowe, Lucas, Luck, Lumkin.
MacNoltz, MacPherson, Magarnage, Mainson, Makepeace, Malin, Mander, Mann, Manning, Markham, Marlow, Marriott, Marshall, Martin, Mason, Massey, Masters, Matthews, Mawby, May, McKenzie, McNulty, Mead, Merckel, Meres, Metcalf, Metherell, Miller, Mills, Millson, Mitchell, Moffatt, Mold, Monk, Montgomery, Moore, Morby, Morgan, Morris, Moulton, Mountain, Mountford, Mucklow, Muddiman, Muller, Mullis, Mushing.
Neal, Needle, Neep, Nentrip, Neville, New, Newey, Newitt, Newman, Nezor, Nichol, Nicholls, Nichols, Noon, Noone, Norton, Nueses.
O'Brien, O'Connor, O'Keefe, Oldham, Olerenshaw, Oliver, O'loughlin, Orme, Osborn, Osborne, Owen.
Padgett, Page, Paine, Pallok, Pardington, Pargeter, Parish, Parker, Parrott, Parsons, Paston, Payne, Pearcey, Pearsey, Pearson, Perry, Phelps, Phillips, Philps, Pickering, Pidgeon, Piercey, Pittom, Plesher, Plester, Plummer, Pond, Poole, Potts, Poulton, Powell, Pratt, Prentice, Prestidge, Price, Pritchard, Quick, Quiney, Raby, Rainbow, Ralphs, Rand, Randall, Rathbone, Rave, Raven, Rawbone, Rawlins, Reader, Reading, Redgrave, Reed, Rees, Reeve, Reynolds, Rhodes, Rice, Richards, Richardson, Riches, Rick, Riley, Rimberley, Riozzi, Robbins, Roberts, Robinson, Rodgers, Rogers, Rohrbach, Rollason, Rollinges, Rollins, Rooke, Rose, Russell.
Sabin, Sainty, Sanders, Saunders, , Schimmner, Schluter, Schnell, Schuntz, Scriven, Seaton, Selby, Sergent, Shakespear, Shanley, Sharman, Shaw, Shearsby, Sheasby, Shelton, Shepherd, Shirley, Shuckburgh, Siebertz, Simms, Simons, Sims, Skidmore, Slade, Slarmer, Slater, Smeeton, Smith, Snook, Southam, Spencer, Spiers, Spittle, Stamislaus, Stanley, Stanton, Stean, Steimmeyer, Stephens, Stevens, Stilgoe, Stockley, Stratford, Stratton, Stretton, Stuchfield, Sturdy, Sturley, Summers, Sumner, Sweatman.
Talbot, Tallett, Tame, Tandy, Tarrant, Taylor, Terry, Thacker, Thomas, Thompson, Thorneycroft, Thornicroft, Thornton, Tibbs, Tidmark, Tiff, Timms, Tims, Tolley, Tooby, Tooley, Townsend, Treach, Treadwell, Trent, Trower, Trubshaw, Tuckwell, Turner, Tyler, Tylor, Tyrrell, Tysoe.
Uhles, Umbers, Usher.
Varney, Vaughan, Verney, Viccars, Viggers, Vyons.
Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wait, Wakefield, Walker, Wall, Wallen, Wallin, Wallis, Walter, Walters, Walton, Waples, Ward, Ware, Wareing, Waring, Warmington, Warner, Warren, Warwick, Wase, Watson, Watts, Weale, Webb, Weinstock, Welch, Wells, Welsh, West, Whateley, Wheeler, Whinmill, White, Whitehead, Whitfield, Whitmore, Whitton, Wiblin, Wickson, Wiggins, Wiles, Wilkenson, Wilkes, Wilkins, Wilks, Willey, Williams, Willison, Willson, Wilmersch, Wilson, Wincote, Wincott, Wing, Winterton, Wise, Wodhams, Wood, Wooley, Worrall, Wright, Wrighton, Wyatt.
Yardley, Young.
Zengerle, Zillren
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