Surname Index to the 1891 Warwickshire FreeCen Transcriptions
Here's a list of the surnames mentioned in Piece Number 2502, which is unchecked and differs from the standard FreeCEN data
Click on the following link to go directly to the (full) transcription
Wolvey, Stretton Baskerville & Burton Hastings
Adams, Addison, Adler, Aldridge, Allcoat, Allen, Ambler, Arden, Arnold, Ashley, Astill.
Back, Bailey, Baines, Barnes, Barton, Barwele, Bates, Bayliss, Beamish, Bennett, Berridge, Bill, Birchall, Birk, Blundell, Bolton, Bonnet, Boonham, Bostock, Boyles, Bradbury, Bradshaw, Bray, Brown.
Carter, Carvell, Chamberlain, Cheney, Clarke, Colley, Compton, Cook, Cooper, Cope, Cox, Crofts, Cross, Cunniff.
Dau, De Saint Mars, Dewhurst, Dewis, Drackley, Drugard, Dukes, Dumbleton.
Earnam, Elkington, Elliott, Elson.
Fletcher, Flowers, Foder.
Gascoigne, Gibson, Giddens, Gilks, Godfrey, Goodacre, Goodman, Goodyer.
Hanson, Harper, Harrad, Harrison, Harrold, Hawkins, Henson, Hewitt, Hobile, Hobills, Holt, Howard, Hoxford, Huckvale, Hulms, Hurst, Hussey, Hutchings.
Jacques, Jelley, Jennings, Johnson, Joyce.
Keatley, Kelley, Kenning, Kibborn, King, Knight.
Liggins, Lines.
Malin, Marshall, Marson, Martin, Mconnel, Mills, Mondla, Moor, Moore, Morris, Morton, Mumford.
Neale, Nichols, Noble, Noon, Norton.
Pallett, Palmer, Parker, Parry, Paston, Patterson, Paul, Pegg, Pemberton, Pittem, Plover, Poctine, Pondrill, Poole, Powell, Prentice, Preston, Price, Pritchard.
Randle, Ratcliffe, Renney, Richardson, Rimmer, Rollason, Rose, Rowe, Rowley.
Sansome, Sawford, Scott, Shoebotham, Smart, Smith, Stevenson, Stretton, Sturgess.
Tailby, Telford, Thompson, Thorpe, Tibbitts, Till, Tilson, Tomlinson, Truelove, Turpin, Twigger.
Vaus, Veasey.
Wagstaff, Walker, Ward, Weston, Wheatley, White, Whitlock, Wilcox, Wilford, Willett, Williams, Woods, Wright, Wykes.
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