A | Abbotts, Adams, Adkins, Adler, Adnitt, Ager, Aldridge, Amos, Anderson, Anderton, Andrews, Archer, Arnold, Ashby, Ashmore, Ashworth, Asteleigh, Aston, Atkins, Austin |
B | B....., Bager, Bailey, Baker, Baldwin, Bale, Banebury, Banks, Barker, Barnes, Barratt, Barrs, Bartlett, Barton, Bason, Bassett, Batchelow, Bateman, Bates, Bayley, Baylis, Bayliss, Beasley, Beck, Beeby, Beers, Benjamin, Bewley, Billingham, Bird, Bishop, Blake, Blakeman, Blakemore, Blount, Bloxham, Blundel, Blundell, Blythe, Bolton, Boote, Bottrill, Bowden, Bowerman, Boyfield, Bracher, Bragg, Bray, Breton, Brierly, Briers, Broad, Brook, Brown, Brunt, Bryan, Bullock, Burden, Burns, Burr, Butun |
C | C....., Caley, Canham Capel, Carrington, Carroll, Cates, Chamberlain(e), Chambers, Chapman, Checkland, Clark, Clarke, Claypole, Cleaver, Clements, Clerke, Clews, Clifton, Cole, Coles, Colledge, Collings, Collins, Compton, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbett, Cotton, Covington, Cowper, Cox, Coysh, Crawley, Cread, Creed, Creighton, Crofts, Cross, Cryer, Cummins, Curtis |
D | D....., Dalton, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Dawson, Dawzon, Deamont, Deeley, Denyer, Berry, Dews, Dingley, Dowell, Drowth, Duffin |
E | Edmund, Edmunds, Edwards, Elkington, Elliott, Elson, Elton, Ely, England, Evans, Everton |
F | F....., Fairbrother, Fairfax, Fairfield, Farguson, Farmer, Ferguson, Field, Fieldhouse, Fitter, Flavell, Foreman, Foster, Fox, F(P?)oxon, Franklin, Frankton, French, Friswell, Furnival |
G | G....., Gabbitas, Gamble, Gardner, G(C?)arrington, Garrett, Geering, Gibson, Gilbert, Gillett, Gilpin, Glendinning, Godden, Goode, Goodman, Graham, Granger, Grant, Greasey, Greasley, Gregory, Grifall, Griggs |
H | H....., Hailstone, Hair, Hale, Halford, Hammond, Hammonds, Hancox, Harris, Harrison, Harrity, Harthorn, Harwar, Harwell, Haslewood, Haswell, Haw, Hawkins, Hayles, Haynes, Healey, Heard, Heath, Heiford, Herd, Heritage, Hickman, Hicks, Higgins, Hinde, Hill, Hipwell, Hobbiss, Hobley, Hodgson, Holfe, Holt, Holtham, Hood, Hopkins, Horton, Howe, Howes, Howkins, Huckin, Hucklin, Hughes, Hurley |
I | I....., Ingram, Iliffe, Iliff |
J | J....., Jackson, Jeffrey, Jeffrey(s), Jeffs, Jellicoe, Jessett, Hohnson, Joiner, Jones |
K | Keable, Kemp, Kennedy, Kenney, King, Kingston, Knole, Knowle |
L | Lambly, Lane, Lauton, Langdon, Leach, Leader, Lee, Leech, Lees, Lester, Lewin, Lewis, Liggin(s), Liggins, Linney, Loomes, Louch |
M | McCook, M....., Mace, Makepeace, Mallison, Mander, Manfield, Manger, Manning, Mansfield, Marriott, Marson, Martin, Mason, Masters, Mathews, Matthew, Matthews, Mattocks, Meanwell, Meek, Millins, Mills, Minard, Minnard, Missen, Mitchell, Mogriche, Moore, Morris, Mowbray, Mullins, Mullis, Munden, Murden, Murray, Muston |
N | N....., Nash, Neal, Neale, Needle, Melson, Newcomb, Newitt, Newton, Newtown, Nicholls, Nichols, Nightingale, Nix, Norton, Nunn, Nutthall |
O | O....., O'Connor, O'Leary, O'Shea, Oldaker, Osden, Ostrzywilk, Oughton, Over, Owen |
P | P....., Page, Painting, Pant, Pare, Parkins, Parkys, Parnel, Partridge, Pask, Payne, Pearson, Peet, Pell, Pemberton, Perkin(s), Perkins, Perry, Phillips, Phipps, Pickard, Pickerd, Pilkington, Pimlott, Pinfold, Pizzey, Pontifract, Poole, Poppering, Porter, Pratt, Preece, Price, Print |
Q | Quartermain |
R | R....., Reade, Reeve, Reeves, Reygner, Reynolds, Richards, Rider, Riley, Ritson, Robinson, Rodes, Rowe, Rowley, Rushworth, Russell, Ryder, Ryland |
S | S....., Sales, Sarazyn, Schareston, Scott, Sear, Sedgley, Shakerston, Shakreston, Sharp, Shears, Sheppard, Sherratt, Shipman, Shirley, Shortridge, Shuttleworth, Sleamaker, Sloan, Smith, Sodin, Sparkes, Sparks, Spawton, Spein, Spokes, Spring, Startin, Stoke, Stokes, Story, Sturges, Sully, Sutham, Sweetman |
T | T....., Tailby, Taylor, Tebbutt, Tew, Thomas, Thompson, Thompstone, Thurland, Tidman, Till, Timm, Timms, Timson, Titcombe, Tomlinson, Traeson, Tranger, Tranter, Treaddle, Treddell, Treddle, Tree, Treen, Trueman, Truman, Turland, Turner, Turrall |
U | Underwood, Uppewell |
V | Vanner, Vaughan, Vesey, Vessey |
W | W....., Wagstaff, Wagstaffe, Wain, Wakefield, Wale, Walker, Walter, Walton, Ward, Warden, Warner, Warren, Warrender, Watkin, Watkins, Watson, Wattis, Watts, Webb, West, White, Whitehead, Wilkins, Wilkinson, Williams, Wilson, Wiseman, Witherby, Wolfe, Wood, Woodward, Worral, Worrell, Worthington, Wright |
Masons | Alcott of Coventry, Baraclough of Nuneaton, Birchalls of Rugby, Ferriman, W. Langton, Taylor of Coventy, Thompson, Titcombe |
Church Bells | Taylor of Loughborough, Joseph Smith (made bells ?) |