Monumental Inscriptions for Birmingham,
Sheldon, St. Giles

List of names taken from the fiche of Monumental Inscriptions for
St Giles' Church in Sheldon, Birmingham

Fiche number I1068 sold by BMSGH
published here by kind permission of the Birmingham and Midland Society for Genealogy and Heraldry
Transcription kindly submitted by Ken Hallock


Abson, Adams, Adcock, Adie, Ainsley, Albutt, Allan, Allday, Allen, Alleyn, Allibone, Allnatt, Allred, Allso, Allwood, Apperley, Arber, Arbon, Archer, Aris, Arnold, Ashford, Ashman, Ashmore, Ashworth, Atkins, Attwood, Aucott, Averill


Back, Bagg..., Baglow, Bailey, Baker, Ball, Ballard, Banner, Barber, Barford, Barker, Barley, Barnbrook, Barnett, Barrett, Barry, Bartlett, Barton, Bateman, Bayliss, Beaumont, Beasley, Bednall, Beers, Beesley, Beete, Belcher, Bell, Bennett, Benson, Bentley, Benton, Berrington, Berwick, Bevan, Biddle, Biddles, Birch, Birchenough, Bishop, Bissell, Blackwell, Blackwood, Bladen, Blakemore, Blayney, Blewett, Blick, Blinkhorn, Blundell, Blyth, Bolstridge, Bomford, Bond, Boswell, Boughton, Bowcott, Bradshaw, Bray, Brereton, Brighton, Brittle, Broadway, Brookes, Brooks, Brown, Brownless, Bryne, Buckley, Bull, Bullen, Bulpitt, Bunby, Burgess, Burley, Burman, Burns, Burtenshaw, Burton, Bushell, Buswell, Buxton, Bygrave, Byrne


Caldicott, Caley, Capewell, Cardiff, Carill, Carpenter, Carsley, Carter, Cartwright, Cashmore, Castle, Cater, Cattell, Causon, Cecil, Chalk, Challender, Chambers, Chapman, Charie, Charman, Chatland, Checketts, Checkley, Cherry, Cheshire, Childer, Childs, Chillwell, Chivers, Chornley, Clark, Clarke, Clay, Cleaver, Clendon, Clerke, Cleverley, Clifford, Clyde, Coates, Cobb, Cockersple, Cohen, Coleman, Coles, Collett, Colley, Collier, Collins, Compton, Congrave, Coombes, Coombs, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corbett, Corles, Corlett, Cornwell, Cotterill, Cottle, Cottrell, Coulthard, Court, Cowland, Cox, Crane, Crathorne, Crawford, Craythorne, Cresser, Crisp, Cross, Crowe, Currall


Dagnall, Dakers, Danes, Dann, Davenport, Davidson, Davies, Davis, Dawes, Day, Dear, Deeley, Deeming, Delingpole, Denton, Derrington, Dews, Dickins, Digby, Dixon, Dobson, Dore, Dormer, Doyle, Dragoonis, Draper, Duce, Dudley, Dugdale, Dunford, Dunn, Dunton, Durant, Dutton


Earp, East, Eckersley, Edington, Edkins, Edmunds, Edson, Edwards, Elliott, Ellis, Ethell, Etheridge, Evans, Everiss, Evetts, Eyre


Fanshaw, Farr, Farrow, Faulkner, Fawdry, Feast, Fellowes, Feltham, Fiander, Field, Finney, Fisher, Fletcher, Ford, Foster, France, Francis, Franks, Freer, Freerash, Furey


Gabb, Galpin, Gamul, Gardiner, Garrett, Gee, Gell, Gilderthorp, Gillman, Glover, Godfrey, Godson, Gold, Gooch, Goode, Gopsill, Gorle, Gough, Gould, Grantham, Gration, Greathead, Greatorex, Greaves, Green, Greene, Greensill, Greenway, Gregory, Grenville, Griffiths, Grimmett, Grout, Grove, Groves, Gubbins, Guest, Gurney, Gwyther


Haddock, Hadley, Hagel, Hall, Hallasey, Halpin, Hambleton, Hamill, Hammond, Hamnett, Hanson, Harris, Harrison, Hartlebury, Harvey, Hatten, Hatton, Hawkes, Haycock, Hayman, Haynes, Heath, Hegan, Hemming, Hemmings, Hendy, Henstock, Herbert, Herbison, Herriott, Hewins, Hewlett, Hibbard, Hibbert, Higgitt, Hill, Hillary, Hills, Hinson, Hirst, Hislop, Hobbins, Hobson, Hockley, Hollins, Holmes, Holtom, Homer, Hookham, Hooper, Hopcroft, Hope, Horton, Hosgood, Hoskins, Howard, Howell, Howells-Steele, Howkins, Hudson, Hughes, Humphries, Humphris, Hunt, Husselbee, Hutchings, Hynett


Ilsley, Incledon


Jackson, Jacobs, James, Jarratt, Jarrett, Jefferson, Jewsbury, Jinks, Johnson, Jones, Jones-Bateman, Joy, Judd


Kaddy, Keatley, Kedge, Keen, Kelly, Kemble, Kemp, Kennedy, Kerr, Kilmister, King, Kingstone, Kington, Kitchen, Kitchin, Knibbs, Knight, Knott, Knowles, Knox, Kyte


Lake, Lamb, Lambert, Lane, Langshaw, Large, Lawler, Layland, Laythorpe, Lea, Leake, Leary, Leay, Lee, Leigh, Lemon, Leonard, Lerwill, Lewis, Linforth, Lisle, Little, Littler, Lloyd, Lock, Locke, Lockitt, Longmore, Lovell, Lucas, Luckman, Ludlow, Lunn, Lyth


Macdonald, Macintyre, Macpearson, Madge, Maguire, Mahoney, Mallinson, Mann, Manning, Mansel, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marston, Martin, Mascall, Maskrey, Mason, Massey, Matthews, Maturi, Mayall, Maycroft, Mayo, Mayou, McBain, McKeown, McKinney, Meade, Meakin, Meakins, Merrett, Merry, Midgley, Mills, Mitchley, Moffat, Moore, Morgan, Morrall, Morrissey, Morvan, Moseley, Muddyman, Mukerji, Mulcock, Mulgrue, Murcott, Murphy, Murray, Mushen, Musson, Myatt, Myers


Nash, Neal, Neale, Neate, Neilson, Newman, Newton, Niblett, Nichols, Nix, Nock, Nomer, Nunn


Ogden, Olbrecht, Olorenshaw, Orton, Owen


Page, Painter, Palmer, Pardoe, Parker, Parkins, Parnell, Parry, Parsonage, Parsons, Partlet, Pass, Pate, Payne, Peace, Pearce, Pearson, Pemberton, Pennington, Percival, Perkins, Perks, Perrins, Perry, Phillips, Pickett, Piggott, Pink, Pinner, Planck, Plummer, Porter, Potter, Power, Predeth, Preece, Preedy, Preston, Price, Prior, Pritchard, Probyn, Prosser, Pugh, Pullen




Ralphs, Randall, Randle, Rathbone, Raven, Ravenscroft, Rawlinson, Ray, Raybone, Rayment, Raymer, Rayner, Reeve, Reynolds, Richards, Richardson, Riley, Robathan, Roberts, Robertson, Robinson, Robotham, Rode, Rogers, Rooker, Rose, Rotton, Round, Rowbotham, Rowley, Rufford


Salerman, Sammons, Sanders, Saunders, Scane, Seazell, Severn, Seymour, Shakespeare, Shale, Sharp, Shaw, Shea, Sheldon, Shemmell, Sheppard, Short, Shotton, Shropshall, Siers, Simmons, Simons, Simpson, Siviter, Slater, Slaughter, Smallbrook, Smalley, Smethurst, Smith, Snead, Southcombe, Sparks, Speakman, Speed, Spencer, Stacey, Stafford, Stainthorpe, Stait, Stallard, Starkey, Steadman, Steel, Stephenson, Sterland, Stevens, Stevenson, Stodham, Stone, Stott, Strickland, Sturmey, Suddaby, Sullivan, Sumnour, Sutherland-Smith, Swift, Symonds


Tansell, Tarrant, Tayler, Taylor, Terry, Theaker, Thomas, Thomason, Thompson, Thomson, Thorne, Thornley, Thornton, Thwaite, Timson, Tingay, Tipper, Todd, Tomlinson, Tompkins, Toplis, Townsend, Trenfield, Trethowan, Troman, Tuby, Tuckley, Tudor, Turner, Tustin, Twist, Tyler, Tylliott


Uncles, Upton


Van Lente, Vernon, Vickers, Vincent


Wakelam, Wale, Walker, Wall, Wallis, Walls, Walmsley, Walter, Ward, Wardingley, Warner, Warren, Warriner, Waterhose, Waters, Waterstreet, Watkins, Watson, Waugh, Weare, Webb, West, Westwood, Whitby, White, Whitehouse, Whiting, Whitney, Widdows, Wightman, Wilkes, Wilks, Wilkinson, Willey, Williams, Williamson, Williams-Sterland, Willinger, Willsthop, Wilmer, Wilson, Wiltshire, Windle, Winters, Witt, Wood, Woodbridge, Woodley, Woodward, Woolley, Wootton, Wright, Wrighton


Yates, Yeomans, Young


??? Arthur, ??? Barry, ??? Bernard, ??? Cyril, ??? Graham, ??? Kathleen, ??? Leslie, ??? Martin, ??? Mary, ??? Patricia



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