A | A......, Allitt, Andeley, Angless, Archer, Arundell, Ashby, Atkins, Austin |
B | B......, Bailey, Barbery, Barston, Bassett, Bedding, Bednall, Bellamy, Benwell, Billington, Birch, Birkinwood, Blakeman, Bland, Bond, Bowden, Botles, Boyvill, Bradweye, Bright, Brooks, Broughton, Brown, Browne, Bull, Bullock, Burbury, Burbu... |
C | Callow,Campion, Catell, Caves, Chamberlaine, Chomondeley, Churchley, Clark(e), Clerke, Collby, Colledge, Collett, Colville, Cook, Cooke, Cooper, Corby, Cornes, Coventre, Cox, Craddock, Crewe, Cumming |
D | D'Aeth, Dale, Cavies, Cawson, Dee, Deeley, Dewiel, Dodd, Dodson, Sryden, Dudley, Dunn |
E | Edwards, El....., Elliott, Ellys, Etches, Evans |
F | F......, Fewtrill, Flynerkin, Forest, Forrest, Fox, Freeman, Furnivale |
G | G....., Gadsby, Gairner, Gardner, Gibbard, Gilpin-Brown, Gloucester, Goddin, Goule, Graley, Grant, Graves, Greenwall, Greenway, Gregory, Gurney |
H | Halford, Haltwhistle, Hardy, Harris, Hart, Harvey, Harwood, Haselovere, Heath, Heather, Hewitt, Hibbert, Higham, Hirons, Hockley, Hodgson, Holmes, Horley, Huckvale, Hulle, Hutchinson |
J | Jackman, Jackson, Jaggard, Jenkins, Jones |
K | Keyte, King, Kinge, Kirby |
L | Laister, Landridge, Lane, Lawson, Ledbrook, Legge, Leigh, Lelong, Liggins, London, Longland, Louch, Luck, Ludyatt, Lynes |
M | M....., Mallory, Mander, Mansel, Mark, Martin, Masty, Matthews, Mills, Mitchell, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Mumford |
N | Naish, Napton, Nettleship, Newton, Newsome, Nicholls, Nicks |
O | Oakley, Offley |
P | Page, Palethorpe, Palmer, Paul, Pearse, Penley, Perkins, Perks, Phillips, Plevins, Pratt, Press, Pretwell, Prickett |
R | Racheford, Ragsdale, Rawlins, Repton, Richardson, Riley, Roberts, Rose, Rossdale, Rotherham, Russell, Ruxton, Rycart |
S | S....., Sammons, Savage, Silk, Smallwood, Smith, Sokeling, Spiers, Sprunt, Stanyer, Stevens, Stock, Stoneleigh, Strickland, Strong, Sunnerton, Sutton |
T | Tandy, Taylor, Terry, Thomspon, Taylor, Thompson, Tibbits, Tidmarsh, Timmins, Tims, Tipping, Tolley, Trepass, Turner, Tolley, Trepass, Turner, Turney, Tyler |
V | Voss |
W | Voss |
Masons | Ashmore of Warwick, Cakebread and Sprawson of Warwick, J.Jackson of Warwick E. Price of Kenilworth, Warmington & Sons |