Saltley Reformatory Inmates

Abel Taylor

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No. in Admissions Register: 92
Date of admission: 24 May 1856
Weekly payments: -
Age: 14
Education: Reads a little
Previous employment: Brass foundry
Crimes, how often and in what prison: 5
Training in reformatory: Absconded 31 March 1857.
When left reformatory: Tailor
Parentage and family: Mother and father living
Residence: 2 court 2 house Inge Street, Birmingham
Trade of father: Mother a laquerer(?) works at Harcourt, Bromsgrove Street; Father brass foundry, works at Simcox and Pemberton(?)
With whom the boy is placed: -
Address: -
Trade: -


5 April 1856 There is a report of the crime in the Birmingham Journal Saturday 5 April 1856 p.6 cols.5-6: A BATCH OF YOUNG DELINQUENTS. - … John Grimes, a tailor, living in Alison Street, Abel Taylor, a brassfounder, of Inge Street, and Eliza Smith, a labourer, of John Street, each fourteen years of age, were placed in the dock charged with stealing twenty-five quires of note paper, from the shop of Mr Langbridge, stationer, of Bull Street, The case was proved by Detective officer Clarke, who seeing the prisoners walking together down Bull Street on Friday afternoon, followed them into Dale End. The girl Smith then took something from under her shawl, but catching sight of Clarke, threw the packets of paper on the ground and ran off with the other prisoners. On Saturday afternoon he met them in Constitution Hill, and took them into custody. The girl was unknown to the police. Taylor had been in Court several times, and Grimes, who was the smallest of the three, had repeatedly been imprisoned, and placed in the Reformatory Institution [does not appear in the Saltley Admissions Register]. The Bench decided on committing them for trial at the Sessions.[he was sentenced to 6 weeks in prison and 2 years at Saltley].

4 April 1857 In the Reformatory Minute book is recorded: 426. Resolved: that information be sent to Mr Stephens at the Police Courts, and that proceedings be taken against Rooney [boy 63] and Tremble [boy 64], also against Carlton [boy 91], Taylor, Collins [boy 100], and Hughes [boy 70], who absconded on the 1st of April.

3 June 1857 The Reformatory Minute Book lists those boys who have absconded and are still at large, including Taylor.

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