Warwickshire Ancestors Project — 1841

Transcript of Piece HO107/1137 (Rugby)

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Surname Listing
Abbey, Abbott, Abel, Abell, Abraham, Adams, Adcock, Addison, Adkins, Adler, Aims, Ainge, Ainsworth, Airs, Alcott, Alfar, Algar, Alkin, Allard, Allday, Allen, Allgood, Allibone, Allington, Allistone, Allsop, Allwinkle, Ambrose, Amherst, Amos, Anderson, Andrews, Anger, Angus, Anstey, Ansty, Antill, Antrill, Archer, Arden, Arding, Argent, Aris, Ariss, Arlington, Armitage, Arnold, Arthur, Ash, Ashborn, Ashburn, Ashby, Ashmore, Ashton, Askew, Asop, Astel, Astill, Atkins, Attwood, Atwood, Aughton, Augustin, Avery, Avis.

Bacheldor, Bachelor, Backen, Bacon, Bagge, Bagshaw, Bailes, Bailey, Bailiss, Baines, Baird, Baken, Baker, Balcott, Baldin, Bale, Ball, Ballard, Bamgartrin, Banbury, Band, Bannard, Bannister, Bantum, Barber, Barfoot, Barford, Baring, Baris, Barker, Barlow, Barnacle, Barnall, Barne, Barnel, Barnes, Barnet, Barnett, Barney, Barnfield, Barnham, Barnwell, Barrall, Barrass, Barratt, Barrett, Barrott, Barrs, Barsby, Bartlett, Barton, Baseley, Basely, Basford, Baskett, Basley, Bason, Bass, Bassall, Batcheldor, Batchelor, Bate, Bateman, Bates, Batty, Baum, Baverstock, Baxter, Bayes, Baylis, Bayliss, Beard, Beards, Bearley, Beasely, Beasley, Beavan, Beck, Beddol, Bedford, Bedwin, Beeby, Beech, Beesley, Belcher, Bellairs, Bench, Benn, Bennet, Bennett, Bensliel, Benson, Bernard, Berridge, Berry, Bert, Betts, Beuford, Bevan, Bevans, Bewley, Bickerstaff, Bicknell, Biddulph, Biden, Biding, Bier, Bignell, Bill, Billingham, Billington, Bimson, Bingley, Birch, Birchall, Bird, Birditt, Bishop, Bishton, Bissell, Bivan, Blaby, Blackburn, Blacket, Blake, Blakeman, Blanchard, Bland, Bleaney, Blencower, Bleney, Blewitt, Blick, Bligh, Blinko, Bliss, Blizett, Blockly, Bloom, Blower, Bloxam, Bloxham, Blundall, Blundell, Blunt, Blyth, Blythe, Boddington, Boden, Boding, Bohnam, Boistan, Bold, Bolden, Bolstridge, Bolton, Bond, Boneam, Boneham, Bonham, Bonny, Bonsor, Bonum, Bookey, Boonham, Boore, Boot, Booth, Borland, Borman, Borsley, Boston, Bostridg, Bosworth, Bott, Botterill, Bottrell, Bottril, Bottrill, Boucher, Boughton Leigh, Boulanger, Boulton, Boussie, Bower, Bowers, Bowles, Boyes, Boyles, Boys, Boyson, Bracebridge, Bracey, Bracken, Bradford, Bradley, Bradnock, Bradshaw, Bradwell, Braidy, Branson, Branston, Braunden, Braunston, Braxton, Bray, Brazier, Bree, Brereton, Brickell, Bricknell, Bridshaw, Brierly, Briggs, Bright, Brigstock, Briscoe, Brittain, Brodrick, Bromage, Bromfield, Bromich, Bromish, Bromley, Bromwich, Brookes, Brooks, Brother, Brothers, Broughton, Brown, Bruce, Brugh, Brunt, Bryan, Buck, Buckingham, Buckland, Bucknall, Bucknill, Budd, Bugden, Buggin, Buggins, Bull, Bullock, Bunney, Bunning, Bunting, Burbery, Burbidge, Burbridge, Burbury, Burden, Burdett, Burditt, Burgiss, Burnam, Burnham, Burns, Burrows, Bursell, Burten, Burton, Busbury, Busby, Bushill, Buswell, Butcher, Butes, Butler, Butlin, Buttress, Buttriss, Bye, Byrne.

Cain, Caitan, Cakebread, Caldecott, Caldicott, Calidcott, Calin, Callaway, Calvert, Calvort, Cameron, Campbell, Campion, Canning, Capel, Careless, Carling, Carpenter, Carpue, Carr, Carrol, Carter, Carvel, Cashmore, Cassell, Caster, Castle, Cater, Cattell, Catterns, Cattle, Cave, Chalice, Chalker, Challoner, Chambelain, Chamberlain, Chamberlin, Chambers, Chandler, Chaplin, Chapman, Charles, Charlton, Charnock, Chater, Chatfield, Chattock, Chattwin, Chatwin, Chawner, Checkland, Chembelin, Chemberlin, Chembirlin, Chester, Chesterton, Childs, Chipenhall, Chipman, Cholinily, Cholmondeley, Church, Churchill, Claridge, Clark, Clarke, Clarkson, Clarrage, Clarridge, Clay, Clease, Cleaver, Cleeg, Clements, Clerk, Clever, Cliff, Cliffe, Clifford, Clifton, Clines, Clowse, Coats, Cobley, Cock, Cockerill, Cockrill, Cockroff, Cocksedge, Cok, Coke, Coker, Coldham, Cole, Coleman, Coles, Colledge, Collet, Collett, Collier, Collins, Collis, Colman, Conerly, Congrave, Conington, Connery, Constable, Constance, Constant, Cook, Cooke, Cookerill, Cooper, Copp, Copperk, Coppock, Copson, Corey, Corral, Corrall, Corrie, Cosby, Cosford, Cother, Cotton, Courts, Cove, Cowley, Cowper, Cox, Craddock, Crain, Crane, Cranfield, Crawley, Creyke, Crip, Crisp, Crock, Crofts, Crompton, Crooke, Crooks, Cropper, Cross, Crossley, Crow, Crowdy, Crum, Crupper, Cryer, Cummins, Cunningham, Cure, Currall, Curran, Currie, Curtis, Curtland, Cutler.

Dabank, Dacre, Dadley, Daffern, Dafforn, Dail, Dakin, Dallas, Dalson, Dalton, Dancer, Dandson, Danes, Daniel, Daniell, Daniels, Danvers, Darby, Dash, Daud, Davenport, Davies, Davis, Daviss, Davonport, Daw, Dawes, Daws, Dawson, Day, De Dion, De Moconible, Deacon, Deane, Dearne, Deaton, Deebank, Denley, Dennison, Denny, Desiree, Dester, Devlin, Devonshire, Dew, Dewhurst, Dewitt, Diaper, Dicken, Dickens, Dickins, Dickman, Dilks, Dipper, Dobney, Dodd, Dorothy, Dosher, Doughty, Douglas, Douglass, Dowell, Dowling, Downing, Downs, Doyle, Drake, Drayson, Dring, Drinkwater, Driver, Du Cadillac, Du Chastelet, Du Moconible, Duckett, Dudley, Duffield, Dugard, Duglas, Duglass, Dumbleton, Dunckly, Dunkley, Dunn, Dunning, Durham, Dutton, Dyson.

Eagleheart, Eagles, Eagleton, Eales, East, Eaton, Eburn, Eburne, Eckersley, Eden, Edge, Edgecombe, Edkins, Edmond, Edmonds, Edmund, Edmunds, Edwards, Egg, Egginton, Egleston, Elingham, Eliott, Elkington, Ellard, Elliman, Elliot, Elliott, Ellis, Elliss, Elms, Elphinstone, Elson, Elston, Elton, Ely, Emery, Emory, England, Englands, Enock, Enos, Enson, Ensor, Errington, Essex, Evans, Evelyn, Everett, Every, Evins, Evitts, Eyden, Eyles, Eyre.

Facer, Fairfield, Fall, Farmer, Farn, Farndon, Farne, Farnn, Farrar, Farrell, Farren, Farrin, Farrington, Faulkes, Faulknall, Faulkner, Fawns, Feathergood, Feild, Fell, Fellows, Fennemore, Fetter, Field, Fielding, Fields, Filchet, Finch, Findlay, Firth, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick, Flannagan, Flavel, Flavell, Flecknoe, Fletcher, Flint, Flitcher, Flood, Flowers, Folks, Fookey, Forbes, Forkner, Forster, Fortescue, Foster, Fotheringham, Fouquet, Fox, Foxon, Frances, Francis, Franklin, Frankton, Fraser, Freeman, Freer, French, Fretter, Friend, Frier, Frisby, Frith, Frizel, Frost, Fry, Fuller, Fullerton.

Gage, Gailey, Gallagher, Gallimore, Gamage, Gamble, Gantilbon, Gardener, Gardiner, Gardner, Garlick, Garner, Garnett, Garrat, Garratt, Garret, Garrett, Garton, Gascoigne, Gays, Gee, Geffery, George, Gibb, Gibbins, Gibbs, Gibson, Giddings, Giddins, Gidman, Gifney, Gilbert, Giles, Gilkes, Gilks, Gill, Gillam, Gillespie, Gillett, Gillings, Gillins, Gillman, Gimpson, Gipson, Girling, Gisburn, Glen, Glenn, Gloster, Glover, Glyn, Goadby, Goddard, Godfrey, Golding, Goll, Golsby, Goodall, Goode, Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gore, Gorge, Gosney, Gossip, Goswell, Gott, Gough, Grace, Grainger, Grament, Granger, Grant, Granville, Graves, Gray, Greathead, Green, Greenhill, Greentree, Greenwood, Gregory, Grenfell, Greves, Grews, Grey, Griffin, Griffith, Griffiths, Grimes, Grimm, Grimmett, Grinly, Groce, Grocock, Groockitt, Groocock, Groom, Groves, Grubb, Grumble, Grundy, Gubbins, Gudgeon, Guding, Gudion, Guest, Guite, Gunn, Gunton, Guphel, Gurney, Gutteridge, Guttridge, Guy.

Hackett, Haddican, Haddon, Hadley, Haggerstone, Haines, Hains, Hakesley, Haldon, Hale, Hales, Haley, Halford, Hall, Hallam, Hallan, Halton, Hamer, Hamilton, Hammerton, Hammond, Hanaway, Hancock, Hancocks, Hancox, Handcox, Handley, Hands, Hanning, Hanson, Hanswell, Haply, Harcott, Harding, Hardy, Haris, Harkesy, Harlow, Harman, Harper, Harrall, Harratt, Harrett, Harris, Harrison, Harriss, Harrod, Harrol, Harrot, Harrott, Harrowell, Hart, Hartell, Harting, Hartly, Hartnell, Hartwell, Harvey, Harvy, Haselwood, Hash, Haskerley, Hassan, Hastings, Haswell, Hatch, Hatchet, Hattersley, Haveley, Hawkes, Hawkins, Hay, Haycock, Hayden, Hayes, Haylock, Haymes, Haynes, Hays, Hayward, Haywood, Heacock, Headding, Headerds, Headington, Healey, Healy, Heap, Hearte, Heath, Heathcot, Hedge, Hedges, Hedon, Heeler, Heler, Hemming, Hemmings, Hemp, Hence, Heppins, Herbert, Heritage, Herne, Herrod, Hesom, Hewat, Hewill, Hewit, Hewitt, Heyden, Hibbert, Hickin, Hickman, Hicks, Hide, Higgins, Higgs, Higham, Higley, Hill, Hinde, Hindes, Hines, Hinks, Hinton, Hiorns, Hiot, Hipwell, Hirons, Hisom, Hitchcock, Hizzard, Hoase, Hobbins, Hobbis, Hobbs, Hobby, Hobday, Hobley, Hobly, Hodey, Hodges, Hodgeskins, Hodgkins, Hodgkinson, Hodgkison, Hodgson, Hodkinson, Hodskinson, Hodson, Hoggins, Hogobie, Holbeche, Holdin, Holding, Holdon, Holford, Holland, Hollick, Hollis, Holloway, Holmans, Holmes, Holt, Holtham, Holtom, Holyoak, Homer, Homes, Honstull, Hopkins, Horley, Horn, Horne, Hornsby, Hough, Houghton, House, Howard, Howe, Howitt, Howkins, Howlet, Howlett, Howlette, Howley, Hubbard, Huckell, Hudson, Hugh, Hughes, Hughs, Hull, Humphreys, Humphries, Humphris, Humphry, Hunt, Hunter, Hurley, Hurst, Hutchings, Hutchins, Hutt, Hutton, Hyde.

Ignell, Iliff, Iliffe, Illiffe, Inge, Ingram, Inns, Ireland, Ireson, Irons, Ison, Ivens, Ivins.

Jackes, Jackson, Jacock, Jacomb, James, Janson, Jarvis, Jauntley, Jay, Jays, Jeacock, Jeayes, Jefcott, Jeffcot, Jeffery, Jeffes, Jeffs, Jenary, Jenkins, Jennings, Jenson, Jephcoat, Jephcott, Jerram, Jervis, Jessop, Jeyes, Jeys, Jilks, Jobson, Johnson, Johnston, Jolly, Jones, Jonston, Jordan, Jordon, Judd, Jules, Justin.

Kearney, Keen, Kelam, Kelcey, Kellam, Kelsy, Kemp, Kench, Kendall, Keney, Kening, Kennard, Kenney, Kenning, Kennings, Kenny, Kent, Kerr, Kettle, Kewley, Kilfoyle, Killworth, Kilworth, Kimnell, Kinch, King, Kirby, Kite, Knight, Knowles.

Labery, Labram, Labrum, Ladbrook, Ladkin, Lake, Lambert, Lambley, Lambly, Lamsden, Lamsdill, Landon, Lane, Langam, Langford, Langham, Langley, Lansbury, Laren, Latham, Lattemor, Lattimer, Latts, Laughton, Laurance, Law, Lawley, Lawrance, Lawrence, Lawson, Lawton, Laycock, Layne, Layton, Lea, Leacroft, Leap, Leason, Leathis, Lee, Leeson, Leftwich, Legh, Leia, Leicster, Leister, Lesley, Lester, Letherland, Letts, Levey, Lewis, Leys, Licemer, Lickorish, Licorish, Lidbrook, Liddiard, Liggins, Lightfoot, Ligins, Lilley, Lindon, Lindow, Line, Lines, Linnell, Linnett, Lisamer, Lisemore, Lisener, Lissaman, Lisseman, Lissemer, Lisserman, Lissimer, Lissimore, Litchfield, Littledale, Lloyd, Lock, Lockington, Lomes, Long, Loomes, Lord, Louch, Love, Loveitt, Lover, Lowden, Lowe, Lowith, Lowke, Loydel, Loydell, Lucas, Luck, Luckman, Ludford, Lukes, Lydall, Lynch, Lynes, Lyon, Lythal.

MacDonald, Mace, MacKenna, MacMinn, Maho, Maidwell, Major, Maks, Malibone, Malin, Malls, Mand.ers, Mander, Manders, Manger, Manley, Mann, Manning, Mannings, Mansfield, Manton, March, Margawley, Margotts, Markerton, Markham, Markin, Marks, Marlow, Marriatt, Marriot, Marriott, Marsh, Marshall, Marson, Marstes, Marten, Martin, Masen, Mason, Master, Masters, Mathews, Maths, Matthews, Maule, Maunsell, Mawbey, Mawby, May, Maycock, Mayo, Mayor, McCardy, McCarthy, McDonald, McDonell, McEvoy, McfFedyean, McGawley, McIntosh, McKinnell, McLachlan, McMasters, McQuane, Meachem, Meacock, Meadows, Meath, Meddoms, Medlam, Medows, Meek, Meigh, Menzies, Merridew, Messenger, Metcalf, Mick, Middilton, Middledon, Middleton, Milan, Miller, Millington, Mills, Miln, Milne, Milton, Minards, Miner, Mitchell, Monaghan, Monro, Montgomery, Moor, Moorby, Moorcroft, Moore, Moreton, Morgan, Morgin, Morissan, Morley, Morris, Morrisan, Morriss, Morson, Morton, Moseley, Mould, Moulton, Moultrie, Mowe, Mumford, Munro, Munton, Murcott, Murdin, Musson.

Nasby, Nason, Neal, Neale, Nearson, Neasby, Necks, Needham, Nelson, Neville, Nevitt, Newall, Newark, Newbery, Newbold, Newby, Newcomb, Newcombe, Newcome, Newman, Newmans, Newnham, Nichols, Nicholsain, Nickoletts, Nickols, Nicks, Nickslas, Nixon, Noble, Noel, Noon, Nordon, Norman, Norris, Norton, Norvill, Nown, Nutthall.

Oakes, Oats, Odey, O'Flaherty, Ogle, Oldham, Oldhams, Oldridge, Olicke, Oliver, Olivier, Olner, Olorensharew, Olorenshaw, Olton, Oman, Oram, Orlebar, Orsborn, Orsborne, Orton, Osband, Osborn, Osborne, Osburn, Oslander, Ottey, Ouseman, Over, Overton, Owen, Oyston.

Pachett, Packwood, Padbury, Page, Paggett, Paile, Pain, Paine, Painton, Palmer, Pamer, Pargent, Parker, Parnell, Parpeth, Parratt, Parris, Parrott, Parry, Parsons, Partridge, Patchet, Patrick, Patterson, Pattiher, Paul, Paybody, Payn, Payne, Peak, Pearcy, Pearson, Pease, Peasenall, Peberdy, Pebody, Pedlar, Peles, Pell, Pemberton, Pendred, Penn, Penrose, Pepody, Percival, Perkins, Perry, Perryn, Peters, Petifer, Petterfer, Pettifer, Pettifor, Peyon, Philipson, Phillips, Philpot, Philpott, Phipps, Piercy, Pike, Piley, Pindar, Pinder, Pindor, Pirie, Pitham, Pittam, Plater, Platt, Plensman, Pleshir, Plestow, Plumb, Pobbs, Polton, Pomfrey, Pooley, Pope, Portal, Porter, Posworth, Potter, Powell, Powers, Powlett, Pratt, Preece, Prestidge, Preston, Prew, Price, Pride, Pridmore, Priest, Priestley, Pritchard, Proctor, Provis, Puffit, Pullen, Pullin, Pursglove.

Queensberry, Quincy, Quiney, Quinney, Quite.

Rackam, Radburn, Radcliffe, Radford, Rainbow, Raines, Rakes, Randall, Randle, Rathbone, Raven, Rawlinson, Rawstern, Readby, Reader, Reading, Redding, Reddis, Redley, Reed, Reeve, Reeves, Regan, Reilly, Reynolds, Rhailing, Rhaling, Richards, Richardson, Rickard, Rider, Ridges, Ridley, Ries, Riley, Ringroes, Ripenhall, Robbins, Roberts, Robins, Robinson, Rochford, Roe, Rogers, Roley, Rolins, Rollanson, Rollins, Rollstone, Rooper, Rosamond, Rose, Ross, Rossy, Round, Row, Rowbottom, Rowden, Rowe, Rowett, Rowland, Rowledge, Rowley, Rowlins, Rudge, Ruffhead, Rusher, Rushill, Rushton, Russel, Russell.

Sabin, Sale, Sales, Salmon, Salsbury, Samuel, Sanders, Sanderson, Sandford, Sansome, Sarjeant, Satchall, Satchel, Satchell, Satchill, Satchwell, Saunderson, Saunt, Savage, Sawbridge, Sawyer, Scholefield, Scivens, Scott, Scotten, Scotton, Scrivers, Sculthorp, Sculthorpe, Seal, Seale, Seaman, Seaney, Seare, Seaton, Seckerton, Seckington, Seckinton, Sedgley, Sewads, Seward, Seymore, Shakespere, Shard, Sharman, Shaw, Shears, Shearsby, Sheasby, Sheffield, Shelby, Shephard, Shepheard, Shepherd, Sherer, Shettle, Shine, Shirely, Shirley, Short, Shuckburgh, Shuttleworth, Sibson, Sidebottom, Sidgreaves, Silester, Silverton, Silvester, Simikin, Simmons, Simpkin, Simpson, Singelton, Sitwell, Skinner, Skipwith, Slade, Slater, Sleath, Slin, Small, Smallwood, Smart, Smeeton, Smith, Smyth, Snape, Snewing, Somes, South, Southam, Southorn, Sparks, Sparrow, Spear, Speechley, Spencer, Spicer, Spirling, Spooner, Spraggett, Sprawson, Sprig, Spriggs, Sprigs, Spry, Stafford, Staford, Stain, Staine, Standwell, Stane, Stangoe, Stanley, Stanton, Staples, Startsor, Staunton, Stean, Steane, Steans, Steel, Stephens, Stephenson, Stereke, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stocks, Stokes, Stone, Storey, Story, Stourton, Stranford, Stratford, Stratton, Stretton, Stringer, Strong, Sturges, Suckling, Summers, Summerton, Sumner, Sutch, Sutton, Swallow, Swan, Swann, Swinnerton, Symcox, Symes, Syred.

Tait, Talbot, Talbott, Taleby, Talet, Tallett, Tandy, Tansar, Tanser, Tapley, Tarnson, Tarry, Tarver, Taverner, Tawney, Taylor, Tayton, Tedder, Tedley, Teed, Tennant, Terrington, Terry, Tew, Tewrell, Thacker, Thelwell, Thickens, Thisby, Thomas, Thomps, Thompson, Thornhill, Thornicroft, Thornley, Thornton, Throssin, Thrupp, Thursby, Tillcott, Tilley, Tilson, Timms, Tims, Tipping, Tite, Tithorington, Toamtin, Tolton, Tomes, Tomkins, Tomkinson, Tomlin, Tompson, Toms, Tongue, Toobey, Toon, Toone, Topping, Torrance, Toulton, Towers, Townsend, Tracey, Tranter, Treadgold, Tredwell, Treen, Trewick, Trukle, Truslove, Tubey, Tucker, Tuckey, Turall, Turell, Turland, Turner, Turney, Turrad, Turral, Turrall, Turrel, Turrell, Turrill, Tustin, Twigden, Twiger, Twigger, Twiner, Twycross, Tyler, Tyrrell.

Umbers, Underwood, Unit, Unsworth, Unwin, Urquhart, Usher.

Valentine, Van, Vann, Vasey, Vaughan, Vaus, Veasey, Venelslow, Venn, Venour, Verstein, Vesey, Vettifer, Vince, Vincent, Voil, Voile, Voss.

Waddington, Wade, Wadsworth, Wagstaff, Wait, Wake, Wakefield, Wakelin, Waldo, Waldon, Wale, Walinsley, Walker, Wall, Wallace, Walliss, Walls, Walrond, Walter, Walton, Warburton, Ward, Waring, Warmington, Warner, Warre, Warren, Warwick, Was, Waterhouse, Waters, Waterson, Watkins, Wats, Watson, Watts, Webb, Wedding, Wedgbury, Weekes, Welch, Wells, Welsh, Weltham, Wesley, West, Weston, Whatcraft, Whately, Wheldon, Whitaker, Whitbread, Whitcroft, White, Whitehead, Whiteman, Whitfield, Whitgreave, Whithad, Whitmell, Whitmore, Whittem, Whitwell, Whitworth, Whorrall, Whykes, Whyte, Wickes, Widdicombe, Wiggins, Wiggleswith, Wiggson, Wightman, Wigston, Wikes, Wilcox, Wilkins, Wilks, Willard, Willey, Williames, Williams, Williamson, Willison, Willoughby, Wills, Willson, Wilson, Wimbush, Wimyss, Windredge, Windsor, Wing, Wingfield, Winne, Winstanley, Winter, Winters, Winterton, Wise, Wite, Witherington, Witton, Witwell, Wixey, Wolf, Wolfe, Wollopp, Wood, Woodcock, Woodfield, Woodford, Woodhouse, Woodhull, Woodrow, Woodward, Woold, Wooldridge, Woolldridge, Woolridge, Worell, Wormleighton, Worral, Worrall, Worrin, Worswick, Worth, Worthington, Wratislaw, Wrench, Wright, Wrighton, Wringrose, Wrothsley, Wyatt, Wyon.

Yates, York, Young.

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